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Sökning: AMNE:(SAMHÄLLSVETENSKAP Ekonomi och näringsliv) > Mittuniversitetet

  • Resultat 1-10 av 1565
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  • Fredman, Peter, et al. (författare)
  • Economic values in the Swedish nature-based recreation sector : a synthesis
  • 2012
  • Ingår i: Tourism Economics. - London : IP Publishing. - 1354-8166 .- 2044-0375. ; 18:4, s. 903-910
  • Forskningsöversikt (refereegranskat)abstract
    • This research synthesis reports the main findings from a review of economic values associated with nature-based recreation in Sweden. The purpose of the work was to support policy and to identify areas for future research. Data came from over 150 scientific publications and other public sources. The authors find inter alia a lack of systematic data for several recreation activities (including naturebased tourism), a significant growth in the outdoor equipment industry and a relatively modest economic involvement by the public sector. The information is structured under different categories to illustrate the significance and range of different economic values. The authors conclude that there is a need for more comprehensive and systematically collected data, methodological development and interdisciplinary research.
  • Lagrosen, Yvonne, 1966-, et al. (författare)
  • The relationship between quality management and employee health : exploring the underlying dimensions
  • 2010
  • Ingår i: International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management. - Olney, Bucks , UK : InderScience Publishers. - 1746-6474 .- 1746-6482. ; 5:2, s. 109-123
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The first purpose of this study was to verify the relationship between workplace health and quality management, particularly the values ‘leadership commitment’ and ‘participation of everybody’ whose importance previous research has pointed to. The second purpose of the study was to examine the constituents and mechanics of the relationships between health and those values. A case study was carried out in a Swedish manufacturing company using data triangulation in the form of in-depth interviews and focus-group interviews on three levels. The findings show that the perceptions of the quality management values were significantly correlated with the employees’ perception of their health. This finding substantiates earlier studies indicating a relationship between quality and health. Important dimensions of ‘leadership commitment’ and ‘participation of everybody’, regarding health, were identified and described in models. The paper provides additional understanding of the connection between quality management and health, particularly regarding the role of leadership. 
  • Kehoe, Laura, et al. (författare)
  • Make EU trade with Brazil sustainable
  • 2019
  • Ingår i: Science. - : American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). - 0036-8075 .- 1095-9203. ; 364:6438, s. 341-
  • Tidskriftsartikel (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)
  • Sätre Åhlander, Ann-Mari, 1957-, et al. (författare)
  • Från reserv till reserv. Genusaspekter på den regionala arbetsmarknadspolitiken.
  • 2008
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • I Sverige har vid olika tidpunkter lanserats satsningar för att skapa förutsättningar för en mer jämställd arbetsmarknad. Både politik och arbetsmarknad har genomgått betydande förändringar, något som i denna rapport studeras på regional nivå utifrån ett genusperspektiv. Studien placeras i skärningspunkten mellan arbetsmarknadspolitik, jämställdhetspolitik och regionalpolitik. Arbetsmarknadspolitiken har länge varit ett av de starkaste medlen för att uppnå målen med jämställdhetspolitiken. I den här rapporten undersöks den del av arbetsmarknadspolitiken som samverkar med den regionala utvecklingspolitiken och hur den utformas i relation till de jämställdhetspolitiska målen. Rapportens huvudsyfte är att utifrån två tidsbilder diskutera möjligheter och problem som är förknippade med den politik som uppmuntrar och stimulerar kvinnor att övergå från hemarbete till lönearbete, respektive från lönearbete till företagande. Genom två nedslag i tiden i Jämtlands län illustreras en förskjutning i den politiska retoriken från lönearbete till företagande som avspeglas i olika arbetsmarknadssatsningar för att öka kvinnors förankring på arbetsmarknaden. Med en maktordning som underordnar kvinnor återkommer ett synsätt som leder till att politiska åtgärder gång på gång utformas utifrån synen på kvinnors arbetskraft som en reserv.  
  • Svanberg, Jan, et al. (författare)
  • Prediction of Controversies and Estimation of ESG Performance : An Experimental Investigation Using Machine Learning
  • 2023
  • Ingår i: Handbook of Big Data and Analytics in Accounting and Auditing. - Singapore : Springer Publishing Company. - 9789811944598 - 9789811944604 ; , s. 65-87
  • Bokkapitel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • We develop a new methodology for computing environmental, social, and governance (ESG) ratings using a mode of artificial intelligence (AI) called machine learning (ML) to make ESG more transparent. The ML algorithms anchor our rating methodology in controversies related to non-compliance with corporate social responsibility (CSR). This methodology is consistent with the information needs of institutional investors and is the first ESG methodology with predictive validity. Our best model predicts what companies are likely to experience controversies. It has a precision of 70–84 per cent and high predictive performance on several measures. It also provides evidence of what indicators contribute the most to the predicted likelihood of experiencing an ESG controversy. Furthermore, while the common approach of rating companies is to aggregate indicators using the arithmetic average, which is a simple explanatory model designed to describe an average company, the proposed rating methodology uses state-of-the-art AI technology to aggregate ESG indicators into holistic ratings for the predictive modelling of individual company performance.Predictive modelling using ML enables our models to aggregate the information contained in ESG indicators with far less information loss than with the predominant aggregation method.
  • Nilsson, Anders, et al. (författare)
  • The duality of strategic managerial work in SMEs: A structuration perspective
  • 2012
  • Ingår i: The Work of Managers. - Oxford : Oxford University Press. - 9780199639724 - 9780191738661 ; , s. 264-280
  • Bokkapitel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • This chapter examines strategic managerial work in SMEs using a theoretical framework based on structuration and entrepreneurship theory. Three managerial episodes illustrate how CEOs deal with strategic situations in SMEs. Several propositions about strategic managerial work in SMEs, which is multifaceted and complex, are offered. Such work is a social practice that is ingrained with symbolism, emotions, and power. The propositions of this study are that the level of strategic intensity is an influential contingency factor that affects the balance of those aspects of the practice, and that strategic intensity depends on whether strategic managerial work relies more on already established structures or on managers’ original actions. The conclusion is that structuration provides a promising framework for understanding the subtle complexities of strategic managerial work in SMEs.
  • Fredman, Peter, 1965-, et al. (författare)
  • Non-compliance with on-site data collection in outdoor recreation monitoring
  • 2009
  • Ingår i: Visitor Studies. - : Informa UK Limited. - 1064-5578 .- 1934-7715. ; 12:2, s. 164-181
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Awide range of methods exists for on-site visitormonitoring in parks and recreation areas. Self-registration methods have proven to be popular because of their low cost and relative ease of administration, but little is known about the extent to which the data collected from self-registration boxes are representative of the population of visitors, and the degree that bias exists as a result of non-compliance. This article examines these concerns based on research at Fulufj¨allet National Park in Sweden. On-site registration card and follow-up mail survey data from a sample of visitors who did not voluntarily register were compared with the same kind of data for visitors who did register voluntarily. In total, 10 registration card items and 284 mail survey items were tested for variations between compliant and non-compliant visitors. Of these, one third of the card items, 12% and 3% of the survey items for Swedish and German visitors, respectively, yielded statistically significant differences. Implications for management and suggestions for further research are discussed.
  • Engstrand, Åsa-Karin, 1971-, et al. (författare)
  • Collaboration for local economic development : business networks, politics and universities in two Swedish cities
  • 2008
  • Ingår i: European Planning Studies. - London : Informa UK Limited. - 0965-4313 .- 1469-5944. ; 16:4, s. 487-505
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • In this article we want to show how conceptions about collaboration for local eocnomic development in Sweden are constructed on national and local levels. We also show how these conceptions have been realized in two different company networks; in the city of Östersund (“Odenskog företagsstaden”) and in the city of Karlskrona (“Telecom City”). In politics and research, local collaboration or cluster formation are viewed as important tools and levers for local economic development. However, we argue that the local labour markets and unemployment rates in our case studies do not differ significantly, despite very different strategies for collaboration. Therefore, we suspect that the political focus on collaboration is a way of legitimizing the change in regional policy rather than a delegation of real power to the local level. If this continues, we fear that the current regional policy is reduced to a discourse of popular concepts rather than a real instrument for local economic development.
  • Lindberg, Kreg, et al. (författare)
  • Facilitating Integrated Recreation Management : Assessing Conflict Reduction Benefits in a Common Metric
  • 2009
  • Ingår i: Forest Science. - : Society of American Foresters. - 0015-749X .- 1938-3738. ; 55:3, s. 201-209
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Recreation management on public land often involves trade-offs. For example, cross-country skiers may experience conflict with snowmobiles. A potential management response is trail separation, which may lead to gains to skiers but also ecological and financial costs associated with creation of a new trail. If separation involves snowmobile access restrictions, there may be experiential losses for that user group. Management responses are not always based on explicit identification and integration of the gains and losses accruing across diverse stakeholders and dimensions; economics provides a criterion, a metric, and measurement tools to facilitate such integration. A Swedish case study illustrates this approach and assesses values accruing to skiers from reduced snowmobile presence. Cross-country skiers were sampled on-site in the southern Ja¨mtland mountain region, and follow-up mail surveys included choice experiment scenarios. Conditional logit analysis of the 1,468 completed scenarios indicates that skier welfare gains from conflict reduction are substantial and reflect both direct and indirect contact. A change from sharing trails to not seeing, hearing, or smelling snowmobiles leads to gains of 185 kronor (US$23) per skier party.
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Hallén, Lars (54)
Fredman, Peter (51)
Sörensson, Anna, 197 ... (51)
von Friedrichs, Yvon ... (48)
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von Friedrichs, Yvon ... (40)
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Stage, Jesper, 1972- (38)
von Friedrichs Gräng ... (37)
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Stockenstrand, Anna- ... (30)
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Nourallah, Mustafa, ... (27)
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Dalborg, Cecilia, 19 ... (24)
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Stage, Jesper (22)
Andresen, Edith (22)
Lexhagen, Maria (22)
Lundström, Anders (21)
Söderholm, Anders (21)
Fredman, Peter, 1965 ... (21)
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Sabel, Kristin (16)
Gebert Persson, Sabi ... (15)
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Wincent, Joakim (14)
Johanson, Martin, 19 ... (14)
Andresen, Edith, 196 ... (14)
Ioannides, Dimitri (14)
Papaioannou, Stylian ... (14)
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Zillinger, Malin, 19 ... (13)
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