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Träfflista för sökning "AMNE:(SOCIAL SCIENCES) AMNE:(Law) AMNE:(Law and Society) "

Sökning: AMNE:(SOCIAL SCIENCES) AMNE:(Law) AMNE:(Law and Society)

  • Resultat 1-10 av 6712
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  • Waltman, Max (författare)
  • Prohibiting Sex Purchasing and Ending Trafficking : The Swedish Prostitution Law
  • 2011
  • Ingår i: Michigan Journal of International Law. - 1052-2867. ; 33:1, s. 133-157
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The Swedish prostitution law from 1999, now followed by Norway and Iceland, criminalized the purchaser and decriminalized the prostituted person. This is analyzed as a cogent state response under international trafficking law, particularly to the obligations set forth in the United Nation’s Trafficking Protocol from 2000. The Protocol states that a person is regarded a trafficking victim when, e.g., someone abuses her “position of vulnerability” in order to exploit her. International jurisprudence and social evidence strongly suggest that prostitution, as practiced in the world, usually satisfies this definition. Further, the Protocol urges states to reduce the demand for prostitution and to protect and assist victims, for instance by adopting laws deterring purchasers of sex, and by supporting those exploited in prostitution. Policy makers, such as the U.S. Department of State, are criticized for taking an inadequate position in face of the growing evidence from the Swedish law's impact.The article shows that Sweden has significantly reduced the occurrence of trafficking in Sweden compared to neighboring countries. It also scrutinizes some misinformation of the law's impact, showing for instance that claims alleging a more dangerous situation for those still in prostitution after 1999 were unfounded. In addition, the article addresses remaining obstacles to the law's effective implementation, arguing that in order to realize the law's full potential to support escape from trafficking, the civil rights of prostituted persons under current law should be strengthened to enable them to claim damages directly from the purchasers for the harm to which they have contributed, and for the violation of the prostituted persons' equality and dignity - a position now recognized by the government to some extent by clarifying amendments made in 2011.
  • Falk Erhag, Hanna, et al. (författare)
  • A Multidisciplinary Approach to Capability in Age and Ageing
  • 2022
  • Bok (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This open access book provides insight on how to interpret capability in ageing – one’s individual ability to perform actions in order to reach goals one has reason to value – from a multidisciplinary approach. With for the first time in history there being more people in the world aged 60 years and over than there are children below the age of 5, the book describes this demographic trends as well as the large global challenges and important societal implications this will have such as a worldwide increase in the number of persons affected with dementia, and in the ratio of retired persons to those still in the labor market. Through contributions from many different research areas, it discussed how capability depends on interactions between the individual (e.g. health, genetics, personality, intellectual capacity), environment (e.g. family, friends, home, work place), and society (e.g. political decisions, ageism, historical period). The final chapter by the editors summarizes the differences and similarities in these contributions. As such this book provides an interesting read for students, teachers and researchers at different levels and from different fields interested in capability and multidisciplinary research.
  • Cutas, Daniela, 1978, et al. (författare)
  • Legal imperialism in the regulation of stem cell research and therapy: the problem of extraterritorial jurisdiction
  • 2010
  • Ingår i: Capps BJ & Campbell AV (eds.). CONTESTED CELLS: Global Perspectives on the Stem Cell Debate. - London : Imperial College Press. - 9781848164376 ; , s. 95-119
  • Bokkapitel (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Countries worldwide have very different national regulations on human embryonic stem (ES) cell research, informed by a range of ethical values. Some countries find reason to extend the applicability of their regulations on such research to its citizens when they visit other countries. Extraterritorial jurisdiction has recently been identified as a potential challenge towards global regulation of ES cell research. This chapter explores the implications and impact of extraterritorial jurisdiction and global regulation of ES cell research on researchers, clinicians and national health systems, and how this may affect patients. The authors argue that it would make ethical sense for ES cell restrictive countries to extend its regulations on ES cell research beyond its borders, because, if these countries really consider embryo destruction to be objectionable on the basis on the status of the embryo, then they ought to count it morally on par with murder (and thus have a moral imperative to protect embryos from the actions of its own citizens). However, doing so could lead to a legal situation that would result in substantial harm to central values in areas besides research, such as health care, the job market, basic freedom of movement, and strategic international finance and politics. Thus, it seems that restrictive extraterritorial jurisdiction in respect to ES cell research would be deeply problematic, given that the ethical permissibility of ES cell research is characterised by deep and wide disagreement.
  • Kõljalg, Urmas, et al. (författare)
  • A price tag on species
  • 2022
  • Ingår i: Research Ideas and Outcomes_RIO. - : Pensoft Publishers. - 2367-7163. ; 8, s. 1-7
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Species have intrinsic value but also partake in a long range of ecosystem services of major economic value to humans. These values have proved hard to quantify precisely, making it all too easy to dismiss them altogether. We outline the concept of the species stock market (SSM), a system to provide a unified basis for valuation of all living species. The SSM amalgamates digitized information from natural history collections, occurrence data, and molecular sequence databases to quantify our knowledge of each species from scientific, societal, and economic points of view. The conceptual trading system will necessarily be very unlike that of the regular stock market, but the looming biodiversity crisis implores us to finally put an open and transparent price tag on symbiosis, deforestation, and pollution
  • Degraded and restituted towns in Poland: Origins, development, problems : Miasta zdegradowane i restytuowane w Polsce. Geneza, rozwój, problemy
  • 2015
  • Samlingsverk (redaktörskap) (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • One of the less known problems in settlement geography is the issue of so-called degraded and restituted towns. This lack of reconnaissance, however, is perhaps less the result of the towns’ scarcity than their specificity of being ‘awarded’ or ‘deprived of’ an urban label by means of strictly socio-political actions. Degraded and restituted towns, hence, are spatial units made ‘urban’ or ‘rural’ instantaneously, irrespective of their de facto state along what is widely considered a gradual path of (de)urbanization. Instead, they become compartmentalized into two constructed spatial categories that have survived the onslaught of material transformations and philosophical repositioning through different whims of time. While ‘rural’ and ‘urban’ are conceptual binaries that certainly need to be treated with caution, their cultural salience may cause tangible consequences within national administrative systems that abide by a formalized rural-urban distinction. This issue becomes particularly important for settlements that clearly transcend any imagined rural-urban divide, i.e. those, whose material and immaterial characteristics seem counterfactual to their assigned category. It is also crucial in formal practices designed to avert such counterfactualities, but whose ran-domness of approach more creates confusion than helps straighten out a historical concoction. Both processes, nonetheless, lend ‘urbanity’ and ‘rurality’ a resonance of objectivity, justifying their use as guides for a host of developmental endeavors, despite subverting a much more intricate reality. Degraded and restituted towns are direct derivatives of this. Drawing on the above-mentioned irreconcilabilities, the aim of this book is to present and scrutinize degraded and restituted towns through the example of Poland, where these towns occupy a special niche. For one, Poland, due to its chequered and variegated history, is home to a conspicuously large number of degraded (831) and restituted (236) towns; for another, Poland’s relentlessness of formalizing ‘urbanity’ as a category of statistical, political and cultural guidance has a direct bearing on the lives of the towns’ residents. Realizing the intricacy of degraded and restituted towns in the face of commonplace ru-ral-urban ideations, the editors and the 17 contributing Authors of this book have made an effort to capture the towns’ complexity with special foci on their shrouded origins, developmental specificity and incurred problems. Owing to the involvement of researchers from different scientific disciplines and subdisciplines, the undertaken project has helped elucidate the problem from multiple perspectives: spatial, social, demographic, economic, environmental, historical, architectural, cultural, legal and philosophical. Allocated into 17 chapters, not only have the presented interpretations allowed for a first interdisciplinary synthesis on the topic, but they also helped outline some prospective directions for future research. Moreover, collecting materials of such diversity into an amalgamated whole has helped identify specific discourses that enwrap the concept of “urbanity” when seen through its oscillations within formal contexts, and to which degraded and restituted towns serve as expendable game pieces. By combining knowledge arrived at through ontologically and epistemologically different approaches, the incremental contribution of this book as a whole could be summarized in two attainments: a) extending theoretical frameworks used to study degraded and restituted towns in terms of definition, conceptualization and assessing predispositions for future de-velopment on account of their spatial, legal, socio-economic and historical charac-teristics; b) initiating an anticipated discussion on a number of important and current topics re-lated to the practices of degradation and restitution that have not received adequate attention, e.g., the urbanity-vs.-rurality paradox, the changeability of human settlement forms vs. the consequences of rigid spatial categorizations; the role of various actors in shaping the socio-economic reality under the guise of an ossified binary; or identifying spatio-conceptual conflicts as future challenges for local, regional and national policy.
  • Almered Olsson, Gunilla, 1951, et al. (författare)
  • Food systems sustainability - For whom and by whom? : An examination of different 'food system change' viewpoints
  • 2018
  • Ingår i: Development Research Conference 2018: “Rethinking development”, 22–23 August 2018, Gothenburg, Sweden.
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The United Nations identifies the food crisis as one of the primary overarching challenges facing the international community. Different stakeholders in the food system have widely different perspectives and interests, and challenging structural issues, such as the power differentials among them, remain largely unexamined. These challenges make rational discourse among food system actors from different disciplines, sectors and levels difficult. These challenges can often prevent them from working together effectively to find innovative ways to respond to food security challenges. This means that finding solutions to intractable and stuck issues, such as the food crisis often stall, not at implementation, but at the point of problem identification. Food system sustainability means very different things to different food system actors. These differences in no way undermine or discount the work carried out by these players. However, making these differences explicit is an essential activity that would serve to deepen theoretical and normative project outcomes. Would the impact and reach of different food projects differ if these differences were made explicit? The purpose of this initial part of a wider food system research project is not to search for difference or divergence, with the aim of critique, but rather to argue that by making these differences explicit, the overall food system project engagement will be made more robust, more inclusive and more encompassing. This paper starts with some discussion on the different food system perspectives, across scales, regions and sectors but focuses primarily on the design of processes used to understand these divergent and at times contradictory views of what a sustainable food system may be. This paper draws on ongoing work within the Mistra Urban Futures project, using the food system projects in cities as diverse as Cape Town, Manchester, Gothenburg and Kisumu as sites for this enquiry.
  • Vad har högre utbildning med hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck att göra?
  • 2021
  • Samlingsverk (redaktörskap) (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Inom ramen för undertecknads uppdrag som goodwill-ambassadör för Glöm aldrig Pela och Fadime (GAPF) under året 2020 påbörjades ett tvärvetenskapligt samarbete vid Karlstads universitet som fokuserar på frågeställningen – Vad har högre utbildning med hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck att göra? Samverkande ämnesdiscipliner är folkhälsovetenskap, juridik, lärarutbildningen och socialt arbete. Forskarsamarbetet har under denna relativt korta tid utmynnat i en antologi.Syftet med denna antologi är bland annat att uppmärksamma och bidra med kunskapsstöd om det nya examensmålet i högskoleförordningen gällande mäns våld mot kvinnor i nära relationer. Fokus är att ge en övergripande bild av hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck, samt att bidra med kunskaper om våldets uttryckssätt och dess konsekvenser. Antologin utgår från de drabbades perspektiv.I boken ges handfasta råd till de universitetslärare som ansvarar för undervisning och examination rörande mäns våld mot kvinnor i nära relationer i högre professionsutbildning. Exempelvis lärare, jurister, sjuksköterskor, psykologer, tandhygienister och socionomer. Boken vänder sig till studenter i högre utbildning. Boken vänder sig också till yrkesverksamma som möter utsatta för hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck. Boken är även lämplig för beslutsfattare, för forskare och de som ansvarar för att utarbeta riktlinjer och handlingsplaner på området för mäns våld mot kvinnor, inklusive hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck.Redaktör för antologin är Marie Karlsson-Tuula, professor i civilrätt. Övriga författare är Helén Olsson, universitetslektor i socialt arbete, Carolina Jernbro, universitetslektor i folkhälsovetenskap och Nina Thelander, universitetslektor i pedagogiskt arbete och prodekan för lärarutbildningen, samtliga verksamma vid Karlstads universitet, samt universitetslektor Annika Norée, docent i straffrätt vid Stockholms universitet.
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övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt (3185)
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populärvet., debatt m.m. (937)
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Wickenberg, Per (112)
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Larsson, Stefan (102)
Martinsson, Dennis (92)
Munthe, Christian, 1 ... (83)
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Österdahl, Inger (83)
Åström, Karsten (73)
Kalbro, Thomas, 1951 ... (63)
Paulsson, Jenny (60)
Kelemen [Capannini-K ... (60)
Dahlstrand, Karl (59)
Ahlberg, Kerstin (57)
Svensson, Måns (55)
Bakardjieva Engelbre ... (53)
Kouvo, Sari, 1971 (53)
Karlsson-Tuula, Mari ... (53)
Nafstad, Ida (50)
Ahlberg, Kerstin, 19 ... (48)
Rejmer, Annika (47)
Svensson, Eva-Maria, ... (46)
Baier, Matthias (45)
Banakar, Reza (43)
Hammerslev, Ole (41)
Schömer, Eva (41)
Ekbäck, Peter, 1961- (40)
Leo, Ulf (39)
Cejie, Katia, 1974- (39)
Brax, David, 1979 (38)
Klamberg, Mark, 1975 ... (38)
Eneman, Marie, 1969 (38)
De Kaminski, Marcin (36)
Urinboyev, Rustam (35)
Persson, Annina H., ... (35)
Michanek, Gabriel, 1 ... (35)
Arguello, Gabriela, ... (34)
Herlin-Karnell, Este ... (34)
Wahlgren, Peter (33)
Langlet, David, 1977 (33)
Belfrage, Henrik (33)
Cramér, Per, 1958 (32)
Schoultz, Isabel (31)
Leviner, Pernilla, 1 ... (29)
Paasch, Jesper M., 1 ... (29)
Östlund, Allison (29)
Kleffner, Jann K. (29)
Urinboyev, Rustamjon (28)
Persson Österman, Ro ... (28)
Zillén, Kavot, 1981- (27)
Granmar, Claes, 1970 ... (26)
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