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Sökning: AMNE:(SOCIAL SCIENCES Media and Communications Communication Studies)

  • Resultat 1-10 av 6734
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  • Burnett, Allan (författare)
  • Order in Ruins : British Society and the Media Assemblage of The World at War c. 1970-1975
  • 2024
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This thesis studies a period of intense crisis and creativity in British media, society, and culture, when the settled outcome of the Second World War (WW2) was perceived to be disintegrating. The post-world-war order was becoming an ‘order in ruins’. The thesis centres on a far-reaching analysis of the making of The World at War (WAW) in the early 1970s. A hugely popular televised documentary series produced in London as the UK entered the European Community amid the Cold War, WAW was a seminal and celebrated attempt to produce a challenging ‘people’s history’ of WW2 with global scope.This is the first full-length academic study of WAW and the first fully comprehensive examination of the production’s key aims and intended outcomes. It shows how WAW was influenced by and sought to intervene in five era-defining developments that upset the presumed status quo: the emergence of media technology as a topic of mainstream intellectual and political debate; the supposed decline of class as a determinant of social relations; the ambivalent second wave of women’s resistance to gender hierarchies; the contradiction of globalist ambitions to surpass cultural barriers amid continuing post-world-war nationalism, post-colonial racism, and economic rivalries; and the sense of a profound gap between pre- and post-world-war generations that exposed an underlying crisis of faith in historical progress. Prior research has tended to concur with claims made on behalf of WAW with regard to these issues or leavekey areas overlooked. This study uses an innovative framework of ‘media assemblage’ derived from critical engagement with contemporary efforts by philosphers Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari to address the above issues under the influence of media theorist Marshall McLuhan, whose ideas also influenced the milieu of WAW. The framework provides a method for enumerating a multiplicity of media assemblages that constituted WAW and its roots in wider society far beyond reductive notions of ‘television’ or ‘film’. This approach is applied to extensive empirical research of the WAW production archive, the series as first broadcast from 1973 to 1975, independent interventions by its contributors in contemporary issues, and a range of contextual sources. This thesis concludes that WAW was not the landmark of democratised history its popular and scholarly reputation suggests. It fell short of its aims to challenge intended British and global audiences on matters of historical representation and memory, social hierarchy, cultural division, and their own behaviour as historical actors. Yet, the construction of those issues both behind the production scenes and on screen was often more complex, sophisticated, and significant than previous studies suggest. This thesis finds the question of how and why WAW took its eventual form was deeply entangled with anxieties, claims, and counter-claims about media, as well as being bound up with the emergence of Thatcherism amid debate over the merits of philosophical introspection versus ideological certainty in disordered times.
  • Groglopo, Adrián, 1967 (författare)
  • En diagnos av rasism och demokrati i Sverige
  • 2017
  • Ingår i: Antirasistiska Akademin youtube kanal. - : Antirasistiska Akademin.
  • Annan publikation (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Intervjuserie som finansierades av Myndigheten för ungdoms- och civilsamhällsfrågor. Projektet handlar om 17 djupintervjuer med både forskare som studerar rasism i Sverige och aktivister som arbetar med frågor om rasism och mänskliga rättigheter. projektansvarig och intervjuare: Adrián Groglopo
  • Berbyuk Lindström, Nataliya, 1978, et al. (författare)
  • “Just Google Translate It!” ICT Use of Migrant IT professionals for Mitigating Workplace Integration Challenges
  • 2022
  • Ingår i: AMCIS (Americas Conference on Information Systems), Minneapolis, MI, August 10-14.
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • IT professionals represent a growing group of highly educated migrants in different countries, yet research on their workplace integration is scarce. Applying a combined theoretical framework of Hofstede's culture dimensions and functional theory of language approach, this paper addresses the research need in investigating how migrant IT professionals to Sweden integrate into the workplace and the role of ICTs in mitigating integration challenges. Fifteen (15) interviews with IT professionals from India and Pakistan were analyzed using Thematic Content Analysis. Results uncover migrants experiencing language barriers and cultural differences, which impede developing relationships with colleagues and career opportunities. Our findings indicate that although ICTs, primarily machine translation applications, are indispensable for supporting communication between migrants and locals, collegial support is still essential for managing intercultural interactions, contributing to migrants’ feelings of connectedness at work and a sense of belonging. Workplace inclusion and suggestions for practitioners are discussed.
  • Välfärdspolitik i praktiken : om perspektiv och metoder i forskning
  • 2007
  • Samlingsverk (redaktörskap) (populärvet., debatt m.m.)abstract
    • Förändringar av människors villkor i samhället kräver nya sätt att forska. I den här antologin presenteras olika redskap för kvalitativ forskning om välfärd. I antologin utgår forskarna från redan välkända traditioner inom samhällsvetenskaplig forskning, men argumenterar inte bara för etablerade forskningsmetoder och teoretiska perspektiv inom välfärdsforskningen utan också för nya. Antologin har arbetats fram inom ramen för Nordiska Sommaruniversitetet och därmed influerats av olika forskningstraditioner som förekommer vid universitet och högskolor i Norden. Nya forskningsmetoder där människornas egna utsagor och upplevelser tillvaratas kan tolkas utifrån redan etablerade teoretiska perspektiv som fenomenologi, hermeneutik och interaktionism. De forskningsansatser som presenteras möjliggör att människor även själva är med och formulerar bilden av sina livsvillkor. I antologin visas hur forskning med dessa ansatser kan ske tillsammans med människor i olika åldrar och livssituationer. I antologin visas också att komparativa ansatser kan öppna för nya insikter om olika dimensioner i välfärdsystemet som en kulturell praktik.
  • Ezz El Din, Mahitab (författare)
  • Reporting Beyond Orientalism and Occidentalism
  • 2017
  • Bok (refereegranskat)abstract
    • This study examines how the media construct the identities of the Other by creating various ‘us’ versus ‘them’ positions (Othering) when covering non-violence-based intercultural conflicts in Arab and Western news media. Othering in this study is understood as an umbrella concept that in general terms refers to the discursive process of constructing and positioning the Self and the Other into separate identities of an ‘us’ and a ‘them.’ Previous studies have devoted considerable attention to rather conventional dichotomous constructions of Eastern and Western Others. This study brings to the fore more non-conventional constructions and, while recognizing the occurrence of the conventional constructions, goes beyond these binary oppositions of ‘us’ and ‘them’. Variations in the types of identity constructions found in this study can be attributed to the mode of the article, the actors included, the media affiliations and the topic and its overall contextualization.
  • Englund, Liselotte, 1964-, et al. (författare)
  • Media perception and trust among disaster survivors : Tsunami survivors' interaction with journalists, media exposure, and associations with trust in media and authorities
  • 2022
  • Ingår i: Frontiers in Public Health. - : Frontiers Media S.A.. - 2296-2565. ; 10
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • A critical part of disaster communication is media coverage in the interface of the afflicted, media, and authorities. One communication key is building trust. Disaster survivors encounter journalists in a high-stress context, but little is known about their perceptions of these interactions and the subsequent media exposure. The aim of this study is to explore how survivors 6 years after a major disaster perceived their encounters with journalists and exposure in the media, as well as their level of trust in the media, compared with government and authorities. Data were used from a longitudinal study of Swedish tourists, repatriated from the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, surveyed up to 6 years after the tsunami to assess posttraumatic stress (PTS) and effects on mental health. At 6 years after, the survey included questions about survivors' perceptions of journalist interactions (reported by n = 311), of their own media exposure (n = 177), and survivors' trust in media organizations and public authorities (n = 1,181). Tsunami survivors mainly perceived interactions with journalists as being professional. There were 14% who reported that the interactions were supportive and 17% that the interactions were a strain. Similarly, most participants had a neutral view concerning the subsequent media coverage or exposure, although 12% experienced media exposure as stressful and 12% reported that it had been involuntary. Finally, the survivors indicated higher confidence and trust in Swedish radio and TV as compared to the Swedish authorities, and the participants' level of trust in the media was associated with their perceptions of journalists, r = 0.34, p < 0.001, and media coverage, r = 0.47, p < 0.001. Disaster survivors mainly agreed with emotionally neutral statements about interacting with the media, the performance of journalists on site, and their own media exposure. Nonetheless, a substantial minority found the encounters and exposure to be negative, and the results suggest a link between personal experiences or perceptions and trust in the media.
  • Lewis, Seth, 1978, et al. (författare)
  • Big Data and Journalism: Epistemology, expertise, economics, and ethics
  • 2015
  • Ingår i: Digital Journalism. - : Informa UK Limited. - 2167-0811 .- 2167-082X. ; 3:3, s. 447-466
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Big data is a social, cultural, and technological phenomenon—a complex amalgamation of digital data abundance, emerging analytic techniques, mythology about data-driven insights, and growing critique about the overall consequences of big-data practices for democracy and society. While media and communication scholars have begun to examine and theorize about big data in the context of media and public life broadly, what are the particular implications for journalism? This article introduces and applies four conceptual lenses—epistemology, expertise, economics, and ethics—to explore both contemporary and potential applications of big data for the professional logic and industrial production of journalism. These distinct yet inter-related conceptual approaches reveal how journalists and news media organizations are seeking to make sense of, act upon, and derive value from big data during a time of exploration in algorithms, computation, and quantification. In all, the developments of big data potentially have great meaning for journalism’s ways of knowing (epistemology) and doing (expertise), as well as its negotiation of value (economics) and values (ethics). Ultimately, this article outlines future directions for journalism studies research in the context of big data.
  • Diurlin, Lars, 1979-, et al. (författare)
  • Cultural policy as a governmental proxy tool for improved health : The Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare’s collaborations with cultural workers 1970–1975
  • 2021
  • Ingår i: The International Journal of Cultural Policy. - : Taylor & Francis Group. - 1028-6632 .- 1477-2833. ; 27:5, s. 667-682
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • This article highlights cultural policy as a governmental proxy to address political matters beyond the cultural domain – here civil health – and the need to problematize and historicize ‘arts in health’ policies. The article centres on the Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare’s collaborations with cultural workers 1970–1975, framed by three contextual developments: politicization of the cultural sector, call for innovative governmental information, and changing character of health information. Theoretically, the article draws from the field of cultural policy research, with an emphasis on historiographical perspectives. The result shows that despite interdependence, the collaborations were an arena where interests clashed. The main conflict lay in what art should seek to change for the better: society or its citizens? However, the conflicts were also due to a mixture of roles: the agency suddenly found itself a patron of the arts, and the cultural workers producers of governmental information.
  • Andersson Schwarz, Jonas, 1978-, et al. (författare)
  • Introducing the panspectric challenge : A reconfiguration of regulatory values in a multiplatform media landscape
  • 2013
  • Ingår i: Central European Journal of Communication. - Wroclaw, Polen. - 1899-5101. ; 6:2, s. 219-233
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Taking Sweden as a case study, the role of public service broadcasting (PSB) is explored, with a focus on issues of data retention and innovation that accompany web distribution. The issue of predicting audience preferences by means of data retention is investigated, and the related problem of organizational autonomy when interacting with commercial actors in the digital sphere. We hypothesize that previous tendencies towards paternalism might be equally supplemented by tendencies towards so-called “panspectric” surveillance and tracking, given a technological environment where such practices are increasingly common. We argue that the absence of advertising partially helps keep these broadcasters from panspectric temptation. Still, practices such as Facebook integration entail a panspectric element. We ask whether the potential increase in the efficacy of targeting audiences promised by panspectric practices might be offset by its negative impact on civic accountability. Is there a possibility for a “benign,” democratically accountable panspectrocism?
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refereegranskat (3725)
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populärvet., debatt m.m. (374)
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Falkheimer, Jesper (121)
Jansson, André (116)
Heide, Mats (110)
Svensson, Jakob, 197 ... (110)
Lundälv, Jörgen, 196 ... (109)
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Lindell, Johan, 1985 ... (105)
Jansson, André, 1972 ... (92)
Strömbäck, Jesper (88)
Carpentier, Nico, 19 ... (83)
Nord, Lars (61)
Örnebring, Henrik, 1 ... (60)
Ferrer Conill, Raul, ... (58)
Fast, Karin, 1979- (58)
Christensen, Miyase (58)
Krzyzanowski, Michal ... (57)
Eriksson, Göran, 196 ... (56)
Christensen, Christi ... (56)
Pamment, James (56)
Strömbäck, Jesper, 1 ... (52)
Lindwall, Oskar, 197 ... (52)
Nord, Lars, 1958- (52)
Fredriksson, Magnus, ... (50)
Berglez, Peter, 1973 ... (47)
Johansson, Catrin (47)
Cassinger, Cecilia (47)
Säljö, Roger, 1948 (45)
Thelander, Åsa (45)
Sveningsson, Malin, ... (45)
Eriksson, Mats, 1970 ... (43)
Bolin, Göran (42)
Ekström, Mats (41)
Simonsson, Charlotte (41)
Rasmussen, Joel, 197 ... (41)
Hedman, Lowe (40)
Machin, David, 1966- (40)
Nothhaft, Howard (39)
Feilitzen, Cecilia v ... (39)
Olausson, Ulrika, 19 ... (38)
Röhle, Theo, 1976- (38)
Ekman, Mattias, 1974 ... (38)
Fuchs, Christian (37)
Jensen, Mikael, 1969 (35)
Gelter, Hans (34)
El Gody, Ahmed, 1973 ... (34)
Pallas, Josef, 1974- (33)
Holt, Kristoffer, 19 ... (32)
Koivunen, Anu, 1967- (32)
Larsson, Per-Olof, 1 ... (30)
Cheruiyot, David, 19 ... (30)
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