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Sökning: AMNE:(TEKNIK OCH TEKNOLOGIER) AMNE:(Samhällsbyggnadsteknik) AMNE:(Husbyggnad)

  • Resultat 1-10 av 7283
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  • Säwén, Toivo, 1993 (författare)
  • Early Stage Architectural Design Practice Perspectives on Life Cycle Building Performance Assessment
  • 2023
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Architectural practitioners can avoid negative social and environmental impacts of new construction by making decisions supported by impact quantification during design processes. However, most software tools developed for such quantification see little use in practice, especially in early design stages when decisions have the greatest influence. To identify ways for software developers to overcome this situation, a thorough literature meta-review of previously performed tool reviews was combined with interviews applying a practice lens. The first key finding is that a possible explanation for the low tool uptake in practice could be a missing practice perspective in previous tool development efforts. In a literature meta-review of publications on life cycle building performance tools identifying previously applied perspectives, most previous tool reviews were found to support tool development and selection, while disregarding how tools can be integrated in existing practices and design processes.  As a proposed solution, a framework for defining software requirements using a practice perspective was developed. The second key finding is that a practice perspective could be applied during software development by implementing qualitative methodologies. Nine architectural practitioners in Sweden, Norway and France were interviewed using the interview to the double, a projective technique in which the interviewee is asked to describe their next workday in detail so that their tasks can be assumed by an imagined body double. The design activities described by the respondents were sequenced into user narratives which could serve as starting points for participatory software development processes within the architectural practice. The outcomes - a proposed framework for practice-centric software requirements, and a proposed methodology for collecting these requirements using a practice lens - indicate a research direction toward software development efforts which aligns with design process, architectural practice, and tool user needs. In the next stage of the research this direction will be pursued through application of the developed methodologies in participatory development case studies in early-stage architectural design practice.
  • Ylva, Berglund, et al. (författare)
  • Framsynt efterord
  • 2013
  • Ingår i: Mellanrum. Fem års seminarier om social hållbarhet och stadsutveckling i Göteborg.
  • Bokkapitel (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)
  • Rempling, Rasmus, 1976, et al. (författare)
  • Utmattning
  • 2021
  • Ingår i: Betonghandbok material - Hårdnad betong, fysikaliska egenskaper och beständighet. - 9789179170882 ; , s. 485-510
  • Bokkapitel (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)
  • Mangold, Mikael, 1982, et al. (författare)
  • Building ownership, renovation investments, and energy performance - A study of multi-family dwellings in Gothenburg
  • 2018
  • Ingår i: Sustainability. - : MDPI AG. - 2071-1050. ; 10:5
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The European building stock was renewed at a rapid pace during the period 1950-1975. In many European countries, the building stock from this time needs to be renovated, and there are opportunities to introduce energy efficiency measures in the renovation process. Information availability and increasingly available analysis tools make it possible to assess the impact of policy and regulation. This article describes methods developed for analyzing investments in renovation and energy performance based on building ownership and inhabitant socio-economic information developed for Swedish authorities, to be used for the Swedish national renovations strategy in 2019. This was done by analyzing measured energy usage and renovation investments made during the last 30 years, coupled with building specific official information of buildings and resident area characteristics, for multi-family dwellings in Gothenburg (N = 6319). The statistical analyses show that more costly renovations lead to decreasing energy usage for heating, but buildings that have been renovated during the last decades have a higher energy usage when accounting for current heating system, ownership, and resident socio-economic background. It is appropriate to include an affordability aspect in larger renovation projects since economically disadvantaged groups are over-represented in buildings with poorer energy performance.
  • Mathern, Alexandre, 1986, et al. (författare)
  • Concrete Support Structures for Offshore Wind Turbines: Current Status, Challenges, and Future Trends
  • 2021
  • Ingår i: Energies. - : MDPI AG. - 1996-1073 .- 1996-1073. ; 14:7
  • Forskningsöversikt (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Today’s offshore wind turbine support structures market is largely dominated by steel structures, since steel monopiles account for the vast majority of installations in the last decade and new types of multi-leg steel structures have been developed in recent years. However, as wind turbines become bigger, and potential sites for offshore wind farms are located in ever deeper waters and ever further from the shore, the conditions for the design, transport, and installation of support structures are changing. In light of these facts, this paper identifies and categorizes the challenges and future trends related to the use of concrete for support structures of future offshore wind projects. To do so, recent advances and technologies still under development for both bottom-fixed and floating concrete support structures have been reviewed. It was found that these new developments meet the challenges associated with the use of concrete support structures, as they will allow the production costs to be lowered and transport and installation to be facilitated. New technologies for concrete support structures used at medium and great water depths are also being developed and are expected to become more common in future offshore wind installations. Therefore, the new developments identified in this paper show the likelihood of an increase in the use of concrete support structures in future offshore wind farms. These developments also indicate that the complexity of future support structures will increase due to the development of hybrid structures combining steel and concrete. These evolutions call for new knowledge and technical know-how in order to allow reliable structures to be built and risk-free offshore installation to be executed.
  • Berggren, Krister, 1946- (författare)
  • Byggnadens tekniska verkningssätt
  • 1989
  • Ingår i: Kulturmiljövård. - Stockholm : Riksantikvarieämbetet. - 1100-4800. ; :3-4, s. 14-20
  • Tidskriftsartikel (populärvet., debatt m.m.)abstract
    • Krister Berggren, chef för den tekniska specialavdelningen vid företaget Jacobson & Widmark i Stockholm, presenterar här fem kompletterande budord för grundförstärkare: Du skall icke missbruka betong — tänk på jämviktsvillkoren, lyder orden bl a.
  • Hellman, Lars (författare)
  • En grundläggares kommentarer
  • 1989
  • Ingår i: Kulturmiljövård. - Stockholm : Riksantikvarieämbetet. - 1100-4800. ; :3-4, s. 38-39
  • Tidskriftsartikel (populärvet., debatt m.m.)abstract
    • Byggnadsingenjören, verkschefen, arkitekten, byggnadshistorikern, arkeologen —alla har de lämnat synpunkter på hur en skonsam grundförstärkning bäst skulle kunna gå till. Som en rödtråd i deras resonemang löper kravet på en noggrann förundersökning. Det vore skonsammast mot huset, plånboken — och relationerna. I denna avslutande artikel låter vi också en grundläggare komma till tals. Tekn dr Lars Heilman, Lars Heilman Byggråd AB, Linköping summerar de nyvunna erfarenheterna från symposiet i Linköping.
  • Rempling, Rasmus, 1976, et al. (författare)
  • Performance requirements for Swedish transport infrastructure - A pre-study of challenges and possibilities
  • 2022
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • In recent years, significant worldwide research has been conducted regarding the performance assessment of bridges and the concept of performance indicator has been introduced However, there are still significant discrepancies in how these indicators are obtained and used. Simultaneously, it is desirable to achieve processes and methods that are direct, i.e. that measured values are directly compared with projected values over time. This project concerns methods for verification of technical performance requirements. The feasibility study brought together interdisciplinary researchers, consultants, and entrepreneurs to gather knowledge, anchor the research agenda, and implement performance requirements. The project concludes that there is a need for a “Holistic multi-parameter verification/validation system” that relies on the knowledge gained in structural health monitoring research.
  • Dervishaj, Arlind (författare)
  • Sunlight Autonomy for Sustainable Buildings and Cities : Maximizing daylight potential outdoors and indoors
  • 2024
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Daylight, both outdoors and indoors, is essential for human well-being. However, daylight provision often faces challenges in various climates and locations, due to factors such as shortcomings in regulations, urban densification, deregulation or special exemptions, and the limitations of existing daylight and sunlight evaluation methods. To address these issues, we propose the Sunlight Autonomy, a new methodology and set of metrics, that aims to overcome the limitations of existing early-stage daylighting metrics and is valuable for urban planning and architectural design purposes.
  • Mangold, Mikael, 1982, et al. (författare)
  • Who benefits? Effects and perceptions of residential volumetric water billing
  • 2012
  • Ingår i: 2nd Nordic Conference on Consumer Research, 29 May-1 June, 2012, Göteborg.
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • What are the effects and perceptions of increased installation of water metering and volumetric billing in residential areas in Sweden? An interview study was undertaken in a low-income suburb of Göteborg to explore residents’ experiences and opinions. Additionally, the interests of water and energy companies, social affairs committee, real estate owner and maintainer were investigated to contrast the added value of reduced water consumption. Stakeholders either benefit or are disadvantaged by the introduced system. Furthermore, the applied tariff structure fails to motivate all segments of the population to reduce water consumption, yet still inequitably burdens the most financially exposed groups.
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  • Resultat 1-10 av 7283
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refereegranskat (4012)
övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt (2879)
populärvet., debatt m.m. (387)
Küller, Rikard (200)
Fahlén, Per, 1947 (168)
Veljkovic, Milan (154)
Johansson, Maria (110)
Tepfers, Ralejs, 193 ... (104)
Jensen, Lars (99)
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Sasic Kalagasidis, A ... (96)
Thelandersson, Sven (94)
Johansson, Pär, 1986 (93)
Stehn, Lars (91)
Frantzich, Håkan (88)
Hagentoft, Carl-Eric ... (85)
Girhammar, Ulf Arne (79)
Johansson, Dennis (78)
Erikshammar, Jarkko (74)
Laike, Thorbjörn (72)
Caldenby, Claes, 194 ... (71)
Wahlgren, Paula, 196 ... (70)
Johansson, Bernt (69)
Bader, Thomas K., 19 ... (64)
Van Hees, Patrick (64)
Dodoo, Ambrose, 1979 ... (62)
Karlsson, Björn (61)
Pettersson, Ove (60)
Dalenbäck, Jan-Olof, ... (60)
Johnsson, Helena (58)
Ekberg, Lars, 1962 (57)
Lundgren, Karin, 196 ... (57)
Schweigler, Michael (57)
Wickström, Ulf (53)
Holmstedt, Göran (53)
Wall, Maria (52)
Yang, Bin (50)
Nilsson, Daniel (49)
Teli, Despoina, 1980 (49)
Tehler, Henrik (48)
Wallbaum, Holger, 19 ... (48)
Molnar, Miklos (47)
Olofsson, Thomas, 19 ... (47)
Harderup, Lars-Erik (46)
Olsson, Anders, 1973 ... (45)
Serrano, Erik (43)
Johansson, Nils (42)
Dorn, Michael, 1978- (38)
Bagge, Hans (38)
Arfvidsson, Jesper (38)
Plos, Mario, 1963 (38)
Crocetti, Roberto (37)
Magnusson, Sven Erik (37)
Olofsson, Thomas (37)
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Lunds universitet (2309)
Chalmers tekniska högskola (1949)
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RISE (363)
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Blekinge Tekniska Högskola (3)
VTI - Statens väg- och transportforskningsinstitut (3)
Högskolan Väst (2)
Försvarshögskolan (2)
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Handelshögskolan i Stockholm (1)
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