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Sökning: WFRF:(Bark Glenn)

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  • Alakangas, Lena, et al. (författare)
  • Norrbottens malm- och mineralresurs och dess potentiella betydelse för innovation, samhälle och miljö
  • 2014
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Gruvindustrins betydelse för samhällsutveckling och infrastruktur i Sverige och inte minst i Norrbottens län är mycket stor. De geologiska förutsättningarna att hitta nya brytvärda förekomster i Norrbotten är goda. Länet är tillsammans med Västerbotten en av Europas viktigaste regioner för utvinning av metaller. Det syns också i den nyligen framtagna regionala mineralstrategin för Norrbotten och Västerbotten. Visionen för den regionala mineralstrategin: ”Genom långsiktigt hållbart nyttjande av Norrbottens och Västerbottens läns mineralresurser har ytterligare tillväxt skapats i regionen och hela Sverige. Vi har utvecklat och stärkt vår ställning som ledande gruv- och mineralnation.”Eftersom framtidspotentialen för gruvnäringen är mycket god men okunnigheten hos både allmänhet och beslutsfattare om näringens betydelse för innovation och samhällsutveckling är stor, kopplat med en utbredd oro för miljöpåverkan, måste dessa viktiga framtidsfrågor belysas. Med finansiering från Länsstyrelsen i Norrbotten bedrevs därför under första hälften av 2014 en förstudie som syftade till att sammanfatta kunskapsläget om framtidens gruvindustri i Norrbotten. Resultaten av förstudien redovisas i den här rapporten. En viktig slutsats är att det under nästa strukturfondsperiod (med start 2015) behövs ett framtidsinriktat forskningsprogram för att belysa de möjligheter som finns. Denna förstudie utgör grund för en kommande ansökan till strukturfonderna. Kompetensen som finns vid Luleå tekniska universitet, Sveriges centrum för gruvrelaterad forskning och utbildning, bör användas för att studera troliga framtidsmöjligheter och hur de ska kunna användas för att få en så positiv utveckling som möjligt för länet. Projektet bör innehålla följande tre huvudinriktningar, som naturligtvis hör ihop:Vilka malm- och mineralresurser finns det potential för i Norrbotten, och vilka kommer sannolikt att exploateras i framtiden?Vad kommer den exploateringen att ha för betydelse för innovation och samhällsutveckling?Vad kommer den exploateringen att få för miljöeffekter och hur ska man göra för att minska miljöbelastningen?En annan slutsats är att nedlagda gruvområden inte måste ses som förstörd natur. Betydande mervärden som gruvturism skulle kunna skapas om vilja, kreativitet och beslutsamhet finns. Detta är ett givet utvecklingsområde där småföretag och entreprenörer kan göra stor insats om de politiska och myndighetsmässiga förutsättningarna finns. Dessa aspekter skulle också kunna belysas i det föreslagna forskningsprogrammet eller i ett eget projekt.
  • Alvarenga, Rodrigo A.F., et al. (författare)
  • Towards product-oriented sustainability in the (primary) metal supply sector
  • 2019
  • Ingår i: Resources, Conservation and Recycling. - : Elsevier. - 0921-3449 .- 1879-0658. ; 145, s. 40-48
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Consideration of sustainable supply of (primary) metals is increasingly influencing the policy agenda of western societies. Environmental sustainability can be managed from different perspectives, including a site-oriented one (strongly used by the mining sector) and a product-oriented one (as with life cycle assessment). The objectives of this article are to analyse and discuss the differences in these perspectives; to discuss potential benefits to the metal/mining sector of also considering the product-oriented perspective; and to propose ways for a smooth implementation. We made use of literature and expert knowledge, on top of interviews with different stakeholders, to identify why and how these perspectives are (not) used in the metal/mining sector. Moreover, we identified three key concerns related to the implementation of a product-oriented perspective in the sector (e.g., use of unrepresentative life cycle inventory (LCI) datasets for metal-based products) and proposed three corrective actions for all of them (e.g., increase the quantity and quality of LCI). Finally, we discuss how the corrective actions could be implemented in the sector in a smooth way and some potential benefits from its implementation.
  • Bark, Glenn, et al. (författare)
  • Fluid and metal sources in the Fäboliden hypozonal orogenic gold deposit, Sweden
  • 2021
  • Ingår i: Mineralium Deposita. - : Springer. - 0026-4598 .- 1432-1866. ; 56:3, s. 425-440
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • To model the formation of orogenic gold deposits, in a global perspective, it is important to understand the ore-forming conditions not only for deposits hosted in greenschist facies rocks but also in amphibolite facies. The Paleoproterozoic Fäboliden deposit in northern Sweden belongs to the globally rare hypozonal group of orogenic gold deposits and, as such, constitutes a key addition to the understanding of amphibolite facies orogenic gold deposits. The Fäboliden deposit is characterized by auriferous arsenopyrite-rich quartz veins, hosted by amphibolite facies supracrustal rocks and controlled by a roughly N-striking shear zone. Gold is closely associated with arsenopyrite-löllingite and stibnite, and commonly found in fractures and as inclusions in the arsenopyrite-löllingite grains. The timing of mineralization is estimated from geothermometric data and field relations at c. 1.8 Ga. In order to constrain the origin of gold-bearing fluids in the Fäboliden deposit, oxygen, hydrogen, and sulfur isotope studies were undertaken. δ18O from quartz in veins shows a narrow range of + 10.6 to + 13.1‰. δD from biotite ranges between − 120 and − 67‰, with most data between − 95 and − 67‰. δ34S in arsenopyrite and pyrrhotite ranges from − 0.9 and + 3.6‰ and from − 1.5 and + 1.9‰, respectively. These stable isotope data, interpreted in the context of the regional and local geology and the estimated timing of mineralization, suggest that the sulfur- and gold-bearing fluid was generated from deep-crustal sedimentary rocks during decompressional uplift, late in the orogenic evolution of the area. At the site of gold ore formation, an 18O-enriched magmatic fluid possibly interacted with the auriferous fluid, causing precipitation of Au and the formation of the Fäboliden hypozonal orogenic gold deposit.
  • Bark, Glenn, et al. (författare)
  • Fluid chemistry of the hypozonal Fäboliden orogenic gold deposit, northern Sweden
  • 2006
  • Ingår i: The 27th Nordic Geological Winter Meeting, January 9-12, 2006, Oulu, Finland. ; , s. 13-
  • Konferensbidrag (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Southwest of the well-known Skellefte District in northern Sweden a new ore province is presently being explored, the so called Gold Line. Today the largest known gold deposit in the Gold Line is the Fäboliden orogenic gold deposit.The gold mineralization is commonly hosted in quartz veins, which parallel the steep main foliation, within a shear zone in the metagreywacke host rocks. The fine-grained (2-40 μm) gold is closely associated with arsenopyrite in the quartz veins.Two main groups of fluid inclusions are present in the Fäboliden quartz veins. 1) Primary inclusions with a CO2-CH4 or a H2S (±CH4) composition (the latter recognized for the first time in a Swedish ore deposit). 2) Secondary fluid inclusions composed of pure CH4 and low-salinity aqueous fluids. The primary fluid inclusions are associated with arsenopyrite (+gold) and the CO2-CH4 fluid was also involved in precipitation of graphite. The graphite-forming reactions should generate a H2O phase as well. However, the presence of a H2O phase was not detected in any of the primary fluid inclusions and is suggested to have been consumed by wall rock reactions, generating hydrated alteration minerals such as Ca-amphibole, biotite, and minor tourmaline. Fluid inclusion data indicate arsenopyrite and graphite deposition at a pressure condition of ~4 kbars. Graphite is useful as an indicator of the metamorphic grade because the graphitization process is irreversible with no effects on the graphite structure during retrogression (Beyssac et al., 2002). Graphite in the mineralized quartz veins at Fäboliden indicates maximum temperatures of 520-560°C for the hydrothermal alteration system.Pyrrhotite was deposited after a subsequent pressure decrease and a later input of pure CH4 and low-salinity aqueous fluids, as suggested by the secondary fluid inclusions. These later fluids were trapped at a substantially lower pressure of ~0.3 kbars and a temperature of ~400°C.
  • Bark, Glenn, et al. (författare)
  • Fluid chemistry of the Palaeoproterozoic Fäboliden hypozonal orogenic gold deposit, northern Sweden : evidence from fluid inclusions
  • 2007
  • Ingår i: GFF. - : Informa UK Limited. - 1103-5897 .- 2000-0863. ; 129:3, s. 197-210
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • A new ore province, the Gold Line, southwest of the Skellefte District, northern Sweden, is currently under exploration. The largest known deposit in the Gold Line is the hypozonal Fäboliden orogenic gold deposit. The mineralization is hosted by arsenopyrite-bearing quartz veins, within a steep shear zone in amphibolite facies metagreywacke host rocks. Gold occur in fractures and as intergrowths in arsenopyrite-löllingite, and as free grains in the silicate matrix of the host rock. The hydrothermal mineral assemblage in the proximal alteration zone is diopside, calcic amphibole, biotite, and minor andalusite and tourmaline. Primary fluid inclusions in the Fäboliden quartz veins show a CO2-CH4 or a H2S (±CH4) composition (the latter recognized for the first time in a Swedish ore deposit). The primary fluid inclusions are associated with arsenopyrite-löllingite (+gold) and the CO2-CH4 fluid was also involved in precipitation of graphite. A prevalence of carbonic over aqueous fluid inclusions is characteristic for a number of hypozonal high-temperature orogenic gold deposits. The Fäboliden deposit, thus, shows fluid compositions similar to other hypozonal orogenic gold deposits. The proposed main mechanism for precipitation of gold from the fluids, is a mixing between H2S-rich and H2O?-CO2±CH4 fluids. Fluid inclusion data indicate arsenopyrite-löllingite and graphite deposition at a pressure condition of about 4 kbar. Graphite thermometry indicates maximum temperatures of 520-560°C for the hydrothermal alteration at Fäboliden, suggesting that at least the late stages of the mineralizing event took place shortly after peak-metamorphism in the area, i.e. at c. 1.80 Ga.
  • Bark, Glenn (författare)
  • Genesis and tectonic setting of the hypozonal Fäboliden orogenic gold deposit, northern Sweden
  • 2005
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The well-known Skellefte Ore District, northern Sweden, hosts a large number of massive sulphide deposits, a few porphyry-type-deposits and a number of gold deposits in different geological settings. Southwest of this district a new ore province, the so called Gold Line, is presently being uncovered. During the past decade a number of gold occurrences have been discovered in this area. Only one deposit is in production, the Svartliden gold deposit (2 Mton at 4.3 ppm Au). However, with regards to tonnage the Fäboliden gold deposit stands out with a known mineral resource of c. 16 Mton with 1.33 ppm Au. Additional 24.5 Mton with 1.5 ppm Au is indicated down to a depth of 350 m. The late- to post-orogenic, c. 1.81-1.77 Ga, Revsund granite constitutes the main rock type in the Fäboliden area and surrounds a narrow belt of metavolcanic rocks and metagreywackes. The metasedimentary rocks are strongly deformed, within a roughly N-S trending subvertical shear zone, with boudinaged competent horizons that indicate E-W shortening and a suggested dextral sense of shear within the shear zone. The mineralization at Fäboliden constitutes a 30-50 m wide, N-S striking, steeply dipping ore zone. The mineralization is commonly hosted in arsenopyrite-bearing quartz-veins, which parallel the main foliation, within the metagreywackes in the shear zone. The fine-grained (2-40 µm) gold is closely associated with arsenopyrite-löllingite and stibnite and found in fissures and as intergrowths in the arsenopyrite-löllingite. Gold is also seen as free grains in the silicate matrix of the metagreywacke host rock. Microprobe analysis shows that the gold occurs as electrum (Au:Ag 2:1). The proximal ore zone display enrichment in Ca, total S, As, Ag, Au, Sb, Sn, W, Pb, Bi, Cd, Se, and Hg, whereas K and Na are slightly depleted. The hydrothermal alteration assemblage in the proximal ore zone is diopside, calcic amphibole, biotite, and minor andalusite and tourmaline. This type of assemblage is commonly recognized in hypozonal orogenic gold deposits worldwide. The c. 1.3 km long ore body (lode) is steeply dipping and known to a depth of 150 m, with a few deeper boreholes indicating a continuation of the mineralization towards depth. The mineralization is also open towards north and south. The fabric that hosts the mineralization is also found in the outer margin of the surrounding Revsund granite. It is therefore suggested that at least the final stages of the gold mineralization are late- or post-orogenic in age, and the maximum age for the mineralization is constrained at c. 1.80 Ga (Revsund age). The mineralizing fluids were composed of CO2-CH4-H2S. Gold, arsenopyrite- löllingite, and graphite were precipitated from this fluid. The crystal structure of the graphite, enclosed in the gold related quartz veins, indicates a maximum temperature of 520-560ºC for the mineralizing event, temperature conditions equal to mid-amphibolite facies. These temperatures indicate pressure conditions of c. 4 kbar for the mineralizing event. During deformation mineralizing fluids are often concentrated into deformation zones. Therefore, the potential for economic mineralization in the Lycksele-Storuman region is regarded as very high since the initial results from this project have indicated the existence of several larger ductile to semi-ductile shear zones and accompanied silica alteration in the studied area. During 2004 the project strongly assisted in locating a new gold target in the Gold Line area. For more effective future exploration in this area a better understanding of the structural conditions and evolution is a key factor.
  • Bark, Glenn, et al. (författare)
  • Geodynamic settings for Paleoproterozoic gold mineralization in the Svecofennian domain : a tectonic model for the Fäboliden orogenic gold deposit, northern Sweden
  • 2012
  • Ingår i: Ore Geology Reviews. - : Elsevier BV. - 0169-1368 .- 1872-7360. ; 48, s. 403-412
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Northern Sweden is currently experiencing active exploration within a new gold ore province, the so called Gold Line, situated southwest of the well-known Skellefte VMS District. The largest known deposit in the Gold Line is the hypozonal Fäboliden orogenic gold deposit. Mineralization at Fäboliden is hosted by arsenopyrite-rich quartz veins, in a reverse, mainly dip-slip, high-angle shear zone, in amphibolite facies supracrustal host rocks. The timing of mineralization is estimated, from field relationships, at ca. 1.8 Ga.The gold mineralization is hosted by two sets of mineralized quartz veins, one steep fault-fill vein set and one relatively flat-lying extensional vein set. Ore shoots occur at the intersections between the two vein sets, and both sets could have been generated from the same stress field, during the late stages of the Svecofennian orogen.The tectonic evolution during the 1.9–1.8 Ga Svecofennian orogen is complex, as features typical of both internal and external orogens are indicated. The similarity in geodynamic setting between the contemporary Svecofennian and Trans-Hudson orogens indicate a potential for world-class orogenic gold provinces also in the Svecofennian domain.The Swedish deposits discussed in this paper are all structurally associated with roughly N-S striking shear zones that were active at around 1.8 Ga, when gold-bearing fluids infiltrated structures related to conditions of E-W shortening.
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