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Träfflista för sökning "WFRF:(Hall Lord Marie Louise 1951 ) "

Sökning: WFRF:(Hall Lord Marie Louise 1951 )

  • Resultat 1-10 av 77
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  • Abrahamsen Grøndahl, Vigdis, 1964-, et al. (författare)
  • Exploring patient satisfaction predictors in relation to a theoretical model
  • 2013
  • Ingår i: International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance. - : Emerald Group Publishing Limited. - 0952-6862 .- 1758-6542. ; 26:1, s. 37-54
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The aim is to describe patients' care quality perceptions and satisfaction and to explore potential patient satisfaction predictors as person‐related conditions, external objective care conditions and patients' perception of actual care received (“PR”) in relation to a theoretical model.Design/methodology/approachA cross‐sectional design was used. Data were collected using one questionnaire combining questions from four instruments: Quality from patients' perspective; Sense of coherence; Big five personality trait; and Emotional stress reaction questionnaire (ESRQ), together with questions from previous research. In total, 528 patients (83.7 per cent response rate) from eight medical, three surgical and one medical/surgical ward in five Norwegian hospitals participated. Answers from 373 respondents with complete ESRQ questionnaires were analysed. Sequential multiple regression analysis with ESRQ as dependent variable was run in three steps: person‐related conditions, external objective care conditions, and PR (p < 0.05).FindingsStep 1 (person‐related conditions) explained 51.7 per cent of the ESRQ variance. Step 2 (external objective care conditions) explained an additional 2.4 per cent. Step 3 (PR) gave no significant additional explanation (0.05 per cent). Steps 1 and 2 contributed statistical significance to the model. Patients rated both quality‐of‐care and satisfaction highly.Originality/valueThe paper shows that the theoretical model using an emotion‐oriented approach to assess patient satisfaction can explain 54 per cent of patient satisfaction in a statistically significant manner.
  • Abrahamsen Grøndahl, Vigdis, 1964-, et al. (författare)
  • Patients' experiences of care quality and satisfaction satisfaction during hospital stay : a qualitative study
  • 2013
  • Ingår i: European Journal for Person Centered Healthcare. - : University of Buckingham Press. - 2052-5656 .- 2052-5648. ; 1:1, s. 185-192
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Rationale, aim and objectives: Patients experiencing high care quality and satisfied patients are more likely to follow treatments. Patient satisfaction is an important contributor to physical and mental health-related quality of life. Research emphasises the need to further study satisfaction from the patients’ perspective. The aim was to describe patients’ experiences of care quality and the relation to their satisfaction during hospital stay. Methods: A qualitative descriptive design was used. Interviews were conducted with 22 patients discharged from hospital. Data was analysed by conventional content analysis.Results: Four categories and seven subcategories describing patients’ experiences of care quality and the relation to their satisfaction emerged. Desire to regain health comprised waiting for treatment, being cured, having hopes of being cured and described the treatment and health outcome of hospitalisation. Need to be met in a professional way as a unique person comprised receiving personalized knowledge, receiving healthcare by competent healthcare personnel and described the way patients need to be met by healthcare personnel. Need to be involved comprised taking responsibility for own health, leaving responsibility for own health and concerned the patients’ way of handling hospitalisation. Need to have balance between privacy and companionship concerned the relationship to fellow patients. Conclusions: Health condition is of great importance to patients’ experiences of quality of care and their satisfaction in relation to hospital stay. The healthcare personnel need to be aware that seriously ill patients may never be completely satisfied. Furthermore, healthcare personnel must do their utmost to provide the patients with person-centered care.  Hospital managers must consider the design of wards with respect to such matters as multiple-bed versus single-bed rooms and heads of nursing must carefully plan each patient’s accommodation.
  • Abrahamsen Grøndahl, Vigdis, 1964-, et al. (författare)
  • Quality of care from patients' perspective : impact of the combination of person-related and external objective care conditions
  • 2011
  • Ingår i: Journal of Clinical Nursing. - : Wiley. - 0962-1067 .- 1365-2702. ; 20:17/18, s. 2540-2551
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Aims and objectives. To describe patients' perceptions of quality of care and to explore combinations of person-related and external objective care conditions as potential predictors of these perceptions. Background. Several studies have examined various single factors of person-related and external objective care conditions in relation to quality of care. None of these has included the effect of over-occupancy on patients' perception of quality of care. Furthermore, little is known about how combinations of different factors are related to each other and to the perception of quality of care using multivariate analysis. Design. A cross-sectional design. Method. A total of 528 patients (83·7%) from 12 medical, surgical or medical-surgical wards in five hospitals in Norway participated. Perceptions of quality of care and person-related conditions were measured with the 'Quality from Patient's Perspective' instrument. Data on external objective care conditions was collected from ward statistics provided by head nurses. Multivariate general linear modelling was used ( p < 0·05). Results. The combination of person-related and external objective care conditions revealed five factors that predict patients' perception of quality of care. Three of these are person-related conditions: sex, age and self-reported psychological well-being and two of them are external objective care conditions: RNs (headcount) on the wards and frequency of over-occupancy. These five factors explained 55% of the model. Patients rated the quality of care high. Conclusions. Sex, age, psychological well-being, frequency of over-occupancy and the number of RNs are important factors that must be emphasised if patients are to perceive the quality of care as high. Relevance to clinical practice. Head nurses and healthcare authorities must continually prepare the wards for over-occupancy and they must consider the number of RNs working on the wards.
  • Bååth, Carina, 1959-, et al. (författare)
  • Assessments of patients’ pain, nutrition and skin in clinical practice : Registered and enrolled nurses’ perceptions
  • 2012
  • Ingår i: International Journal of Orthopaedic and Trauma Nursing. - : Elsevier. - 1878-1241 .- 1878-1292. ; 16:1, s. 3-12
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Aim: The aim of the study was to describe registered and enrolled nurses’ perceptions of how they assess patients’ pain, nutrition and skin.Introduction: Planning for pain, nutrition and skin care management is an essential part of nursing. In Sweden, it is common that registered and enrolled nurses work together in the care of patients.Method: Interviews with nine registered and nine enrolled nurses were analyzed using qualitative content analysis.Results: One theme; blurring boundaries between registered and enrolled nurses regarding pain, nutrition and skin suit assessments was identified. The manifest content of interviews is described in four categories: nurse–patient interaction, using oneself as a tool, collaborating with colleagues and listening to patients’ next of kin.Conclusion: The analysis showed a blurring of boundaries between RNs and ENs regarding pain, nutrition and skin suit assessments. How they perform their assessments conforms to a large extent. However, even if the activities are the same, the education levels of RNs and ENs are different and therefore the assessment of the patients might be different in clinical practice. Taking the results into account it is important that RNs and ENs collaborate regarding assessment of the patients’ pain, nutrition and skin suit.
  • Bååth, Carina, 1959-, et al. (författare)
  • Registered nurses and enrolled nurses assessment of postoperative pain and risk for malnutrition and pressure ulcers in patients with hip fracture
  • 2010
  • Ingår i: International Journal of Orthopaedic and Trauma Nursing. - : Elsevier BV. - 1878-1241 .- 1878-1292. ; 14:1, s. 30-39
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The aim of the study was to describe and compare registered (RNs’) and enrolled nurses’ (ENs’) assessments of postoperative pain, risk for malnutrition and pressure ulcers in patients with hip fracture. Furthermore, the aim was to describe and compare their perceptions of using assessment tools. Thirty-four (34) RNs and forty-three (43) ENs, working on orthopaedic wards in Sweden, took part in the study. The assessments were carried out on 82 patients with hip fracture. The assessment tools included the numerical rating scale (NRS), short-form nutritional assessment tool (MNA-SF), modified Norton scale (MNS) and pressure ulcer card. Many patients were assessed to be in postoperative pain and at possible risk for malnutrition. Around 50% were assessed as being at risk for pressure ulcer formation (PU). There is a difference between RNs and ENs assessments of patients’ postoperative pain, risk for malnutrition and PU. ENs assessed to a greater degree that patients were in intense pain currently. RNs assessed to a greater degree that patients had been in intense pain in the past 24 h. Single items on the tools showed differences. However, there was no statistically difference for MNA-SF screening score and MNS total score. ENs found it easier to assess postoperative pain with the NRS compared to RNs.
  • Janson, Staffan, 1945-, et al. (författare)
  • Äldre i Värmland : Om hälsa, levnadsvanor och livssituation 2006
  • 2007
  • Bok (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Landstinget har i samarbete med Karlstads universitet gjort flera befolkningsundersökningar i Värmland och publicerat rapporter om både den vuxna befolkningens och barns hälsa, senast med rapporten Värmlänningarnas Liv och Hälsa 2004. Någon befolkningsstudie av de äldres hälsa och livsvillkor har dock inte gjorts tidigare.Efter tre års förarbeten och samråd mellan landstinget, Värmlands kommuner och flera institutioner vid Karlstads universitet genomfördes den föreliggande studien av de äldres hälsa under senhösten 2006, i form av en omfattande postenkät. Urvalet utgjordes av 2500 slumpmässigt uttagna kvinnor och män som var 80 år eller äldre. Svarsfrekvensen var 60 procent, vilket får betraktas som mycket bra med tanke på att cirka 15 procent i denna åldersgrupp lever i särskilda boenden.Studien avspeglar således hälsan och livsvillkoren för de äldre. Överlag visar det sig att de äldre mår bra och har stor kapacitet att fungera som aktiva samhällsmedborgare. Samtidigt är det många som har kroniska besvär, med värk, syn- och hörselnedsättning, inkontinensbesvär etc. Det föreligger också en klar social gradient, där särskilt äldre kvinnor med arbetarbakgrund har både mer sjukdom och större ekonomiska problem än de övriga.
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  • Resultat 1-10 av 77
Typ av publikation
tidskriftsartikel (52)
konferensbidrag (20)
rapport (1)
bok (1)
doktorsavhandling (1)
forskningsöversikt (1)
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bokkapitel (1)
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Typ av innehåll
refereegranskat (70)
övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt (7)
Hall-Lord, Marie Lou ... (74)
Wilde Larsson, Bodil ... (24)
Hedelin, Birgitta, 1 ... (19)
Bååth, Carina, 1959- (13)
Ballangrud, Randi (11)
Karlsson, Ingela, 19 ... (7)
visa fler...
Persenius, Mona, 195 ... (7)
Johansson, Inger, 19 ... (6)
Ballangrud, Randi, 1 ... (6)
Abrahamsen Grøndahl, ... (5)
Wangensteen, Sigrid (5)
Petzäll, Kerstin, 19 ... (5)
Struksnes, Solveig (5)
Skoogh, Annika (5)
Wentzel Persenius, M ... (5)
Aaberg, Oddveig Reie ... (4)
Idvall, Ewa (4)
Sandin-Bojö, Ann-Kri ... (4)
Husebo, Sissel Iren ... (3)
Hall-Lord, Marie-Lou ... (3)
Östberg, Anna-Lena (3)
Husebo, Sissel Eikel ... (3)
Appelgren, Jari, 197 ... (2)
Kvist, LInda (2)
Nordin, Anna, 1972- (2)
Farup, Per (2)
Willman, Anna, 1970- (1)
Carlsson, Eva (1)
Janson, Staffan, 194 ... (1)
Starrin, Bengt, 1947 ... (1)
Berglund, Anna-Lena (1)
Aase, Karina (1)
Andersson, Maria, 19 ... (1)
Athlin, Elsy, 1945- (1)
Kalander Blomqvist, ... (1)
Hedelin, Birgitta (1)
Bachrach-Lindström, ... (1)
Vifladt, Anne (1)
Berg, Geir Vegard (1)
Hedman-Wiberg, Katar ... (1)
Eriksson, Bengt G, 1 ... (1)
Theander, Kersti, 19 ... (1)
Petzäll, Kerstin (1)
Grøndahl Abrahamsen, ... (1)
Sällström, Christina (1)
Nordang, Kirsten (1)
Bachrach Lindström, ... (1)
Hjalmarson, Helene V (1)
Erlingson, Eira B. (1)
Brunzell, Lisa (1)
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Karlstads universitet (77)
Lunds universitet (2)
Malmö universitet (2)
Linköpings universitet (1)
Engelska (67)
Norska (8)
Svenska (2)
Forskningsämne (UKÄ/SCB)
Medicin och hälsovetenskap (73)


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