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Sökning: WFRF:(Singh Riti)

  • Resultat 1-9 av 9
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  • Kyprianidis, Konstantinos, et al. (författare)
  • Assessment of Future Aero-engine Designs With Intercooled and Intercooled Recuperated Cores
  • 2011
  • Ingår i: Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power. - : ASME International. - 0742-4795 .- 1528-8919. ; 133:1
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Reduction in CO2 emissions is strongly linked with the improvement of engine specific fuel consumption, as well as the reduction in engine nacelle drag and weight. Conventional turbofan designs, however, that reduce CO2 emissions—such as increased overall pressure ratio designs—can increase the production of NOx emissions. In the present work, funded by the European Framework 6 collaborative project NEW Aero engine Core concepts (NEWAC), an aero-engine multidisciplinary design tool, Techno-economic, Environmental, and Risk Assessment for 2020 (TERA2020), has been utilized to study the potential benefits from introducing heat-exchanged cores in future turbofan engine designs. The tool comprises of various modules covering a wide range of disciplines: engine performance, engine aerodynamic and mechanical design, aircraft design and performance, emissions prediction and environmental impact, engine and airframe noise, as well as production, maintenance and direct operating costs. Fundamental performance differences between heat-exchanged cores and a conventional core are discussed and quantified. Cycle limitations imposed by mechanical considerations, operational limitations and emissions legislation are also discussed. The research work presented in this paper concludes with a full assessment at aircraft system level that reveals the significant potential performance benefits for the intercooled and intercooled recuperated cycles. An intercooled core can be designed for a significantly higher overall pressure ratio and with reduced cooling air requirements, providing a higher thermal efficiency than could otherwise be practically achieved with a conventional core. Variable geometry can be implemented to optimize the use of the intercooler for a given flight mission. An intercooled recuperated core can provide high thermal efficiency at low overall pressure ratio values and also benefit significantly from the introduction of a variable geometry low pressure turbine. The necessity of introducing novel lean-burn combustion technology to reduce NOx emissions at cruise as well as for the landing and take-off cycle, is demonstrated for both heat-exchanged cores and conventional designs. Significant benefits in terms of NOx reduction are predicted from the introduction of a variable geometry low pressure turbine in an intercooled core with lean-burn combustion technology.
  • Kyprianidis, Konstantinos, et al. (författare)
  • Assessment of Future Aero Engine Designs with Intercooled and Intercooled Recuperated Cores
  • 2010
  • Ingår i: ASME TURBO EXPO 2010 Proceedings, ASME-GT-2010-22519. - 9780791843987 ; 3, s. 909-920
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Reduction in CO 2 emissions is strongly linked with the improvement of engine specific fuel consumption, as well as the reduction in engine nacelle drag and weight. Conventional turbofan designs, however, that reduce CO 2 emissions—such as increased overall pressure ratio designs—can increase the production of NO x emissions. In the present work, funded by the European Framework 6 collaborative project NEW Aero engine Core concepts (NEWAC), an aero-engine multidisciplinary design tool, Techno-economic, Environmental, and Risk Assessment for 2020 (TERA2020), has been utilized to study the potential benefits from introducing heat-exchanged cores in future turbofan engine designs. The tool comprises of various modules covering a wide range of disciplines: engine performance, engine aerodynamic and mechanical design, aircraft design and performance, emissions prediction and …
  • Kyprianidis, Konstantinos G. (författare)
  • Multi-Disciplinary Conceptual Design of Future Jet Engine Systems
  • 2010
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This thesis describes various aspects of the development of a multi-disciplinary aero engine conceptual design tool, TERA2020 (Techno-economic, Environmental and Risk Assessment for 2020), based on an explicit algorithm that considers: engine performance, engine aerodynamic and mechanical design, aircraft design and performance, emissions prediction and environmental impact, engine and airframe noise, and production, maintenance and direct operating costs.As part of this research effort, a newly-derived semi-empirical NOx correlation for modern rich-burn single-annular combustors is proposed. The development of a numerical methods library is also presented, including an improved gradient-based algorithm for solving non-linear equation systems. Common assumptions made in thermo-fluid modelling for gas turbines and their effect on caloric properties are investigated, while the impact of uncertainties on performance calculations and emissions predictions at aircraft system level is assessed. Furthermore, accuracy limitations in assessing novel engine core concepts as imposed by current practice in thermo-fluid modelling are identified.The TERA2020 tool is used for quantifying the potential benefits from novel technologies for three low pressure spool turbofan architectures.  The impact of failing to deliver specific component technologies is quantified, in terms of power plant noise and CO2 emissions. To address the need for higher engine thermal efficiency, TERA2020 is again utilised; benefits from the potential introduction of heat-exchanged cores in future aero engine designs are explored and a discussion on the main drivers that could support such initiatives is presented. Finally, an intercooled core and conventional core turbofan engine optimisation procedure using TERA2020 is presented. A back-to-back comparison between the two engine configurations is performed and fuel optimal designs for 2020 are proposed.Whilst the detailed publications and the work carried out by the author, in a collaborative effort with other project partners, is presented in the main body of this thesis, it is important to note that this work is supported by 20 conference and journal papers.
  • Kyprianidis, Konstantinos G., et al. (författare)
  • Thermo-Fluid Modelling for Gas Turbines-Part I: Theoretical Foundation and Uncertainty Analysis
  • 2009
  • Ingår i: ASME TURBO EXPO 2009 Proceedings, GT2009-60092.
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • In this two-part publication, various aspects of thermo-fluidmodelling for gas turbines are described and their impact onperformance calculations and emissions predictions at aircraftsystem level is assessed. Accurate and reliable fluid modellingis essential for any gas turbine performance simulation softwareas it provides a robust foundation for building advanced multidisciplinarymodelling capabilities. Caloric properties forgeneric and semi-generic gas turbine performance simulationcodes can be calculated at various levels of fidelity; selection ofthe fidelity level is dependent upon the objectives of thesimulation and execution time constraints. However, rigorousfluid modelling may not necessarily improve performancesimulation accuracy unless all modelling assumptions andsources of uncertainty are aligned to the same level. Certainmodelling aspects such as the introduction of chemical kinetics,and dissociation effects, may reduce computational speed andthis is of significant importance for radical space explorationand novel propulsion cycle assessment.This paper describes and compares fluid models, based ondifferent levels of fidelity, which have been developed for anindustry standard gas turbine performance simulation code and an environmental assessment tool for novel propulsion cycles.The latter comprises the following modules: engineperformance, aircraft performance, emissions prediction, andenvironmental impact. The work presented aims to fill thecurrent literature gap by: (i) investigating the commonassumptions made in thermo-fluid modelling for gas turbinesand their effect on caloric properties and (ii) assessing theimpact of uncertainties on performance calculations andemissions predictions at aircraft system level.In Part I of this two-part publication, a comprehensiveanalysis of thermo-fluid modelling for gas turbines is presentedand the fluid models developed are discussed in detail.Common technical models, used for calculating caloricproperties, are compared while typical assumptions made influid modelling, and the uncertainties induced, are examined.Several analyses, which demonstrate the effects of composition,temperature and pressure on caloric properties of workingmediums for gas turbines, are presented. The working mediumsexamined include dry air and combustion products for variousfuels and H/C ratios. The errors induced by ignoringdissociation effects are also discussed.
  • Kyprianidis, Konstantinos G., et al. (författare)
  • Thermo-Fluid Modelling for Gas Turbines-Part II : Impact on Performance Calculations and Emissions Predictions at Aircraft System Level
  • 2009
  • Ingår i: ASME TURBO EXPO 2009 Proceedings, GT-2009-60101. ; , s. 483-494
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • In this two-part publication, various aspects of thermo-fluidmodelling for gas turbines are described and their impact onperformance calculations and emissions predictions at aircraftsystem level is assessed. Accurate and reliable fluid modellingis essential for any gas turbine performance simulation softwareas it provides a robust foundation for building advanced multidisciplinarymodelling capabilities. Caloric properties forgeneric and semi-generic gas turbine performance simulationcodes can be calculated at various levels of fidelity; selection ofthe fidelity level is dependent upon the objectives of thesimulation and execution time constraints. However, rigorousfluid modelling may not necessarily improve performancesimulation accuracy unless all modelling assumptions andsources of uncertainty are aligned to the same level. Certainmodelling aspects such as the introduction of chemical kinetics,and dissociation effects, may reduce computational speed andthis is of significant importance for radical space explorationand novel propulsion cycle assessment.This paper describes and compares fluid models, based ondifferent levels of fidelity, which have been developed for anindustry standard gas turbine performance simulation code and an environmental assessment tool for novel propulsion cycles.The latter comprises the following modules: engineperformance, aircraft performance, emissions prediction, andenvironmental impact. The work presented aims to fill thecurrent literature gap by: (i) investigating the commonassumptions made in thermo-fluid modelling for gas turbinesand their effect on caloric properties and (ii) assessing theimpact of uncertainties on performance calculations andemissions predictions at aircraft system level.In Part II of this two-part publication, the uncertaintyinduced in performance calculations by common technicalmodels, used for calculating caloric properties, is discussed atengine level. The errors induced by ignoring dissociation areexamined at 3 different levels: i) component level, ii) enginelevel, and iii) aircraft system level. Essentially, an attempt ismade to shed light on the trade-off between improving theaccuracy of a fluid model and the accuracy of a multidisciplinarysimulation at aircraft system level, againstcomputational time penalties. The results obtained demonstratethat accurate modelling of the working fluid is not alwaysessential; the accuracy/uncertainty for an overall engine modelwill always be better than the mean accuracy/uncertainty of the individual component estimates as long as systematic errors arecarefully examined and reduced to acceptable levels to ensureerror propagation does not cause significant discrepancies.Computational time penalties induced by improving theaccuracy of the fluid model as well as the validity of the idealgas assumption for future turbofan engines and novelpropulsion cycles are discussed.
  • Kyprianidis, Konstantinos, et al. (författare)
  • Uncertainty in gas turbine thermo-fluid modelling and its impact on performance calculations and emissions predictions at aircraft system level
  • 2012
  • Ingår i: Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering. - : SAGE Publications. - 0954-4100 .- 2041-3025. ; 226:2, s. 163-181
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • In this article, various aspects of thermo-fluid modelling for gas turbines are described and the impact on performance calculations and emissions predictions at aircraft system level is assessed. Accurate and reliable fluid modelling is essential for any gas turbine performance simulation software as it provides a robust foundation for building advanced multi-disciplinary modelling capabilities. Caloric properties for generic and semi-generic gas turbine performance simulation codes can be calculated at various levels of fidelity; selection of the fidelity level is dependent upon the objectives of the simulation and execution time constraints. However, rigorous fluid modelling may not necessarily improve performance simulation accuracy unless all modelling assumptions and sources of uncertainty are aligned to the same level.A comprehensive analysis of thermo-fluid modelling for gas turbines is presented, and the fluid models developed are discussed in detail. Common technical models, used for calculating caloric properties, are compared while typical assumptions made in fluid modelling, and the uncertainties induced, are examined. Several analyses, which demonstrate the effects of composition, temperature, and pressure on caloric properties of working media for gas turbines, are presented. The working media examined include dry air and combustion products for various fuels and H/C ratios. The uncertainty induced in calculations by (a) using common technical models for evaluating fluid caloric properties and (b) ignoring dissociation effects is examined at three different levels: (i) component level, (ii) engine level, and (iii) aircraft system level. An attempt is made to shed light on the trade-off between improving the accuracy of a fluid model and the accuracy of a multi-disciplinary simulation at aircraft system level, against computational time penalties. The validity of the ideal gas assumption for future turbofan engines and novel propulsion cycles is discussed. The results obtained demonstrate that accurate modelling of the working fluid is essential, especially for assessing novel and/or aggressive cycles at aircraft system level. Where radical design space exploration is concerned, improving the accuracy of the fluid model will need to be carefully balanced with the computational time penalties involved.
  • Zachos, Pavlos K., et al. (författare)
  • A sub-idle compressor characteristic generation method with enhanced physical background
  • 2011
  • Ingår i: Journal of engineering for gas turbines and power. - : ASME International. - 0742-4795 .- 1528-8919. ; 133:8
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Sub-idle is a very challenging operating region as the performance of a gas turbineengine changes significantly compared with design conditions. In addition, the regulationsfor new and existing engines are becoming stricter and the prediction of enginerelight capability is essential. In order to predict the performance of an engine, detailedcomponent maps are required. The data obtained from rig tests are insufficient at lowspeeds, creating the need for generation of maps within the sub-idle regime. The first steptoward this direction is the use of an extrapolation process. This is a purely mathematicalprocess and the results are not usually of sufficient accuracy. In addition, this methoddoes not provide any insight on the physical phenomena governing the operation of thecompressor at low speeds. The accuracy of the resulting compressor map can be increasedwith a better low speed region definition; this can be achieved via the thoroughstudy of a locked rotor compressor, enabling the derivation of the zero rotational speedline and allowing an interpolation process for the generation of the low speed part of thecharacteristic. In this work, an enhanced sub-idle compressor map generation techniqueis proposed. The suggested methodology enables the generation of characteristics at faroff-design conditions with enhanced physical background. Alternative parameters formap representation are also introduced. Provided that the all the blade rows of thecompressor are of known geometry, a numerical analysis is used for the calculation of thecharacteristic of the half stage and a stage stacking method is employed to create theentire compressor characteristic. This way, the sub-idle region of the map can be calculatedthrough interpolation, which provides a more accurate and predictive technique.Application of the method for compressor map generation showed that the proposedinterpolation approach is robust and capable of enhancing any performance simulationtool used for the prediction of transient altitude relight or ground-starting maneuvers.
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