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Sökning: WFRF:(Sparrman Anna 1965 )

  • Resultat 1-10 av 84
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  • Gyberg, Per, 1971-, et al. (författare)
  • Verklighets­frånvänd mål­styrningsmodell
  • 2022
  • Ingår i: Universitetsläraren. - Stockholm, Sweden : Sveriges Universitetslärarförbund. - 0282-4973.
  • Tidskriftsartikel (populärvet., debatt m.m.)
  • Lindgren, Anne-Li, 1965-, et al. (författare)
  • Blogging Family-like Relations when visiting Theme and Amusement Parks : The Use of Children in Displays Online
  • 2014
  • Ingår i: Culture Unbound. - : Linköping University Electronic Press. - 2000-1525. ; 6:55, s. 997-1013
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • This paper combines sociological perspectives on family display, internet studies on family and private photography and a child studies perspective on the display of children. The paper proposes that blogging practices related to visits to theme and amusement parks in Sweden provide a new arena for people to displayfami-ly-like relationships. In the different displays,adults mainly use pictures of chil-dren in the blogs to demonstratetheir ability to perform family-likerelationships. The paper suggests that thisform of child-centred display,a visualized child-centredness, done during the park visit as well as in the blogging, is part of the construction of contemporary childhoods and what it means to be a child today and has not been theorized in earlier research on the display of family-like rela-tions.
  • Lindgren, Anne-Li, 1965-, et al. (författare)
  • Enacting (real) fiction : Materializing childhoods in a theme park
  • 2015
  • Ingår i: Childhood. - : Routledge. - 0907-5682 .- 1461-7013. ; 22:2, s. 171-186
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Even though fiction and fantasy are fundamental to how childhoods today are understood, thisis a topic that is seldom explored either theoretically or academically. We address the questionof how the relationship between material real and fictive real can be understood in new ways incontemporary society. We suggest that fiction can be understood in other ways than the hithertodichotomized approaches to it, and our aim is to focus on the hybridity that is created throughthe interconnecting word and, as in fiction and childhood and material real and fictive real. Thisarticle explores how fiction can be understood as hybrid and interrelated rather than a pure andseparate phenomenon, and in particular how materiality as something real and fiction as realmingle. This article introduces ways to talk about the fictive real as realunreality and highlightsthe drawbacks that might stem from these concepts since in several ways they re-enact childhoodinnocence and nostalgia, as well as negative differences between childhood and adulthood, wheredifferent childhoods share a subordinate position in society.
  • Lindgren, Anne-Li, 1965-, et al. (författare)
  • Film i klassrummet reser välfärdsfrågor
  • 2005
  • Ingår i: Locus. - 1100-3197. ; 3-4, s. 14-25
  • Tidskriftsartikel (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Vad händer när unga ser film i skolan? I denna artikel redgör författarna för innehållet i de diskussioner tonåringar förde efter att ha sett filmerna Lilya 4-ever, Ondskan och Om en pojke. I samtalen lyftes bland annat frågor om välfärdspolitik. Författarna menar att populärkultur inte bör betraktas som "skräp" eller "bara" underhållning eftersom man då missar en viktig del av barns och ungas meningsskapande.
  • Lindgren, Anne-Li, 1965-, et al. (författare)
  • From Instruction to Reflection : Film in Education in Sweden
  • 2012
  • Ingår i: Research in media education. - New York : Nova Science Publishers, Inc.. - 9781612096438 ; , s. 151-174
  • Bokkapitel (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Today, people know what is happening around them through radio, television, newspapers and the like. With the advance of the telecommunication technology, people are now also familiar with the use of personal computers, the Internet and so on. The mass media is now regarded as essential for keeping people up to date with the world around them. In view of this, the innovation of a new curriculum, media education or the study of the mass media, has been recommended. This book examines the prevailing perspectives regarding media education in different countries around the world and what kinds of research is being conducted in the field of media education.
  • Lindgren, Anne-Li, 1965-, et al. (författare)
  • Om att bli dokumenterad. Etiska aspekter på förskolans arbete med dokumentation
  • 2003
  • Ingår i: Pedagogisk forskning i Sverige. - 1401-6788 .- 2001-3345. ; 1-2, s. 59-70
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • I dagens förskola har dokumentation fått en prioriterad position som arbetsmetod. Hur dokumentation ska gå till och vad den kan användas till finns det relativt utförliga instruktioner om, däremot saknas etiska diskussioner omkring vad dokumentation innebär för de barn som blir dokumenterade. Arbetsmetoden beskrivs ur ett vuxenperspektiv och vi argumenterar här för varför det är angeläget att föra in ett etiskt tänkande i förhållande till de barn som dokumenteras. Barn som dokumenteras bör ges samma skydd som exempelvis forskare erbjuder de barn de beforskar.
  • Lindgren, Anne-Li, 1965-, et al. (författare)
  • Young people co-construct meanings of welfare and responsibility in film-talk
  • 2008
  • Ingår i: Abstracts. Communication Policies and Culture in Europe. - Barcelona. - 9788449025693 ; , s. 230-231
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • This present paper takes its staring point in School-Cinema programmes in Sweden. Such programmes aim at using popular culture as an educational tool, as a part of learning processes and as learning sites (Ashcraft, 2003; Buckingham, 1998; 2000a; 2000b; Buckingham & Sefton-Green, 1994; Duncan-Andrade 2004). The films within School-Cinema programmes are commercial films and seldom singled out as specific films for children or youth. Moreover, the films are selected by public institutions such as the Swedish Film Institute and schools (Sparrman & Eriksson 2005). As this indicates, School-Cinema programmes transgress traditional borders of commercial- and educational films (Lindgren, Sparrman & Erikson, 2005). A standard procedure in School-Cinema programmes is that pupils watch films at a theatre and then meet in class-room discussions about the films, even though other forms of follow up activities can be initiated. The paper presents data collected in a media ethnographic fieldwork conducted in the autumn 2003 around two films concerning political and societal issues: The Evil (2003) treats penalism at a boarding school in the 1950s and Lilya 4-ever (2002) treats sex trafficking in women and children (Sparrman & Eriksson, 2005). The school-framing of Lilya 4-ever was to discuss trafficking in women and children (cf. Sparrman 2007; Eriksson, forthcoming), and The Evil was supposed to prompt talk about bullying. The films are fictional but both have strong connections to real life events; The Evil is based on an autobiographical book, and Lilya 4-ever is based on a real trafficking case that got a lot of attention in Sweden through a Swedish investigative news program 2000. Both films have been launched internationally, The Evil after its Oscar nomination and Lilya 4-ever by, among other things, being presented in the Russian Duma and The White House as a means to discuss trafficking in women and children. The aim in the present paper is to highlight different meanings young people create about welfare and responsibility when discussing popular films in joint discursive activities. The analytical framework is critical discourse analysis (cf. Fairclough, 1992; 2003) in an educational context. Moreover, the focus is on the participating pupils' meaning constructions and not on teachers' role in knowledge production (cf. Sparrman 2007). By analysing the talk-in-interaction it is possible to understand how young people co-construct meanings concerning important contemporary issues such as welfare and agency. Three topics will be addressed in the paper, all emanating from pupils’ film-talk: Discourses on sameness and difference, Discourses on solutions and Discourses of responsibility. The paper will end with a discussion film-talk about visual popular culture, learning and young peoples political engagement in relation to film-talk.
  • Orrmalm, Alex, 1986- (författare)
  • Babies’ engagements with everyday things : An ethnographic study of materiality, movement and participation
  • 2021
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This thesis explores how babies (1-18 months old) engage with material things in their everyday lives. The aim is to contribute with theoretical and empirical insights into babies own practices around material things and how attending to these practices can lead to reflections on participation, material culture and everyday space. The empirical material is collected through video ethnographic fieldwork in the homes of seven babies and their families. The empirical material has been analysed through combining cultural analysis with the analytical approach ‘thinking with theory’. The thesis shows that sensoriality and movement is important for understanding babies own engagements with things and that these engagements are not limited to things given to, or intended for, them. Babies also shape the everyday spaces of the families through their movements of things in their homes. The analyses also show that focusing on sensoriality and movement in the meeting between babies and the researcher is a promising contribution to discussions concerning participatory research and ethnographic method. The thesis is theoretically situated within the field of child- and childhood studies. 
  • Samuelsson, Tobias, et al. (författare)
  • The Active, Competent Child, Capable of Autonomous Action : An inherent quality or the outcome of a research process?
  • 2015
  • Ingår i: AnthropoChildren. - 2034-8517. ; :5, s. 1-19
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • RésuméL’enfant actif, compétent et capable d’autonomie : qualité intrinsèque ou résultat d’un processus de recherche ? Nous proposons dans le présent article d’explorer comment la conception de l’enfant actif, compétent et capable d’autonomie dans ses actions peut être interprétée à la lueur des choix méthodologiques effectués, lesquels exercent une influence directe sur les conclusions de recherche en situation d’observation participante. L’idée sous-jacente à cette étude est d’examiner ce que l’observation participante de type ethnographique peut nous apprendre sur la culture enfantine. Les choix méthodologiques ainsi que la façon dont les chercheurs abordent leur domaine de spécialité sont loin d’être neutres. De plus, ces mêmes choix méthodologiques actualisent en quelque sorte la réalité du sujet à l’étude. Notre article met en évidence la façon dont l’intersection des grandes lignes méthodologiques d’un projet de recherche, de l’approche privilégiée et des interactions chercheur-participant lors de l’étude conditionne la notion-même d’enfant actif, compétent et capable d’agir de manière autonome dans le domaine de la culture enfantine. À partir de l’analyse détaillée d’une étude de cas, nous envisagerons ce que les méthodologies de recherche en général et l’observation participante en particulier nous apprennent sur la conduite d’une recherche.
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tidskriftsartikel (29)
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Typ av innehåll
övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt (39)
refereegranskat (36)
populärvet., debatt m.m. (9)
Sparrman, Anna, 1965 ... (80)
Lindgren, Anne-Li, 1 ... (11)
Eriksson Barajas, Ka ... (7)
Cardell, David (6)
Aarsand, Pål (3)
Evaldsson, Ann-Carit ... (3)
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Cromdal, Jakob, 1969 ... (3)
Annerbäck, Johanna, ... (3)
Samuelsson, Tobias (3)
Aronsson, Karin, 194 ... (2)
Adelswärd, Viveka (2)
Evaldsson, Ann-Carit ... (2)
Lind, Judith, 1971- (2)
Tesar, Marek (2)
Sandin, Bengt, 1949- (2)
Sjöberg, Johanna, 19 ... (2)
Josefsson, Jonathan, ... (2)
Aronsson, Karin (1)
Aarsand, Pål, 1970- (1)
Ågren, Ylva, 1977 (1)
Adelswärd, Viveka, 1 ... (1)
Samuelsson, Tobias, ... (1)
Storm, Anna (1)
Arndt, Sonja (1)
Anatoli, Olga, 1984- (1)
Anatoli Smith (Ivano ... (1)
Eriksson, Maria (1)
Gyberg, Per, 1971- (1)
Isaksson, Karin (1)
Sandin, Bengt (1)
Smith, Karen (1)
Eriksson, Katarina (1)
Baldini, Myung Hwa, ... (1)
Tiefenbacher, Rebeck ... (1)
Terzoglou, Effrosyni (1)
Strand, Joacim (1)
Hällqvist, Veronica (1)
Holmbom Strid, Emili ... (1)
Bodén, Linnea (1)
Gyberg, Per, Associa ... (1)
Rohracher, Harald, P ... (1)
Sparrman, Anna (1)
Kraftl, Peter (1)
Cromdal, Jakob, 1967 ... (1)
Adelswärd, Viveka, 1 ... (1)
Gustafsson, Johanna (1)
Janson, Malena (1)
Dahlqvist, Ulf (1)
Sjöblom, Björn (1)
Wasserman Westlin, I ... (1)
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Linköpings universitet (81)
Stockholms universitet (4)
Uppsala universitet (3)
Jönköping University (2)
Göteborgs universitet (1)
Engelska (50)
Svenska (34)
Forskningsämne (UKÄ/SCB)
Samhällsvetenskap (73)
Humaniora (12)


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