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Sökning: WFRF:(Wihlborg Elin 1970 )

  • Resultat 1-10 av 151
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  • Högberg, Karin, 1982-, et al. (författare)
  • The analogue disruption of digitalization : the Local bases of the hospitality industry in a Global economy
  • 2023
  • Ingår i: Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. - : IEEE Computer Society. - 9780998133164 ; , s. 3984-3993
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • There are vital challenges for organization undergoing digital transformation, especially those that rely more and more on the ever-evolving platform economy. The hotel industry faces key problems as they need to have the power to control and augment the value chain supported by an ongoing access to accurate data (such as online customer behavior). We discuss on a conceptual level how such disruptive economic changes appear in the analogue and physical practice, at place in hotel organisations. We explore the practice of analogue disruption as it emerges as struggles and discontinuities that may not bring the expected flow of value to the business. This paper aims to examine how analogue disruptions takes place due to the ongoing digitalization in the hotel sector through the platform economy. We here apply a qualitative analysis with interpretative methodologies, that will open for further knowledge and insights on the analogue disruption of digital transformation. © 2023 IEEE Computer Society. All rights reserved.
  • Algotson, Albin, 1992- (författare)
  • Entreprenöriell förvaltning : Om den lokala utvecklingspolitikens förvaltningslogik
  • 2022
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This thesis aims to deepen the understanding of entrepreneurship as an ideal and practice in local government administration. Organization, practices and the roles of civil servants in public administration are all grounded in certain ideals of what a modern public administration should look like. In order to capture the relationship between ideals and practices in local government administration, this introductory essay takes its point of departure in an institutional logic perspective.Entrepreneurial practices are well documented in a public administration context. Both civil servants and organizations can be more or less creative, alert and energetic, in other words more or less entrepreneurial. However, practices such as these are often understood to derive from the motives, driving forces and extraordinary characteristics of the specific actor. By contrast, this thesis aims to contribute to the literature on public administrative trends and reforms, by discussing entrepreneurship in terms of institutionalized ideals and patterns of action, i.e., institutional logics.The analysis is based on empirical studies of local development work in ten Swedish municipalities. The research design is grounded in an interpretative ethnographic approach and the development projects in each of the municipalities were closely followed for three years. Local development work is studied as a policy field where entrepreneurial ideals and practices are likely to arise, making it a suitable subject for studies that aim to deepen the theoretical understanding of entrepreneurship in a public administration context.The thesis demonstrates how an entrepreneurial logic is institutionalized in local government development work and embedded in governance and administrative practices as a natural consequence of certain contemporary reforms and trends in local policy and administration.Through ethnographic studies of local development work, the ideals and practices of the entrepreneurial logic are made visible. The entrepreneurial logic is contrasted to the still prevalent and institutionalized bureaucratic- rational administrative logic. These two logics are in many respects the logical opposite of one another and provide different answers to the question of which administrative practices are appropriate.The thesis makes three contributions to different theoretical discussions. First, the clarification of the entrepreneurial logic helps both researchers and practitioners make sense of and bring conceptual order to the messy practices of local development work.Second, the entrepreneurial logic expands the concept of entrepreneurship in a public sector context by viewing entrepreneurship as an institutional phenomenon rather than a phenomenon that represents a break from traditional institutions.Third, the entrepreneurial logic sheds light on institutionalized administrative ideals and practices that potentially imply major changes in public administration legitimacy, values and norms.
  • Andréasson, Ester, 1982-, et al. (författare)
  • The Paradox of Community Informatics in the Health Care Sector
  • 2010
  • Ingår i: Vision and Reality in Community Informatics.. - 9780958105880
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Local health care centres (publicly funded primary health care) play an important role for most people. This is where the citizens are most likely to have their first contact with the health care system if they get ill or injured; this is where different groups of chronics go to do their routine check ups and where elderly citizens get qualified medical care. The health care centres also often include a child health centre, where parents regularly bring their small children so that the medical staff can give insurance that the children are growing and developing the way they should. The health care centres are an important part of the infrastructure in communities. In small villages, the staff is also quite familiar with the patients they give service to. Recently most local health care centres have improved their use of informatics for administration and patient contacts. Our field studies of community health care centres concern the use of a new electronic system for patient’s medical records in a health care organisation. This ICT solution brings that the medical records are now tied to the patient, rather than to a specific health care unit. This means that the patient’s medical records are always available for the staff at any of the units within the health care organisation. Thereby, the staff at a local health care centre has faster and more complete access to medical information than before, which means that they can be more efficient and professional in care giving and contribute better. Our results indicate that the new electronic medical records makes physical place less important in order to give qualitative care, while they at the same time strengthens the health care centres central role in the community. An indication is that there is a potential for even more empowerment of the local community and people’s connectedness to the community. The concluding impression is that community informatics in the health care sector is characterized by a paradox. It works in different directions at the same time: It expands the community in the sense that the flow of medical information increase, but at the same time it strengthens the community as a physical place since the health care centres gets an even stronger role. The aim of this paper is to verify this paradox from a Swedish case study and discuss its general and even global implications on community informatics in the health care sector. The preliminary conclusion is that small communities still can become empowered by the use of new health care informatics.  
  • Assmo, Per, et al. (författare)
  • An Alternative View of Integrated Sustainable Development Through a Time-Spatial Lens
  • 2012
  • Ingår i: OIDA International Journal of Sustainable Development. - : Ontario International Development Agency. - 1923-6654 .- 1923-6662. ; 3:12, s. 87-96
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The conventional monetary market oriented economic view of development is the dominant approach of development, despite its shortcomings and inability to include social and environmental aspects into long term processes of change. Essential values are often concealed or even excluded in conventional monetary analyses, which are fundamental for integrated sustainable livelihoods.Using a time-spatial perspective, building on Hägerstrand’s time-geography, this article aims to elaborate upon an alternative conceptual development approach. The time-spatial model open for an alternative constructive approach to analyze and physically anchoring socio-economic and ecological processes extended over time. Such a view thereby contrasts and reaches beyond the conventional monetary market growth strategy.Combining the conceptual discussion with empirical illustrations from rural livelihoods in Sweden, the article highlight new alternative political-economic analytical tools and strategies to achieve sustainable sound integrated socio-, economic-, and ecological development processes.
  • Assmo, Per, 1964-, et al. (författare)
  • En annan kommunal ekonomi : om andra sätt att värdera lokala resurser och aktiviteter : bilder från Ydre kommun
  • 2014
  • Bok (populärvet., debatt m.m.)abstract
    • Med denna bok vill vi vidga perspektiven och visa på möjligheter att se kommunal ekonomi i ett bredare perspektiv och söka en annan kommunal ekonomi. Vi vill visa att det i en landsbygdskommun och dess bygder finns och används mer resurser för att skapa välfärd och ett gott liv än det som i dag räknas och därmed syns i den kommunala ekonomin där man räknar kronor och ören. Genom att vända och utveckla perspektiven kring ekonomi vill vi peka på behovet av att se och synliggöra fler resurser som gör att resurshushållning utifrån lokala förutsättningar bidrar till en integrerad och hållbar utveckling för landsbygden.
  • Assmo, Per, 1964-, et al. (författare)
  • Local Alternative Development through a Time-Spatial Lens : A Case Study of Ydre Inspired by Hägerstrand
  • 2013
  • Ingår i: Entrepreneurship, Social Capital and Governance. - : Edward Elgar Publishing. - 9781781002834 - 1781002835 ; , s. 378-391
  • Bokkapitel (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This book highlights the role of entrepreneurship, social capital and governance for regional economic development. In recent decades, many researchers have claimed that entrepreneurship is the most critical factor in sustaining regional economic growth. However, most entrepreneurship research is undertaken without considering the fundamental importance of the regional context. Other research has emphasized the role of social capital but there are substantial problems in empirically relating measures of social capital to regional economic development.The expert contributors to this work highlight the role of governance in regional growth, an area that has so far been relatively under-researched, underpinning their findings with new theoretical and empirical evidence. They conclude that the relationship between entrepreneurship, social capital and governance in factors affecting regional economic development are complex and interdependent, and that to influence these factors and the relationship between them, policymakers must have a long-term perspective and be both patient and persistent in their efforts.This enlightening book will be of great interest to academics, students and researchers across a range of fields including regional science, regional economics, economic geography, regional planning, public policy, entrepreneurship, political science and economic sociology. Policymakers involved in regional policymaking from national down to regional and local levels will also find the book to be an illuminating read.
  • Assmo, Per, 1964-, et al. (författare)
  • Local Policy Entrepreneurs and Sustainable Development in Rural Areas
  • 2015
  • Ingår i: Regional development in an international context. - Trollhättan : Högskolan Väst. ; , s. 59-74
  • Konferensbidrag (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • A popular trend in today’s development debate is to highlight arguments favouring local production, local entrepreneurship, or the importance of buying local. But what do we actually mean when we talk about the term “local”. Similar to other popular development terms, the concept “local” seems to be used in a wide variety of meanings and interpretations. Furthermore, the term “local” is also often connected as an important component in the perhaps even more vague argumentations for sustainable development.        The conventional view of development, based on economic growth, promotes expansion in space and compression in time – a global market economy. This dominant technical-economic approach largely use general technological and institutional policies and solutions more suitable for urban large-scale structures. Such structures and policies thereby tend to hamper what often is seen as local development.Initially, the article discusses the term “local” using a geographical time-spatial conceptual approach. With the use of empirical field studies focusing on rural local development in Sweden, the article thereafter apply the approach in an analytical framework to clarify and identify the meaning(s) of the term local, and identify the possibilities and constraints of processes of change in time and space – e.g. local development. In so doing, the time-spatial approach provide a possibility to identify the potential for alternative interwoven applicable local policy instruments and strategies.
  • Assmo, Per, 1964-, et al. (författare)
  • Political entrepreneurship and sustainable growth in rural areas
  • 2016
  • Ingår i: Political Entrepreneurship. - : Edward Elgar Publishing. - 9781785363498 - 9781785363504 ; , s. 83-98
  • Bokkapitel (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Political entrepreneurs in local rural settings play a partly different, but still crucial role for local development. Here the prospects for development are more constrained: there are fewer resources and people, but mainly because of a limited local market and transportation constraints. Thus, political entrepreneurs have to use specific time-spatial power strategies to make changes. However, the concept of political entrepreneur includes a variety of roles, actions and characteristics. We will thus elaborate on the meaning of political entrepreneurs in their local time-spatial setting of rural communities. If local political entrepreneurs are to become crucial actors in policy-making and local development, we have to get to know them and no longer consider them as anomalies in the policy process and use them for improved local development. This chapter contributes in three ways to the general aim of the book to show the role that the political entrepreneur might play in promoting entrepreneurship, enterprise and entrepreneurial diversity. First, we will show the importance of the time-spatial setting of the political entrepreneur by using a time-geographical approach. Second, we elaborate on different types of political entrepreneurs. Finally, we will show how differently political entrepreneurs can promote local development by presenting three illustrations based on extensive bottom-up qualitative field studies.
  • Assmo, Per, 1964-, et al. (författare)
  • Public Services Choices When There Are No Alternatives? : A Paradox of New Public Management in Rural Areas
  • 2012
  • Ingår i: Journal of Rural and Community Development. - 1712-8277. ; 7:2, s. 1-17
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • There is a common decrease in services in rural areas around the world. This is not at least the case regarding public services, since the decreasing population also decreases the resources available for local public services. The aim of this article is to critically analyse challenges of New Public Management in a rural area community in Sweden to discuss the complex double management role (as employer and as service provider) of the rural municipality. The core of NPM is based on a private sector ethos and is thus also heavily influenced by corporate sector techniques and management. In this paradigm cost effectiveness and efficiency become the dominant considerations for how the state is run. It becomes even more problematic in rural areas without a critical mass of customers (former citizens) and additional costs for transportation. This is illustrated by a discussion of local schools. The analysis shows that even non-monetary resources should be taken into account to reach legitimate policy changes in rural communities. This opens for a creative discussion on time-spatial localized policy-making including extending the interpretations of local resources. 
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övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt (99)
refereegranskat (46)
populärvet., debatt m.m. (6)
Wihlborg, Elin, 1970 ... (137)
Wihlborg, Elin, Prof ... (14)
Assmo, Per, 1964- (10)
Palm, Jenny, 1973- (9)
Skill, Karin, 1974 (8)
Bernhard, Iréne, 195 ... (7)
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Assmo, Per (6)
Iacobaeus, Helena, 1 ... (5)
Sefyrin, Johanna, 19 ... (5)
Nordqvist, Cecilia, ... (4)
Tillmar, Malin (3)
Axelsson, Karin, 196 ... (3)
Ramsell, Elina, 1981 ... (2)
Ellegård, Kajsa, 195 ... (2)
Palm, Jenny (2)
Hedström, Karin, 196 ... (2)
Sommar, Carl-Johan, ... (2)
Sommar, Carl-Johan (2)
Högberg, Karin, 1982 ... (2)
Melin, Ulf, 1968- (2)
Söderholm, Kristina, ... (2)
Nählinder, Johanna (2)
Gustafsson, Mariana, ... (2)
Karlsson, Fredrik (1)
Strandberg, Urban, 1 ... (1)
Lundh Snis, Ulrika, ... (1)
Elg, Mattias, 1968- (1)
Söderholm, Patrik (1)
Denk, Thomas (1)
Oskarsson, Sven, Pro ... (1)
Rönnberg, Linda, 197 ... (1)
Svensson, Lars, 1963 ... (1)
Algotson, Albin, 199 ... (1)
Syssner, Josefina, B ... (1)
Granberg, Mikael, Pr ... (1)
Pilemalm, Sofie, Pro ... (1)
Hedström, Karin (1)
Ellegård, Kajsa (1)
Hjerpe, Mattias, 197 ... (1)
Glaas, Erik, 1981- (1)
Öhrvall, Richard, 19 ... (1)
Andréasson, Ester, 1 ... (1)
Gustafsson, Mariana ... (1)
Söderström, Fredrik (1)
Hansson, Lisa (1)
Jansson, Per (1)
Lindgren, Ida, 1980- (1)
Ottosson, Mikael, 19 ... (1)
Eriksson, Malin (1)
Söderholm, Kristina (1)
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