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Sökning: hsv:(NATURAL SCIENCES) hsv:(Computer and Information Sciences) hsv:(Computer Vision and Robotics)

  • Resultat 1-10 av 4066
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  • Chatterjee, Bapi, 1982 (författare)
  • Lock-free Concurrent Search
  • 2017
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The contemporary computers typically consist of multiple computing cores with high compute power. Such computers make excellent concurrent asynchronous shared memory system. On the other hand, though many celebrated books on data structure and algorithm provide a comprehensive study of sequential search data structures, unfortunately, we do not have such a luxury if concurrency comes in the setting. The present dissertation aims to address this paucity. We describe novel lock-free algorithms for concurrent data structures that target a variety of search problems. (i) Point search (membership query, predecessor query, nearest neighbour query) for 1-dimensional data: Lock-free linked-list; lock-free internal and external binary search trees (BST). (ii) Range search for 1-dimensional data: A range search method for lock-free ordered set data structures - linked-list, skip-list and BST. (iii) Point search for multi-dimensional data: Lock-free kD-tree, specially, a generic method for nearest neighbour search. We prove that the presented algorithms are linearizable i.e. the concurrent data structure operations intuitively display their sequential behaviour to an observer of the concurrent system. The lock-freedom in the introduced algorithms guarantee overall progress in an asynchronous shared memory system. We present the amortized analysis of lock-free data structures to show their efficiency. Moreover, we provide sample implementations of the algorithms and test them over extensive micro-benchmarks. Our experiments demonstrate that the implementations are scalable and perform well when compared to related existing alternative implementations on common multi-core computers. Our focus is on propounding the generic methodologies for efficient lock-free concurrent search. In this direction, we present the notion of help-optimality, which captures the optimization of amortized step complexity of the operations. In addition to that, we explore the language-portable design of lock-free data structures that aims to simplify an implementation from programmer’s point of view. Finally, our techniques to implement lock-free linearizable range search and nearest neighbour search are independent of the underlying data structures and thus are adaptive to similar data structures.
  • Yun, Yixiao, 1987, et al. (författare)
  • Maximum-Likelihood Object Tracking from Multi-View Video by Combining Homography and Epipolar Constraints
  • 2012
  • Ingår i: 6th ACM/IEEE Int'l Conf on Distributed Smart Cameras (ICDSC 12), Oct 30 - Nov.2, 2012, Hong Kong. - 9781450317726 ; , s. 6 pages-
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • This paper addresses problem of object tracking in occlusion scenarios, where multiple uncalibrated cameras with overlapping fields of view are used. We propose a novel method where tracking is first done independently for each view and then tracking results are mapped between each pair of views to improve the tracking in individual views, under the assumptions that objects are not occluded in all views and move uprightly on a planar ground which may induce a homography relation between each pair of views. The tracking results are mapped by jointly exploiting the geometric constraints of homography, epipolar and vertical vanishing point. Main contributions of this paper include: (a) formulate a reference model of multi-view object appearance using region covariance for each view; (b) define a likelihood measure based on geodesics on a Riemannian manifold that is consistent with the destination view by mapping both the estimated positions and appearances of tracked object from other views; (c) locate object in each individual view based on maximum likelihood criterion from multi-view estimations of object position. Experiments have been conducted on videos from multiple uncalibrated cameras, where targets experience long-term partial or full occlusions. Comparison with two existing methods and performance evaluations are also made. Test results have shown effectiveness of the proposed method in terms of robustness against tracking drifts caused by occlusions.
  • Liu, Yuanhua, 1971, et al. (författare)
  • Considering the importance of user profiles in interface design
  • 2009
  • Ingår i: User Interfaces. ; , s. 23-
  • Bokkapitel (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • User profile is a popular term widely employed during product design processes by industrial companies. Such a profile is normally intended to represent real users of a product. The ultimate purpose of a user profile is actually to help designers to recognize or learn about the real user by presenting them with a description of a real user’s attributes, for instance; the user’s gender, age, educational level, attitude, technical needs and skill level. The aim of this chapter is to provide information on the current knowledge and research about user profile issues, as well as to emphasize the importance of considering these issues in interface design. In this chapter, we mainly focus on how users’ difference in expertise affects their performance or activity in various interaction contexts. Considering the complex interaction situations in practice, novice and expert users’ interactions with medical user interfaces of different technical complexity will be analyzed as examples: one focuses on novice and expert users’ difference when interacting with simple medical interfaces, and the other focuses on differences when interacting with complex medical interfaces. Four issues will be analyzed and discussed: (1) how novice and expert users differ in terms of performance during the interaction; (2) how novice and expert users differ in the perspective of cognitive mental models during the interaction; (3) how novice and expert users should be defined in practice; and (4) what are the main differences between novice and expert users’ implications for interface design. Besides describing the effect of users’ expertise difference during the interface design process, we will also pinpoint some potential problems for the research on interface design, as well as some future challenges that academic researchers and industrial engineers should face in practice.
  • Rumman, Nadine Abu, et al. (författare)
  • Skin deformation methods for interactive character animation
  • 2017
  • Ingår i: Communications in Computer and Information Science. - Cham : Springer International Publishing. - 1865-0937 .- 1865-0929. ; 693, s. 153-174, s. 153-174
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Character animation is a vital component of contemporary computer games, animated feature films and virtual reality applications. The problem of creating appealing character animation can best be described by the title of the animation bible: “The Illusion of Life”. The focus is not on completing a given motion task, but more importantly on how this motion task is performed by the character. This does not necessarily require realistic behavior, but behavior that is believable. This of course includes the skin deformations when the character is moving. In this paper, we focus on the existing research in the area of skin deformation, ranging from skeleton-based deformation and volume preserving techniques to physically based skinning methods. We also summarize the recent contributions in deformable and soft body simulations for articulated characters, and discuss various geometric and example-based approaches. © Springer International Publishing AG 2017.
  • Norlund, Tobias, 1991, et al. (författare)
  • Transferring Knowledge from Vision to Language: How to Achieve it and how to Measure it?
  • 2021
  • Ingår i: Proceedings of the Fourth BlackboxNLP Workshop on Analyzing and Interpreting Neural Networks for NLP, pp. 149-162, Punta Cana, Dominican Republic. - : Association for Computational Linguistics.
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Large language models are known to suffer from the hallucination problem in that they are prone to output statements that are false or inconsistent, indicating a lack of knowledge. A proposed solution to this is to provide the model with additional data modalities that complements the knowledge obtained through text. We investigate the use of visual data to complement the knowledge of large language models by proposing a method for evaluating visual knowledge transfer to text for uni- or multimodal language models. The method is based on two steps, 1) a novel task querying for knowledge of memory colors, i.e. typical colors of well-known objects, and 2) filtering of model training data to clearly separate knowledge contributions. Additionally, we introduce a model architecture that involves a visual imagination step and evaluate it with our proposed method. We find that our method can successfully be used to measure visual knowledge transfer capabilities in models and that our novel model architecture shows promising results for leveraging multimodal knowledge in a unimodal setting.
  • Lindén, Joakim, et al. (författare)
  • Evaluating the Robustness of ML Models to Out-of-Distribution Data Through Similarity Analysis
  • 2023
  • Ingår i: Commun. Comput. Info. Sci.. - : Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH. - 9783031429408 ; , s. 348-359, s. 348-359
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • In Machine Learning systems, several factors impact the performance of a trained model. The most important ones include model architecture, the amount of training time, the dataset size and diversity. We present a method for analyzing datasets from a use-case scenario perspective, detecting and quantifying out-of-distribution (OOD) data on dataset level. Our main contribution is the novel use of similarity metrics for the evaluation of the robustness of a model by introducing relative Fréchet Inception Distance (FID) and relative Kernel Inception Distance (KID) measures. These relative measures are relative to a baseline in-distribution dataset and are used to estimate how the model will perform on OOD data (i.e. estimate the model accuracy drop). We find a correlation between our proposed relative FID/relative KID measure and the drop in Average Precision (AP) accuracy on unseen data.
  • Gu, Irene Yu-Hua, 1953, et al. (författare)
  • Grassmann Manifold Online Learning and Partial Occlusion Handling for Visual Object Tracking under Bayesian Formulation
  • 2012
  • Ingår i: Proceedings - International Conference on Pattern Recognition. - 1051-4651. - 9784990644109 ; , s. 1463-1466
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • This paper addresses issues of online learning and occlusion handling in video object tracking. Although manifold tracking is promising, large pose changes and long term partial occlusions of video objects remain challenging.We propose a novel manifold tracking scheme that tackles such problems, with the following main novelties: (a) Online estimation of object appearances on Grassmann manifolds; (b) Optimal criterion-based occlusion handling during online learning; (c) Nonlinear dynamic model for appearance basis matrix and its velocity; (b) Bayesian formulations separately for the tracking and the online learning process. Two particle filters are employed: one is on the manifold for generating appearance particles and another on the linear space for generating affine box particles. Tracking and online updating are performed in alternative fashion to mitigate the tracking drift. Experiments on videos have shown robust tracking performance especially when objects contain significantpose changes accompanied with long-term partial occlusions. Evaluations and comparisons with two existing methods provide further support to the proposed method.
  • Dobnik, Simon, 1977 (författare)
  • Coordinating spatial perspective in discourse
  • 2012
  • Ingår i: Proceedings of the Workshop on Vision and Language 2012 (VL'12): The 2nd Annual Meeting of the EPSRC Network on Vision and Language.
  • Konferensbidrag (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • We present results of an on-line data collection experiment where we investigate the assignment and coordination of spatial perspective between a pair of dialogue participants situated in a constrained virtual environment.
  • Suchan, Jakob, et al. (författare)
  • Commonsense Visual Sensemaking for Autonomous Driving : On Generalised Neurosymbolic Online Abduction Integrating Vision and Semantics
  • 2021
  • Ingår i: Artificial Intelligence. - : Elsevier. - 0004-3702 .- 1872-7921. ; 299
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • We demonstrate the need and potential of systematically integrated vision and semantics solutions for visual sensemaking in the backdrop of autonomous driving. A general neurosymbolic method for online visual sensemaking using answer set programming (ASP) is systematically formalised and fully implemented. The method integrates state of the art in visual computing, and is developed as a modular framework that is generally usable within hybrid architectures for realtime perception and control. We evaluate and demonstrate with community established benchmarks KITTIMOD, MOT-2017, and MOT-2020. As use-case, we focus on the significance of human-centred visual sensemaking —e.g., involving semantic representation and explainability, question-answering, commonsense interpolation— in safety-critical autonomous driving situations. The developed neurosymbolic framework is domain-independent, with the case of autonomous driving designed to serve as an exemplar for online visual sensemaking in diverse cognitive interaction settings in the backdrop of select human-centred AI technology design considerations.
  • Somanath, Sanjay, 1994, et al. (författare)
  • Towards Urban Digital Twins: A Workflow for Procedural Visualization Using Geospatial Data
  • 2024
  • Ingår i: Remote Sensing. - 2072-4292. ; 16:11
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • A key feature for urban digital twins (DTs) is an automatically generated detailed 3D representation of the built and unbuilt environment from aerial imagery, footprints, LiDAR, or a fusion of these. Such 3D models have applications in architecture, civil engineering, urban planning, construction, real estate, Geographical Information Systems (GIS), and many other areas. While the visualization of large-scale data in conjunction with the generated 3D models is often a recurring and resource-intensive task, an automated workflow is complex, requiring many steps to achieve a high-quality visualization. Methods for building reconstruction approaches have come a long way, from previously manual approaches to semi-automatic or automatic approaches. This paper aims to complement existing methods of 3D building generation. First, we present a literature review covering different options for procedural context generation and visualization methods, focusing on workflows and data pipelines. Next, we present a semi-automated workflow that extends the building reconstruction pipeline to include procedural context generation using Python and Unreal Engine. Finally, we propose a workflow for integrating various types of large-scale urban analysis data for visualization. We conclude with a series of challenges faced in achieving such pipelines and the limitations of the current approach. However, the steps for a complete, end-to-end solution involve further developing robust systems for building detection, rooftop recognition, and geometry generation and importing and visualizing data in the same 3D environment, highlighting a need for further research and development in this field.
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