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Sökning: L4X0:1654 2029

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  • Blomqvist, Suzanne, 1957- (författare)
  • Kompetensutnyttjande i mångprofessionella psykiatriska team
  • 2009
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • I vårdverksamhet för patienter med komplexa vårdbehov är teamarbete en vanlig arbetsform. I forskning om mångprofessionellt teamarbete i vården beskrivs fördelar med organisationsformen, samtidigt som svårigheter påtalas somden mångprofessionella sammansättningen kan medföra. Inom forskningen har man dock i liten utsträckning undersökthuruvida de patientinsatser som görs av mångprofessionella vårdteam verkligen präglas av teamens breda kompetens. Manredovisar heller någon övergripande teoretisk modell som beskriver faktorer betydelsefulla för utfallet av vårdteams arbete ibemärkelsen mångdimensionalitet.Syftet med detta arbete har varit att undersöka i vilken utsträckning patientarbetet i mångprofessionella psykiatriska teampräglas av teamets samlade kompetens, samt på vilket sätt de olika professionerna bidrar till grad av mångdimensionalitet ipatientarbetet. Ett syfte har också varit att undersökta vad som kan vara viktiga påverkansfaktorer för utnyttjandet av densamlade kompetensen i psykiatriska team.Två empiriska studier har genomförts. Den första studien syftade till att ge en bild av grad av mångdimensionalitet ipatientarbetet, samt av på vilket sätt de olika professionerna bidrar med sin kompetens. I denna studie observeradesvuxenpsykiatriska teams arbete under behandlingskonferens. Resultatet av observationsstudien visade att de studeradeteamen hade svårigheter att under hela diskussionen belysa patienterna på ett mångsidigt sätt – diskussionen dominerades avdet sociala perspektivet. Till denna dominans av det sociala perspektivet bidrog alla professionerna. Resultatet pekade ävenpå ett underutnyttjande främst av omvårdnadspersonalen men även av kuratorerna under behandlingskonferens. Vidarevisade resultatet att en mycket stor del av diskussionsutrymmet ägnades åt att beskriva patienten och en mycket liten del åtanalys- och beslutsprocessen. Till dominansen av det beskrivande momentet bidrog alla professionerna.Den andra studien syftade till att belysa vad som kan vara viktiga påverkansfaktorer för huruvida patientarbetet ipsykiatriska team får en mångdimensionell prägel. I denna studie intervjuades personal från psykiatrin, och utgångspunkt förintervjuerna var resultatet från observationsstudien. De förklaringar intervjugrupperna lämnade till det sociala perspektivetsdominans och till dominansen av det beskrivande momentet handlade om behov hos medlemmar i psykiatriska team av attkänna sig delaktiga och jämlika, samt av att relationerna i teamet skall vara konfliktfria. Ett underutnyttjande avomvårdnadspersonal samt kuratorer förklarade man med ett hierarkiskt förhållande mellan medlemmar i psykiatriska team.Sammanfattningsvis kan sägas att resultatet av de två studierna pekar mot att relationella aspekter av teamarbetet samt etthierarkiskt förhållande mellan professionerna kan begränsa psykiatriska teams möjlighet till att under behandlingskonferensbelysa patientärenden på ett mångsidigt sätt, samt till fullo utnyttja teamets samlade kompetens.
  • Bolander, Eva, 1978- (författare)
  • Risk och bejakande : Sexualitet och genus i sexualupplysning och sexualundervisning i TV
  • 2009
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Denna studie undersöker hur sexualupplysning och sexualundervisning i TV producerar, reproducerar och utmanar föreställningar om sexualitet och genus. Det empiriska materialet består av tre programserier från Utbildningsradion samt två säsonger av Fråga Olle i Kanal 5. Programmen producerades och sändes mellan 1998 och 2004. De teoretiska utgångspunkterna utgörs av genus- och queerteori, där genus och sexualitet betraktas som producerade genom diskurs. Analysen visar hur programmen använder sig av två olika men sammanlänkade perspektiv. Det första är ett bejakande perspektiv där sexualitet presenteras på ett positivt sätt. Det andra är ett riskperspektiv, där faror och negativa aspekter av sexualiteten framhålls. Analysen visar vidare hur programmen bidrar till en rangordning av olika sexuella identiteter och praktiker, där somliga framstår som vanliga, naturliga och önskvärda, samtidigt som andra görs till annorlunda, onaturliga eller äckliga. Heterosexualitet och det heterosexuella vaginala samlaget innehar en normerande position genom att de är ständiga föremål för diskussion, men utan att namnges. Istället är det annorlunda eller oönskade sexuella identiteter och praktiker som benämns explicit, t. ex. problematiseras penetrerande analsex. Till skillnad från heterosexualitet namnges homosexualitet och görs till föremål för specifika program och programpunkter.
  • Bolldén, Karin, 1980- (författare)
  • Online teaching practices : Sociomaterial matters in higher education settings
  • 2015
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The aim of this study was to describe and analyse online teaching practices in the Swedish higher education context. The study had an online ethnographic approach and was based on empirical data on the teaching in two university courses. The study rested primarily on observational data but interviews and available documents also formed the basis for analysis. Empirical data were analysed with a perspective of practice theory – a perspective within a sociomaterial account. The results showed that online teaching was characterised by an embodied sociomaterial practice. The teacher’s body could be understood as both multiple and closely interwoven with technology. Furthermore, the teacher’s body was used in the teaching situation to reduce technological complexity but also, along with other forms of materiality, to prefigure what kind of teaching would take place. Teacher interventions in online environments could furthermore be understood as relational to both technology (that is the virtual material arrangement) and teachers’ doings and sayings (that is the teaching practice). Teacher interventions were aimed at making the arrangement intelligible for the students. The study showed that teacher interventions arranged both students and information and communication technology (ICT) in order to make them work as a teaching practice. The teaching practice that emerged was characterised as an interplay between virtual materiality and social practice, where asymmetricrelations between teachers and the ICT prevailed.
  • Bredlöv, Eleonor, 1982- (författare)
  • Shaped for beauty : Vocational and gendered subjectivities in private education for the beauty industry
  • 2018
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The aim of this thesis was to answer the question: How are vocational, gendered subjectivities produced in vocational education for the beauty industry? Drawing on Foucault and poststructural feminist theory, this question is answered in four papers, in which the material consists of beauty-school recruitment and marketing material, interviews with skin and spa therapy students and observations of practical skin and spa therapy training. These are educational arrangements that are closely bound to the economic sector of the beauty industry, and they have remained remarkably unexplored. Various aspects of subjectivity production are explored throughout these papers: Paper I shows how the potential beauty student is shaped through processes of responsibilising and individualising in recruitment; Paper II shows how a scientific and caring professional emerges; Paper III shows how students learn to adopt a critical gaze towards bodies; and Paper IV shows how students are produced as emotional workers and learners, taking Hochschild’s term “emotional labour” as a point of departure. The results show how (medical) scientific knowledge becomes a resource in the production of the skin and spa therapy professional, mobilising gender relations of power, and neglecting other types of skills and knowledge. However, relational and caring aspects of work and learning emerge in the study through the way in which wider discourses of femininity inform the ways in which students are produced as professionals.
  • Byström, Erica (författare)
  • Ett lärorikt arbete? : Möjligheter och hinder för undersköterskor att lära och utvecklas i sjukvårdsarbetet
  • 2013
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Avhandlingen, som är en kvalitativ studie, rör yrkesgruppen undersköterskor inom hälso- och sjukvården. Syftet med studien har varit att studera och bidra med ökad kunskap, dels om villkoren för lärande och kunskapsbildning i arbetslivet, dels mer specifikt om undersköterskors arbete, arbetsvillkor samt villkor för lärande och utveckling på arbetsplatsen.Avhandlingens teoretiska referensram utgår från tidigare forskning och teoribildning om arbetsrelaterat lärande som kunnat sammanfattas i en modell, i vilken fyra olika grupper av faktorer, som är betydelsefulla för lärande i och genom arbetet, beskrivs. De fyra är: 1) Arbetets och organisering 2) Formell och icke-formell utbildning 3) Sociala aspekter och 4) Individuella faktorer.Tre olika sjukvårdsenheter; en akutsjukvårdsenhet, en barnsjukvårdsenhet och en operationssjukvårdsenhet, samtliga vid ett större sjukhus, ingår i studien. 17 undersköterskor och 5 vårdenhetschefer har intervjuats.Avhandlingen visar att undersköterskor som verkar inom akut eller traumatisk sjukvård också har ett varierat och oförutsett arbete, vilket ger dem goda möjligheter till lärande och utveckling. Vidare har undersköterskor som arbetar med uppgifter inom vårdens kärnverksamhet möjlighet att lära i arbetet. Avgörande i sammanhanget är att dessa arbetsuppgifter uppfattas som intressanta, meningsfulla och stimulerande. Lärande underlättas för de undersköterskor som arbetar vid en vårdenhet där de görs delaktiga i vårdarbetet och arbetsgemenskapen. Undersköterskor som arbetar tillsammans med andra yrkesgrupper kan ha möjlighet att lära i arbetet. Även delegering av arbetsuppgifter har betydelse för möjligheterna att lära. Avhandlingen visar också att undersköterskor kan hindras från att lära i arbetet om den sjuksköterska som de arbetar närmast (i vårdpar eller i team) inte tillåter dem att utföra vissa arbetsuppgifter. Det framkommer också att undersköterskor som saknar intresse, eller ork hindras från att lära och utvecklas i arbetet. Undersköterskor har begränsade möjligheter att delta i, och utvecklas genom formella läraktiviteter. Kursutbudet är litet och en del av de kurser som erbjuds rör inte vårdens kärnverksamhet.
  • Colliander, Helena, 1977- (författare)
  • Being and Becoming a Teacher in Initial Literacy and Second Language Education for Adults
  • 2018
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The aim of the thesis is to explore what being and becoming a teacher of Literacy Education and Second Language Learning for Adults (LESLLA) mean. The study, which applies situated learning theory combined with some Bourdieuan concepts as thinking tools, seeks to depict how the professional identity of LESLLA teachers can be understood from their memberships in different communities of practice. The empirical study is based on observational data and on semi-structured interviews, which have been analysed thematically. The results show that the LESLLA teachers construct professional identity in regard to the particular nature of the learners, i.e. that the learners are simultaneously adult emergent readers and second language learners establishing themselves in a new society. This is, for example, seen in the teachers’ teaching actions and in how they respond to learning opportunities and changes. Likewise, the results illustrate that becoming a LESLLA teacher is an ongoing process in which some periods are particularly critical for learning. It takes place in a number of different communities of which the teaching practices are the most crucial. When it comes to the other communities to which the teachers belong, their significance differs from teacher to teacher. Moreover, power plays a central role in the identity formation. Societal forces, and the position and trajectory of the teacher in different communities in the landscapes of LESLLA teaching and Swedish for Immigrants (SFI) contribute to it.
  • Dahlin, Mats, 1975- (författare)
  • Development and evaluation of an internet-based treatment for generalized anxiety disorder : An acceptance-based approach
  • 2020
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is a chronic condition characterized by an excessive and uncontrollable worry. GAD has a highly negative impact on all aspects of life, and the costs for society are considerable. Cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT), delivered face-to- face or online, has been shown to be effective in treating GAD. However, there are still room for improvement, with treatment content and format of delivery being two areas to further investigate. Internet-based treatments are often based on a generic CBT model of GAD and include treatment strategies such as cognitive restructuring and relaxation. Furthermore, the impact of therapist support has shown inconclusive results.Overall, this thesis aimed to evaluate the effects of a new internet-based treatment for GAD, based on acceptance, mindfulness, and valued action, delivered with different types of support. Study I was a small pilot trial with a within-group design. The study included 16 participants diagnosed with GAD who received the newly developed treatment program with weekly therapist support. Statistically significant and large effect sizes were observed on self-rated worry at post-treatment, and the effects were maintained at a three-months follow-up. Study II included 103 participants diagnosed with GAD who were randomized to nine weeks of treatment with the treatment program and weekly support, or a waiting-list control group. Statistically significant moderate to large effects were observed on primary and secondary outcomes in favour of the treatment. The exception was a measure of quality of life, with no significant difference between the two groups. The treatment effects were maintained at a six-months follow-up. Study III was a pilot trial including 33 participants diagnosed with GAD. A within-group design was used to investigate the effects of the treatment program delivered with automated messages and support on demand. Significant and large within-group effects were observed on all outcome measures at post-treatment with the exception of quality of life, for which there was a small effect. Study IV was a pilot factorial design trial that compared the acceptance-based treatment program against a self-tailored treatment, as well as two types of support: scheduled support and support on demand. The study included 85 participants with GAD randomized to four different treatment groups. Significant moderate to large effects were observed in all treatment groups, with no statistically significant differences between the groups on self-rated outcome measures. Receiving scheduled support was rated as more positive than support on demand, and self-tailored treatment was rated as more positive than the acceptance-based treatment. Treatment satisfaction was high in all studies.In conclusion, the studies indicate that an internet-based treatment based on acceptance, mindfulness, and valued action is a viable option in the treatment of GAD.
  • Damber, Ulla (författare)
  • Reading for Life : Three Studies of Swedish Students’ Literacy Development
  • 2010
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • The aim of this thesis is to explore school classes with a higher level of achievement in reading than could be expected, with regard to socio-economic background factors and language background. What do those classes practice? Which attitudes towards reading and schooling do those children and their teachers display? The teacher and the classroom environment are in particular focus. The thesis is based on three studies. Firstly, over-achieving and underachieving grade three-classes in reading are compared in a large-scale statistical study. Reading tests, student questionnaires and teacher questionnaires provided data. The results indicate that a positive classroom climate, frequent voluntary reading, the use of authentic literature and many years of teaching experience characterise the over-achieving classes. In a second study eight over-achieving classes, in the same data material were in focus. The schools were located in a low-income, low-education multicultural suburban area. In-depth interviews were performed with adults active in those classes at the time of the data collection. The joint analyses of quantitative and qualitative data indicate that teachers’ ways of relating to their students is important as the Deficit Discourse is replaced by future oriented pedagogy with features such as aesthetic activities, dynamic assessment, strong raming, abundant reading of fiction and a lot of writing. In a third smaller, qualitative study five young university students, former students in one of the targeted classes in the second study, were interviewed in-depth about their school experiences and their Future Time Perspective. The informants emphasize the importance of being acknowledged in school, reading competency and knowledge of oral and written Swedish as factors for success.
  • Ekeblad, Annika (författare)
  • A Randomized Trial of Interpersonal Psychotherapy and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Major Depressive Disorder : Predictors of process and outcome
  • 2016
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Interpersonal Psychotherapy (IPT) and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) are both evidence-based treatments for Major Depressive Disorder (MDD). Several head-to-head comparisons between these methods have been made, most of them in the US. There is a need for more trials in different treatment settings. This thesis is based on a randomized controlled trial of CBT and IPT for MDD in a community-based psychiatric outpatient clinic. In the trial, treatment outcome and mentalization change was compared between the methods. In addition, the significance of pre-treatment mentalization for subsequent alliance and outcome was analyzed. Ninety-six patients, about half of them with personality disorders, were randomized to 14 sessions of CBT or IPT. The hypothesis was that IPT would not be inferior to CBT which was confirmed. CBT had a significantly higher drop-out rate. Initial capacity for mentalization predicted alliance and outcome in both IPT and CBT. The level of mentalization was changed in IPT but not in CBT
  • Elofsson, Jessica (författare)
  • Children’s early mathematics learning and development : Number game interventions and number line estimations
  • 2017
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Children’s early mathematics learning and development have become a topic of increasing interest over the past decade since early mathematical knowledge and skills have been shown to be a strong predictor of later mathematics performance. Understanding how children develop mathematical knowledge and skills and how they can be supported in their early learning could thus prove to be a vital component in promoting learning of more formal mathematics.In light of the above, with this thesis I sought to contribute to an increased understanding of children’s early mathematics learning and development by examining effects of playing different number games on children’s number knowledge and skills, and by investigating children’s representations of numbers on number line tasks.Two number game intervention studies were performed, and effects of three different number game conditions (linear number, circular number and nonlinear number) were investigated by examining 5- and 6-year-old children’s pre- and posttest performance on different numerical tasks. The findings indicate that playing number games in general support children’s development of number knowledge and skills, where the specific learning outcomes are affected differently depending on the type of number game utilized.To elucidate children’s representations of numbers, their performance on two different  umber line tasks have been analyzed using a latent class modeling approach. The results reveal that there is a heterogeneity in 5- and 6-year-old children’s number line estimations and subgroups of children showing different estimation patterns were distinguished. In addition, it is shown that children’s number line estimations can be associated to their number knowledge as well as to task specific aspects.The findings presented in this thesis contribute to the discussion of the value of selecting game activities in a conscious way to support children’s early mathematics learning and development. They also add to the discussion regarding the number line task and how children’s number line estimations can be analyzed and interpreted.
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