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- Nilsson, Bengt E, 1949, et al.
Treatment of gastrointestinal stromal tumours: imatinib, sunitinib -- and then?
- 2009
Ingår i: Expert opinion on investigational drugs. - : Informa Healthcare. - 1744-7658 .- 1354-3784. ; 18:4, s. 457-68
Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
- With the discovery of gain-of-function mutations of KIT in a majority of gastrointestinal stromal tumours (GIST) and access to the tailored tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) imatinib, a new era in cancer therapy started. The drug caused marked tumour responses in most patients with advanced GISTs, but could also be used in an adjuvant setting after radical surgery or as downstaging treatment before intentionally curative surgery. With prolonged treatment imatinib resistance can develop, most likely due to secondary KIT mutations. In this situation the second-line TKI sunitinib is well suited to patients with KIT exon 9 mutations, or for patients without KIT/PDGFRA mutations (wild-type GIST). New treatment is required to treat imatinib or sunitinib resistance. New-generation TKIs have broader target profiles and increased activity against certain targets; but also new principles have been proposed, for example dose escalation, inhibition of downstream signalling molecules, HSP90 chaperon inhibition, transcriptional repression, combination with chemotherapy or receptor-mediated therapy of highly expressed cell surface receptors. Targeting of cancer stem cells may be another option.
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- Nilsson, Johan, et al.
The influence of acute-phase levels of haemostatic factors on reperfusion and mortality in patients with acute myocardial infarction treated with streptokinase
- 2008
Ingår i: Journal of Thrombosis and Thrombolysis. - Berlin : Springer. - 0929-5305 .- 1573-742X. ; 26:3, s. 188-195
Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
- Background The fibrinolytic system and von Willebrand factor (vWF) have been shown to play a role as risk factors for myocardial infarction. We performed this prospective cohort study to determine if components in the fibrinolytic system or vWF before or during treatment of AMI with streptokinase (SK) could predict reperfusion, recurrent ischaemia, reinfarction or mortality at one year, or mortality at five years. Reperfusion and recurrent ischaemia were assessed by continuous vectorcardiography. The setting was Umeå university hospital and Skellefteå county hospital, Sweden. Results 139 patients were included; successful reperfusion was obtained in 53%. tPA activity, PAI-activity, PAI-mass concentration and vWF were analysed immediately on arrival and after 4 and 10 h. High fibrinolytic activity, measured as tPA activity > 25 U/L after the start of treatment, was associated with reperfusion. No significant associations between pre-treatment levels of the fibrinolytic variables or vWF and reperfusion or recurrent ischaemia were found. Elevated levels of PAI-1 mass concentration and PAI-1 activity after the start of SK treatment were associated with a higher risk for death at one year, but not at five years. High levels of vWF were associated with worse prognosis but not when corrected for age. Conclusion Pre-treatment levels of PAI-1, vWF and tPA activity showed no association with reperfusion or recurrent ischaemia. Elevated levels of PAI-1 activity after the start of treatment were associated with worse prognosis.
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- Nilsson, Mats, et al.
A nationwide forest attribute map of Sweden predicted using airborne laser scanning data and field data from the National Forest Inventory
- 2017
Ingår i: Remote Sensing of Environment. - : Elsevier BV. - 0034-4257 .- 1879-0704. ; 194, s. 447-454
Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
- The National Mapping Agency in Sweden has conducted an airborne laser scanning (ALS) campaign covering almost the entire country for the purpose of creating a new national Digital Elevation Model (DEM). The ALS data were collected between 2009 and 2015 using Leica, Optech, Riegi, and Trimble scanners and have a point density of 0.5-1.0 pulses/m(2). A high resolution national raster database (12.5 m x 12.5 m cell size) with forest variables was produced by combining the ALS data with field data from the Swedish National Forest Inventory (NFI). Approximately 11500 NFI plots (10 meter radius) located on productive forest land, inventoried between 2009 and 2013, were used to create linear regression models relating selected forest variables, or transformations of the variables, to metrics derived from the ALS data. The resulting stand level relative RMSEs for predictions of stem volume, basal area, basal-area weighted mean tree height, and basal-area weighted mean stem diameter were in the ranges of 17.2-22.0%, 13.9-18.2%, 5.4-9.5%, and 8.7-13.1%, respectively. It was concluded that the predictions had an accuracy that were at least as good as data typically used in forest management planning. Above ground tree biomass was also included in the national raster database but not validated on a stand -level. An important part of the project was to make the raster database available to private forest owners, forest associations, forest companies, authorities, researchers, and the general public. Thus, all predicted forest variables can be viewed and downloaded free of charge at the Swedish Forest Agency's homepage (http://www. skogsstyrelsen.se/skogligagrunddata). (C) 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
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- Nilsson, Ola, 1957, et al.
Comparative studies on the expression of somatostatin receptor subtypes, outcome of octreotide scintigraphy and response to octreotide treatment in patients with carcinoid tumours.
- 1998
Ingår i: British journal of cancer. - 0007-0920. ; 77:4, s. 632-7
Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
- We have compared the expression of somatostatin receptor (sstr) subtypes with the outcome of somatostatin receptor scintigraphy and the effect of somatostatin receptor activation in patients with disseminated carcinoid tumours. Tumour tissues from nine patients with midgut carcinoids (ileal) and three patients with foregut carcinoids (gastric, thymic) were analysed using Northern blotting. Expression of somatostatin receptors was demonstrated in all tumours (12 out of 12), with all five receptor subtypes present in 9 out of 12 tumours. Somatostatin receptor scintigraphy using [111In]DTPA-D-Phe1-octreotide visualized tumours in all patients (12 out of 12). The 111In activity concentrations in tumour tissue (T) and blood (B) were determined in three tumours 1-7 days after injection of the radionuclide. The T/B 111In activity concentration ratios ranged between 32 and 651. Clinically, treatment with the long-acting somatostatin analogue octreotide resulted in marked symptom relief accompanied by a significant reduction in tumour markers, for example urinary-5-HIAA levels (28-71% reduction). Incubation of midgut carcinoid tumours in primary culture with octreotide (10 microM) resulted in a reduction in spontaneously secreted serotonin (45-71% reduction) and 5-HIAA (41-94% reduction). The results demonstrate that carcinoid tumours possess multiple somatostatin receptor subtypes and that somatostatin analogues such as octreotide, which preferentially bind to somatostatin receptor subtype 2 and 5, can be used in the diagnosis and medical treatment of these tumours. In the future, novel somatostatin analogues with subtype specific receptor profiles may prove to be of value for individualizing the treatment of disseminated carcinoid tumour disease.