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Sökning: WFRF:(Sitko Michael)

  • Resultat 11-19 av 19
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  • Ohta, Yurina, et al. (författare)
  • Extreme asymmetry in the polarized disk of V1247 Orionis
  • 2016
  • Ingår i: Nippon Tenmon Gakkai obun kenkyu hokoku. - : Oxford University Press (OUP). - 0004-6264. ; 68:4
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • We present the first near-infrared scattered-light detection of the transitional disk around V1247 Ori, which was obtained using high-resolution polarimetric differential imaging observations with Subaru/HiCIAO. Our imaging in the H band reveals the disk morphology at separations of similar to 0.'' 14-0.'' 86 (54-330 au) from the central star. The polarized intensity image shows a remarkable arc-like structure toward the southeast of the star, whereas the fainter northwest region does not exhibit any notable features. The shape of the arm is consistent with an arc of 0.'' 28 +/- 0.'' 09 in radius (108 au from the star), although the possibility of a spiral arm with a small pitch angle cannot be excluded. V1247 Ori features an exceptionally large azimuthal contrast in scattered, polarized light; the radial peak of the southeastern arc is about three times brighter than the northwestern disk measured at the same distance from the star. Combined with the previous indication of an inhomogeneous density distribution in the gap at less than or similar to 46 au, the notable asymmetry in the outer disk suggests the presence of unseen companions and/or planet-forming processes ongoing in the arc.
  • Rich, Evan A., et al. (författare)
  • Multi-epoch Direct Imaging and Time-variable Scattered Light Morphology of the HD 163296 Protoplanetary Disk
  • 2019
  • Ingår i: Astrophysical Journal. - : American Astronomical Society. - 0004-637X .- 1538-4357. ; 875:1
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • We present H-band polarized scattered light imagery and JHK high-contrast spectroscopy of the protoplanetary disk around HD 163296 observed with the High-Contrast Coronographic Imager for Adaptive Optics (HiCIAO) and Subaru Coronagraphic Extreme Adaptive Optics (SCExAO)/Coronagraphic High Angular Resolution Imaging Spectrograph (CHARTS) instruments at Subaru Observatory. The polarimetric imagery resolve a broken ring structure surrounding HD 163296 that peaks at a distance along the major axis of 0 ''.65 (66 au) and extends out to 0 ''.98 (100 au) along the major axis. Our 2011 H-band data exhibit clear axisymmetry, with the NW and SE side of the disk exhibiting similar intensities. Our data are clearly different from 2016 epoch H-band observations of the Very Large Telescope (VLT)/Spectro-Polarimetric High-contrast Exoplanet REsearch (SPHERE), which found a strong 2.7 x asymmetry between the NW and SE side of the disk. Collectively, these results indicate the presence of time-variable, non-azimuthally symmetric illumination of the outer disk. While our SCExAO/CHARIS data are sensitive enough to recover the planet candidate identified from NIRC2 in the thermal infrared (IR), we fail to detect an object with JHK brightness nominally consistent with this object. This suggests that the candidate is either fainter in JHK bands than model predictions, possibly due to extinction from the disk or atmospheric dust/clouds, or that it is an artifact of the data set/data processing, such as a residual speckle or partially subtracted disk feature. Assuming standard hot-start evolutionary models and a system age of 5 Myr, we set new, direct mass limits for the inner (outer) Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA)-predicted protoplanet candidate along the major (minor) disk axis of of 1.5 (2) M-J.
  • Rich, Evan A., et al. (författare)
  • The fundamental stellar parameters of FGK stars in the SEEDS survey Norman, OK 73071, USA
  • 2017
  • Ingår i: Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. - : Oxford University Press (OUP). - 0035-8711 .- 1365-2966. ; 472:2, s. 1736-1752
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Large exoplanet surveys have successfully detected thousands of exoplanets to-date. Utilizing these detections and non-detections to constrain our understanding of the formation and evolution of planetary systems also requires a detailed understanding of the basic properties of their host stars. We have determined the basic stellar properties of F, K and G stars in the Strategic Exploration of Exoplanets and Disks with Subaru (SEEDS) survey from Echelle spectra taken at the Apache Point Observatory's 3.5m telescope. Using ROBOSPECT to extract line equivalent widths and TemperatureGravity microtrubulentVelocity ITerations to calculate the fundamental parameters, we have computed T-eff, log(g), v(t), [Fe/H], chromospheric activity and the age for our sample. Our methodology was calibrated against previously published results for a portion of our sample. The distribution of [Fe/H] in our sample is consistent with that typical of the Solar neighbourhood. Additionally, we find the ages of most of our sample are < 500 Myr, but note that we cannot determine robust ages from significantly older stars via chromospheric activity age indicators. The futuremeta-analysis of the frequency ofwide stellar and sub-stellar companions imaged via the SEEDS survey will utilize our results to constrain the occurrence of detected comoving companions with the properties of their host stars.
  • Aldea, Jorge, et al. (författare)
  • Species stratification and weather conditions drive tree growth in Scots pine and Norway spruce mixed stands along Europe
  • 2021
  • Ingår i: Forest Ecology and Management. - : Elsevier. - 0378-1127 .- 1872-7042. ; 481
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Mixed forests are suggested as a strategic adaptation of forest management to climate change. Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) are tree species of high economic and ecological value for European forestry. Both species coexist naturally in a large part of their distributions but there is a lack of knowledge on the ecological functioning of mixtures of these species and how to manage such stands. This paper analyses these species' intra- and inter-specific competition, including size-symmetric vs. size-asymmetric competition, and explore the effect of weather conditions on tree growth and competition. We studied basal area growth at tree level for Scots pine and Norway spruce in mixed versus pure stands in 22 triplets of fully-stocked plots along a broad range of ecological conditions across Europe. Stand inventory and increment cores provided insights into how species mixing modifies tree growth compared with neighbouring pure stands. Five different competition indices, weather variables and their interactions were included and checked in basal area growth models using a linear mixed model approach. Interspecific size-asymmetric competition strongly influenced growth for both tree species, and was modulated by weather conditions. However, species height stratification in mixed stands resulted in a greater tree basal area growth of Scots pine (10.5 em(2) year(-1)) than in pure stands (9.3 em(2) year(-1)), as this species occupies the upper canopy layer. Scots pine growth depended on temperature and drought, whereas Norway spruce growth was influenced only by drought. Interspecific site-asymmetric competition increased in cold winters for Scots pine, and decreased after a drought year for Norway spruce. Although mixtures of these species may reduce tree size for Norway spruce, our results suggest that this could be offset by faster growth in Scots pine. How inter-specific competition and weather conditions alter tree growth may have strong implications for the management of Scots pine-Norway spruce mixtures along the rotation period into the ongoing climate change scenario.
  • Aldea, Jorge, et al. (författare)
  • Timing and duration of drought modulate tree growth response in pure and mixed stands of Scots pine and Norway spruce
  • 2022
  • Ingår i: Journal of Ecology. - : John Wiley & Sons. - 0022-0477 .- 1365-2745. ; 110:11, s. 2673-2683
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Climate change is increasing the severity and frequency of droughts around the globe, leading to tree mortality that reduces production and provision of other ecosystem services. Recent studies show that growth of mixed stands may be more resilient to drought than pure stands. The two most economically important and widely distributed tree species in Europe are Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), but little is known about their susceptibility to drought when coexist.This paper analyses the resilience (resistance, recovery rate and recovery time) at individual-tree level using a network of tree-ring collections from 22 sites along a climatic gradient from central Europe to Scandinavia. We aimed to identify differences in growth following drought between the two species and between mixed and pure stands, and how environmental variables (climate, topography and site location) and tree characteristics influence them.We found that both the timing and duration of drought drive the different responses between species and compositions. Norway spruce showed higher vulnerability to summer drought, with both lower resistance and a longer recovery time than Scots pine. Mixtures provided higher drought resistance for both species compared to pure stands, but the benefit decreases with the duration of the drought. Especially climate sensitive and old trees in climatically marginal sites were more affected by drought stress.Synthesis. Promoting Scots pine and mixed forests is a promising strategy for adapting European forests to climate change. However, if future droughts become longer, the advantage of mixed stands could disappear which would be especially negative for Norway spruce.
  • del Río, Miren, et al. (författare)
  • Emerging stability of forest productivity by mixing two species buffers temperature destabilizing effect
  • 2022
  • Ingår i: Journal of Applied Ecology. - : John Wiley & Sons. - 0021-8901 .- 1365-2664. ; 59:11, s. 2730-2741
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The increasing disturbances in monocultures around the world are testimony to their instability under global change. Many studies have claimed that temporal stability of productivity increases with species richness, although the ecological fundamentals have mainly been investigated through diversity experiments. To adequately manage forest ecosystems, it is necessary to have a comprehensive understanding of the effect of mixing species on the temporal stability of productivity and the way in which it is influenced by climate conditions across large geographical areas. Here, we used a unique dataset of 261 stands combining pure and two-species mixtures of four relevant tree species over a wide range of climate conditions in Europe to examine the effect of species mixing on the level and temporal stability of productivity. Structural equation modelling was employed to further explore the direct and indirect influence of climate, overyielding, species asynchrony and additive effect (i.e. temporal stability expected from the species growth in monospecific stands) on temporal stability in mixed forests. We showed that by adding only one tree species to monocultures, the level (overyielding: +6%) and stability (temporal stability: +12%) of stand growth increased significantly. We identified the key effect of temperature on destabilizing stand growth, which may be mitigated by mixing species. We further confirmed asynchrony as the main driver of temporal stability in mixed stands, through both the additive effect and species interactions, which modify between-species asynchrony in mixtures in comparison to monocultures. Synthesis and applications. This study highlights the emergent properties associated with mixing two species, which result in resource efficient and temporally stable production systems. We reveal the negative impact of mean temperature on temporal stability of forest productivity and how the stabilizing effect of mixing two species can counterbalance this impact. The overyielding and temporal stability of growth addressed in this paper are essential for ecosystem services closely linked with the level and rhythm of forest growth. Our results underline that mixing two species can be a realistic and effective nature-based climate solution, which could contribute towards meeting EU climate target policies.
  • Pretzsch, Hans, et al. (författare)
  • With increasing site quality asymmetric competition and mortality reduces Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stand structuring across Europe
  • 2022
  • Ingår i: Forest Ecology and Management. - : Elsevier. - 0378-1127 .- 1872-7042. ; 520
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Heterogeneity of structure can increase mechanical stability, stress resistance and resilience, biodiversity and many other functions and services of forest stands. That is why many silvicultural measures aim at enhancing structural diversity. However, the effectiveness and potential of structuring may depend on the site conditions. Here, we revealed how the stand structure is determined by site quality and results from site-dependent partitioning of growth and mortality among the trees. We based our study on 90 mature, even-aged, fully stocked monocultures of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) sampled in 21 countries along a productivity gradient across Europe. A mini-simulation study further analyzed the site-dependency of the interplay between growth and mortality and the resulting stand structure. The overarching hypothesis was that the stand structure changes with site quality and results from the site-dependent asymmetry of competition and mortality.First, we show that Scots pine stands structure across Europe become more homogeneous with increasing site quality. The coefficient of variation and Gini coefficient of stem diameter and tree height continuously decreased, whereas Stand Density Index and stand basal area increased with site index.Second, we reveal a site-dependency of the growth distribution among the trees and the mortality. With increasing site index, the asymmetry of both competition and growth distribution increased and suggested, at first glance, an increase in stand heterogeneity. However, with increasing site index, mortality eliminates mainly small instead of all-sized trees, cancels the size variation and reduces the structural heterogeneity.Third, we modelled the site-dependent interplay between growth partitioning and mortality. By scenario runs for different site conditions, we can show how the site-dependent structure at the stand level emerges from the asymmetric competition and mortality at the tree level and how the interplay changes with increasing site quality across Europe.Our most interesting finding was that the growth partitioning became more asymmetric and structuring with increasing site quality, but that the mortality eliminated predominantly small trees, reduced their size variation and thus reversed the impact of site quality on the structure. Finally, the reverse effects of mode of growth partitioning and mortality on the stand structure resulted in the highest size variation on poor sites and decreased structural heterogeneity with increasing site quality. Since our results indicate where heterogeneous structures need silviculture interventions and where they emerge naturally, we conclude that these findings may improve system understanding and modelling and guide forest management aiming at structurally rich forests.
  • Ruiz-Peinado, Ricardo, et al. (författare)
  • Mixing effects on Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) productivity along a climatic gradient across Europe
  • 2021
  • Ingår i: Forest Ecology and Management. - : Elsevier. - 0378-1127 .- 1872-7042. ; 482
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Mixed-species stands have been found to be more productive than would be expected from the performance of their component species in monocultures due to facilitation and complementarity between species, although these interactions depend on the combination of species present. Our study focuses on monospecific and mixed species stands of Scots pine and Norway spruce using 20 triplets established in nine countries along a climatic gradient across Europe. Differences in mean tree and stand characteristics, productivity and stand structure were assessed. Basal area increment in mixed stands was 8% higher than expected while volume increment was only 2% greater. Scots pine trees growing in mixed-species stands showed 11% larger quadratic mean diameter, 7% larger dominant diameter, 17% higher basal area and 25% higher stand volume than trees growing in mono specific stands. Norway spruce showed only a non-significant tendency to lower mean values of diameters, heights, basal area, as well standing volume in mixtures than monocultures. Stand structure indices differed between mixed stands and monocultures of Scots pine showing a greater stratification in mixed-species stands. Furthermore, the studied morphological traits showed little variability for trees growing in monospecific stands, except for diameter at breast height, crown length and crown length ratio. For trees growing in mixed stands, all the morphological traits of the trees were identified as different. Some of these morphological traits were associated with relative productivity. Nevertheless, relative productivity in mixed-species stands was not related to site conditions.
  • Zhu, Jiazheng, et al. (författare)
  • SN 2017egm : A Helium-rich Superluminous Supernova with Multiple Bumps in the Light Curves
  • 2023
  • Ingår i: Astrophysical Journal. - 0004-637X .- 1538-4357. ; 949:1
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • When discovered, SN 2017egm was the closest (redshift z = 0.03) hydrogen-poor superluminous supernova (SLSN-I) and a rare case that exploded in a massive and metal-rich galaxy. Thus, it has since been extensively observed and studied. We report spectroscopic data showing strong emission at around He i lambda 10830 and four He i absorption lines in the optical. Consequently, we classify SN 2017egm as a member of an emerging population of helium-rich SLSNe-I (i.e., SLSNe-Ib). We also present our late-time photometric observations. By combining them with archival data, we analyze high-cadence ultraviolet, optical, and near-infrared light curves spanning from early pre-peak (similar to-20 days) to late phases (similar to+300 days). We obtain its most complete bolometric light curve, in which multiple bumps are identified. None of the previously proposed models can satisfactorily explain all main light-curve features, while multiple interactions between the ejecta and circumstellar material (CSM) may explain the undulating features. The prominent infrared excess with a blackbody luminosity of 10(7)-10(8) L (circle dot) detected in SN 2017egm could originate from the emission of either an echo of a pre-existing dust shell or newly formed dust, offering an additional piece of evidence supporting the ejecta-CSM interaction model. Moreover, our analysis of deep Chandra observations yields the tightest-ever constraint on the X-ray emission of an SLSN-I, amounting to an X-ray-to-optical luminosity ratio less than or similar to 10(-3) at late phases (similar to 100-200 days), which could help explore its close environment and central engine.
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