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Sökning: (WFRF:(Persson Daniel)) hsvcat:1

  • Resultat 1-10 av 186
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  • Kehoe, Laura, et al. (författare)
  • Make EU trade with Brazil sustainable
  • 2019
  • Ingår i: Science. - : American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). - 0036-8075 .- 1095-9203. ; 364:6438, s. 341-
  • Tidskriftsartikel (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)
  • Hudson, Lawrence N, et al. (författare)
  • The database of the PREDICTS (Projecting Responses of Ecological Diversity In Changing Terrestrial Systems) project
  • 2017
  • Ingår i: Ecology and Evolution. - : John Wiley & Sons. - 2045-7758. ; 7:1, s. 145-188
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The PREDICTS project-Projecting Responses of Ecological Diversity In Changing Terrestrial Systems (www.predicts.org.uk)-has collated from published studies a large, reasonably representative database of comparable samples of biodiversity from multiple sites that differ in the nature or intensity of human impacts relating to land use. We have used this evidence base to develop global and regional statistical models of how local biodiversity responds to these measures. We describe and make freely available this 2016 release of the database, containing more than 3.2 million records sampled at over 26,000 locations and representing over 47,000 species. We outline how the database can help in answering a range of questions in ecology and conservation biology. To our knowledge, this is the largest and most geographically and taxonomically representative database of spatial comparisons of biodiversity that has been collated to date; it will be useful to researchers and international efforts wishing to model and understand the global status of biodiversity.
  • Ding Yuan, Chen, 1991, et al. (författare)
  • Impact of in situ NH3 pre-treatment of LPCVD SiN passivation on GaN HEMT performance
  • 2022
  • Ingår i: Semiconductor Science and Technology. - : IOP Publishing. - 1361-6641 .- 0268-1242. ; 37:3
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The impact on the performance of GaN high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) of in situ ammonia (NH3) pre-treatment prior to the deposition of silicon nitride (SiN) passivation with low-pressure chemical vapor deposition (LPCVD ) is investigated. Three different NH3 pre-treatment durations (0, 3, and 10 min) were compared in terms of interface properties and device performance. A reduction of oxygen (O) at the interface between SiN and epi-structure is detected by scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM )-electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) measurements in the sample subjected to 10 min of pre-treatment. The samples subjected to NH3 pre-treatment show a reduced surface-related current dispersion of 9% (compared to 16% for the untreated sample), which is attributed to the reduction of O at the SiN/epi interface. Furthermore, NH3 pre-treatment for 10 min significantly improves the current dispersion uniformity from 14.5% to 1.9%. The reduced trapping effects result in a high output power of 3.4 W mm(-1) at 3 GHz (compared to 2.6 W mm(-1) for the untreated sample). These results demonstrate that the in situ NH3 pre-treatment before LPCVD of SiN passivation is critical and can effectively improves the large-signal microwave performance of GaN HEMTs.
  • Hudson, Lawrence N., et al. (författare)
  • The PREDICTS database : a global database of how local terrestrial biodiversity responds to human impacts
  • 2014
  • Ingår i: Ecology and Evolution. - : Wiley. - 2045-7758. ; 4:24, s. 4701-4735
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Biodiversity continues to decline in the face of increasing anthropogenic pressures such as habitat destruction, exploitation, pollution and introduction of alien species. Existing global databases of species' threat status or population time series are dominated by charismatic species. The collation of datasets with broad taxonomic and biogeographic extents, and that support computation of a range of biodiversity indicators, is necessary to enable better understanding of historical declines and to project - and avert - future declines. We describe and assess a new database of more than 1.6 million samples from 78 countries representing over 28,000 species, collated from existing spatial comparisons of local-scale biodiversity exposed to different intensities and types of anthropogenic pressures, from terrestrial sites around the world. The database contains measurements taken in 208 (of 814) ecoregions, 13 (of 14) biomes, 25 (of 35) biodiversity hotspots and 16 (of 17) megadiverse countries. The database contains more than 1% of the total number of all species described, and more than 1% of the described species within many taxonomic groups - including flowering plants, gymnosperms, birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, beetles, lepidopterans and hymenopterans. The dataset, which is still being added to, is therefore already considerably larger and more representative than those used by previous quantitative models of biodiversity trends and responses. The database is being assembled as part of the PREDICTS project (Projecting Responses of Ecological Diversity In Changing Terrestrial Systems - ). We make site-level summary data available alongside this article. The full database will be publicly available in 2015.
  • Chen, Jr-Tai, et al. (författare)
  • Room-Temperature mobility above 2200 cm2/V.s of two-dimensional electron gas in a sharp-interface AlGaN/GaN heterostructure
  • 2015
  • Ingår i: Applied Physics Letters. - : American Institute of Physics (AIP). - 0003-6951 .- 1077-3118. ; 106:25
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • A high mobility of 2250 cm2/V·s of a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) in a metalorganic chemical vapor deposition-grown AlGaN/GaN heterostructure was demonstrated. The mobility enhancement was a result of better electron confinement due to a sharp AlGaN/GaN interface, as confirmed by scanning transmission electron microscopy analysis, not owing to the formation of a traditional thin AlN exclusion layer. Moreover, we found that the electron mobility in the sharp-interface heterostructures can sustain above 2000 cm2/V·s for a wide range of 2DEG densities. Finally, it is promising that the sharp-interface AlGaN/GaN heterostructure would enable low contact resistance fabrication, less impurity-related scattering, and trapping than the AlGaN/AlN/GaN heterostructure, as the high-impurity-contained AlN is removed.
  • Gerken, Jan, 1991, et al. (författare)
  • Equivariance versus augmentation for spherical images
  • 2022
  • Ingår i: Proceedings of Machine Learning Resaerch. ; , s. 7404-7421
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • We analyze the role of rotational equivariance in convolutional neural networks (CNNs) applied to spherical images. We compare the performance of the group equivariant networks known as S2CNNs and standard non-equivariant CNNs trained with an increasing amount of data augmentation. The chosen architectures can be considered baseline references for the respective design paradigms. Our models are trained and evaluated on single or multiple items from the MNIST- or FashionMNIST dataset projected onto the sphere. For the task of image classification, which is inherently rotationally invariant, we find that by considerably increasing the amount of data augmentation and the size of the networks, it is possible for the standard CNNs to reach at least the same performance as the equivariant network. In contrast, for the inherently equivariant task of semantic segmentation, the non-equivariant networks are consistently outperformed by the equivariant networks with significantly fewer parameters. We also analyze and compare the inference latency and training times of the different networks, enabling detailed tradeoff considerations between equivariant architectures and data augmentation for practical problems.
  • Gerken, Jan, 1991, et al. (författare)
  • Geometric deep learning and equivariant neural networks
  • 2023
  • Ingår i: Artificial Intelligence Review. - : Springer Nature. - 1573-7462 .- 0269-2821. ; 56:12, s. 14605-14662
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • We survey the mathematical foundations of geometric deep learning, focusing on group equivariant and gauge equivariant neural networks. We develop gauge equivariant convolutional neural networks on arbitrary manifolds M using principal bundles with structure group K and equivariant maps between sections of associated vector bundles. We also discuss group equivariant neural networks for homogeneous spaces M= G/ K , which are instead equivariant with respect to the global symmetry G on M . Group equivariant layers can be interpreted as intertwiners between induced representations of G, and we show their relation to gauge equivariant convolutional layers. We analyze several applications of this formalism, including semantic segmentation and object detection networks. We also discuss the case of spherical networks in great detail, corresponding to the case M= S2= SO (3) / SO (2) . Here we emphasize the use of Fourier analysis involving Wigner matrices, spherical harmonics and Clebsch–Gordan coefficients for G= SO (3) , illustrating the power of representation theory for deep learning.
  • Bolnick, Daniel, et al. (författare)
  • Comparative support for the niche variation hypothesis that more generalized populations also are more heterogeneous
  • 2007
  • Ingår i: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. - : Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. - 0027-8424 .- 1091-6490. ; 104:24, s. 10075-10079
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • There is extensive evidence that some species of ecological generalists, which use a wide diversity of resources, are in fact heterogeneous collections of relatively specialized individuals. This within-population variation, or "individual specialization," is a key requirement for frequency-dependent interactions that may drive a variety of types of evolutionary diversification and may influence the population dynamics and ecological interactions of species. Consequently, it is important to understand when individual specialization is likely to be strong or weak. The niche variation hypothesis (NVH) suggests that populations tend to become more generalized when they are released from interspecific competition. This niche expansion was proposed to arise via increased variation among individuals rather than increased individual niche breadth. Consequently, we expect ecological generalists to exhibit stronger individual specialization, but this correlation has been repeatedly rejected by empiricists. The drawback with previous empirical tests of the NVH is that they use morphological variation as a proxy for niche variation, ignoring the role of behavior and complex phenotype-function relationships. Here, we used diet data to directly estimate niche variation among individuals. Consistent with the NVH, we show that more generalized populations also exhibit more niche variation. This trend is quite general, appearing in all five case studies examined: three-spine stickleback, Eurasian perch, Anolis lizards, intertidal gastropods, and a community of neotropical frogs. Our results suggest that generalist populations may tend to be more ecologically variable. Whether this translates into greater genetic variation, evolvability, or ecological stability remains to be determined.
  • Gourevitch, D., et al. (författare)
  • A reduction principle for Fourier coefficients of automorphic forms
  • 2022
  • Ingår i: Mathematische Zeitschrift. - : Springer Science and Business Media LLC. - 0025-5874 .- 1432-1823. ; 300, s. 2679-2717
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • We consider a special class of unipotent periods for automorphic forms on a finite cover of a reductive adelic groupG(AK), which we refer to as Fourier coefficients associated to the data of a 'Whittaker pair'. We describe a quasi-order on Fourier coefficients, and an algorithm that gives an explicit formula for any coefficient in terms of integrals and sums involving higher coefficients. The maximal elements for the quasi-order are 'Levi-distinguished' Fourier coefficients, which correspond to taking the constant term along the unipotent radical of a parabolic subgroup, and then further taking a Fourier coefficient with respect to a K-distinguished nilpotent orbit in the Levi quotient. Thus one can express any Fourier coefficient, including the form itself, in terms of higher Levi-distinguished coefficients. In companion papers we use this result to determine explicit Fourier expansions of minimal and next-to-minimal automorphic forms on split simply-laced reductive groups, and to obtain Euler product decompositions of certain Fourier coefficients.
  • Gourevitch, D., et al. (författare)
  • 2021
  • Ingår i: Representation Theory. - : American Mathematical Society (AMS). - 1088-4165. ; 25, s. 481-507
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • We study the question of Eulerianity (factorizability) for Fourier coefficients of automorphic forms, and we prove a general transfer theorem that allows one to deduce the Eulerianity of certain coefficients from that of another coefficient. We also establish a `hidden' invariance property of Fourier coefficients. We apply these results to minimal and next-to-minimal automorphic representations, and deduce Eulerianity for a large class of Fourier and Fourier-Jacobi coefficients. In particular, we prove Eulerianity for parabolic Fourier coefficients with characters of maximal rank for a class of Eisenstein series in minimal and next-to-minimal representations of groups of ADE-type that are of interest in string theory.
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  • Resultat 1-10 av 186
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tidskriftsartikel (146)
konferensbidrag (18)
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Typ av innehåll
refereegranskat (159)
övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt (22)
populärvet., debatt m.m. (5)
Persson, Daniel, 197 ... (41)
Persson, Ingmar (24)
Lundberg, Daniel (24)
Kleinschmidt, Axel (13)
Persson, Per (8)
Persson, Petter (8)
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Pioline, Boris (8)
Persson, Daniel, 197 ... (8)
Strand, Daniel (7)
Chábera, Pavel (6)
Wärnmark, Kenneth (6)
Persson, Daniel, 198 ... (5)
Ericsson, Tore (5)
Primetzhofer, Daniel (5)
Yartsev, Arkady (5)
Lomoth, Reiner (5)
Nilsson, Bengt E W, ... (5)
Häggström, Lennart (5)
Prakash, Om (5)
Nordén, Bengt, 1945 (5)
Persson, Daniel (5)
Bao, Ling, 1980 (5)
Jacobsson, Daniel (5)
Fogelström, Mikael, ... (4)
Huang, Ping (4)
Eriksson, Thomas, 19 ... (4)
Alexandrov, Sergei (4)
Persson, Per O A (4)
Darakchieva, Vanya (4)
Lindh, Linnea (4)
Persson, Carina, 196 ... (4)
Kaul, Nidhi (4)
Uhlig, Jens (4)
Eriksson, Lars (3)
Persson, I. (3)
Palisaitis, Justinas (3)
Dick, Kimberly A. (3)
Hermansson, Kersti (3)
Jung, Martin (3)
Gustafsson, Henrik P ... (3)
Persson, Lo (3)
Tscharntke, Teja (3)
Spångberg, Daniel (3)
Rorsman, Niklas, 196 ... (3)
Persson, Jan-Olov (3)
Barlow, Jos (3)
Chen, Jr-Tai (3)
Bennett, Dominic J. (3)
Persson, Åsa (3)
Gupta, Arvind Kumar (3)
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Chalmers tekniska högskola (80)
Lunds universitet (40)
Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet (28)
Linköpings universitet (25)
Göteborgs universitet (20)
Uppsala universitet (19)
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Stockholms universitet (14)
Umeå universitet (13)
Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan (6)
Karolinska Institutet (4)
Örebro universitet (3)
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Luleå tekniska universitet (1)
Mälardalens universitet (1)
Mittuniversitetet (1)
Högskolan i Skövde (1)
Karlstads universitet (1)
VTI - Statens väg- och transportforskningsinstitut (1)
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Engelska (180)
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Forskningsämne (UKÄ/SCB)
Naturvetenskap (186)
Teknik (22)
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Samhällsvetenskap (5)
Lantbruksvetenskap (2)
Humaniora (1)


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