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Sökning: (WFRF:(Wahlund Jan Erik))

  • Resultat 1-10 av 179
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  • Edberg, Niklas J. T., et al. (författare)
  • Spatial distribution of low-energy plasma around comet 67P/CG from Rosetta measurements
  • 2015
  • Ingår i: Geophysical Research Letters. - 0094-8276 .- 1944-8007. ; 42:11, s. 4263-4269
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • We use measurements from the Rosetta plasma consortium Langmuir probe and mutual impedance probe to study the spatial distribution of low-energy plasma in the near-nucleus coma of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. The spatial distribution is highly structured with the highest density in the summer hemisphere and above the region connecting the two main lobes of the comet, i.e., the neck region. There is a clear correlation with the neutral density and the plasma to neutral density ratio is found to be approximate to 1-210(-6), at a cometocentric distance of 10km and at 3.1AU from the Sun. A clear 6.2h modulation of the plasma is seen as the neck is exposed twice per rotation. The electron density of the collisionless plasma within 260km from the nucleus falls off with radial distance as approximate to 1/r. The spatial structure indicates that local ionization of neutral gas is the dominant source of low-energy plasma around the comet.
  • Dreyer, Joshua, et al. (författare)
  • Constraining the Positive Ion Composition in Saturn's Lower Ionosphere with the Effective Recombination Coefficient
  • 2021
  • Ingår i: The Planetary Science Journal. - : American Astronomical Society. - 2632-3338. ; 2:1
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The present study combines Radio and Plasma Wave Science/Langmuir Probe and Ion and Neutral Mass Spectrometer data from Cassini's last four orbits into Saturn's lower ionosphere to constrain the effective recombination coefficient α300 from measured number densities and electron temperatures at a reference electron temperature of 300 K. Previous studies have shown an influx of ring material causes a state of electron depletion due to grain charging, which will subsequently affect the ionospheric chemistry. The requirement to take grain charging into account limits the derivation of α300 to upper limits. Assuming photochemical equilibrium and using an established method to calculate the electron production rate, we derive upper limits for α300 of ≲ 3 × 10−7 cm3 s−1 for altitudes below 2000 km. This suggests that Saturn's ionospheric positive ions are dominated by species with low recombination rate coefficients like HCO+. An ionosphere dominated by water group ions or complex hydrocarbons, as previously suggested, is incompatible with this result, as these species have recombination rate coefficients > 5 × 10−7 cm3 s−1 at an electron temperature of 300 K.
  • Dreyer, Joshua, 1993- (författare)
  • Diving Deep into Saturn's Equatorial Ionosphere with Cassini : Insights from the Grand Finale
  • 2023
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • In the summer of 2017, the Cassini mission concluded its nearly 13 years orbiting Saturn with a series of daring dives between the rings and the upper reaches of Saturn's atmosphere. This last phase of the mission, called the Grand Finale, revealed a highly variable equatorial ionosphere dominated by a large influx of ring material from Saturn's D ring. The papers included in this thesis utilize data gathered during these proximal orbits to gain insights into the nature and effects of the infalling ring material.Initially, we derive upper limits for the effective recombination coefficient in Saturn's equatorial ionosphere at altitudes below 2500 km, where photochemical equilibrium can be assumed, to constrain the composition of the positive ion species. Our inceptive results indicate that ion species with low recombination coefficients are dominant.We follow up on this by developing a photochemical model, incorporating grain charging, to investigate the effects of the ring influx on the plasma composition. The model results at an altitude of 1700 km yield vastly different abundances of two types of neutral species when compared to those derived from measurements, ultimately representing the difficulty of reconciling the observed H+ and H3+ densities with our and other model results.Exploring the nature of narrow decreases in the ionospheric H2+ densities reveals a time shift in the ion data. After correcting for this, the decreases line up very well with calculated shadows for substructures in Saturn's C ring. We can further estimate the optical depths of these substructures and investigate at which altitudes photochemical equilibrium for H2+ is applicable.The direct measurement of heavier neutral species during the proximal orbits is complicated by the high spacecraft speed. We devise a method to utilize helium ion chemistry to independently derive the mixing ratios of these heavier neutrals in Saturn's ionosphere. Our results show considerable variability, which may suggest temporal and/or spatial changes in the ring influx. A comparison with other studies indicates that potentially only the most volatile ring-sourced species significantly ablate to enter the gas phase in this region of Saturn's ionosphere.Finally, we compare the fixed-bias Langmuir probe electron densities and the light ion densities. They exhibit a strong positive correlation for most parts of the proximal orbits even on short timescales. We find three distinct regions in the proximal orbits, which can provide further insight into the ionospheric composition, connection to the rings, and measurement uncertainties.
  • Dreyer, Joshua, et al. (författare)
  • Identifying Shadowing Signatures of C Ring Ringlets and Plateaus in Cassini Data from Saturn's Ionosphere
  • 2022
  • Ingår i: The Planetary Science Journal. - : Institute of Physics (IOP). - 2632-3338. ; 3:7
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • For orbits 288 and 292 of Cassini's Grand Finale, clear dips (sharp and narrow decreases) are visible in the H-2(+) densities measured by the Ion and Neutral Mass Spectrometer (INMS). In 2017, the southern hemisphere of Saturn was shadowed by its rings and the substructures within. Tracing a path of the solar photons through the ring plane to Cassini's position, we can identify regions in the ionosphere that were shadowed by the individual ringlets and plateaus (with increased optical depths) of Saturn's C ring. The calculated shadowed altitudes along Cassini's trajectory line up well with the dips in the H-2(+) data when adjusting the latter based on a detected evolving shift in the INMS timestamps since 2013, illustrating the potential for verification of instrument timings. We can further estimate the mean optical depths of the ringlets/plateaus by comparing the dips to inbound H-2(+) densities. Our results agree well with values derived from stellar occultation measurements. No clear dips are visible for orbits 283 and 287, whose periapsides were at higher altitudes. This can be attributed to the much longer chemical lifetime of H2+ at these higher altitudes, which in turn can be further used to estimate a lower limit for the flow speed along Cassini's trajectory. The resulting estimate of similar to 0.3 km s(-1) at an altitude of similar to 3400 km is in line with prior suggestions. Finally, the ringlet and plateau shadows are not associated with obvious dips in the electron density, which is expected due to their comparatively long chemical (recombination) lifetime.
  • Edberg, Niklas J. T., et al. (författare)
  • Effects of Saturn's magnetospheric dynamics on Titan's ionosphere
  • 2015
  • Ingår i: Journal of Geophysical Research - Space Physics. - 2169-9380 .- 2169-9402. ; 120:10, s. 8884-8898
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • We use the Cassini Radio and Plasma Wave Science/Langmuir probe measurements of the electron density from the first 110 flybys of Titan to study how Saturn's magnetosphere influences Titan's ionosphere. The data is first corrected for biased sampling due to varying solar zenith angle and solar energy flux (solar cycle effects). We then present results showing that the electron density in Titan's ionosphere, in the altitude range 1600-2400km, is increased by about a factor of 2.5 when Titan is located on the nightside of Saturn (Saturn local time (SLT) 21-03h) compared to when on the dayside (SLT 09-15 h). For lower altitudes (1100-1600km) the main dividing factor for the ionospheric density is the ambient magnetospheric conditions. When Titan is located in the magnetospheric current sheet, the electron density in Titan's ionosphere is about a factor of 1.4 higher compared to when Titan is located in the magnetospheric lobes. The factor of 1.4 increase in between sheet and lobe flybys is interpreted as an effect of increased particle impact ionization from approximate to 200eV sheet electrons. The factor of 2.5 increase in electron density between flybys on Saturn's nightside and dayside is suggested to be an effect of the pressure balance between thermal plus magnetic pressure in Titan's ionosphere against the dynamic pressure and energetic particle pressure in Saturn's magnetosphere.
  • Edberg, Niklas J. T., et al. (författare)
  • Titan's Variable Ionosphere During the T118 and T119 Cassini Flybys
  • 2018
  • Ingår i: Geophysical Research Letters. - : American Geophysical Union (AGU). - 0094-8276 .- 1944-8007. ; 45:17, s. 8721-8728
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • We report on unusual dynamics in Titan's ionosphere as a significant difference in ionospheric electron density is observed between the T118 and T119 Cassini nightside flybys. Two distinct nightside electron density peaks were present during T118, at 1,150 and 1,200km, and the lowest density ever observed in Titan's ionosphere at altitudes 1,000-1,350km was during T118. These flybys were quite similar in geometry, Saturn local time, neutral density, extreme ultraviolet flux, and ambient magnetic field conditions. Despite this, the Radio and Plasma Waves/Langmuir Probe measured a density difference up to a factor of 6 between the passes. The overall difference was present and similar during both inbound and outbound legs. By ruling out other factors, we suggest that an exceptionally low rate of particle impact ionization in combination with dynamics in the ionosphere is the explanation for the observations. Plain Language Summary Using the Cassini satellite in orbit around Saturn, we make measurements during two close passes of the moon Titan. We observe how the electron density in the uppermost part of the moon's atmosphere-the ionosphere-changes drastically from one pass to the next. We also observe unexpectedly high peaks of electron density in a specific altitude range during the first pass. The findings are attributed to low influx of charged particles from Saturn's magnetosphere as well as to increased dynamics of the plasma in the ionosphere. The study emphasizes the complexity of the physical process at play at the moon and aims at gaining further understanding of this environment.
  • Eriksson, Anders I., et al. (författare)
  • Cold and warm electrons at comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
  • 2017
  • Ingår i: Astronomy and Astrophysics. - : EDP SCIENCES S A. - 0004-6361 .- 1432-0746. ; 605
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Context. Strong electron cooling on the neutral gas in cometary comae has been predicted for a long time, but actual measurements of low electron temperature are scarce. Aims. Our aim is to demonstrate the existence of cold electrons in the inner coma of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko and show filamentation of this plasma. Methods. In situ measurements of plasma density, electron temperature and spacecraft potential were carried out by the Rosetta Langmuir probe instrument, LAP. We also performed analytical modelling of the expanding two-temperature electron gas. Results. LAP data acquired within a few hundred km from the nucleus are dominated by a warm component with electron temperature typically 5-10 eV at all heliocentric distances covered (1.25 to 3.83 AU). A cold component, with temperature no higher than about 0.1 eV, appears in the data as short (few to few tens of seconds) pulses of high probe current, indicating local enhancement of plasma density as well as a decrease in electron temperature. These pulses first appeared around 3 AU and were seen for longer periods close to perihelion. The general pattern of pulse appearance follows that of neutral gas and plasma density. We have not identified any periods with only cold electrons present. The electron flux to Rosetta was always dominated by higher energies, driving the spacecraft potential to order -10 V. Conclusions. The warm (5-10 eV) electron population observed throughout the mission is interpreted as electrons retaining the energy they obtained when released in the ionisation process. The sometimes observed cold populations with electron temperatures below 0.1 eV verify collisional cooling in the coma. The cold electrons were only observed together with the warm population. The general appearance of the cold population appears to be consistent with a Haser-like model, implicitly supporting also the coupling of ions to the neutral gas. The expanding cold plasma is unstable, forming filaments that we observe as pulses.
  • Fischer, G., et al. (författare)
  • Calibration of the JUICE RWI Antennas by Numerical Simulation
  • 2021
  • Ingår i: Radio Science. - : American Geophysical Union (AGU). - 0048-6604 .- 1944-799X. ; 56:11
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The reception properties of the Radio Wave Instrument (RWI) onboard JUICE (Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer) have been determined using numerical methods applied to a mesh-grid model of the spacecraft. The RWI is part of the RPWI (Radio and Plasma Wave Investigation) and consists of three perpendicular dipoles mounted on a long boom. We determined their effective lengths vectors and capacitive impedances of 8-9 pF. We also investigated the change in effective antenna angles as a function of solar panel rotation and calculated the directivity of the antennas at higher frequencies up to the maximum frequency of 45 MHz of the receiver. We found that the RWI dipoles can be used for direction-finding with an accuracy of 2 degrees up to a frequency of 1.5 MHz. Additionally we calculated the influence of strong pulses from the JUICE active radar on RPWI and found that they should do no harm to its sensors and receivers.
  • Hadid, Lina Z, et al. (författare)
  • Ring Shadowing Effects on Saturn's Ionosphere : Implications for Ring Opacity and Plasma Transport
  • 2018
  • Ingår i: Geophysical Research Letters. - : AMER GEOPHYSICAL UNION. - 0094-8276 .- 1944-8007. ; 45:19, s. 10084-10092
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • We present new results obtained by the Radio and Plasma Wave Science Langmuir probe on board Cassini during the Grand Finale. The total direct current sampled by the Langmuir probe at negative bias voltage is used to study the effect of the ring shadows on the structure of the Kronian topside ionosphere. The D and C rings and the Cassini Division are confirmed to be optically thin to extreme ultraviolet solar radiation. However, different responses from the opaque A and B rings are observed. The edges of the A ring shadow are shown to match the A ring boundaries, unlike the B ring, which indicates variable responses to the B ring shadow. We show that the variable responses are due to the ionospheric plasma, more precisely to the longer chemical lifetime of H+ compared to H-2(+) and H-3(+), suggesting that the plasma is transported from the sunlit region to the shadowed one in the ionosphere. Plain Language Summary As Saturn's northern hemisphere experienced summer during the Grand Finale, the planet's northern dayside hemisphere and its rings were fully illuminated by the Sun. However, the southern hemisphere was partly obscured because of the shadows cast by the A and B rings. Using the in situ measurements of the Langmuir probe part of the Radio and Plasma Wave Science investigation on board the Cassini spacecraft, we study for the first time the effect of the ring shadows on Saturn's ionosphere. From the ring shadows signatures on the total ion current collected by the Langmuir probe, we show that the A and B rings are optically thicker (to the solar extreme ultraviolet radiation) than the inner C and D rings and the Cassini Division to the solar extreme ultraviolet radiation. Moreover, we reproduce the boundaries of the A ring and the outer edge of the B ring. Furthermore, observed variations with respect to the inner edge of the B ring imply a delayed response of the ionospheric H+ because of its long lifetime and suggest that the ionospheric plasma is transported from an unshadowed region to a shadowed one in the ionosphere.
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