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Träfflista för sökning "L773:1474 4465 OR L773:1474 4422 srt2:(2010-2014);srt2:(2011)"

Sökning: L773:1474 4465 OR L773:1474 4422 > (2010-2014) > (2011)

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  • Biffi, Alessandro, et al. (författare)
  • APOE genotype and extent of bleeding and outcome in lobar intracerebral haemorrhage: a genetic association study
  • 2011
  • Ingår i: Lancet Neurology. - 1474-4465. ; 10:8, s. 702-709
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Background Carriers of APOE epsilon 2 and epsilon 4 have an increased risk of intracerebral haemorrhage (ICH) in lobar regions, presumably because of the effects of these gene variants on risk of cerebral amyloid angiopathy. We aimed to assess whether these variants also associate with severity of ICH, in terms of haematoma volume at presentation and subsequent outcome. Methods We investigated the association of APOE epsilon 2 and epsilon 4 with ICH volume and outcomes in patients with primary ICH in three phases: a discovery phase of 865 individuals of European ancestry from the Genetics of Cerebral Hemorrhage on Anticoagulation study, and replication phases of 946 Europeans (replication 1) and 214 African-Americans (replication 2) from an additional six studies. We also assessed the association of APOE variants with ICH volume and outcomes in meta-analyses of results from all three phases, and the association of APOE epsilon 4 with mortality in a further meta-analysis including data from previous reports. Admission ICH volume was quantified on CT scan. We assessed functional outcome (modified Rankin scale score 3-6) and mortality at 90 days. We used linear regression to establish the effect of genotype on haematoma volume and logistic regression to assess the effect on outcome from ICH. Findings For patients with lobar ICH, carriers of the APOE epsilon 2 allele had larger ICH volumes than did non-carriers in the discovery phase (p=2. 5x10(-5)), in both replication phases (p=0.008 in Europeans and p=0.016 in African-Americans), and in the meta-analysis (p=3.2x10(-8)). In the meta-analysis, each copy of APOE epsilon 2 increased haematoma size by a mean of 5.3 mL (95% CI 4.7-5.9; p=0.004). Carriers of APOE epsilon 2 had increased mortality (odds ratio [OR] 1.50, 95% CI 1.23-1.82; p=2.45x10(-5)) and poorer functional outcomes (modified Rankin scale score 3-6; 1-52, 1.25-1.85; p=1.74x10(-5)) compared with non-carriers after lobar ICH. APOE epsilon 4 was not associated with lobar ICH volume, functional outcome, or mortality in the discovery phase, replication phases, or meta-analysis of these three phases; in our further meta-analysis of 2194 patients, this variant did not increase risk of mortality (1.08,0.86-1.36; p=0.52). APOE allele variants were not associated with deep ICH volume, functional outcome, or mortality. Interpretation Vasculopathic changes associated with the APOE epsilon 2 allele might have a role in the severity and clinical course of lobar ICH. Screening of patients who have ICH to identify the epsilon 2 variant might allow identification of those at increased risk of mortality and poor functional outcomes.
  • Ross, Owen A., et al. (författare)
  • Association of LRRK2 exonic variants with susceptibility to Parkinson's disease: a case-control study
  • 2011
  • Ingår i: Lancet Neurology. - 1474-4465. ; 10:10, s. 898-908
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Background The leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 gene (LRRK2) harbours highly penetrant mutations that are linked to familial parkinsonism. However, the extent of its polymorphic variability in relation to risk of Parkinson's disease (PD) has not been assessed systematically. We therefore assessed the frequency of LRRK2 exonic variants in individuals with and without PD, to investigate the role of the variants in PD susceptibility. Methods LRRK2 was genotyped in patients with PD and controls from three series (white, Asian, and Arab-Berber) from sites participating in the Genetic Epidemiology of Parkinson's Disease Consortium. Genotyping was done for exonic variants of LRRK2 that were identified through searches of literature and the personal communications of consortium members. Associations with PD were assessed by use of logistic regression models. For variants that had a minor allele frequency of 0.5% or greater, single variant associations were assessed, whereas for rarer variants information was collapsed across variants. Findings 121 exonic LRRK2 variants were assessed in 15 540 individuals: 6995 white patients with PD and 5595 controls, 1376 Asian patients and 962 controls, and 240 Arab-Berber patients and 372 controls. After exclusion of carriers of known pathogenic mutations, new independent risk associations were identified for polymorphic variants in white individuals (M1646T, odds ratio 1.43, 95% CI 1.15-1.78; p=0.0012) and Asian individuals (A419V, 2.27, 1.35-3.83; p=0.0011). A protective haplotype (N551K-R1398H-K1423K) was noted at a frequency greater than 5% in the white and Asian series, with a similar finding in the Arab-Berber series (combined odds ratio 0.82, 0.72-0.94; p=0.0043). Of the two previously reported Asian risk variants, G2385R was associated with disease (1.73, 1.20-2.49; p=0.0026), but no association was noted for R1628P (0.62, 0.36-1.07; p=0.087). In the Arab-Berber series, Y2189C showed potential evidence of risk association with PD (4.48, 133-15.09; p=0.012). Interpretation The results for LRRK2 show that several rare and common genetic variants in the same gene can have independent effects on disease risk. LRRK2, and the pathway in which it functions, is important in the cause and pathogenesis of PD in a greater proportion of patients with this disease than previously believed. These results will help discriminate those patients who will benefit most from therapies targeted at LRRK2 pathogenic activity. Funding Michael J Fox Foundation and National Institutes of Health.
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