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2016 Workshop on Exascale Multi/Many Core Computing Systems (E-MuCoCoS)
- 2016
Samlingsverk (redaktörskap) (refereegranskat)abstract
- Exascale computing will revolutionize computational science and engineering by providing 1000x the capabilities of currently available computing systems, while having a similar power footprint. The HPC community is working towards the development of the first Exaflop computer after reaching the Petaflop milestone in 2008. There are concerns that computer designs based on existing multi-core and many-core solutions will not scale to Exascale considering technical challenges (such as, productivity, energy consumption or reliability) and reasonable economic constraints. Therefore, novel multi-core and many-core solutions are required to reach Exascale. The E-MuCoCoS workshop series focuses on multi/many core languages, system software and architectural solutions for extreme-scale systems towards Exascale.
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7th IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), 2015 IEEE/ACM 3 (Volume:2 )
- 2015
Proceedings (redaktörskap) (refereegranskat)abstract
- Cyber-physical system (CPS) have been recognized as a top-priority in research and development. The innovations sought for CPS demand them to deal effectively with dynamicity of their environment, to be scalable, adaptive, tolerant to threats, etc. -- i.e. they have to be smart. Although approaches insoftware engineering (SE) exist that individually meet these demands, their synergy to address the challenges of smart CPS (sCPS) in a holistic manner remains an open challenge. The workshop focuses on software engineering challenges for sCPS. The goals are to increase the understanding of problems of SE for sCPS, study foundational principles for engineering sCPS, and identify promising SE solutions for sCPS. Based on these goals, the workshop aims to formulate a research agenda for SE of sCPS.
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- A. Alkhamisi, Mahdi, et al.
A Monte Carlo Study of Recent Ridge Parameters
- 2007
Ingår i: Communications in statistics. Simulation and computation. - 0361-0918 .- 1532-4141. ; 36:3, s. 535-547
Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)