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  • Blomstedt, Yulia, et al. (författare)
  • 10 years follow-up of deep brain stimulation in the caudal zona incerta/posterior subthalamic area for essential tremor
  • 2023
  • Ingår i: Movement Disorders Clinical Practice. - : John Wiley & Sons. - 2330-1619. ; 10:5, s. 783-793
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Background: Long-term data on the effects of deep brain stimulation (DBS) for essential tremor (ET) is scarce, especially regarding DBS in the caudal Zona incerta (cZi) and the posterior subthalamic area (PSA). Objectives: The aim of this prospective study was to evaluate the effect of cZi/PSA DBS in ET at 10 years after surgery.Methods: Thirty-four patients were included. All patients received cZi/PSA DBS (5 bilateral/29 unilateral) and were evaluated at regular intervals using the essential tremor rating scale (ETRS).Results: One year after surgery, there was a 66.4% improvement of total ETRS and 70.7% improvement of tremor (items 1–9) compared with the preoperative baseline. Ten years after surgery, 14 patients had died and 3 were lost to follow-up. In the remaining 17 patients, a significant improvement was maintained (50.8% for total ETRS and 55.8% for tremor items). On the treated side the scores of hand function (items 11–14) had improved by 82.6% at 1 year after surgery, and by 66.1% after 10 years. Since off-stimulation scores did not differ between year 1 and 10, this 20% deterioration of on-DBS scores was interpreted as a habituation. There was no significant increase in stimulation parameters beyond the first year.Conclusions: This 10 year follow up study, found cZi/PSA DBS for ET to be a safe procedure with a mostly retained effect on tremor, compared to 1 year after surgery, and in the absence of increase in stimulation parameters. The modest deterioration of effect of DBS on tremor was interpreted as habituation.
  • Hariz, Marwan, et al. (författare)
  • Anthropology of deep brain stimulation; the 30th anniversary of STN DBS in 2023
  • 2023
  • Ingår i: Movement Disorders Clinical Practice. - : John Wiley & Sons. - 2330-1619. ; 10:9, s. 1285-1292
  • Forskningsöversikt (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Background: The year 2023 marks the 30th anniversary of deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the subthalamic nucleus (STN) for Parkinson’s disease (PD). This procedure prompted a universal interest in DBS for various brain disorders and resulted in a unique expansion of clinical and scientific collaboration between many disciplines, with impact on many aspects of society.Objective: To study the anthropology of DBS, that is, its ethno-geographic origins, its evolution, its impact on clinicians and scientists, and its influence on society at large.Material and Methods: The authors scrutinized the geo-ethnic origins of the pioneers of modern DBS, and they evaluated, based on the literature and on a long-term praxis, the development of DBS and its impact on clinicians, on healthcare, and on society.Results: Scientists and clinicians from various geo-ethnic origins pioneered modern DBS, leading to worldwide spread of this procedure and to the establishment of large multidisciplinary teams in many centers. Neurologists became actively involved in surgery and took on new laborious tasks of programming ever more complicated DBS systems. Publications sky-rocketed and the global spread of DBS impacted positively on several aspects of society, including healthcare, awareness of neurological diseases, interdisciplinary relations, conferences, patient organizations, unemployment, industry, etc.Conclusions: STN DBS has boosted the field of deep brain electrotherapy for many neurological and psychiatric illnesses, and DBS has generated a global benefit on many aspects of society, well beyond its clinical benefits on symptoms of diseases. With the ever-increasing indications for DBS, more positive global impact is expected.
  • Hariz, Marwan, et al. (författare)
  • Serendipity and Observations in Functional Neurosurgery : From James Parkinson's Stroke to Hamani's & Lozano's Flashbacks
  • 2022
  • Ingår i: Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery. - : S. Karger. - 1011-6125 .- 1423-0372. ; 100:4, s. 201-209
  • Forskningsöversikt (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Background: Serendipity and observations have a noble tradition in medicine, including neurology, and are responsible for many medical treatments (carbamazepine for tic douloureux, amantadine for Parkinson's disease, gabapentin for restless legs...). We aimed at examining the contribution of serendipity and observations to functional neurosurgery. Scholarly publications relevant to the history of functional neurosurgery for movement and psychiatric disorders were reviewed, starting from the pre-stereotactic era. The documents were scrutinized with respect to indications for surgery, surgical methods, and brain targets, in view of determining whether serendipitous discoveries and other observations contributed to various functional neurosurgical procedures. Summary: James Parkinson's observation that tremors disappeared in the arm of a person with shaking palsy after a hemiparetic stroke encouraged neurosurgeons in the first half of the 20th century to perform ablative procedures on central motor pathways. Following a lobotomy performed by Browder that extended too far medially in a psychiatric patient with coexisting Parkinson's disease (PD), it was noted that the Parkinsonian signs improved. This encouraged Russel Meyers to carry out open surgery on the caudate nucleus and basal ganglia in PD. Cooper introduced ligation of the anterior choroidal artery as a treatment for PD following a surgical accident during a pedunculotomy. Cooper later started to perform stereotactic surgery on the ventrolateral thalamus following the pathological finding that an intended pallidal lesion had in fact targeted the thalamus. Leksell discovered the ideal location of a pallidal lesion being in the posteroventral area empirically, long before the advent of the basal ganglia model of PD. Modern Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) that started in the thalamus for tremor was the result of an observation by Benabid that intraoperative high-frequency stimulation during a thalamotomy reduced tremor. Both the discoveries of the anterior limbic subthalamic nucleus as a DBS target for OCD and the medial forebrain bundle as a DBS target for depression occurred by chance. Hamani and Lozano observed memory flashbacks in a patient who was undergoing DBS for obesity, which led to the discovery of the fornix as a potential DBS target for Alzheimer's disease. Key Messages: In the history of functional neurosurgery, serendipity and observations have resulted in discoveries of several procedures, brain targets for lesioning or DBS as well as new clinical surgical indications. In this era of neuromodulation, this technology should be exquisite in allowing potential serendipitous discoveries, provided that clinicians remain both observant and prepared.
  • Agren, Richard, et al. (författare)
  • Pulse Width and Implantable Pulse Generator Longevity in Pallidal Deep Brain Stimulation for Dystonia : A Population-Based Comparative Effectiveness Study
  • 2020
  • Ingår i: Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery. - : S. Karger. - 1011-6125 .- 1423-0372. ; 98:5, s. 331-336
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Introduction: A wide range of pulse widths (PWs) has been used in globus pallidus internus (GPi) deep brain stimulation (DBS) for dystonia. However, no specific PW has demonstrated clinical superiority, and the paradigm may differ among DBS centers.Objective: To investigate how different paradigms of PWs in GPi DBS for dystonia affect implantable pulse generator (IPG) longevities and energy consumption.Methods: Thirty-nine patients with dystonia treated with bilateral GPi DBS at 2 Swedish DBS centers from 2005 to 2015 were included. Different PW paradigms were used at the 2 centers, 60–90 µs (short PWs) and 450 µs (long PW), respectively. The frequency of IPG replacements, pulse effective voltage (PEV), IPG model, pre-/postoperative imaging, and clinical outcome based on the clinical global impression (CGI) scale were collected from the medical charts and compared between the 2 groups.Results: The average IPG longevity was extended for the short PWs (1,129 ± 50 days) compared to the long PW (925 ± 32 days; χ2 = 12.31, p = 0.0005, log-rank test). IPG longevity correlated inversely with PEV (Pearson’s r = –0.667, p < 0.0001). IPG longevities did not differ between Kinetra® and Activa® PC in the short (p = 0.319) or long PW group (p = 0.858). Electrode distances to the central sensorimotor region of the GPi did not differ between the short or long PW groups (p = 0.595). Pre- and postoperative CGI did not differ between groups.Conclusions: Short PWs were associated with decreased energy consumption and increased IPG longevity. These effects were not dependent on the IPG model or the anatomic location of the electrodes. PWs did not correlate with symptom severities or clinical outcomes. The results suggest that the use of short PWs might be more energy efficient and could therefore be preferred initially when programming patients with GPi DBS for dystonia.
  • Antonsson, Johan, et al. (författare)
  • Diffuse reflectance spectroscopy measurements for tissue type discrimination during deep brain stimulation
  • 2008
  • Ingår i: Journal of neural engineering. - : IOP Publishing. - 1741-2560 .- 1741-2552. ; 5:2, s. 185-190
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Diffuse reflectance spectroscopy as a method for improving intracerebral guidance during functional neurosurgery has been investigated. An optical probe was developed for measurements during stereotactic and functional neurosurgery in man. The aim of the study was to investigate the spectral differences between white and grey matter and between white matter and functional targets. Diffuse reflectance spectroscopy measurements in ten patients were recorded at incremental steps towards and in three different functional targets (STN, GPi and Zi). The recorded spectra along the trajectory were sorted into white or grey matter, based on preoperative MRI images or the recorded spectral shape and intensity. The difference between tissue types was calculated as a quotient. Significant intensity differences between white and grey matter were found to be at least 14% (p < 0.05) and 20% (p < 0.0001) for MRI and spectral-sorted data respectively. The reflectance difference between white matter and the functional targets of GPi was higher than for STN and Zi. The results indicate that diffuse reflectance spectroscopy has a potential to be developed to a suitable complement to other intracerebral guidance methods.
  • Asplund, Pär, 1974- (författare)
  • Percutaneous Balloon Compression for the Treatment of Trigeminal Neuralgia
  • 2019
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Background. Trigeminal neuralgia (TN) is a paroxysmal unilateral facial pain condition. That it is rather rare is of little comfort to those who are affected, as TN is often described as one of the worst pains known to mankind. Advanced age and multiple sclerosis (MS) are risk factors for developing TN. The first line of treatment is medical, primarily with carbamazepine. When medical treatment fails, as it does in many patients, there are several surgical options. One of the minimally invasive options, suitable for patients with comorbidity, is percutaneous balloon compression (PBC). Despite its introduction in the early 1980s, PBC is arguably the least well studied of the minimally invasive procedures for the treatment of TN.Aims. The aim of this thesis was to evaluate the efficacy of PBC, both overall and in MS-TN patients specifically. Further, it intended to identify and evaluate pre- and intraoperative parameters associated with the efficacy of PBC. It also investigated changes in sensory function after PBC, and identified side effects and complications associated with PBC. Finally, it sought to evaluate how efficacy, side effects and complications differed between PBC and another minimally invasive technique; percutaneous retrogasserian glycerol rhizotomy (PRGR).Methods. Cohorts of patients treated with PBC in Umeå and Stockholm, and with PRGR in Umeå, were followed retrospectively. Data from an existing database was combined with data from medical records, radiographs and telephone interviews.Results. After PBC, 90 % of the patients were completely pain free without medication for TN. The median time to recurrence of pain was 28 months. In patients with concurrent MS, the initial success rate was 67 % and the median time to recurrence was 8 months. In patients without MS, who had not previously been treated surgically, the initial success rate was 91 % and the median time to recurrence was 48 months. The procedure could, however, be repeated with good results. A good compression, indicated by a pear-shaped balloon as seen on intraoperative lateral radiograph, was crucial to achieve good pain relief. Postoperative hypoesthesia was present in the majority of patients, but after 3-6 months, sensibility was partly or fully normalized in most patients. Severe complications were rare, but included transient cardiac arrest, meningitis and dysesthesia. The side effects profile was favorable to that of percutaneous retrogasserian glycerol rhizotomy, in that the latter produced more cases of dysesthesia and decreased corneal sensibility. The efficacy of the two treatments were, however, not significantly different.Conclusions. PBC is an effective and relatively safe treatment option for patients with TN refractory to medical treatment. It deserves its place among the standard treatments for TN, and could be considered for those patients eligible for surgery for which open surgery is a less suitable option. 
  • Asplund, Pär, et al. (författare)
  • Percutaneous Balloon Compression vs Percutaneous Retrogasserian Glycerol Rhizotomy for the Primary Treatment of Trigeminal Neuralgia
  • 2016
  • Ingår i: Neurosurgery. - : Wolters Kluwer. - 0148-396X .- 1524-4040. ; 78:3, s. 421-428
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • BACKGROUND: Despite >30 years of clinical use, the literature is still sparse when it comes to comparisons between percutaneous balloon compression (PBC) and percutaneous retrogasserian glycerol rhizolysis (PRGR) as treatments for trigeminal neuralgia.OBJECTIVE: To perform a retrospective cohort comparison between PBC and PRGR with regard to therapeutic effect, side effects, and complications.METHODS: Medical records and follow-up data from 124 primary PRGRs performed from 1986 to 2000 and 82 primary PBCs performed from 2000 to 2013 were reviewed. All patients had undergone clinical sensory testing and assessment of sensory thresholds. Analyses were performed to compare duration of pain relief, frequency of sensory disturbances, and side effects.RESULTS: Median duration of pain relief was 21 months after PRGR and 20 months after PBC. Both methods carried a high risk of hypesthesia/hypalgesia (P < .001) that was partly reversed with time. Decreased corneal sensibility was common after PRGR (P < .001) but not after PBC. Dysesthesia was more common after PRGR (23%) compared after PBC (4%; P < .001). Other side effects were noted but uncommon.CONCLUSION: PBC and PRGR are both effective as primary surgical treatment of trigeminal neuralgia. Both carry a risk of postoperative hypesthesia, but in this series, the side effect profile favored PBC. Furthermore, PBC is technically less challenging, whereas PRGR requires fewer resources. Between these 2 techniques, we propose PBC as the primary surgical technique for percutaneous treatment of trigeminal neuralgia on the basis of its lower incidence of dysesthesia, corneal hypesthesia, and technical failures.ABBREVIATIONS: MS, multiple sclerosisPBC, percutaneous balloon compressionPRGR, percutaneous retrogasserian glycerol rhizotomyTN, trigeminal neuralgiaThis is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivatives License 4.0 (CCBY-NC-ND), where it is permissible to download and share the work, provided it is properly cited. The work cannot be changed in any way or used commercially.
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