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Sökning: WFRF:(Klann E)

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  • Busch, Silas E, et al. (författare)
  • Overexpression of the autism candidate gene Cyfip1 pathologically enhances olivo-cerebellar signaling in mice.
  • 2023
  • Ingår i: Frontiers in cellular neuroscience. - 1662-5102. ; 17
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Cyfip1, the gene encoding cytoplasmic FMR1 interacting protein 1, has been of interest as an autism candidate gene for years. A potential role in autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is suggested by its location on human chromosome 15q11-13, an instable region that gives rise to a variety of copy number variations associated with syndromic autism. In addition, the CYFIP1 protein acts as a binding partner to Fragile X Messenger Ribonucleoprotein (FMRP) in the regulation of translation initiation. Mutation of FMR1, the gene encoding FMRP, causes Fragile X syndrome, another form of syndromic autism. Here, in mice overexpressing CYFIP1, we study response properties of cerebellar Purkinje cells to activity of the climbing fiber input that originates from the inferior olive and provides an instructive signal in sensorimotor input analysis and plasticity. We find that CYFIP1 overexpression results in enhanced localization of the synaptic organizer neurexin 1 (NRXN1) at climbing fiber synaptic input sites on Purkinje cell primary dendrites and concomitant enhanced climbing fiber synaptic transmission (CF-EPSCs) measured using whole-cell patch-clamp recordings from Purkinje cells in vitro. Moreover, using two-photon measurements of GCaMP6f-encoded climbing fiber signals in Purkinje cells of intact mice, we observe enhanced responses to air puff stimuli applied to the whisker field. These findings resemble our previous phenotypic observations in a mouse model for the human 15q11-13 duplication, which does not extend to the Cyfip1 locus. Thus, our study demonstrates that CYFIP1 overexpression shares a limited set of olivo-cerebellar phenotypes as those resulting from an increased number of copies of non-overlapping genes located on chromosome 15q11-13.
  • Kalinowska, M., et al. (författare)
  • Deletion of Fmr1 in parvalbumin-expressing neurons results in dysregulated translation and selective behavioral deficits associated with fragile X syndrome
  • 2022
  • Ingår i: Molecular Autism. - : Springer Science and Business Media LLC. - 2040-2392. ; 13:1
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Background Fragile X syndrome (FXS), the most common genetic cause of autism spectrum disorder and intellectual disability, is caused by the lack of fragile X mental retardation protein (FMRP) expression. FMRP is an mRNA binding protein with functions in mRNA transport, localization, and translational control. In Fmr1 knockout mice, dysregulated translation has been linked to pathophysiology, including abnormal synaptic function and dendritic morphology, and autistic-like behavioral phenotypes. The role of FMRP in morphology and function of excitatory neurons has been well studied in mice lacking Fmr1, but the impact of Fmr1 deletion on inhibitory neurons remains less characterized. Moreover, the contribution of FMRP in different cell types to FXS pathophysiology is not well defined. We sought to characterize whether FMRP loss in parvalbumin or somatostatin-expressing neurons results in FXS-like deficits in mice. Methods We used Cre-lox recombinase technology to generate two lines of conditional knockout mice lacking FMRP in either parvalbumin or somatostatin-expressing cells and carried out a battery of behavioral tests to assess motor function, anxiety, repetitive, stereotypic, social behaviors, and learning and memory. In addition, we used fluorescent non-canonical amino acid tagging along with immunostaining to determine whether de novo protein synthesis is dysregulated in parvalbumin or somatostatin-expressing neurons. Results De novo protein synthesis was elevated in hippocampal parvalbumin and somatostatin-expressing inhibitory neurons in Fmr1 knockout mice. Cell type-specific deletion of Fmr1 in parvalbumin-expressing neurons resulted in anxiety-like behavior, impaired social behavior, and dysregulated de novo protein synthesis. In contrast, deletion of Fmr1 in somatostatin-expressing neurons did not result in behavioral abnormalities and did not significantly impact de novo protein synthesis. This is the first report of how loss of FMRP in two specific subtypes of inhibitory neurons is associated with distinct FXS-like abnormalities. Limitations The mouse models we generated are limited by whole body knockout of FMRP in parvalbumin or somatostatin-expressing cells and further studies are needed to establish a causal relationship between cellular deficits and FXS-like behaviors. Conclusions Our findings indicate a cell type-specific role for FMRP in parvalbumin-expressing neurons in regulating distinct behavioral features associated with FXS.
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