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Sökning: WFRF:(Kröger Nicolaus)

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  • Brissot, Eolia, et al. (författare)
  • Tyrosine kinase inhibitors improve long-term outcome of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for adult patients with Philadelphia chromosome positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
  • 2015
  • Ingår i: Haematologica. - : Ferrata Storti Foundation (Haematologica). - 1592-8721 .- 0390-6078. ; 100:3, s. 392-399
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • This study aimed to determine the impact of tyrosine-kinase inhibitors given pre- and post-allogeneic stem cell transplantation on long term outcome of patients allografted for Philadelphia chromosome-positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia. This retrospective analysis from the Acute Leukemia Working Party of EBMT included 473 de novo Philadelphia chromosome-positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia patients in first complete remission who underwent an allogeneic stem cell transplantation using an human leucocyte antigen-identical sibling or human leucocyte antigen-matched unrelated donor between 2000 and 2010. Three hundred ninety patients received tyrosine-kinase inhibitors before transplant, 329 at induction and 274 at consolidation. The Kaplan-Meier estimates of leukemia-free survival, overall survival, cumulative incidences of relapse incidence, and non-relapse mortality at 5 years were 38%, 46%, 36% and 26%, respectively. In multivariate analysis, tyrosine-kinase inhibitors given before allogeneic stem cell transplantation was associated with a better overall survival (HR=0.68; P=.04) and was associated with lower relapse incidence (HR=0.5; P=.01). In the post-transplant period, multivariate analysis identified prophylactic tyrosine-kinase inhibitors administration to be a significant factor for improved leukemia-free survival (HR=0.44; P=.002) and overall survival (HR=0.42; P=.004), and a lower relapse incidence (HR=0.40; P=.01). In conclusion, over the past decade, tyrosine-kinase inhibitors administration before allogeneic stem cell transplantation has significantly improved the long term allogeneic stem cell transplantation outcome of adult Philadelphia chromosome-positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Prospective studies will be of great interest to further confirm the potential benefit of the prophylactic use of tyrosine-kinase inhibitors in the post-transplant setting.
  • Bug, Gesine, et al. (författare)
  • Fludarabine/TBI 8 Gy versus fludarabine/treosulfan conditioning in patients with AML in first complete remission : a study from the Acute Leukemia Working Party of the EBMT
  • 2023
  • Ingår i: Bone Marrow Transplantation. - : Springer Nature. - 0268-3369 .- 1476-5365. ; 58:6, s. 710-716
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The optimal reduced intensity conditioning (RIC) regimen is a matter of debate. We retrospectively compared conditioning with fludarabine plus fractionated total body irradiation of 8 Gy (FluTBI) and fludarabine plus treosulfan 30, 36 or 42 g/m2 (FluTreo) in 754 patients with AML above the age of 40 years undergoing an allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT) in first complete remission (CR). After balancing patient characteristics by propensity score matching of 115 patients in each group, FluTBI was associated with a significantly lower probability of relapse compared to FluTreo (18.3% vs. 34.7%, p = 0.018) which was counteracted by a higher non-relapse mortality (NRM, 16.8% vs. 5.3%, p = 0.02). Thus, overall survival and graft-versus-host disease-free and relapse-free survival at 2 years were similar between groups (OS 66.9% vs. 67.8%, GRFS 50.3% vs. 45.6%). Univariate analysis by age group demonstrated a higher NRM exclusively in patients ≥55 years of age treated with FluTBI compared to FluTreo (27.6% vs. 5.8%, p = 0.02), while a similarly low NRM was observed in patients <55 years in both groups (6.0% vs. 4.7%, p = ns). We conclude that both conditioning regimens are effective and safe, but FluTBI may better be reserved for younger patients below the age of 55 years.
  • De Greef, Julien, et al. (författare)
  • Risk factors for Nocardia infection among allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplant recipients : A case-control study of the Infectious Diseases Working Party of the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation
  • 2024
  • Ingår i: Journal of Infection. - : Elsevier. - 0163-4453 .- 1532-2742. ; 88:6
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • ObjectivesNocardiosis is a rare but life-threatening infection after hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT). We aimed at identifying risk factors for nocardiosis after allogeneic HCT and clarifying the effect of trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole prophylaxis on its occurrence.MethodsWe performed a retrospective multicenter case-control study of patients diagnosed with nocardiosis after allogeneic HCT between January 2000 and December 2018. For each case, two controls were matched by center, transplant date, and age group. Multivariable analysis was conducted using conditional logistic regression to identify potential risk factors for nocardiosis. Kaplan-Meier survival curves of cases and controls were compared using log-rank tests.ResultsSixty-four cases and 128 controls were included. Nocardiosis occurred at a median of 9 months after allogeneic HCT (interquartile range: 5–18). After adjustment for potential confounders in a multivariable model, Nocardia infection was associated with tacrolimus use (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] 9.9, 95 % confidence interval [95 % CI]: 1.6–62.7), lymphocyte count < 500/µL (aOR 8.9, 95 % CI: 2.3–34.7), male sex (aOR 8.1, 95 % CI: 2.1–31.5), recent use of systemic corticosteroids (aOR 7.9, 95 % CI: 2.2–28.2), and recent CMV infection (aOR 4.3, 95 % CI: 1.2–15.9). Conversely, use of trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole prophylaxis was associated with a significantly decreased risk of nocardiosis (aOR 0.2, 95 % CI: 0.1–0.8). HCT recipients who developed nocardiosis had a significantly decreased survival, as compared with controls (12-month survival: 58 % and 90 %, respectively; p < 0.0001).ConclusionsWe identified six factors independently associated with the occurrence of nocardiosis among allogeneic HCT recipients. In particular, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole prophylaxis was found to protect against nocardiosis.
  • Gelder, Marion E Meijer-Van, et al. (författare)
  • Long-term survival of patients with CLL after allogeneic transplantation : A report from the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation
  • 2017
  • Ingår i: Bone Marrow Transplantation. - : Springer Science and Business Media LLC. - 0268-3369 .- 1476-5365. ; 52:3, s. 372-380
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Even with the availability of targeted drugs, allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation (allo-HCT) is the only therapy with curative potential for patients with CLL. Cure can be assessed by comparing long-term survival of patients to the matched general population. Using data from 2589 patients who received allo-HCT between 2000 and 2010, we used landmark analyses and methods from relative survival analysis to calculate excess mortality compared with an age-, sex- and calendar year-matched general population. Estimated event-free survival, overall survival and non-relapse mortality (NRM) 10 years after allo-HCT were 28% (95% confidence interval (CI), 25-31), 35% (95% CI, 32-38) and 40% (95% CI, 37-42), respectively. Patients who passed the 5-year landmark event-free survival (N=394) had a 79% probability (95% CI, 73-85) of surviving the subsequent 5 years without an event. Relapse and NRM contributed equally to treatment failure. Five-year mortality for 45- and 65-year-old reference patients who were event-free at the 5-year landmark was 8% and 47% compared with 3% and 14% in the matched general population, respectively. The prospect of long-term disease-free survival remains an argument to consider allo-HCT for young patients with high-risk CLL, and programs to understand and prevent late causes of failure for long-term survivors are warranted, especially for older patients.
  • Ortí, Guillermo, et al. (författare)
  • Graft-versus-Host Disease Prophylaxis with PostTransplantation Cyclophosphamide in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Patients Undergoing Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation from an Unrelated or Mismatched Related Donor : A Comparative Study from the Chronic Malignancies Working Party of the EBMT (CMWP-EBMT)
  • 2024
  • Ingår i: Transplantation and Cellular Therapy. - : Elsevier. - 2666-6375 .- 2666-6367. ; 30:1, s. 93.e1-93.e12
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Outcomes following allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation (allo-HCT) for chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) with post-transplantation cyclophosphamide (PTCy) using an unrelated donor (UD) or a mismatched related donor (MMRD) remain unknown. We report a retrospective comparison of PTCy-based allo-HCT from a UD, non-PTCy allo-HCT from a UD, and PTCy allo-HCT from an MMRD. Inclusion criteria were adult patients with CML undergoing first allo-HCT between 2012 and 2019 from a UD with either PTCy or non-PTCy graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) prophylaxis or from an MMRD using PTCy. The primary endpoint was GVHD-free/relapse-free survival (GRFS). A total of 1341 patients were included (82% in the non-PTCy UD cohort). With a median follow-up of 34.9 months, the 3-year GRFS was 43% in the non-PTCy cohort, 37% in the PTCy-UD cohort, and 39% PTCy-MMRD cohort (P = .15). Multivariable analyses revealed no significant differences among the 3 cohorts in terms of overall survival (OS), progression-free survival, RI, and nonrelapse mortality. Factors independently associated with worse OS in the overall cohort were Karnofsky Performance Status <90 (hazard ratio [HR], 1.86; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.41 to 2.45; P < .001), older age (HR, 1.24, 95% CI, 1.11 to 1.38; P < .001), and disease stage (compared to chronic phase [CP] 1): blast phase (HR, 2.25; 95% CI, 1.60 to 3.16; P < .001), accelerated phase (HR, 1.63; 95% CI, 1.05 to 2.54; P = .03), and CP >2 (HR, 1.58; 95% CI, 1.15 to 2.17; P = .005). These results suggest that allo-HCT in patients with CML using either a UD or an MMRD with PTCy-based GVHD prophylaxis are feasible transplantation, platforms and that the disease stage at allo-HCT remains a major prognostic factor, highlighting the importance of closely monitoring CML patients and proposing transplantation when indicated when still in CP1.
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