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- Kostenius, Catrine, 1962-, et al.
From Hell to Heaven? Lived experiences of LGBTQ migrants in relation to health and their reflections on the future
- 2022
Ingår i: Culture, Health and Sexuality. - Abingdon : Taylor & Francis. - 1369-1058 .- 1464-5351. ; 24:11, s. 1590-1602
Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
- This paper explores the lived experiences of LGBTQ migrants participating in a civil society group in Sweden during the migration process and their reflections on the future. Eleven migrants who self-identified as LGBTQ (seven male/gay, one female/lesbian, one female/bi-sexual, and two transgender/gay persons) from three local support groups for LGBTQ migrants agreed to be interviewed. Participants came from Guinea, Iraq, Kurdistan, North Macedonia, Nigeria, Nicaragua, Pakistan, the Russian Federation, Syria, Uganda and Ukraine. Interpretative-phenomenological analysis resulted in three themes: Past: from daily stress to the fear of being killed; Present: safety, belonging and resources to support the transition to a new life; and Future: making a positive difference or being afraid of what’s ahead. Participants’ health-related journeys and reflections about the future were complex in terms of favourable and unfavourable lived experiences, which become resources and risks for personal development. Study findings offers an enhanced awareness of the complex landscape of, and interaction between, vulnerability and potentiality. Based on the findings, we suggest the adoption of a health promoting approach focusing on the LGBTQ migrants’ strengths and personal resources.
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- Marklund, Bertil, et al.
Ung i Halland
- 2006
Rapport (populärvet., debatt m.m.)abstract
- De främsta miljöerna där barn/ungdomar vistas är i hemmet, skolan och fritiden. Dessa miljöer har därmed stor betydelse för ungdomars hälsa och välbefi nnande. Under sin uppväxt tillbringar t.ex. barn mer än 15 000 timmar i skolan!Det är viktigt att ställa sig frågorna; Vad kan göras för att bevara, stärka och främja hälsan och välbefi nnandet för alla ungdomar? Vilka generella insatser har betydelse oavsett om det gäller i hemmet, i skolan eller på fritidsarenan? Vad kan göras för att förebygga och komma tillrätta med den ohälsa som vi kan se drabbar ungdomarna idag? Vilka specifi ka insatser har betydelse? Det är viktigt med konkreta insatser i många fall omgående, men det är också viktigt att tänka långsiktigt, att våga satsa tidigt och tänka efter före. Att även satsa på forsknings- och utvecklingsprojekt behövs för att på ett vetenskapligt sätt kunna följa upp konsekvenserna av olika insatser för att insatserna i framtiden skall bli så rätta som möjligt. Detta behöver göras för både generella och specifi ka insatser.Hälsa och välbefi nnande är ett välfärdsmått och därmed en politisk fråga på alla plan, lokalt, regionalt, nationellt och globalt. Barn och ungdomars hälsa och välbefi nnande är också en angelägenhet för alla, vår framtid, våga därför satsa nu! Delaktighet och infl ytande har positiv effekt på både hälsa och välbefinnande, låt därför barn och ungdomar i än större omfattning vara med och bestämma i de frågor som rör dem. Att utgå från Barnkonventionen ”att barns bästa ska sättas i främsta rummet samt att barn och unga har rätt till bästa uppnåeliga hälsa” i alla beslut som fattas är ett utmärkt utgångsläge – för framtiden!
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- Pelters, Pelle, Ph.D. 1972-, et al.
“This Group is Like a Home to Me:” understandings of health of LGBTQ refugees in a Swedish health-related integration intervention: a qualitative study
- 2022
Ingår i: BMC Public Health. - London : Springer Nature. - 1471-2458. ; 22:1
Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
- Background: When large numbers of asylum seekers immigrate to a country, civil society is encouraged to contribute to their integration. A subgroup of asylum seekers comprising lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer (LGBTQ) refugees are specifically deemed vulnerable to developing health and integration problems due to the double stigma of being a sexual/gender minority and a refugee. The Swedish Federation for LGBTQ Rights (RFSL) is a civil societal organization that has established the support group “RFSL Newcomers,” a health-related integration intervention that targets such refugees. The aim of the present study is reconstructing the subjective understanding of health of LGBTQ refugees.Methods: Eleven participants in Newcomers and eight organizers were interviewed about LGBTQ refugees’ experiences of migrating and participating in RFSL Newcomers. Qualitative content analysis was used to reconstruct subjective understandings of health that were constructed in these narratives. As the data did not originally concentrate on exploring understandings of health, a broad theoretical approach was used as a heuristic for the analysis, which focused on the common everyday approach of conceptualizing health as wellbeing.Results: The narratives revealed three interconnected, interdependent categories of understanding health in which tensions occur between wellbeing and ill-being: belonging versus alienation, security and safety versus insecurity, and recognition versus denial. The categories contribute to an overarching theme of health as framed freedom – i.e., freedom framed by conditions of society.Conclusions: For our participants, belonging, recognition, and security/safety are conceptual elements of understanding health, not its social determinants. Thus, these understandings emphasize relational and existential meanings of health (theoretical implication). As for practical implications, the understandings of health were connected to being either inside or outside the Newcomers group and a new society, depending on whether LGBTQ refugees comply with social requirements. As a significant actor that is representative of the cultural majority and a facilitator of LGBTQ refugees’ resettlement process, RFSL provides LGBTQ refugees with crucial orientations for becoming a “good migrant” and a “good LGBTQ person,” yet a “bad bio-citizen.” Generally, organizers of interventions may enhance the effectiveness of their interventions when relational, existential, and biomedical understandings of health are all incorporated.
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- Bittlingmayer, Uwe H., et al.
Health Promotion of Refugees – Empirical Evidence from Approaches in two European Countries
- 2019
Ingår i: 9th Nordic Health Promotion Research Conference. ; , s. 39-40
Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
- The migration of many people to European countries in the last years created various challenges and evoked diverse responses. But rarely, lessons learned and good practice for health promotion interventions are exchanged between countries nor common solutions sought. In this workshop, we will shed light on the health situations of refugees in Sweden and Germany, and present four research projects regarding the health of refugees.Initially, we will outline the situation for refugees in the two countries generally, provide ample evidence on the health needs and particular burden of refugees, and discuss the increasing influence of racism. Finally, we will discuss the issue health promotion of refugees, needs, approaches, limitations.
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- Dohlsten, John, 1981, et al.
Caring as sustainable coaching in elite athletics : Benefits and challenges
- 2020
Ingår i: Sport Coaching Review. - Abingdon : Routledge. - 2164-0629 .- 2164-0637. ; 9:1, s. 48-70
Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
- Coaches in elite sport must ensure a balance between performance, high pressure and well-being. A caring approach, based on a coach’s commitment to caring for athletes, has the potential to create such a balance and sustainability. The aim of this study was to identify coaches’ caring and problematise their ethics of care in relation to sustainability. We draw on and integrate the theoretical concept of caring into a conception of (un-) sustainable sport. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with seven Swedish elite athletics coaches. Results show that coaches’ ethics of care is important for creating sustainable elite athletics practices, but that caring also conflicts with sustainability thinking if coaches do not base their actions on practical wisdom and moral and ethical dilemmas.
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- Dohlsten, John, et al.
Sustainable elite sport : Swedish athletes' voices of sustainability in athletics
- 2021
Ingår i: Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health. - Abingdon : Routledge. - 2159-676X .- 2159-6778. ; 13:5, s. 727-742
Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
- Elite sport is a precarious context and as athletes are pushing their physical and mental boundaries to enhance performance, consequences can be devastating. In contrast to arguments that elite sport cannot be sustainable, some scholars have argued that with certain considerations and precautions, elite sport can have fewer unsustainable consequences. However, the current literature has missed to capture athletes' voices regarding sustainability in elite sport. Therefore, this article aims to give voice to athletes and their needs and concerns regarding sustainable elite sport and through this, to extend the existing elite sport sustainability conceptualisation with knowledge from the athlete perspective. Focus-group interviews were conducted with 15 high performance athletes. The findings suggest that athletes need athlete-centred coaching, focus on holistic perspectives, and co-creation of their overall development. However, athletes also seem to adapt and accept commodity structures, as their focus on results overrules most aspects regarding long-term health and well-being.
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- Dohlsten, John, 1981, et al.
Swedish elite athletics coaches’ professional development in practices of organized coaches’ meetings
- 2021
Ingår i: Education Inquiry. - Abingdon : Routledge. - 2000-4508.
Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
- In this paper, we investigate how elite coaches reflect on their practice and interact with each other, as part of their informal professional development. We use observations of 14 coach meetings, over a period of two years, where coaches came together to share their experiences of coaching elite athletics, and to discuss ways for continuous professional development. Through an action research approach, data collected included notes and audiorecorded conversations. The theory of practice architectures was employed as a theoretical tool to frame the analysis of the data inorder to understand the meeting practices and how these practices were enabled and constrained. The research revealed how conversations led to awareness, which became turning points for new practices. Specifically, the coaches became aware of the importance of belonging to a community, their lack of knowledge and understanding of inequality, and the complexity of coaching.The meetings, as forums for dialogic practice, were enabled by open-minded collaboration, a willingness to share experiences, and a mutual understanding of the coaching context, but they were also constrained by the structures of coaches’ athletics clubs and federations, that do not fully support coaches’ meetings as an informal educational practice for professional development. © 2021 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.
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- Donini, Lorenzo M, et al.
A consensus document on definition and diagnostic criteria for orthorexia nervosa
- 2022
Ingår i: Eating and Weight Disorders. - Milan : Springer. - 1124-4909 .- 1590-1262. ; 27, s. 3695-3711
Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
- Purpose: Since the term orthorexia nervosa (ON) was coined from the Greek (ὀρθός, right and ὄρεξις, appetite) in 1997 to describe an obsession with “correct” eating, it has been used worldwide without a consistent definition. Although multiple authors have proposed diagnostic criteria, and many theoretical papers have been published, no consensus definition of ON exists, empirical primary evidence is limited, and ON is not a standardized diagnosis. These gaps prevent research to identify risk and protective factors, pathophysiology, functional consequences, and evidence-based therapeutic treatments. The aims of the current study are to categorize the common observations and presentations of ON pathology among experts in the eating disorder field, propose tentative diagnostic criteria, and consider which DSM chapter and category would be most appropriate for ON should it be included.Methods: 47 eating disorder researchers and multidisciplinary treatment specialists from 14 different countries across four continents completed a three-phase modified Delphi process, with 75% agreement determined as the threshold for a statement to be included in the final consensus document. In phase I, participants were asked via online survey to agree or disagree with 67 statements about ON in four categories: A–Definition, Clinical Aspects, Duration; B–Consequences; C–Onset; D–Exclusion Criteria, and comment on their rationale. Responses were used to modify the statements which were then provided to the same participants for phase II, a second round of feedback, again in online survey form. Responses to phase II were used to modify and improve the statements for phase III, in which statements that met the predetermined 75% of agreement threshold were provided for review and commentary by all participants.Results: 27 statements met or exceeded the consensus threshold and were compiled into proposed diagnostic criteria for ON.Conclusions: This is the first time a standardized definition of ON has been developed from a worldwide, multidisciplinary cohort of experts. It represents a summary of observations, clinical expertise, and research findings from a wide base of knowledge. It may be used as a base for diagnosis, treatment protocols, and further research to answer the open questions that remain, particularly the functional consequences of ON and how it might be prevented or identified and intervened upon in its early stages. Although the participants encompass many countries and disciplines, further research will be needed to determine if these diagnostic criteria are applicable to the experience of ON in geographic areas not represented in the current expert panel.Level of evidence: Level V: opinions of expert committees.© 2022, The Author(s).