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Sökning: WFRF:(Omdal Roald)

  • Resultat 1-10 av 46
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  • Appel, Silke, et al. (författare)
  • Potential association of muscarinic receptor 3 gene variants with primary Sjogren's syndrome
  • 2011
  • Ingår i: Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases. - : BMJ. - 0003-4967 .- 1468-2060. ; 70:7, s. 1327-1329
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Background: Primary Sjögren's syndrome (pSS) is characterised by a chronic inflammation of exocrine glands. Salivary gland infiltrates, however, do not correlate well with disease symptoms, and a primary role for the salivary gland parenchyma in disease development has been suggested. Specifically, dysfunction of exocrine pathways involving the muscarinic receptor 3 (CHRM3) has been indicated. Objective: To investigate possible genetic divergence in the CHRM3 gene in patients with pSS. Methods: 530 patients with pSS and 532 controls from a combined Swedish and Norwegian cohort were genotyped for 84 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) distributed throughout CHRM3. Results: Genetic association was observed with five SNPs localised in intron 3 and 4 of CHRM3, the strongest being rs7548522 (minor allele frequency = 0.06, OR=1.93, 95% CI (1.24 to 3.01); p=0.0033). In addition, clinical parameters, including focus score, abnormal Schirmer's test and presence of autoantibodies, were associated with different SNPs in CHRM3. Conclusion: The study demonstrates a novel association of CHRM3 polymorphisms with pSS, suggesting a functional role for CHRM3 and the salivary gland parenchyma in the pathogenesis of pSS.
  • Bolstad, Anne Isine, et al. (författare)
  • Association between genetic variants in the tumour necrosis factor/lymphotoxin α/lymphotoxin β locus and primary Sjogren's syndrome in Scandinavian samples
  • 2012
  • Ingår i: Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases. - : BMJ. - 0003-4967 .- 1468-2060. ; 71:6, s. 981-988
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • OBJECTIVES: Lymphotoxin β (LTB) has been found to be upregulated in salivary glands of patients with primary Sjögren's syndrome (pSS). An animal model of pSS also showed ablation of the lymphoid organisation and a marked improvement in salivary gland function on blocking the LTB receptor pathway. This study aimed to investigate whether single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in the lymphotoxin α (LTA)/LTB/tumour necrosis factor (TNF) gene clusters are associated with pSS.METHODS:527 pSS patients and 532 controls participated in the study, all of Caucasian origin from Sweden and Norway. 14 SNP markers were genotyped and after quality control filtering, 12 SNP were analysed for their association with pSS using single marker and haplotype tests, and corrected by permutation testing.RESULTS:Nine markers showed significant association with pSS at the p=0.05 level. Markers rs1800629 and rs909253 showed the strongest genotype association (p=1.64E-11 and p=4.42E-08, respectively, after correcting for sex and country of origin). When the analysis was conditioned for the effect of rs1800629, only the association with rs909253 remained nominally significant (p=0.027). In haplotype analyses the strongest effect was observed for the haplotype rs909253G_rs1800629A (p=9.14E-17). The associations were mainly due to anti-Ro/SSA and anti-La/SSB antibody-positive pSS.CONCLUSIONS:A strong association was found between several SNP in the LTA/LTB/TNFα locus and pSS, some of which led to amino acid changes. These data suggest a role for this locus in the development of pSS. Further studies are needed to examine if the genetic effect described here is independent of the known genetic association between HLA and pSS.
  • Ekman, Diana, et al. (författare)
  • Stratified genetic analysis reveals sex differences in MPO-ANCA-associated vasculitis
  • 2023
  • Ingår i: Rheumatology. - : Oxford University Press. - 1462-0324 .- 1462-0332. ; 62:9, s. 3213-3218
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Objective: To identify and genetically characterize subgroups of patients with ANCA-associated vasculitides (AAV) based on sex and ANCA subtype. Methods: A previously established SNP dataset derived from DNA sequencing of 1853 genes and genotyping of 1088 Scandinavian cases with AAV and 1589 controls was stratified for sex and ANCA subtype and analysed for association with five top AAV SNPs. rs9274619, a lead variant at the HLA-DQB1/HLA-DQA2 locus previously associated with AAV positive for myeloperoxidase (MPO)-ANCA, was analysed for association with the cumulative disease involvement of ten different organ systems. Results: rs9274619 showed a significantly stronger association to MPO-ANCA-positive females than males [P = 2.0 × 10-4, OR = 2.3 (95% CI 1.5, 3.5)], whereas proteinase 3 (PR3)-ANCA-associated variants rs1042335, rs9277341 (HLA-DPB1/A1) and rs28929474 (SERPINA1) were equally associated with females and males with PR3-ANCA. In MPO-ANCA-positive cases, carriers of the rs9274619 risk allele were more prone to disease engagement of eyes [P = 0.021, OR = 11 (95% CI 2.2, 205)] but less prone to pulmonary involvement [P = 0.026, OR = 0.52 (95% CI 0.30, 0.92)]. Moreover, AAV with both MPO-ANCA and PR3-ANCA was associated with the PR3-ANCA lead SNP rs1042335 [P = 0.0015, OR = 0.091 (95% CI 0.0022, 0.55)] but not with rs9274619. Conclusions: Females and males with MPO-ANCA-positive AAV differ in genetic predisposition to disease, suggesting at least partially distinct disease mechanisms between the sexes. Double ANCA-positive AAV cases are genetically similar to PR3-ANCA-positive cases, providing clues to the clinical follow-up and treatment of these patients.
  • Harris, Valerie M., et al. (författare)
  • Klinefelters syndrome (47,XXY) is in excess among men with Sjogrens syndrome
  • 2016
  • Ingår i: Clinical Immunology. - : ACADEMIC PRESS INC ELSEVIER SCIENCE. - 1521-6616 .- 1521-7035. ; 168, s. 25-29
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Primary Sjogrens syndrome (pSS) has a strong female bias. We evaluated an X chromosome dose effect by analyzing 47,XXY (Klinefelters syndrome, 1 in 500 live male births) among subjects with pSS. 47,XXY was determined by examination of fluorescence intensity of single nucleotide polymorphisms from the X and Y chromosomes. Among 136 pSS men there were 4 with 47,XXY. This was significantly different from healthy controls (1 of 1254 had 47)0(Y, p = 0.0012 by Fishers exact test) as well men with rheumatoid arthritis (0 of 363 with 47,XXY), but not different compared to men with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) (4 of 136 versus 8 of 306, Fishers exact test p = NS). These results are consistent with the hypothesis that the number of X chromosomes is critical for the female bias of pSS, a property that may be shared with SLE but not RA. Published by Elsevier Inc.
  • Imgenberg-Kreuz, Juliana, et al. (författare)
  • DNA Methylation-Based Interferon Scores Associate With Sub-Phenotypes in Primary Sjögren's Syndrome
  • 2021
  • Ingår i: Frontiers in Immunology. - : Frontiers Media S.A.. - 1664-3224. ; 12
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Primary Sjogren's syndrome (pSS) is an autoimmune inflammatory disease with profound clinical heterogeneity, where excessive activation of the type I interferon (IFN) system is considered one of the key mechanisms in disease pathogenesis. Here we present a DNA methylation-based IFN system activation score (DNAm IFN score) and investigate its potential associations with sub-phenotypes of pSS. The study comprised 100 Swedish patients with pSS and 587 Swedish controls. For replication, 48 patients with pSS from Stavanger, Norway, were included. IFN scores were calculated from DNA methylation levels at the IFN-induced genes RSAD2, IFIT1 and IFI44L. A high DNAm IFN score, defined as > mean(controls) +2SD(controls) (IFN score > 4.4), was observed in 59% of pSS patients and in 4% of controls (p=1.3x10(-35)). Patients with a high DNAm IFN score were on average seven years younger at symptom onset (p=0.017) and at diagnosis (p=3x10(-3)). The DNAm IFN score levels were significantly higher in pSS positive for both SSA and SSB antibodies compared to SSA/SSB negative patients (p(discovery)=1.9x10(-8), p(replication)=7.8x10(-4)). In patients positive for both SSA subtypes Ro52 and Ro60, an increased score was identified compared to single positive patients (p=0.022). Analyzing the discovery and replication cohorts together, elevated DNAm IFN scores were observed in pSS with hypergammaglobulinemia (p=2x10(-8)) and low C4 (p=1.5x10(-3)) compared to patients without these manifestations. Patients < 70 years with ongoing lymphoma at DNA sampling or lymphoma at follow-up (n=7), presented an increased DNAm IFN score compared to pSS without lymphoma (p=0.025). In conclusion, the DNAm-based IFN score is a promising alternative to mRNA-based scores for identification of patients with activation of the IFN system and may be applied for patient stratification guiding treatment decisions, monitoring and inclusion in clinical trials.
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  • Resultat 1-10 av 46
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Omdal, Roald (46)
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Sandling, Johanna K. (11)
Imgenberg-Kreuz, Jul ... (11)
Norheim, Katrine Bra ... (11)
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Harley, John B. (10)
Rischmueller, Mauree ... (10)
Brennan, Michael T. (10)
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