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Sökning: WFRF:(Rosendal Tove 1957)

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  • Björkvall, Ander, et al. (författare)
  • Slutrapport Anslagstavlan - Forskarfredags massexperiment 2016 : VA-RAPPORT 2017:1
  • 2017
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Vad används anslagstavlor till nuförtiden? Detta vet vi mycket lite om, framför allt för att det är så svårt att samla in informationen. För att kunna forska om anslagstavlor tog vi därför hjälp av 46 skolklasser i ForskarFredags massexperiment. Med en mobil- app samlade eleverna in text och fotografier från anslagstavlor i hela landet! Efter att ha gallrat bort bilder som var alltför suddiga eller inte var tagna på rätt sätt hade vi sammanlagt 1 340 bilder som gick att använda i vår forskning. De flesta anslagen har satts upp av föreningar. Därefter kommer företag. På tredje plats kommer privatpersoner. Endast en liten andel av de insamlade anslagen (6 procent) innehåller text som skrivits för hand med penna, resten är gjorda med dator. Mer än en tredjedel av anslagen är inbjudningar (37 procent). Det kan till exempel handla om konserter, möten, föredrag och firanden. Lika vanligt är det med köp- och säljannonser av varor och tjänster. Bland de insamlade anslagen finns fem cykelan- nonser. Alla dessa är korthuggna och opersonliga. Bostadsannonserna, däremot, är mer personliga och detaljrika. Anslag som handlar om lärande och utbildning gäller ofta lokala platser. Lärandet äger alltså rum i närområdet snarare än på ställen dit deltagaren måste resa långt, gå ut på internet eller till och med flytta för att kunna delta. Trots att det finns väldigt många människor med utländsk bakgrund i Sverige är näs tan alla anslag på svenska. Bara knappt 5 procent har skrivits helt eller delvis på andra språk. Men vi kan ändå se att engelska har en viktig roll i texter i vår omgivning.
  • Järlehed, Johan, 1968, et al. (författare)
  • Entrepreneurial Naming and Scaling of Urban Places: The case of Nya Hovås
  • 2021
  • Ingår i: The Economy in Names. Values, Branding and Globalization. Proceedings of Names in the Economy 6, International Conference, Uppsala 3–5 June 2019 / edited by Katharina Leibring, Leila Mattfolk, Kristina Neumüller, Staffan Nyström, and Elin Pihl. - Uppsala : Institutet för språk och folkminnen. - 9789186959739
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • In this paper we investigate Nya Hovås, a completely new neighbourhood in Gothenburg, where the construction has been accompanied by an extensive and expensive advertising campaign. For this purpose, we draw upon a multi-pronged theoretical framework that brings together Lefebvre’s (1991) notions of conceived, perceived and lived space, with current sociolinguistic work on scale (Carr & Lempert 2016) and Harvey’s (1989) critical insights about urban development as produced through public-private partnership. With the help of these theoretical tools, this paper analyses the processes of naming, branding and signing used by the entrepreneurs in order to increase Nya Hovås’ value and attractiveness. The argument of the paper is that the ‘newness’ of the neighbourhood is conceived and perceived on three different scales: (1) on a spatial scale Nya Hovås indexes international flair and globality through textual, graphic and architectural resources; (2) on a temporal scale, Nya Hovås is created as a new and liberal form of the old and conservative high-end Hovås, and (3) on a socioeconomic scale, Nya Hovås is conceived as a mixed-use urban neighbourhood. However, the perceived and lived space signals exclusivity and cultural homogeneity. Ultimately, the entrepreneurial place-making of Nya Hovås is both profiting on and contributing to urban polarization.
  • Järlehed, Johan, 1968, et al. (författare)
  • Language, food and gentrification: signs of socioeconomic mobility in two Gothenburg neighbourhoods
  • 2018
  • Ingår i: Multilingual Margins. - 2221-4216. ; 5:1, s. 40-65
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • This paper examines at how language and food intersect and interact in gentrification processes. As a capital-driven social process aiming at enhancing the socioeconomic value of urban space, gentrification implies mobility both in the sense that it attracts new people, businesses and capital to an area, and in the form of displacement of less affluent and prestigious people, businesses and semiotic resources from central to marginal urban spaces. The paper examines linguistic and visual traces of such mobilities in two neighbourhoods in Gothenburg, Sweden. Based on the observation that food and food practices are central for the production and reproduction of social distinction, the analysis centres on food related establishments and signs. In particular, it discusses the distinction-making function of prestigious languages, elite gastronomic registers, and gourmet food trucks, and how these depend on the marginalization of low status languages, popular gastronomic registers and cheap generic food carts. People’s interaction with these resources contributes to the reconfiguration of social and urban space.
  • Kullenberg, Christopher, 1980, et al. (författare)
  • What are analog bulletin boards used for today? Analysing media uses, intermediality and technology affordances in Swedish bulletin board messages using a citizen science approach
  • 2018
  • Ingår i: PLoS ONE. - : Public Library of Science (PLoS). - 1932-6203. ; 13:8
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Analog bulletin boards are omnipresent in Swedish urban areas, yet little systematic knowledge about this communication medium exists. In the shadow of the rapid emergence of digital media the analog bulletin board has received less attention than its digital successors, many of them having incorporated similar functionality with novel technical solutions. In this study we used a citizen science method to collect 1167 messages from bulletin boards around Sweden aided by school children and teachers, with the purpose of shedding new light on what is communicated on the boards, by whom, using what types of technologies and in what way the messages refer to other media. Results show that the most common messages are invitations to events, such as concerts, lectures and sports events, followed by buy-and-sell ads for goods and services. The most frequent sender is an association, for example NGOs, sports associations or religious communities. Almost half of the sampled messages were professionally printed, about forty per cent were made by home printers. Only six per cent of the messages were handwritten, almost exclusively by private persons as senders. Moreover, we show how the analog bulletin board has adapted to recent changes in media technology—a media landscape which is saturated with electronic- and mobile media. Further, the bulletin board still holds a firm place in a media ecology where local communication is in demand, and exists in parallel with electronic media. Close to forty percent of the messages contained hyperlinks to web pages and we found (and removed for anonymization purposes) more than six hundred phone numbers from the dataset.
  • Löfdahl, Maria, 1969-, et al. (författare)
  • Navigating whiteness from the margins: Finnish, Somali, and Arabic speakers’ experiences of racialization, (in)visibility, and (im)mobility in Gothenburg, Sweden
  • 2023
  • Ingår i: Multilingua - Journal of Cross-cultural and Interlanguage Communication. - : Mouton de Gruyter. - 0167-8507 .- 1613-3684. ; 0:0
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • This paper examines the relationship between language, (in)visibility, and (im)mobility in racialized spaces, focusing on Finnish, Somali, and Arabic speakers in Sweden. Using a theoretical framework based on hegemonic whiteness and intersectionality, the study explores how multilingual practices and subjectivities intersect with race, religion, gender, and class to shape social visibility and mobility. The research draws on linguistic ethnographic data, including interviews, linguistic landscape documentation, and an analysis of the media discourse. The study finds that while Finnish speakers have become invisible due to assimilation policies, Somali and Arabic speakers are hypervisible in Swedish public spaces and discourse, although Arabic speakers are sometimes, and in relation to other migrants, nearing Swedish whiteness. However, all three languages and their speakers are constrained by a white normativity that reproduces inequality. The paper challenges simplistic notions of mobility/immobility and visibility/invisibility in the context of a changing racial order in Sweden, where whiteness serves as a binary sorting mechanism that perpetuates inequality. Overall, this research sheds light on the complex entanglement of language, visibility, and mobility in white spaces and contributes to a more nuanced understanding of the intersectional dynamics of race and language.
  • Löfdahl, Maria, 1969- (författare)
  • Språkliga hierarkier i Göteborg : en intersektionell och jämförandeanalys av finskans och somaliskans (o)synlighet och status
  • 2022
  • Ingår i: Språkligmångfald / Linguisticdiversity. - Göteborg : Association suédoise de linguistique appliquée, ASLA, Svenska föreningen för tillämpad språkvetenskap. - 1100-5629 .- 2004-108X. - 9789187884283 ; , s. 131-154
  • Bokkapitel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Denna artikel behandlar finskans och somaliskans roll i den göteborgska språkhierarkin. Analysen bygger främst på intervjuer med talare av de två språken, kompletterat med statistik och en fotodokumentation av språkens synlighet i fyra Göteborgsområden. Finskan var länge det största minoritetsspråket i Göteborg, men det har liten synlighet och hade länge relativt låg status. Somaliskan som är ett nyare minoritetsspråk i Göteborg tillskrivs låg social status men präglas av en större medial och visuell synlighet. Idag har finskan högre mobilitet i Göteborg än för tjugo år sedan, medan somaliskan präglas av lägre lokal mobilitet, även om språket är betydligt mer spritt globalt. Vi menar att skillnaderna mellan de två språkens status och synlighet i Göteborg med fördel kan förklaras genom en intersektionell analys som tar hänsyn till platsens flerskiktade historia och de historiska och nutida talares kroppar som bebor denna plats.
  • Nielsen, Helle Lykke, 1957, et al. (författare)
  • Investigating Bulletin Boards with Students: What Can Citizen Science Offer Education and Research in the Linguistic Landscape?
  • 2020
  • Ingår i: Language Teaching in the Linguistic Landscape / editors: Malinowski, David, Maxim, Hiram H., Dubreil, Sebastien. - Cham : Springer. - 9783030557607 ; , s. 349-371
  • Bokkapitel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • This chapter reports on a citizen science project which investigated the role and function of analog bulletin boards in public space. The project involved 96 classes from 46 primary to secondary schools across Sweden. The students photographed bulletins, transcribed, coded and uploaded them using a mobile app. The project had a clear learning perspective on research: By participating in data collection and discussions on issues related to their project, the students would get insights into research methods and scientific thinking. Simultaneously, the participating researchers would obtain new and unique linguistic landscape data. In this chapter we describe and analyze the project from an educational and research perspective. Drawing on questionnaires from students and teachers, and retrospective interviews with teachers, we investigate how bulletin boards can be used as a site for project-based learning, and what citizen science can offer education and research in the field of linguistic landscape. We examine how this educational potential was put into practice and point to methodological, technological, administrative and ideological challenges and impediments of the project’s design and implementation.
  • Rosendal, Tove, 1957, et al. (författare)
  • Language, translocality and urban change: Online and offline signage in four Gothenburg neighbourhoods
  • 2023
  • Ingår i: Linguistic Landscape. - : John Benjamins Publishing Company. - 2214-9953 .- 2214-9961. ; 9:2, s. 181-210
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • This article addresses the role of translocal interconnectedness between offline and online spaces by examining the varied presence of language displays in such spaces. Quantitative findings on language presence in the offline public spaces of four Gothenburg neighbourhoods are contrasted with the online presence found in three Swedish search portals, and the differences are interpreted in light of the broader socioeconomic processes of gentrification and segregation. The comparison between online and offline presence allows us to give a more holistic picture of the neighbourhoods; it reveals, among other things, the presence of semi-public spaces, with a multilingual presence of commercial enterprises and civil society organizations, and points out that some super-diverse neighbourhoods have more online than offline presence on search portals. Thus, the often-stereotyped mental picture of these neighbourhoods as being passive, static, ‘segregated’ and ‘problematic’ is challenged.
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