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Sökning: WFRF:(Schwerdtfeger R)

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  • Kröll, T., et al. (författare)
  • Transfer Reactions on Neutron-rich Nuclei at REX-ISOLDE
  • 2009
  • Ingår i: AIP Conference Proceedings. - 1551-7616 .- 0094-243X. ; 1165, s. 363-368 461
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • We report on one- and two-neutron transfer reactions to study the single-particle properties of nuclei at the border of the "island of inversion". The (d,p)- and (t,p)-reactions in inverse kinematics on the neutron-rich isotope Mg-30, delivered as radioactive beam by the REX-ISOLDE facility, have been investigated. The outgoing protons have been detected and identified by a newly built array of Si detectors. The gamma-decay of excited states has been detected in coincidence by the MINIBALL array. First results for Mg-31 and from the search for the second, spherical, 0(+) state in Mg-32 are presented.
  • Schwerdtfeger, W, et al. (författare)
  • Shape Coexistence Near Neutron Number N=20 : First Identification of the E0 Decay from the Deformed First Excited J(pi)=0(+) State in Mg-30
  • 2009
  • Ingår i: Physical Review Letters. - 0031-9007 .- 1079-7114. ; 103:1, s. 012501-
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • The 1789 keV state in Mg-30 was identified as the first excited 0(+) state via its electric monopole (E0) transition to the ground state. The measured small value of rho(2)(E0,0(2)(+)-> 0(1)(+))=(26.2 +/- 7.5)x10(-3) implies within a two-level model a small mixing of competing configurations with largely different intrinsic quadrupole deformation near the neutron shell closure at N=20. Axially symmetric configuration mixing calculations identify the ground state of Mg-30 to be based on neutron configurations below the N=20 shell closure, while the excited 0(+) state mainly consists of two neutrons excited into the nu 1f(7/2) orbital. The experimental result represents the first case where an E0 back decay from a strongly deformed second to the normal deformed first nuclear potential minimum well has been unambiguously identified, thus directly proving shape coexistence at the borderline of the much-debated "island of inversion."
  • Olaizola, B., et al. (författare)
  • High-sensitivity study of levels in Al-30 following beta decay of Mg-30
  • 2016
  • Ingår i: PHYSICAL REVIEW C. - 2469-9985 .- 2469-9993. ; 94:5
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • gamma-ray and fast-timing spectroscopy were used to study levels in Al-30 populated following the beta(-) decay of Mg-30. Five new transitions and three new levels were located in Al-30. A search was made to identify the third 1(+) state expected at an excitation energy of similar to 2.5 MeV. Two new levels were found, at 3163.9 and 3362.5 keV, that are firm candidates for this state. Using the advanced time-delayed (ATD) beta gamma gamma (t) method we have measured the lifetime of the 243.8-keV state to be T-1/2 = 15(4) ps, which implies that the 243.8-keV transition is mainly of M1 character. Its fast B(M1; 2(+) -> 3(+)) value of 0.10(3) W.u. is in very good agreement with the USD shell-model prediction of 0.090 W.u. The 1801.5-keV level is the only level observed in this study that could be a candidate for the second excited 2(+) state.
  • Vigier, Marta, et al. (författare)
  • An Investigation of Patients and Doctors Autonomic Nervous System Responses Throughout News-Focused Medical Consultations
  • 2023
  • Ingår i: Health Communication. - : ROUTLEDGE JOURNALS, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD. - 1041-0236 .- 1532-7027.
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Although it is clear that people experience physiological arousal in anticipation of news-focused medical consultations, our knowledge of peoples experiences during and throughout these consultations is scarce. We examine interbeat interval responses (IBI) of patients and doctors during real-life medical consultations to understand how the experiences of both parties change throughout these encounters and whether they differ from each other. We also examine how the type of news delivered affects responses. We measured the IBI responses of patients and their oncologists throughout 102 consultations in which providers delivered news (classified as good, bad, or status quo) to patients about a recent computerized tomography scan. We observed two distinct phases of consultations: an initial "news" delivery phase and a subsequent "information" phase. During the news phase, on average, patients IBI responses rapidly increased-indicating less autonomic arousal over time - whereas doctors responses did not change over time. In contrast, throughout the information phase, on average, both patients and doctors responses remained steady. During the information phase, responses differed based on news type: on average, status quo consultations involved an increase in autonomic arousal, whereas good and bad news consultations involved no changes. Lastly, we observed significant variability in patients responses during both phases. In sum, on average, patients (but not doctors) experience decreases in autonomic arousal while news is being delivered, suggesting that anticipatory distress regarding these consultations wanes quickly. However, our results also indicate that patients experiences vary from one another, and future research should focus on factors explaining this variability.
  • Wimmer, K., et al. (författare)
  • Identification of the slow E3 transition (136)C(s)(m)->(136)Cs with conversion electrons
  • 2011
  • Ingår i: Physical Review C. Nuclear Physics. - 0556-2813 .- 1089-490X. ; 84:1, s. 014329-
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • We performed at ISOLDE the spectroscopy of the decay of the 8(-) isomer in (136)Cs by. and conversion-electron detection. For the first time the excitation energy of the isomer and the multipolarity of its decay have been measured. The half-life of the isomeric state was remeasured to T(1/2) = 17.5(2) s. This isomer decays via a very slow 518-keV E3 transition to the ground state. In addition to this, a much weaker decay branch via a 413-keV M4 and a subsequent 105-keV E2 transition has been found. Thus we have found a new level at 105 keV with spin 4(+) between the isomeric and the ground state. The results are discussed in comparison to shell-model calculations.
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