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Sökning: WFRF:(Sjöstrand Henrik) > Övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt

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  • Andersson, Magnus, et al. (författare)
  • Fiskbestånd och miljö i hav och sötvatten : Resurs- och miljööversikt 2012
  • 2012
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Detta är den nionde utgåvan av den samlade översikten över fisk- och kräftdjursbeståndens status i våra vatten. Kunskap om fiskbestånden och miljön är en förutsättning för att utnyttjandet av fiskresurserna skall bli bärkraftigt. För svenska vattenområden beskrivs miljöutvecklingen i ett ekosystemsperspektiv, dels för att tydliggöra fiskens ekologiska roll och beskriva yttre miljöfaktorer som påverkar fiskbestånden, dels för att belysa fiskets effekter på miljön.Fiskbestånd och miljö i hav och sötvatten är utarbetad av Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet (SLU), Institutionen för akvatiska resurser (SLU Aqua), på uppdrag av Havs- och vattenmyndigheten. Rapporten sammanfattar utveckling och beståndsstatus för de kommersiellt viktigaste fisk- och kräftdjursarterna i våra vatten. Bedömningar och förvaltningsråd är baserade på Internationella Havsforskningsrådets (ICES) rådgivning, SLU Aquas nationella och regionala provfiskedata, samt yrkesfiskets rapportering.
  • Bång, Magnus, et al. (författare)
  • Automatisk trafikövervakning genom AI i svenska farvatten : Slutrapport AutoMon Del I
  • 2023
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Denna slutrapport redogör för resultatet av projektet: AutoMon Del I—Automatisk trafikövervakning genom AI i svenska farvatten (TRV2019/95873). Projektägare är Linköpings universitet och genomförts tillsammans med Sjöfartsverket, SAAB, VTI, och Luftfartsverket. Vi kommer i denna rapport redogöra för resultaten samt diskutera framtida utmaningar med konceptet AutoMon. Syftet med AutoMon är att undersöka och belysa problemområdet automatiserad trafikövervakning genom att implementera en AI-demonstrator för svenska farvatten, initialt med fokus på att detektera anomalier i trafiken, och där hanteringen (dvs. granskning och lösning) av problemsituationer lämnas över till en mänsklig operatör. Förekomsten av fartygsolyckor och -incidenter, med potentiellt stora konsekvenser för individ och miljö - utanför etablerade VTS-områden - visar på behovet av utökad övervakning av sjötrafiken i svenska farvatten för att möjliggöra proaktiva åtgärder för att minimera olycksrisker till sjöss. Forskningsprojektet undersöker hur en hög nivå av automation kan användas för att upptäcka och hantera trafikavvikelser på svenskt vatten samt ge möjlighet till s.k. situational awareness (lägesbild) över hela dess yta, samtidigt som stöd för centralt eller distribuerat beslutsfattande ges. Runt om i världen förekommer även manipulation av AIS-systemet och dess positionsangivelser; ett problem som sannolikt kommer att öka även i Sverige. Båda problemställningarna är globala, vilket ger hög relevans. Lösningar har högt värde där digitalisering och artificiell intelligens kan användas som medel för ökad sjösäkerhet (safety och cyber security). 
  • Alhassan, Erwin (författare)
  • Nuclear data uncertainty propagation for a lead-cooled fast reactor: Combining TMC with criticality benchmarks for improved accuracy
  • 2014
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • For the successful deployment of advanced nuclear systems and for optimization of current reactor designs, high quality and accurate nuclear data are required. Before nuclear data can be used in applications, they are first evaluated, benchmarked against integral experiments and then converted into formats usable for applications. The evaluation process in the past was usually done by using differential experimental data which was then complimented with nuclear model calculations. This trend is fast changing because of increase in computational power and tremendous improvements in nuclear reaction theories over the last decade. Since these model codes are not perfect, they are usually validated against a large set of experimental data. However, since these experiments are themselves not exact, the calculated quantities of model codes such as cross sections, angular distributions etc., contain uncertainties. A major source of uncertainty being the input parameters to these model codes. Since nuclear data are used in reactor transport codes asinput for simulations, the output of transport codes ultimately contain uncertainties due to these data. Quantifying these uncertainties is therefore important for reactor safety assessment and also for deciding where additional efforts could be taken to reduce further, these uncertainties.Until recently, these uncertainties were mostly propagated using the generalized perturbation theory. With the increase in computational power however, more exact methods based on Monte Carlo are now possible. In the Nuclear Research and Consultancy Group (NRG), Petten, the Netherlands, a new method called ’Total Monte carlo (TMC)’ has been developed for nuclear data evaluation and uncertainty propagation. An advantage of this approach is that, it eliminates the use of covariances and the assumption of linearity that is used in the perturbation approach.In this work, we have applied the TMC methodology for assessing the impact of nuclear data uncertainties on reactor macroscopic parameters of the European Lead Cooled Training Reactor (ELECTRA). ELECTRA has been proposed within the GEN-IV initiative within Sweden. As part of the work, the uncertainties of plutonium isotopes and americium within the fuel, uncertainties of the lead isotopes within the coolant and some structural materials of importance have been investigated at the beginning of life. For the actinides, large uncertainties were observed in the k-eff due to Pu-238, 239, 240 nuclear data while for the lead coolant, the uncertainty in the k-eff for all the lead isotopes except for Pb-204 were large with significant contribution coming from Pb-208. The dominant contributions to the uncertainty in the k-eff came from uncertainties in the resonance parameters for Pb-208.Also, before the final product of an evaluation is released, evaluated data are tested against a large set of integral benchmark experiments. Since these benchmarks differ in geometry, type, material composition and neutron spectrum, their selection for specific applications is normally tedious and not straight forward. As a further objective in this thesis, methodologies for benchmark selection based the TMC method have been developed. This method has also been applied for nuclear data uncertainty reduction using integral benchmarks. From the results obtained, it was observed that by including criticality benchmark experiment information using a binary accept/reject method, a 40% and 20% reduction in nuclear data uncertainty in the k-eff was achieved for Pu-239 and Pu-240 respectively for ELECTRA.
  • Alhassan, Erwin, 1984- (författare)
  • Nuclear data uncertainty quantification and data assimilation for a lead-cooled fast reactor : Using integral experiments for improved accuracy
  • 2015
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • For the successful deployment of advanced nuclear systems and optimization of current reactor designs, high quality nuclear data are required. Before nuclear data can be used in applications they must first be evaluated, tested and validated against a set of integral experiments, and then converted into formats usable for applications. The evaluation process in the past was usually done by using differential experimental data which was then complemented with nuclear model calculations. This trend is fast changing due to the increase in computational power and tremendous improvements in nuclear reaction models over the last decade. Since these models have uncertain inputs, they are normally calibrated using experimental data. However, these experiments are themselves not exact. Therefore, the calculated quantities of model codes such as cross sections and angular distributions contain uncertainties. Since nuclear data are used in reactor transport codes as input for simulations, the output of transport codes contain uncertainties due to these data as well. Quantifying these uncertainties is important for setting safety margins; for providing confidence in the interpretation of results; and for deciding where additional efforts are needed to reduce these uncertainties. Also, regulatory bodies are now moving away from conservative evaluations to best estimate calculations that are accompanied by uncertainty evaluations.In this work, the Total Monte Carlo (TMC) method was applied to study the impact of nuclear data uncertainties from basic physics to macroscopic reactor parameters for the European Lead Cooled Training Reactor (ELECTRA). As part of the work, nuclear data uncertainties of actinides in the fuel, lead isotopes within the coolant, and some structural materials have been investigated. In the case of the lead coolant it was observed that the uncertainty in the keff and the coolant void worth (except in the case of 204Pb), were large, with the most significant contribution coming from 208Pb. New 208Pb and 206Pb random nuclear data libraries with realistic central values have been produced as part of this work. Also, a correlation based sensitivity method was used in this work, to determine parameter - cross section correlations for different isotopes and energy groups.Furthermore, an accept/reject method and a method of assigning file weights based on the likelihood function are proposed for uncertainty reduction using criticality benchmark experiments within the TMC method. It was observed from the study that a significant reduction in nuclear data uncertainty was obtained for some isotopes for ELECTRA after incorporating integral benchmark information. As a further objective of this thesis, a method for selecting benchmark for code validation for specific reactor applications was developed and applied to the ELECTRA reactor. Finally, a method for combining differential experiments and integral benchmark data for nuclear data adjustments is proposed and applied for the adjustment of neutron induced 208Pb nuclear data in the fast energy region.
  • Alhassan, Erwin, et al. (författare)
  • Reducing A Priori 239Pu Nuclear Data Uncertainty In The Keff Using A Set Of Criticality Benchmarks With Different Nuclear Data Libraries
  • 2015
  • Konferensbidrag (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • In the Total Monte Carlo (TMC) method [1] developed at the Nuclear Research and Consultancy Group for nuclear data uncertainty propagation, model calculations are compared with differential experimental data and a specific a priori uncertainty is assigned to each model parameter. By varying the model parameters all together within model parameter uncertainties, a full covariance matrix is obtained with its off diagonal elements if desired [1]. In this way, differential experimental data serve as a constraint for the model parameters used in the TALYS nuclear reactions code for the production of random nuclear data files. These files are processed into usable formats and used in transport codes for reactor calculations and for uncertainty propagation to reactor macroscopic parameters of interest. Even though differential experimental data together with their uncertainties are included (implicitly) in the production of these random nuclear data files in the TMC method, wide spreads in parameter distributions have been observed, leading to large uncertainties in reactor parameters for some nuclides for the European Lead cooled Training Reactor [2]. Due to safety concerns and the development of GEN-IV reactors with their challenging technological goals, the present uncertainties should be reduced significantly if the benefits from advances in modelling and simulations are to be utilized fully [3]. In Ref.[4], a binary accept/reject approach and a more rigorous method of assigning file weights based on the likelihood function were proposed and presented for reducing nuclear data uncertainties using a set of integral benchmarks obtained from the International Handbook of Evaluated Criticality Safety Benchmark Experiments (ICSBEP). These methods are depended on the reference nuclear data library used, the combined benchmark uncertainty and the relevance of each benchmark for reducing nuclear data uncertainties for a particular reactor system. Since each nuclear data library normally comes with its own nominal values and covariance matrices, reactor calculations and uncertainties computed with these libraries differ from library to library. In this work, we apply the binary accept/reject approach and the method of assigning file weights based on the likelihood function for reducing a priori 239Pu nuclear data uncertainties for the European Lead Cooled Training Reactor (ELECTRA) using a set of criticality benchmarks. Prior and posterior uncertainties computed for ELECTRA using ENDF/B-VII.1, JEFF-3.2 and JENDL-4.0 are compared after including experimental information from over 10 benchmarks.[1] A.J. Koning and D. Rochman, Modern Nuclear Data Evaluation with the TALYS Code System. Nuclear Data Sheets 113 (2012) 2841-2934. [2] E. Alhassan, H. Sjöstrand, P. Helgesson, A. J. Koning, M. Österlund, S. Pomp, D. Rochman, Uncertainty and correlation analysis of lead nuclear data on reactor parameters for the European Lead Cooled Training reactor (ELECTRA). Annals of Nuclear Energy 75 (2015) 26-37. [3] G. Palmiotti, M. Salvatores, G. Aliberti, H. Hiruta, R. McKnight, P. Oblozinsky, W. Yang, A global approach to the physics validation of simulation codes for future nuclear systems, Annals of Nuclear Energy 36 (3) (2009) 355-361. [4] E. Alhassan, H. Sjöstrand, J. Duan, P. Helgesson, S. Pomp, M. Österlund, D. Rochman, A.J. Koning, Selecting benchmarks for reactor calculations: In proc. PHYSOR 2014 - The Role of Reactor Physics toward a Sustainable Future, kyoto, Japan, Sep. 28 - 3 Oct. (2014).
  • Andersson, Jan, et al. (författare)
  • Fisk- och skaldjursbestånd i hav och sötvatten 2015 : Resursöversikt
  • 2015
  • Rapport (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • I rapporten kan du ta del av bedömningen som görs av situationen för bestånd som regleras inom ramen för EU:s gemensamma fiskeripolitik (GFP). Bedömningarna baseras på det forskningssamarbete och den rådgivning som sker inom det Internationella Havsforskningsrådet (ICES).De bestånd som förvaltas nationellt baseras på de biologiska underlagen och rådgivningen i huvudsak på den forskning och övervakning samt analys som bedrivs av Institutionen för akvatiska resurser (SLU Aqua) vid Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet (SLU) samt yrkesfiskets rapportering.Rapporten omfattar 40 fiskarter uppdelade i olika bestånd, samt sex skal-och blötdjursarter.Nytt för årets upplaga är en beskrivning av hur de provfisken som ligger till grund för analys och rådgivning utförs.Översikten är utarbetad av Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet (SLU), Institutionen för akvatiska resurser (SLU Aqua), på uppdrag av Havs- och vattenmyndigheten.
  • Andersson, Peter, 1981- (författare)
  • Fast-Neutron Tomography using a Mobile Neutron Generator for Assessment of Steam-Water Distributions in Two-Phase Flows
  • 2014
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This thesis describes the measurement technique of fast-neutron tomography for assessing spatial distributions of steam and water in two-phase flows. This so-called void distribution is of importance both for safe operation and for efficient use of the fuel in light water reactors, which compose the majority of the world’s commercial nuclear reactors. The technique is aimed for usage at thermal-hydraulic test loops, where heated two-phase flows are being investigated under reactor-relevant conditions.By deploying portable neutron generators in transmission tomography, the technique becomes applicable to stationary objects, such as thermal-hydraulic test loops. Fast neutrons have the advantage of high transmission through metallic structures while simultaneously being relatively sensitive to the water/void content. However, there are also challenges, such as the relatively low yield of commercially available fast-neutron generators, the tendency of fast neutrons to scatter in the interactions with materials and the relatively low efficiency encountered in fast-neutron detection.The thesis describes the design of a prototype instrument, FANTOM, which has been assembled and demonstrated. The main design parameters have been optimized to achieve maximal signal count rate in the detector elements, while simultaneously reaching an image unsharpness of ≤0.5 mm. Radiographic projections recorded with the assembled instrument are presented, and the performance parameters of FANTOM are deduced.Furthermore, tomographic reconstruction methods for axially symmetric objects, which is relevant for some test loops, have been developed and demonstrated on measured data from three test objects. The attenuation distribution was reconstructed with a radial resolution of 0.5 mm and an RMS error of 0.02 cm-1, based on data recorded using an effective measurement time of 3.5 hours per object. For a thermal-hydraulic test loop, this can give a useful indication of the flow mode, but further development is desired to improve the precision of the measurements.Instrument upgrades are foreseen by introducing a more powerful neutron generator and by adding detector elements, speeding up the data collection by several orders of magnitude and allowing for higher precision data. The requirements and performance of an instrument for assessment of arbitrary non-symmetric test loops is discussed, based on simulations.
  • Andersson, Peter, 1981-, et al. (författare)
  • Neutron tomography for void distribution measurements
  • 2010
  • Ingår i: ENC 2010 Transactions. - 9789295064096 ; , s. 40-45
  • Konferensbidrag (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Neutron tomography has previously been performed using large, stationary neutron sources such as reactors and spallation sources for applications where the object under study can be transported to the source. This paper accounts for the challenges met when applying neutron tomography using a portable accelerator driven neutron generator, which is required when studying non-transportable objects. In general, portable sources offer significantly lower neutron yields than stationary sources, implying the need for either longer measurement times or highly efficient measurement and/or analysis procedures.The particular application investigated here is the mapping of steam distributions in water (void distribution), which is of high importance for the performance of nuclear fuel assemblies in boiling water reactors (BWR). The void distribution cannot be measured directly in a reactor core, so instead various electrically-heated thermal-hydraulic test loops are used. In these loops, void correlations can be determined in full-size fuel-assembly models, such as FRIGG in Sweden and DESIRE in Holland, but measurements are also performed in smaller, less complicated geometries. Previously, gamma tomography has been used to measure the void distribution in the FRIGG loop. However, improved capabilities to map the void distribution can be expected using neutrons because of their higher sensitivity to water relative to metal structures, as compared to gamma rays. At the same time, neutrons as probe also give rise to some challenges, such as high background from scattering.This paper investigates the possibility to use neutron tomography at axially symmetric objects such as the HWAT test loop in Sweden, where an annular two-phase flow of water/void is confined and heated by a steel cylinder. Monte Carlo simulations of the HWAT geometry and a suggested measurement setup have been carried out, using the particle transport code MCNPX. A reconstruction technique which exploits the symmetries in the test loop has been developed, making it possible to reconstruct the internal void distribution from one single projection. A reconstruction is presented, which is based on simulated data corresponding to a 13-min measurement using a DT source emitting 2∙109 neutrons/s. The reconstruction offers a radial view of the local void fraction in 10 annular sections of HWAT, with uncertainties between 2 and 5 void percent units.
  • Andersson, Peter, 1981- (författare)
  • Optimization of Equipment for Tomographic Measurements of Void Distributions using Fast Neutrons
  • 2011
  • Licentiatavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This licentiate thesis describes a novel nondestructive measuring technique for determiningspatial distributions of two-phase water flows. In Boiling Water Reactors, which compose themajority of the world's commercial nuclear reactors, this so called void distribution is of importance for safe operation.The presented measurement technique relies on fast neutron transmission tomography using portable neutron generators. Varying hardware options for such an instrument based on this technique and a prototype instrument, which is under construction, are described. The main design parameters are detailed and motivated from a performance point of view. A Paretomultiple objective optimization of the count rate and image unsharpness is presented. The resulting instrument design comprises an array of plastic scintillators for neutron detection. Such detector elements allow for spectroscopic data acquisition and subsequent reduction of background events at low energy by means of introducing an energy threshold in the analysis.The thesis includes two papers: In paper I, the recoil proton energy deposition distribution resulting from the interaction of the incoming neutrons is investigated for thin plastic scintillator elements. It is shown that the recoil proton losses have a large effect on the pulse height distribution and the intrinsic neutron detection efficiency is calculated for varying energy thresholds.In paper II the performance of the planned FANTOM device is investigated using the particle transport code MCNP5. An axially symmetric phantom void distribution is modeled and there construction is compared with the correct solution. According to the solutions, the phantom model can be reconstructed with 10 equal size ring-shaped picture elements, with a precision of better than 5 void percent units using a deuterium-tritium neutron generator with a yield of 3 · 107 neutrons per second and a measurement time of 13 h. However, it should be noted that commercial neutron generators with a factor of 103 higher yields exist and that the measurement time could decrease to less than a minute if such a neutron generator would beutilized.
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  • Resultat 1-10 av 96
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Sjöstrand, Henrik, 1 ... (57)
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Sjöstrand, Henrik (19)
Rochman, Dimitri (11)
Andersson, Peter, 19 ... (9)
Pomp, Stephan (8)
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Andersson Sundén, Er ... (4)
Weiszflog, Matthias (4)
Österlund, Michael (4)
Alhassan, Erwin, 198 ... (4)
J. Koning, Arjan (4)
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Koning, Arjan J. (2)
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