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Sökning: WFRF:(Durcan L) > (2020-2022)

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  • Fenn, Kaja, et al. (författare)
  • The provenance of Danubian loess
  • 2022
  • Ingår i: Earth-Science Reviews. - : Elsevier. - 0012-8252 .- 1872-6828. ; 226, s. 103920-
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • With one of the largest watersheds in Europe, draining complex geological terrains within the Alps, Bohemian Massif, Carpathians, Dinarides, and the Balkan Mountains, the Danube River valley has long been linked to the formation of thick loess deposits, particularly within the Middle and Lower Danube basins. However, uncertainty over the provenance of loess-palaeosol sequences along the Danube impacts our understanding of sediment generation mechanisms and hinders interpretation of paleoenvironmental proxies preserved in loess. To date, most of the studies investigating loess provenance in Europe have not attempted a standardised characterisation and synthesis of loess deposits with potential source rocks. Further, despite clear links identified between loess and rivers in Asia and Europe, detrital zircons have not yet been used systematically to investigate the relationship between loess and the fluvial sediments of the Danube and its tributaries. Finally, in European loess research, provenance fingerprinting has often been conducted using indirect approaches or bulk sample geochemical analyses, which have been shown to have a limited application in well mixed sedimentary bodies such as loess.This provenance study of loess along the Danube River integrates existing zircon U-Pb ages and Hf datasets for loess, rivers, and bedrock, with new loess zircon U-Pb and Hf results from loess sequences in Croatia, Serbia and Bulgaria. The results show that all surrounding mountain belts (i.e. the Alps, Bohemian Massif, Carpathians, Dinarides Alps, and Balkan Mountains) contribute primary sediment to loess deposits in the Danube valley via its modern tributary network. Critically sedimentary sources remain relatively homogenous along the river, with no apparent major change in source with tributary confluence, further highlighting the role of fluvial transport in homogenising sediment prior to final aeolian deposition. Whilst some small site variations can be observed, they are likely explained by contributions restricted to very local rock outcrops. Moreover, geomorphological results support floodplain sediments as the proximal sediment source and suggest that short-distance aeolian transport dominates sediment delivery to loess sequences, challenging distant sources hypotheses such as major Saharan sources. The identification of sediment sourced from lower elevation regions such as the Bohemian Massif, Dinarides, and Balkans, which did not support ice-caps, suggests that the role of glacial action in silt-size sediment production has been previously exaggerated. Therefore, the glacial and desert loess division inadequately separates and describes sediment generation processes. This research supports and furthers previous work, which suggests “mountain sourced and transported by-rivers” as a more appropriate term for the particles forming loess, at least in the Danube basin.
  • Jatuworapruk, Kanon, et al. (författare)
  • Characteristics and Outcomes of People With Gout Hospitalized Due to COVID-19 : Data From the COVID-19 Global Rheumatology Alliance Physician-Reported Registry
  • 2022
  • Ingår i: ACR Open Rheumatology. - : John Wiley & Sons. - 2578-5745. ; 4:11, s. 948-953
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • ObjectiveTo describe people with gout who were diagnosed with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and hospitalized and to characterize their outcomes.MethodsData on patients with gout hospitalized for COVID-19 between March 12, 2020, and October 25, 2021, were extracted from the COVID-19 Global Rheumatology Alliance registry. Descriptive statistics were used to describe the demographics, comorbidities, medication exposures, and COVID-19 outcomes including oxygenation or ventilation support and death.ResultsOne hundred sixty-three patients with gout who developed COVID-19 and were hospitalized were included. The mean age was 63 years, and 85% were male. The majority of the group lived in the Western Pacific Region (35%) and North America (18%). Nearly half (46%) had two or more comorbidities, with hypertension (56%), cardiovascular disease (28%), diabetes mellitus (26%), chronic kidney disease (25%), and obesity (23%) being the most common. Glucocorticoids and colchicine were used pre-COVID-19 in 11% and 12% of the cohort, respectively. Over two thirds (68%) of the cohort required supplemental oxygen or ventilatory support during hospitalization. COVID-19-related death was reported in 16% of the overall cohort, with 73% of deaths documented in people with two or more comorbidities.ConclusionThis cohort of people with gout and COVID-19 who were hospitalized had high frequencies of ventilatory support and death. This suggests that patients with gout who were hospitalized for COVID-19 may be at risk of poor outcomes, perhaps related to known risk factors for poor outcomes, such as age and presence of comorbidity.
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