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Träfflista för sökning "arbetsmiljö OR arbetsliv OR arbetsmarknad ;pers:(Lindberg Per)"

Sökning: arbetsmiljö OR arbetsliv OR arbetsmarknad > Lindberg Per

  • Resultat 1-10 av 18
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  • Karlsson, Thomas, 1986-, et al. (författare)
  • God arbetsmiljö och välbefinnande på arbetet : en intervjustudie på tre medelstora företag
  • 2013
  • Ingår i: Arbetslivets föränderlighet. - : Stockholms universitets förlag. ; , s. 17-17
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • IntroduktionUnder de senaste decennierna har ett promotivt perspektiv vidgat arbetsmiljödiskursen i Sverige och internationellt. Främjande faktorer antas kunna bidra till såväl individers prestation, hälsa och välbefinnande, som till företags konkurrenskraft och lönsamhet. Den här studien har för avsikt att ur ett arbetstagarperspektiv stärka kunskapen om hälsofrämjande faktorer i arbetslivet. SyfteSyftet med studien var att undersöka hur en grupp svenska arbetstagare tolkar och beskriver begreppet god arbetsmiljö, vad de anser ger välbefinnande på arbetet samt hur de upplever sin egen arbetsmiljö. MetodPå tre medelstora energiföretag genomfördes fokusgrupper med medarbetarna och individuella intervjuer med chefer. Därutöver fick deltagarna svara på en kort enkät rörande demografiska data. Rekrytering till fokusgrupperna gjordes i samarbete med cheferna för de avdelningar forskarna utsett genom strategiskt urval.  Cheferna ombads att rekrytera sex fokusgruppsdeltagare med, så långt det var möjligt, olika arbetsfunktion, kön, ålder, anställningslängd och etniskt ursprung. Tre huvudteman diskuterades vid intervjuerna: 1. Vad är en god arbetsmiljö? 2. Vad ger välbefinnande på arbetet? och 3. Upplevelser av den egna arbetsmiljön. Individual- och fokusgruppsintervjuerna utfördes av försteförfattaren, vid fokusgrupperna assisterad av andreförfattaren med uppgift att ta anteckningar och ställa kompletterande frågor. ResultatEfter 11 fokusgrupper med 3-6 medarbetare per grupp och 10 individualintervjuer med chefer ansågs datamättnad uppnådd. Demografiska data visade att deltagarna (n=62) till 84 % bestod av män, att 58 % fanns i åldersspannet 31-49 år och att 42 % hade en anställningstid av 11 år eller mer. Vid intervjuerna beskrevs visserligen fysiska faktorer (t.ex. lokaler och utrustning) som en fundamental grund i arbetsmiljön, men att psykosociala faktorer (t.ex. kamratskap och arbetsglädje) och organisatoriska faktorer (t.ex. kommunikation, delaktighet och ledarskap) var av större vikt för att skapa en god arbetsmiljö och välbefinnande på arbetet. Ett gott kamratskap var den faktor som, i de flesta fokusgrupper, spontant nämndes först som beskrivning av en god arbetsmiljö. Den egna arbetsmiljön upplevdes generellt som god, dock med en varierande grad av förbättringsbehov. SlutsatserEn god arbetsmiljö antas inneha en stor potential för både individer och företag. Den här studien indikerar att psykosociala och organisatoriska faktorer är av stor vikt för att skapa en god arbetsmiljö. Resultatet kan fungera vägledande i företags strävan mot en hälsofrämjande arbetsplats samt i framtida arbetsmiljöforskning.
  • Vingård, Eva (författare)
  • Psykisk ohälsa, arbetsliv och sjukfrånvaro : en kunskapsöversikt
  • 2015
  • Rapport (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Kunskapsöversikten visar att det finns ett vetenskapligt samband mellan arbete, psykisk ohälsa och sjukskrivning. Riskfaktorer i arbetslivet är psykiskt ansträngande arbete, höga krav, låg kontroll, obalans mellan ansträngning och belöning, samt rollkonflikter. God kontroll och rättvisa ger minskad risk för sjukskrivning på grund av psykisk ohälsa.Det vetenskapliga underlaget för vilken åtgärd som är mest effektiv vid återgång i arbete efter en sjukskrivning på grund av psykisk ohälsa är svagt. Kunskaps- översikten visar dock tydligt att arbetsplatsen måste vara involverad för att medarbetaren ska komma tillbaka i arbete på ett bra sätt. Det finns flera vetenskapligt dokumenterade friskfaktorer i arbetet som kan minska risken för psykisk ohälsa och som bör användas i det förebyggande arbetet.Kunskapsöversikten visar också att effekten på den psykiska hälsan är likartad när kvinnor och män utsätts för samma faktorer i arbetet.
  • Lindberg, Per, et al. (författare)
  • Kunskapsöversikt : den goda arbetsmiljön och dess indikatorer
  • 2012
  • Rapport (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Föreliggande kunskapssammanställning försöker mot bakgrund av den traditionellt riskorienterade synen på arbetsmiljö, definiera begreppet god arbetsmiljö, hur det har operationaliserats i den vetenskapliga litteraturen samt vad som kan vara indikatorer på god arbetsmiljö. God arbetsmiljö kan definieras som något mer än en neutral arbetsmiljö, som en arbetsmiljö som har positiva, gynnsamma effekter på individen. Ett liknande begrepp, som dock går något längre, är ”frisk arbetsplats”, definierat som en arbetsplats med en arbetsmiljö som har gynnsamma effekter på både individ och verksamhet. Rapporten argumenterar för att begreppet frisk arbetsplats införs som begrepp i den svenska arbetsmiljödiskursen.   Kunskapsöversiktens systematiska litteraturgenomgång pekar på ett antal faktorer som anses känneteckna god arbetsmiljö. De mest frekvent omnämnda faktorerna är: positiva, tillgängliga och rättvisa ledare; utvecklad kommunikation; samarbete/teamarbete; positivt, socialt klimat; medinflytande/delaktighet; autonomi/empowerment; rolltydlighet med tydliga förväntningar och mål; erkännande; att utvecklas och växa i arbetet; lagom arbetstempo och arbetsbelastning; administrativt och/eller personligt stöd i arbetet; bra fysisk arbetsmiljö samt bra relationer till intressenterna. Någon eller några heltäckande indikatorer för god arbetsmiljö kunde dock inte identifieras.   Rapporten konstaterar att kunskapsläget gällande god arbetsmiljö är ofärdigt men inte ostabilt. De beteendevetenskapliga disciplinerna, i synnerhet positiv psykologi, intar en ledande position vad gäller forskning och utveckling inom området, medan biomekanisk och fysiologisk forskning kring gynnsamma fysiska belastningar i arbetslivet är näst intill obefintlig. Det finns stort behov av fortsatt forskning kring olika aspekter på god arbetsmiljö, i synnerhet utveckling av mätinstrument inklusive indikatorer, testning av mer komplexa modeller för friska arbetsplatser, liksom metoder för implementering. I det praktiska arbetsmiljöarbetet finns dock goda skäl att redan idag, som ett komplement till traditionell riskelimination, ta denna ingång till bättre arbetsmiljö på allvar.
  • Lindberg, Per, et al. (författare)
  • The process of work environmental changes in manufacturing companies
  • 2012
  • Konferensbidrag (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • IntroductionFor survival reasons, the process of change is ever-present in companies. If well conducted it can create commitment, new knowledge and skills as well as meet workers need for development. To succeed it is crucial to understand how changes come about. ObjectivesThe aim of this study was to investigate how changes, especially improvements of work environment issues, within manufacturing companies are initiated, processed and implemented. MethodsTwelve managers in charge of work environment issues, representing twelve randomly selected small, medium and large manufacturing companies within the wood-, paper-, metal-, and steel sectors in central Sweden were interviewed. The semi-structured interviews were recorded, transcribed and analysed. Results The managers described work environmental changes as a continuous process of development, central for the company’s competitiveness. Economic incentives were the prime driving force for change. The organisational structure was considered as a key factor for initiating and implementing changes, and it was described how hierarchical structures had been transformed into more self-managing structures where the individuals, as well as the group, now had extended responsibilities. As internal driving forces for change the managers described how many ideas came from the employees, and that informal communication was a key concept in order to take advantage of the employees’ ideas and creativity. External driving forces were rather customer requirements like quality- and environmental certifications than legislative requirements.Common obstacles during the process of change were issues of economy, poor communication, employee resistance and inactive management.  The managers regarded the evaluation of implemented changes, in general, as poor and mainly concentrated on obvious economical issues. Reasons for this were time constraints, and that customer matters always were prioritized over internal processes. ConclusionsIn order for consultants, authorities or researchers to address change and development at companies it is necessary to understand how these organisations perceive, think and act regarding these matters. The present study suggests that possible gateways can be economy, employee health, leadership, employee involvement and participation, and evaluation routines.
  • Berglund, Erik, et al. (författare)
  • Work-life balance predicted work ability two years later: A cohort study of employees in the Swedish energy and water sector
  • 2021
  • Ingår i: BMC Public Health. - : BMC. - 1471-2458. ; 21:1
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Background Work-life balance (WLB) is the extent to which individual’s multiple life roles and demands carry over between each role. WLB can be divided into work interference with personal life (WIPL) and personal life interference with work (PLIW). This study aimed to investigate longitudinal associations between WIPL, PLIW and work ability outcomes.Methods In this cohort study, 224 employees in the energy and water sector in Sweden were followed-up over 2 years. Three questions derived from the Work Ability Index were used for measuring work ability outcome: current work ability compared with lifetime best; work ability regarding physical; and mental demands. Logistic regression models were used to analyse longitudinal associations between work ability and WIPL and WIPL respectively, controlling for workplace (company), position at work, experience of leadership quality, demographics, and work ability.Results Work ability compared to lifetime best were associated with WIPL in the adjusted logistic regression models (odds ratio (OR) 1.77, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.15–2.73), and PLIW (OR 3.34, 95% CI 1.66–6.74). Work ability regarding physical demands was associated with WIPL (OR 1.60, 95% CI 1.07–2.40). Work ability regarding mental demands was associated with WIPL (OR 1.59, 95% CI 1.03–2.44) and PLIW (OR 2.88, 95% CI 1.31–6.32).Conclusion In this two-year longitudinal study, lower WIPL predicted good/excellent overall work ability compared with lifetime best, higher work ability regarding physical and mental demands, and lower PLIW predicted good/excellent overall work ability compared with lifetime best and higher work ability regarding and mental demands.
  • Lindberg, Per, et al. (författare)
  • Indicators of healthy work environments – a systematic review
  • 2012
  • Konferensbidrag (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • IntroductionThe interest in medical science has until now mainly focused on pathogenesis, how and why certain individuals become diseased. Despite legislation in the field of work environment, a century of labour inspections, and the efforts of thousands of occupational health consultants still 21% of the Swedish women and 15% of the Swedish men report to have had work-related disorders during the last twelve months. A different, and additional, way of approaching the problem of work related morbidity is to look at and learn from what constitutes healthy work environments and what might be key indicators of such sustainable work environments. AimThe purpose of this study was to systematically review the scientific literature and search for indicators of healthy work environments. Healthy work environments were defined as work environments that on both short and long term do not cause work-related morbidity. MethodEight major national and international databases for scientific publication were searched for research addressing indicators of healthy work environments using different combinations of keywords like healthy, good, work, workplace, work force, worksite, organization, work environment, business, indicator, and predictor. The search was limited to years 1990 – 2011, humans, and the languages English, Danish, German, Norwegian, and Swedish. ResultsAltogether 19 768 publications were found. After excluding duplicates, non-relevant publications, or publications that did not comply with the inclusion criteria 22 peer-reviewed publications remained. Only one study explicitly addressing indicators of healthy work environments was found, suggesting that the presence of stress management programs in an organization might serve as indicator of a ‘good place to work’. Such organizations were more likely also to offer programs that encouraged employee well-being, safety and skill development than those without stress management programs. The other 21, mostly explorative, studies either investigated employee´s views on what constitute a healthy workplace, or were guidelines for how to create such workplaces. The nine most pronounced factors considered as important for a healthy workplace emerging from these studies were:  collaboration/teamwork; growth and development; recognition; employee involvement; positive, accessible and fair leader; autonomy/empowerment; appropriate staffing; skilled communication; and safe physical work.  ConclusionsThis systematic review demonstrates a lack of consensus about the concept of a healthy work environment/workplace/work organization as well as a shortage of studies concerning healthy work places, especially longitudinal ones. The factors considered important for a healthy workplace needs further investigation in order to draw any confirmative conclusions.
  • Lindberg, Per, et al. (författare)
  • The good work environment and its indicators.
  • 2012
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Despite legislation in the field of work environment, both on national and international level, a century of labour inspections, and the efforts of thousands of occupational health consultants still 23% of the women and 17% of the men in Sweden report that they during the past twelve months have had work-related disorders making it difficult to perform their work or carry out everyday housework. Of these, about one-third has been on sick leave because of the disorders. Further, the average retirement age in Sweden was 64 years, instead of 65, in 2009. This has been explained by decreased work ability in particular among blue collar workers. The figures suggest that the endeavours do not reach all the way.  In addition, an increased dependency ratio in Sweden because of demographic changes has raised voices for a higher retirement age. In order to achieve a sustainable working life, it is likely that strategies and actions from different and new angles are needed.  Instead of the traditional pathogenic focus, a different and additional way of approaching the problem of work related morbidity is to look at and learn from what characterizes organisations with a low rate of long term sick listed. Though a few studies and reports have dealt with this, there has been no systematic approach to summarize present knowledge of what constitutes healthy work environments and what might be key indicators of such work environments. Knowledge of such indicators may serve as tools to operationalize the ambition to achieve safe work places.          Present review was commissioned by the Swedish Work Environment Authority and attempts to define the concept of a good work environment, how it has been operationalized in the scientific literature, and what can be indicators of a good work environment. A good work environment can be defined as something more than a neutral work environment. It can be defined as a work environment that has positive, beneficial effects on the individual. A systematic literature review was undertaken as part of the present survey. The aim was to systematically review the scientific literature on how good or healthy work environment is described and search for indicators of healthy work environments.  Major national and international databases for scientific publication were searched. No comprehensive indicators of a good work environment could be identified. However, the review revealed a number of factors considered to characterize a good work environment. The most frequently mentioned factors were: positive, accessible and fair leader; skilled communication; cooperation/teamwork; positive, social climate; participation/involvement; autonomy/empowerment; role clarity, with clear expectations and goals; recognition; development and growth at work; moderate work pace and workload; administrative and/or personal support at work; good physical work environment; and good relationships with stakeholders.A similar concept as good work environment, but more often mentioned in the international literature is "healthy workplace". Healthy workplace is defined as a workplace with a work environment that has beneficial effects on both individuals and businesses. It is noteworthy that the notion healthy workplace is not a substitute for good work environment it is a consequence. Different models, e.g. the PATH-model by Grawitch et al. shows a synthesis of earlier research in a number of different disciplines and frames how a healthy workplace with wellbeing for the individual an organizational improvements can be achieved. The concept healthy workplace, with its dual view, is more pronounced about the causal effect of a god work environment than the pure notion “good work environment”. The concept has newly also been introduced in a couple of official Swedish documents. Because of this the present report advocates that the concept of healthy workplace is introduced as a concept in the Swedish work environment discourse.This study notes that the state of knowledge regarding good work environments and healthy workplaces is incomplete, but not unstable. The behavioral sciences, in particular positive psychology, occupy a leading position in research and development of the area, while biomechanical and physiological research concerning beneficial physical loads at work is almost non-existent. There is a great need for continued research on various aspects of a good work environment. It would be beneficial to come to some kind of consensus about the concept of good and healthy work environment/workplace/work organization; to develop assessment instruments, including indicators of good work environments, and methods for implementation; as well as longitudinal testing of more complex models of healthy workplace. However, there are good reasons already today to take this input for a better work environment seriously as a complement, not replacement of traditional risk elimination.
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