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Sökning: mat:dok lärosäte:mau år:(2014) > Svenska

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  • Brunnström, Pål, Doktor, 1974- (författare)
  • Ägare och kapital : Klass och genus hos kapitalägare i Sverige 1918-1939
  • 2014
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Avhandlingen är en fallstudie som undersöker praktiker av klass och kön hos kapitalägare i Sverige under perioden 1918-1939, utifrån exempel från två av tidens mäktigaste familjer: Broström och Wehtje. Den teoretiska utgångspunkten är ett försök att ur ett intersektionellt perspektiv förena en klassanalys utifrån Eric Olin Wrights modell med Bourdieus begrepp socialt och kulturellt kapital, kombinerat med analyser av genus framför allt inspirerade framför allt av Raewyn Connells begrepp hegemonisk maskulinitet och analyser av rasism utifrån Robert Miles begrepp rasifiering. Det undersökta materialet utgörs i huvudsak av personliga brev och affärskorrespondens vilka analyserats i en kvalitativ textanalys.Undersökningens har fyra centrala teoretiska poänger. För det första att klass är svårt att definiera utifrån kulturella kriterier, då variationen i kulturella praktiker gör att gruppen kapitalägare framstår som svårfångad och motsägelsefull. Istället argumenteras för en uppdelning i klass som position, som i linje med Wrights modell definieras utifrån relationen till produktionsmedlen, och klass som praktik vilket undersöks utifrån Bourdieus kapitalmetafor.Undersökningens andra poäng är att lyfta fram spännvidden i de maskulinitetspraktiker som blir synliga i materialet, något som bekräfta Demetriakis Demetrious utveckling av begreppet hegemonisk maskulinitet till att förstås som ett hegemoniskt block, där de maskulinitetsuttryck som knyts till gruppen kapitalägare förstås som föränderliga och motsägelsefulla.En tredje poäng är att lyfta fram begreppet moralisk ekonomi som ett redskap för att fånga in de motsägelsefulla praktiker och normsystem som styrde kapitalägarnas ekonomiska agerande. Undersökningen betonar också den emotionella dimension som kapitalägarna gav uttryck för i relation till teknik och administration, något som understryker behovet av att analysera hur känslor och normer påverkar ekonomiska överväganden.En fjärde poäng berör det handlingsutrymme som kvinnor hade inom familjerna, där undersökningen visar att även om en genushierarki som premierade underordnade femininitetskonstruktioner upprätthölls, så fanns det ett visst utrymme för självständigt agerande och alternativ kvinnligheter från några av de här undersökta kvinnorna.
  • Holmberg, Ylva (författare)
  • Musikskap : musikstunders didaktik i förskolepraktiker
  • 2014
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Studiens syfte är att genom ett didaktiskt närmande beskriva och analysera musikstunder i förskolepraktiker. Studiens syfte är också att på en vetenskaplig grund spåra och utpröva begrepp som kan beteckna och fånga musikstundernas figuration, i detta fall en beskrivning av fenomenet som leder till ett didaktiskt begrepp. Som teoretisk resurs prövas begrepp inom ramen för musikdidaktisk teori, bildningsteori och musicking-teori. Empiri har genererats genom videoobservation på tre anonymiserade förskolor, en dag i veckan under åtta månader. Det har genererat 46 filmade musikstunder. Ett centrerat innehåll under musikstunderna, handlar främst om lärande i och med musik, mindre om och genom musik. Musikstundernas innehåll framstår som sporadisk och fragmentarisk, musik för stunden, men också som spontant improviserad musik i stunden. En del av till exempel musikens grundelement bearbetas. Musikstunden kan tolkas röra sig mellan en materiell och formell bildningsteori. Ibland är musiken som objekt i fokus, ibland är barnen i fokus, men musikstunder där pedagogerna fokuserar på samspelet mellan musiken och barnen, ett arbete i enlighet med en kategoriell teori är mindre ofta framträdande. Iscensättande handlar sammanfattningsvis om att musikstundernas igångspel och avslut ibland sker genom musik, men för det mesta sker det i form av talad instruktion (mer eller mindre lekfullt). Sång är ofta av reproducerande karaktär, instrumentspel är oftast av improviserande karaktär och rörelsen har såväl reproducerande som improviserande karaktär. För att synliggöra aktörskap i musikstunderna har jag spårat aktörerna, eller som jag i detta musikpedagogiska sammanhang kallar för spelare. Spelarna, det vill säga barnen, pedagogerna och musiken kan tolkas ha olika former av aktörskap, de kan vara igångsättande solister, medspelare, samspelare och/eller motspelare. Genom avhandlingsarbetet formuleras och prövas även musikskap som konstrueras som en resurs för reflektion kring musikstunder. Musikskap, där musiken är en länk i en sammanflätad process, säger sammanhållet något om vad som händer i musikstunder som figuration. Begreppet påverkas även av en mer övergripande syn på vad musik görs till och vad pedagogerna lägger sitt fokus på så som musiken, barn/process eller mötet. Musikskap kan sägas ha tre spår, vilka fokuserar musikstundernas innehåll, form och aktörskap. Den innehållsliga dimensionen handlar om möjliggörande att lära i, om, med och genom musik. Den formmässiga dimensionen handlar om ett iscensättande av musikstundens process, olika aktiviteter, form och tillvägagångssätt. Den tredje dimensionen fokuserar hur det, under musikstunden inte enbart är barnen och pedagogerna som är aktörer, utan även musiken har med sin kraft att påverka aktörskap. Begreppet musikskap koncentreras till att handla om • innehåll som rörelse mellan linjär och icke-linjär riktning. Mellan innehåll som objekt och innehåll som rörelse i riktning, ej fastställt innehåll och rörliga mål. • iscensättande där musik och form för musikstundens aktiviteter (sång, spel och rörelse) varieras i samspel mellan exempelvis reproducerande och improviserande form. • aktörskap i rörelse mellan olika spelare, igång-, med-, sam- och motspelare. Musikstunden som nätverk bestående av aktörer, där alla tre aktörerna, barnen, pedagogerna och musiken har aktörskap. Musikskap kan ses som något som öppnar upp för ett sätt att kritiskt och möjligen även kreativt förhålla sig till musikstunder, inriktat på process och ständig tillblivelse som en form av musikrelaterad gestaltning. En sammanfogning för både frigörande och styrande relationer i nätverk. Ett begrepp som rör sig mellan det faktiska och det som möjligen kan bli, öppnande för analys av och förståelse för musikstunder.
  • Johansson, M., 1975- (författare)
  • I moderskapets skugga : berättelser om normativa ideal och alternativa praktiker
  • 2014
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This study explores the relationship between ideals of motherhood and heterosexual normativity, from the perspective of women at the margins of these discourses. The title, In the shadow of Motherhood, illustrates the overriding power of the image of motherhood to marginalise alternative experiences. The concept of motherhood, like that of Family, has traditionally signalled the reproduction of the normative; it does not usually encompass the critical scrutiny that would allow for diverse experiences of mothering.Theoretically, the study is located within the fields of feminist sociology and inclusive family studies in productive dialogue with queer notions of gender and sexuality. Methodologically, it is inspired by narrative analysis and consists of in-depth interviews with eight lesbian, bisexual and heterosexual women grappling with different experiences of motherhood and mothering practices. Some of them identify as mothers while others do not, but by not being biogenetic mothers within a heterosexual relationship they share the position of being outside of what is often considered normal, natural and desirable. The analysis reveals a considerable variation in the positions,experiences and identities of the participants, particularly in regards to changes over time, which cannot be reduced to binary categories such as heterosexual/lesbian, biological/non-biological, mother/childless or voluntary/involuntary childlessness. The analysis also exposes a deep tension between ideologies of motherhood and lived experiences of care practices. Furthermore, from the perspective of the participants, the boundaries between inclusion and exclusion reinforce and challenge each other, creating spaces of both individual and collective resistance. The study illuminates the need to shift the location of these experiences from the margins to the centre not only in sociological research of family and gender, but also within feminist sociology.
  • Kouns, Maria (författare)
  • Beskriv med ord : fysiklärare utvecklar språkinriktad undervisning på gymnasiet
  • 2014
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This doctoral thesis investigatef and describes the design process of two physics teachers and myself in developing and trying out language based learning activities in a first year physics course in two classes in ml urban high school in Sweden. The design process, which goes on for almost three semesters, and these activities are seen as an intervention into the two physics teachers' teaching practice with the aim of contributing to learning and improved practice for them, and in turn, to improved learning of physics for their students. The research questions relate to the design process1 the teachers' teaching repertoire, and to the students' speaking and writing as part of the language based lenrning activities. The background of the thesis is an increased need to high light and to take into account linguistic factors in content area teaching for the reason of linguistic heterogeneity within the student body. Linguistic diversity refers to students having another first langungc tlmn Swedish, the langunge of instruction, and to students being more or less familiar with the specialized academic language used in formal education. The overall theoretical perspective is socio•culturnl, placing an emphasis on language as a mediating tool for meaning-making in situated practices. The empirical mnlerinl mainly consists of field notes and audio recordings from observations of the physics teaching and from the weekly planning meetings but also of sludent texts and audio recordings of students' small group conversations. The teacher group develops nnd tries a number of language centered learning activities1 and their objectives are stated in terms of language tasks to be performed with a specific content. Even though the design process is a collaborative effort, the two physics teachers show difthences in two areas: a) emphasizing speaking or writing aS the main mediating tool in the learning activities, b) creating activities where the students' knowledge construction is either more of a putting together and presenting the content or more of on unpacking and trying it out. This diftercncc might be seen as placing an emphasis on the process towards the goal versus placing it on the film! goal. The student conversations in small groups are oriented towards the content and the topic of the assignment, and they arc cooperative. They also tend to be a matter of accumulating knowledge more than exploring knowledge, which means that criHcal and explorntive features are less prominent The student texts can be seen either ns independent texts or satellite texts, the former intending to state knowledge conclusively while the latter intend to support conversf"ltions. The teacher group tend to plan language centered learning activities towards the end of a content area, and the activities are seen as most relevnnt at points where a move to a more abstract level of knowledge is required. The activities gain a formative function in the teaching process.
  • Magnusson, Petra (författare)
  • Meningsskapandets möjligheter : multimodal teoribildning och multiliteracies i skolan
  • 2014
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • This thesis concerns the changing predispositions and conditions for contemporary meaning-making in school education. From a socio-cultural perspective, multimodal theory formation is used to find suitable tools and concepts for developing teaching and learning. The overall aims are to investigate and conceptualize meaning-making in school in the frame ofmultimodal theory. Firstly, the research questions are concerned with how teachers work with written; paper-based, expository texts, and secondly, with students' meaning-making, working with meaning-offerings from different modes and media. This is followed by questions surrounding the predispositions for a multimodal view in the Swedish curriculum outline. Finally, the consequences for the role of fiction in education, using multimodal theory formation as a framework are addressed. The thesis presents two empirical studies which investigate meaning-making in upper secondary education, followed by critical discussions of the cmTiculum outline and the role of fiction. The empirical data was collected using methods inspired by ethnography in classes taking social sciences and media courses. The analyses were inspired by multimodal research, and the main analytical tools consist of a discourse framework and model inspired by Roz IvaniC, the Leaming Design Sequence developed by Staffon Selander, the wheel of multimodality and the pedagogy of multiliteracies, both developed by the New London Group and Bill Cope and :Mary Kalantzis. The first study focuses on the teachers' perspective in trying to develop students' meaning-making through written, paper-based expository texts. Analyses within the discourse framework and design layer model are used to describe the teachers' practical theory. The wheel ofmultimodality is used to differentiate the meaning-offerings used in class, and the pedagogy of multiliteracies is used to describe and analyze the discussions in groups and with the teacher. Results highlight three major possibilities for working with written, paper-based expository texts: a vvider view on meaning-making, meaning-offerings encompassing several modes and media, and the teacher's modeling ofthe reading through discussion. The second study describes and analyzes meaning-making and design in learning \vith meaning-offerings from different modes and media from the students' perspective. The analytical tools are the wheel of multimodality, the Learning Design Sequence and the further-developed pedagogy of multiliteracies. Results show a similarity in meaning-making regardless of mode and media, staiiing with the visual mode and with the students focusing their efforts on comprehending the meaning-offering. This can be explained by lack of clarity and lack of guidance which are seen as obstacles for learning. The discussions surrounding the curriculum outline and the role of fiction show that, in using a multimodal theory formation frame, the curriculum does not explicitly support a multimodal view on meaning-making and that fiction can not be seen as unique due to neither mode nor media. The results suggest that multimodal theory formation gives access to tools that are useful in developing students' meaning-making according to the predispositions and conditions oftoday, in which reading development is viewed as part of developing meaning-making as a who lei and that meaning-making in school should be based on a non-hierarchical and inclusive view on modes and media to create a readiness and a flexibility to meet demands of a rapidly-changing society. As a consequence, the curriculum outline needs to be reworded and the role of fiction in education needs to be problematized.
  • Richert, Torkel (författare)
  • Överdoser, försörjningsstrategier och riskhantering : livsvillkor för personer som injicerar narkotika
  • 2014
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • People who inject illegal drugs constitute a vulnerable group in society. Their vulnerability can partly be explained by the negative consequences of the drug use itself and the particular risks associated with injecting, but also by society’s negative view of, and harsh attitude towards, drug users. Injection drug use is a relatively understudied topic in Sweden. The overall aim of this dissertation is to examine life circumstances of people who inject heroin or amphetamines. The dissertation is based on two research projects at Malmö University and includes interviews with a total of over two hundred visitors at the needle exchange program in Malmö as well as focus group discussions with twenty-seven heroin users in treatment. The first project focus on women who use the needle exchange program and on their social situation, income strategies, experience of treatment and care, as well as on their wishes for further societal assistance. The results present a picture of a very heterogeneous group of women, in which most differ from the stereotypical image of the female injection drug user as homeless, destitute, marginalized, and primarily dependent on men or prostitution for their livelihood and access to drugs. Most women were active in the drug economy, they obtained most of the drugs they used on their own, and they supported their drug purchases through both formal and informal sources of income. A small group, mainly women who primarily use heroin, described a very vulnerable and marginalized existence with insecure housing and incomes restricted to dealing, stealing or sex-work. The vast majority of the interviewed women did wish for some sort of societal support in order to change their situation. Most requests involved substance abuse treatment. More than anything, heroin users wished for better access to opioid substitution treatment. Many women also wanted access to women-only treatment facilities. Not all women, though, saw their drug use as problematic or intended to stop using illegal drugs. Some saw society’s poor treatment of drug users and the “repressive” drug policy as a greater problem than the drug use itself. The second research project focus on heroin overdoses. The aim of the project was to gain further knowledge on why overdoses occur, a greater understanding of how heroin users interpret and handle the overdoses of others, as well as to discuss potential interventions to reduce the number of overdose deaths in Sweden. The results showed that the interviewed heroin users generally had good knowledge about overdose risks. Different circumstances, however, caused restricted possibilities to avoid overdose risks or meant that risks were seen as minor compared to the potential gains of drug use. The desire for a powerful high, experience of severe withdrawal symptoms, an unsafe environment, mental ill health, and an “unbearable life situation”, were examples of factors associated with an increased risk of overdoses. Those heroin users who had been present at someone else’s overdose generally had a positive attitude towards assisting the victim, and their actions were often life-saving. However, a number of factors such as the witness’s own intoxication or lack of knowledge of lifesaving measures, as well as fear of police involvement in some cases, led to inadequate responses to overdoses. The interviewees’ accounts point to the need for a more diverse and accessible drug abuse and addiction treatment model but also to the need for interventions that aim to reduce vulnerability and improve life circumstances and health for persons who, for various reasons, continue to use illegal drugs. The results also reveal the need for interventions that improve heroin users’ possibilities for safer drug use, as well as the importance of increasing their potential for helping other heroin users who overdose.
  • Sjöblom, Ingela (författare)
  • Planerade hemförlossningar i Norden : kvinnors och barnmorskors perspektiv
  • 2014
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Background: Home birth is common in an international perspective but in the West it is a rare occurrence. In the Nordic countries, Iceland and Denmark have the highest home birth rates with about two per cent, Norway and Sweden approximately one per thousand, and in Finland only a dozen women a year give birth to their children in the home. Background: Home birth is common in an international perspective but in the West it is a rare occurrence. In the Nordic countries, Iceland and Denmark have the highest home birth rates with about two per cent, Norway and Sweden approximately one per thousand, and in Finland only a dozen women a year give birth to their children in the home. Data collections and methods: Two interview studies (study I and V) and three questionnaire studies (study II, III and IV) were carried out. The interviews were analyzed with phenomenological-hermeneutical respectively phenomenological approach and the questionnaires with content analysis and descriptive statistical analysis, in study III as parts of the mixed method. Results: Women giving birth at home experience that they can give birth in their own terms with selected supporters around them in an environment where they feel safe (study I). They state that they are highly satisfied with their home birth midwives (study IV). The midwives described their work with assisting home birth as a lifestyle, with an opportunity to realize their full midwifery competence (study V). Women feel that they in a negative way are treated as irresponsible as they choose to give birth at home, and that this seems to strengthen their position to realize it (study II and III). Conclusion: The few women who choose to give home birth in Sweden are highly satisfied with their births experience. They have experienced that people around them, healthcare professionals as well as private individuals, were adverse to their choice and tried to make them change their minds. Women in the Nordic countries experienced that the midwife who assisted the home birth possessed good knowledge, medical as well as emotional and nurse care. Being a home birth midwife in the Nordic countries means to have chosen a lifestyle and a rewarding work, which allows her to use all her midwifery competencies to full extent.
  • Wirén Åkesson, Joakim (författare)
  • Idrottens akademisering : idrottsvetenskaplig kunskap inom forskning, utbildning och på arbetsmarknaden
  • 2014
  • Doktorsavhandling (övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt)abstract
    • Abstract Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to analyse the academisation of sport in Sweden. This is done by mapping and analysing the scientific knowledge produced in sport research which is then mediated through academic sport education and demanded on the sport labour market. The relationship between these three arenas is also analysed. Various problems, subjects and perspectives which are focused in the arenas above are analysed, as well as the various conditions under which scientific knowledge is produced, mediated and demanded. Finally, the knowledge which is produced, mediated and demanded is analysed in relation to each other. Theory: Academisation can be considered as the process by which scientific knowledge expands and grows in importance for the area of knowledge as a whole. The academic status of an area of knowledge is dependent on the role of scientific knowledge within research, education and in the field of practice. In this thesis, the focus is on the academisation of the specific area of knowledge of sport. The production of scientific knowledge in sport research, mediation of scientific knowledge in higher sport education, application of scientific knowledge in the field of practice and the relationship between the three knowledge arenas is analysed. The study also includes an institutional perspective. Methodology: The thesis consists of three empirical part-studies: sport research, higher sport education and the labour market of sport. Each part-study has its own specific empirical data and specific approach for the collection, processing and analysis of data. Various documents comprise the main source of empirical data in this thesis, and the main methodological approach is content analysis and analysis of existing data. Results: The academisation process of sport in Sweden has come a long way. Today there exists extensive sport research in a wide range of disciplines with a strong core within a few of them. Academic sport education, with two distinct branches/orientations, has been established. There are also employers in the sport labour market seeking employees with academic backgrounds, including a wide variety of organisational types and activities. The way sport is handled and where interest is directed within, however, varies between the arenas of research, education and the labour market; there are diverse traditions and interests within each one. Also, in some areas, the arenas are more in tune with each other than in other areas. As a consequence of research, education and the labour market having been established and institutionalised during different eras and under varying ideological circumstances, they possess different logics as part of their ideological structures. They reproduce specific, historically-shaped patterns of thinking and behaviour. This also explains why research, education and the labour market looks so disparate in terms of what scientific knowledge is being produced, mediated and demanded. In areas where institutionalisation has occurred for a long time, there is a clear reproduction of patterns of thought and action; actors in such areas can be said to be more “path dependent” than others. As a result of sport education being institutionalised to such a low degree, it is also more customisable and flexible compared to the thoroughly-institutionalised sport research; however, it lacks the stability and continuity of sport research. Therefore, education also has, to a larger extent, an ability to adapt to the prevailing ideas and logic of the times, such as market logic – for better or for worse. The academisation of sport can thus be seen as an uneven process or a process “out of step”. Scientific knowledge has different characteristics within sport research, higher sport education and the sport labour market due to disparate institutional conditions and different histories of the different academic arenas. They are, in other words, “children of different times”.
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