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Sökning: onr:"swepub:oai:DiVA.org:ri-73948" > Graphene-material b...

Graphene-material based nanocomposite-coated optical fibres : a multi-functional optical fibre for improved distributed sensing performance in harsh environment

Hey Tow, Kenny (författare)
RISE,Smart hårdvara
Alomari, Sandy (författare)
RISE,Smart hårdvara
Pereira, Joao (författare)
RISE,Smart hårdvara
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Neves, Tiago (författare)
Instituto Pedro Nunes, Portugal
Claesson, Asa (författare)
RISE,Smart hårdvara
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Ingår i: Journal of Lightwave Technology. - : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.. - 0733-8724 .- 1558-2213.
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)
Abstract Ämnesord
  • The optical fibre coating is essential to ensure high performance and reliability of the optical fibre. Out of all polymer-coated fibres, polyimide coatings provide the highest temperature rating, typically rated for use in optical fibre sensing applications at 300˚C (in air), with short excursion to 350˚C. In this communication, we assess whether the inclusion of graphene-based nanoparticles, such as graphene and graphene oxide, in a polyimide coating can enhance the durability of optical fibres at high temperatures. Draw tower fabrication of optical fibres with nanocomposite polymer coating is described. Tensile strength tests, performed on aged nanocomposite-coated optical fibres, are used as an indication of their performance at harsh conditions. The results are validated and quantified by distributed temperature and humidity sensing tests performed using these fibres. The results show that this novel class of fibre is more robust to high-temperature ageing and moisture-induced strain than standard polyimide-coated fibres, when used for distributed sensing. The electrical conductivity of the nanocomposite coating is also used in a multi-sensing approach, together with distributed optical fibre sensing, to measure temperature in a reliable way using the same optical fibre. 


TEKNIK OCH TEKNOLOGIER  -- Materialteknik (hsv//swe)
ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY  -- Materials Engineering (hsv//eng)


Graphene; Humidity sensors; Nanocomposites; Optical communication; Optical fibers; Plastic coatings; Polyimides; Temperature sensors; Tensile strength; Coated optical fibers; Distributed sensing; Graphene oxides; Harsh environment; Highest temperature; Material-based; Multi-functional; Polyimide coating; Sensing performance; Specialty optical fibers; Temperature measurement

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Hey Tow, Kenny
Alomari, Sandy
Pereira, Joao
Neves, Tiago
Claesson, Asa
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Journal of Light ...
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