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  • Larsson, Anna (author)
  • Indikatorer för miljö- och hållbarhetsmål : Om konsten att mäta och utvärdera måluppfyllelse
  • 2005
  • Reports (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • De svenska miljökvalitetsmålen är en av flera nationella strategier för att nå den övergripande visionen om hållbar utveckling. Indikatorer beskrivs allt oftare som ett attraktivt hjälpmedel för att operationalisera, implementera, följa upp och utvärdera visioner som hållbar utveckling. Detta gäller även för det svenska miljömålsarbetet där indikatorerna har fått en central roll.Den här rapporten syftar till att beskriva och reflektera över en del av den litteratur som skrivits om indikatorer och mätbarhet för att kunna identifiera nyckelområden där det kan vara intressant att gå vidare och studera frågan om mätbarhet.Tre områden har varit vägledande för arbetet med rapporten: (1) Definitionen av begreppet indikator, (2) Användningen av hållbarhetsindikatorer, samt (3) Förslag till fortsatta analyser av indikatorer, uppföljning och utvärdering. För att illustrera de teoretiska resonemangen ges empiriska exempel från datamaterial som samlats in med hjälp av fokusgrupper och djupintervjuer. Det empiriska materialet ingår i en studie som syftar till att identifiera och diskutera hanteringen av kommunikationshinder i samband med uppföljningen av det svenska miljömålsarbetet.När det gäller arbetet med indikatorer som ska spegla hållbar utveckling finns tre problem. För det första, vilka indikatorer ska man välja? Valet av mål, mätmetoder och indikatorer härstammar från politiska och normativa ställningstaganden om vad som är tekniskt möjligt att följa upp. Indikatorerna är bara en del av sanningen och därför bör man inkludera flera olika komponenter i uppföljningen och utvärderingen av målen. För det andra föreligger en risk att indikatorerna blir alltför generella. Det blir därför viktigt att fokusera på de underliggande faktorerna snarare än på själva indikatorn samt att ta i beaktande att olika indikatorer förändras olika snabbt. För det tredje begränsas implementeringen av indikatorset av bristen på data och de kostnader som det innebär att samla in, tolka och följa upp information.Vidare finns en tydlig konflikt mellan en önskan om en uppföljning och utvärdering som är konkret och lättöverskådlig och lätt att kommunicera, och på samma gång en utvärdering som täcker in fler aspekter av miljömålsprocessen än enbart utveckling av miljötillståndet.Slutsatsen är att det behövs en fördjupad diskussion bland aktörer som utvecklar och använder indikatorer kring den problematik och de begränsningar som är förknippade med sådana verktyg.
  • Máñez Costa, Maria, et al. (author)
  • Co-production of Climate Services : A diversity of approaches and good practice from the ERA4CS projects (2017–2021)
  • 2022
  • Reports (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • This guide presents a joint effort of projects funded under the European Research Area for Climate Services (ERA4CS) (http://www.jpi-climate.eu/ERA4CS), a co- funded action initiated by JPI Climate with co-funding by the European Union (Grant 690462), 15 national public Research Funding Organisations (RFOs), and 30 Research Performing Organisations (RPOs) from 18 European countries. This guide sets out to increase the understanding of different pathways, methods, and approaches to improve knowledge co-production of climate services with users as a value-added activity of the ERA4CS Programme.Reflecting on the experiences of 16 of the 26 projects funded under ERA4CS, this guide aims to define and recommend good practices for transdisciplinary knowledge co-production of climate services to researchers, users, funding agencies, and private sector service providers. Drawing on responses from ERA4CS project teams to a questionnaire and interviews, this guide maps the diversity of methods for stakeholder identification, involvement, and engagement. It also conducts an analysis of methods, tools, and mechanisms for engagement as well as evaluation of co-production processes.This guide presents and discusses good practice examples based on the review of the ERA4CS projects, identifying enablers and barriers for key elements in climate service co-production processes. These were: namely (i) Forms of Engagement; (ii) Entry Points for Engagement; and, (iii) Intensity of Involvement. It further outlines key ingredients to enhance the quality of co-producing climate services with users and stakeholders.Based on the analysis of the lessons learned from ERA4CS projects, as well as a review of key concepts in the recent literature on climate service co-production, we provide a set of recommendations for researchers, users, funders and private sector providers of climate services. 
  • Lahsen, Myanna, et al. (author)
  • The role of unstated mistrust and disparities in scientific capacity : Examples from Brazil
  • 2006
  • Reports (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • The objective of this report is to illuminate the complex ways in which science is produced, used or otherwise of importance to Brazilian climate policies and politics and how it is interlinked with culture, power and politics, including the large number of factors that variously constrain or facilitate climate-related policy. It discusses arguments and evidence ofhow geopolitics, socio-cultural and political perspectives, and trust or lack thereof, shape – orare perceived to shape various lines of knowledge production, contestation and mobilization related to climate change and the negotiations under the United Nations FrameworkConvention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). It argues for the need to understand the existence and consequences of distrust between the global North and South (i.e., industrialized countries and the developing countries) in climate related affairs, including the causes ofmistrust and, in particular, connections between distrust and disparities in both power andnational capacities to produce and frame the knowledge used in climate negotiations.Many developing countries lack the knowledge and support offered by social and economic infrastructure, scientific and technological capability when facing international negotiation onclimate change, and there are indications that this – in addition to equity and participationconcerns – troubles leaders of such countries and affects general receptivity to agendas, processes and reports associated with the IPCC, the UNFCCC and associated institutions suchas the Global Environmental Facility (GEF) under the direction of the World Bank. The reportpoints out that it is necessary to investigate the role of such concerns on the part of Brazilianpolitical leaders involved in the climate negotiations. An important contribution lies in the mere fact of documenting climate-related knowledge, processes and politics in Brazil. By contrast to richer nations in the world, and perhaps alsosome less developed countries (LDCs), there is an astonishing small amount of actualdocuments produced by the Brazilian government about Brazil’s climate science capacity,knowledge gaps, and policies. The reasons for this need to be understood in terms of technicalas well as socio-cultural and political factors, as scarcity of studies and communicationconcerning such things as impact and vulnerability studies limits the mobilization of civilsociety on the issue of climate change, an important stimulus of social change and policy inLatin America.
  • Matsson, Eskil (author)
  • Policy and monitoring aspects on avoided deforestation : Towards a post 2012 climate regime
  • 2008
  • Reports (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Tropical deforestation is the second leading cause of greenhouse gas emissions, after energyproduction, and is responsible for about 20-25 percent of all emissions. Proximate drivers todeforestation and forest degradation are agricultural expansion, wood extraction and infrastructure development. Quantifying green house gas emissions averted from reduced deforestation requires measurements of changes in forest cover and associated changes in carbon stocks. The uncertainties in emissions from deforestation remain large but have improved over the last years through the use of satellite remote sensing. Avoided deforestation – the idea that governments and forest owners are paid to prevent deforestation that would otherwise occur has become a key policy issue in the climate change negotiations. At the 11th Conference of the Parties several calls were expressed for inclusion of forests under Kyoto’s trading instruments.The Convention decided to evaluate the issue until the 13th Conference of the Parties in Bali, December 2007. The Convention has been engaged in intensive discussions about an instrument for reducing emissions from deforestation in a second commitment period post 2012. Parties andaccredited observers were invited at two occasions to submit there views on this issue. A numberof methodological issues have been addressed, including setting a baseline level and considering issues such as permanence and leakage. In 2007 there appears to be an emerging consensus among delegates and negotiators that a mixed approach may be required i.e. between a market based approach and non-market based approach. All proposals have been an important input topolicy-makers and delegates. There are substantial costs included to finance an avoided deforestation scheme; however these are over-bridged by the large mitigation potential resulting from reducing emissions from forest conservation at low costs. Developing countries that voluntarily joins an avoided deforestation compensation scheme can expect additional income ifthe policy schemes are developed appropriately. If necessary emission reductions of green house gases from deforestation are to be achieved without compromising prospects for economic and social development, compensation schemes have to be well-targeted, robust and benefit local communities. Developed countries can also support developing countries with technology transfer and capacity building in order to construct these avoided deforestation mechanisms. InBali, delegates finally agreed to include emissions from tropical deforestation in the United Nations Framework on Climate Change and future climate change negotiations. Now, as part ofthe two-year Bali Action Plan, work is to begin to widen the discussion further in order to decide upon a sound compensation scheme at the 15th Conference of the Parties in Copenhagen 2009.
  • Román, Mikael (author)
  • What Order in Progress? : Brazilian Energy Policies and Climate Change in the Beginning of the 21st Century
  • 2007
  • Reports (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Brazil is no doubt one of the world’s most influential regions with regards to energy and climatechange. Due to its sheer size and stunning economic growth, the country is generally regarded as one of the emerging economies expected to become dominant players in the global economy. It is also thehome of one the world’s most complex ecosystems, the Amazon rainforest, which is viewed as an important component in the global climate system. With regards to energy, Brazil has for many years pursued active policies to promote hydroenergy and the use of biofuels. Consequently, it has a unique energy profile with a high degree of renewable energy. Over the years, Brazil has also played anactive role in the global climate change negotiations and was, among other things, the principal instigator of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). At the same time, the use of fossil fuels is currently growing at a rapid pace and the country recently emerged as the world’s fifth largest emitterof greenhouse gases (GHG).In view of this background, the express purpose of this study is to discuss Brazilian energy and climate policies, through an analysis of the current development in the energy sector more specifically. What explains the present situation? What are the current trends and what are the critical factors that could possibly influence future activities? This implies that the study has both adescriptive as well as an explanatory ambition. One important contribution is to provide an overview of current trends in contemporary Brazilian energy and climate policies. Another is to identify some of the drivers and obstacles that will be critical also for future policies. Hence, the study combines amore general descriptive analysis with five in-depth analyses from five pertinent energy sectors (natural gas, ethanol, energetic cogeneration, biodiesel, and the use of charcoal).
  • Storbjörk, Sofie, 1974-, et al. (author)
  • Kommunerna och klimatomställningen : Lärdomar om klimatfrågans integrering i lokal policy och planering. En slutrapport från forskningsprojektet CLIPP
  • 2017
  • Reports (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Denna rapport redovisar slutresultat från forskningsprojektet Climate Change Policy Integration in Local Policy and Planning (CLIPP), som har finansierats av forskningsrådet Formas (Dnr 242-2011-1599). Projektet har utformats, planerats och genomförts av Sofie Storbjörk och Mattias Hjerpe, Linköpings universitet, och Karolina Isaksson, Robert Hrelja och Hans Antonson, Statens väg- och transportforskningsinstitut. Storbjörk och Hjerpe är verksamma vid Centrum för klimatpolitisk forskning och Tema miljöförändring vid Linköpings universitet. Isaksson, Antonson och Hrelja är verksamma vid enheten Mobilitet, aktörer och planering vid Statens Väg- och Transportforskningsinstitut. Författarna riktar ett tack till FORMAS för finansiellt stöd samt till de tre fallstudiekommunerna och intervjupersoner från offentlig och privat verksamhet som så generöst har delat med sig av tid och sina erfarenheter.
  • Dalhammar, Carl, et al. (author)
  • Miljömålsarbete - Styrning och uppföljning : En rapport från forskningsprogrammet ENGO
  • 2009
  • Reports (pop. science, debate, etc.)abstract
    • Bakgrund och syfte. Den svenska riksdagen har som ambition att till år 2020 lämna över ett samhälle till nästageneration där de stora miljöproblemen är lösta. Därför antog riksdagen år 1999 femtonnationella miljökvalitetsmål som anger vilket miljötillstånd som ska ha uppnåtts inom engeneration. Miljömålssystemet har senare kompletterats med ett sextonde miljömål samt ettantal delmål som är tidssatta och mätbara.I denna rapport analyseras och diskuteras det svenska miljömålssystemet, med avseende påsåväl styrning som uppföljning. För det första diskuteras hur dagens miljölagstiftning, i förstahand miljöbalken, kan användas för att genomdriva de 16 nationella miljömålen, och vilkahinder som finns. För det andra syftar rapporten till att belysa fyra grundläggande frågor irelation till miljömålsuppföljning och miljöövervakning: Varför följa upp miljömålsarbetet? Vad ska följas upp? Till vem kommuniceras uppföljningsresultaten? 4) Av vem skaolika uppföljningsaktiviteter utföras? Rapporten bygger på forskning inom två samhällsvetenskapliga projekt som ingått i det störreforskningsprogrammet Enabling Goal Achievement under uncertainty (ENGO). Miljömålen och lagstiftningenSamtliga miljöpolitiska styrmedel kommer att behövas inom miljömålsarbetet, men det finnsen utbredd besvikelse hos många aktörer när det gäller effektiviteten hos de ekonomiska ochinformativa styrmedlen. Vi kan konstatera att lagstiftningen och de styrmedel som reglerasgenom miljöbalken – såsom tillståndsgivning och tillsyn – kommer att ha en central roll i detframtida miljömålsarbetet; detta understryks av att fler och fler myndigheter jobbar med attintegrera miljömålen i det lagstyrda arbetet. Frågan är då om miljöbalken kan vara ett effektivt styrmedel för att uppnå miljömålen, vilkethävdats i miljömålspropositionerna. Detta har undersökts genom bl a litteraturstudier, analysav olika rättsfall, och intervjuer med olika aktörer. Projektet har framförallt fokuserat påmiljömålens roll inom två rättsliga instrument: Tillstånd till miljöfarlig verksamhet(tillståndsgivning) och tillsyn enligt miljöbalken. Dessa styrmedel utgör ”ryggraden” i svenskmiljöpolitik, och en integrering av miljömålsfrågor vid deras tillämpning har en stor potentialatt åstadkomma förändringar. Det finns också ett stort intresse bland olika tillstånds- ochtillsynsmyndigheter att jobba mer ”miljömålsinriktat” i framtiden. Vad gäller den mer övergripande frågan om miljömålsystemets ”mervärde”, d v s dessinverkan på det lagstyrda myndighetsarbetet, anser de flesta intervjuade att miljömålen isamverkan med andra faktorer - t ex de allmänna hänsynsreglerna och ny rättspraxis - bidragittill att föra miljöarbetet framåt, även om det är svårt att säga hur mycket varje enskildkomponent bidragit med. Miljömålen i kombination med andra faktorer har haft stor betydelseför att man fokuserar på nya frågor inom tillståndsgivning och tillsyn, t ex transporter,energifrågor, och vissa kemikaliefrågor. Men samtidigt indikerar de intervjuer som gjorts attmiljömålen i sig knappast kommer att ”revolutionera” miljömålsarbetet, d v s leda till storaförändringar, utan vägledning/riktlinjer/exempel från länsstyrelser eller centrala myndigheter.
  • Enberg, Cecilia, 1976-, et al. (author)
  • Green recovery packages : a boost for environmental and climate work in the Swedish construction and building industry?
  • 2021
  • Reports (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The objective of this study is to explore whether the green recovery packages issued by the Swedish government are aligned with the work of the construction and building industry to become climate-neutral by 2045. We have interviewed heads of sustainability of some of the largest companies in the industry and surveyed companies that have signed the Roadmap for a fossil-free construction and building industry1. Our results show that market-related challenges constitute the most important challenges to the environmental and climate work of the companies in our study. To better respond to these challenges, they require policies that reward frontrunners, primarily green public procurement, and tougher standards and norms. They also requested investments and policies that support the transition to a circular economy. We conclude that while green public procurement is not among the policies and investments included in the recovery packages, other parts are well aligned with the challenges encountered, requested investments and policies, and on-going work. This is particularly true for the above-mentioned investments related to the transition to a circular economy. Further, the study enables us to conclude that it is important to consider the long-term effects of green recovery packages and their potential for return-on-investment in terms of reductions in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions per SEK. Such packages will also have a better effect if they support on-going environmental and climate work, initiate new actions, and are designed with a systems perspective that facilitates joint action between different companies along the entire supply chain.
  • Friman (Fridahl), Mathias, 1980- (author)
  • Historical Responsibility in the UNFCCC
  • 2007
  • Reports (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • This report tracks the history of historical responsibility in negotiations to and under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The concept aims at attributing individual country burdens in mitigating climate change based on the relative levels of past emissions. A hermeneutic approach and discursive theory has been applied to the empirical material consisting of documents form the main bodies of the UNFCCC. The historic narrative constitutes a basis for an analysis of how the UNFCCC framing of historical responsibility have affected discussions on equity and inclusiveness across the North-South divide. Even though the concept was part of the discursive struggle over the content of the UNFCCC, it has been more central in the struggle to make the principles on equity, established in the Convention, operational. Historical responsibility has been most elaborated in a proposal by Brazil to the 1997 pre-Kyoto negotiations. This proposal combined a biophysical approach (preferred by the North) with that of a political economic approach (preferred by the South). However, the proposal was soon pushed off the central agenda and discussions on the topic turned technical and centred on scientific uncertainties. The biophysical framing excluded discussions on equity. As the proposal was marginalised within UNFCCC as a whole it became central in discussions on comprehensive approaches to historical responsibility. Any who wanted to discuss comprehensive approaches were referred to this forum wherein talks on equity were excluded by rules of discussion. This echoes a world system with a periphery in the global South dependent upon core countries in the global North. The last mentioned have the capacity to set the agenda. The resulting discursive rules, excluding talks on equity, have not been good to the inclusiveness of Southern participants in the discussion process nor favoured much needed dialogue across the North/South divide in climate change negotiations.
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  • Result 1-10 of 17
Type of publication
reports (17)
Type of content
other academic/artistic (11)
peer-reviewed (4)
pop. science, debate, etc. (2)
Linnér, Björn-Ola (5)
Hjerpe, Mattias (4)
Friman (Fridahl), Ma ... (3)
Öberg, Gunilla (2)
Gao, Chuansi (1)
Wibeck, Victoria, 19 ... (1)
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Wibeck, Victoria (1)
Ahlbäck, Anders (1)
Johansson, Jimmy (1)
Dalhammar, Carl (1)
Hrelja, Robert, 1974 ... (1)
Wilk, Julie (1)
Schmid Neset, Tina-S ... (1)
Glaas, Erik, 1981- (1)
Simonsson, Louise, 1 ... (1)
Antonson, Hans (1)
Storbjörk, Sofie (1)
Pimentel, Rafael (1)
Rodriguez, Camino Er ... (1)
Oen, Amy M. P. (1)
Walton, Peter (1)
Larsson, Anna (1)
Johansson, Madelaine ... (1)
Auer, Cornelia (1)
Ostwald, Madelene (1)
Lövbrand, Eva (1)
Hoff, Holger (1)
Lahsen, Myanna (1)
Neset, Tina (1)
Enberg, Cecilia, 197 ... (1)
Zetterberg, Lars (1)
Wråke, Markus (1)
Upadhyaya, Prabhat (1)
Nordell, Edvin (1)
Isaksson, Karolina, ... (1)
Storbjörk, Sofie, 19 ... (1)
Román, Mikael (1)
Jeuring, Jelmer (1)
Máñez Costa, Maria (1)
Celliers, Loius (1)
Suhari, Mirko (1)
Huang-Lachmann, Jo-T ... (1)
Blair, Berill (1)
Photiadou, Christian ... (1)
Jerez Columbié, Yair ... (1)
Tudose, Nicu Constan ... (1)
Cheval, Sorin (1)
Votsis, Athanasios (1)
West, Jennifer Joy (1)
Lee, Kaylin (1)
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Linköping University (17)
Stockholm University (1)
Örebro University (1)
Lund University (1)
Malmö University (1)
Högskolan Dalarna (1)
English (11)
Swedish (6)
Research subject (UKÄ/SCB)
Natural sciences (2)
Social Sciences (2)
Engineering and Technology (1)


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