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Search: AMNE:(SAMHÄLLSVETENSKAP) AMNE:(Medie och kommunikationsvetenskap) AMNE:(Biblioteks och informationsvetenskap)

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  • Jarlbrink, Johan, docent, 1978-, et al. (author)
  • From Big Bang to Big Data : A History of the Media
  • 2023
  • Book (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • More than just newspapers, television, and social networks, media are the means by which any information is communicated, from cosmic radiation traces to medieval church bells to modern identity documents. Cultures are held together as much by bookkeeping and records as they are by stories and myths. From Big Bang to Big Data is a long history of the media – how it has been established, used, and transformed from the beginning of recorded time until the present. It is not primarily a story of revolutions and innovations, but of continuities and overlaps that reveal surprising patterns across history. Many media were invented as ways to store and share information, and many have served as powerful tools for administration and control. The concerns raised about media today, whether about privacy, piracy, or anxieties over declining cultural standards, preoccupied earlier generations too. In a playful style, accompanied by more than one hundred illustrations, the authors show us how every society has been a media society in its own way. From antique graffiti to last year’s viral YouTube clip, the past is only approachable through media. From Big Bang to Big Data provides a new way of thinking about media in history – and about human societies past and present.
  • Wilhelmsson, Kenneth, 1976 (author)
  • Autentiska och artificiella frågor till svensk text Automatisk frågegenerering jämfört med användares frågor för informationsåtkomst : Authentic and artificial questions to Swedish text Automatically generated questions versus user-generated questions for information access
  • 2015
  • Other publication (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Informationssökning mot ostrukturerade datakällor som fri text är ett av de områden där användargränssnitt med fri formulering i naturligt språk har tagits fram. I ett sådant, eventuellt AI-betonat, system kan några grundläggande svårigheter från användarperspektivet märkas. En sådan svårighet är att en användare inte känner till huruvida en fråga som hon avser att ställa egentligen kan besvaras av den aktuella texten. Denna svårighet, tillsammans med andra, som de kraftiga variationsmöjligheterna för formen för ett giltigt svar på en ställd fråga, riskerar att leda till att användarintrycken av systemtypen blir negativa. De moment som behöver ingå i ett sådant frågebaserat informationssystems funktionssätt måste på något sätt inbegripa en mappning av frågeled i frågan (t.ex. när) till den form och grammatisk funktion som svaret i texten måste ha (för frågan när normalt ett tidsadverbial). Bland annat denna iakttagelse inbjuder till användning av automatisk frågegenerering (question generation, QG). Frågegenerering innebär att frågor som en naturlig text besvarar initialt utvinns av ett program som samlar in dem i explicit form. Tanken för användning i informationssökning är att en användare i gränssnittet enbart ska kunna ställa just dessa frågor, vilka faktiskt besvaras av texten. Denna studie gäller just de frågor som ett automatiskt frågegenereringssystem för svenska kan, och genom vidare utveckling, skulle kunna generera för godtycklig digital svensk text. Även om mängden automatiskt genererade frågor och frågeformuleringar kan bli mycket stor, utrymmesmässigt många gånger större än ursprungstexten, så är det tydligt att den beskrivna metoden för frågegenerering för svenska inte kan och troligen inte heller kommer att kunna förmås att skapa alla de frågor och frågeformuleringar som en vanlig användare skulle anse att en viss text besvarar. Men hur väl fungerar då automatiskt genererade frågor i detta sammanhang? Denna uppsats kretsar kring en användarundersökning där undersökningsdeltagare har ombetts att formulera frågor som texter besvarar, och som anses vara relevanta frågor. Den resulterande samlingen frågor undersöktes och kategoriserades. Resultatet av undersökningens huvudfråga visar att bara 20-25 % av användarnas frågeformuleringar skulle kunna genereras direkt automatiskt med aktuell ansats – utan vissa informationstekniska förbättringar. Uppsatsen föreslår viss ny terminologi för detta outforskade område, bl.a. för att skilja mellan de olika grader av processkrav som generering av olika frågeslag från text kräver.
  • En brokig gemenskap
  • 2017
  • Editorial collection (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • En brokig gemenskap presenterar huvudresultaten från 2016 års västsvenska SOM-undersökning. I fokus för undersökningen står Västra Götalands invånare och deras upplevelser av hur det är att leva och verka i Västsverige. Titeln knyter an till de resultat och analyser som redovisas i boken, men också till de likheter och olikheter som präglar gemenskapen i Västra Götalands olika delar. Några av de frågor som analyseras är medborgarnas bedömningar av regional och kommunal service, erfarenheter av arbetsliv och upplevelser av mångkultur. Kulturvanor, medborgaraktivism och cirkulär ekonomi är andra områden som ligger i bokens blickfång. Flera kapitel innehåller jämförelser med tidigare års västsvenska SOM-undersökningar och med de nationella SOM-undersökningarna. I En brokig gemenskap, den 71:a forskarantologin från SOM-institutet, bidrar forskare från olika discipliner vid Göteborgs universitet och Högskolan i Borås med analyser av det västsvenska samhället. Boken innehåller också en metod- dokumentation av 2016 års västsvenska SOM-undersökning.
  • Regntunga skyar
  • 2020
  • Editorial collection (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Dystra prognoser från 2010-talets sista nationella SOM-undersökning. Fler än någonsin ansåg att Sverige var på väg åt fel håll, oron tilltog och brottslighet klättrade på dagordningen. Samtidigt duggade rapporter om oåterkalleliga hot mot klimatet tätt. Hur påverkas vårt vardagsliv, vår hälsa och vår politik av dessa mörka moln? Regntunga skyar innehåller trettio kapitel forskaranalyser, sprungna ur resultaten från 2019 års nationella SOM-undersökning. Analyserna visar hur opinion och vanor och utvecklats och förändrats på en uppsjö av olika områden, samt inte minst vad vi som samhälle tog med oss in i det än så länge turbulenta 2020-talet.
  • Röhle, Theo, 1976- (author)
  • Dissecting the Gatekeepers : Relational Perspectives on the Power of Search Engines
  • 2009
  • In: Deep Search. - Innsbruck, Wien, Bozen : Studienverlag. - 9783706547956 ; , s. 117-132
  • Book chapter (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The paper engages in an in-depth discussion of the search engine Google, focusing on its relationship to webmasters and users. Attempts by webmasters to game the ranking system in order to boost the position of their websites are met by Google with a subtle combination of rewards and punishment. It is argued that this strategy involves the establishment of a disciplinary regime that enforces a certain norm for web publishing. Google’s relationship to the users, on the other hand, is characterized by less invasive forms of power. By inserting itself deeply into the users’ information environment, Google can collect and analyze unprecedented amounts of user data. It is argued that the modeling of segmented consumption behavior that these schemes are based upon involves a governmental form of power. It is a kind of power that aims at controlling differential behavior patterns by gaining an intimate statistical knowledge of a population and using this knowledge as a means of predictive risk management.
  • Axelsson, Ann-Sofie, et al. (author)
  • Att etablera ett kollaboratorium inom biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap : behov och utmaningar från ett praktikerperspektiv
  • 2007
  • In: Svensk biblioteksforskning. - : Högskolan i Borås. - 0284-4354 .- 1653-5235. ; 16:1, s. 1-13
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • This article describes a study that investigated the need for and challenges connected to the establishment of a collaboratory - a sociotechnical forum where information and other resources can be made accessible and used by practitioners within library and information science. In order to identify needs and challenges interviews were carried out with a number of practitioners at a number of different institutions. The results reveal that there is a need for a collaboratory in order to facilitate the sharing of personal knowledge “on demand”. It is of great importance that the collaboratory is well integrated with practitioner’s daily activities.
  • Sprickor i fasaden
  • 2018
  • Editorial collection (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Det råder på sina håll en oro och ett mörker i dagens Sverige. Några grupper ser en värld av kollapsande system och spruckna fasader, där folkvalda fattar beslut som utarmar människors trygghet och livsvillkor. Andra ser hur antide-mokratiska krafter, likt början av förra seklet, växer sig allt större och på sina håll ges legitimitet av världsledare. Somliga går så långt som att tala om en demokrati i kris, om obönhörligt växande sprickbildningar i samhällsbygget i spåren av vilka otrygghetens och rädslans landskap breder ut sig. Sprickor i fasaden knyter an till denna rådande debatt och föreställningar om samhällets tillstånd.Världen som vi en gång kände den tycks långsamt glida ur våra händer. Den välputsade fasaden spricker. Eller gör den det? Kanske skiftar samhällets palett i långt fler nyanser än mörkaste grått? Kanske spirar det rent av en värld med allt godare möjligheter för människor att leva och utvecklas? För i kontrast till bilden av samhällets rämnande grundvalar, kan också skymtas skiftningar i värdegrunden i riktning mot ökad tolerans, öppenhet och jämlikhet. Måhända är dessa skiftningar tecken på sprickor också i föreställningen om den spruck-na fasaden? Sprickor i fasaden är den 72:e forskarantologin från SOM-institutet och bygger på 2017 års nationella SOM-undersökning – den trettioandra i ordningen. Bokens innehåll knyter på många sätt an till frågan om sprickor i det svenska samhällsbygget. Flera kapitel belyser tilltagande polarisering och politisering inom (S)amhälle, (O)pinion och (M)edier. Samtidigt pekar resultaten i andra kapitel på en påtaglig stabilitet och förstärkt uppslutning kring centrala värde-ringar, samhällsfrågor och samhällsinstitutioner.Sprickor i fasaden är skriven av ett 30-tal forskare från olika discipliner vid universitet och högskolor i Sverige.
  • Prax, Patrick, 1984-, et al. (author)
  • ‘More like an Arcade’ – The Limitations of Playable Games in Museum Exhibitions
  • 2019
  • In: Museum & Society. - Leicester : University of Leicester. - 1479-8360. ; 17:3, s. 437-452
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • This study investigates the relationship between playable, interactive games onoriginal hardware and the representation of game culture using the case of theexhibition GameOn 2.0, often considered to be the largest exhibition of digitalgames in the West so far. Qualitative interviews with museum staff were usedin order to elicit their perspective on the relationship between playability andcontextualization. Our results suggest that play as a way of engaging with gamesas museum objects has limitations which make it necessary to add other meansof contextualization in order to afford critical engagement with digital games ascultural heritage. Play excludes visitors who lack necessary gaming skills as wellas many genres of games which need longer or different kinds of interaction thana museum can allow for in the context of an exhibition. Moreover, we show that notall games can be exhibited in the same way and that we need to adapt exhibitionstrategies to individual games and their properties and contexts.
  • Theoretical Information Studies : Information In The World
  • 2020
  • Editorial collection (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • This is the first attempt to delineate the synthetic field of the theoretical study of information, treating information as the basic phenomenon on the fundamental level of the world, encompassing nature, technology, individuals and society. The exploration of information is done within Info-computational approaches, to natural and social phenomena such as Bioinformatics, Information Physics, Informational Chemistry, Computational Physics, Cognitive and Social sciences, with special emphasis on interdisciplinary, crossdisciplinary and transdisciplinary knowledge. The book presents results of collaboration across research fields within info-computational and info-structural frameworks, in attempt to better theoretically and conceptually capture the phenomenon of information and its dynamics (such as computation and communication), as they appear on different levels of organization, on different scales and in different contexts.
  • Kuzmičová, Anežka, 1982-, et al. (author)
  • Reading and company : embodiment and social space in silent reading
  • 2018
  • In: Literacy. - : Wiley. - 1741-4350 .- 1741-4369. ; 52:2, s. 70-77
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Reading, even when silent and individual, is a social phenomenon and has often been studied as such. Complementary to this view, research has begun to explore how reading is embodied beyond simply being ‘wired’ in the brain. This article brings the social and embodied perspectives together in a very literal sense. Reporting a qualitative study of reading practices across student focus groups from six European countries, it identifies an underexplored factor in reading behaviour and experience. This factor is the sheer physical presence, and concurrent activity, of other people in the environment where one engages in individual silent reading. The primary goal of the study was to explore the role and possible associations of a number of variables (text type, purpose, device) in selecting generic (e.g. indoors vs outdoors) as well as specific (e.g. home vs library) reading environments. Across all six samples included in the study, participants spontaneously attested to varied, and partly surprising, forms of sensitivity to company and social space in their daily efforts to align body with mind for reading. The article reports these emergent trends and discusses their potential implications for research and practice.
  • Waddington, Simon, et al. (author)
  • PERICLES – Digital Preservation through Management of Change in Evolving Ecosystems.
  • 2016
  • In: The Success of European Projects Using New Information and Communication Technologies. - Setubal, Portugal. - 9789897581762 ; , s. 51-74
  • Conference paper (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Management of change is essential to ensure the long-term reusabilityof digital assets. Change can be brought about in many ways, includingthrough technological, user community and policy factors. Motivated by casestudies in space science and time-based media, we consider the impact ofchange on complex digital objects comprising multiple interdependent entities,such as files, software and documentation. Our approach is based on modellingof digital ecosystems, in which abstract representations are used to assess risksto sustainability and support tasks such as appraisal. The paper is based onwork of the EU FP7 PERICLES project on digital preservation, and presentssome general concepts as well as a description of selected research areas underinvestigation by the project.
  • Bergström, Annika, 1964, et al. (author)
  • Books on Screens : Players in the Swedish e-book market
  • 2017
  • Book (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The music and film industries have long come to terms with the digital, and now the traditional printed book is challenged by digital formats. The e-book has become established in most countries, but is still a small part of the book industry. In this book a group of researchers follow the actors involved in the Swedish e-book market, from authors and publishers to libraries, booksellers and readers during 2012-2016. Using surveys, interviews and other sources the main actors were researched and it is shown how they act and react towards the e-book and towards each other. While the main focus in on Sweden as a small language country, several international comparisons are made. Are printed books disappearing soon? How are reading habits changing when the book becomes digital? Which forces are driving radical change and which are holding it back? The book discusses these and related questions and shows that after a period of rapid increase in the production and use of e-books, several factors slow down the rate of adoption, but digitisation of the book is an ongoing process and the current e-book is not the end of the story.
  • Dodig Crnkovic, Gordana, 1955, et al. (author)
  • Philosophy and Methodology of Information: The Study of Information in the Transdisciplinary Perspective
  • 2019
  • In: Philosophy And Methodology Of Information: The Study Of Information In The Transdisciplinary Perspective. - Singapore : WORLD SCIENTIFIC. - 9789813277526
  • Book (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The book gives up-to-date, multi-aspect exposition of the philosophy and methodology of information, and related areas within the nascent field of the study of information. It presents the most recent achievements, ideas and opinions of leading researchers in this domain, as well as from physicists, biologists and social scientists. Collaboration of researchers from different areas and fields opens new perspectives for the understanding of information essential in the innovative development of science, technology and society. The book is meant for readers conducting research into any aspect of information, information society and information technology. The ideas presented give new insights for those who develop or implement scientific, technological or social applications. They are especially for those who are participating in setting the goals for science in general and sciences of information in particular.
  • Mansour, Ameera (author)
  • Affordances supporting mothers’ engagement in information-related activities through Facebook groups
  • 2020
  • In: Journal of Librarianship and Information Science. - : SAGE Publications. - 0961-0006 .- 1741-6477. ; , s. 1-14
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Social networking sites have become indispensable information and communication tools in everyday life. This qualitative study investigated the information-related activities and affordances of a Facebook group for foreign mothers living in Sweden. Four key information activities were identified: posting, monitoring, commenting and searching. These activities show how the group members accessed the information resources embedded within the group in a variety of visible, invisible, active and passive modes. The article concludes with a discussion of how these different modes are facilitated by the affordances of visibility, accessibility, persistence and associations.
  • Huvila, Isto, Professor, 1976-, et al. (author)
  • Differences in Health Information Literacy Competencies Among Older Adults, Elderly and Younger Citizens
  • 2019
  • In: Information Literacy in Everyday Life. - Cham : Springer. - 9783030134716 - 9783030134723 ; , s. 136-143
  • Book chapter (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • To address the research gap on age-based differences in health information literacy (HIL), we investigated how younger (born 1960–) and older adults (1946–1960), and elderly citizens (–1945) differed from each other by their HIL competencies. Data were collected with an online survey of patients using the Swedish national electronic health record system. Altogether, 2,587 users responded. One-way ANOVA with post hoc tests revealed several differences between the groups: younger adults were less likely to value health information than older adults; older adults and elderly were least likely to compare information from multiple sources and had trouble in determining health information needs; older adults were most likely to have trouble understanding health terminology and the elderly to have difficulties in understanding medicinal package labels. The study shows that HIL is not necessarily improving or declining but adapting to challenges of advanced age. © 2019, Springer Nature Switzerland AG.
  • Människan i skogen, skogen i människan : Miun Research Exhibition
  • 2021
  • Artistic workabstract
    • Med utställningen Människan i skogen, skogen i människan vill projektet belysa ett antal aktuella och viktiga frågor för vår region och samtid, samlade under ett tema: skog och hållbar utveckling. I utställningen får besökaren möta kunskap och perspektiv från fem forskare och forskargrupper vid Mittuniversitetet. Forskarna är verksamma inom biologi, ekoteknik, historia, litteraturvetenskap respektive turismvetenskap. Forskningens olika perspektiv länkas i utställningen samman genom sina förhållningssätt till tid, såsom avgörande för förståelse, kunskap och handling. De olika forskningsinriktningarna visar också fram spänningar mellan olika synsätt på skog och kan tillsammans ge flera svar och berättelser om skogens värden. En arbetsgrupp vid Universitetsbiblioteket står för gestaltning och produktion av utställningen.
  • Avery, Helen (author)
  • A Library and School Network in Sweden : Social Literacies and Popular Education
  • 2017
  • In: Teacher and Librarian Partnerships in Literacy Education in the 21st Century. - Rotterdam : Sense Publishers. - 9789463008976 - 9789463008983 - 9789463008990 ; , s. 45-62
  • Book chapter (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • The topic of this article is the Commons, an integrated school and public library network in an urban multi-ethnic neighbourhood in southern Sweden. In 2011, the Commons network was awarded a national prize as the best school library in Sweden for its outstanding collaboration with the teachers and its exemplary work in stimulating learning. The study explores ways this library – school partnership contributes to the development of literacy and democratic competencies, allowing children to become active members of their local community.
  • Burgin, Mark, 1940, et al. (author)
  • Introduction
  • 2020
  • In: THEORETICAL INFORMATION STUDIES: Information in the world. - : WORLD SCIENTIFIC. - 9789813277496 ; , s. ix-xxi
  • Book chapter (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Theoretical Information Studies is the second volume which together with Philosophy and Methodology of Information comprises a two-volume edition with the aim of laying out the foundation of the emerging research field of the Study of Information. It is based on the Summit “Digitalisation for a Sustainable Society” organized by the International Society for the Study of Information held in Gothenburg in 2017 (http://is4si-2017.org). This volume contains a selection of the best theoretical contributions from the Gothenburg summit, together with a number of invited contributions of leading contemporary researchers in the field of the Study of Information. https://www.worldscientific.com/doi/pdf/10.1142/9789813277496_0001
  • Dehdarirad, Tahereh, 1984, et al. (author)
  • Is there alignment amongst scientific literature, news media and patient forums regarding topics?: A study of breast and lung cancer
  • 2021
  • In: Online Information Review. - 1468-4527 .- 1468-4535. ; 45:5, s. 983-999
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Purpose: During recent years, web technologies and mass media have become prevalent in the context of medicine and health. Two examples of important web technologies used in health are news media and patient forums. Both have a significant role in shaping patients' perspective and behaviour in relation to health and illness, as well as the way that they might choose or change their treatment. In this paper, the authors investigated the application of web technologies using the data analysis approach. The authors did this analysis from the point of view of topics being discussed and disseminated via patients and journalists in breast and lung cancer. The study also investigated the (dis)alignment amongst these two groups and scientists in terms of topics. Design/methodology/approach: Three data sets comprised documents published between 2014 and 2018 obtained from ProQuest and Web of Science Medline databases, alongside data from three major patient forums on breast and lung cancer. The analysis and visualisation in this paper have been done using the udpipe, igraph R packages and VOSviewer. Findings: The study’s findings showed that in general scientists focussed more on prognosis and treatment of cancer, whereas patients and journalists focussed more on detection, prevention and role of social and emotional support. The only exception was for news coverage of lung cancer where the largest cluster was related to treatment, research in cancer treatment and therapies. However, when comparing coverage by scientists and journalists in terms of treatment, the focus of news articles in both cancer types was mainly on chemotherapy and complimentary therapies. Finally, topics such as lifestyle or pain management were only discussed by breast cancer patients. Originality/value: The results obtained from this study may provide valuable insights into topics of interest for each group of scientists, journalist and patients as well as (dis)alignment among them in terms of topics. These findings are important as scientific research is heavily dependent on communication, and research does not exist in a bubble. Scientists and journalists can gain insights from patients' experiences and needs, which in turn may help them to have a more holistic and realistic view. Peer review: The peer review history for this article is available at: https://publons.com/publon/10.1108/OIR-06-2020-0228
  • Hemmungs Wirtén, Eva, 1960- (author)
  • The Global Market 1970-2000 : Producers
  • 2007
  • In: A Companion to the History of the Book. - Oxford : Blackwell. - 9781405127653
  • Book chapter (other academic/artistic)
  • Ahlgren, Per, et al. (author)
  • Field normalized citation rates, field normalized journal impact and Norwegian weights for allocation of university research funds
  • 2012
  • In: Scientometrics. - : Springer. - 0138-9130 .- 1588-2861. ; 92:2, s. 767-780
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • We compared three different bibliometric evaluation approaches: two citationbased approaches and one based on manual classification of publishing channels into quality levels. Publication data for two universities was used, and we worked with two levels of analysis: article and department. For the article level, we investigated the predictive power of field normalized citation rates and field normalized journal impact with respect to journal level. The results for the article level show that evaluation of journals based on citation impact correlate rather well with manual classification of journals into quality levels. However, the prediction from field normalized citation rates to journal level was only marginally better than random guessing. At the department level, we studied three different indicators in the context of research fund allocation within universities and the extent to which the three indicators produce different distributions of research funds. It turned out that the three distributions of relative indicator values were very similar, which in turn yields that the corresponding distributions of hypothetical research funds would be very similar.
  • Maro, Salome Honest, 1987, et al. (author)
  • Vetting automatically generated trace links: What information is useful to human analysts?
  • 2018
  • In: Proceedings - 2018 IEEE 26th International Requirements Engineering Conference, RE 2018. ; , s. 52-63
  • Conference paper (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Automated traceability has been investigated for over a decade with promising results. However, a human analyst is needed to vet the generated trace links to ensure their quality. The process of vetting trace links is not trivial and while previous studies have analyzed the performance of the human analyst, they have not focused on the analyst's information needs. The aim of this study is to investigate what context information the human analyst needs. We used design science research, in which we conducted interviews with ten practitioners in the traceability area to understand the information needed by human analysts. We then compared the information collected from the interviews with existing literature. We created a prototype tool that presents this information to the human analyst. To further understand the role of context information, we conducted a controlled experiment with 33 participants. Our interviews reveal that human analysts need information from three different sources: 1) from the artifacts connected by the link, 2) from the traceability information model, and 3) from the tracing algorithm. The experiment results show that the content of the connected artifacts is more useful to the analyst than the contextual information of the artifacts.
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  • Result 1-25 of 4232
Type of publication
journal article (1303)
conference paper (1159)
book chapter (574)
reports (328)
other publication (293)
review (234)
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doctoral thesis (167)
book (60)
editorial collection (58)
research review (36)
licentiate thesis (9)
editorial proceedings (8)
artistic work (5)
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Type of content
other academic/artistic (1959)
peer-reviewed (1615)
pop. science, debate, etc. (650)
Maceviciute, Elena (155)
Golub, Koraljka (135)
Sundin, Olof (128)
Haider, Jutta (126)
Huvila, Isto, Profes ... (102)
Ahlgren, Per (94)
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Francke, Helena (81)
Limberg, Louise (71)
Maceviciute, Elena, ... (68)
Hansson, Joacim, 196 ... (62)
Dahlström, Mats (57)
Rivano Eckerdal, Joh ... (54)
Hammarfelt, Björn (52)
Åström, Fredrik (51)
Nolin, Jan (43)
Rydbeck, Kerstin, 19 ... (42)
Nelhans, Gustaf, 197 ... (41)
Pilerot, Ola (41)
Nylander, Eva (40)
Golub, Koraljka, Pro ... (40)
Wilson, Tom D. (40)
Kjellberg, Sara (38)
Sonnenwald, Diane H. (37)
Frenander, Anders (36)
Höglund, Lars (35)
Hanell, Fredrik (34)
Carlsson, Hanna, 198 ... (34)
Lundh, Anna (34)
Huvila, Isto, 1976- (34)
Gunnarsson, Daniel (31)
Torstensson, Magnus (31)
Darányi, Sándor (28)
Lindsköld, Linnéa, 1 ... (28)
Carlsson, Hanna (25)
Johannisson, Jenny (25)
Jarneving, Bo (24)
Lundh, Anna Hampson (24)
Dal, Björn (23)
Schirone, Marco, 197 ... (23)
Eriksson, Jörgen (22)
Hansson, Joacim (22)
Engström, Lisa (21)
Seldén, Lars (21)
Hirvonen, Noora (21)
Hedman, Jenny (20)
Sjökvist, Peter, doc ... (19)
Hanell, Fredrik, 197 ... (19)
Sköld, Olle, FD, 198 ... (19)
Dolatkhah, Mats (19)
Enwald, Heidi (19)
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University of Borås (1824)
Lund University (661)
Uppsala University (530)
Linnaeus University (405)
University of Gothenburg (254)
Chalmers University of Technology (182)
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Royal Institute of Technology (120)
Umeå University (118)
Stockholm University (95)
Linköping University (86)
Jönköping University (51)
Södertörn University (51)
Malmö University (48)
Mid Sweden University (47)
University of Skövde (44)
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (36)
The Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences (33)
Örebro University (32)
Karlstad University (22)
Blekinge Institute of Technology (18)
Kristianstad University College (17)
Karolinska Institutet (17)
Halmstad University (15)
University West (13)
University of Gävle (11)
Stockholm School of Economics (11)
Mälardalen University (8)
Luleå University of Technology (7)
University College of Arts, Crafts and Design (6)
The Nordic Africa Institute (4)
Högskolan Dalarna (4)
Stockholm University of the Arts (4)
RISE (2)
Sophiahemmet University College (1)
Red Cross University College (1)
Royal College of Music (1)
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English (2440)
Swedish (1619)
Latin (76)
Croatian (20)
Lithuanian (16)
Spanish (12)
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Danish (11)
Norwegian (11)
German (5)
Finnish (4)
Undefined language (3)
Polish (3)
Portuguese (3)
French (2)
Italian (2)
Romanian (2)
Hungarian (1)
Bulgarian (1)
Slovenian (1)
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Research subject (UKÄ/SCB)
Social Sciences (4232)
Humanities (297)
Natural sciences (185)
Engineering and Technology (58)
Medical and Health Sciences (42)
Agricultural Sciences (5)


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