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  • Engström, Gunnar, et al. (author)
  • The Swedish CArdioPulmonary BioImage Study : objectives and design
  • 2015
  • In: Journal of Internal Medicine. - : Wiley. - 0954-6820 .- 1365-2796. ; 278:6, s. 645-659
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Cardiopulmonary diseases are major causes of death worldwide, but currently recommended strategies for diagnosis and prevention may be outdated because of recent changes in risk factor patterns. The Swedish CArdioPulmonarybioImage Study (SCAPIS) combines the use of new imaging technologies, advances in large-scale 'omics' and epidemiological analyses to extensively characterize a Swedish cohort of 30 000 men and women aged between 50 and 64 years. The information obtained will be used to improve risk prediction of cardiopulmonary diseases and optimize the ability to study disease mechanisms. A comprehensive pilot study in 1111 individuals, which was completed in 2012, demonstrated the feasibility and financial and ethical consequences of SCAPIS. Recruitment to the national, multicentre study has recently started.
  • Bergström, Göran, 1964, et al. (author)
  • Prevalence of Subclinical Coronary Artery Atherosclerosis in the General Population
  • 2021
  • In: Circulation. - Philadelphia : American Heart Association. - 0009-7322 .- 1524-4539. ; 144:12, s. 916-929
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Background: Early detection of coronary atherosclerosis using coronary computed tomography angiography (CCTA), in addition to coronary artery calcification (CAC) scoring, may help inform prevention strategies. We used CCTA to determine the prevalence, severity, and characteristics of coronary atherosclerosis and its association with CAC scores in a general population.Methods: We recruited 30 154 randomly invited individuals age 50 to 64 years to SCAPIS (the Swedish Cardiopulmonary Bioimage Study). The study includes individuals without known coronary heart disease (ie, no previous myocardial infarctions or cardiac procedures) and with high-quality results from CCTA and CAC imaging performed using dedicated dual-source CT scanners. Noncontrast images were scored for CAC. CCTA images were visually read and scored for coronary atherosclerosis per segment (defined as no atherosclerosis, 1% to 49% stenosis, or ≥50% stenosis). External validity of prevalence estimates was evaluated using inverse probability for participation weighting and Swedish register data.Results: In total, 25 182 individuals without known coronary heart disease were included (50.6% women). Any CCTA-detected atherosclerosis was found in 42.1%; any significant stenosis (≥50%) in 5.2%; left main, proximal left anterior descending artery, or 3-vessel disease in 1.9%; and any noncalcified plaques in 8.3% of this population. Onset of atherosclerosis was delayed on average by 10 years in women. Atherosclerosis was more prevalent in older individuals and predominantly found in the proximal left anterior descending artery. Prevalence of CCTA-detected atherosclerosis increased with increasing CAC scores. Among those with a CAC score >400, all had atherosclerosis and 45.7% had significant stenosis. In those with 0 CAC, 5.5% had atherosclerosis and 0.4% had significant stenosis. In participants with 0 CAC and intermediate 10-year risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease according to the pooled cohort equation, 9.2% had CCTA-verified atherosclerosis. Prevalence estimates had excellent external validity and changed marginally when adjusted to the age-matched Swedish background population.Conclusions: Using CCTA in a large, random sample of the general population without established disease, we showed that silent coronary atherosclerosis is common in this population. High CAC scores convey a significant probability of substantial stenosis, and 0 CAC does not exclude atherosclerosis, particularly in those at higher baseline risk.
  • Bergström, Göran, et al. (author)
  • Prevalence of Subclinical Coronary Artery Atherosclerosis in the General Population
  • 2021
  • In: Circulation. - : Wolters Kluwer. - 0009-7322 .- 1524-4539. ; 144:12, s. 916-929
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Background: Early detection of coronary atherosclerosis using coronary computed tomography angiography (CCTA), in addition to coronary artery calcification (CAC) scoring, may help inform prevention strategies. We used CCTA to determine the prevalence, severity, and characteristics of coronary atherosclerosis and its association with CAC scores in a general population.Methods: We recruited 30 154 randomly invited individuals age 50 to 64 years to SCAPIS (the Swedish Cardiopulmonary Bioimage Study). The study includes individuals without known coronary heart disease (ie, no previous myocardial infarctions or cardiac procedures) and with high-quality results from CCTA and CAC imaging performed using dedicated dual-source CT scanners. Noncontrast images were scored for CAC. CCTA images were visually read and scored for coronary atherosclerosis per segment (defined as no atherosclerosis, 1% to 49% stenosis, or ≥50% stenosis). External validity of prevalence estimates was evaluated using inverse probability for participation weighting and Swedish register data.Results: In total, 25 182 individuals without known coronary heart disease were included (50.6% women). Any CCTA-detected atherosclerosis was found in 42.1%; any significant stenosis (≥50%) in 5.2%; left main, proximal left anterior descending artery, or 3-vessel disease in 1.9%; and any noncalcified plaques in 8.3% of this population. Onset of atherosclerosis was delayed on average by 10 years in women. Atherosclerosis was more prevalent in older individuals and predominantly found in the proximal left anterior descending artery. Prevalence of CCTA-detected atherosclerosis increased with increasing CAC scores. Among those with a CAC score >400, all had atherosclerosis and 45.7% had significant stenosis. In those with 0 CAC, 5.5% had atherosclerosis and 0.4% had significant stenosis. In participants with 0 CAC and intermediate 10-year risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease according to the pooled cohort equation, 9.2% had CCTA-verified atherosclerosis. Prevalence estimates had excellent external validity and changed marginally when adjusted to the age-matched Swedish background population.Conclusions: Using CCTA in a large, random sample of the general population without established disease, we showed that silent coronary atherosclerosis is common in this population. High CAC scores convey a significant probability of substantial stenosis, and 0 CAC does not exclude atherosclerosis, particularly in those at higher baseline risk.
  • Bergström, Lena, et al. (author)
  • Ekologisk kompensation i kustmiljön : Hur kan man uppväga förluster av biologisk mångfald och ekosystemtjänster i samband med mänsklig verksamhet i kustområdet?
  • 2021
  • Reports (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Sveriges kustmiljöer är utsatta för olika typer av mänsklig påverkan, med negativa effekter på arter, livsmiljöer och ekosystemtjänster. Enligt skadelindringshierarkin ska negativa effekter från mänsklig verksamhet i första hand undvikas, minimeras eller avhjälpas. I de kvarstående fall där skada trots dessa åtgärder är oundviklig, kan ekologisk kompensation vara ett sätt att mildra effekterna i syfte att bibehålla eller öka biologisk mångfald och ekosystemtjänster.I projektet ECOCOA har vi undersökt om och hur ekologisk kompensation skulle kunna användas i förvaltningen av kustområden. Vår målsättning har varit att bidra till en vetenskapligt grundad syn på hur ekologisk kompensation skulle kunna medverka till att stoppa nettoförluster av biologisk mångfald och ekosystemtjänster. Eftersom kompensation kan beröra en mängd aktörer och sakägare med olika intressen och perspektiv är det viktigt med en transparent process som hanteras på ett jämförbart sätt mellan olika områden och fall. En viktig flaskhals idag är brist på praktisk erfarenhet hos aktörer om hur kompensationen ska kunna tillämpas. Vi har utvecklat ett ramverk utifrån de steg som man behöver beakta i en bedömning av skada och kompensationsbehov, med fokus på att öka förutsättningarna för en transparent bedömningsprocess. Det föreslagna ramverket bygger på fyra steg: 1) skadebedömning; 2) bedömning av kompensationsbehov; 3) val av kompensationsåtgärder; och 4) utvärdering av resultat. Ramverket baserar sig på att tydliggöra samband mellan ekosystemets strukturer och de nyttigheter dessa kan medföra för människan, där nyttigheter är beroende av ekosystemtjänster, ekosystemtjänster av funktioner, och funktioner av strukturer. Vi kopplar ramverket till en utvärdering av aktuellt kunskapsläge kring åtgärders effektivitet i kustområdet. Viktiga livsmiljöer som ingår är ålgräs, grunda vegetationsklädda mjukbottnar, naturligt vegetationsfria mjukbottnar, tångbälten, musselbankar, stenrev och kustnära våtmarker.Vi har med hjälp av ramverket utvärderat nuvarande och möjliga tillämpningar av ekologisk kompensation. Utvärderingen har gjorts dels genom ett fullständigt exempel som beskriver förlust av ålgräsängar och dels genom att undersöka befintliga fall och sammanhang där kompensation är eller skulle kunna bli relevant. Fallen bygger på i) domslut gällande tillståndspliktig vattenverksamhet, ii) dagens hantering av småskalig exploatering i kustområden, samt iii) tillämpningen av särskild fiskeavgift ur ett kompensationsperspektiv. Slutligen har vi utvecklat förslag på hur liknande tillämpningar skulle kunna se ut för ytterligare livsmiljöer i tillägg till ålgräs.Våra resultat visar det finns fortsatt stor osäkerhet kring hur kompensationsprocesser och kompensationsåtgärder fungerar i praktiken. Samtidigt är det en realitet att man idag i de allra flesta fall exploaterar utan kompensation, eller med otillräcklig kompensation. Detta innebär i praktiken att förluster värderas till noll, det vill säga att man accepterar förluster på biologisk mångfald, ekosystemtjänster och nyttigheter, och att de skador som uppstår inte uppmärksammas i form av åtgärdsbehov som ska täckas av den som orsakar skadan. Eftersom tillämpningen av vårt ramverk synliggör värdet av att förvalta biologisk mångfald och ekosystemtjänster tillsammans kan det även stödja förvaltningen av kustområden i enlighet med ekosystemansatsen på en mer generell nivå.Våra resultat synliggör vikten av att värna biologisk mångfald. Vår genomgång av potentiella kompensationsåtgärder, som redogörs för i rapporten, visar med tydlighet att det är kostsamt att först förstöra och sedan restaurera, i stället för att skydda och undvika skada i första hand. Vi ser dock ett utrymme och ett behov av att förbättra användningen av ekologisk kompensation som ett av många verktyg för att värna biologisk mångfald och ekosystemtjänster i svenska kustmiljöer i enlighet med miljöbalken. ECOCOAs ramverk tillsammans med kaskadmodeller för viktiga livsmiljöer och information om potentiella åtgärder, kunde här fungera som en gemensam utgångspunkt vid diskussioner, samrådsprocesser och bedömningar.
  • Bergström, Ulf, et al. (author)
  • Kompensation för miljöpåverkan vid kustexploatering – dagens tillämpning av ekologisk kompensation och särskild fiskeavgift samt möjlig vidareutveckling
  • 2022
  • Reports (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Kustekosystemen är mycket viktiga för både biologisk mångfald och ekosystemtjänster, men påverkas samtidigt negativt av ett kontinuerligt ökat nyttjande av kustzonen för boende och olika verksamheter. Ekologisk kompensation är ett förvaltningsverktyg som syftar till att gottgöra oundviklig skada på naturmiljöer, exempelvis arter, naturtyper, ekosystemfunktioner och upplevelsevärden, i samband med mänsklig verksamhet. Verktyget har dock hittills använts i mycket begränsad omfattning i grunda kustmiljöer.Inom projektet ECOCOA, finansierat av Naturvårdsverket, har vi fokuserat på att utvärdera förutsättningarna för ökad användning av ekologisk kompensation i kustområden, som ett av flera verktyg som kan stöda miljövården. Projektets slutrapport (Bergström m.fl. 2021) ger en övergripande bild av samtliga resultat, medan vi i föreliggande rapport ger en fördjupning av de mer konkreta problem som kan uppstå vid handläggning av miljöärenden i förvaltningen, och möjliga lösningar på kort och lång sikt. Rapporten riktar sig i första hand till handläggare som vill utveckla tillämpningen av ekologisk kompensation vid vattenverksamhetsärenden, till tekniska råd vid markoch miljödomstolar, samt miljökonsulter och andra som kan behöva insyn i hur ekologisk kompensation kan användas och vidareutvecklas inom svensk kustmiljöförvaltning. I rapporten återger vi hur man hanterar ekologisk kompensation i svenska kustområden idag, till exempel hur handläggare arbetar med att mäta skada och bedöma omfattningen av kompensationsbehov. Vi beskriver även problematiken med småskaliga anmälningspliktiga ärenden, där den sammanlagda påverkan från många små exploateringar ger upphov till betydande förluster av biologisk mångfald och ekosystemtjänster. Slutligen beskriver vi hur den så kallade särskilda fiskeavgiften, som syftar till att tillvarata fiskeintresset i samband med vattenverksamhetsfrågor, tillämpas idag, samt analyserar hur beräkningsgrunderna skulle kunna utvecklas för att stärka användningen av ekologisk kompensationen som verktyg. Vår sammanställning och utvärdering utgår från ett generellt ramverk som utvecklats inom ECOCOA för att skatta skada och identifiera kompensationsbehov. Ramverket baseras på en kaskadmodell, som visar kopplingar mellan ekosystemets struktur, funktion, ekosystemtjänster och nyttigheter för människor. Modellen kan användas för att synliggöra hur verksamheter påverkar arter och livsmiljöer och vilka kostnader och förluster detta medför. Ramverket kan även användas för att bedöma i vilken omfattning en föreslagen åtgärd faktiskt kompenserar för de förluster som verksamheten innebär.Här följer en kort sammanfattning av resultaten som presenteras i rapporten: • En enkätundersökning riktad till aktörer inom kustförvaltningen visar att ekologisk kompensation i praktiken tillämpas mycket sällan inom kustmiljöförvaltningen idag, och att det finns ett stort behov av att ta fram riktlinjer för dess tillämpning, som stöd till handläggare, konsulter, domstolar och andra aktörer. På en mer generell nivå omfattar detta även ett behov av att förbättra kunskapen om restaureringsmetoder samt att ta fram metoder för värdering av skador på naturvärden. Det finns även ett behov av resurser för Sammanfattning 6 handläggare i form av tid och stöd för att tillämpa ekologisk kompensation i kustförvaltningen. • En utvärdering av befintliga domslut för ett antal tillståndspliktiga (dvs. storskaliga) vattenverksamhetsärenden visar att biologisk mångfald och ekosystemtjänster mycket sällan beaktas på ett sätt som är i linje med Sveriges åtaganden inom till exempel konventionen för biologisk mångfald och EU:s biodiversitetstrategi, där en bärande princip är att ingen nettoförlust ska ske. Det finns ett förbättringsutrymme som borde kunna mötas direkt genom en ökad kunskapsdelning mellan aktörer, och en förbättrad praxis gällande tillämpning av ekologisk kompensation. Samtidigt uppstår flera mer komplexa frågor som berör till exempel behovet av en gemensam fysisk planering och identifiering av lämpliga kompensationsåtgärder, där ett kunskapsbyggande behövs. • Småskalig kustexploatering, exempelvis bryggbyggen och små muddringar, är en särskilt utmanande fråga. Enskilda små ingrepp är anmälningspliktiga (dvs. sällan tillståndspliktiga), och trots att det vid handläggningen av dessa ärenden ställs krav på miljöhänsyn kan det ofta inte bedömas som skäligt att kräva att exploatören själv utför ekologisk kompensation. Den sammanlagda påverkan av dessa många små ingrepp är dock betydande, och det är angeläget att utforma ett system där även småskalig vattenverksamhet kompenserar för sina miljökostnader. Vi undersöker hur ett system för ekologisk kompensation som även omfattar småskalig exploatering skulle kunna se ut, i relation till konceptet habitatbanker eller kompensationspooler, där exploatören kan bidra ekonomiskt till habitatrestaureringar i stället för att själv utföra dem. • Den särskilda fiskeavgiften syftar till att kompensera för skador från vattenverksamheter på fisket och skulle kunna betraktas som ett förvaltningsverktyg för kompensation av en viss typ av förlust. I rapporten utvärderar vi hur det rådande fiskeavgiftssystemet fungerar och utforskar hur det kan fungera ur ett kompensationsperspektiv, samt ger förslag på hur beräkningsmodellen kan utvecklas.Sammantaget finns det ett stort behov av att utveckla ekologisk kompensation som ett av de verktyg som kan bidra till att motverka den allt snabbare förlusten av biologisk mångfald och ekosystemfunktioner. Parallellt behövs ytterligare åtgärder för att stärka skyddet av de känsligaste livsmiljöerna i kustzonen, eftersom bevarande av fungerande livsmiljöer är att föredra som ett mer kostnadseffektivt verktyg än restaurering av störda miljöer.
  • Blomberg, Anders, et al. (author)
  • Chronic Airflow Limitation, Emphysema and Impaired Diffusing Capacity in Relation to Smoking Habits in a Swedish Middle-Aged Population.
  • 2024
  • In: Annals of the American Thoracic Society. - 2329-6933 .- 2325-6621.
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • RATIONALE: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) includes respiratory symptoms and chronic airflow limitation (CAL). In some cases, emphysema and impaired diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide (DLCO) are present, but characteristics and symptoms vary with smoking exposure.OBJECTIVES: To study the prevalence of CAL, emphysema and impaired DLCO in relation to smoking and respiratory symptoms in a middle-aged population.METHODS: We investigated 28,746 randomly invited individuals (52% women) aged 50-64 years across six Swedish sites. We performed spirometry, DLCO, high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) and asked for smoking habits and respiratory symptoms. CAL was defined as post-bronchodilator forced expiratory volume in 1 second divided by forced expiratory volume (FEV1/FVC)<0.7.RESULTS: The overall prevalence was for CAL 8.8%, for impaired DLCO (DLCOCONCLUSIONS: In this large population-based study of middle-aged people, CAL and impaired DLCO were associated with common respiratory symptoms. Self-reported asthma was not associated with CAL in never-smokers. Our findings suggest that CAL in never-smokers signifies a separate clinical phenotype that may be monitored and, possibly, treated differently from smoking-related COPD. This article is open access and distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
  • Cole, Scott, et al. (author)
  • Environmental compensation for biodiversity and ecosystem services : A flexible framework that addresses human wellbeing
  • 2021
  • In: Ecosystem Services. - : Elsevier BV. - 2212-0416. ; 50
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Environmental compensation should address negative impacts from human activities on nature, including loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services. However, successful compensation, achieving no net loss, requires broad quantitative information on different types of losses and gains. We find that the scope of compensatory schemes varies in what is considered compensable, which makes it challenging to apply a conceptual approach consistently across schemes with different needs. We propose a flexible yet structured framework for determining which values should be compensated and how. Our framework focuses specifically on habitat deterioration and is illustrated with a case study involving loss of eelgrass habitat. The framework helps identify compensation needs and selects among suitable compensation options, merging science-based information with normative issues and local concerns. By integrating the ecosystem services cascade model, it encompasses aspects from biodiversity structure to human wellbeing. The framework prefers in-kind compensation because this targets the structure level and thus meets compensation needs in all subsequent levels of the cascade model; further, it is more likely to capture non-instrumental values (i.e. in nature) and reduce exposure to uncertainty. We highlight the importance of spatial aspects of ecosystem functions, services and their subsequent impacts on wellbeing. Although our selection hierarchy assumes a similar and nearby principle for habitat restoration (preference for in-kind/on-site), this criterion is not universal. We underscore the hierarchy's implicit normative assumptions and suggest that apparent disagreement about who should benefit may be traced to an unresolved conflict between egalitarianism and utilitarianism.
  • Edenius, Lars, et al. (author)
  • The effects of changing land use and browsing on aspen abundance and regeneration: a 50-year perspective from Sweden
  • 2011
  • In: Journal of Applied Ecology. - : Wiley. - 0021-8901 .- 1365-2664. ; 48, s. 301-309
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • 5. Synthesis and applications. Our results suggest that changes in land use practices are the main cause of changes in aspen abundance at regional and national scales in Sweden during the last 50 years. Restoring regeneration niches, most importantly emulating natural disturbance processes, viz. fire at various spatial scales, and retaining aspen in cleaning and pre-commercial thinnings are the most important management recommendations to secure regeneration of aspen. Protecting established aspen ramets at designated sites from browsing either by fencing or reducing ungulate numbers could be used as complementary management tools.
  • Kilbo Edlund, Karl, et al. (author)
  • Long-term ambient air pollution and coronary atherosclerosis : results from the Swedish SCAPIS study
  • 2024
  • In: Atherosclerosis. - : Elsevier. - 0021-9150 .- 1879-1484.
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Background and aims: Despite firm evidence for an association between long-term ambient air pollution exposure and cardiovascular morbidity and mortality, results from epidemiological studies on the association between air pollution exposure and atherosclerosis have not been consistent. We investigated associations between long-term low-level air pollution exposure and coronary atherosclerosis.Methods: We performed a cross-sectional analysis in the large Swedish CArdioPulmonary bioImaging Study (SCAPIS, n = 30 154), a random general population sample. Concentrations of total and locally emitted particulate matter <2.5 μm (PM2.5), <10 μm (PM10), and nitrogen oxides (NOx) at the residential address were modelled using high-resolution dispersion models. We estimated associations between air pollution exposures and segment involvement score (SIS), coronary artery calcification score (CACS), number of non-calcified plaques (NCP), and number of significant stenoses, using ordinal regression models extensively adjusted for potential confounders.Results: Median 10-year average PM2.5 exposure was 6.2 μg/m3 (range 3.5–13.4 μg/m3). 51 % of participants were women and 51 % were never-smokers. None of the assessed pollutants were associated with a higher SIS or CACS. Exposure to PM2.5 was associated with NCP (adjusted OR 1.34, 95 % CI 1.13, 1.58, per 2.05 μg/m3). Associations with significant stenoses were inconsistent.Conclusions: In this large, middle-aged general population sample with low exposure levels, air pollution was not associated with measures of total burden of coronary atherosclerosis. However, PM2.5 appeared to be associated with a higher prevalence of non-calcified plaques. The results suggest that increased risk of early-stage atherosclerosis or rupture, but not increased total atherosclerotic burden, may be a pathway for long-term air pollution effects on cardiovascular disease.
  • Kilbo Edlund, Karl, et al. (author)
  • Long-term ambient air pollution and coronary atherosclerosis: Results from the Swedish SCAPIS study.
  • 2024
  • In: Atherosclerosis. - 1879-1484.
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Despite firm evidence for an association between long-term ambient air pollution exposure and cardiovascular morbidity and mortality, results from epidemiological studies on the association between air pollution exposure and atherosclerosis have not been consistent. We investigated associations between long-term low-level air pollution exposure and coronary atherosclerosis.We performed a cross-sectional analysis in the large Swedish CArdioPulmonary bioImaging Study (SCAPIS, n=30154), a random general population sample. Concentrations of total and locally emitted particulate matter <2.5μm (PM2.5), <10μm (PM10), and nitrogen oxides (NOx) at the residential address were modelled using high-resolution dispersion models. We estimated associations between air pollution exposures and segment involvement score (SIS), coronary artery calcification score (CACS), number of non-calcified plaques (NCP), and number of significant stenoses, using ordinal regression models extensively adjusted for potential confounders.Median 10-year average PM2.5 exposure was 6.2μg/m3 (range 3.5-13.4μg/m3). 51% of participants were women and 51% were never-smokers. None of the assessed pollutants were associated with a higher SIS or CACS. Exposure to PM2.5 was associated with NCP (adjusted OR 1.34, 95% CI 1.13, 1.58, per 2.05μg/m3). Associations with significant stenoses were inconsistent.In this large, middle-aged general population sample with low exposure levels, air pollution was not associated with measures of total burden of coronary atherosclerosis. However, PM2.5 appeared to be associated with a higher prevalence of non-calcified plaques. The results suggest that increased risk of early-stage atherosclerosis or rupture, but not increased total atherosclerotic burden, may be a pathway for long-term air pollution effects on cardiovascular disease.
  • Madestam, Jenny, et al. (author)
  • Public or Private – Does It Matter? How School Leaders in Public and Private Schools Perceive Their Roles
  • 2018
  • In: Scandinavian Journal of Public Administration. - : University of Gothenburg. - 2001-7405 .- 2001-7413. ; 22:3, s. 129-152
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • This article takes its stand in an international discussion about how NPM reforms affect public servants’ notions about core public values. More specifically, it analyses how school leaders relate to the values of political control, rule of law, economic efficiency, professionalism and users’ influence. It raises the question whether it matters, in terms of how they embrace these values, their organisation beeing public or private. 975 school leaders (481 working for public schools and 472 for private schools) have completed a written questionnaire containing 15 postulations linked to the five core values. The study’s main finding is that the differences between the two categories of school leaders are quite small although differences exist. The similarities could reflect a development in recent decades where private schools have undergone politicisation and public schools companyisation. The study indicates that school leaders on both sides try to defend all values simultaneously, in some way. Furthermore, when trying to handle value conflicts they seem to avail themselves of other strategies than those connected to dominating models of rationality, which often conceptualise public actors’ response to value conflicts as a matterof balancing or striking trade-offs.
  • Mohammad, Moman A., et al. (author)
  • On the Natural History of Coronary Artery Disease : A Longitudinal Nationwide Serial Angiography Study
  • 2022
  • In: Journal of the American Heart Association. - : John Wiley & Sons. - 2047-9980. ; 11:21
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Background: The long-term course of coronary atherosclerosis has not been studied in large nationwide cohorts. Understanding the natural history of coronary atherosclerosis could help identify patients at risk for future coronary events.Methods and Results: All coronary artery segments with <50% luminal stenosis in patients with a first-time coronary angiogram between 1989 and 2017 were identified (n=2 661 245 coronary artery segments in 248 736 patients) and followed until a clinically indicated angiography within 15 years was performed or until death or end of follow-up (April 2018) using SCAAR (Swedish Coronary Angiography and Angioplasty Registry). The stenosis progression and incidence rates were 2.6% and 1.45 (95% CI, 1.43-1.46) per 1000 segment-years, respectively. The greatest progression rate occurred in the proximal and middle segments of the left anterior descending artery. Male sex and diabetes were associated with a 2-fold increase in risk, and nearly 70% of new stenoses occurred in patients with baseline single-vessel disease (hazard ratio, 3.86 [95% CI, 3.69-4.04]). Coronary artery segments in patients with no baseline risk factors had a progression rate of 0.6% and incidence rate of 0.36 (95% CI, 0.34-0.39), increasing to 8.1% and 4.01 (95% CI, 3.89-4.14) per 1000 segment-years, respectively, in patients with ≥4 risk factors. The prognostic impact of risk factors on stenosis progression was greatest in younger patients and women.Conclusions: Coronary atherosclerosis progressed slowly but more frequently in the left coronary artery in men and in the presence of traditional risk factors. Coronary artery segments in patients without risk factors had little or no risk of stenosis progression, and the relative impact of risk factors appears to be of greater importance in younger patients and women. These findings help in the understanding the long-term course of coronary atherosclerosis.
  • Sundblad, Göran, et al. (author)
  • Predicting the effects of eutrophication mitigation on predatory fish biomass and the value of recreational fisheries
  • 2020
  • In: AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment. - : Springer Science and Business Media LLC. - 0044-7447 .- 1654-7209. ; 49, s. 1090-1099
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Improving water clarity is a core objective for eutrophication management in the Baltic Sea, but may influence fisheries via effects on fish habitat suitability. We apply an ensemble of species distribution models coupled with habitat productivity functions and willingness-to-pay estimates to assess these effects for two coastal predatory fish species, European perch (Perca fluviatilis) and pikeperch (Sander lucioperca). The models predicted a 37% increase in perch and 59% decrease in pikeperch biomass if reaching the reference level for water clarity in the Baltic Sea Action Plan. Reaching the target level was predicted to increase perch biomass by 13%. However, the associated economic gain for the recreational fisheries sector was countervailed by an 18% pikeperch reduction. Still, a net benefit was predicted since there are six times more fishing days for perch than pikeperch. We exemplify how ecological modelling can be combined with economic analyses to map and evaluate management alternatives.
  • Sundström, Göran, et al. (author)
  • Privat eller offentligt - spelar det någon roll?
  • 2013
  • In: Att leda mot skolans mål. - Malmö : Gleerups Utbildning AB. - 9789140685742 ; , s. 47-66
  • Book chapter (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • This chapter analyzes if Swedish principals embrace a number of public core values differently depending on whether they are working for public or private schools. 371 principals (202 working for public schools and 148 for private schools) have completed a written questionnaire containing 15 postulations connected to five core values: political control, rule of law, economic efficiency, professionalism and users’ influence. The study’s main finding is that the differences between the two categories of principals are quite small. Discernible differences are expected, e.g. that principals in independent schools are a bit more prone than principals in public schools to letting pupils and parents influence school activities, and that principals in public schools seem a bit more inclined to interact and listen to politicians than principals in independent schools. The result implies that factors other than the type of organization – private or public – are more important for the way principals relate to public core values. For example, the comprehensive and detailed regulation of the Swedish educational system, or professional norms among principals, might explain the high degree of conformity.
  • Wang, Gang, et al. (author)
  • Assessment of chronic bronchitis and risk factors in young adults : results from BAMSE
  • 2020
  • In: European Respiratory Journal. - Stockholm : Karolinska Institutet, Dept of Clinical Science and Education, Södersjukhuset. - 0903-1936 .- 1399-3003.
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • BACKGROUND: Chronic bronchitis is associated with substantial morbidity among elderly adults, but little is known about its prevalence and risk factors in young adults. Our aim was to assess the prevalence and early life risk factors for chronic bronchitis in young adults. METHODS: Questionnaire data and clinical measures from the 24-year follow-up of the Swedish BAMSE cohort were used. We assessed chronic bronchitis (CB) as the combination of cough and mucus production in the morning during winter. Environmental and clinical data from birth and onwards were used for analyses of risk factors. RESULTS: At the 24-year follow-up, 75% (n=3064) participants completed the questionnaire and 2030 performed spirometry. The overall prevalence of CB was 5.5% (n=158) with similar estimates in males and females. Forty-nine percent of CB cases experienced more than 3 self-reported respiratory infections in the last year compared to 18% in non-CB subjects (p<0.001), and 37% of cases were current smokers (versus 19%). Statistically significant lower post-FEV(1)/FVC were observed in CB compared to non-CB subjects (mean z-score -0.06 versus 0.13, p=0.027). Daily smoking (adjusted Odds Ratio, aOR=3.85, p<0.001), air pollution exposure (black carbon during ages 1-4 years old, aOR=1.71 per 1 μg·m(3) increase, p=0.009) and exclusive breast-feeding during four months or more (aOR=0.66, p=0.044) were associated with CB. CONCLUSION: Chronic bronchitis in young adults is associated with recurrent respiratory infections. Besides smoking, our results support role of early life exposures, such as air pollution and exclusive breast-feeding, for respiratory health later in life.
  • Abdellah, Tebani, et al. (author)
  • Integration of molecular profiles in a longitudinal wellness profiling cohort.
  • 2020
  • In: Nature communications. - : Springer Science and Business Media LLC. - 2041-1723. ; 11:1
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • An important aspect of precision medicine is to probe the stability in molecular profiles among healthy individuals over time. Here, we sample a longitudinal wellness cohort with 100 healthy individuals and analyze blood molecular profiles including proteomics, transcriptomics, lipidomics, metabolomics, autoantibodies andimmune cell profiling, complementedwith gut microbiota composition and routine clinical chemistry. Overall, our results show high variation between individuals across different molecular readouts, while the intra-individual baseline variation is low. The analyses show that each individual has a unique and stable plasma protein profile throughout the study period and that many individuals also show distinct profiles with regards to the other omics datasets, with strong underlying connections between the blood proteome and the clinical chemistry parameters. In conclusion, the results support an individual-based definition of health and show that comprehensive omics profiling in a longitudinal manner is a path forward for precision medicine.
  • Adami, Johanna, et al. (author)
  • Smoking and the risk of leukemia, lymphoma, and multiple myeloma (Sweden)
  • 1998
  • In: Cancer Causes and Control. - 0957-5243 .- 1573-7225. ; 9:1, s. 49-56
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • While several epidemiologic studies have indicated a link between smoking and the risk of developing hematolymphoproliferative cancers (chiefly leukemias, lymphomas, and multiple myelomas), in particular myeloid leukemia, the role of tobacco in the etiology of these neoplasms remains unclear. To evaluate the potential impact of tobacco use on development of leukemia, lymphoma, and multiple myeloma, we conducted a cohort study of 334,957 Swedish construction workers using prospectively collected exposure-information with complete long-term follow-up. A total of 1,322 incident neoplasms occurred during the study period, 1971-91. We found no significant association between smoking status, number of cigarettes smoked, or duration of smoking and the risk of developing leukemias, lymphomas, or multiple myeloma. There was a suggestion of a positive association between smoking and the risk of developing Hodgkin's disease, although the rate ratios were not significantly elevated, except for young current smokers. No positive dose-risk trends emerged. Our study provides no evidence that smoking bears any major relationship to the occurrence of leukemias, non-Hodgkin's lymphomas, or multiple myeloma.
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