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  • Anderson, Lotta (author)
  • Interpersonell kommunikation : en studie av elever med hörselnedsättning i särskolan
  • 2002
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Pupils with impaired hearing and moderate to severe learning difficulties usually go to special schools for the severely learning disabled. Few studies have been conducted on the interpersonal communication among these pupils. The all-embracing aim of this study is to look closer into the communication that takes place during the school day between children and adults, in cases where Sign Language and Sign Supported Speech are used.The purpose is to describe and interpret interaction patterns as well as use, form and content in the communication between the participants. The purpose is also to study possibilities and limitations within the environment as well as the individual, which might have an impact on the communication process.The study has a micro-ethnographical onset; data consists of video-observations during one year in eight school-classes, supplemented with questionnaires, interviews, field notes and participation observations. The results show that there are both possibilities and obstacles that respectively facilitate and obstruct communicative and linguistic development.These can be related to micro, mesa, exo and macro levels. Informal communication was characterised by participation and mutual exchange, pleasure in communicating and adults adapting to the child's perspective. Formal communication was characterised by adults choosing topics for conversation and being purpose-oriented, asking questions, giving instructions and expecting certain answers from the child. The children's communication was mostly functional, but the adults did not always notice their intentions. The pupils were met by staff members with varied skills in Sign Language and it was evident that the children's communicative and linguistic needs were not necessarily accompanied by a supportive environment that facilitated communication development.
  • Lin, Hai Chun (author)
  • Pedagogy of Heuristic Contexturalisation: Intercultural transmission through cross-cultural encounters
  • 2002
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The present study is designed to analyze the effects of the ongoing cultural globalization. It utilizes as its empirical setting two special programmes called the International Master's Programme (the IMP,) directed by Lund University in Sweden. The aim of the study is to infer a pedagogic idea for intercultural transmission through cross-cultural encounters by exploring, describing, and comprehending the effective side of the IMP pedagogic conduct and its essential. In order to realize the aim of the study, the study method is oriented to Educational Transferability through Qualitative Ideographic "Root-images" based on the principle of Symbolic Interactionism with a Poststructuralist's perspective. Throughout the fallibilistic approach with "'bottom-up' process" supported by the "3I=Trinity" as methodology, two IMP programmes (IMP-x + IMP-y = the IMP) have been studied. The programmes were divided into different cohorts based on their period of attendance (i.e., 1997-1998; 1998-1999; 1999-2000;) and were studied through participant observations, face-to-face interviews and in-depth e-mail interviews. I interviewed ten IMP students, including Swedish participants and guest students from different countries, with different educational backgrounds. Further, I interviewed six IMP lecturers from different academic fields, all of whom were Swedish. From the empirical data, the IMP effective pedagogic device and its essential for intercultural understanding through cross-cultural encounters are inferred abductively by modifying Piaget's, Vygotsky's, and Bronfenbrenner's theoretical frameworks. The study combines cognitive development in Cross-cultural Psychology, pedagogic devices in Culture of Education, and cognitive effects in Mass media Communication. The effective pedagogic device for intercultural understanding is Heuristic Contexturalisation, its essential is Thematic Reconstruction. Based on abductive inference, the pedagogic idea for intercultural transmission through cross-cultural encounters is found to be "3ROME" which can be explained by "Relativism".
  • Lindqvist, Per (author)
  • Lärares förtroendearbetstid
  • 2002
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The aim of this study is to generate a grounded theory about the work done by teachers. The initial area of data collection was the work done by teachers in their non-regulated hours, in which the teachers are expected to carry out professional activities like planning, preparation, correcting and spontaneous contacts with students, parents and colleagues. Data was collected and analysed according to the Grounded Theory method. 50 teachers wrote diaries about their non-regulated work. Then seven teachers from the diary-writers were selected for interviews and 84 teachers were asked to answer questions in a questionnaire concerning their perceptions of their non-regulated work. Finally, when the theoretical ideas were sufficiently grounded in empirical data, relevant literature were woven into the grounded theoretical drafts. The finding shows that teachers’ work is characterised by the absence or delay of expected results. Hence, teachers seldom feel a sense of completeness. Such a sense of unfinished business contributes to a rise of a mental state of alertness, which can be interpreted both as positive, thoughts as companions, and negative, thoughts as bonds. The latter has a ruminative and obsessive character, concerning teachers’ attempt to solve often insoluble dilemmas. The unfinished character of the work seems to be handled by different teachers in different ways depending on what they direct their attention towards. It seems like the focus of attention can be divided into two types: Success-oriented and activity-oriented. These two types seems to have a strong influence on how the teachers perceive the mental state of alertness. In the activity-oriented focus the teachers’ attention seems to be on their own performance. There is an unspecified ‘one does one’s best’ character over such expressions. Teachers’ ability to take action is related to what is possible and reasonable, not to what is ideal. There seems to be a tolerance of a delay in the fulfilling of goals. The success-oriented focus, on the other hand, is directed towards the result of the activity. Such a focus is characterised by striving for immediate or early conclusions to goal fulfilment. Expressions within the success-oriented focus have a ‘not enough’ character. The ideal, that which ought to be done, has great significance. The work of teachers is enclosed within a context of complexity, uncertainty and intensification. A strong emphasis upon fulfilment of goals in the national curriculum can, in such a context, contribute to painful reminders of continual failures. Which, in it’s turn, alters work to drudgery.
  • Månsson, Annika (author)
  • Möten som formar - Interaktionsmönster på förskola mellan pedagoger och de yngsta barnen i ett genusperspektiv
  • 2000
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • In studies concerning the youngest children, the toddlers, the gender perspective is often missing. One aim of the study was, therefore, to investigate the interaction between children and preschool teachers in day care centres in a gender and a contextual perspective. Another aim was to investigate the inner representations of the preschool teachers concerning children and gender. A third aim was to discursively analyse the interview answers of the preschool teachers related to the curricular documents concerning preschool. The domain of interaction focused upon is mainly the intersubjective one, where reciprocity and affect are of great importance. The main research questions of this study were: Which initiatives for contact do the children take? Which response do they get from the preschool teachers? Does this interaction appear differently in various contexts? Do various contexts affect gender in different ways? The study is defined as ethnographic. The methods of data-collection were mainly video recordings and interviews. The interaction between children and staff was observed and the adults were interviewed at three day-care centres. The results indicated that gender was context dependent and that different contexts gave different kinds of gendered interaction. The situations with most pedagogical guidance, the so-called circle times, were dominated by the boys. They took more initiatives and they got more elaborated answers from the preschool staff. The situations with less pedagogical guidance, e.g. the meals, were characterised by rich dialogues in the interaction between the preschool teachers and the children and no special gender differences were found. The girls got elaborated answers to the same extent as the boys. During the free play time, the gender differences concerning the children’s initiative to contact the pedagogues were almost none. There was one boy at each nursery department that was the dominating one, the “Master of the group”. This study also showed that even the young children at the nursery departments were part of the gender construction.
  • Permer, Lars Göran, et al. (author)
  • Klassrummets moraliska ordning : iscensättningen av lärare och elever som subjekt för ansvarsdiskursen i klassrummet
  • 2002
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The perspective of this dissertation is grounded in the ideas and concepts of Michel Foucault. In analy-sing our empirical material we used his notions of discourse and discoursive practice, power, govern-mentality and subjectification. We were also inspired by Thomas Popkewitz, Jennifer Gore and Nicolas Rose. The aim of this dissertation is to elucidate how teachers and students are constructed as moral and ethi-cal subjects. It is our intention to bring into sight the moral order of classrooms, exemplified through the concept of responsibility. We used participant observations, in-depth interviews and governmental committees’ reports to answer our research questions. The study was carried out in six Swedish schools, grades 5-11, where lessons were videotaped. When asked about the meaning of responsibility teachers and students spoke of order, social functioning and self formation. Teachers said that the construction of responsibility is dependent upon the atmosphere in the classroom, and that it may require training, but some saw it as inherent in human nature or con-structed by students themselves. According to students, understanding, interest and fun facilitate their assumption of responsibility. Power relations in action were analyzed from the videotapes. The power techniques we called Invitation and Normalizing judgements were crucial for the construction of the responsibility governed by the self. Teachers were confronted with their own classroom practices by means of stimulated recall episodes. Our analysis focused on the rules and standards by which the meaning of teachers’ work was construc-ted. References to psychological conceptions were frequent, populational reasoning occurred, and histo-rical assignments were inscribed in the ways in which they spoke about their roles. Our results display three different discourses on responsibility: a behavioristic, a naturalistic and a hu-manistic discourse. There are traces of a behavioristic discourse at the macro level in government rep-orts written in the 1970s but the naturalistic discourse is predominant during that period. In reports written in the 1990s the humanistic discourse is central.
  • Wetterholm, Hans (author)
  • En bildpedagogisk studie : lärare undervisar och elever gör bilder
  • 2001
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The art education in Swedish primary and secondary schools is far from perfect and as a result pupils seldom reach the desired standard. National evaluations in 1989 and 1992 confirm this. Teachers admit that they lack specific subject knowledge and evaluation reveals that many aspects of older curricula still prevail. The way in which the present problems may have arisen is described through the history of art education in Swedish schools in this study. It is against this background that the study has been conducted with the intention of examining how the 1994 national curriculum influences two Swedish primary school teachers.The theoretical base and ground for the analysis are the paradigm of the Swedish school system and the national curriculum for art education with the four aspects: 1. Seeing and observing, 2. Picture production, 3. Picture interpretation, 4. Using pictures. Each aspect is explained according to relevant theory. The objectives of the artwork are finally described and analysed according to four aspects: 1. Mimetic, 2. Objective, 3. Expressive, 4. Pragmatic. The study was designed as an action research project in four phases: 1. Problem identification, 2. Teachers´ diaries keeping and pupils´ portfolio collection, 3. Analyses of diaries and portfolios, and 4. Evaluation together with the teachers.The results are presented in three parts: Analyses of the diaries, the result of the pupils´ artwork, and finally a discussion of the evaluation together with the teachers.It can be clearly seen from the summaries of the teachers´ diaries that they have strived to meet the goals and aims in the curriculum. They have been able to teach according to the Swedish curriculum in art education. This result is confirmed by the analyses of the pupils? artwork. The two teachers showed great interest in having their work documented and analysed. The study was useful not only for them, but also for their colleagues and pupils. The artwork is a physically observable result and has an attraction that highlights the communicative possibilities of pictures.The teachers maintain that a well-educated class teacher is best for teaching art in primary school, not a special art teacher.
  • Lundgren, Ulla (author)
  • Interkulturell förståelse i engelskundervisning - en möjlighet
  • 2002
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The aim of this study is to examine the prospects of developing intercultural understanding through English as a foreign language (EFL) education in the Swedish comprehensive school. This overall aim is split into two subordinate aims: (1) to analyse and problematize the intercultural dimension of EFL as three discourses, research discourse, authority discourse and teacher discourse; (2) to relate the above discourses to each other in order to reveal a space for the interpretation of culture teaching and learning culture in EFL.The thesis is set in a broad social constructionist frame. The study draws on perspectives applied to culture theory (Street, Hannerz, Thavenius, Sjögren), current theories about language and culture (Kramsch, Byram, Risager), critical discourse analysis (Fairclough) and curriculum theory (Svingby, Englund). The intercultural dimension of EFL form an order of discourse with competing discourses. The findings are summarized as two categories, opportunities and obstacles for developing intercultural understanding in EFL education: Opportunities promoting intercultural understanding: (1) International and national guidelines prescribe understanding of otherness across the curriculum. (2) A theoretical base is available which is in agreement with the Swedish value base. (3) EFL syllabus introduces intercultural understanding and intercultural competence. Intercultural understanding shall be assessed. (4) The interviewed teachers consider developing students' understanding of otherness and self as important issues. (5) An increasing number of multicultural students can contribute to alternative perspectives in the language classroom. Obstacles preventing intercultural understanding: (1) Current research does not reach teachers. (2) The national syllabus narrows culture to factual knowledge, uses vague concepts and offers no assessment criteria. (3) National tests do not assess intercultural understanding. (4) School organisation, obstructs cross - curricular thematic education. (5) Teachers lack time for didactic reflection and development. (6) Local microcontext is seen as main obstructions. (7) Students' lack of ability to take the perspective of the other is considered a major obstacle. Finally the three discourses are related to each other and a model is presented showing a space for the interpretation of culture teaching and learning culture in EFL.
  • Albinsson, Gunilla, et al. (author)
  • Maktutövning ur ett organisations- och genusperspektiv. En studie vid tre vårdavdelningar
  • 2000
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The primary aim of the present thesis is to increase understandig of the relationship between organisational structure, gender and power. Understanding of this relationship requires a closeness to the individual being studied as well to the content and consequences of that individuals´actions. The empirical object of study is a group of professional women at a somatic clinic. The problem investigated is based on a theoretical perspective on organisations; feminist theories and power theories. Our starting point was that these women should be seen as subjects who actively shape their own daily living situation, experience and actions. We thus felt it appropriate to choose a qualitative method. Data was collected by means of observation and qualitative interviews. The results show that the first foundation of gender-related domination at the clinic was hierarchial and bureaucratic and was characterised by a clear power symmetry and division of labour. The second foundation of gender-related domination resulted in the organisational structure of the clinic allowing a few men at the top of the hierarchy to exercise power over the women in the middle and lower levels. An important conclusion is that the women studied were clearly at a disadvantage in a hierarchial organisation. The difference in influence between men and women in the study was further reinforced by the fact that the various professional categories belonged to different sub-cultures. The unisexual sub-cultures when combined with the doctor´s normative sub-culture further increased the opportunities for the men studied to dominate the women, thereby reinforcing the impression that the organisation was based om male norms and the logic of segregation. Male domination can also be understood from an individual perspective. The men studied adopted different strategies as a means of accentuating their position in relation to the women. The study comprised a few women who used specific domination tactics. They possessed knowledge of the different power techniques open to them, and they used these in their relations with men. Knowledge of the two foundations mentioned stimulates the desire to initiate changes. One element of significance in such changes is the re-forming of structural conditions. It is important to bring about changes at individual level. Men and women´s consciousness of, and knowledge about, gender-related domination must be the focus of attention.
  • Bierschenk, Bernhard, et al. (author)
  • A system for a computer-based content analysis of interview data
  • 1976
  • Book (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Content analysis based on frequency distributions differs from impressionistic analysis and interpretations of written or spoken text. This type of analysis is objective insofar as it requires an explicit analysis procedure and a formalised analysis. Objectification means that a person transfers certain typical human functions to objects, i.e., tools, and that machines are developed that can carry out functions that were originally subjective. In this respect the development of a Computer-based Content Analysis (CCA) is an attempt to objectify the method of content analysis.
  • Bierschenk, Bernhard (author)
  • Simulating strategies of interactive behaviour
  • 1978
  • Book (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Effective communication is of crucial importance for the development of effective social organisations. Deficient communication combined with rapid technological and social changes appears to lead to both ecological and psychological imbalance. An increasing number of environmental groups are working for ecological improvements, but young people seem to find it increasingly difficult to master the task of developing an integrated personality. This shows itself in stress and an inability to develop flexible be¬havioural strategies in interaction with other people. For the purpose of testing new models and constructing new instruments for analysis and training of the individual’s way of observing, evaluating and integrating information about himself and his surroundings in existing cog¬nitive structures, based on a psycho-ecological model, a simulator for interactive behaviour has been developed. Basically, it is assumed that perceptual experiences are directly related to events and that a person must first become aware (observe) and understand (analyse and synthesise) events before what he has experienced can be integrated into an existing cognitive pattern.
  • Campart, Martina (author)
  • Schooling Emotional Intelligence Through Narrative and Dialogue. Implications for the education of children and adolescents
  • 2000
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Abstract The point of departure for this study is the author's experience as educator in a residential home for children (age 6-14) with social-emotional problems, in Italy, between 1980 and 1989. One important element of the pedagogical approach was the use of narratives (personal, of others, of fiction) to prompt children's interest/ motivation to reflect about issues of personal concern. A conviction, grown over the years, that narrative thinking/ talking are powerful factors of resilience, and a dissatisfaction at feeling that knowledge about this experience was still at an intuitive level, has motivated the author to investigate this approach in greater depth. Two main ideas lay behind this research work: - Over the last decade the concepts emotional intelligence and narrative mode of knowing have entered the language of preventive education. The two concepts imply hypotheses and developments but they are relatively new, controversial and still a long way from being organised into a unitary pedagogical theory. - On the other hand, clinical and educational practitioners make strong claims for the effectiveness of narrative based conversations to enhance feelings and thoughts, but they do not provide descriptions of what happens in the interactions, of what educators do to achieve their purpose, of what they do wrong, when communication breaks down and so on etc. In brief, there is insufficient understanding to contribute to a more systematic development of the method and an assessment of the pedagogical results. On the basis of these premises, the research work is constituted by two parts: Theory PART ONE, and Field Study PART TWO. - The aim of PART ONE is to define/ clarify the concepts of emotional intelligence and narrative knowing and highlight some of the links that exist between them, at psychological and pedagogical level. - The aim of PART TWO is, with the support of the framework elaborated on in PART ONE, to explore features, meanings and pedagogical implications of the Genoa experience. Twenty-two conversations were analysed with the following objectives: 1) to identify some of the discursive features which characterise "the narrative talking" of children and educators in their conversations; 2) to investigate how this "narrative talking", so characterised, was used by the educators to achieve intended pedagogical objectives: among others to raise children's interest, to regulate the climate of communication, to help children to reflect about issues of personal concern and understand their feelings. This is an exploratory study. It is concerned with a pedagogical experience in which the researcher investigates her own (and others') practice, and is based on case materials written in form of personal documents. Its overall purpose, therefore, is not to test theories or draw generalisations, but rather to advance ideas and hypotheses for further investigation, and in this way to contribute to the discussion about methodological aspects and pedagogical potential of narrative based conversations with children and adolescents.
  • Damgren, Jan (author)
  • Föräldrars val av fristående skolor
  • 2002
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Abstract Although the number of children attending private schools in Sweden is less than 4% of those attending compulsory schools, the debate of these schools has been intense. Apart from details as fees and funding, the role of education’ in the Swedish welfare system has been subject of much debate. In spite of the debate, in Sweden there is a lack of knowledge about private schools. The aim of this thesis is to study the parents who prefer private education and their reasons for so doing. Four different private schools in four municipalities have been examined with regard to freedom of choice, equality, equivalent opportunities and segregation. In addition this thesis will describe the reaction of the municipalities to the choice made by the parents. The results of this inquiry are presented within the framework of four main categories: The importance of family background, how parents obtain their information, reasons for choosing a private school and reasons for withdrawing from a municipality school. The results show no extremes in living conditions or financial status. It is however obvious that the schools studied do have a strong political or ideological profile and this is an expression of segregation. On the other hand, one reason for leaving the municipality school is that the children have been isolated and, in several cases, bullied at school. It is evident that the parents of private schools are parents who are involved in their children’s school situation. The more educated parents the easier it is to obtain information. The schools expect parents to participate in the practical work of the school. As time passes, however, new parents prefer to pay for any service needed instead. If teachers and heads in the compulsory schools had listen more to the complaints of parents and made more efforts to introduce changes, a lot of pupils would have remained. Today private schools regard the local authority as an organ of control. Instead ways of co-operation must be investigated so that private schools are regarded as complement rather than a threat.
  • Elmeroth, Elisabeth (author)
  • Alla lika - alla olika: skolsituationen för elever med båda föräldrarna födda utomlands
  • 1997
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The overall purpose of this study was to provide knowledge about the school situation of pupils in Sweden whose parents were both born abroad. The connections between the pupils’ background, other factors shown to be significant in earlier studies, and school results have been identified and analysed. The study was based on the data compiled as part of the National Programme of Evaluation, which was carried out in 1992. The evaluation covered 101 schools with an approximate total of 10,000 pupils in the ninth grade. The group studied here, pupils whose parents were both born abroad, consisted of 576 pupils. Pupils did tests in various subjects and answered questionnaires. The model which served as the basis for the study comprised background variables, intermediate variables and result variables. The background variables which were examined were the mother’s country of birth/continent of birth, attendance at schools in a country other than Sweden, length of time resident in Sweden, participation in home language instruction, and difficulties in Swedish because of immigrant background. The intermediate variables comprised parents, leisure time and school time, while the result variables dealt with the subjects Swedish, mathematics and English. In the case of the latter, skills and ability tests were studied as well as attitudes to the subjects and self-esteem in these. The group studied was highly heterogeneous. Those pupils with a mother born outside Europe belong to more recent groups of immigrants. They often have greater difficulties with Swedish. Length of time resident in Sweden and difficulties with Swedish, show a negative relationship between knowledge and skills in Swedish, mathematics and English. Nevertheless, the pupils have a positive attitude to learning and to the various subjects.
  • Engström, Arne (author)
  • Reflective thinking in mathematics. About students' constructions of fractions
  • 1997
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • This thesis deals with students' constructions of mathematical knowledge in the case of fractions from a radical constructivist perspective. Fractions are the first more abstracted mathematics met by students. Even if they have a rich experience of sharing and partitioning things in their everyday life dealing with fractions often give rise to difficulties in school. The thesis consists of two parts. The first part constitutes a discourse on radical constructivism in the research field of mathematics education. The second part is an empirical study wherein we discuss earlier empirical investigations of students' achievements on fractions and our own empirical inquiry. Constructivism has become one of the major influences on contemporary research in mathematics education. In our discourse we give an account of its development in the light of three main changes in the philosophy of science and mathematics during the 20th century. Radical constructivism is a theory of active knowing. Knowledge does not depict or represent an experiencer-independent reality. It serves to organize the subject's experiential world. Our world is not an unchanging independent structure, but the result of distinctions that generate a physical and a social environment to which we adapt as best we can. Reality is a reality created by the subject. Jean Piaget, in his research programme the genetic epistemology, offers two accounts for the development of human understanding. His structuralist account is concerned with the organisation of human knowledge in a system of an overarching structure. His constructivist account focus on how these structures develop through a process of equilibration. Equilibration is a process of self-regulation leading to better structures from existing ones. Learning rational numbers remains a serious obstacle in students' mathematical development. When looking at the application of rational numbers to real-world problems from an educational point of view rational numbers appears in numerous forms. A full understanding of fractions seem to require exposure to numerous rational notions. Some Swedish and foreign empirical studies are reviewed. Former attempts to elaborate hiearchical models and learning levels seem to have failed. The aim of the empirical study was to investigate the schemes that the students develop when working with fractions. We strive to build models of students' mathematical knowledge in terms of coordinated schemes of actions and operations in a Piagetian sense. The method used is the constructivist teaching experiment. It has been a long term interaction between the researcher and two groups of students, A (n=24) and B (n=19), in the intermediate grades during four years. We have made classroom observations, written tests, teaching episodes and clinical interviews with six students from each group. The schemes have been analysed and interpreted in terms of part-whole and part-part relations, N-distraction and differentiation between spatial and logico-arithmetical structures. Students' development of mathematical knowledge is achieved in an interplay between mathematical and contextual senses of a problem. The task of the teacher is to organize activities in the classroom as part of a conscious mathematization of students' experiential reality.
  • Eriksson, Keijo (author)
  • På spaning efter livets mening. Om livsfrågor och livsåskådning hos äldre grundskoleelever i en undervisningsmiljö som befrämjar kunskapande
  • 1998
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • This dissertation makes up the first report based on data collected during the project "Teenagers: aspects of their life style and attitudes" (Tonåringens livssituation och livstolkning) in the subject Religious Studies taken by pupils attending Year 9 during the 1993/94 school year. The general aim of the study is to discover the central values of life which pupils hold, as expressed in an essay on what is worth striving for in life. The focus for the study is to (1) show the direction and character of the pupils’ central values of life, (2) investigate how consistent or diverse these ideas are amongst the pupils, and (3) develop a form of teaching designed to stimulate pupils to reflect on questions of an existential nature, and subsequently to use their reflections in the teaching of the subject Religious Studies. The investigation shows: (i) That older pupils express a strong love of the family, a trust in education, a leaning towards a value-rational work ethic, developed and reflective thought processes on existential questions, a clearly articulated foundation of values, and a belief in the future which generates an ambition to act accordingly. The pupils do, however, find it easier to approach such problems from an anthropological rather than ontological perspective. (ii) That girls often write longer and more emotionally in their essays than boys. The investigation shows a consensus on common ideas, but also a diversity which creates a demand for teaching adapted to the individual. The pupils’ alternative viewpoints also hint at a possible future change of values on existential questions. The study shows that the pupils means of expressing their ideas is dependent on their age, but it also reveals much in common with earlier studies on younger children. One can, however, note a difference in quality in older pupils in this study, owing to the fact that they possess a greater ability to express their reflective thinking. (iii) That a consistently followed programme of teaching based on the pupils’ own ideas gives rise to good possibilities of knowledge acquisition in the compulsory-school subject Religious Studies, and that a democratic and pupil-active method of teaching increases pupils’ involvement in and motivation for the subject.
  • Folkesson, Anne-Mari (author)
  • Muntlig framställning i årskurs 5: utveckling av kriterier för bedömning
  • 1998
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The study is based upon material which is a part of the Swedish Agency for Education's evaluation of oral production in year five at primary school. The overall aim of this study is to examine w h a t is assessed by describing the childrens speech, developing and testing criteria for the proficiency in speech in relation to this assessment. For qualitative purposes, a description of the phenomenon is given first of all. Following this, the causal connections are sought with the help of quantitative methods. The development of criteria for the assessment of oral production has been the focus of two intensive studies of four and nine pupils respectively. The criteria which have proven significant are "hesitation", "interruption", "involvement" and "easiness of manner". In addition, two randomly chosen groups of 46 and 101 pupils respectively have been assessed on presentation as well as quality of language. The presentation has been assessed on a four-grade scale in accordance with the criteria developed. The use of language has been described and analysed on the basis of, above all, "number of words", "themes", "explanations", and "reflections". The connection between estimates and parameters of language has been analysed. Around half of the pupils received positive assessments, of which approximately ten per cent are very positve. The other half received negative assessments, or very negative assessments, as was the case with around ten per cent of the cases. Furher, it was shown that the chosen parameters of language were connected significantly with the assessment of the presentation. According to this study, the skills the pupils require in order to produce good oral presentation can be said to be the following: the ability to take the floor, find a theme, explain, speak reflectively and indepentently play the part of the narrator.
  • Forsberg, Christer (author)
  • The economic point of view : A defence of the concept of psychic energy, its place in theory and practic
  • 1997
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • This thesis purports to prove the logical necessity of the psychic energy concept discarded by modern psychoanalysis by linking the "evolutionistic argument" against epiphenomenalism to Brillouin´s negentropy principle. If our conscious awareness of affects and other psychological events should be attributed a signal value at all, they must necessarily exercise effect on the soma. This presupposes an energy concept. The dynamic significance of such an energy concept is shown as well. It is also shown,contrary to the views taken by Bowlby,Stern, Tomkins and Nathanson, that the pleasure principle cannot be ruled out, but remains hidden in their respective models. Stern´s critique of freudian motivational theory seems to rely on a faulty conception of "phase", where Freud, on closer scrutiny, was more sophisticated than hitherto realized. Stern also overlooks that that his notion of "amodal perception" forces us to assume the existence of "amodal motivation". Logically, this is is equal to the concept of "libido", which Stern wishes to dismiss. Freud was wrong, however, in allocating aggression "beyond the pleasure principle". Like most theorists he overlooks the fact that aggression is self-motivating. On the other hand, Freud´s seemingly far-fetched speculations about a Death drive gain credence when juxtaposed to the riddles of modern immunology. Comparative physiology provides us with reasons to believe that the single cell may experience pleasure. This impression is indeed strengthened by re-examination of Edelman´s work, though his own conclusions are in sharp contrast with the present author´s. Edelman´s research seems to imply that consciousness is indeed a prerequisite for selectional processes within the organism, however primitive. This is a third reason for Evolution to employ psychic processes. The last three essays concern the practical intricacies ensuing the omission of a psychic energy concept. Psychosomatic illnesses may be treated quite differently according to the conceptual views of the health care systems. Indeed the form of the organizations follow the underlying philosophical out-look; cartesian parallelism is still a trend-setter. The teaching of psychodynamic therapy may also become afflicted unnessecarily if a quantitative energetic factor is not observed.
  • Hamilton, Ingela (author)
  • Leva med stroke - lära av erfarenheter
  • 2000
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • This thesis concerns how people with stroke describe their experiences of life with stroke and how they learn to live with stroke. In the western world the interest for research in lived experiences has increased. This might be due to the higher rate of people with illness and lifelong diseases. The aim of the study is to analyze stories from persons with stroke of their lived experiences of life with stroke. The stories are supposed to create deepened knowledge and understanding for what it means to live with stroke. This could lead to opportunities of being able to offer good and individualised care in the future. A qualitative method was used.The phenomenological method is relevant because it tries to understand the experiences as they are lived. People have to be understood in their own context. Narration is of great importance to qualitative research as a source of knowledge with the aim to create insight and understanding to the reader. 19 persons were interviewed repetedly. Totally 38 interviews were conducted. The result of all interviews showed that in life with stroke it was important to be able to keep one´s identity, integrity and autonomy. The possibilities for this were strengthened through the feeling of being a subject and weakened through the feeling of being an object. Social support, interests, goals and hopes and an optimistic mind were resources in life with stroke while dependency, insecurity, loneliness and a pessimistic mind were restrictions. Ways of coping varied but were mainly expressed through adaptation. It was important for how life with stroke was experienced whether comparisons were made with life before stroke or with stroke when it was as worst.
  • Hartsmar, Nanny (author)
  • Historiemedvetande. Elevers tidsförståelse i en skolkontext
  • 2001
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The main aim of the study is to explain how pupils´ consciousness of history in comprehensive school is formed and created by teaching. A second aim is to emphasize and to problematise the prerequisites for developing the consciousness of history through teaching. The empirical data consists of three parts: 1. Pupil's associations to the concepts of "time", "past" and "future". 2. Essays (national test and evaluation given to fifteen-year olds) concerning the past, present and future. 3. Semi-structured interviews: a) concerning history as a school subject (related to pupils and teachers); b) testing the pupils' abilities of placing historical events and persons along a time-line (studied in each class); c) pupils' reflections on the conditions of human life within a time perspective. By using qualitatively different methods such as associations, essays and interviews my aim is to illustrate "time" as an essential content of knowledge. Using the terminology of Gadamer (1960) I hope to bring about a "coalescence of horizons". By studying different age groups and heterogeneous school contexts the "coalescence of horizons" becomes valid within as well as between the different studies, when related to each other. My horizon of understanding concerning ways in which pupils in comprehensive school understand "time" meets and is challenged by the pupils' own horizons of understanding. Findings from associations, interviews and the results of the national test and evaluation (essays) given to fifteen-year-olds show that the teaching of history for these pupils and teachers means teaching related to the past, disregarding other time dimensions. This past is synonymous with chronology and consists of objects, isolated events and persons with no links to either the present or the future. The concept of "time" as such (in all seven classes and four schools) is mentioned but seldom subjected to any discussion or deeper analysis depending on in which context it is used.
  • Havung, Margareta (author)
  • Anpassning till rådande ordning. En studie av manliga förskollärare i förskoleverksamhet
  • 2000
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The aim of this study is to describe and analyse the situation of male teachers in the day-to-day work of pre-school, taking into account the fact that men are underrepresented in this profession. The methodic field is qualitative. Video recordings and interviews have been carried out with the fourteen male pre-school teachers who have participated in the project. Some of these men work together with another man, while others have women colleagues only. The results show that to a large extent the male teachers adapt to traditional pre-school praxis. In most cases they see the relationship between the sexes as grounded in biological difference. Pre-schools are classified as belonging within a feminine sphere. The male teachers take active part in all activities, many of which are nurturing and repetitive. In some cases, strategies of avoidance are employed, for instance in situations involving interior decoration. The men assume responsibility for activities that are traditionally classified as masculine, but these activities are marginalised by both female and male staff. When the male teachers and the children choose what to do, they tend to choose activities that are not gender-classified, such as creative activities. In their juxtaposition of maleness with feminine approaches in routine situations of nurture, they are instrumental in the development of new masculinities. It is masculine as well as feminine, male as well as female, to change nappies, do the housecleaning and wipe little noses.
  • Ivarsson, Heléne (author)
  • Hälsopedagogik i sjuksköterskeutbildningen
  • 2000
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • This study is about health pedagogy in nursing education. The main purpose is to describe health pedagogy in the context of nursing education and to increase the understanding for the subject. It is the different experiences of how teachers and students understand the concept, and how this can be related to how health pedagogical knowledge is expressed in the documents which govern nurses' education, that is in focus. The methodological approach is phenomenographic and interpretative. The method is contextual analysis and the study is designed as a case study of one education at one school. The data material is qualitative interviews, study program syllabus, and syllabuses for nurses' education. Twelve teachers and twelve students were interviewed and the interviews were analysed contextually. The documents were analysed on the basis of how health pedagogical knowledge is expressed in them. The result from the analyse of the documents shows that the concept health pedagogy is not used, and there are few words and terms which relate to how to work pedagogically in facilitating health. The terms, which are used in the documents and that relate to pedagogical work to facilitate health are public health, health promotion, prevention, health guidance and nursing care. The documents do not give a clear indication in which area of science health pedagogy belongs. In the results from the interviews six different categories of descriptions of how teachers experience health pedagogy were found and from the students' interviews four categories were found. The teachers categories relate to an educational and activity perspective. The student's categories relate to health pedagogy mostly at an individual activity level. Teacher and student categories together can be related to health policy questions, to subject and activity levels. A comparison is made between the categories of description from teachers and students groups, but also between the categories of description and how pedagogical knowledge is expressed in the document. The conclusion is that health pedagogy could be seen as aspects of four different areas: nursing science, public health, social science and as a specific subject. The result also shows that teachers and students understand health pedagogy in many ways and that health pedagogy is complex and has a character, which is rational, contextual and situational. The study shows that there are grounds to accommodate the growing debate of teaching issues.
  • Jacobson, Christer (author)
  • Reading Development and Reading Disability : Analyses of eye-movements and word recognition
  • 1998
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The primary ambition of this doctoral thesis is to provide an empirical basis for a better understanding of reading disability among school children. The current consensus in the research community is that most disabled readers fail in the acquisition of fast, accurate and automatic word recognition. The thesis includes a number of studies where normal and disabled readers are compared on various aspects of visual word recognition and related processes. The participants, about 100 disabled readers and 90 normal readers, were selected from a full cohort of 2nd graders (N = 2165) in the county of Kronoberg, Sweden, and were carefully matched on gender, non-verbal intelligence and school class. Extensive assessments of reading and spelling, cognitive ability, vision, eye movements, motor skill and socio-economic background were carried out as well as teachers’ ratings of school behaviour. First, basic visual functions, including eye movements, were examined. Only minor differences between the groups were observed, such as a slightly lower contrast sensitivity and poorer control of binocular saccades among the reading disabled children. Some of the small differences in visual functions could be interpreted as reflecting differences in attention mechanisms. A new group test for assessing the growth of word recognition skill was developed; the Wordchains test. The course of development of word reading skill was examined in a cross-sectional study covering the whole period of compulsory schooling. A modified quadratic function yielded the best fit to the data, and the asymptote level was reached around the age of 18. Girls outperformed boys at all stages. A longitudinal study gave support for a deficit model of reading disability. In summary, 3 out of 5 of the children initially classified as reading disabled were stable poor readers seven years later. Only a minority (18%) followed a lag model, reaching a normal level by grade 9. For the reading disabled boys a growth curve analysis demonstrated that about 25% of the variance in slope (average rate of individual growth) could be explained by factors related to early reading skill and non-verbal intelligence. A wide range of neuropsychological and social variables failed to predict individual development in word reading. For the control group none of the independent variables explained the slope variance. Methodological issues involved in the growth study were analysed and discussed.
  • Karlson, Björn (author)
  • Psychological and Medical Well-being and their Relation in Adults with Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus
  • 1997
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • This thesis includes five studies involving different samples of adult patients with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM). Studies one and two concern effects on metabolic control and quality of life of changing from conventional insulin treatment with three syringe injections per day to an intensified insulin treatment with three syringe injections daily using an insulin pen. In study one, 16 patients, randomly assigned to two groups participated in a six month long study. They were treated, in reverse orders for the two groups, for three months using the conventional treatment and three months using the intensive regimen. In study two, 78 patients were followed for 12 months after a similar change to insulin pen treatment. In both studies, insulin pen treatment was associated with improvement, not in metabolic control, but in assessed quality of life, a change appearing in both studies during the first three months of insulin pen treatment, and a change shown in study two to remain stable after 12 months. Study three concerned relationships in 152 IDDM patients between perceived burden of illness (BI) and depressive symptoms (assessed using SCL-90), and relations of these measures in turn to objective data on metabolic control, and such late diabetic complications as retinopathy and nephropathy, and both demographic and treatment-related data. Degree of depressiveness was largely unrelated to disease severity, but was related to perceived burden of living with the disease, the specific worries and concerns associated with a depressed mood varying with metabolic control. In study four, qualitative analysis of interview results for 34 patients showed certain modes of adaptation to IDDM to be related to the following: various personality traits, assessed by the Karolinska Scales of Personality (KSP), emotional well-being (assessed using SCL-90), and knowledge of diabetes. Two adaptational modes, termed "accepting" and "struggling" with the disease, respectively, were distinguished. "Strugglers" showed greater depression and anxiety, more limited knowledge of diabetes, a personality profile on KSP characterised by greater somatic anxiety, muscular tension, impulsivity and monotony avoidance and a lesser degree of socialisation than the "accepters", although both groups scored within the normal range on the KSP-variables involved. No group differences in objective medical measures of either metabolic control or late diabetic complications were found. In study five, cognitive functioning changes in relation to both metabolic control and development of late diabetic complications were examined longitudinally in 22 patients treated under routine conditions. Subjects were extensively examined medically and were tested neuropsychologically (visuo-spatial function, verbal and spatial memory) when entering the study (at an age of 31.4+6.1 years and with a diabetes duration of 4.9+1.8 years) and after 10 years diabetes duration. The cognitive functioning of the group showed no permanent deterioration but appeared to fluctuate intra-individually. Changes in cognitive functioning and medical measures were largely unrelated.
  • Lepp, Margret (author)
  • Pedagogiskt drama med fokus på personlig utveckling och yrkesmässig växt: En studie inom sjuksköterske- och vårdlärarutbildningen
  • 1998
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The aim of this study is to describe how ”drama in training” is experienced by student nurses and nurse tutors as well as to describe whether the students feel that there is a connection between their participation in drama, their personal development and their own preparation for their future profession. The study´s starting point has been that the students need support with regard to their personal development in order for a growth in professional ability to occur. The main research postulation can be viewed as qualitative, even though certain aspects of quantitative data can be found, inspired by ethnographical as well as phenomenographical research. The study stretches over one year, at two universities in the southern part of Sweden. In total, the study consists of participants from three student groups with a total of 71 students (65 female and 6 male). The average age of the groups is between 25 and 43 years old at the start of the study. Groups 1 and 2 were student nurses on the Health and Medical Care course at a nursing university. Group 3 were trainee nurse tutors on a three-term nurse tutor course, intended to result in a University Diploma in Nursing Education. The analysis of data is based on the students´ diaries (292) written in conjunction with their participation in drama during their normal training, as well as the results of a questionnaire. The main result consists of four different themes of content and a number of sub-categories: The first theme ”The group´s development” contains experiences that emphasise the group and its development. In the first category ”Get to know one another” it is emphasised that the participants have got to know one another better than before. In the second category ”Community and confidence” a sense of community and confidence had developed in the group. In the theme ”Development of knowledge” there are experiences that emphasise a growth in knowledge. In the category ”Future profession”, learning, understanding and reflection relating to the future profession is emphasised. In the theme ”Personal development” there are experiences such as increased ”Self-knowledge”, increased ”Self-esteem” and increased ”Empathy and sensitivity”. The fourth category reflects an increased awareness of the body, in the group of student nurses it dealt with the category ”Intra- and intercorporality” whilst for the trainee nurse tutor it was a case of the category ”Intracorporality”. The theme ”Ambivalent development” contains the category ”Doubtfulness” for both student groups. In addition, a further category ”Worry and joy” has been created for the student nurse group. More than half of the students felt that there is a connection between drama, personal development and their own preparations for their future profession according to the students own judgement. The pedagogical implications that one can find as a result of this study are for example: Drama can be a powerful way of promoting the growth of the students´ professional competence.
  • Lindahl, Ingrid (author)
  • Att lära i mötet mellan estetik och rationalitet : Pedagogers vägledning och barns problemlösning genom bild och form
  • 2002
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The overiding aim of this study is to promote an increace in the knowledge regarding school children´s learning and meaning construction, whereby teachers attempt to exceed traditional ways of learning by combining asthetics and rationality as an integration of the learning process. The aim is to describe and interpret that which occurs in discussions between teachers and the children, when the children are aspected to solve problems through the use of art and form. Based on a process of hermeneutic interpretation, I have chosen touse cultural historical theory as an analytic tool. That which I have chosen to call "aesthetic" and "social positions" is discussed in relation to the imperical study. By putting the empirical study in a historical context my intention is also to see whether or not there are any recurring features in the depicted result. The sudy takes place in a primary school and involves pre-school children as well. Thirtheen so called "discovery projects" were video-filmed, transcribed and analysed for the purpose of the study. One result of the empirical study is the identification of three ideal types of conversations between children and teachers,which I named creative conversation, reproductive conversation and instrumental conversation. Based on experiences gained from th9is study, I assert that the "aesthetic position" and the "social position" can contribute in different ways to an understanding of children´s learning and meaning construction in different school-environments. In my view,however, these positions explain different things beceause they focus on different aspects in the cultural-historical tehory and refer to different social practices and discources for learning.
  • Lovén, Anders (author)
  • Kvalet inför valet: Om elevers förväntningar och möten med vägledare i grundskolan
  • 2000
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The main purpose of this study is to highlight the counselling interview in connection with the choice of upper secondary school from three perspectives, the student's, the counsellor's and society's. The intention is to describe and analyse the counselling interview in the ninth grade with relation to: · the student's expectations, perceptions and values before and after the interviews, · the counsellor's perceptions and values after the interviews, · society's goals and purpose for student counselling in secondary schools and · the theories and models for career development and counselling. Eight students from both sexes with diverse grades have been chosen, and all their interviews in year 9 to-gether with the four counsellors have been recorded and analysed. In the theory chapter, theories connecting three perspectives are described, the individual, the counsellor and society. Career development theories are used to describe and explain the process behind student choice. Counselling theories are used to illustrate what is happening during the interviews and frame factor theories to explain how decision and choice is influenced and limited by different factors in society. In conclusion it can be stated that educational and vocational orientation is not sufficiently well integrated into the school curriculum and educational activities. The role of the counsellor has primarily been to help stu-dents in the ninth grade to make a well thought-out decision through interviews. These interviews can also be described as meetings with certain in-built rituals. The counsellor took the initiative, questioned the students, continued to give information and then guided the student to a decision. Such a description is of course simpli-fied but does give a picture of counselling that is tightly framed by factors that the counsellor and student have difficulty breaking away from. Another way of describing counsellors is to see them as catalysts and co-ordinators who partly tried to start processes particularly to widen perspectives, and partly worked to connect the students' ideas and lack of ideas with those possibilities offered.
  • Möllehed, Ebbe (author)
  • Problemlösning i matematik : en studie av påverkansfaktorer i årskurserna 4-9. Bilaga 2 : elevernas lösningar av de olika problemen
  • 2001
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The purpose of this study is to identify the factors influencing pupils when they individually solve problems in mathematics in grades 4-9 in the compulsory school (ages: 10-16 years). The method that has been used is an analyses of the solutions of 25 problems given to each grade. Some of the problems were the same in all grades and about 100 pupils participated in each grade. Through an examination of the errors made by the pupils it has been possible to extract some abilities, which I have called factors, influencing problem solving. The factors have been indirectly described through categories of errors, made by the pupils. 16 factors have been identified, 9 factors belong to the cognitive development, 6 to the mathematical learning in school and one to an individual feature of carelessness. As a result of the extracted factors a model of problemsolving was built including all factors. Of all errors made by the pupils in all problems the cognitive factors contributed with about 60 %, the mathematical factors with 25 % and the individual factor with 15 %. This was valid in all grades. Comparisons between grades show that there is a great distribution of the pupils´ ability in problem solving. On an average 25 % of all pupils in grades 4 and 5 are able to solve a problem which 25 % of all pupils in grade 9 do not manage to work out. Comparisons between girls and boys have also been made concerning the proportion of correct answers in all problems. In grades 4 and 5 there are small differences but in grades 6-9 the boys have about 20 % more correct answers than the girls.
  • Möller, Tore (author)
  • Undervisa mot våld. Attityder, läromedel, arbetssätt
  • 2001
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The main aim of this study has been to influence the attitudes of students, Grades 4-6, in order that they will become opposed to the use of violence. The entire project was conducted during a full academic 20-credit term, as part of inter- mediate level teachers' training. The purpose of this learning experiment was threefold: 1. To study children's attitudes towards violence. 2. To study the effects of the teaching program. 3. To compare the effects of individual versus teamwork learning for students. The experimental group consisted of 608 students from 32 classes. A test was constructed to identify students' attitudes to compulsion, violence and aggression and their perceptions of these types of behaviour both in their spare time and at school. A factor analysis was performed to insure the validity and reliability of the instrument. The learning material used in the experimental group throughout the nine classroom sessions consisted of texts, pictures, and oral presentations. The results of the pre-test and post-test revealed that the following groups demonstrated greater disassociation towards violence: girls, students possessing a higher aptitude, more anxious students, students in the 4th grade, and students with a lower social position within the classroom. As the children strongly repudiated violence already in the pre-test, the effects of the learning sessions were weak. The difference between individual and group learning was small according to the test. On the other hand, pupils working in groups produced more during the lessons and rated the work higher.
  • Nordänger, Ulla Karin (author)
  • Lärares raster : innehåll i mellanrum
  • 2002
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • This study, in which a Grounded Theory approach is used, attempts to determine what happens during teachers’ recess periods and the effect these interspaces might have on the everyday work of teachers. The aim is to generate a concrete theory out of observations and interviews, simultaneously showing what’s going on in the field and taking into account the main concerns of those acting there.The findings show that teachers appear to have lost the sense of interspaces in their working day. A public sphere has encroached on their recess periods and they seem to be acting in the public eye everywhere, almost constantly accessible to all kinds of interactions. The domains that affect this state of interaction alertness are the ambition to display in a public sphere and the delimitation of professional content. A working situation without interspaces leads, at the same time, to teachers that neither have the possibility of controlling the existence and borders of their public appearance, that is – the professional content – , nor the possibility of creating personal interspaces, where the necessary conditions for forming and upholding the official façade, as well as the team, are at hand. In this scenario everything becomes professional content and nothing can be weeded out, everything can be judged and scrutinized, and everybody becomes everybody else’s audience.Formal theory is integrated as comparative data, mainly Asplund’s (1987) theory of abstract sociality as the core of burnout, and Goffman’s (1959) theory of social interaction.The lost and genuine interspaces can be understood as the back regions Goffman describes, and mastering them plays a decisive role in experiencing control over the working situation as a whole.In their efforts to handle the public spheres invasion of the recess periods, the teachers’ attempt to regain control over the back regions by demarcating and recreating recess situations of a more personal nature. Without the conditions of genuine interspaces there is no possibility to dissociate oneself from, define or delimit, a professional content, and without defining content there is no possibility to find or create these interspaces where cultures and creativity are rooted and nourished.
  • Sandén, Ingrid (author)
  • Skoldaghem: Ett alternativ för elever i behov av särskilt stöd
  • 2000
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • This thesis concerns ten pupils in need of special support. The overriding principle governing the Swedish educational system today is that pupils with functional difficulties should be integrated into ordinary schools, but exceptions may be made and the pupils can attend a special day-school. The primary aim of the present thesis is to study the progress of seven students, attending special day-schools with regard to · sense of self · sense of competence · social skill in work, play and other interaction. A secondary aim is to look at what factors in the special day-school environment contribute to the pupils’ progress. A third is to study what happens to these pupils when they return to their local school environment. I also describe the progress of three children in need of special support, who remain at their ordinary schools. Interviews were the main method of data collection. Pupils, parents and teachers were interviewed, so informant triangulation was established. A rating scale was also used, thus achieving methodological triangulation. The result shows that during their attendance at special day-schools all the pupils developed a more positive sense of self and competence and increased their social skill in work, play and other interaction. For most of the pupils the positive progress remained after their return to their local schools, but to a lower degree. The school environment to which the pupils first became accustomed was described by the teachers working there as often having a lively classroom situation, with teachers who lacked both special education competence, resources, and time for children in need of special support. The environment provided by the special day-school, however, with many adults present, who had time for the children, made the special support possible. In the special day-school, where the pedagogical work had its starting point in each pupil’s needs and skill, a positive relation was established between the sense of self, sense of competence and social skill. The constantly present, competent and involved adults, the small groups of pupils, the integrated school day and the close co-operation with parents all contributed to a positive development for a majority of the pupils. This positive trend was broken however, in two cases on return to the local school, where pupil groups were large and sometimes multi-graded, and where teachers lacked time and special education competence demanded by pupils in need of special support. What my study most convincingly shows is that the ordinary school can not always give pupils with emotional disturbances and behavioural disorders the sufficient special support they need to develop their sense of self, sense of competence and social skill. In a special day-school these pupils can get the special support they need.
  • Utas Carlsson, Karin (author)
  • Violence Prevention and Conflict Resolution: A Study of Peace Education in Grades 4-6.
  • 1999
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The objectives of the study were (1) to contribute to development of a theoretical basis for teaching violence prevention and conflict resolution, connecting the micro (interpersonal and intergroup) and macro (national, international and transnational) levels; and (2) to contribute to development of teaching methods with the aim of giving children skills in handling conflicts constructively. The perspective of the study is a social-psychological one where Human Needs Theory (Burton) plays an important role. This means that satisfaction of “basic human needs” is suggested as a goal or “navigation point” when building society at all levels. The empirical study was conducted from 1993 through 1996. Teaching methods — inspired by two teaching guides from the U.S. — were tried out in seven different classes where data collection was more extensive in one of them than in the other ones. It consisted of interviews with the children, their class teacher and a questionnaire to the parents. Diaries from the lessons were kept in all the classes. Individual and group response by the children, aged 10–12, was observed, analysed and interpreted. Opportunities for and obstacles to teaching violence prevention and conflict resolution are discussed on the basis of the findings. Important opportunities found were: a good theoretical framework; drawing from experiences of teaching programmes in other parts of the world; children’s interest in role plays (including forum plays); and a situation at school where many conflicts occur which provide ample opportunities for practice. One important obstacle was a discrepancy between skills taught in our lessons and children’s daily experiences. Lack of visions of change was another, related obstacle. This applies to adults and children alike. The author suggests training of preschool and school teachers at all levels.
  • Vallberg Roth, Ann-Christine (author)
  • Könsdidaktiska mönster i förskolepedagogiska texter
  • 1998
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The main issue of the thesis is to study the gender didactic patterns that can be found in Swedish, historical and present pre-school curricular texts. The selected period starts from around the 1850s until the middle of the 1990s. The study is based on a social and historical context, curriculum theory and gender theory. The analysed texts are the following, (1) Handbooks for educators, during the years 1841-1947 and the Swedish magazine The Kindergarten (Barnträdgården) published by the Froebel union, during the years 1918-1968, (2) Advice and instructions for pre-school from the National Swedish Social Welfare Board, during the years 1945-1990, and (3) Pre-school educational guidelines at the community and local level, collected in 1993. The answer to the main issue can be summarised in three concepts and code periods: a Sex-segregated common code from about 1850 to 1940, a Sex-neutral equality code from the 1950s to the middle of the 1980s, and a Pluralistic sex code from the end of the 1980s up until 1993. No support could be found in the majority of the present pre-school educational guidelines at the community and local levels for gender related issues. For the most part no gender research could be found in the documents. This can be related to the concept of Sweden as a model country for sexual equality.
  • Albinsson, Gunilla, et al. (author)
  • Maktutövning ur ett organisations- och genusperspektiv
  • 2000
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Inom svensk hälso- och sjukvård är 82% av samtliga landstingsanställda kvinnor. Majoriteten av dessa kvinnor återfinns i organisationsstrukturens mellanskikt eller bas. I denna avhandling problematiseras den process inom vilken maktutövning sker i vardagliga möten mellan kvinnor och män inom tre somatiska vårdavdelningar. Resultatet visar att den genusrelaterade maktutövning som utspelades mellan kvinnor och män vilade på två fundament. Det första var att organisationsstrukturen gav ett fåtal män i hierarkins topp möjlighet att utöva makt gentemot kvinnorna i hierarkins mellanskikt eller bas. En viktig konklusion är att studiens kvinnor missgynnades av att befinna sig i en hierarkisk organisation. Det andra fundamentet var att kvinnornas utsatthet för makt baserades på det faktum att de var kvinnor. Studiens män tillämpade olika strategier för att markera sin position gentemot kvinnorna. Maktutövningen hade flera olika uttrycksformer, där en var att skuldbelägga kvinnorna. Andra maktformer handlade om att inte bekräfta kvinnorna som individer eller att nedvärdera dem. Det manliga maktutövandet yttrade sig också i en ovilja att förstå kvinnornas synpunkter och frågor, men även i att männen i hierarkins topp utövade makt genom att kontrollera informationsflödet och därmed bestämma vilken information som skulle spridas ner i hierarkin. För att hantera den maktutövning som studiens kvinnor utsattes för tillgrep de olika former av motmaktstrategier. Exempel på sådana strategier var kvinnlighet, moderlighet, intimitet och humor. Strategierna gav kvinnorna vissa möjligheter att påverka inom ramen för de normer som fanns inom organisationskulturen. Motmaktstrategierna konfirmerade samtidigt genusordningen inom organisationen. Ett fåtal av studiens kvinnor utövade makt. Dessa kvinnor hade kunskap om vilka maktstrategier de kunde utnyttja och använde dem i interaktionen med männen. Utrymmesskapande är ett exempel på en maktstrategi som kvinnorna tillämpade. Tekniken innebar att kvinnan förberedde sig inför möten och effekten blev att hon i vissa frågor kunde påverka och bli mera synlig inom organisationen. Stödet från andra kvinnor var i några fall en förutsättning för denna maktstrategi. Manipulation var ytterligare ett sätt för kvinnorna att utöva makt och de nådde då sina mål genom att använda olika knep. Kunskap om genus skapar förutsättningar för kvinnor och män att bli medvetna om genus betydelse för den egna situationen i organisationen samt om maktinnehållet i genusrelationen. Kunskap kan också leda till insikter om att genus och organisation i vardagspraxis ömsesidigt påverkar varandra och att maktutövning är ett resultat av dessa samverkande krafter.
  • Arvidsson, Barbro, 1945- (author)
  • Group supervision in nursing care : a longitudinal study of psychiatric nurses' experiences and conceptions
  • 2000
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Inom hälso- och sjukvården betonas att vården ska ges utifrån ett patientorienterat sätt. Om sjuksköterskor skall kunna ge patienten god omvårdnad, måste de själva ha en god arbetssituation. Det blir allt vanligare att sjuksköterskor i arbetet utsätts för en mängd negativa psykiska påfrestningar, såsom hot och våld, som kan leda till stress. Stress kan också relateras till att sjuksköterskorna i sitt arbete ställs inför komplicerade etiska övervägande. Det är viktigt att få möjligheter att reflektera över vilka etiska principer och ställningstagande arbetet baseras på. En metod som möjliggör reflektion är grupphandledning i omvårdnad. Deltagarna i grupphandledning bör ha samma yrkesbakgrund och ledas av en utbildad handledare, som också har samma yrkesbakgrund, som de som deltager i handledning. I handledning reflekteras över genomförda omvårdnadssituationer utifrån frågor som Vad hände? Vilka etiska aspekter förekommer? Vad kan sjuksköterskan göra annorlunda om det händer igen? Det handlar om att genom reflektion undersöka hur sjuksköterskan agerar, gör bedömningar, tänker och känner i olika omvårdnadssituationer. I detta sammanhang kan hon/han få emotionell och teoretisk återkoppling, ges möjlighet att kritiskt granska och diskutera svåra ställningstaganden samt få alternativa handlingsmöjligheter. Det övergripande syftet med föreliggande studie var att granska och undersöka hur psykiatrisjuksköterskors professionella kompetens över tid förändrades genom grupphandledning i omvårdnad. Tre delstudier genomfördes. Undersökningsgruppen bestod av tolv psykiatrisjuksköterskor, fördelade på två grupper som erhöll handledning i omvårdnad under två år. Inför den första delstudien konstruerades två frågeformulär för att undersöka om deltagarna i grupphandledning upplevde trygghet, tillit och lärande under handledningssammankomsterna. Resultatet från delstudie 1 visar att psykiatrisjuksköterskorna i hög grad upplevde att handledningssammankomsterna karakteriserades av ett humanistiskt synsätt. Deltagarna upplevde stöd, hjälp och att man lyssnade på varandra samt att alla hade en inlevelseförmåga. Efter varje handledningssession skrevs dagbok över vad som hänt. Avsikten med dagboksanteckningarna var att få material som beskrev handledningssituationerna. En allmän kunskapsutvecklande handledningsmodell skapades av de i resultatet framtagna orden och formuleringarna. Handledningsmodellen kan användas vid uppbyggnad och genomförande av handledning och undervisning inom olika yrkesområden för att stimulera till ökad yrkesmässig utveckling. Delstudie 2 och 3 utgjordes av svar från intervjuer med deltagarna efter ett år och två år, under pågående handledning, samt fyra år efter avslutad grupphandledning i omvårdnad. Resultatet visar att psykiatrisjuksköterskorna kände ökad arbetstillfredsställelse. De förvärvade ökad kunskap och kompetens och fick förstärkt säkerhet i omvårdnadssituationer. Vidare uppfattade de att deras självförtroende ökat. Vid fyra årsuppföljningen framkom att psykiatrisjuksköterskornas yrkesidentitet hade förstärkts. De hade integrerat omvårdnadsperspektivet i det dagliga arbetet. Grupphandledning i omvårdnad bidrog till att deltagarna vidmakthöll styrka och hade kraft att fortsätta att arbeta. Psykiatrisjuksköterskorna önskade att grupphandledning i omvårdnad skulle utgöra en integrerad del i deras yrkesverksamhet. Efter avslutad handledning kvarstod känslan av gemenskap bland de som deltagit i handledning. I Sverige är omvårdnadsforskning på frammarsch och ger sjuksköterskor en god möjlighet till uppdatering och att bli mer avancerade och skickliga i sina uppgifter. Presenterade studie visar att grupphandledning i omvårdnad är ett sätt att få ökad medvetenhet om hur omvårdnadsforskningens resultat kan förklaras, tydliggöras och tillämpas. Grupphandledning i omvårdnad bör vara en naturlig del i sjuksköterskeutbildningen.
  • Fridell, Mats (author)
  • Kvalitetsstyrning i psykiatrisk narkomanvård : Effekter på personal och patienter
  • 1990
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Quasi-experimental study of effects of an organizational intervention on staff and patients over a 8 year perspective; Before, under and after an organizational change. Effects on staff are staff-turnover, fatigue and burnout (n=268) on Three wards including the intervention ward. Independent variables are staff demographics, education, experience, job status, sick-leave and responses on a burn-out inventory Effects on patients are dropout, goal-attainment Independent variables were demographics and psychiatric diagnoses, personality disorders and attitudes towards treatment (n=584).
  • Hartsmar, Nanny (author)
  • Historiemedvetande - Elevers tidsförståelse i en skolkontext
  • 2001
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Syftet med studien är att med utgångspunkt i undervisning gestalta och förklara grundskoleelevers historiemedvetande. Ett andra syfte med min studie är att lyfta fram och problematisera förutsättningar för att genom undervisning utveckla historiemedvetandet. Empirin består av tre delar: 1) associationer till "tid", "förr i tiden" och "framtid" (elever) 2) uppsatser (standardprov i årskurs 9) om dåtid, nutid och framtid 3) semistrukturerade intervjuer a) om historia som skolämne (elever och lärare) c) test av förmågan att placera historiska händelser och personer (som studerats i respektive klass) längs en tidslinje (elever) d) reflektioner om villkor för mänskligt liv i ett tidsperspektiv (elever) Valet av tre kvalitativt skilda empiridelar har skett för att få till stånd en "sammansmältning av förståelsehorisonter" där min förförståelse och erfarenhet av grundskoleelevers tidsmedvetande kunde utmanas. Genom associationerna närmar jag mig elevernas spontana yttringar kring "tid", "förr i tiden" och "framtid". Dessa yttringar analyseras, tolkas och jämförs därefter med de längre texter som uppsatserna bidrar med och sådant som framkommer i elev- och lärarintervjuerna.
  • Jakobsson, Anders (author)
  • Elevers interaktiva lärande vid problemlösning i grupp : En processtudie
  • 2001
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • This study gives an account of a teaching situation in the eighth grade with 20 student's aged 14-15. The students have worked with a scientific problem focussed on the greenhouse effect and the earth's global warming, based on a problem solving and information seeking way of working in groups. Their task has been to describe the phenomena and factors that influence the earth's global temperature in various ways. The students have worked in groups comprising 4-5 students per group and have had, at their disposal, access to ICT, books, articles and a special start and resource page on the Internet. The purpose of the study has been to account for the ways in which the students' cognition and knowledge develops during the problem solving process and what the factors are that influence learning. In order to describe this process all comments, assumptions, hypotheses and discussions have been documented using five video cameras. The students' cognitive and knowledge development as well as their understanding during the process has been continuously documented through the use of written tests and interviews. In this way it has been possible to assess the students' knowledge before, during and after the teaching period. A total of over 50 hours of video film and other material has been analysed. A central point of departure for the study has been the assumption that student learning occurs in social contexts and in linguistic interaction with other students. According to a socio-cultural and social constructivistic theory, knowledge develops through discussions when people communicate and try to understand one another. The results of the study point to discrepancies between different students' ways of tackling the problem. Students who show a marked cognitive and knowledge development pattern have more effective solving strategies than those whose development is not as marked. In order to explain the causes that lie behind these differences I have constructed five different "learning attitudes". These are: creators of meaning, constructors of knowledge, ethical evaluators, reproducers and maintainers of relationships. When these learning attitudes are related to the students' cognitive and knowledge development it becomes evident that the creators of meaning, constructors of knowledge and ethical evaluators have a predominantly stronger cognitive and knowledge development that the reproducers and maintainers of relationships. The study also shows that collaboration is an important factor in order to succeed during the problem solving process. Some productive collaborative types are: asymmetrical collaboration, collaboration that results in a change of perspective and collaboration that develops the students' learning attitudes.
  • Karlsudd, Peter (author)
  • Särskolebarn i integrerad skolbarnsomsorg
  • 1999
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The main idea behind the Swedish welfare state is to create a society accessible to all citizens by using to general measures. It is, therefore, important to avoid segregation and special solutions, and instead increase the standard of normal activities. The objectives and tasks of day centres for school-age children are the same for all children and the quality of the operations should be of a standard that satisfies the needs of all children. The aim of this study is to, find out whether the objectives of the activities are fulfilled, and to identify the conditions and factors connected with this, in the integrated school-age care system with the handicapped child in focus. In this study, a theory-generating method has been applied, in which questionnaire data were supplemented and extended by interviews. The study was carried out at 73 institutions in 19 municipalities and comprised 81 handicapped children between the ages of seven and twelve years. Based on the variables which have significant links with fulfilling the objectives, it is the integration process1s prerequisites and conditions which are highlighted. With the support of theories on branding, overall view and exchange, some models related to the field were generated. The results of the study show that the fulfilment of objectives is relatively good. Integration as a principle is well-established. Many children attending special schools are included in positive social relations and negative contacts are highly unusual. Increasing personnel resources - by employing a special employee to help the handicapped child - has proved important for the fulfilment of goals. Other measures that appear to reinforce the quality of operations are that personnel are offered guidance and further training, and that time is made available for observations and documentation. The need for guidance from specialists has proved considerable, according to this study. The care system for children of school age is preserving a tradition of integration, which must be developed and passed on. It is therefore necessary that these experiences come to the fore in the cooperation now taking place with schools and that the carriers of tradition are accorded real influence in future work.
  • Lindén, Gunilla (author)
  • Att bli fosterbarn i tonåren : Om frigörelsen från internaliserade föräldraobjekt
  • 1998
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The aim of the study is to improve on the understanding of the implications for adolescents of being placed in foster care. The basis for the study is that the adolescents´ previous relationship with their parents has significance for the manner in which the adolescents will handle the separation from the parents and how they will relate to foster parents. 27 adolescents aged 13-16 years were examined 2-3 months after placement and two years thereafter. Their "adaptation" was investigated in two different perspectives. The first perspective deals with the attitudes of the parents towards the adolescent prior to placement. "Adaptation" in this perspective is defined through three main questions: How does the adolescent´s relationship with their parents develop after placement? What is the adolescent´s relation to the foster parents? How do the adolescents develop in general: intellectually, emotionally and socially? The second perspective deals with the adolescent´s global experience of being a fosterchild. Differences in experience were examined in adolescents who continued to live with the foster parents two years after the initial placement as compared with those who left the foster home during this period. The findings within the two perspectives seem to converge into one specific point within the object-relation theory, namely the impact of the child´s - and adolescent´s is argued - need to be seen and confirmed by the primary objects, before genuine detachment is possible.
  • Olofsson, Sten-Sture (author)
  • Kvinnliga skolledares ledarstil i svensk grundskola
  • 1998
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The purpose of this study was to chart the situation of women principals. By the time the in-vestigation was made the whole amount of women principals in compulsory school was about 16 percent (90/91). Of 235 contacted women, 204 were serving as principals. 173 responded which means 85 percent. The study shows that responsibility rationality are important in women principals' work. They look after the well-being of their staff and pupils. 90 percent underscore the psychosocial environment, i.e. caring for pupils and staff. They solve conflicts mostly without prestige. And they have sensitivity to feelings, atmosphere and care about others. Over two thirds emphasize social relationships. On the other hand tasks like requiring technical rationality as supervising and distributing work, administration and physical environment are regarded as of less importance. But in reality these tasks take more and more time. This is confirmed by principals who have more than five years' experience. This situation is caused by straitened finances in the municipalities and the resultant moneysaving measures. To be as much pedagogic leader as possible they are trying to do administrative tasks at other times, e.g. immediately following the end of the school day or during evenings and weekends. Another problem is that many economic and administrative issues require meetings with controlling authorities, which leads to the principal not being in the school, and that is viewed negatively by the teachers. The problem is that everyday routines have the upper hand and issues which are time thefts. The leadership levels show that women principals are most in upper levels as transformation, initiation and support. A more professional leader is acting in these levels. The management styles are the persuasive (salesmanship). They use also the delegating style when the principals demonstrate that they have confidence in their coworkers. The principals have been analysed by four competencies. The study affirms that most of the women principals have outstanding personal and great social competencies. This is combined with ideological competence. Their strategic competence is somewhat uncertain.
  • Stenström, Ulf (author)
  • Psychological factors and metabolic control in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
  • 1997
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • This doctoral thesis consists of six studies concerning persons with insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM). The first two deal with relationships between life events, social support and metabolic control (HbA1C) over a two year period. For the female subjects, results obtained for this period were inconsistent. For the male group, negative life events and poor social support were found to be related to poor HbA1C values during the entire period. The results are discussed in terms of possible gender differences in stress responses, social support, and coping strategies. The third study investigated two groups of IDDM subject over a two-year period, one of them showing a ”major” and the other a ”minor” discrepancy between how they retrospectively perceived their quality of life to have changed and the change of their current quality of life assessed before and after the study period. Those exhibiting a ”major” discrepancy reported greater retrospective quality of life improvement, higher quality of life, greater well-being and a lesser ocurrence of negative life events than those with a ”minor” discrepancy did, despite their exhibiting poorer blood glucose values and a higher prevalence of incipient nephropathy. The results are discussed in terms of possible psychological defense strategies. The fourth study aimed at examining changes in quality of life, negative life events and metabolic control in IDDM subjects during a five year period beginning one year after their transition to multiple injection therapy with the insulin pen. For the group as a whole, quality of life was found to change only moderately, whereas metabolic control deteriorated significantly over time. However, two subgroups clearly differing in assessed quality of life, in the reporting of negative life events and in metabolic control patterns could be distinguished. The results are discussed in terms of the clinical suitability of a multiple injection regimen using the insulin pen. The fifth study concerned the relevance of different diabetes-related locus of control belief patterns to metabolic control. As hypothesized, subjects who exhibited a strong belief in internal control, in conjunction with a low degree of belief in control by chance, showed better metabolic control than those who displayed the opposite locus of control pattern. The results are discussed in terms of adaptation to the disease and in planning treatment of IDDM patients. The sixth study, finally, explored relationships between age, severe long-term complications and diabetes locus of control beliefs. No relationships between complications, age, and internal control beliefs were obtained. However, subjects with severe long-term complications displayed a stronger belief in chance than those without such complications. Also, older subjects expressed a stronger belief in control by powerful others and in control by chance than younger subjects did. Finally, subjects between 38 and 50 years of age with severe complications displayed stronger beliefs in powerful others than those within their age-group without such complications. The results are discussed in terms of how difficulties and demands that persons with diabetes face can interplay with locus of control beliefs.
  • Utas Carlsson, Karin (author)
  • Violence prevention and conflict resolution
  • 1999
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The objectives of the study were (1) to contribute to development of a theoretical basis for teaching violence prevention and conflict resolution, connecting the micro (inter-personal and intergroup) and macro (national, international and transnational) levels; and (2) to contribute to development of teaching methods with the aim of giving children skills in handling conflicts constructively. The perspective of the study is a social-psychological one where Human Needs Theory (Burton) plays an important role. This means that satisfaction of “basic human needs” is suggested as a goal or “navigation point” when building society at all levels. The empirical study was conducted from 1993 through 1996. Teaching methods — inspired by two teaching guides from the U.S. — were tried out in seven different classes where data collection was more extensive in one of them than in the other ones. It consisted of interviews with the children, their class teacher and a questionnaire to the parents. Diaries from the lessons were kept in all the classes. Individual and group response by the children, aged 10–12, was observed, analysed and interpreted. Opportunities for and obstacles to teaching violence prevention and conflict resolution are discussed on the basis of the findings. Important opportunities found were: a good theoretical framework; drawing from experiences of teaching programmes in other parts of the world; children’s interest in role plays (including forum plays); and a situation at school where many conflicts occur which provide ample opportunities for practice. One important obstacle was a discrepancy between skills taught in our lessons and children’s daily experiences. Lack of visions of change was another, related obstacle. This applies to adults and children alike. The author suggests training of pre-school and school teachers at all levels.
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