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Search: L773:0349 0416

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  • Alvarsson, Jan-Åke, 1952- (author)
  • Erfarenhet, epistemologi, kultur och livsavgörande beslut
  • 2019
  • In: Kungl. Humanistiska Vetenskaps-Samfundet i Uppsala Årsbok 2018-2019. - Uppsala : Kungl. Humanistiska vetenskaps-samfundet i Uppsala. - 0349-0416. ; , s. 85-100
  • Journal article (other academic/artistic)
  • Arvastson, Gösta (author)
  • Resan till akademien
  • 2008
  • In: Årsbok / Kungl. Humanistiska vetenskaps-samfundet i Uppsala = Annales Societatis litterarum humaniorum regiae Upsaliensis. - Uppsala : Kungl. Humanistiska vetenskaps-samfundet i Uppsala. - 0349-0416. ; , s. 123-132
  • Journal article (other academic/artistic)
  • Burman, Lars, 1958- (author)
  • Glömd kärlek : Om Torsten Rudeens dikter
  • 2019
  • In: Kungl. Humanistiska Vetenskaps-Samfundet i Uppsala. Årsbok. - Uppsala. - 0349-0416. ; 2017-2018, s. 37-41
  • Journal article (pop. science, debate, etc.)abstract
    • Forgotten Love. The Poetry of Torsten RudeenTorsten Rudeen (1661–1729) was a productive and much-appreciatedwriter of occasional poetry, especially during the 1680s, but his most notablecontribution to Swedish literature are his love poems, not least those tohis wife Anna (1675–1695). These were not printed in his own time andhave never been scholarly collected and edited, a reason why Rudeen todayis less known. His poetry on love and matrimony will, however, be publishedby Lars Burman in a critical edition in early 2019 (Svenska Vitterhetssamfundet).This article introduces Rudeen who harkened from Värmlandand studied at Uppsala University. He was appointed poëseos professorat Turku (Åbo) University in 1692 and Superintendent (Bishop) inKarlstad in 1709. He crowned his career as Bishop in Linköping. The articlediscusses the fate of lesser-known but interesting authorships, andhighlights the poetic immediacy of Torsten Rudeen’s sentiments, unusualfor the Swedish 17th century.
  • Börestam, Ulla, 1954- (author)
  • På bowlingen är vi flerspråkiga : Om språkvanor bland äldre nordiska migranter i Spanien
  • 2018
  • In: Skrifter utg av Kungl. Humanistiska Vetenskaps-Samfundet i Uppsala. Årsbok 2017-2018. - Uppsala. - 0349-0416. ; , s. 67-91
  • Journal article (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Ulla BörestamAt the bowling alley, we are multilingualLanguage habits among older Scandinavian migrants in SpainIn the wake of globalization, mobility in various forms has become more common. The tendency to move applies not least to older people who, in connection with retirement, choose to spend at least part of the year in a warmer country, a phenomena known as “International Retirement Migration” (IRM). In this article, I report on a study of language habits among a group of older Scandinavian migrants on the Spanish Mediterranean coast. Their language habits have been investigated by using language diaries and interviews, but also by fieldwork. At the same time as these people are aging, a linguistic reorientation of secondary language character (Spanish), must take place, as well as an activation of previously learnt foreign language skills (especially English and German). The study shows that the senior migrants live in a multilingual environment rather than in a Spanish one and that knowledge of different languages – including Spanish – is used in a flexible and pragmatic way, well according to the demands of the situation.
  • Fridell, Staffan, 1952- (author)
  • En småländsk Hamlet
  • 2021
  • In: Kungl. Humanistiska Vetenskaps-Samfundet i Uppsala Årsbok. - 0349-0416. ; 2020-2021, s. 83-86
  • Journal article (other academic/artistic)
  • Henrikson, Paula (author)
  • Dramatikern Stagnelius
  • 2005
  • In: Årsbok / Kungl. Humanistiska vetenskaps-samfundet i Uppsala = Annales Societatis litterarum humaniorum regiae Upsaliensis. - Uppsala. - 0349-0416. ; , s. 123-130
  • Journal article (other academic/artistic)
  • Hermelin, Ingeborg, et al. (author)
  • Olof Hermelins Elegi om fältlivets vedermödor
  • 1984
  • In: Kungl. Humanistiska Vetenskaps-samfundet i Uppsala. Årsbok 1983-84. - 0349-0416. ; , s. 43-66
  • Journal article (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Utgiven med inledning, översättning och kommentar
  • Höghammar, Kerstin, 1950- (author)
  • Lokal demokrati i Halasarna, Kos
  • 2019
  • In: Kungliga Humanistiska Vetenskapssamfundet i Uppsala. Årsbok 2018-2019. - UPPSALA. - 0349-0416. ; , s. 161-171
  • Journal article (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • This paper describes democracy at a local level in the city-state of Kos c.200 BC. In the Greek city-states, civil servants included both civic and cultofficials. I investigate a group of temple officials, priests and hieropoioi, inthe deme of Halasarna, and present my results concerning their socio-economic standing in society, i.e. that a large part of these officials belong towhat we in modern terms would call the lower middle class. I also relatethe results to the present dominating view on the political development inthe city-states during the Hellenistic period (c. 320–30 BC), viz. that democracy in reality ceased to exist as a small wealthy elite took power. Myresults show that on Kos, democracy was practised on a local level in theearly second century BC.In order to clarify what ancient Greek democracy entails, I present somesimilarities and differences between ancient democracy and modern parliamentary democracy. I also list the most significant traits of ancient democracy, for instance that it is direct (all full citizens can form part of the decision-making group), exclusive (only the grown male part of the populationwith both parents citizens were full citizens) and only exceptionally can acitizen hold a post for more than one or two years running.
  • Károly, László, 1974- (author)
  • Derived and compound nouns in Turkic
  • 2020
  • In: Kungl. Humanistiska Vetenskaps-Samfundet i Uppsala, Årsbok. - 0349-0416. ; 2019-2020, s. 171-193
  • Journal article (other academic/artistic)
  • Kronning, Hans (author)
  • Kunskapens källa och kunskapens styrka : Epistemisk konditionalis i franskan som evidentiellt och modalt grammatiskt uttryck
  • 2004
  • In: Kungl. Humanistiska Vetenskaps-Samfundet i Uppsala. Årsbok.: Annales Societatis Litterarum Humaniorum Regiae Upsaliensis. - 0349-0416. ; Årsbok 2002, s. 43-123
  • Journal article (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • La source du savoir et la force du savoir. Le conditionnel épistémique du français en tant que marqueur grammatical médiatif et modalDans cette étude, nous examinons un emploi particulier du conditionnel en français : le conditionnel épistémique (/Selon le porte-parole de l’Élysée,/ le président serait malade.). Cet emploi connaît une véritable pléthore de dénominations différentes dans la littérature grammaticale et linguistique : le conditionnel (a.) « journalistique », (b.) d’« altérité énonciative », (c.) de « citation », (d.) du « on-dit », (e.) des « ouï-dire », (f.) de l’« incertitude », (g.) du « probable », (h.) de la « non-prise en charge ». Nous essayons dans ce travail d’articuler les aspects sémantiques et pragmatiques du conditionnel épistémique que reflètent ces dénominations dans une théorisation cohérente, basée, du point de vue empirique, sur l’étude de corpus qui sont aussi bien « journalistique » (cf. a.) que scientifique et littéraire, tant écrits qu’oraux.Étayée sur des considérations typologiques, l’hypothèse fondamentale que nous émettons dans cette étude est la suivante : le conditionnel épistémique est un marqueur grammatical mixte, médiatif et modal, qui exprime la source du savoir transmis par l’énoncé (médiation épistémique) (cf. b.-e.) et la force de ce savoir (modalisation épistémique) (cf. f.-h.). Le conditionnel épistémique indique, plus précisément, que le contenu épistémique médiatisé est emprunté à autrui (cf. b.-e.) et que le locuteur de l’énoncé refuse de prendre ce contenu en charge (cf. h.).Cette hypothèse fondamentale, qui découle naturellement de notre analyse globale du conditionnel français, esquissée au début de ce travail, est élaborée à l’aide d’une analyse polyphonique du conditionnel épistémique. Selon cette analyse, trois instances discursives sont inscrites dans la signification invariante du conditionnel épistémique : l’instance modalisante, l’instance médiatisante et l’instance source.L’instance modalisante (le « sujet modal », le « locuteur en tant que tel », le « locuteur de l’énoncé », l’« énonciateur ») opère une modalisation zéro du contenu emprunté de l’énoncé. La modalisation zéro est un refus de ”prendre en charge” ce contenu.L’instance médiatisante (le « locuteur en tant qu’être du monde », le « locuteur metteur en scène », le « locuteur du discours ») est le sujet cognitif qui construit le discours. Cette instance, qui n’a pas de « voix » et qui, partant, ne peut modaliser, emprunte le contenu épistémique de l’énoncé à l’instance source, qui peut tout aussi bien être un tiers spécifique qu’une collectivité aux contours plus au moins précis, et elle met en scène l’instance modalisante qui opère la modalisation zéro de l’énoncé. En tant que sujet cognitif, l’instance médiatisante est dotée d’une attitude épistémique vis-à-vis du contenu médiatisé – « incertitude » (cf. f.) ou « certitude » –, état mental accessible à l’interprétant uniquement au cas où l’instance médiatisante aurait introduit des indices (ou une représentation) de cet état mental dans le contexte extérieur au domaine de médiation, séquence discursive qui transmet l’information empruntée.L’instance source est responsable de l’énoncé primaire dont le contenu épistémique, plus précisément le dictum, est emprunté par l’instance médiatisante et soumis subséquemment à la modalisation zéro par l’instance modalisante. Le conditionnel épistémique relève donc de la médiation épistémique (l’« évidentialité », le « médiatif ») et non de la médiation énonciative (le « discours rapporté ») : ce qui est médiatisé par le discours rapporté n’est pas un contenu épistémique, mais un acte d’énonciation (avec son contenu épistémique). À ce propos les propriétés des cadres de discours introduits par des syntagmes prépositionnels du type Selon Y sont longuement discutées. Si le hic et nunc de l’acte d’énonciation primaire accompli par l’instance source n’est donc pas rendu par le conditionnel épistémique, ce marqueur fait pourtant allusion à cet acte, allusion qui est responsable de la valeur argumentative de nature modale du conditionnel épistémique. Cette valeur argumentative est d’orientation positive et tend vers le « probable » (cf. g.) et le « vrai » : Le président serait malade, *mais (de fait) il l’est.En vertu de sa signification invariante, le conditionnel épistémique remplit de multiples fonctions pragmatiques de nature argumentative, discursive et rhétorique.Du point de vue argumentatif, le conditionnel épistémique est convoqué dans le discours pour rendre possible la confirmation ou l’infirmation (directes ou indirectes) de sa valeur argumentative intrinsèque dans le contexte extérieur au domaine de médiation. En l’absence de toute confirmation ou infirmation de cette valeur argumentative intrinsèque, le conditionnel épistémique présente subrepticement le contenu médiatisé comme plutôt « vrai » ou du moins « probable », tout en permettant au locuteur de l’énoncé de refuser de prendre ce contenu en charge.Du point de vue discursif, le conditionnel épistémique contribue à constituer et/ou à délimiter différents types d’unités textuelles (domaines de médiation, cadres de discours médiatifs et locatifs, domaines de discours médiatifs, diverses unités textuelles subordonnées aux cadres et domaines de discours).Du point de vue rhétorique, le conditionnel épistémique crée des « effets » particuliers en exploitant la distanciation modale et médiative qu’accomplit ce marqueur grammatical.
  • Legnér, Mattias, Professor, 1973- (author)
  • Skyddet av statliga samlingar i svenska museer, arkiv och bibliotek i händelse av krig, ca 1914–2018
  • 2022
  • In: Kungl. Humanistiska Vetenskaps-Samfundet i Uppsala. Årsbok 2020–2021. - Uppsala : Kungl. Humanistiska Vetenskaps-Samfundet i Uppsala. - 0349-0416. ; , s. 101-135
  • Journal article (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The protection of state-owned museums, archives and libraries in Sweden in case of war, c. 1914–2018 This essay investigates how parts of the collections of public museums, archives and libraries were to be evacuated in case of an armed conflict in Sweden in the 20th and early 21st centuries. It is based on previously classified archival documents, public inquiries and policies. The author has studied the protection and uses of cultural heritage in war-time Scandinavia. This research is further developed in the present essay by presenting a timeline up to year 2018.     An important reason for this research is the worsening of the international security in the Baltic Sea region since the Russian occupation of the Crimean peninsula. The Swedish Contingency Agency (Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap) and the National Heritage Board (Riksantikvarieämbetet) have commissioned the author to study the development of policies in Sweden and to analyse the current situation both domestically and internationally. Much of the previous experience from preparing Swedish society for war have been forgotten over the years as the civil defense was disassembled.     The results of the project are only partially accounted for here, leaving out most of the international context and focusing the domestic historical development. A study of the archives of state agencies that historically have had the responsibility to coordinate evacuation planning have not been possible to include in the present paper. The project continues and will result in publications promising to give a more complete picture.     The first preparations for protecting collections in case of war were made in the autumn of 1914, but the measures taken then were limited to some central government archives in Stockholm together with some of the elite collections in the capitol. As war became more imminent in Spring 1939, preparations were made anew. This time action was more urgent since there was the fear of air war with possibly devastating consequences for civil society. Large volumes of archives, museum and book collections were evacuated from Stockholm to mansions and castles at a presumably safe distance from the capitol, which was expected to be bombed if Sweden was attacked. After the war a completely new organisation for civil defense was developed. The issue of evacuation of cultural property was investigated for some time, and in the early 1960s policies were put in place to better coordinate and prioritise the needs for evacuation in war-time.      The level of preparedness seems to have peaked a decade later, when the policies had begun to become implemented. Plans were however hampered by the fact that there were never sufficient safe spaces to move even the most valuable parts of the collections to, and although a new and bomb-proof building was erected for the National Archives (Riksarkivet), the equivalent was not built for central museums or for the Royal Library (Kungl. Biblioteket) during the Cold War (1945–91). There were plans to reinforce existing bomb-proof shelters in Stockholm and to build a few more for collections, but these plans dit never fit into the budget of so called “total defense”, which included civil defense. Instead, as much as possible of the collections were to stay in Stockholm, whereas objects that could be moved without risking their condition were to be evacuated mostly to old masonry buildings such as mansions or churches in the countryside.     In the 1980s and the 1990s the total defense began to be dissassembled in Sweden, a process that resulted in its complete dissolution in the beginning of the new millennium. There was no longer any military threat to Sweden. By this time most of the Cold War preparedness of the heritage sector seems to have passed into oblivion, since there were other and more pressing issues to deal with. More recently, the international development in Europe has led to a decision to once again rebuild a total defense in Sweden. MSB was given the task of coordinating the plans for evacuation of central heritage institutions in Stockholm in 2018, but evacuation plans are missing and the work to increase the level of preparedness of these institutions has merely begun. The relatively high level of preparedness that existed in the early 1970s had taken more than a decade to develop. The study shows that it takes time to for institutions to build preparedness, and that it has to be properly planned and coordinated in order to carry out measures swiftly and efficiently when it becomes necessary. Finally, it is suggested that MSB should establish and lead a committee with representatives from the major state institutions managing collections in order to implement the law on evacuation.
  • Melander, Björn, Professor, 1958- (author)
  • "Inte antingen eller, utan mycket mer en mosaik av möjligheter" : Svenskan som EU-språk 20 år senare
  • 2021
  • In: Kungl. Humanistiska Vetenskaps-Samfundet i Uppsala. Årsbok. - Uppsala : Kungl. Humanistiska Vetenskaps-Samfundet i Uppsala. - 0349-0416. - 9789198240566 ; 2019-2020, s. 115-152
  • Journal article (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Sweden joined the European Union in 1995, and thus, in 2020, has been a member of the union for a quarter of a century. Entering the EU was a major political event in the history of Sweden, and it had consequences for many spheres of society, including linguistic matters. Membership meant that Swedish became one of the official languages of the EU, and hence a part of the union’s large translation and interpreting services. But did that mean that Swedish representatives could use Swedish when working in various EU bodies? And if not – what languages were used instead? Did English suffice, or could only polyglots represent Sweden in the EU? To answer such questions, in 1999 I conducted surveys with Swedish MEPs, with delegates of the Economic and Social Committee and of the Committee of the Regions and finally with civil servants working at the Swedish Government Offices, regarding their use of different languages in various settings.I have now repeated these surveys, in order to see what has happened during the two decades that have passed since I did my first inquiry. Many things have changed in the course of this time, both within Sweden and within the EU, and it is interesting to compare the situation now and then. This time around, I also supplemented the surveys with interviews with translators and interpreters working in various EU bodies in Brussels and Luxemburg.The results show that the use of English has generally increased. This holds for both reading and writing. When speaking, too, the Swedish delegates often employ English. Only in the most formal setting, i.e., the plenaries, is Swedish the most frequently used language. With respect to interpretation, however, I found a small upturn of the delegates’ choosing to listen to Swedish. The increased use of English in most settings in the EU institutions furthermore means that the difference between the politically elected representatives and the civil servants – where my earlier study showed a much higher usage of English in the latter group – has now disappeared.Especially in the interviews with the interpreters, it is suggested that the Swedish delegates today have a more strategic and pragmatic approach to the choice of language and in a more conscious way vary what language to employ according to the situation, as compared to the situation 20 years ago when there was more of an either-or attitude regarding this. The results of the surveys give some support for this, but this question should be investigated further. However, if true, this might be a reflection of a more common societal trend where switching and even mixing languages according to pragmatic considerations has become a less controversial phenomenon.
  • Müller, Gernot (author)
  • Heinrich von Kleists replik till 'ut pictura poesis'-doktrinen
  • 2005
  • In: Kungl. Humanistiska Vetenskaps-Samfundet i Uppsala. Årsbok 2003. - 0349-0416. ; Årsbok 2003, s. 75-92
  • Journal article (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Die im 18. Jahrhundert - nicht zuletzt durch Lessings Laokoon-Schrift von 1766 verabschiedete Formel von der Poesie als redender Malerei und der Malerei als stummer Poesie ("ut pictura poesis") scheint in der 1808 von kleist mitherausgegebenen Zeitschrift "Phöbus" zu neuem Leben erweckt. Ein näheres Studium von Kleists Gesamtwerk zeigt, dass unterschiedliche Formen des Zusammenspiels von Bild und Text die Werkgeschichte gleichsam wie ein Ariadnefaden durchziehen. Diese Entwicklung setzt um 1800 mit den ikonischen Projektionen in Kleists frühen Briefen ein und setzt sich fort bis zum Esaay "Über das Marionettentheater" aus dem Jahre 1810 mit seinen den Kunstgeschmack der Zeit provozierenden Allusionen auf die niederländische Genremalerei. Einen Sonderfall im Blick auf Kleists Poesie aus dem Geist der Malerei bildet das Lustspiel "Der zerbrochne Krug". Im Rahmen des ästhetischen Programms der Zeitschrift "Phöbus" lässt sich dieses Lustspiel als "Bildgedicht auffassen, mit dem Kleist Lessings Frage "von den Grenzen der Malerei und Poesie" neu erörtert.Die Transformation des Gemäldes "Le juge de village" von Jean Philibert Debucourt, die Kleist in seinem Lustspiel vornimmt, erweist sich zugleich als Vorbehaltgegen die idealistische Ästhetik des deutschen Klassizismus Weimarer Prägung.
  • Obrtelová, Jaroslava, 1972- (author)
  • From Oral to Written : Selected Points of Divergence Between Oral and Written Wakhi Narratives
  • 2021
  • In: Kungl. Humanistiska Vetenskaps-Samfundet i Uppsala. Årsbok. - Uppsala : Kungl. Humanistiska Vetenskaps-Samfundet i Uppsala. - 0349-0416. ; 2019-2020, s. 219-230
  • Journal article (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Wakhi är ett östiranskt pamirspråk i minoritetsställning som talas i gränsområdena mellan fyra länder: Tadzjikistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan ochKina. Språket är nära omgärdat av andra språk och påverkas av starkt utvecklade majoritetsspråk vilka används i officiell kommunikation ,media, religion och utbildning. I Tadzjikistan, där min forskning genomfördes, är det gängse språket för kommunikation tadzjikiska, och under lång tid var wakhi endast ett talat språk. Under de senaste åren har dock wakhi-talare gjort stora ansträngningar för att bevara och utveckla sitt modersmål. I Tadzjikistan har dessa aktiviteter lett till skapandet av ett alfabet och publicerandet av ett antal skrivna verk på wakhi.     Denna nya situation för wakhi väckte min nyfikenhet kring den språkliga påverkan av en sådan utveckling på språket. Föreliggande artikel sammanfattar resultaten av en textlingvistisk studie av berättelser på wakhi som utfördes som en del av mina doktorandstudier. Studien fokuserade på de språkliga medel som är sammanhangsskapande på text- och syntaxnivå. Dessa grepp beskrivs och jämförs med avseende på deras diskurs-pragmatiska funktioner i muntliga och skriftliga berättelser på wakhi. Studien baserades på en stor korpus av muntliga och skriftliga berättelser som samlats bland wakhi-talare och -författare i Tadzjikistan.     Artikeln diskuterar tre sorters skillnader mellan muntliga och skriftliga berättelser på wakhi. På textnivå finns det en stor skillnad i den standardform som används för att markera nya utvecklingar. I muntliga wakhi-berättelser signaleras normalt nya utvecklingar genom en typ av”sedan”-konstruktion och med minimal hänvisning till berättelsens karaktärer (vanligtvis är personliga pronomen tillräckliga). Tvärt emot detta är nya utvecklingar i skriftliga berättelser vanligtvis markerade genom användandet av specifika sätt för att referera till karaktärerna (såsom fullständiga substantiv och demonstrativa pronomen). En följd av denna förändring är försvagandet och till och med bortfallet av tabu (en ovilja att uttryckligen nämna vissa övernaturliga personligheter vid namn) i skriftlig wakhi, till skillnad från talad wakhi där företeelsen är vanligt förekommande.     På meningsnivå finns en väsentlig skillnad när det kommer till tidsbisatser. Muntliga berättelser på wakhi tenderar att ha dessa bisatser framförställda huvudsatsen, vilket i diskurspragmatiska termer innebär att de förmedlar bakgrundsinformation. Å andra sidan tenderar tidsbisatserna i skriftliga berättelser att vara efterställda huvudsatsen och dessa förmedlar å sin sida förgrundsinformation; de för med andra ord handlingen framåt.Denna avvikelse, som troligen är ett resultat av språkkontakt, indikerar att övergången från muntligt till skriftligt språk också innebär strukturella förändringar.     Den tredje punkten som behandlas är evidentialitet. På wakhi görsen betydande skillnad mellan bevittnade och icke-bevittnade berättelser. Denna skillnad återspeglas främst i verbformerna, vilka påverkas med avseende på deras förhållande till det deiktiska centrumet, snarare än på grundval av tempus, som i tadzjikiska. När det kommer till evidentialitet finns det ingen större skillnad mellan det muntliga och skriftliga språket. Men väsentliga skillnader kan ses mellan de autentiska wakhi-genrerna(t.ex. sanna berättelser, lokala sägner) och genrer som antagits från andra språk med en tradition av skriftlig litteratur (t.ex. sagor). Vidare kan en liknande tendens ses med avseende på hur mycket berättarna kommit i kontakt med tadzjikiska.     Eftersom framtida wakhi-författare troligen kommer att vara mer utbildade än genomsnittet och följaktligen kommer att vara mer i kontakt med litterär tadzjikiska är det möjligt att uppkomsten av en skriftlig wakhi-litteratur kommer att ha en inverkan på de utmärkande lingvistiska dragen i den traditionella wakhi-litteraturen, vilket i slutändan kan bidra till att göra språket än mer utrotningshotat.
  • Raag, Raimo, 1953- (author)
  • Att tävla i ordskapande : Ett sätt att modernisera ett standardspråks ordförråd
  • 2013
  • In: Kungl. Humanistiska Vetenskaps-Samfundet i Uppsala. Årsbok.. - Uppsala. - 0349-0416. ; 2011, s. 99-114
  • Journal article (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Since 1963 the general public in Estonia has participated in the modernisation of the general lexicon of the Estonian standard variety by sending proposals for neologisms to the printed press and commenting on proposals presented by others. The main forum for this is the cultural weekly Sirp ja Vasar (‘The Hammer and the Sickle’; now renamed Sirp ‘The Hammer’). These activities resulted in almost a thousand neologisms being introduced within the first fifteen years, several of which did develop a life in the general lexicon. In 1972 the neologising movement found a new manifestation: a word-making competition arranged in order to find Estonian equivalents of periphrastic moods of expression, compound words, and recent loanwords, often highly conspicuous. Up to the present, six such competitions have been organised: in 1972, 2002 (three competitions), 2010 and 2012. The mode of procedure of the word-making competitions in Estonia is straightforward: the organisers publish a list of words and expressions for which they invite the general public to create fitting Estonian equivalents, and a jury consisting of linguists and other professionals judges the proposals received and introduces the prize-winning words in the press. If the jury considers several proposals for the same concept fitting, all such proposals are awarded and published. This is done in the conviction that time and “natural selection” will decide the matter by sifting out unfit synonyms. Several dozens of words gained by word-making competitions are current in contemporary standard Estonian, e.g. kohuke ‘bar of sweetened quark glazed in chocolate’, pardel ‘electric razor’, püksikud ‘briefs’, taidlus ‘amateur performances’, lõimimine ‘integration’, rakkerühm ‘task force’, põuepommar ‘suicide bomber’, and kohalikud valimised ‘local government (or municipal) elections’. Similar undertakings have been organised also in other countries, e.g. Finland, Sweden, and Iceland, from which the Estonian ones differ in being carried out invariably as word-making competitions, and not as public voting between several candidates for new words coined by some language planning authority.
  • Ramsay, Gail, 1955- (author)
  • Egyptiska bloggare : Del av en tradition och ett uppror
  • 2012
  • In: Årsbok/Kungl. Humanistiska Vetenskaps-Samfundet i Uppsala. - Uppsala. - 0349-0416. ; , s. 109-130
  • Journal article (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • In this paper I present five popular Egyptian bloggers who blog in Arabic and show their posts to be activist, at times breaking taboos with regard to what may be said publicly about the president, the government and State Security. While doing this they also adhere to a deep-seated Arabic tradition of using cultural instruments of expression. From the vantage point of Sabry Hafez’ (2011) findings with regard to despondency and gloom in Arabic literary texts from the 1900s, we find these bloggers to be vexed with the pervasive corruption, harassment from State Security and lack of democratic rights such as freedom of speech and rule of law in their society. With Hoda Elsadda (2010 and 2012) we also perceive these bloggers to be creative while voicing vibrant and diverse views in their posts. No matter how activist or radical the blogger emerges, a substantial instrument of expression may be derived from the Arabic cultural tradition of poetry in the service of resistance.The bloggers according to popularity ranking when they were selected during 2010: (1) Wael Abbas (Wāʾil ʿAbbās), (2) Abdel Moneim Mahmoud (ʿAbd al-Munʿim Maḥmūd), (3) Ashraf al-Anany (Ashraf al-ʿAnānī), (4) Nawara Negm (Nawwāra Najm), (5) Ahmed Shokeir (Aḥmad Shuqayr).
  • Robardey-Eppstein, Sylviane (author)
  • Den metateatraliska dimensionen i Victor Hugos dramatik
  • 2004
  • In: Kungl. Humanistiska Vetenskaps-Samfundet i Uppsala: Annales Societatis Litterarum Humaniorum Regiae Upsaliensis. - Uppsala : Kungl. Humanistiska vetenskaps-samfundet i Uppsala. - 0349-0416. ; , s. 211-214
  • Journal article (other academic/artistic)
  • Ronström, Owe, 1953- (author)
  • Öhistorier
  • 2022
  • In: Kungl. Humanistiska Vetenskaps-Samfundet i Uppsala Årsbok. - Uppsala : Kungl. Humanistiska Vetenskaps-Samfundet i Uppsala. - 0349-0416. ; , s. 49-74
  • Journal article (other academic/artistic)
  • Stenmark, Mikael, 1962- (author)
  • Scientism, humaniora och vetandets gränser
  • 2017
  • In: Kungl. Humanistiska Vetenskapssamfundet i Uppsalas årsbok. - 0349-0416. ; , s. 55-69
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Idenna essä vill jag beskriva och analysera en verklighetsuppfattning ellervärldsbild som kanske inte alltid uppmärksammas men som har ett avsevärtinflytande på vår samtid. Inte minst skriver många av dess företrädare bästsäljareinom den populärvetenskapliga genren och sprider inte bara naturvetenskap utanockså sin verklighetsuppfattning till en bredare allmänhet. Jag tänkte alltså presenteraoch närmare granska vad som på engelska kallas för ”scientism” eller som dennaverklighetsuppfattning ibland kallas på svenska, ”vetenskapstro”. Jag avser ocksådiskutera några konsekvenser en sådan förståelse av verkligheten får för vårsyn på vår vardagliga livsvärld, humaniora och vetandets gränser och varför vii slutändan bör ställa oss tveksamma inför en sådan världsbild ellerlivsåskådning.
  • Stenström, Thure, 1927- (author)
  • Dag Hammarskjöld och fransk litteratur. Avec un résumé en francais
  • 2013
  • In: Kungl. Humanistiska Vetenskaps-Samfundets i Uppsala, Årsbok 2011. - Uppsala. - 0349-0416. ; :1, s. 67-97
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Vid sidan av Carl von Linné, Anders Celsius och August Strindberg är Dag Hammarskjöld Uppsala universitets internationellt mest kände lärjunge. Han påbörjade sin bana som romanist (högsta betyget i franska i fil kand), och utökade under hela livet sin stora beläsenhet i fransk skönlitteratur. Tidigare forskning har väsentligen sysslat med hans svenska och engelskspråkiga orientering, men uppsatsen korrigerar denna missvisande bild genom att kartlägga hans franska läsvanor (Montaigne, Pascal, Jacques Rivière m fl). Dag Hammarskjölds berömda meditationsbok "Vägmärken" (1963) kommer därmed i delvis nytt ljus.
  • Stoeva-Holm, Dessislava (author)
  • I vänskapens tjänst
  • 2015
  • In: Årsbok / Kungl. Humanistiska vetenskaps-samfundet i Uppsala. - 0349-0416. ; , s. 129-148
  • Research review (other academic/artistic)
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journal article (54)
research review (5)
review (1)
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other academic/artistic (40)
peer-reviewed (14)
pop. science, debate, etc. (6)
Helander, Hans (3)
Sundell, Lars-Göran, ... (3)
Raag, Raimo, 1953- (1)
Nilsson, Ingela, 197 ... (1)
Berglund, Lars (1)
Lindegren, Jan (1)
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Landgren, Bengt (1)
Wessler, Heinz Werne ... (1)
Nyström, Staffan, 19 ... (1)
Alanen, Lilli (1)
Maier, Ingrid, 1951- (1)
Alvarsson, Jan-Åke, ... (1)
Nordberg, Bengt (1)
Arvastson, Gösta (1)
Saxena, Anju, 1959- (1)
Kytö, Merja (1)
Hellström, Pontus (1)
Óskarsson, Veturliði ... (1)
Ronström, Owe, 1953- (1)
Cöllen, Sebastian, d ... (1)
Burman, Lars, 1958- (1)
Bani-Shoraka, Helena (1)
Stoeva-Holm, Dessisl ... (1)
Beach, Hugh, 1949- (1)
Tikkanen, Karin West ... (1)
Károly, László, 1974 ... (1)
Sten, Sabine, 1956- (1)
Karlsson, Lars, 1957 ... (1)
Legnér, Mattias, Pro ... (1)
Strandberg, Svante (1)
Melander, Björn, Pro ... (1)
Börestam, Ulla, 1954 ... (1)
Ekroth, Gunnel, Prof ... (1)
Williams, Henrik (1)
Cederlöf, Gunnel (1)
Henrikson, Paula (1)
Sorelius, Gunnar, 19 ... (1)
Herschend, Frands, 1 ... (1)
Pedersén, Olof (1)
Erlandsson, Susanna, ... (1)
Stenmark, Mikael, 19 ... (1)
Müller, Gernot (1)
Swahn, Sigbrit (1)
Fridell, Staffan, 19 ... (1)
Mårtensson, Lasse, 1 ... (1)
Hermelin, Ingeborg (1)
Höghammar, Kerstin, ... (1)
Ramsay, Gail, 1955- (1)
Kronning, Hans, 1953 ... (1)
Kronning, Hans (1)
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Uppsala University (57)
University of Gothenburg (1)
Umeå University (1)
Stockholm University (1)
University of Gävle (1)
Mid Sweden University (1)
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Södertörn University (1)
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