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  • Aspegren, Anders, et al. (author)
  • Storbritanniens satsning på tidig detektion av cancer med hjälp av flytande biopsier – beskrivning och analys
  • 2023
  • Reports (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Det pågår omfattande studier, framför allt i USA och Storbritannien, som undersöker möjligheterna att införa screening med hjälp av blodprover för tidig upptäckt av ett flertal cancerformer, så kallade MCED (Mulitple Cancer Early Detection). Ännu har inget faktiskt screeningsprogram med MCED-screening initierats i världen. I Sverige ställs idag höga krav på evidens från studier för att ett screeningprogram ska kunna införas. Det pågår studier som adresserar frågan om screening, men än så länge saknas mycket information. Med utgångspunkt i denna rapport kan därför inte en initiering av MCEDscreening i Sverige rekommenderas i dagsläget. För att vara i framkant bör Sverige dock följa området nogsamt. Grail är ett väletablerat företag som i augusti 2021 blev uppköpt av Illumina, ett företag som 2020 rapporterade en vinst på 2,34 miljarder USD. Företaget har stora ambitioner för framtida screeningprogram och kan bedömas ha de resurser som krävs att genomföra essentiella studier. De har säkrade medel och genomför projekt för att utveckla sin produkt för att fungera i en screeningsituation. Storbritanniens stora pågående studie ”NHS-Galleri Clinical Trial” beräknas publicera nya resultat under 2023. Om denna studie faller ut väl planeras en utvidgning av studien som ska omfatta en miljon personer. Denna större studie beräknas kunna avslutas 2030. Data att följa i nämnda ovanstående studie är bland annat: - Hur stor population ännu icke diagnostiserade utgör, i empiriska siffror - Utvecklingen av testmetoden gällande sensibilitet och sensitivitet - Patientnyttan, t.ex. ökar överlevnaden mot dagens siffror - Risken för överdiagnostik - Kostnader och logistik som kommer belasta sjukvården En problematik med MCED-screening är att testernas specificitet och sensitivitet behöver vara tillräckligt tillförlitliga för att det inte skall belasta snarare hjälpa samhället. Det är osannolikt att dessa värden kommer att vara 100-procentiga, men hur bra dessa värden bör vara innan man inför en screening är öppet för diskussion, däri ligger problematiken. I rapporten förklaras dessa begrepp i mer detalj. Det bör nämnas att Grail redan har kunnat presentera en ökad prestanda utifrån preliminära resultat ifrån pågående studier som presenterats i en så kallad sub-studie, där sensitivitet, sensibilitet och ”Tissue of Origin” (TOO) har förbättrats ytterligare gällande tolv olika cancerformer. Beräkningar i vår rapport har nyttjat dessa värden för att söka ge en bild över vad som kan förväntas vid ett införande av en Grail-MCED-screening i Sverige. För de tolv cancerformerna kan beräkningarna sammanfattas enligt; - Under förutsättning att det finns adekvat behandling att erbjuda vid tidigare diagnostik, kommer det ske en markant förskjutning av i vilket stadie som diagnostiserade individer detekteras och förhoppningsvis behandlas. Idag behandlas cirka 40 -45% av de cancerdiagnostiserade i stadie III/IV, att jämföras mot de beräknade 6% vid införande av årlig screening. - Ökningen av antalet individer som skulle överleva sin cancer uppskattas till mellan 3 - 5 000 individer, utöver de cirka 9 000 som överlever med hjälp av dagens diagnostik/behandling. - 25 – 35% kostnadsreducering både vad gäller direkta kostnader och samhällskostnader, extrapolerat från IHE rapport (1). Vi har dock inte tagit hänsyn till de kostnadsökningar ett införande av en MCED-screening skulle innebära. Det reella värdet av rapportens beräkningar bör vägas mot de empiriska data som kommer produceras av NHS studie av Grails metod. Starka avvikelser (”positiva/negativa”) från empiriska data kan då ligga till grund för om och i så fall hur pass snabbt man vill driva införande av MCED screening i Sverige. Rapportens sammantagna bedömning är att de av Socialstyrelsen uppsatta kriterier för införande av en screening, inte är uppfyllda i dagsläget. Men vi har även försökt visualisera vad som skulle komma att ske med dagens diagnostiserade cancerpatientgrupper om en MCED-screening införs i ålderspopulationen 40 – 80 år (96% av dagens diagnostiserade), på de tolv cancerformer som metoden visar bäst sensibilitet/sensitivitet mot. Dessa tolv cancerformer utgör 36% av dagens diagnostiserade patienter. Trots att ett införande av screening inte är att rekommendera i dagsläget, finns det alternativ att ta ställning till; - Endast avvakta utredningarna i Storbritannien (till 2023, eller till 2030). - Avvakta utredningarna men initiera samtal med beslutsfattare som styr över de ekonomiska medel som kan bistå med satsningar på större Grailtester i Sverige - Avvakta utredningarna, men initiera samtal med både NHS och Grail i syfte att behålla momentum i detta första initiativ till utredning. Författarnas uppfattning är att Grails teknik är signifikant och kommer med stor sannolikhet bedömas som tillämpbar för MCED-screening i framtiden.
  • Aspegren, Henrik, et al. (author)
  • Nationell styrning behövs för at förebygga översvämningar och vattenbrist
  • 2018
  • In: Göteborgs-Posten. - 1103-9345.
  • Journal article (pop. science, debate, etc.)abstract
    • DebattTillgången till vatten kan inte längre ses som en lokal fråga utan måste ses ur ett bredare perspektiv, som kräver en samordning som är ny för Sverige. Det behövs sammanhängande nationell styrning och en strategi med helhetssyn på vattenfrågan, skriver nio svenska vattenexperter som kommer att debattera detta ämne under politikerveckan i Almedalen.
  • Berndtsson, Ronny, et al. (author)
  • Drivers of changing urban flood risk : A framework for action
  • 2019
  • In: Journal of Environmental Management. - : Elsevier. - 0301-4797 .- 1095-8630. ; 240, s. 47-56
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • This study focuses on drivers for changing urban flood risk. We suggest a framework for guiding climate change adaptation action concerning flood risk and manageability in cities. The identified key drivers of changing flood hazard and vulnerability are used to provide an overview of each driver's impact on flood risk and manageability at the city level. We find that identified drivers for urban flood risk can be grouped in three different priority areas with different time horizon. The first group has high impact but is manageable at city level. Typical drivers in this group are related to the physical environment such as decreasing permeability and unresponsive engineering. The second group of drivers is represented by public awareness and individual willingness to participate and urbanization and urban sprawl. These drivers may be important and are manageable for the cities and they involve both short-term and long-term measures. The third group of drivers is related to policy and long-term changes. This group is represented by economic growth and increasing values at risk, climate change, and increasing complexity of society. They have all high impact but low manageability. Managing these drivers needs to be done in a longer time perspective, e.g., by developing long-term policies and exchange of ideas.
  • Bernstad, Anna, et al. (author)
  • Collaboration Outcomes
  • 2013
  • In: Modern Solid Waste Management in Practice: the City of Malmo Experience. - London : Springer London. - 2191-530X. ; , s. 69-74
  • Book chapter (peer-reviewed)
  • Bernstad, Anna, et al. (author)
  • From Idea to Reality: The City as a Test Bed
  • 2013
  • In: Modern Solid Waste Management in Practice: the City of Malmo Experience. - London : Springer London. - 2191-530X. ; , s. 21-67
  • Book chapter (peer-reviewed)
  • Bernstad, Anna, et al. (author)
  • Future Challenges
  • 2013
  • In: Modern Solid Waste Management in Practice: the City of Malmo Experience. - London : Springer London. - 2191-530X. ; , s. 85-93
  • Book chapter (peer-reviewed)
  • Bernstad, Anna, et al. (author)
  • Life cycle assessment of a household solid waste source separation programme: a Swedish case study.
  • 2011
  • In: Waste Management & Research. - 1096-3669. ; 29, s. 1027-1042
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • The environmental impact of an extended property close source-separation system for solid household waste (i.e. a systems for collection of recyclables from domestic properties) is investigated in a residential area in southern Sweden. Since 2001, households have been able to source-separate waste into six fractions of dry recyclables and food waste sorting. The current system was evaluated using the EASEWASTE life cycle assessment tool. Current status is compared with an ideal scenario in which households display perfect source-separation behaviour and a scenario without any material recycling. Results show that current recycling provides substantial environmental benefits compared to a non-recycling alternative. The environmental benefit varies greatly between recyclable fractions, and the recyclables currently most frequently source-separated by households are often not the most beneficial from an environmental perspective. With optimal source-separation of all recyclables, the current net contribution to global warming could be changed to a net-avoidance while current avoidance of nutrient enrichment, acidification and photochemical ozone formation could be doubled. Sensitivity analyses show that thetype of energy substituted by incineration of non-recycled waste, as well as energy used in recycling processes and in the production of materials substituted by waste recycling, is of high relevance for the attained results.
  • Bernstad, Anna, et al. (author)
  • Local strategies for efficient management of solid household waste - the full-scale Augustenborg experiment.
  • 2012
  • In: Waste Management & Research. - 1096-3669. ; 30, s. 200-212
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • A system with property-close source-separation of thirteen different solid household waste fractions in a residential area in southern Sweden, including the implementation of new systems for source-separation of food waste, waste electric and electronic equipment, hazardous waste and fat, oils and grease was monitored over a 2-year period. Continuous weighing of disposed waste and repeated waste composting analyses were used to investigate recycling behaviour of households in the area and to monitor the composition of disposed waste. Results show that 34% of the total amount of generated waste was currently diverted to material recycling. The removal of recyclables from residual waste could be significantly increased, as more than 80% of all waste in the area (bulky waste excluded) was either covered by the Producer Responsibility Ordinances on packaging and newspaper or constitutes food waste suitable for biogas production. Food waste still represented almost 30% of all residual waste in the study area and was thus the fraction with the greatest potential (on weight basis) for increased source-separation.
  • Bernstad, Anna, et al. (author)
  • New Projects, Building on Previous Experience
  • 2013
  • In: Modern Solid Waste Management in Practice: the City of Malmo Experience. - London : Springer London. - 2191-530X. ; , s. 75-83
  • Book chapter (peer-reviewed)
  • Bernstad, Anna, et al. (author)
  • Preface
  • 2013
  • In: Modern Solid Waste Management in Practice: the City of Malmo Experience. - London : Springer London. - 2191-530X. - 9781447162636
  • Book chapter (other academic/artistic)
  • Bernstad, Anna, et al. (author)
  • Property-close source separation of hazardous waste and waste electrical and electronic equipment - A Swedish case study.
  • 2011
  • In: Waste Management: international journal of integrated waste management, science and technology. - : Elsevier BV. - 1879-2456. ; 31, s. 536-543
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Through an agreement with EEE producers, Swedish municipalities are responsible for collection of hazardous waste and waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE). In most Swedish municipalities, collection of these waste fractions is concentrated to waste recycling centres where households can source-separate and deposit hazardous waste and WEEE free of charge. However, the centres are often located on the outskirts of city centres and cars are needed in order to use the facilities in most cases. A full-scale experiment was performed in a residential area in southern Sweden to evaluate effects of a system for property-close source separation of hazardous waste and WEEE. After the system was introduced, results show a clear reduction in the amount of hazardous waste and WEEE disposed of incorrectly amongst residual waste or dry recyclables. The systems resulted in a source separation ratio of 70wt% for hazardous waste and 76wt% in the case of WEEE. Results show that households in the study area were willing to increase source separation of hazardous waste and WEEE when accessibility was improved and that this and similar collection systems can play an important role in building up increasingly sustainable solid waste management systems.
  • Bernstad, Anna, et al. (author)
  • The City of Malmo as a Case Study
  • 2013
  • In: Modern Solid Waste Management in Practice: the City of Malmo Experience. - London : Springer London. - 2191-530X. ; , s. 13-16
  • Book chapter (peer-reviewed)
  • Bernstad, Anna, et al. (author)
  • The Way Forward
  • 2013
  • In: Modern Solid Waste Management in Practice: the City of Malmo Experience. - London : Springer London. - 2191-530X. - 9781447162636 ; , s. 95-95
  • Book chapter (other academic/artistic)
  • Davidsson, Åsa, et al. (author)
  • Assessment of Biogas Production from Source Separated. Fat, Oil and Grease (FOG) from Households
  • 2010
  • In: Proceedings of the IWWG 3rd international symposium on energy from biomass and waste. Venice, Italy 8-11 November 2010. - 9788862650083
  • Conference paper (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Waste in form of fat, oil and grease (FOG) is generated where food is prepared or consumed, e.g. in households. If collected properly, the household FOG could be interesting for biogas production. This fraction has been source-separated and collected separately in a residential area in Malmö, Sweden. The biogas potential has been evaluated by mesophilic digestion experiments. Both single-substrate digestion of two different FOG fractions and co-digestion of FOG with WWTP sludge or food waste could be achieved in batch laboratory tests. Potential methane production from all FOG (from households and restaurants) in Malmö could in total amount to 1.7-2.8 GWh/year. This makes up about 7-12% of the total methane production from sludge digestion at the largest wastewater treatment plant in the same city.
  • Gustavsson, David, et al. (author)
  • Anammox in the mainstream – what is the problem?
  • 2012
  • In: Journal of Water Management and Research –Vatten. - 0042-2886. ; 68, s. 195-208
  • Journal article (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • When Swedish wastewater treatment plants were rebuilt to include enhanced nitrogen removal, anaerobic ammoniumoxidation (anammox) was far from being a mature technology. During the 2000s, the process has beenintroduced into sludge liquor treatment worldwide. The step to introduce anammox in the mainstream is decreasing,but lab- and pilot-scale studies on real municipal wastewater are yet lacking. However, several pilotstudies are ongoing or will be started shortly. Difficulties to introduce anammox in the mainstream are stillmany. Anammox is favored by a separate treatment step for COD removal, by outcompeting nitrite oxidiserswith the help of low oxygen concentrations, intermittent aeration and competition with anammox bacteria fornitrite, and by having a long solid retention time. Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR), granular reactors, andactivated sludge with hydrocyclones to recirculate anammox granules in the excess sludge, are the most promisingsystems. Sjölunda wastewater treatment plant in Malmö, Sweden, has a separate step for COD removal anddenitrification is based on an MBBR for post-denitrification with methanol. VA SYD is now starting a pilotproject to study the nitritation-anammox process in the mainstream in an MBBR with the aim of achieving arobust process, and to be able to use the already existing MBBRs for anammox in the mainstream.
  • Haghighatafshar, Salar, et al. (author)
  • Conceptualization and Schematization of Mesoscale Sustainable Drainage Systems: A Full-Scale Study
  • 2018
  • In: Water. - : MDPI AG. - 2073-4441. ; 10:8
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) can be considered the joint product of water engineering and urban planning and design since these systems must comply with hydraulic, hydrologic, and social-ecological functions. To enhance this joint collaboration, a conceptual model of mesoscale SuDS is introduced based on the observed rainfall-runoff responses from two catchments with SuDS and a pipe-bound catchment. The model shows that in contrast to pipe systems, SuDS disaggregates the catchment into a group of discrete mini catchments that have no instant connection to the outlet. These mini catchments start to connect to each other (and perhaps to the outlet) as the rainfall depth increases. It is shown that the sequence of stormwater control measures (SCMs as individual components of SuDS) affects the system's overall performance depending on the volumetric magnitude of the rainfall. The concept is useful in the design and implementation of mesoscale SuDS retrofits, which include several SCMs with different retention and detention capacities within a system.
  • Haghighatafshar, Salar, et al. (author)
  • Hydroeconomic optimization of mesoscale blue-green stormwater systems at the city level
  • 2019
  • In: Journal of Hydrology. - : Elsevier BV. - 0022-1694. ; 578
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • The development of tools to help cities and water utility authorities communicate and plan for long-term sustainable solutions is of utmost importance in the era of a changing and uncertain climate. This study introduces a hybrid modeling concept for the cosimulation of mesoscale blue-green stormwater systems and conventional urban sewer networks. The hybrid model successfully introduces the retention/detention effects of mesoscale blue-green stormwater systems to the hydraulic dynamics of the sewer network. The cosimulation package was further facilitated with a cost-oriented multiobjective optimization algorithm. The aim of the scalar multiobjective optimization was to minimize the total cost comprising both flooding costs and action costs – both parameters solely representing the financial components of cost – through optimal placement of mesoscale blue-green systems of optimal size. The suggested methodology provides a useful platform for sustainable management of the existing sewer networks in cities from a hydroeconomic perspective.
  • Haghighatafshar, Salar, et al. (author)
  • Management of urban floods based on tolerable consequences in an uncertain future
  • 2022
  • In: Proceedings of the 39th IAHR World Congress (Granada, 2022). ; , s. 6955-6963
  • Conference paper (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Precipitation is intrinsically associated with high uncertainty, which is exacerbated exponentially over time—especially concerning climate change. However, the current design practice in urban drainage infrastructure remains firmly bound to deterministic assumptions regarding the design load. This approach is too simplified—focusing only on the return period of the design event—and ignores the complexity of drainage systems, the potential changes in catchment hydrology and the at-risk valuable assets within. Therefore, the current design approach is inherently an unsustainable practice that cannot deal with extreme uncertainties associated with urban drainage and flood resilience in changing climate and society. This paper examines the current deterministic design practice and encourages a collective discussion on the need for a paradigm shift in the engineering of pluvial floods toward a risk-based design. We believe that adopting a risk-based design will partially address the uncertainty and complexity of climate and urban drainage, respectively, although a method for the new practice in a risk-based design paradigm must be developed.
  • Haghighatafshar, Salar, et al. (author)
  • Paradigm shift in engineering of pluvial floods: From historical recurrence intervals to risk-based design for an uncertain future
  • 2020
  • In: Sustainable Cities and Society. - : Elsevier BV. - 2210-6707. ; 61
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Precipitation is intrinsically associated with high uncertainty, which is exacerbated exponentially over time—especially concerning climate change. However, the current design practice in urban drainage infrastructure remains firmly bound to deterministic assumptions regarding the design load. This approach is too simplified—focusing only on the return period of the design event—and ignores the complexity of drainage systems and the potential changes in catchment hydrology and the at-risk valuable assets within. Therefore, the current design approach is inherently an unsustainable practice that cannot deal with extreme uncertainties associated with urban drainage and flood resilience in changing climate and society. This paper examines the current deterministic design practice and encourages a collective discussion on the need for a paradigm shift in the engineering of pluvial floods toward a risk-based design. We believe that adopting a risk-based design will partially address the uncertainty and complexity of climate and urban drainage, respectively, although a method for the new practice in a risk-based design paradigm must be developed.
  • Haghighatafshar, Salar, et al. (author)
  • Storm-water management in Malmö and Copenhagen with regard to climate change scenarios
  • 2014
  • In: Vatten: tidskrift för vattenvård /Journal of Water Management and research. - 0042-2886. ; 70:3, s. 159-168
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • The current status of storm-water management in the neighbor cities of Copenhagen and Malmö was studied with respect to present measures and the implemented systems in both cities. Application of blue-green solutions in the outer parts of Malmö started in the 1990s; hence collaboration between different departments in the municipality is more structured in the city of Malmö while in Copenhagen the process is still based on traditional pipe systems and CSO management with the exception of Ørestad. However, more blue-green solutions are to be applied in Copenhagen in the coming years. Concerning the climate adaptation plans in regard to the Three Points Approach (3PA), Copenhagen has determined the required framework for adaptation of the inner parts of the city with regard to extreme rainfalls (Cloudburst Management Plan in Copenhagen) while Malmö has focused on implementation of open systems in the suburbs taking design rain criteria into account.
  • Hosseini, Seyyed Hasan, et al. (author)
  • Evaluation of a new X-band weather radar for operational use in south Sweden
  • 2020
  • In: Water Science and Technology. - : IWA Publishing. - 0273-1223 .- 1996-9732. ; 81:8, s. 1623-1635
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • The performance of a new type of X-band Weather Radar (WR) for Sweden during a pilot run is studied. Compared to the conventional C-band WRs, the X-band WR covers a smaller area but with a higher spatiotemporal resolution, making it suitable for urban hydrological applications. Rainfall estimations from different elevation angles of the radar (levels) are compared at one-minute and single-event timescales with the observations of several rain gauges at different ranges using hyetographs. In general, the estimations aligned well with observations and the best match appeared for ranges as long as 5–10 km. Seemingly, radar estimations suffered from overshooting of lower lying showers by higher level scans in longer ranges (19–30 km) and from the reflectivity contamination due to moving objects in short ranges (<1 km). Also, the effective range of the radar dropped sharply for the moments when a cloudburst was located over the radar. Although various sources of error could affect the X-band WR rainfall estimates, higher resolution spatiotemporal rainfall monitoring for wider areas will benefit from an integration of data from a network of X-band WRs.
  • Hosseini, Seyyed Hasan, et al. (author)
  • Kombinerade X-bandsanläggningar som väderradar : Jämförelse med etablerade metoder för regnmätning
  • 2022
  • Reports (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • In this research report, a new methodology has been developed in order to integrate several X-band radar data sets in to one complete set. Furthermore, a direct and an indirect evaluation have been conducted compared to stationary rain gauges and C-band radar. In the indirect analysis, the input data sets were integrated into runoff models for Ellinge and Lundåkra WWTP where the results were compared to measured incoming flow to the sewage plants.
  • Johannessen, Åse, et al. (author)
  • Klimatförändring inte enda orsak till översvämningarna
  • 2018
  • In: Dagens Nyheter. - 1101-2447.
  • Journal article (pop. science, debate, etc.)abstract
    • DN DEBATT 30/3. Översvämningar lyfts ofta som klimatfrågor eller som behov av skydd mot extrema väderhändelser. Då glöms andra viktiga orsaker bort, som hur vi använder marken och utvecklar bebyggelse. Tyvärr finns stora problem med styrningen av vattenhanteringen i dag, som bidrar till att skapa problem i stället för att förebygga dem, skriver åtta vattenexperter.
  • Johannessen, Åse, et al. (author)
  • Tiden har runnit ikapp Sverige : Sju principer för god vattenstyrning och hantering
  • 2019
  • In: Vatten: tidskrift för vattenvård /Journal of Water Management and research. - 0042-2886. ; 75:4, s. 371-381
  • Journal article (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • We argue in this paper that Swedish urban areas have several urgent challenges when it comes to water governance and we propose seven principles for addressing them. Climate change and urban growth call for swift action to manage both water scarcity and flooding in an integrated way. This paper focuses on the municipal level for which we argue that there is a need for a more systematic approach. The seven principles require an engaged and knowledgeable political force at national, regional and municipal level. We call for governance at river basin level, better risk prevention in planning, adequate incentives to invest in nature-based solutions, adapted legislation, adapted organisation and strategic collaboration, increased citizen engagement, and knowledge support from research. We also mention some of the well-functioning and promising initiatives that already make a difference in today’s urban water governance and management.
  • Laster Grip, Isabelle, et al. (author)
  • A methodology for the assessment of compound sea level and rainfall impact on urban drainage networks in a coastal city under climate change
  • 2021
  • In: City and Environment Interactions. - : Elsevier BV. - 2590-2520. ; 12:December 2021
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • This study seeks to investigate how stormwater drainage systems in coastal cities respond to climate change in terms of simultaneous sea level rise and rainfall. 7.5 years of recorded rainfall and sea level data in the city of Trelleborg in Sweden were used to generate projections of future climate events based on the emission scenario RCP8.5. Twelve scenarios were formulated to represent rain and sea level in today’s (reference)- and future climate. Future rainfall was computed using regional climate model data together with the Delta Change Method. Sea-related data was represented with two variables, namely an average sea level and storm surges. The average sea level was calculated to reflect seasonal variation using a second-order Fourier analysis whilst raw gauge data was used to capture the storm surges. The two sea variables were then scaled to represent future projections of sea level rise and storm surges in the study area. The performance of the drainage system was simulated with MIKE Urban 1D model and the results were expressed through two indicators, number of flooded nodes and flood frequency. The results of this study reveal a tipping point is likely to be found between years 2075 and 2100, after which storm surges become a major driver for overwhelmed drainage system. It was also found that pluvial floods may become more likely and frequent during winters as time progresses. This has a great implication when deciding on adaptation measures.
  • Lipnizki, Frank, et al. (author)
  • Resilient water innovation for smart economy with membrane technology
  • 2023
  • Conference paper (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • The European project ‘REsilient WAter Innovation for Smart Economy’ (REWAISE) aims to establish a novel ‘smart water ecosystem’ by integrating an advanced digital infrastructure for decentralized water services and decision-making, engaging all stakeholders to highlight the actual value of water. The approach will reduce the consumption of freshwater and energy while also recovering valuable nutrients and resources. The outcome will be a carbon-neutral, sustainable hydrological cycle that adheres to the principles of a resilient circular economy.Membrane technology has been identified as one of the enablers to achieve the goals of the REWAISE project. In the project membrane technology will be used in various concepts e.g.:•Urban stormwater and rainwater harvesting•Low energy brackish- and seawater desalination•Mining ground water recovery•Biomethane recovery and upgrading In the South of Sweden the REWAISE project aims to develop and install pilot membrane units for the harvesting of rain water. The results from a first pilot study using water from a local stormwater pond in the town of Lund (Sweden) showed that it was possible to efficiently reduce micropollutants and microplastics plus even to a certain degree heavy metals. The result showed that the polished water was able to be classified close to class ‘A’ according to the guideline EU 2020/741 allowing its use on agricultural products for human consumption. Based on the promising pilot results currently a full-scale system for a new housing complex in Malmö (Sweden) is currently under development. The work underlines that membranes can have an important role in a new ‘smart water ecosystem’.AcknowledgementsThe research is partly funded by the REWAISE ‘Resilient Water Innovation for Smart Economy’ project under the European Horizon 2020 programme, project No. 869496.
  • Mottaghi, Misagh, et al. (author)
  • Integrated urban design and open storm drainage in our urban environments : Merging drainage techniques into our city’s urban spaces
  • 2016
  • In: Water Practice & Technology. - : IWA Publishing. - 1751-231X. ; 11:1, s. 118-126
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Flooding is the most common natural hazard in Europe. Cities cannot rely only on underground solutions which are expensive and inflexible. In order to reduce the negative impacts of flood, open and surface solutions play a key role in the efficiency of urban drainage systems. Utilizing the earth’s surface as part of sustainable water infrastructure, also as powerful element for creating the space, adds multiple values to our urban environments. This article suggests a framework to increase the likelihood of turning the idea of flood resilient city to a best practice. The paper is clarifying the design principles. The target is turning a space to a functional place by applying drainage techniques in urban design, which requires robust local integration between the urban space and technical solutions. The study of storm water management in the Swedish and Dutch contexts was an important base for this formulation. Considering the important share of urban design in urban transition success, the paper is focusing on categorizing the required steps of flood resilient urban design.
  • Roth, Sara, et al. (author)
  • The compound impact of rainfall, river flow and sea level on a watercourse through a coastal city: Methodology in making
  • 2024
  • In: City and Environment Interactions. - 2590-2520. ; 23
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Due to climate change, future weather conditions will become more extreme. During recent years, several severe damages have been caused by heavy rainfalls in combination with riverine events. Even though the effects of compound events are known to be influential for flood hazard, the method for investigating these types of events is a novel area of expertise. In this study, a methodology was developed to investigate a watercourse, acting as a part of a stormwater drainage system in an urban coastal area, in a hydrodynamic model to find areas prone to flooding. The method was applied for Ståstorpsån in Trelleborg, Sweden. The model was a unified model for seasonal variability and compound events with scenarios developed based on series of data representing normal values of the boundary conditions rainfall, river flow and sea level. The result was analysed graphically and statistically as a flood hazard. The data used was based on data collected during the past 10 years for rain and sea level and 16 years of simulated river flow. The constructed rain events from gauge data all had a return time of less than 10 years. Therefore, the chosen events are considered to represent normal levels. For Trelleborg, the results from the hydrodynamic model indicate that compound events will increase the flood hazard with anincreasing time horizon. The visual analysis converges with earlier flood events, and hotspots are generally seen around bridges and culverts. For the studied area, there is a large seasonal variation in the flood hazard and with climate change, all seasons will cause more severe flood hazards. The effects experienced during a summer event, which is the most severe event today, are to be expected for all seasons in 2100. The effect seen during summer eventsis a combination of all three drivers. However, rain intensity is likely to be more influential for normal events. When a certain threshold value for sea level is reached, sea level becomes the most influential driver, overtaking the other drivers in importance.
  • South, Nicholas, et al. (author)
  • Väderradarteknik inom VA-området : Test av metodik
  • 2019
  • Reports (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The report consists of a literature study of X-band weather radar technology, a comparison of rain data between an X-band radar facility near Lund and rain gauges, an analysis of flow- and sewage overflow data during rain events and implementation ideas of the X-band radar.
  • Sörensen, Johanna, et al. (author)
  • Re-thinking urban flood management – time for a regime shift
  • 2016
  • In: Water. - : MDPI AG. - 2073-4441. ; 8:8
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Urban flooding is of growing concern due to increasing densification of urban areas, changes in land use, and climate change. The traditional engineering approach to flooding is designing single-purpose drainage systems, dams, and levees. These methods, however, are known to increase the long-term flood risk and harm the riverine ecosystems in urban as well as rural areas. In the present paper, we depart from resilience theory and suggest a concept to improve urban flood resilience. We identify areas where contemporary challenges call for improved collaborative urban flood management. The concept emphasizes resiliency and achieved synergy between increased capacity to handle stormwater runoff and improved experiential and functional quality of the urban environments. We identify research needs as well as experiments for improved sustainable and resilient stormwater management namely, flexibility of stormwater systems, energy use reduction, efficient land use, priority of transport and socioeconomic nexus, climate change impact, securing critical infrastructure, and resolving questions regarding responsibilities.
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