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  • Edin, Kerstin E, 1952- (author)
  • Perspectives on intimate partner violence, focusing on the period of pregnancy
  • 2006
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Målet med denna avhandling var att undersöka partnerrelaterat våld mot kvinnor i Sverige från olika perspektiv och med ett särskilt fokus på graviditetsperioden. Syftet var: 1) att ta reda på barnmorskors erfarenheter, attityder och rutiner angående partnerrelaterat våld mot gravida kvinnor inom mödravården; 2) att utforska hur personer som arbetar inom olika program för våldsbenägna män (inom och utom kriminalvården) talar om manligt och kvinnligt och om partnerrelaterat våld, speciellt i förhållande till graviditet; och 3) att belysa kvinnors erfarenheter av att bli och vara gravid samtidigt som de var utsatta för våld i relationen, samt deras möten med barnmorskorna på mödravårdscentralen. Data för tre studier samlades in under åren 1998-2003 med kvantitativa och kvalitativa metoder. En enkät skickades till alla yrkesverksamma mödravårdsbarnmorskor i Västerbotten och analyserades statistiskt och med innehållsanalys. Forskningsintervjuerna utfördes och analyserades enligt ’grundad teori’ (för att skapa teoretiska förklaringsmodeller), ’diskursanalys’ (för att visa hur ett gemensamt språkbruk konstruerar ’sanning’) och ’narrativ metod’ (för att tolka och återberätta innebörden i personliga berättelser). Resultaten från de studier som lade grunden till denna avhandling visar på problemets komplexitet, både från de professionellas och från kvinnornas perspektiv. Barnmorskorna (artikel I) var yrkeskunniga men också kunniga om partnerrelaterat våld mot kvinnor, men utan PM eller andra riktlinjer, så blev de osäkra och ställde sällan direkta frågor eftersom ämnet ansågs vara känsligt och tabubelagt. De professionella (artikel II-III) som arbetade med våldsbenägna män i olika program (inom eller utanför kriminalvården) krävde att män skulle ta ansvar för sitt våld. De ansåg att våldsamma män var tämligen vanliga män men avvikande i särskilda avseenden såsom i samspel, kommunikation, nära relationer och i deras kvinnosyn. De professionella beskrev stereotyper om könsskillnader och hur aggressivitet kan starta på olika sätt hos olika typer av män och ansåg också att graviditet kan utlösa konflikter och våld. Likväl så ingick i programmen vanligtvis inte känsliga frågor, om t.ex. graviditet och samlevnad, och trots en god vilja och avsikt att skapa en ’ny maskulinitet’, så tycktes deras strategier och tankegångar rent av kunna motverka deras egna goda syften. De nio intervjuade kvinnorna (artikel IV) som hade varit utsatta för våld beskrev hur deras liv hade varit komplicerade och blivit till en mardröm då deras hjärtevän hade förvandlats till en förövare. Två kvinnor bröt upp från sina relationer under graviditeten på grund av livshotande våld medan de andra för det mesta höll uppe en fasad och dolde det pågående våldet inför barnmorskan och andra alltmedan de gick balansgång mellan hopp och förtvivlan eller väntade på rätt tidpunkt att ge sig av. Förutom kvinnornas berättelser om partnerrelaterat våld under graviditet (artikel IV) så presenterades två professionella grupper och deras gemensamma svårigheter gällande tabun och känsliga frågor utanför det man vanligtvis sysslade med i sin profession (artikel I-III). Barnmorskorna var yrkeskunniga men hade ingen handlingsplan för att kunna bemöta och identifiera komplexiteten i våldsutsatta gravida kvinnors situation som ofta består i att dölja och balansera. De professionella i program för män konfronterade tydligt mäns våld och hade ambitionen att utmana deras maskulinitet, men då de i samtalen exempelvis förbisåg att ta upp vissa känsliga frågor kan utfallet ifrågasättas.
  • Nyström, Sofia, 1977- (author)
  • Becoming a professional : A longitudinal study of graduates'  professional trajectories from higher education to working life
  • 2009
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The study has a longitudinal design where Political Science and Psychology graduates’ have been interviewed on three consecutive occasions; the last semester before graduation, the first year and then, in the third year of professional work. The theoretical frame of reference comprises a situated and social learning theory and a gender perspective. These theories were chosen since they elaborate on concepts such as identity, practice, participation and learning.The results indicate that becoming a professional is not an isolated phenomenon merely learned and nurtured in higher education and/or in working life. It is emphasised as a dynamic learning process between a reflective individual, the interaction with a professional practice as well as a relationship between other spheres of life, e.g. the personal and the private. The graduates’ professional trajectories can be characterised by a movement from appropriating new knowledge to a need to change direction, e.g. new work tasks or professional fields. This is also a process of professional identity formation. The graduates’ professional identity is emphasised as being both closely related to a gender identity and influenced by the individuals’ belonging to and participation in other practices. The results thus indicate that professional identity formation is an interplay between different spheres of life that changes over time. By using a longitudinal design, it can be claimed that becoming a professional requires balancing one’s whole life situation.
  • Omer-Salim, Amal, 1964- (author)
  • Mothers’ Agency in Managing Breastfeeding and Other Work in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania and New Delhi, India
  • 2015
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Combining breastfeeding and other forms of work is desirable from both public health and labour productivity perspectives. This is often challenging, especially in low- or middle-income fast-growing urban settings. The aim of this thesis was to gain a deeper understanding of mothers’ perspectives on combining breastfeeding and other work in the urban contexts of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and New Delhi, India. Individual semi-structured interviews were conducted with community mothers (n=8) and health worker mothers (n=12) in Dar es Salaam, and mothers working in the health (n=10) and education sectors (n=10) in New Delhi. The methods of analysis were:  qualitative content analysis, grounded theory approach, and directed and general inductive content analyses. Mothers’ agency manifested in several ways. Striving to integrate or segment the competing domains of home and work was a goal of these mothers to reduce conflicts in managing breastfeeding and other work. Spatial and time constraints led mothers to engage in an array of carefully planned actions and troubleshooting tactics that included ways of ensuring proximity between them and their baby and efficient time managing. The timing of these strategic actions spanned from pregnancy, over maternity leave, to the return to employment. Managing breastfeeding and work triggered emotions such as stress, frustration and guilt, but also satisfaction and joy. Mothers negotiated with family, employers, colleagues and informal networks to gain support for their strategies, displaying both individual, collective and proxy agency. Changing family structures and roles highlight the potentially greater supportive role of the partner/husband. Work/Family Border Theory and Bandura’s agency constructs provided frameworks for a deeper understanding of mothers’ perspectives, but using existing family relationship constructs would better diffentiate between various modes of agency. Workplaces and maternity protection conditions were generally inadequate. Interventions are required: to strengthen the breastfeeding mother’s own agential capacity using an individual approach; to provide information to families and communities; to improve regulatory, structural and attitudinal conditions at workplaces, and to strengthen health and social services to adequately support mothers in managing breastfeeding and other work.
  • Stolpe, Karin (author)
  • Att uppmärksamma det väsentliga : Lärares ämnesdidaktiska förmågor ur ett interaktionskognitivt perspektiv
  • 2011
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Den här avhandlingen syftar till att belysa lärares ämnesdidaktiska förmågor i naturvetenskap. Jag fokuserar på tre olika förmågor som är centrala för lärare, nämligen lärares professionella seende, deras automatiska agerande samt deras förmåga att berätta narrativ. Den teoretiska utgångspunkten för avhandlingen är det som jag kallar för det interaktionskognitiva perspektivet. Tre olika aspekter av interaktion behandlas, interaktion mellan individen och hennes omgivning, interaktion mellan individen och andra individer samt interaktion mellan två olika kunskapsformer – den deklarerbara och den intuitiva kunskapen – som bearbetas i det explicita respektive det implicita minnessystemet. Modellen om de två minnessystemen är således central i den här avhandlingen och jag behandlar hur dessa båda minnessystem samverkar så att deklarerbara och intuitiva kunskaper tar sig i uttryck i form av förmågor. Informanterna i de ingående studierna utgörs av såväl lärarstudenter som erfarna lärare som undervisar om, berättar om eller löser problem med ett naturvetenskapligt innehåll, med särskild tyngdpunkt på ekologi. Datainsamlingen har främst bestått i intervjuer, såväl semistrukturerade som stimulated recall-intervjuer. Dessutom har data samlats in genom att undervisning har videofilmats och att informanter har beskrivit sin undervisning i loggböcker. Resultaten visar att vi kan urskilja tre olika aspekter av lärares professionella seende: uppmärksamma, identifiera och känna igen. Förmågan att uppmärksamma det väsentliga i en komplex miljö, exempelvis att finna en viss typ av gräs bland andra gräs, är starkt förknippad med förmågan att känna igen. Dessa förmågor bygger på intuitiv kunskap och är därmed en långlivad förmåga. Att identifiera, dvs. att kunna sätta ett namn på gräset, är däremot en deklarerbar kunskap som är snabbt avklingande relativt lärtillfället. Vidare visar resultaten att förmågan att agera automatiskt är starkt situerad och därmed sammanlänkad med lärandemiljön, elevgruppen och det specifika innehållet. Automatiskt agerande bygger på erfarenhet (igenkänning) av en specifik situation vartill ett beteende är kopplat. En lärare behöver inte själv vara medveten om sitt agerande eftersom detta är en intuitiv kunskap. Den intuitiva kunskapen verkar dessutom vara en viktig del av berättelser. Studenterna kunde upp till ett år efter lärtillfället återberätta grunddragen i en historia. Däremot visade det sig att de exakta vetenskapliga termerna, dvs. den deklarerbara kunskapen, till stor del hade bytts ut mot mer vanligt förekommande termer. Jag vill poängtera värdet av både intuitiv och deklarerbar kunskap i lärarutbildningen.
  • Bjerneld, Magdalena (author)
  • Images, Motives, and Challenges for Western Health Workers in Humanitarian Aid
  • 2009
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • This thesis presents how humanitarian aid workers were attracted, motivated, recruited, and prepared for fieldwork, and how they reported their work experience directly from the field and when they returned home. Data were derived from interviews with experienced aid workers, focus group discussions with presumptive aid workers, analysis of letters from aid workers in the field on MSFs homepages in Europe, and from interviews with recruitment officers at some of the main humanitarian organisations. Health professionals were attracted by the positive images of humanitarian action. They wished to work in teams with like-minded people, and to make a difference in the world. However, this image was not supported by the recruitment officers, or experienced aid workers, who described a complex reality in humanitarian action. The experienced aid workers instead had realised they learned more than they contributed. The recruitment system for relief workers would benefit from a more holistic approach, where personalities of the aid workers are more in focus. More time must be spent with the applicants, both recruited and returning aid workers, in order to improve the system. A socialisation approach could help identify the right personnel and to motivate current personnel to continue.
  • Daerga, Laila, 1965- (author)
  • Att leva i två världar : hälsoaspekter bland renskötande samer
  • 2017
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Introduction: There is a gap of knowledge of the health situation among the reindeer herding Sami in Sweden. The Swedish government has also got criticism for not taking responsibility for the Sami health. The aim of this thesis was to get more knowledge to understand the health situation of the reindeer herding Sami in Sweden. Furthermore, gender specific risk factors in the working environment among reindeer herders and their perception of healthcare and social services were investigated.Method: Cross–sectional questionnaires covering different aspects of health such as musculoskeletal disorders, trust for different healthcare providers and work related psychosocial factors was distributed to reindeer herding Sami and non-Sami populations. Interviews with nine reindeer herding Sami about trust in healthcare and social services were carried out and analyzed with thematic analysis. Sixteen discussion meetings with 80 reindeer herders focusing on psychosocial perspectives of working conditions in Sami communities were performed.Result: The prevalence of musculoskeletal symptoms from elbow, hand/wrist and lower back from male reindeer herders were higher compared to blue-collar worker. Psychosocial risk factors for health were identified such as high workload on a few herders, difficulties to get relief and support as well as to get appreciation in work and lack of participation in decisionmaking among women were common in the organization of reindeer husbandry. The trust in healthcare and social services was lower among reindeer herding Sami compared to non-Sami majority population. A hypothesis is that healthcare professionals do not know that the "Reindeer cloud" (metaphor to iCloud) affects all parts in the reindeer herders life. The distrust are influenced by historically traumas, reindeer herding Sami experiences from healthcare professionals and healthcare organization and culturally generated norms.Conclusio: The thesis hypothesized that health disorders, attitude towards healthcare and psychosocial environment are important aspects when trying to understand the health situation among the reindeer herding Sami. There is a need to introduce long-term public health work for all Sami people, to establish ethical guidelines for Sami health research and develop healthcare services that provides access to healthcare for the reindeer herding Sami, on equal terms.
  • Eriksson, Elisabet (author)
  • Christian Communities and Prevention of HIV among Youth in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
  • 2011
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Young people in South Africa, particularly females, are at great risk of acquiring HIV, and heterosexual sex is the predominant mode of HIV transmission. In order to curb the epidemic the Department of Health encourages all sectors in the society, including religious institutions, to respond effectively. The present thesis seeks to increase the understanding of the role of Christian communities in prevention of HIV for young people. Three denominations in KwaZulu-Natal were selected to reflect the diversity of Christian churches in South Africa: the Roman Catholic Church, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Southern Africa, and the Assemblies of God. Using qualitative interviews the first paper explores how religious leaders (n=16) deal with the conflict between the values of the church and young people’s sexuality. Study II reports on attitudes to HIV prevention for young people among religious leaders (n=215) using questionnaire survey data. Study III investigates how young people (n=62) reflect on messages received from their churches regarding premarital sex by analysing nine focus group discussions. In the fourth paper, based on questionnaire survey data, we report on young people’s (n=811) experiences of relationships with the opposite sex and their perceived risk of HIV infection. The view that young people in churches are sexually active before marriage was common among religious leadership. The majority of religious leaders also reported that they are responsible for educating young people about HIV prevention. Religious leaders who had received training on HIV were more likely to run a life skills programme for young people, however they were ambivalent about prevention messages. Young people reported premarital sexual abstinence as the main HIV prevention message from their churches. The majority responded that they had received information about HIV in church. To be in a relationship was common, more so for males for whom multiple relationships also were viewed more acceptable. To perceive themselves at risk of HIV infection was common. Further training for religious leaders is needed to enable them to manage the conflict between the doctrine of the church and their willingness to assist young people in the transition into adulthood.
  • Eriksson, Malin, 1969- (author)
  • Social capital, health and community action : implications for health promotion
  • 2010
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Background; The overwhelming increase in studies about social capital and health occurring since 1995 indicates a renewed interest in the social determinants of health and a call for a more explicit use of theory in public health and epidemiology. The links between social capital and health are still not clear and the meanings of different forms of individual and collective social capital and their implications for health promotion needs further exploration. The overall aims of this thesis are to explore the relationship between social capital and health and to contribute to the theoretical framework of the role of social capital for health and health promotion.Methods; Data from a social capital survey were used to investigate the associations between individual social capital and self-rated health for men and women and different educational groups. Survey data were also analyzed to determine the association between collective social capital and self-rated health for men and women. A qualitative case study in a small community with observed high levels of civic engagement formed the basis for exploring the role of social capital for community action. Data from the same study were utilized for a grounded theory situational analysis of the social mechanisms leading to social capital mobilization.Main findings; Access to individual social capital increases the odds for good self-rated health equally for men and women and different educational groups. However, the likelihood of having access to social capital differs between groups. The results indicate a positive association between collective social capital and self-rated health for women but not for men. Results from the qualitative case study illustrate how social capital in local communities can facilitate collective actions for public good but may also increase social inequality. Mobilizing social capital in local communities requires identification of community issues that call for action, a fighting spirit from trusted local leaders, “know-how” from creative entrepreneurs, and broad legitimacy and support in the community.Conclusions; This thesis supports the idea that individual social capital is health-enhancing and that strengthening individual social capital can be considered one important health promotion strategy. Collective social capital may have a positive effect on self-rated health for women but not for men and therefore mobilizing collective social capital might be more health-enhancing for women. Collective social capital may have indirect positive effects on health for all by facilitating the ability of communities to solve collective health problems. However, mobilizing social capital in local communities requires an awareness of the risk for increased social inequality.
  • Sahlén, Klas-Göran, 1957- (author)
  • An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure : preventive home visits among healthy seniors
  • 2009
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The aim of this thesis is to contribute to existing knowledge. If the knowledge is not useful in building society it has limited value. In order to be a tool for decision-makers, Preventive Home Visits (PHVs) are described and discussed according to a realist synthesis approach. The premise of this approach is that a single trial cannot tell the whole story and that understanding theoutcome pattern is much more important than seeking regularities in results across different trials. In order to understand the o utcome pattern, the PHV strategy in Nordmaling is examined against other trials and scientific work, and also in grey literature such as reports and workingpapers. An increasing population of seniors means that resources for health and elderly care are being scrutinised in order to achieve the best possible health for the money invested. PHVs represent one strategy that attempts to promote health among independent seniors. This thesis is a multidisciplinary study aiming to gain knowledge about the effects of PHVs and to understand the mechanisms of importance when implementing this particular strategy. The point of departure is a study conducted in Nordmaling in the north of Sweden among healthy seniors aged 75 years and over. The study, conducted as a controlled trial during 2000 and 2001, showed a decrease in mortality as well as the utilisation of care, and an improvement in indicators of perceived health. Cost analyses showed significant savings for the municipality following a reduction in the use of home help. These and other savings combined with costs of the intervention were related to saved life years and used to conduct health economic analyses. Medical and social records from the primary health centre and the municipality, along with official registers provided information for modelling health economic analyses from a lifetime perspective. Results showed that the costs of PHVs were less than 10 000 Euros per gained life year, against an acceptable level of cost effectiveness of 50 000 Euros. Using a shorter time perspective, the result was even more favourable for PHVs. It was evident that the time window used in the analyses, the normative choice of including future healthcare costs or not, and how to handle the value of the seniors’ production were important factors in determining the results. Two years after the trial, in-depth interviews were conducted with 5 seniors who had experienced PHVs, in order to gain understanding of the outcome of the PHV trial in Nordmaling. Participants were selected with respect to their health and how they responded to advice given during the PHV trial. Grounded Theory was used to analyse the interviews. Seniors who used autonomous coping strategies in everyday life gained less from PHVs than other seniors. All participants could benefit from PHVs, but in order for these to be successful it was important for the home visitor to be professional and to understand how the different coping strategies of seniors worked. Taken together, the different aspects of this study raised normative questions that are discussed in this thesis. One, whether the production of seniors has any monetary value in health economic analyses conducted from a societal perspective, was addressed in a smaller diary study where 23 seniors were asked to keep a diary in order to identify everything they did over a oneweek period. It was evident that most of the respondents “produced” a lot, however the production of seniors is rarely taken into account in health economic analyses. The concept of “senior production” includes both the market value of what seniors do, as well as the value of what society can avoid doing if the seniors are independent and healthy.
  • Wilhelmsson, Margaretha, 1948- (author)
  • Developing Interprofessional Competence : Theoretical and Empirical Contributions
  • 2011
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Background: Different professions meet and work together in teams every day in health and social care. In order to idenUiy and deliver the best quality of care for the patient, the teamworkers need to be both professionally and interprofessionally competent. How can higher education prepare teamworkers to be both professionillly and interprofcssionally competent? This thesis seeks to contribute theoretically and empirically to this issuc. A starting point for interprofessional education (WE) worldwide was when WHO presented a document entitled "Leaming Together to Work Together for Bdter Health". The basic idea in this strateg)' was that it is favourable for undergraduilte students and the development of their own professionill identity to experience other professions in health and sodal sectors as earlyas during their undcrgraduate studies. Inherent in this scheme is that the various professions will work together in practice. Thc overall winner in this new thinking about education and professionai prLlctice would be the patient. One of the Hrst systematic attempts to organize IPE academically was initiated in 1986 at the Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS) at Linköping University in Sweden. The "Linköping Model" has now yielded 25 yeilrs of practical experience and development of IPE curricula.Aims: The overall aims of this thesis we.re to define, describe and measure effects and outcomes of interprofessional education/learning.Methods: In the research papers theoretical, aualitative and quantitative methods have been used.Results: The newly registered medical doctors educated at the FHS at Linköping University and exposed to WE and PBL reported more confidence (p < 0.0001) that their lIndergraduate studies had given them interprofessional skilIs and abilities to collaborate with other professions than medical students from all other medical faculties in Sweden. Nurses who hild been exposed to interprofessional curricula during their undergraduate education ilt FHS reported to greater extent (p = 0.003) that they were prepared to work as a nurse. Furthermore, they also reported to a greater extent (p < 0.0001) that their undergraduate education hild prepared them to work with other healt care professions. Other findings in this thesis wcre that female tudents in generill and nursing students had a more positive view of interprofessional learning and were more open-minded about collaboration with other professions. Only to a minor extent did exposure to a more extensive interprofessional curriculum promote a positive attitude towards teamwork.Conclusions: A major challenge to modern health care is the need for more interprofessional teamwork to improve the safety and quality of patient-centred care. This thesis indicates some directions for more successful interprofessional education.
  • Axelsson, Rose-Marie, 1962- (author)
  • Formbara människor : Högre utbildning och arbete som utsnitt ur läkares och civilingenjörers levnadsbanor
  • 2008
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Fokus i denna avhandling utgör läkares och civilingenjörers kunskaps- och identifikationsprocesser under utbildning och arbete – vilka studeras som utsnitt ur levnadsbanor. Syftet är att beskriva och tolka relationen mellan högre utbildning och arbete, dels utifrån föreställningar i forskning och policy, dels utifrån människors subjektivitet, vardagserfarenheter och liv. Studien baseras på textanalys och intervjuer med läkare och IT-ingenjörer under de första åren i arbetslivet och yrket. Kännetecknande är att processer följs över tid genom en longitudinell design.Den teoretiska ramen struktureras runt tre länkade teman: Kunskap och dynamiker i det samtida samhället; Högre utbildning och arbete; Människors formbarhet. Reflexiv tolkning utgör metodologisk ansats. Begreppen flexibilitet, stabilitet och ambivalens används dialektiskt vid analys av empiriska data.Avhandlingen visar att människors subjektivitet och vardagserfarenheter samspelar med generella föreställningar och sammanhangens reella förhållanden. Utbildnings- och yrkesval kan förstås som uttryck för såväl reflexiva livsprojekt som subjektiva dynamiker. Att formas till civilingenjör och läkare ter sig på vitt skilda sätt. Ingenjörerna formas till generalister och ”spelar med säkra kort” medan läkarna bygger en karaktär och ”spelar med sig själva som insats”. I arbetet använder civilingenjörerna titeln som en flexibel strategi – identifikation är främst bunden till plats, funktion och arbetstid. Läkarnas identifikation med yrket utgör ett konstant tillstånd – läkare är något de alltid är, också på fritiden – yrket är starkt bundet till person. Resultaten indikerar att både ingenjörs- och läkaryrket kännetecknas av livslånga kvalificeringsprocesser. De visar sig stark exkluderande över tid.Relationen mellan högre utbildning och arbetet diskuteras vidare i avhandlingen genom människors levnadsbanor och i termer av såväl formbara som hållbara liv.
  • Dahlblom, Kjerstin, 1950- (author)
  • Home alone : sibling caretakers in León, Nicaragua
  • 2008
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Sibling caretaking, although common across time and cultures, has not been well researched from the carer’s point of view. In Nicaragua, ranked as one of the poorest countries in the Americas, sibling caretaking is common. The country’s historical background and its state of chronic poverty, widespread unemployment, loose family structures, and migration and mobility makes of the old practise of shared management child care a necessity. Households headed by sing¬le mothers constitute a particular Nica¬raguan charact¬eristic. Many children are expected to help in their own families and care for their siblings and other children living in their households. In its broadest sense sibling caretaking is a public health concern, and we conducted this study to widen the understanding of the phenomenon as it is represented in a setting undergoing a rapid social transition. The main objectives were to identify, describe and analyse the life situation of sibling caretakers in poor areas in León, Nicaragua, with focus on how they perceived it themselves. A combined qualitative and quantitative methodological design was used, mainly applying an ethnographic approach. A further ambition was to explore involvement of children in a participatory research process in accordance with the ‘Convention on the Rights of the Child’. The overall emotion expressed among the caretakers was pride, even if their situation often was characterized by stress and coping problems. They perceived their work as important for their families and they appreciated to fend for their siblings. Household work and nurturing of siblings were shaping the future lives of the caretakers and constituted part of their socialization. Even if many of these children achieve essential life skills as caretakers, they are at risk of falling behind as they grow older. Their long-term personal development is likely to be hampered by the obligations they have as caretakers. The carers' awareness of missing out on education was the most problematic issue for them. From a societal point of view, caretaking has negative consequences. The individual child is marginalised with limited access to basic education, contributing to overall low educational levels in Nicaragua. While the structuring conditions leading to sibling caretaking may be difficult to change, awareness of how these can affect children might make way for improvements in terms of access to school education and support from the society. The knowledge gained from this study should be further utilised to plan for interventions that take children’s perspectives into consideration.
  • Hedlund, Erik, 1958- (author)
  • Yrkesofficersutbildning, yrkeskunnande och legitimitet : En studie av yrkesofficersprogrammet i spänningsfältet mellan förändring och tradition
  • 2004
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The new Swedish Armed Forces will be radically different from the previous invasion-oriented defence and the Armed Forces will be a smaller and more flexible organization, better adapted to the international sphere. With the aim of meeting up with the demands of the transformed Armed Forces posture for professional competence, the Regular Officer Programme (YOP) was introduced in the autumn of 1999.This dissertation aims at attempting to illustrate, address the problems and investigate to what degree the basic officer training of the Regular Officer Programme (Swedish: YOP) and the professional competence of newlygraduated Second Lieutenants can be seen as being legitimate within the scope of professional practices of the Swedish Armed Forces, and how this legitimacy can be described and understood.The theoretical framework of the dissertation is comprised of a sociocultural perspective and institutional theory. The five central concepts of the dissertation are: professional practice, institutional rules, professional competence, learning and legitimacy. The empirical elements of the dissertation were collected during 2001 and 2002 and comprise data from six part-studies. The informants were officer cadets after their first year of the Basic Officer Training Programme (YOP) and officers up to the rank of general. The methods for collecting data have been in the form of a questionnaire study, focus group conversations at thirteen military units, three document studies and a study with questions via e-mail. The questionnaire study was processed by using the computer programme SAS. The focus group conversations, the document studies and the answers via e-mail to questions were analyzed and put into categories contents wise according to the sentence category principle in positive and negative statements, respectively, in relation to YOP and the professional competence of the newly-graduated Second Lieutenants. Results show that both YOP as well as the professional competence of the newly-graduated Second Lieutenants cannot be regarded as being fully legitimate among the informants or within the all the professional practices of the Armed Forces.
  • Jaldemark, Jimmy, 1970- (author)
  • Participation in a boundless activity : Computer-mediated communication in Swedish higher education
  • 2010
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The general purpose of this thesis is to understand how participation in the activity of education relates to communication and tools. This purpose unfolds by drawing on possible conceivable consequences. In the fulfilment of this purpose communication, education, participation, and tools are analytically linked by a common denominator: human action. The commentary text expounds on these links, while the four included papers illustrate how these links operate in educational settings. The general purpose serves to frame a narrower purpose: a discussion of participation through computer-mediated communication in online settings of Swedish higher education. The theoretical departure derives from a transactional approach that embraces human action as an inseparable aspect of a dynamic whole, here defined as the activity of education. This activity is discussed in terms of its cultural, ecological, historical, and social aspects. This theoretical departure embraces ideas largely taken from ecological, pragmatic and sociocultural perspectives of human action. The papers include analyses of, variously, empirical material taken from interviews with students, online exchanges of utterances, syllabuses, and study-guides. Two of the papers are literature reviews. The findings indicate that participation in education is a complex boundless phenomenon that is best understood as a dynamic whole. In this whole, participation in education is culturally, ecologically, historically, and socially transformed by actions, agents, communication, tools, and the setting. In this thesis, concepts such as computermediated communication, communicative genres, dialogical intersections, and educational settings are utilised to reach a dynamic understanding. The dynamics of these findings, therefore, are a challenge to all dualistic conceptualisations of education, such as those building on the idea of learners operating in learning environments. Particularly, these findings challenge operationalisations of education that rely on computer-mediated communication and which build on the idea of so-called online learning environments. A more coherent understanding of participation in education is possible if educational research and design builds on a non-dualistic conceptualisation that includes the idea of participation being performed in a boundless activity.
  • Johansson, Gun-Britt, 1956- (author)
  • Synderskan och lagen: Barnamord i tre Norrlandslän 1830-1870
  • 2006
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • ABSTRACTMany studies have been conducted on infanticide and child homicide. Researchers have approached the subject with different theoretical frameworks and explored it from different dimensions, geographical areas, and time periods. As much as the questions have varied so have the answers. This study contributes to greater clarity on the causes of infanticide. Despite numerous studies on the subject, there is still no consensus its causes. My aim has been to combine different strategies for understanding the subject. I have used material both from an aggregated level and from an individual level. The main question I sought to answer was whether social causes rather than individual factors force or trigger women to kill their newborn child? Court material also provides for an in-depth understanding of our history. The social sciences have frequently drawn sketches of the social world with big lines. These lines have been necessary and useful to point at large-scale transformations of civilisation and modernisation but, in terms of understanding real life, they can provide us with a foggy and even mistaken picture. When social scientists enter the historical archives and similar sources, we often blunder in its richness and variation. Society may, in any case, have always been complicated and the every day life for each person as well.My findings show that infanticide signals low tolerance. In general, the women did not want to kill their own children. Moreover, my findings, like the results of other studies before mine, demonstrate that women who carry out infanticide represent normal women. To my knowledge, there isn’t one study on infanticide that claims the women were not normal. Women who committed infanticide did so out of fear: fear of losing their social bonds. They killed their children if the existence of the bonds was endangered or threatened. Often social bonds were related to their work situation as maids in farming households. If they couldn’t stay in the household after having the baby, many women had no where else to go. Their parents – poor, elderly or deceased – were unable to help. Sometimes the social bonds were threatened by other factors, often related to the child’s father. If he was already married or had a close relation with the woman’s family, their relationship could in fact, break her bonds to her own family and other relatives. Some women already had an illegitimate child. With a child out of wedlock, they had a difficult time getting work and housing. If they got pregnant again and the father to the new child refused to marry her or to support the child, she could in fact lack any resources for handling the situation.Finally: the findings talk about honour and infanticide. It was always shameful to get a child out of wedlock. But demographic research from North of Sweden has shown that these children had almost the same chances of survival during their first year as legitimate children. Sexuality outside marriage was not respected but much discussion around honour was more related to how the women would manage with the child. In my findings, shame seems to be related to having no support. Extramarital relations were not accepted but people probably didn’t care to much about it as far as they managed on their own. Being rejected, helpless, not able to work and not able to take care of the child that was what shame was about.Keywords: Infanticide, child homicide, illegitimacy, social bonds, shame
  • Jungert, Tomas, 1973- (author)
  • Self-efficacy, Motivation and Approaches to Studying : A longitudinal study of Y and how engineering students perceive their studies and transition to work
  • 2009
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The aim of this thesis is to explore the experiences of four cohorts of students from their first semester until one year after graduation, with the focus on how they perceive their opportunities to influence their study conditions transition to work. The study has a longitudinal design. Data collected from students in a MSc programme in engineering started in the first semester and continued yearly until one year after graduation and consisted of questionnaires and interviews. Results indicate that students’ perceptions of their opportunities to influence their study conditions is related to their self-efficacy and motivation; strategies they use and approaches to studying they adopt. Students adopt an adaptive approach, based on the perception that the programme is supposed to be demanding and that students should accept and adapt to the conditions of the programme; a critical approach, based on the perception that difficult conditions are negative because they make it hard to reflect on what is studied; or a cooperative approach, based on the perception that cooperation with peers is important. Quantitative results show that cohorts who studied project-based courses cooperate significantly more with peer students than cohorts who study in conventional courses. Students with most project based courses experienced workload and social support in different ways than other students.The final study on students’ transition to work show that students who study in many project-based courses are more prepared to work than students who study conventional courses. The overall findings indicate that it is important to integrate psychological, social and individual ways of interpreting the student experiences of their studies and transition to work.
  • Lundvall, Lise-Lott, 1959- (author)
  • Radiography in Practice : Work and Learning in Medical Imaging
  • 2019
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Those following the profession of radiographer mainly work in the healthcare sector, with image production in medical imaging or with radiotherapy treatments. Radiographers are responsible for patient care and handling technology in this profession al field. Radiographers’ practice is interesting to study in relation to technical developments and changing conditions for performing professional work.The general aim of this thesis was to empirically explore the main features of radiographers’ work, how advances in tech n ology affect radiographers’ practice, interconnections with other practices and students learn in g in practice on the way to becoming professionals.Methods: Data was collected using interviews and observations (Papers I, II & IV). For Paper III, individual interviews were conducted. Data was analysed using a phenomenological interpretative method (Paper I) and practice theory perspective (Papers II–IV).Findings: Radiographers’ professional work with image production was seen as a process comprising three phases: planning the examination, producing the images, and evaluating the images. During this process, radiographers make judgements to ensure patient safety and adapt the technology in use to the individual patient. When conventional imaging techniques are converted into examinations performed by Computer Tomography, the planning phase of radiographers’ work process becomes more important. Technology improvements also mean that the technical aspects of radiographers’ work with image production are easier to foresee in scheduling examinations. The caring aspects however are difficult to plan for because of little information about the patient before the examination. The professional practices involved in medical imaging interconnect to ensure patient safety through materiality and common tasks and/ or projects. The content and quality of two artefacts, the referral and the image, in these interconnections are important in collaborative work to ensure patient safety within medical imaging. Radiography students learn professional knowing in practice i.e. practice-as-work, practice-as language and practice-as-morality, during their clinical placements through alternating between two modes of participation: either observing and listening or acting by themselves. The students developed knowing in practice if the other practitioners allowed them to alternate between these two modes of participation.Implications: The description of radiographers’ general tasks an d responsibilities in a work process can be used for both educational and professionalization purposes. The identified interconnections between involved professions are useful for quality improvement to secure patient safety. The findings about development of knowing in practice can be used in the planning and evaluation of clinical placements for students.
  • Mbabazi, Penelope B. (author)
  • Quality in Learning in Rwandan Higher Education : Different stakeholders’ perceptions of students’ learning and employability
  • 2013
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The aim of the thesis is to investigate quality in learning in higher education in Rwanda by focusing on students’ learning and their employability. This focus allows for an understanding of key challenges for Rwandan higher education to emerge, at a time when more and more students are enrolling. Higher education is being rebuilt after the genocide of 1994 in Rwanda and the focus on quality in learning and preparing students for work life is thus timely and important. The empirical material comprises interviews with students, teachers and employers. Interpretation of this material is guided by perspectives on quality in learning: students’ approaches to learning, learning as transformation and employability. A meta-ethnographic analysis of the four articles on which the thesis is based generated five themes as central quality aspects of learning that could enhance the employability of graduates: becoming professional, skillful practices, becoming a learner, becoming responsible and international experience. The results illustrate that students have to some extent different views from employers and teachers regarding questions about quality in learning. Thus, it could be of value for policy makers and teachers to listen to what the students have to say when designing policy and curriculum in higher education in Rwanda.
  • Nilsson, Malin, 1973- (author)
  • Att förklara människan : Diskurser i populärvetenskapliga TV-program
  • 2009
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The principle aim of the study is to describe, analyze and problemize the ways in which television science documentaries (within a public service context) discursively represent scientific theories, research results and conclusions about the origins of human nature and the causes of human behavior. The study covers 25 programs broadcasted by SVT and UR during a period of four years,2002-2005 , and 12 additional programs are used as a basis for discussion. Most of the programs included in the study are productions purchased mainly from BBC Science. Thus, managing editors, producers and presenters were interviewed for the purpose of illuminating quality judgements and purchasing criteria. A five stage-model of critical discourse analysis has inspired the method which emphasizes the network of communicative practices in which the media text and representation are embedded. That includes media genre, production and narrative conventions as well as the wider historical, social and political/ideological context and discourse practices of which the issues represented are a part. The critical discourse analysis has been complemented by ideas about different documentary modes of representation or basic ways of organizing documentary texts in relation to certain recurrent features or conventions. In the analysis these modes have been applied to understand the degree of transparency and editorial presence and visibility in the science documentaries. The importance of the discourses presented is related to their more applied meanings. When certain descriptions, explanations and understandings of alleged human “basics” gain priority, it may affect the possibilities to define and handle very concrete social issues in a way that is inconsistent with this fundamental perspective. Thus, the ideological function of the science documentaries (as public service-program and educational media) deserves serious attention.
  • Norberg, Anna, 1972- (author)
  • Samkönad tvåsamhet : vardagsliv och heteronormativa praktiker
  • 2009
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • This study explores how same sex couples in Sweden, a country with strong gender equality policies and discourses understand their lives and relationships. Central to the study is the analysis of the tensions between a public discourse favoring openness for lesbians, gays, and bisexuals and a lack of acknowledgment of non-heterosexual family practices; as well as the tensions between gender equality policies and discourses and the specific construction of same sex couples. The study is grounded in a feminist and queer perspective and inspired by narrative analysis. Furthermore, it uses an intersectional perspective in which different axes of power are seen as mutually constituted. Interviews were conducted with same sex couples, both individually and together, in which the following topics were addressed: intimacy, division of household labor, domestic decision-making, conflict resolution, and the social context in which the couples live. One part of the study analyzes the economic foundations upon which the couples live and how income and possessions are organized within their relationship. This study shows that income and status are key questions for studying equality within same sex couples. The analysis is concerned with the tensions generated by the partners' class position as well as the negotiations which occur between the couple. It becomes apparent that the equality as an ideal is difficult to attain in practice. Even same sex partners are forced to relate to household labor as gendered practices. The interviewees describe their couple relationship and everyday life within heteronormative discourses. Through their stories, the interviewed couples give a view of the way in which everyday experiences of heteronormative confrontations affect the construction of their relationship. This study also indicates that same sex couples are neither more equal nor less conflict laden than heterosexual couples, even if they position themselves in relation to heterosexual couples as anti-role models. When the interviewees position themselves in relation to heterosexual couples they simultaneously embody the ideal of the gender equality discourse and the norms of being an ideal couple.
  • Tjellander, Bengt, 1948- (author)
  • Hur jag blev lärares lärare : Den förändrade lärarrollen - den forskande pedagogiska processhjälparen och vetandeskapandet : En didaktikfilosofisk betraktelse
  • 2004
  • Licentiate thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Detta är en ”reseskildring”. Berättelsen handlar om min utveckling till pedagogisk process-hjälpare och lärarutbildare. Textarten är Husserlskt egologisk och pragmatisk. Min didaktik och roll som lärare har sitt rotsystem bl.a. i några skolforskningsprojekt. Det började med en forskarroll som deltagande observatör, en god grund för att bli en reflekterande praktiker; en observerande deltagare. I andra projekt var min roll aktionsforskarens, en god jordmån för läraren som handledare. Jag funderar över empati och makt, om vår skola som vår största friskvårdsinrättning. Jag förvånas över att lärares examensarbeten inte oftare bottnar i just den reflekterande praktikerns perspektiv, att den subjektivt levda lärarerfarenheten ännu inte kommer till uttryck i berättande texter. Det känns viktigt att studenternas röster blir synliga. Mina lärarstudenter saknar sådana texter, säjer dom. Därför skrev jag.
  • Weibull, Louise, 1973- (author)
  • Emotion matters : Emotion management in Swedish Peace Support Operations
  • 2012
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The thesis makes an overall contribution to the qualitative research on soldiers’ experiences from service primarily in low-intensity mission areas, this operational environment being placed within a framework of emotion sociology. The central argument put forward states that even on this type of mission the emotional demands are considerable, and that the need for emotional management in Peace Support Operations (PSO) should therefore generally follow other demarcations than the formal military divisions of high and low intensity conflicts respectively. In contrast to the prevalent view stating that the successful soldier is someone with emotional control in the sense that he ‘lacks’ feeling towards what he is doing, this thesis argues that soldiers’ emotion management work when choosing, modelling, managing, and displaying the ‘right’ emotional expression is what it takes to get the job done. Further, the thesis argues that emotion management demands are not restricted to the tour of service. Returning home often involves feeling both cognitively and emotionally disorientated, even if the mission has been militarily quite uneventful. A new theoretical concept, Post-Deployment Disorientation (PDD), is introduced to explain and highlight the origin of these feelings. PDD is not a diagnosis, however, but a term reserved for a phenomenon invisible in statistics that likely confronts the majority of Swedish soldiers on return.The thesis comprises four essays and draws on qualitative data collected mainly from soldiers deployed to Kosovo and Liberia in 2006/2007. Two of the essays also include data from Afghanistan. Jointly, the four essays help us understand that from an emotion management perspective, serving abroad is both a varied and challenging experience. Nevertheless, the informants seem to muddle through many difficulties and the study broadly confirms Bolton’s (2005) accounts of the multi-talented emotional actor, who is quite capable of handling contradiction while negotiating feeling rules. However, this does not mean an adjustment with negligible effort or without substantial emotional costs.
  • Åström, I. Maria, 1965- (author)
  • Integrated and Subject-specific : An empirical exploration of Science education in Swedish compulsory school
  • 2007
  • Licentiate thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • This thesis is an explorative experimental study in two parts of different ways of organising Science education in the Swedish context. The first study deals with the question if students attain higher scores on test results if they have been working with integrated Science compared to subject-specific Science i.e. Biology, Chemistry and Physics. The second study concerns the similarities and differences between integrated Science education and Science education in Biology, Chemistry and Physics, especially in the teaching organisation. The introduction describes the nature of integrated curriculum, what integrated learning is, issues about integrated Science education, in what way integration is carried out, between subjects or within subjects, what the opposite to integrated Science is (here named as subjectspecific science education) in the Swedish context and what the Swedish curriculum has to say about integrated Science. Previous studies in integrated curriculum looking at students’ results are referred to, and it is argued for the use of the OECD’s PISA assessment instrument in this study. The thesis consists of two studies, one quantitative and one qualitative, within the above framework. The quantitative study is an attempt to find differences in scores on students’ written results on a large-scale assessment in scientific literacy between students studying in different organisations of Science education. The qualitative study is an attempt to describe differences at classroom level between integrated Science and subject-specific Science. This gives a quite rich description of four schools (cases) in a small town and how they organise their teaching integrated or subject-specific. No differences in students’ results between different Science organisations were found in the quantitative study in this thesis. Possible explanations for the lack of differences in students’ results are discussed in the article. An additional investigation that attempts to test the variable used in the quantitative study is carried out in the thesis, with an attempt to sharpen the teacher organisation variable. This is done to find out if it is possible that there can be found differences with the sharpened variable. The qualitative study gives a glimpse of some differences in the implemented curriculum between schools working with integrated Science education and a school that works subjectspecifically. The teachers do the overall lesson plans in different ways according to which organisation according to integrated or subject-specific Science they work with. When asked in a survey what kind of Science organisation they have, students from the four schools studied answered differently between schools and also, sometimes, within the same school. A further analysis of this second study is carried out by defining a conceptual framework used as structure and a possible explanation for differences between students’ views and teachers’ views on the organisation of Science education. This latter analysis tries to give an enriched description in mainly the two levels of the implemented and attained curricula, and tries to discuss the difference in students’ attained curriculum. A final discussion concludes the thesis and concerns an elaboration of the results of the thesis, problems with the main variable involved in the two studies and the possibility that the teacher actions effects also the magnitude of students’ achievement on tests.
  • Åström, Maria, 1965- (author)
  • Defining Integrated Science Education and Putting It to Test
  • 2008
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The thesis is made up by four studies, on the comprehensive theme of integrated and subjectspecific science education in Swedish compulsory school. A literature study on the matter is followed by an expert survey, then a case study and ending with two analyses of students’ science results from PISA 2003 and PISA 2006. The first two studies explore similarities and differences between integrated and subject-specific science education, i. e. Science education and science taught as Biology, Chemistry and Physics respectively. The two following analyses of PISA 2003 and PISA 2006 data put forward the question whether there are differences in results of students’ science literacy scores due to different types of science education.The expert survey compares theories of integration to the Swedish science education context. Also some difference in intention, in the school case study, some slight differences in the way teachers plan the science education are shown, mainly with respect to how teachers involve students in their planning.The statistical analysis of integrated and subject-specific science education comparing students’ science results from PISA 2003 shows no difference between students or between schools. The analysis of PISA 2006, however, shows small differences between girls’ results with integrated and subject-specific science education both in total scores and in the three scientific literacy competencies. No differences in boys’ results are shown on different science educations.
  • Bergendahl, Christina, 1955- (author)
  • Development of competence in biochemical experimental work : Assessment of complex learning at university level
  • 2004
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Biochemistry is part of life science: a fast developing multidisciplinary area. The overall aims of this thesis and the work underlying it were to find ways in which to develop competence in biochemistry at university level and to assess complex learning. A particular interest was the development of experimental work as a means to promote learning. The study focuses on changes made in two educational settings. The aim of the changes was to develop competence, amongst both students and teachers. Therefore, the research in the three first papers has in some aspects, and to different extent, the characteristics of action research. Broadly, the changes can be described as making experiments more open, with multiple formative and authentic assessment methods involving both students and teachers. The empirical studies included questionnaires, interviews, questions asked during experimental work, written material as formulated objectives, examination questions and answers, reports, other products; and grades/judgements made by teachers and students. Collected data were analyzed in several different ways. Statistical methods included the use of mean values, paired T-tests, Spearman rank correlation coefficients and Principal Component Analysis. Interview data as well as some questionnaire data were analyzed using analytical induction techniques. Some categories were based on thematic content analysis, while others were based on Bloom’s taxonomy. Students’ attitude positions were categorized according to Perry’s framework. The main results can be summarized as follows; The students’ learning was improved by open ended versions of experimental work, according to both their and the researchers’ opinions. Planning, approaching problems from different perspectives and evaluating the results of their own experimental work promote the students’ capacity for higher order cognitive thinking. However, the synthesis level constitutes a threshold and particular support is needed for students with a more dualistic view of teaching, learning and experimental work. Introducing formative and authentic assessment is a way to help students to make progress, and to develop competence. The importance was clearly demonstrated of involving both teachers and students in discussions of aims and criteria and of making them explicit. Feedback from teachers’ and students’ own reflective activities about subject content, and their learning as well as affective factors were shown to be central for complex learning. Based on our studies, areas were identified for the critical development of competence and for promoting learning in biochemistry at university level. These areas are; multidisciplinary and complex learning, communication skills of different types, metacognitive perspectives, attitude development, and affective factors. The students see experimental work as crucial for their learning and therefore important in terms of assessment. Therefore, experimental work can and ought to be assessed. However, similarities and discrepancies were observed between students’ and teachers’ perspectives for both the aims and assessment of experimental work. Our conclusion is that a combination of assessment methods is needed in order to be able to make a high qualitative assessment.
  • Bergman, Jonny, 1973- (author)
  • Seeking empowerment : asylum-seeking refugees from Afghanistan in Sweden
  • 2010
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The purpose of this study is to contribute to the understanding of how asylum-seeking refugees manage their lives in the situation they are in, a situation in which they are dependent and have to wait for decisions on whether or not they will get to stay in the country in which they have made their application for asylum.  The elaboration upon these questions and the purpose of the study is approached through a field study of asylum-seeking refugees from Afghanistan in Sweden. The thesis presents a background of international migration, refugee migration, refugee migration from Afghanistan and the reception of asylum seekers and refugees in the EU and Sweden, which tells us both that asylum seekers and refugees are not welcome in the countries of the ‘North’, where policies of containment and repatriation are the most common features of treating the refugee ‘problem’ and that the long period of waiting and uncertainty creates a situation of passivity and ill-health among the asylum seekers. Employing grounded theory methodology in different forms based in data from fieldwork, including participant observations and informal conversations, the study applies a constructionist grounded theory approach in the analyses of the situation and the management thereof. Steered by this constructionist grounded theory approach, strengthened by a situational analysis, the thesis presents a situational frame pointing to the situation for the asylum-seeking refugees as temporal and dependent on Swedish national discourse, racism and paternalism. With this background and frame and generated by data from the field study, the thesis goes on to present the situation as disempowering. The disempowering processes are illustrated through looking at dependence and inhospitality, and are characterised by the asylum-seeking refugees’ oscillation between feelings of hope and despair. It becomes, however, also evident that the asylum-seeking refugees take action and that they are supported by latent empowering processes. The actions taken are categorised as actions of empowering in opposition to the processes presented as disempowering. The actions of empowering are connected to keeping oneself occupied, searching for and maintaining social contacts and in the asylum-seeking refugees’ representations of themselves. From the presentation of the situation as disempowering and the actions taken by the asylum-seeking refugees in response to this situation as actions of empowering, a process characterised as seeking empowerment is presented. In this process empowerment is discussed as the establishment of power to resist. During the discussion of the concept of seeking empowerment it is shown how the asylum-seeking refugees in this study, through their actions of empowering, try to resist the disempowering situation. By seeking to establish power to resist, they are seeking empowerment.
  • Bertilsdotter Rosqvist, Hanna, 1976- (author)
  • Lagom lika, lagom olika : en diskussion om makt, retorik och bi-teoretiska/sexuella subjektiviteter
  • 2007
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The aim of the dissertation is to discuss the use of various notions of bisexuality – focusing on notions of male bisexuality and openness – in a material from interviews and media. The discussion is set in the perspective rhetoric discursive psychology in relation to bi research as a rhetorical context. The dissertation is intended to be a contribution to both a scientific and a social discussion of bisexuality and bi research, as well as of ideals of openness, moderation and subjectivity. The interview material consists of interviews with men aged between 21 and 31 years who identify as bisexual or have bisexual experiences. The media material consist of articles from Swedish daily newspapers from 1995–2005 where talk of bisexuality is used. I use two different materials in order to demonstrate the rhetorical context’s importance for constructions of subjectivity. Constructions of bisexual subjectivity and the use of talk about bisexuality look different, depending on the rhetorical context in which an individual rhetorician speaks. Definitions play a part in the possibility of talking about oneself as bisexual. In both the media and the interview material, the use of different definitions creates distinctions between different subjects. In the interview material, the creation of distinctions occurs both as regards differences between bisexual subjects and various types of monosexual Other and as regards different sorts of bisexual subject. The use of different definitions serves to bi-normalise certain types of bisexual subject positions and bi-alienate others. In a number of instances, different definitions are used side by side, as they are in the media material. The instances show how a definition or a type of bisexual subjectivity that is bi-alienated in relation to one rhetorical context can equally well be bi-normalised in relation to another. In both the media and the interview material an ideal of moderation is repeatedly used to construct an ideal and an anti-ideal, where the latter is characterised by too little or too much. Moderation serves to express authentic subjectivity, while too little and too much express inauthentic subjectivity. The importance of this lies in its implications for the legitimacy of talk, by which I mean the possibility of claiming to talk from the position of a particular subjectivity and the power to define this subjectivity. Briefly, it is a matter of interpretative privilege – the right to interpret and define experience and to be recognised as a legitimate subject. Subject positions that are constructed as authentic constitute legitimate subjects, while those that are constructed as inauthentic become illegitimate subjects.
  • Darvish, Bijan, 1969- (author)
  • Post-Dural Puncture Headache in Obstetrics : Audiological, Clinical and Epidemiological studies
  • 2016
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Post-dural puncture headache (PDPH) is the most common complication of obstetric epidural analgesia. The characteristic positional headache, often associated with visual, vestibular or cochlear symptoms, is severe and disabling for the parturient. The diagnosis is clinical without the possibility of confirmatory objective tests. Although epidural blood patch (EBP) is considered the gold standard for treatment of PDPH, many aspects of this treatment modality remain to be explored. This thesis was performed in order to improve our current knowledge of the diagnosis and the short and long-term consequences of PDPH. We found that the incidence of accidental dural puncture in labour epidural analgesia was 1% in the Nordic countries and 90% of these patients were managed with an EBP (study I). Auditory impairment related to PDPH was prospectively investigated in 21 parturients with PDPH treated with EBP (study II). A significantly greater number of parturients suffering from PDPH had hearing loss (> 20 dB) in the low frequency range compared to controls which improved spontaneously but independent of treatment with EBP. At 4 hours, 95% of subjects had a successful EBP but headache recurred in 24% at 24 hours. In study III, we investigated residual hearing deficit several years after PDPH treated with EBP. We found statistically significant long-term impairment of hearing but this was of minor clinical relevance. In study IV, 60 women with previous PDPH and treated with EBP responded to a validated questionnaire to determine the long-term effects of EBP on headache and backache. We found that subjects who had been treated with EBP had a significantly greater incidence and severity of headache compared to controls. The incidence of mild backache was also significantly higher but of limited clinical importance. In conclusion, PDPH after labour epidural analgesia is an important clinical problem. Parturients suffering from PDPH may have audiometric deterioration in the early postpartum period that recovers spontaneously over time and some long-term effects of PDPH on hearing may be evident but these are of minor clinical relevance. Clinically important headache, but not backache, may be present several years after PDPH.
  • Emmelin, Maria, 1953- (author)
  • Self-rated health in public health evaluation
  • 2004
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • There is still a debate concerning the evidence base for community interventions. The randomised clinical trial design (RCT) is increasingly challenged as a gold standard for their evaluation. This thesis takes the Norsjö health programme in Västerbotten as the starting point for a discussion about the ethical platform of community interventions and for exploring the role of self-rated health. The specific objectives are: 1) to better understand barriers to community participation and to assess the role of ethical premises among decision-makers, 2) to explore how health related norms and attitudes interact with self-rated health and the risk factor outcome of an intervention and 3) to analyse the gender and socio-cultural interplay of self-rated health with biomedical risk factors for cardiovascular disease. The participation and views of different actors in the planning and implementation phases of the intervention were studied by contrasting information between official documents, interviews with decision makers and professionals and questionnaires to community members. The role of basic values in setting priorities and choosing intervention strategies utilised a questionnaire design with hypothetical scenarios sent to a representative sample of Swedish health care politicians. Qualitative research interviews were used to explore health related norms and attitudes. Health examination measurements and questionnaire data formed the basis for analysis of the development of self-rated health and risk factor load during a 10-year follow-up of the intervention. Access to a stroke registry enabled a case-referent approach for studying the interaction between bio-medical risk factors, socio-demographic factors and self-rated health. Data from the Västerbotten Intervention Programme (VIP) could be utilised for a cross-country comparison with a “sister project” in Otsego, U.S.A. The results point to both strengths and limitations of the efforts made to involve people in the intervention. The problem definition mainly remained with the professionals and participation as a goal in itself, strengthening local democracy was felt to be an exaggerated ambition. However, there was an overall agreement about the seriousness of the health problem, the need to intervene and about the implementation mode. Self-rated health and reported behavioural change were important indicators of participation and young men with bad health seemed to have been least involved. Among Swedish health care politicians there was an overall agreement to allocate resources for prevention directed towards communities when there are serious health problems. The majority preferred an intervention strategy that involved primary health care. The risk of harm by creating some degree of anxiety or stigma was for many considered an acceptable drawback of a successful intervention. The follow-up study revealed a positive risk factor reduction accompanied by a positive development of self-rated health, especially for men. Additional support for an intervention effect was given through a comparison with a reference area. The interaction pattern between risk reduction and self-rated health was more polarised for men than for women, with a corresponding pattern for the lower compared to the higher educated. These results could be linked to a transition in the health related norm system and to “ideal types” representing attitudinal sets towards the intervention. The case-referent analysis suggested an interaction effect between self-rated health and bio-medical risk factor load in predicting stroke that was greater for men than for women. The cross-country comparison revealed a stronger influence of education in the U.S.A. The lower educated, with a high risk load, had a greater risk of self-rated poor health than their Swedish counterparts. The thesis suggests that self-rated health is an unexplored indicator, potentially important for understanding the complexity of community interventions. Self-rated health may predict disease development as well as modify the impact of established risk factors.
  • Fägerstam, Emilia (author)
  • Space and Place : Perspectives on outdoor teaching and learning
  • 2012
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • This thesis aims to explore teachers’ and students’ experience and perception of outdoor teaching and learning. Further, it aims to explore influences of outdoor teaching on academic performance in biology and mathematics. The contexts for the thesis are a Swedish high school and Australian environmental education centres. The empirical material comprises student and teacher interviews, and questionnaires and tests answered by students. Theoretical frames of reference are theory of place and three dimensions of learning: content, social and emotional dimensions of learning. The results reveal that the extended physical space had the potential to improve social relations and increase participation, collaboration and on-task communication. However, teachers witnessed a period of up to three months before the students adjusted to outdoor teaching. During that time disciplinary issues were a concern. Teaches’ perceptions were that experience of specific places such as local natural environment was fundamental to forming a sense of belonging and environmental concern. However, teachers described children and students as unfamiliar with local natural environments. Teacher’s perceptions were that media provides knowledge about nature rather than direct experience and children and students were often uncomfortable or afraid in nature. Mathematics followed by language education were the subjects most regularly taught outdoors. Two studies compared classroom education with partly outdoor education in biology and mathematics. Results reveal that students’ performance was equally good, or more developed as a consequence of outdoor teaching. An overarching conclusion is that the possibility to appeal to cognitive, social and emotional dimensions of learning all at the same time has the potential to concretize and broaden the often theoretical approach of high school education, and to contribute to long term episodic memories and a desire to learn.
  • Grahn, Margaretha, 1949- (author)
  • Musernas viskningar förr och nu : En studie av det musiska och inriktningen musiskt lärande. En teoretisk analys samt ett empiriskt bidrag från lärarutbildningen
  • 2005
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The purpose of the present thesis is twofold; the first part comprises a theoretical analysis of the concept muse-ical in an attempt to describe similarities and differences between the concepts muse-ical and aesthetic and furthermore, to identify the distinguishing features of a muse-ical approach and a muse-icalprogram.The second part of the thesis reports on an empirical study among student teachers who have chosen to study the program Muse-ical Learning. They have been interviewed about their experiences and impressions of this new program. More specifically they have been given questions pertaining to museical, aesthetic, artistic, scholarly learning, sensory experiences, talent and finally how they conceive of the role of muse-ical learning in school and in society at large and what notions they have of their future work as teachers in the field.The first part is an analysis based on selected previous writings and research regarding the concepts muse-ical and aesthetic/esthetical. The approach taken to this reading is mainly hermeneutical.The second part of the thesis aims at describing how a group of student teachers experience museical learning. Data have been gathered by in-depth, semi-structured interviews. The aim of the analysis has been to emphasise qualitative differences in the ways the informants experience the phenomena actualised in the interviews. The approach in the analysis is, mainly, phenomenographic. The group of informants comprise 20 student teachers, which is about half of all students in the pioneer cohort of the program. Every student was interviewed individually in sessions that had a typical duration of 40-45 minutes. The interviews were transcribed in extenso by the author.In a historical perspective the origins of muse-ical can be traced back to antique Greece and the nine muses that were given to mankind by the gods. The ancient Greeks realised that artistic and intellectual activities are mutually dependent on each other. A further function of the muses, to care for the collective, social memory, seems also to have been forgotten in our time. Muse-ical activities also have to be combined with rhythm and harmony to get their ultimate form. This fact reflects the Greek conviction that order is a significant aspect of beauty. (Cosmos). Greeks aimed for a balance between the vivacious and engaging of Dionysus and the more strict and ordered of Apollo.One confusing circumstance in Plato´s texts concerning the word muse-ical is the translation of mousiké to mean music which is the case in Swedish, Danish, Norwegian and English. It makes a great difference whether our children are to be fostered in mousiké i.e. the arts of the muses and gymnastics or only in music and gymnastics. My conclusion is that Plato was of the opinion that the young should be fostered in mousiké and gymnastics.The word muse-ical appears in educational contexts during the mid 1920ies in Germany, when the sociologist Hans Freyer introduced the term. Muse-ical education is, in consonance with the ideas from ancient Greece, an integration of poetry, music and rhythmic movements.My conclusion from the theoretical analyses is that the muse-ical domain should be understood as an approach to learning that is based on:• A holistic attitude aiming at a balance between “hand, heart and brain”.• Time for reflection.• Muse-ical activities that give opportunities for applying different forms of expression, e.g.activities that comprise movement, sound, colour, form and drama.• Play is an important component.• The learner is the main actor.• The muse-ical perspective is superordinate to disciplinary categories of knowledge.• The muse-ical perspective should not be translated into a rigorous method.Teachers in all subject matter areas may take a muse-ical approach. Mathematics, history and chemistry for instance are as close to the muse-ical as music or drama.I prefer to regard the aesthetic and muse-ical as two different concepts, although with some overlap in meaning. There are common parts, some aspects are borderline cases and there are also, of course, distinct differences.Already the ancient Greeks stated that literary learning and sensory experience were mutually dependent on each other. The Swedish National Curriculum for the compulsory school also emphasises the importance of balancing these two modes of learning against each other.The results of the empirical study corroborate the conclusions of the theoretical analysis. The students repeatedly emphasise the importance of experience and involvement for the sake of their own learning. They do also stress the importance of connecting theory to practical components. Concerning integration of different areas of muse-ical learning there are different standpoints among the authors that I have referred to. The students’ arguments in favour of finding a common framework for all aesthetic areas are basically that they contain common creative aspects and that they all involve bodily and emotional aspects of learning. The students emphasise, in particular, two positive aspects of the aesthetic areas and muse-ical learning. Firstly, they have a general, facilitating impact on learning regardless of context and content. Secondly, they may contribute significantly to the students’ self-confidence and thereby give them the courage to enter new areas and aim for higher goals than otherwise. A majority of muse-ical activities take place in social settings, which gives rich opportunities for the students to train their social skills.Even though it has been a demanding task to express the essence of muse-ical learning, theoretically as well as empirically, one may perhaps be comforted by realising that the magic of museical learning might disappear were it possible to define it in a distinct way.
  • Holmström, Inger (author)
  • Gaining Professional Competence for Patient Encounters by Means of a New Understanding
  • 2002
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Swedish health care is currently facing problems, such as lack of financial resources, staff shortage and dissatisfaction among patients and professionals. Patients’ dissatisfaction was the point of departure for the present study, and one approach dealing with this problem was investigated. It was hypothesised that a patient-centred perspective could offer a possible solution. The aim of the study was to explore health care professionals’ and medical students’ understanding of their professional role and the patient encounter. A further goal was to determine whether these understandings could be developed by educational interventions. Students and professionals have been either interviewed or responded to a survey about their professional role and the patient encounter. Qualitative analysis was used. One group- and one individualised intervention were carried out. The participants’ understandings of their professional role were taken as the starting point for learning. The results showed that a minority of medical students and professionals in diabetes care had incorporated a patient-centred perspective. Nurses in telephone advisory services recognised the patients’ needs, but experienced conflicting demands of being both carer and gatekeeper. A non-optimal match between patients’ needs and what professionals understand as their role could cause some of the problems. Competence development could be achieved by taking the participants understanding of the professionals’ role and of the patient encounter as a starting point for reflection. The results have implications for changes in organisation and education in health care, to optimise outcomes of care. Time for reflection, mentoring and professional development is needed.
  • Jaldemark, Jimmy, 1970- (author)
  • Participation in a boundless activity : Computer-mediated communication in Swedish higher education
  • 2009
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The general purpose of this thesis is to understand how participation in the activity of education relates to communication and tools. This purpose unfolds by drawing on possible conceivable consequences. In the fulfilment of this purpose communication, education, participation, and tools are analytically linked by a common denominator: human action. The commentary text expounds on these links, while the four included papers illustrate how these links operate in educational settings. The general purpose serves to frame a narrower purpose: a discussion of participation through computer-mediated communication in online settings of Swedish higher education. The theoretical departure derives from a transactional approach that embraces human action as an inseparable aspect of a dynamic whole, here defined as the activity of education. This activity is discussed in terms of its cultural, ecological, historical, and social aspects. This theoretical departure embraces ideas largely taken from ecological, pragmatic and sociocultural perspectives of human action. The papers include analyses of, variously, empirical material taken from interviews with students, online exchanges of utterances, syllabuses, and study-guides. Two of the papers are literature reviews. The findings indicate that participation in education is a complex boundless phenomenon that is best understood as a dynamic whole. In this whole, participation in education is culturally, ecologically, historically, and socially transformed by actions, agents, communication, tools, and the setting. In this thesis, concepts such as computermediated communication, communicative genres, dialogical intersections, and educational settings are utilised to reach a dynamic understanding. The dynamics of these findings, therefore, are a challenge to all dualistic conceptualisations of education, such as those building on the idea of learners operating in learning environments. Particularly, these findings challenge operationalisations of education that rely on computer-mediated communication and which build on the idea of so-called online learning environments. A more coherent understanding of participation in education is possible if educational research and design builds on a non-dualistic conceptualisation that includes the idea of participation being performed in a boundless activity.
  • Johansson, Kristina, 1971- (author)
  • Broad Entrance - Vague Exit : The trajectory of Political Science students through higher education into working life
  • 2007
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The aim of this thesis is to describe Political Science students’ experiences of studies and work life. Students’ reflections on their study situation as well as their envisaged and later experienced work life have been analysed through cross-sectional as well as longitudinal data. Central research questions are how students at the beginning and the end of their studies perceive their study program, how the communication patterns between teacher and students are negotiated, and what discourses of knowledge and competence operate in the program and in work life as well as how students of Political Science experience the transition from higher education to working life at two European universities, and how Political science students and students in two professional programmes experience the transition from higher education to work life. The empiri-cal studies are presented in four articles. Ethnography, phenomenography and discourse analysis have been applied. The results show that students embark on the program with dreams of being in the halls of power in Brussels or becoming famous by appearing in the media. They are, however, also driven by a Bildung incentive. Towards the end of their studies, more down-to-earth visions of the future as investigators have replaced their previous dreams. Another result is the ongoing negotiations about their role and the purpose of e.g. seminars, which convey double messages about what to say and when to contribute. They also report a rational and generic relationship between their studies and the work tasks, indicating that they have acquired a set of general skills that are helpful for them in their work. When moving from studies into work life, they report having a feeling of being squeezed between the politicians and the general public. Surprisingly, few of them regard themselves as having power in the decision-making arena.
  • Lidskog, Marie, 1961- (author)
  • Learning with, from and about each other : interprofessional education on a training ward in municipal care for older persons
  • 2008
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The overall aim of this thesis was to describe and evaluate interprofessional education on an interprofessional training ward in municipal care for older persons. Interprofessional education has for some years now been proposed as a means to meet the call for effective collaboration, co-ordination and quality in health and social care. On the interprofessional training ward considered in this thesis, stu-dents from nursing, occupational therapy and social work programmes worked together for three weeks to learn with, from and about each other. In the first study (I) students’ perceptions and attitudes concerning the training on the ward were studied. An attitude questionnaire and a retrospective goal-fulfilment questionnaire were distributed to all students. Non-parametric statistics were used for the quantitative analysis, and qualitative content analysis for the qualitative parts. The results showed that the students had positive attitudes to-wards the training ward and in most respects the learning goals set up for the course were considered to have been met. In Studies II and III the focus was on students’ knowledge and understanding of their own and the others’ professions. Sixteen students were interviewed before and after. In the analysis of the interviews a phenomenographic approach was used. The findings showed a variation from simplistic conceptions of the profes-sions in terms of tasks to more complex conceptions in terms of the profession’s knowledge, responsibility and values. Differences in the ways professions were described concerning their professional stance towards the patients were espe-cially accentuated. The comparison between before and after indicated that there were changes in the students’ views. In some areas, however, there remained dis-crepancies between students’ understanding of their own profession and the oth-ers’ understanding of this profession. To promote mutual agreement on each other’s role this needs to be given careful consideration. In the fourth study (IV) the focus was on the students’ participation in the community of practice on the ward, and the findings reveal an ambivalent picture of this participation (and thus of their learning). The students collaborated in the care of the patients. However, they sometimes experienced a gap between expec-tations and reality with regard to both the profession-specific and the interprofes-sional training on the ward: what they had to do was sometimes felt to be be-neath their qualifications and irrelevant to the programme of education they were pursuing. This applied to all three groups, but especially student social workers. Interprofessional training wards can promote interprofessional learning, but it is crucial that setting should be right: it needs to be realistic for all the students involved, offering relevant profession-specific and interprofessional tasks and situations where the students can develop skills in collaborative, patient-centred care.
  • Nor, Barni (author)
  • Promotion of Exclusive Infant Feeding in South Africa : Community-Based Peer Counselling in high HIV Prevalent Area
  • 2010
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Despite global efforts, exclusive breastfeeding is rarely practiced in South Africa where infants are at risk of diarrheal infections, malnutrition and HIV transmission. The present study was conceptualized within the context of a multi-country, cluster randomized community-based behavioural intervention known as PROMISE-EBF in South Africa, Burkina Faso, Zambia and Uganda (www.clinicaltrials.gov, no: NCT00397150). The aim of this thesis was to identify and describe contextual factors that are important for the effectiveness of community-based peer counselling with a special focus on the promotion of exclusive breast and formula feeding. This thesis identifies the paradoxes and discrepancies embedded in the notion of community-based “peer” counselling approach, especially in the South African context of poverty, HIV and social distrust. Peer counselling, while perceived useful, was associated with social distrust which might have resulted in reduced effectiveness of the intervention. The thesis further illustrates that, while there is strong support for breast feeding, there was a general openness for early introduction of commercial foods and liquids. Mothers’ perceptions on infant feeding and peer counselling varied substantially according to HIV-status and geographical area. Nevertheless, the infant feeding peer counselling approach neither modified the mothers’ perceptions on feeding nor its associated barriers. Thus, several important barriers to exclusive breastfeeding including the risk for HIV stigmatization still remain. The results of this thesis highlight the need to rethink current approaches to the promotion of exclusive breastfeeding. It further draws attention to the gap between theoretical assumptions inherent in health interventions and the actual dynamic processes and realties of women in low-income high HIV settings.
  • Nordström, Annika, 1956- (author)
  • Violent offenders with schizophrenia : quantitative and qualitative studies focusing on the family of origin
  • 2004
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The focus of the thesis is on violent offenders with schizophrenia and their relatives. The aims were to explore incidence of violent crimes, the extent to which family members were victims, to investigate individual background factors among violent offenders, and to identify psychotic symptoms and triggering factors associated with fatal violence. In addition, parents were interviewed to build an understanding of their experiences and emotional reactions. One study examined all 369 male individuals who had committed a violent crime (assault, homicide or attempt to any of these crimes), who in a pre-trial forensic psychiatric evaluation (FPE) during 1992-2000 were diagnosed with schizophrenia, and who were referred to forensic psychiatric treatment. Although the majority of the 615 victims was unacquainted to the offenders, family members or male acquainted were most at risk of being severely injured or killed as victims. Background factors were studied for the 207 Swedish offenders who for their first time were subjects of a FPE during the study period. There were indications that those offenders who targeted family members had an earlier onset and more severe course of their mental illness. During the study period, 48 offenders committed homicides. Of the 52 victims, 83% were family members or acquainted to the offender. Those who killed a family member had more often delusions and/or hallucinations, were less often intoxicated, had to a lesser extent committed a previous violent crime and they were younger at the time of the homicide. Parents, who were interviewed, were very emotionally involved in their adult sons, although they were not living together. Ignorance regarding the diagnosis of their son and his criminality negatively influenced the contacts, both between parent and son and between parent and professionals in psychiatry. However, the referral to forensic psychiatric treatment gave the parents hope for a positive development.
  • Riesbeck, Eva, 1947- (author)
  • På tal om matematik : matematiken, vardagen och den matematikdidaktiska diskursen
  • 2008
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The aim of this dissertation is to describe and analyze how discourse as a theoretical and didactical concept can help in advancing knowledge about the teaching of mathematics in school. The dissertation has been written within a socio-cultural perspective where active participation and support from artefacts and mediation are viewed as important contributions to the development of understanding. Discourse analysis was used as a theoretical point of departure to grasp language use, knowledge construction and mathematical content in the teaching practises. The collection of empirical data was made up of video and audio tape recordings of the interaction of teachers and pupils in mathematics classrooms when they deal with problem-solving tasks, as well as discussions between student teachers as they engage in planning a teaching situation in mathematics. Discourse analysis was used as a tool to shed light upon how pupils learn and develop understanding of mathematics.The results of my studies demonstrate that discussions very often are located in either a mathematical or in an every-day discourse. Furthermore, the results demonstrate how change between every-day and mathematical language often takes place unknowingly. Also the results underline that a specific and precise dialogue can contribute towards teachers’ and pupils’ conscious participation in the learning process. Translated into common vocabulary such as speak, think, write, listen and read teachers and pupils would be able to interact over concepts, signs, words, symbols, situations and phenomena in every-day discourse and its mathematical counterpart. When teachers and pupils become aware of discursive boundary crossing in mathematics an understanding of mathematical phenomena can start to develop. Teachers and pupils can construct a meta-language leading to new knowledge and new learning in mathematics.
  • Silén, Charlotte, 1952- (author)
  • Mellan kaos och kosmos : om eget ansvar och självständighet i lärande
  • 2000
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • In this thesis, the aim was to attain a deeper understanding according to the students meaning of learning related to their own responsibility and independence within a framework of an educa¬tional programme.An empirical study with an ethnographic approach was carried out during one term of a nursing programme that uses the PBL-approach. Based on observations, conversations, inter¬views and documents, three narratives were formulated. One describes the phases students experience in the planned curricula. Periods characterised of chaos, uncertainty and a heavy workload, alternate with periods of ‘cosmos’, optimism, curiosity and satisfaction. The second narrative is about students' learning objectives while realising that they have to make choices and decisions on their own to succeed. A dialectic driving force emerging from frustration and stimulation, chaos and cosmos, results in questions about what to learn and how to act. The third narrative describes how students handle these questions.The narratives reveal two dimensions. One concerns how the students form attitudes about the relevance of learning objectives and how they go about learning a knowledge base necessary for their future profession. The other dimension takes as its starting point the fact that students try to manage their learning situation taking into consideration the framework of the educa¬tional programme. These dimensions were further analysed using theoretical references. The first dimension was analysed from the perspective of teacher/learner control and a didactic analysis of the meaning of an educational setting. The second dimension was analysed on the basis of phenomenographic learning theory.As regards responsibility and independence there seems to be a point in abandoning the concept of self-directed learning. Instead of emphasising self, the interaction between people, the individual and the educational framework and the interaction with content, are found to be fundamental. This interaction includes communication, dialogue and active participation in all the parts of a learning situation. Based on the results of this study, I claim that the driving force in student-centred learning is the dialectic relation between frustration and stimulation, chaos and cosmos. This stimulates the students to engage in the teachers' traditional didactic ques¬tions concerning an educational programme: what are we going to study, how and why, and what are the objectives? The students' conduct as regards independence, vis à vis dependence, are related to a dialectic relationship between the prerequisites provided by the educational frame¬work and the students' interpretation and ability to use them. Expressions of responsibility and independence emerge as choices and decisions concerning the didactic questions, initiative, activity, search for opportunities to reflect and co-operate and self-confidence. The opposite, dependence, is characterised by strategies for “survival”. The students plan their learning situa¬tion so that the examinations and assignments can be successfully tackled, and the learning situation takes on features of a surface approach. I believe that further insights into learning in student-centred education can be found in the two dialectic relationships described above.
  • Szczepanski, Anders, 1954- (author)
  • Handlingsburen kunskap : Lärares uppfattningar om landskapet som lärandemiljö
  • 2009
  • Licentiate thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • This is a licentiate dissertation consisting of a summarizing section and two free-standing but coherent articles, one of which has previously been published in ascientific journal while the other is accepted for publication. The unifying link is the theme of attempting to establish the kernel of outdoor education, as it isunderstood by teachers active in the field. The study depicts with the help of semi-structured interviews the respondents’ conceptions of teaching and outdooreducation. The first article is a survey (accomplished in A - School and B - School) of teachers’ perceptions of learning and teaching outdoors in preschool – (to) thefirst year of the compulsory school. The second article is a study of teachers’ perceptions of the possible special nature of outdoor education after having experiencedan educational intervention in the subject (preschool to first year). Both articles treat the special nature of outdoor education coupled with learning and outdoorteaching in light of the overall research question, what perceptions do teachers have of learning and teaching outdoors? The summarizing section which discusses thetwo articles is divided into five different parts.Chapter I comprises a social and environmental analysis and indicates the need for research in the field of outdoor education. Chapter II deals with the aim, issuesand theoretical perspectives of learning which are tied to knowledge through action, ecological readability and bodily learning. A number of restricted examples areselected among theoreticians and representatives of these three perspectives within the reform pedagogy movement, American pragmatism, the environmental studymovement and theories of the phenomenology of the body, the learning body in movement.The methodological basis for the analysis of the two articles is phenomenographic and is described in Chapter III. In Chapter IV the possible special nature ofoutdoor education is analysed, noting what stands out as especially prominent in the respondents’ answers and in what way, proceeding from questions such as what isoutdoor education for you, what is the difference between learning outdoors and indoors, and why teach outdoors? Four categories of response can be distinguished: aplace for learning, a way of learning, an object of learning and bodily learning. At the end of Chapter IV the results of both articles are summarised. Finally, Chapter Vcomprises a discussion proceeding from a metacategorisation of all descriptive categories from both articles. The discussion has led to the identification of threethematised perspectives, namely the place perspective, the environment perspective and the body perspective. These perspectives, place, environment and body, arelinked back to the technical frame of reference in Chapter II.The result of the two part studies, the survey study in article 1 and the educational intervention in article 2, indicates a multiplicity of varied perceptions of thespecial nature of outdoor education and can thus be said to characterise this as richly diversified. As regards teachers’ notions of the principal reasons for learning andteaching outdoors, the following four aspects are foregrounded:the place for learningthe object of learningthe way of learningbodily learningTwo main categories were identified in article 2 which are treated in education in the subject after a five-day course (10 half study days), teachers who perceive aspecial nature in outdoor education and teachers who do not. Both main categories crystallised out after the educational intervention was implemented in Byskolan andStadsskolan (the Village School and the Town School), the latter being the reference school. One year after the completion of the educational intervention mostteachers in the Village School associated the special nature of outdoor education with a more authentic, body and sensory experience related, movement intensive and health promoting learning than traditional learning in the classroom.Proceeding from a metacategorisation the three above-mentioned thematised perspectives are described in Chapter V. These reflect the identified responsecategories in articles 1 and 2.The analysis of the empirical material of the investigation reveals that the special nature of outdoor education from the respondents´ perspective is related to place,to the environment and to the body.
  • Wallgren, Lillemor, 1945- (author)
  • Mellan skilda världar : En studie av doktoranders lärsituation i relation till förutsättningarna i fyra företagsforskarskolor
  • 2007
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Företagsforskarskolor syftar till att kunskaps- och kompetensnivån i näringslivet skall höjas och högskolan tillföras kunskap och erfarenheter från näringslivet. Detta är tänkt att ske genom en utvidgad handledning, bestående av både en akademisk handledare och en industrihandledare, vidare ett avhandlingsprojekt som är av intresse för företaget och dessutom genom att företagsdoktoranderna parallellt med sin utbildning till viss del arbetar inom ett företag.Doktorsavhandlingens övergripande syfte är att, genom empiriska undersökningar, få insikt i och förståelse för företagsdoktoranders situation, i vilken handledningen är en central del. Avhandlingens mer specifika syften är att beskriva doktorandernas perspektiv, upplevelser och erfarenheter av sitt deltagande i olika praktiker, parallellt med sin identitetsutveckling till forskare inom ramen för forskarutbildningsprocessen. Av särskilt intresse är att undersöka och belysa de i undersökningarna identifierade framgångsfaktorerna och hindren i termer av förutsättningar samt behov av anpassning till företagsdoktoranders särskilda situation, där samarbetet inom handledningen är en faktor.För att uppnå dessa syften intervjuades år 2001 och år 2004 ett anta  doktorander antagna till fyra olika företagsforskarskolor och några av deras handledare. Stora variationer beroende på företagsmiljö och forskarskoletillhörighet framkommer när det gäller upplevelserna av att vara företagsdoktorand. Detsamma gäller doktorandernas identifikation och deltagande, som resulterar i olika lärsystem med avseende på både dimension och karaktär. Även handledarsamarbetet kring doktoranden varierar och olika handledarkaraktärer framträder.De stora variationerna beror på faktorer som kan hänföras till företagsmiljön, doktorandernas inträde i forskarskolan, avhandlingsprojektet, forskarskoleorganisationen, handledningen och doktorandernas förväntningar inför framtiden. De flesta av dessa faktorer, liksom lärsystemens olika utformning, synliggörs med hjälp av teorier och begrepp inom situerat lärande. Det gör däremot inte de påverkansfaktorer som identifieras och som kan relateras antingen till övergripande strukturer och makt eller till motsättningar mellan olika kunskapsbildningsformer och verksamhets- och lärandelogiker.
  • Öfverström, Christel, 1949- (author)
  • Upplevelse, inlevelse och reflektion : En teoretisk analys och en empirisk undersökning av hur lärare tänker när de använder drama som metod
  • 2006
  • Licentiate thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • This thesis consists of two parts and focus on how teachers think when they use drama as a method. It is a didactic study in which the questions what, why and how will be elucidated. The first part is theoretical and contains theoretical perspectives of education in general and theoretical perspective focused in drama as a learning method. The theoretical study comes from Aristotle and his mimesis, which is related to how children learn about the world and how they acquire their first knowledge. Other for the subject important theorists that I have been inspired of is Dewey and his learning by doing and Marton & Booth with their phenomenographic point of view. Drama as a method is based on Bolton and his view of drama as a method, both from the past and till today. The second part consists of an empirical survey through interviews. The interviews were tape-recorded and the transcribed text were analysed. From a didactic point of view the teachers were asked about how they think when they use drama as a method. The aim of the interviews was to give drama as a method an essence. The result from the survey of how the teachers describe drama as a method can be shown from the following aspects:- learning about yourself- from knowledge about yourself practise cooperation- develop skills to communicate- practise the student to use all senses in acquire knowledge- using their fantasy to develop their creativity- widen the students intellectual from a holistic point of viewIn the discussion the two parts of the thesis are related to each other.
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Wall, Stig (1)
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Lidskog, Marie, 1961 ... (1)
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Mid Sweden University (2)
Halmstad University (1)
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Stockholm University (1)
University of Gävle (1)
Mälardalen University (1)
Lund University (1)
Karlstad University (1)
Swedish National Defence College (1)
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English (27)
Swedish (15)
Research subject (UKÄ/SCB)
Social Sciences (23)
Medical and Health Sciences (13)


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