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  • Bromark, Kristina, 1973- (author)
  • The user as a key actor in user participation : Exploring knowledge production in personal social services with a participatory approach
  • 2024
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The concept of user participation in social work is frequently debated. In Sweden, users are supposed to be active and involved in matters concerning them, a stance which is regulated in policy and law. The involvement of users in practice can be considered a form of knowledge production that can strengthen and develop users as well as the organizations. In practice, however, research shows that actual engagement, education or activation of users is difficult to attain and can be understood as a devaluation of user knowledge. The aim of this dissertation is to increase knowledge of how to understand and enhance the conditions for user participation in personal social services. To study this question, the dissertation focuses especially on young people’s participation in the context of out-of-home care. To explore user participation in personal social services, a participatory approach was applied. Data was gathered with young people and staff using participatory techniques as well as qualitative interviews. To explore challenges and possibilities with user participation, a future workshop was held with staff in personal social services (study I). This was followed by a co-design process in which staff, young people, and researchers collaborated on a support tool (study II), later to be implemented in practice (study III). The implementation process was explored by interviewing both staff and managers as well as a user representative (from a youth council). The co-design and implementation processes are problematized and discussed in the dissertation from a researcher’s perspective (study IV). The theoretical framework for understanding how users can be devalued as knowers is epistemic injustice. The assumption is that the role of a knower can shift, depending on social power and the structures in a context. The findings in this dissertation show that user participation is contingent on the distribution of power and responsibility and on perceptions of knowers and knowledge in practice. Although the general attitude towards user participation is positive, a reluctance in practice is revealed. It appears to be a challenge for staff to acknowledge the expertise of users, despite the fact that the users’ have the capacity and are willing to contribute with their knowledge. Work with user participation is identified as a team effort that requires actions at all levels of the organization as well as increased resources, leadership and a coherent understanding and agreement of the concept. A participatory approach to knowledge production with users is identified as a possible way to enhance epistemic justice and the inclusion of all relevant actors in activities and processes. The dimensions important to user participation can be acknowledged. For the dynamics to be maintained in a wider sense, however, an organizational infrastructure, with routines and methods, is necessary. To sustain epistemic justice in the implementation of user participation, a participatory culture with a solid and coherent understanding of user participation in practice is encouraged. A realization of user participation in practice requires a critical exploration of power and positions, systematic changes to infrastructure and transparency about roles and responsibility. 
  • Andersson, Gunnel, et al. (author)
  • Samverkan för barn med funktionsnedsättning i socialt utsatta familjer
  • 2017
  • Reports (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Hur ser socialtjänstens förmåga ut när det gäller att stödja barn med funktionsnedsättning som lever i socialt utsatta familjer?Den här studien handlar om samverkan mellan Individ- och familjeomsorgens barn- och ungdomsenheter och enheter för personer med funktionsnedsättning. En fungerande samverkan av olika samhälleliga aktörer runt barn med funktionsnedsättning i socialt utsatta familjer kan ses som extra viktig. Dels för att det handlar om barn, dels för att det berör barn med funktionsnedsättning.Barn med funktionsnedsättning som också lever i socialt utsatta familjer utgör en mycket svag grupp med begränsningar att föra sin egen talan. Forskning visar dessutom att barn med funktionsnedsättning i högre grad än andra barn riskerar att utsättas för våld och övergrepp. Tyvärr visar forskningen också att många professionella saknar kunskap om barn med funktionsnedsättningars speciella behov och ökade utsatthet för våld och andra övergrepp.Utifrån fiktiva fall avseende två barn med funktionsnedsättningar som lever i familjer med social problematik har socialsekreterare och LSS-handläggare i åtta kommuner diskuterat hinder och förutsättningar för samverkan. Får barnen i dessa vinjetter den hjälp och det stöd de behöver? Var hamnar barnen i utredningsprocesserna?Rapporten ringar in ett antal utvecklingsområden och dilemman. I rapporten framkommer också några lösningar och goda exempel.Rapporten avslutas med ett arbetsmaterial med korta sammanfattningar och diskussionsfrågor som kan användas i personalgrupper för att utveckla den egna verksamheten.
  • Andersson, Gunnel, 1955-, et al. (author)
  • Standardized knowledge, the IBIC and knowledge-based social services
  • 2023
  • In: Nordic Social Work Research. - 2156-857X .- 2156-8588. ; , s. 1-14
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • This article discusses the contribution of standardized methods to knowledge-based social services. The point of departure for the study is theSwedish assessment method the Individual’s Needs in Focus (IBIC). Howdoes the IBIC, based on the terminology of the ICF, contribute to standardizeddocumentation and to a focus on the needs of the individual? Thestudy is based on 80 social service investigations, from four differentSwedish municipalities, concerning daily living support interventions, aswell as 13 interviews with case officers. Our analysis exposes major flaws interms of clarity and uniformity. The client’s needs may be seeminglyrandomly assigned to a particular life domain; environmental factorsand personal factors have no specified content, and the assessment ofthe degree to which functioning is limited is subjective. As a standardizedmethod, the IBIC fails in the fundamental requirement of providing a basisfor comparison – the headings do not necessarily coincide with thecontent. From a social perspective, one can also question why, accordingto the IBIC, needs are centred to functions, supposedly improved bypractice/learning. Overall, this also jeopardizes its value relative to goalfulfilment at both individual and aggregated levels. We argue that onereason why it is difficult to apply the IBIC is that its construction does notalign with the premise of social work. The IBIC constructs an approach toknowledge that tends to place a high premium on the simple and welldefined,rather than the holistic and complex.
  • Andersson, Lars M., et al. (author)
  • Sverigedemokraternas valfilm förvanskar historien
  • 2018
  • In: Dagens Nyheter, 7 augusti 2018. - 1101-2447.
  • Journal article (pop. science, debate, etc.)abstract
    • Ingress: Den koppling som görs mellan socialdemokratisk och nazitysk politik i filmen ”Ett folk, ett parti” saknar vetenskaplig grund, skriver åtta svenska forskare.
  • Bergknut, Magnus, et al. (author)
  • Identification of potentially toxic compounds in complex extracts of environmental samples using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and multivariate data analysis
  • 2007
  • In: Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. - New York : Pergamon. - 0730-7268 .- 1552-8618. ; 26:2, s. 208-217
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • In this study, we examined 31 samples of varying chemical composition, including samples of soils from gasworks, coke production sites, and sites where wood preservatives were heavily used; ash and soot from municipal solid waste incinerators; antiskid sand; and dust from areas with heavy road traffic. The samples were comprehensively chemically characterized, especially their polycyclic aromatic compound contents, using gas chromatography-time-of-flight mass spectrometry, whereas their biological effects were assessed using dehydrogenase activity, root growth (Hordeum vulgare), reproduction of springtails (Folsomia candida), algal growth (Desmodesmus subspicatus), germinability (Sinapis alba), Vibrio fischeri, DR-CALUX, and Ames Salmonella assays. The number of compounds detected in the samples ranged from 123 to 527. Using the multivariate regression technique of partial-least-squares projections to latent structures, it was possible to find individual compounds that exhibited strong correlations with the different biological responses. Some of the results, however, indicate that a broader chemical characterization may be needed to identify all the compounds that may cause the measured biological responses.
  • Bergknut, Magnus, et al. (author)
  • Identification of potentially toxic compounds in complex extracts of environmental samples using GC-MS and multivariate data analysis
  • 2007
  • In: Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. - 0730-7268 .- 1552-8618. ; 26:2, s. 208-17
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • In this study, we examined 31 samples of varying chemical composition, including samples of soils from gasworks, coke production sites, and sites where wood preservatives were heavily used; ash and soot from municipal solid waste incinerators; antiskid sand; and dust from areas with heavy road traffic. The samples were comprehensively chemically characterized, especially their polycyclic aromatic compound contents, using gas chromatography–time-of-flight mass spectrometry, whereas their biological effects were assessed using dehydrogenase activity, root growth (Hordeum vulgare), reproduction of springtails (Folsomia candida), algal growth (Desmodesmus subspicatus), germinability (Sinapis alba), Vibrio fischeri, DR-CALUX, and Ames Salmonella assays. The number of compounds detected in the samples ranged from 123 to 527. Using the multivariate regression technique of partial-least-squares projections to latent structures, it was possible to find individual compounds that exhibited strong correlations with the different biological responses. Some of the results, however, indicate that a broader chemical characterization may be needed to identify all the compounds that may cause the measured biological responses.
  • Bergman, Ann-Sofie, 1963-, et al. (author)
  • Bedömningsstöd för familjehemsplacerade barns umgänge : En utvärdering ur socialarbetares perspektiv
  • 2018
  • Reports (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • FoU Södertörn och Södertörns högskola har under år 2017, på uppdrag av Socialstyrelsen, utvärderat ett bedömningsstöd för familjehemsplacerade barns umgänge med föräldrar, andra anhöriga och närstående. Bedömningsstödet har utvecklats av FoU Södertörn i samarbete med barn- och familjehemssekreterare från nio Södertörnskommuner. Stödet utgår från erfarenhetskunskap hos personal inom familjehemsvården. Erfarenheter från placerade barn har också funnits med som en grund genom att organisationen Knas hemma har bidragit med erfarenheter från barn. Forskare i socialt arbete och juridik har lämnat synpunkter som har utvecklat bedömningsstödet.Utvärderingen har genomförts genom att barn- och familjehemssekreterare har prövat att använda bedömningsstödet i ärenden som under en period om sex veckor år 2017 var aktuella för nyplacering, övervägande, omprövning eller umgängesbegränsning. Handläggarnas erfarenheter av att använda bedömningsstödet har inhämtats genom en enkätstudie och genom fokusgruppsintervjuer. 76 personer har deltagit i enkätundersökningen. De har svarat på enkäter efter att ha använt bedömningsstödet vid bedömningar av umgänge för totalt 144 barn. Deltagarna kommer från 27 olika kommunala socialtjänstenheter i landet. 26 personer har deltagit i intervjuer.Resultaten visar att barn- och familjehemssekreterarna upplever ett behov av någon form av stöd i arbetet med att bedöma familjehemsplacerade barns umgänge. Bedömningen av umgänge upplevs som en svår fråga och ett viktigt utvecklingsområde. I enkätstudien har deltagarna fått svara på frågan om de upplever att bedömningsstödet har underlättat deras arbete med att göra en bedömning av umgänget i enlighet med barnets bästa. Resultaten visar att tre av fyra svar är att det stämmer mycket bra eller ganska bra. I en lika stor andel svar har bedömningsstödet bidragit till en mer rättssäker handläggning av umgängesfrågan och varit en hjälp för att samla in information på ett systematiskt sätt. I majoriteten av svaren har bedömningsstödet också bidragit till att barnets inställning till umgänge har blivit belyst.Av intervjuer och kommentarer i enkätstudiens fria svar framkommer att handläggarna anser att bedömningsstödet fungerar särskilt bra i nya ärenden, komplexa ärenden samt när ett ärende har ny handläggare. De tar upp att bedömningsstödet skulle behöva komma in tidigare i processen då det inte endast är relevant för familjehemsenheterna utan även för utredningsenheterna inom den sociala barnavården. I intervjuer beskriver deltagare att handläggare vid utredningsenheter och familjehemsenheter kan ha skilda uppfattningar i umgängesfrågan. När ett ärende kommer till familjehemsenheten har redan handläggare vid utredningsenheten gjort en bedömning av umgänget som handläggare vid familjehemsenheten ibland upplever att det av olika skäl är svårt att genomföra. Bedömningsstödet skulle kunna vara till hjälp i de båda enheternas samverkan med att göra en bedömning av vad som är barnets bästa i umgängesfrågan.I drygt 80 procent av svaren i enkätstudien uppges att handläggaren avser att fortsätta använda bedömningsstödet även efter utvärderingsperioden. I mer än 90 procent av svaren skulle handläggaren rekommendera andra professionella att använda bedömningsstödet.Korstabeller visar att arbetserfarenhet har betydelse för deltagarnas svar. De som har kortare erfarenhet av arbete inom familjehemsvården har genomgående upplevt en större nytta av bedömningsstödet medan de som har längre erfarenhet har gjort det i lägre grad. Några handläggare med lång erfarenhet menar att de redan arbetar på ett rättssäkert sätt och att de följer den systematik som bedömningsstödet utgör. Men det finns även handläggare med lång erfarenhet som har upplevt att bedömningsstödet har varit till hjälp, till exempel genom att vara bekräftande i den meningen att de har kunnat stämma av att de inte har missat väsentliga saker som är relevanta för bedömningen. Barn- och familjehemssekreterare beskriver att bedömningsstödet har bidragit till att de har känt sig mer säkra på sin bedömning, vilket har bidragit till att de också har kunnat vara tydligare i samtal med barn och föräldrar samt i samband med rättsliga processer.
  • Bergman, Ann-Sofie, et al. (author)
  • Bedömningsstöd för familjehemsplacerade barns umgänge: En utvärdering ur socialarbetares perspektiv
  • 2018
  • Reports (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • I denna rapport presenteras resultaten av en utvärdering av ett bedömningsstöd för familjehemsplacerade barns umgänge med föräldrar, syskon, andra anhöriga och närstående. Bedömningsstödet har utvecklats av FoU Södertörn i samarbete med barn- och familjehemssekreterare från nio Södertörnskommuner. Stödet utgår från erfarenhetskunskap hos personal inom familjehemsvården. Erfarenheter från placerade barn har också funnits med som en grund. Utvärderingen har genomförts av FoU Södertörn och Södertörns högskola på uppdrag av Socialstyrelsen. Utvärderingen bygger på en enkätundersökning och på fokusgruppsintervjuer med barn- och familjehemssekreterare som under en avgränsad period har prövat att använda bedömningsstödet i sitt arbete med att göra bedömningar av barnets bästa i umgängesfrågan.
  • Bergman, Ann-Sofie, Docent i socialt arbete, 1963-, et al. (author)
  • Factors Associated With Stability for Children in Family Foster Care : A Study of Case Files in Six Municipalities in Sweden
  • 2024
  • In: Child & Family Social Work. - : John Wiley & Sons. - 1356-7500 .- 1365-2206.
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Stability is vital for the development, health and relationships of children in family foster care. Instability can lead to social and school issues, low self-esteem and diminished trust in caregivers. This article examines the risk and protective factors for stability for these children. Data, drawn from case files in six municipalities (n = 116), combine qualitative and quantitative analyses for a comprehensive understanding. Twenty children from each municipality were selected, with 10 in stable placements (lived in one family foster home for over a year) and 10 in unstable placements (lived in at least two different family foster homes). Quantitative results highlight the importance of factors like familiar placements, a child's age at the time of placement, behavioural challenges and the number of children in the foster home. Stable placements were more common in homes with fewer children (including foster and biological children). Qualitative findings show that in some instances, breakdowns in foster care placements could not be foreseen, often arising from stressful events within the foster family's life after the child's placement. Additionally, we observed that breakdowns sometimes resulted from foster parents lacking the necessary resources to address the child's requirements, particularly in cases involving children with behavioural challenges or extensive needs.
  • Children's Work in Everyday Life
  • 2007
  • Editorial collection (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Barns arbete har under hela 1900-talet varit en viktig politisk fråga. Men när den diskuteras idag handlar det framför allt om barns arbete i tredje världen. Med utökad skolgång tycks frågor om barn och arbete tappat sin politiska betydelse i västvärlden.Men vad som uppfattas som arbete hör samman med hur arbete definieras. Med en bred definition framträder en bild som visar att barns arbete har betydelse både på individnivå, för familjer och i samhällsekonomin. Arbete är också idag en viktig del av barns liv och många barn vill arbeta
  • Engwall, Kristina, 1969- (author)
  • "Asociala och imbecilla" : kvinnorna på Västra Mark 1931 - 1967
  • 2000
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Vilka konsekvenser medförde det att under perioden 1931-1967 kategoriseras som sinnesslö kvinna i Sverige? Undersökningens källmaterial är i huvudsak patientjournaler från Västra Marks sjukhus för s.k. asociala och imbecilla kvinnor, men även riksdagsmaterial. Utifrån detta material diskuteras samhällets uppfattning av och åtgärder mot det som upplevdes som sinnesslöproblemet. I avhandlingen behandlas sinnesslöa som en social kategori och kön diskuteras i termer av kvinnlighet på fyra olika nivåer.Avhandlingen visar hur kvinnorna på Västra Mark var en utsatt grupp människor som upplevt otrygghet samt fysiska och sexuella övergrepp. Men i samhällsdebatten i tidigt 1900-tal talades mer om det hot som sinnesslöa kvinnor ansågs utgöra p.g.a sin "sexuella" opålitlighet". De samhälleliga åtgärderna resulterade i internering, till exempel på Västra Mark, sterilisering och äktenskapsförbud.Men kvinnorna på Västra Mark befann sig i gränsområdet mellan avvikande och normalt. Därmed ansågs i vissa fall att familjebildning kunde vara bättre för kvinnornas återanpassning till samhället än förhindrandet av familjebildning som lagen förespråkade. För kvinnorna själva var fästman, äkta make och barn något som eftersträvades då detta ingick i den "normala" kvinnligheten. Av undersökningen framgår att sinnesslöa kvinnor omfattades av en annorlunda kvinnlighet än vad kvinnor i allmänhet gjorde.En studie om en marginaliserad grupp, som till exempel sinnesslöa kvinnor, medför att grundläggande frågor om människors värde och människosyn aktualiseras. Frågor om exempelvis individuell frihet och samhälleligt ingripande synliggös därmed på ett mer framträdande sätt än vad en studie av centrala grupper i ett samhälle skulle ha möjliggjort. Avhandlingen visar också på nödvändigheten av ett könsperspektiv i handikappforskningen samt vikten av att sinnesslöa inkluderas i handikapphistorien.
  • Engwall, Kristina, et al. (author)
  • Barnarbete som regel eller undantag? : Presentation av ett källmaterial och dess möjligheter
  • 2010
  • In: Arbetarhistoria. - : Arbetarrörelsens Arkiv och Bibliotek. - 0281-7446. ; 34:1 (133), s. 31-34
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Arbetar barn och ungdomar i Sverige? I så fall var, när och hur? Kunskap om detta tycks förvånansvärt svåråtkomlig. I artikeln diskuteras ett intressant källmaterial, nämligen ansökningar om dispens från arbetsmiljölagstiftningens bestämmelser  om barns arbete – inskränkningar i arbetstider, arbetsuppgifter och liknande – som arbetsgivare sänder in till Arbetsmiljöverket. Vad visar detta källmaterial och vilka slutsatser man kan dra av det?
  • Engwall, Kristina, 1969- (author)
  • Childfreeness, parenthood and adulthood
  • 2014
  • In: Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research. - : Stockholm University Press. - 1501-7419 .- 1745-3011. ; 16:4, s. 333-347
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • This article discusses voluntary childlessness and reaching adulthood in Sweden,focusing on childfree women and men with intellectual disabilities (IDs). Thearticle is based on interviews with 19 childfree individuals, four of whom had IDs.It focuses on motives for voluntary childlessness, with three types of motivesbeing mentioned only by the interviewees with IDs; namely the difficulties ofparenthood and of building relations with children, the risk of heredity and themaliciousness of children. The interviews have been analysed with relevance topower axes of gender, age and abilities, and these three motives may be seen asresults of the interviewees’ ascribed position as intellectually disabled and of thesegregation in society between able and disabled individuals. The article alsoincludes a discussion about how to achieve ‘adult status’ when parenthood isruled out. Other issues in everyday life seem more important than parenthood,according to the individuals with IDs.
  • Engwall, Kristina, et al. (author)
  • Children with disabilities in Swedish child welfare – a differentiating and disabling practice : [Barn med funktionsnedsättning i svensk social barnavård – en särskiljande och funktionshindrande praktik]
  • 2019
  • In: European Journal of Social Work. - : Informa UK Limited. - 1369-1457 .- 1468-2664. ; 22:6, s. 1025-1037
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Research shows that children with disabilities are victims of violence and abuse to a higher extent than other children and thus need support from social services. In Sweden, cooperation between two different social services units is required to support children with disabilities in socially vulnerable families. In this study, we have examined the intersection between children and disability in a Swedish social services context from the perspective of childhood studies and disability studies. The reasoning of the two units including the child perspective emerged during focus group interviews based on two vignettes. The results show two different rationalities, which has consequences for the disabled child. In spite of a social policy where the ‘best interests of the child’ are meant to prevail and disabilities are meant to be interpreted as barriers in society, children with disabilities seem to be reduced to individuals who are lacking in ability and competency and who are profoundly victimised by power structures that favour the adult perspective in social services.
  • Engwall, Kristina, et al. (author)
  • Children with disabilities in Swedish child welfare – a differentiating and disabling practice
  • 2019
  • In: European Journal of Social Work. - : Informa UK Limited. - 1369-1457 .- 1468-2664. ; 22:6, s. 1025-1037
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Research shows that children with disabilities are victims of violence and abuse to a higher extent than other children and thus need support from social services. In Sweden, cooperation between two different social services units is required to support children with disabilities in socially vulnerable families. In this study, we have examined the intersection between children and disability in a Swedish social services context from the perspective of childhood studies and disability studies. The reasoning of the two units including the child perspective emerged during focus group interviews based on two vignettes. The results show two different rationalities, which has consequences for the disabled child. In spite of a social policy where the ‘best interests of the child’ are meant to prevail and disabilities are meant to be interpreted as barriers in society, children with disabilities seem to be reduced to individuals who are lacking in ability and competency and who are profoundly victimised by power structures that favour the adult perspective in social services.
  • Engwall, Kristina, 1969-, et al. (author)
  • Constructions of childhood : the assessment of respite care for children with disabilities in Sweden
  • 2021
  • In: European Journal of Social Work. - : Routledge. - 1369-1457 .- 1468-2664. ; 24:4, s. 617-628
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • This study examines how childhoods are constructed within the assessment process concerning respite care for children with disabilities in Sweden. The social workers need to take into consideration the needs of the child with disabilities as well as those of the parents and siblings. The application for respite care compels the social worker to prioritise needs, evaluate children’s development and define what constitutes a good childhood. One of the results of such a process is a construction of childhood for children with disabilities which contains a strong focus on practising and developing, whereas their siblings are perceived as needing relaxation and quality time with their parents. It matches the childhood sociological concepts of ‘becomings’ and ‘beings’, where children with disabilities are stressed as ‘becoming’ and continually needing to develop their skills.
  • Engwall, Kristina, 1969- (author)
  • Föräldraskap, utvecklingsstörning och vuxenblivande
  • 2012
  • In: Barn - Forskning om barn og barndom i Norden. - 0800-1669. ; :3, s. 71-86
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • This article discusses voluntary childlessness in Sweden, with focus on childfree women and men withintellectual disabilities (IDs). The article is based on interviews with 19 childfree individuals, four ofwhom had IDs. It focuses on motives for childfreeness. These motives are mainly consequences oftheir ascribed position as intellectually disabled and of the segregation in society between able anddisabled individuals. The article also includes a discussion about how to achieve the “adult status”.The interviewees discussed alternative ways of expressing adult status. Many individuals see parent-hood as a way into the adult world; however, achieving adult status through parenthood is an under-discussed theme in the stories of the interviewees with IDs, who instead focused on other issues.
  • Engwall, Kristina, 1969- (author)
  • How disability is conceptualized in individual discrimination complaints
  • 2016
  • In: International Journal of Discrimination and the Law. - : SAGE Publications. - 1358-2291 .- 2047-9468. ; 16:4, s. 214-227
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • This article studies how disabilities are conceptualized and used by citizens when theyreport perceived discrimination associated with disability in Sweden. A review of all 485disability-related complaints filed with the Equality Ombudsman in 2012 shows howdisabilities are conceptualized on three different themes. The first involves environmentalobstacles that include references to deficiencies regarding human rights as well asmaterial deficiencies. The second involves diagnoses and incapacity by using medicallanguage citing medical certificates. The third involves those complaints that cite multiplediscriminatory grounds, of which disability is one. These individual interpretations ofdisability show how citizens justify their belonging to the category of disabled people.The variations of the concept of disability can be viewed as a pragmatic way of relating todisability, suggesting the possibility of assuming different positions in different situations,where the context determines what is most suitable.
  • Engwall, Kristina, 1969- (author)
  • “’I’m too old to think five years ahead.’ : Parent carers of adult children with intellectual disabilities in Sweden
  • 2017
  • In: Alter;European Journal of Disability Research ;Journal Europeen de Recherche Sur le Handicap. - : OpenEdition. - 1875-0672 .- 1875-0680. ; 11:3, s. 155-167
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • In Sweden, most adult people with intellectual disabilities live ingroup homes. Independent living and independence are highly val-ued in Swedish politics. Yet there are also parents who live withtheir adult ‘children’ with intellectual disabilities. This article analy-ses eight parents’ stories about living with their adult children withintellectual disabilities. They discuss their daily lives and futurethoughts concerning their children’s living situation. The analysisis conducted from a perspective in which age is seen as a socialpractice and power structure. The parents in this study violateseveral norms through their choices. Their daily lives continue tobe characterized by the adult children’s needs and activities. Theparents are aging and the adult children get older, but householdchores and responsibilities continue to be distributed in the sameway. There is risk that the co-living of parents and adult childrenwill entrench an age structure in which parents are ascribed “eter-nal” adulthood, never transitioning into old age, while the childremains in “eternal” adolescence.
  • Engwall, Kristina, 1969-, et al. (author)
  • Korttidsvistelse LSS - hur beaktas barnperspektivet?
  • 2019
  • Reports (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Korttidsvistelse LSS - hur hanteras barnperspektivet?I den här studien har barnperspektivet vid handläggning av korttidsvistelseenligt LSS studerats. Studien bygger på 88 sociala utredningarfrån tio kommuner, gruppintervju med LSS-handläggareoch fem föräldraintervjuer.Barnperspektiv kan definieras på flera sätt: barnets eget perspektiv, de vuxnas perspektiv på vad som är bäst för barn samt ett barnrättsperspektiv som utgår från barnkonventionens huvudprinciper.Av de flesta akter framgår att LSS-handläggaren träffat barnet. Ett sådant möte kan innebära allt från att observera barnet i sin hemmiljö,till att informera eller att fråga om barnets uppfattning. Mötet i sig behöver inte medföra att barnet fått förutsättningar att uttrycka sina åsikter. I de fall barn och ungdomar inte bedöms som tillräckligt kompetenta att uttrycka sin åsikt, så ersätts deras egna perspektiv med vuxnas barnperspektiv. I situationer där barn beskrivs som delaktiga i möten framgår det attbåde handläggare och föräldrar har ansträngt sig med att göra information begriplig så att barnet ska få möjlighet att förstå vad mötet handlar om samt att förbereda sig inför mötet.Trots att LSS-handläggarna ska beakta barnperspektivet är det ibland svårt att förstå hur bedömningar utifrån barnets bästa har gjorts i varje enskilt fall.
  • Engwall, Kristina, 1969-, et al. (author)
  • Matching Process Concerning Children With Disabilities in Family Foster Care
  • 2024
  • In: Child & Family Social Work. - : John Wiley & Sons. - 1356-7500 .- 1365-2206.
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Children with disabilities are over-represented in foster care and exposed to more disruptions. This is unfortunate because they need long-term relationships and predictability, as well as access to special schools and health care. Disruption can be the result of a poor match between the child and the foster family. In this article, we focus on the matching process in relation to children with disabilities. Zeijlmans et al. describe matching as the process by which social workers move from principles of good match-ing to realistic matching, depending on existing premises. Using their model, we analyse the matching process for children with disabilities in Sweden. The study is based on 31 individual interviews and six group interviews with social workers and social work managers. They describe how they take into account the family climate, family composition and prior knowledge and/or experience of disability in the foster home. However, disruptions occur even when these conditions are met. Stable placements seem to be more related to the fostered child's progress when the family's efforts are rewarded. We also address the complex issue of what disability actually means in the context of foster care, given the interrelatedness of trauma, maltreatment and impairment.
  • Engwall, Kristina, 1969-, et al. (author)
  • Matching Process Concerning Children With Disabilities in Family Foster Care
  • 2024
  • In: Child & Family Social Work. - : John Wiley & Sons. - 1356-7500 .- 1365-2206.
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Children with disabilities are over-represented in foster care and exposed to more disruptions. This is unfortunate because they need long-term relationships and predictability, as well as access to special schools and health care. Disruption can be the result of a poor match between the child and the foster family. In this article, we focus on the matching process in relation to children with disabilities. Zeijlmans et al. describe matching as the process by which social workers move from principles of good matching to realistic matching, depending on existing premises. Using their model, we analyse the matching process for children with disabilities in Sweden. The study is based on 31 individual interviews and six group interviews with social workers and social work managers. They describe how they take into account the family climate, family composition and prior knowledge and/or experience of disability in the foster home. However, disruptions occur even when these conditions are met. Stable placements seem to be more related to the fostered child's progress when the family's efforts are rewarded. We also address the complex issue of what disability actually means in the context of foster care, given the interrelatedness of trauma, maltreatment and impairment.
  • Engwall, Kristina, 1969-, et al. (author)
  • 'Meet and greet' : Children with disabilities' participatory rights in the assessment process of respite care
  • 2020
  • In: Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research. - : Stockholm University Press. - 1501-7419 .- 1745-3011. ; 22:1, s. 187-197
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • This article scrutinizes children’s participation concerning the assessment process of respite care in Sweden. It is qualitative study based on 82 documents of application of respite care and a group interview with social workers. We use the participation model of Shier, which describes extent of participation as well as the mandate of the organization. Social workers try to inform the children and meet them. They also seek approval of respite care. However, children who don’t use spoken language and children who are seen as immature are not given adequate support to enable them to speak their voices. Besides, the participation is often restricted to say yes to respite care. There are hardly any traces of children’s reasons for being at respite care. This means an absence of knowledge concerning children’s views upon their own needs and problems.
  • Engwall, Kristina, 1969- (author)
  • Online activities for individuals with intellectual disabilities at a day centre in the wake of COVID-19
  • 2023
  • In: British Journal of Learning Disabilities. - : John Wiley & Sons. - 1354-4187 .- 1468-3156. ; 51:2, s. 229-237
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Background: The lockdown of a day centre for individuals with intellectual disabilities led to digital activities instead of traditional physical presence.Method: This study is based on 17 interviews with staff of a day centre, directors of day centres and support persons.Findings: The purpose of the digital activities was to overcome physical distance and to create “social connectedness” with service users at a day centre. Emphasis was placed on recognisability to meet the needs of the service users. When the lockdown was lifted, service users were included in the production of digital artefacts. There were also obstacles to digitalisation: some service users had no access to Internet or tablets at home, some lawyers forbid the use of common digital programmes and service users were denied being visible on social media, support persons lacked digital competence and were reluctant to digital activities.Conclusions: The experiences of digital activities including coproduction of films made individuals with intellectual disabilities active and visible on social media. This might facilitate the possibilities for future digital inclusion in society. The support from staff at the sheltered accommodations was vital and when it succeeded it promoted a more holistic approach to the service users' everyday lives.
  • Engwall, Kristina, 1969-, et al. (author)
  • The importance of keeping a social perspective during pandemic times : Social psychiatry in Sweden
  • 2021
  • In: International Social Work. - : SAGE Publications. - 0020-8728 .- 1461-7234. ; 64:5, s. 745-749
  • Journal article (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • We discuss the pandemic strategies in Sweden concerning social psychiatry during the first wave. We argue that the omission of social workers’ perspective in the COVID-19 strategy has negatively impacted clients with psychiatric disabilities and has also weakened the overall pandemic strategy.
  • Engwall, Kristina, 1969-, et al. (author)
  • Utanförskapets historia : Om funktionsnedsättning och funktionshinder
  • 2012. - 1
  • Book (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Människor med funktionsnedsättningar och deras förhållanden har i allt väsentligt varit fördolda i förfluten tid. År 1987 bildades Handikapphistorisk förening i Sverige för att motverka denna marginalisering av en stor befolkningsgrupp. Inför 25-årsjubileet har föreningen med stöd av FAS, Forskningsrådet för arbetsliv och socialvetenskap, tagit initiativ till denna antologi.I boken medverkar forskare som disputerat på historiskt inriktade avhandlingar, som på skilda sätt berör människor med funktionsnedsättningar. De representerar både fackhistorisk vetenskap och andra områden, som pedagogik, handikappvetenskap, sociologi och etnologi. Här presenteras historisk forskning om människor med olika slags funktionsnedsättningar och samhällets åtgärder för att bistå dem. Vissa funktionsnedsättningar har försvunnit tack vare ny medicinsk och teknisk kunskap, andra har tillkommit.Antologin ger exempel på historisk forskning om dem som kallats fånar, sinnesslöa, blinda, döva, polioskadade och neurosedynbarn. Dessutom reflekterar författarna över vad de historiska kunskaperna kan ha för relevans idag.Boken är tänkt att kunna användas inom utbildningar på området behandling, stöd och service för personer med funktionsnedsättningar, men även till andra som intresserar sig för historia och funktionshinderspolitik.
  • Engwall, Kristina, 1969- (author)
  • ”Varför bo tillsammans?" : Argument från föräldrar som lever med sina vuxna barn med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning.
  • 2018
  • In: Socialmedicinsk Tidskrift. - 0037-833X. ; 95:1, s. 16-22
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Trots starka normer om egen bostad bor en minoritet vuxna personer medintellektuell funktionsnedsättning kvar i föräldrahemmet i Sverige. Varfördå? I denna studie intervjuas åtta föräldrar med hemmaboende vuxna barn.Föräldrarnasmotiv handlar om pliktkänsla, att förse barnen med ”ett gott liv”samt att ge barnen ett socialt sammanhang. Deras lösning av boendesituationenmedför att de utmanar normer om hur funktionshinderstöd bör ges, hurfamiljer bör se ut och hur relationer inom familjer bör vara. Det finns risk föratt samboendet befäster en åldersmaktstruktur där föräldrar tillskrivs ”evig”vuxenålderoch aldrig inträder i ålderdom, medan barnet förblir ”evig” ungdom.
  • Engwall, Kristina, 1969- (author)
  • Why live together? : The stories of co-living parents and adult children with intellectual disabilities
  • 2018
  • In: Nordic Social Work Research. - 2156-857X .- 2156-8588. ; 9:2, s. 118-130
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Independence is highly valued in Swedish disability politics. Consequently,most adult people with intellectual disabilities live in group homes. Yetthere are also adult people with intellectual disabilities who live with theirparents. Why? In this study, eight parents with adult children in the homeand three adults with intellectual disabilities who live with their parents areinterviewed. These families deviate from the discourse on how support andservice to people with disabilities should be carried out. There is a mixture offormal and informal support as well as paid and unpaid support. It divergesfrom norms attached to how Swedish families with adult children shouldbe constructed and how relationships between parents and adult childrenshould be expressed. In contrast to other studies, the parents are quitesatisfied with the societal support they get. Instead, the parents’ reasonsfor living together are related to a sense of duty and the ability to give theirchildren ‘a good life’ and a social context. Another motive might be thatthe parents don’t ascribe their grown up children the status of adulthood.
  • Engwall, Kristina, et al. (author)
  • Är det privata politiskt? : Barnfri i ett barnvänligt samhälle
  • 2011
  • In: Socialvetenskaplig tidskrift. - Umeå : Förbundet för forskning i socialt arbete. - 1104-1420 .- 2003-5624. ; 18:2, s. 126-143
  • Journal article (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Childfree in a “child-friendly” society    “Children are the future!” In Sweden there is a political ambition to make it possible for men and women to reconcile work with parenthood. As in many other countries, there is also a pronatalistic discourse where children are seen as an important contribution to the future nation. How do child-free women and men experience living in a “child-friendly” society? If children are perceived as a contribution to society, what do childfree people offer society? Do the childfree experience a dichotomy between childfree people and parents?    The article draws on interviews with 30 childfree women and six childfree men. It discusses three issues: the labour market, the Swedish redistributive tax system and how childfree argue about their contribution to society.    Childfree women and men accept that parents have problems reconciling work with parenthood, but sometimes get irritated that their time is less valued than parents’. They argue in favour of a “childfriendly” society, but are more hesitant about a “parent friendly” labour market. Likewise, the interviewed Swedish child-free men and women accept the tax system whereby they support children and their families.    The interviewees reject the idea that having biological children is the only way to be useful to society and give other examples such as voluntary work, helping out other children and paying taxes. Some of them have also noticed how the pronatalistic discourse, often on the Internet, is underpinned by racist arguments.    Compared to the USA, there are very few Swedish childfree communities on the Internet. The harsher arguments of the pros and cons of parenthood are instead written as comments on Internet articles. A more open discussion between parents and childfree women and men might open up for more political standpoints concerning childfreeness.
  • Engwall, Kristina, 1969- (author)
  • "… äro absolut obildbara" : Barnen på Vipeholm 1935–1963
  • 2024
  • In: Nordic Journal of Educational History. - : Umeå University. - 2001-7766 .- 2001-9076. ; 11:1, s. 79-102
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Vipeholm Hospital in Sweden was the only institution for 'uneducated, difficult to care for feebleminded'. Although it was designed for adults, a fifth of those admitted were under the age of 15. The article focuses on the children and their everyday life 1935-1963. The starting point is a life course perspective in which children were expected to act according to normative notions of childhood, which included education and play, even though they were labelled 'uneducable'. A kindergarten was opoened, but most children were considered incapable of attending. Instead, they lived a life of idleness in an environment devoid of stimulation. Children labelled as 'uneducable' have received little attention in research, and so the study contributes empirical knowledge about a group who only gained the right to education in 1968. The article is based on archival material such as patient records, annual- and inspection reports.
  • Frivillig barnlöshet : Barnfrihet i en nordisk kontext
  • 2010. - 1
  • In: Frivillig barnlöshet. - Stockholm : Dialogos Förlag. - 9789175042299 ; , s. 389-399
  • Editorial collection (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Varför avstår vissa från att skaffa barn, hur reagerar omgivningen på detta och hur vanligt är det? Forskarna har vidare studerat skillnaderna mellan mäns och kvinnors barnfrihet och beskriver också hur media skildrar frågan.De nordiska länderna har en politisk ambition att underlätta kombinationen yrkesarbete och föräldraskap. Det finns en strävan att skapa ett "barnvänligt" samhälle. Trots detta väljer omkring 5% av männen och kvinnorna i Sverige att inte skaffa barn.Flera av de intervjuade barnfria beskriver ett socialt tryck. Att aktivt välja att inte skaffa barn är ett livsval som ifrågasätts. Främst kvinnorna upplever kritik och blir anklagade för att vara kalla, egoistiska och "konstiga". Det är problematiskt för många att hantera omgivningens reaktioner. I vårt samhälle finns fortfarande en stark kärnfamiljsnorm som gör att de frivilligt barnlösa kan uppleva sig som ifrågasatta och osynliggjorda i samhället, säger forskarna.
  • Gunnarsson-Östling, Ulrika, 1977-, et al. (author)
  • What about the future? : The troubled relationship between futures and feminism
  • 2014
  • In: NORA. - : Taylor & Francis Group. - 0803-8740 .- 1502-394X. ; 22:1, s. 63-69
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • This position paper argues that issues related to the future are worth emphasizing and discussing with more feminist fervour and engagement than is now the case within feminist studies and futures studies. It is concluded that feminists cannot just be critical from an outside perspective, but must engage in creating alternative futures. These futures should not be common goals around which to unite, but a way to inspire feminist thinking about different futures. The authors point out the problem that the futures studies field lacks feminist perspectives, and in this position paper they discuss the gap between futures studies and feminism.
  • Gäddman Johansson, Richard, PhD, 1990-, et al. (author)
  • Digital daglig verksamhet : utmaningar och möjligheter till digital inkludering för vuxna med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning
  • 2024
  • In: Socialvetenskaplig tidskrift. - 1104-1420 .- 2003-5624. ; 31:1, s. 69-88
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • This article analyses challenges and opportunities related to the digitisation of daily activities for adults with intellectual disability (ID) using information and communication technology (ICT). An overarching question is whether these experiences can promote digital inclusion for people with ID, in accordance with the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The article draws on interviews with 16 service users, nine support persons and 19 staff and managers at five day centres, all of which used digital activities during the COVID-19 pandemic. The interviews were analysed using theoretical thematic analysis informed by van Dijk’s (2012) arguments on the diffusion, acceptance, and adoption of new technologies to achieve digital inclusion. During the spring of 2020, many day centres closed due to COVID-19. The introduction of digital activities revealed a lack of access to ICT. Bureaucratic barriers were encountered, such as uncertainty about secure digital platforms and GDPR. Additionally, ICT use could be challenging due to rapid developments, as well as ubiquitous demands for the innovation and improvement of provided activities. Another obstacle was a lack of digital skills and scepticism towards digital activities among staff at the day centres and support persons in the service users’ home environments, which sometimes led to the denial of services. Yet, cooperative ICT usage among staff and support persons was perceived to promote a more holistic approach to service provision. When adequately supported, ICT usage allowed opportunities for personal development and improved self-esteem in persons with ID, as well as individually tailored service provision. The experiences of using ICT during the pandemic increased the day centres’ abilities to overcome physical distance in offering meaningful activities for service users. However, disparities persist, warranting further efforts towards reducing the digital divide affecting people with ID.
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Kvist Geverts, Karin (3)
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Bask, Miia, 1977- (3)
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Alsterdal, Lotte (1)
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Crevani, Lucia (1)
Andersson, Gunnel, 1 ... (1)
Barow, Thomas, 1969 (1)
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Carlson, Per, Profes ... (1)
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