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Search: WFRF:(Norén Bretzer Ylva 1969)

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  • Johansson, Folke, 1943, et al. (author)
  • G-FORS Governance for Sustainability: National Report Sweden
  • 2008
  • In: http://www.gfors.eu/58.0.html.
  • Journal article (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Summary: the SEA Case The Swedish SEA case is a study of the implementation of the EU-directive 2001/42/EC in Göteborg. The study is focusing on Göteborg municipality’s strategic environmental assessment (SEA) of its comprehensive land use plan, ÖPXX. There are several reasons why this particular case is suitable as a part of the GFORS-project. First, the SEA in Göteborg is not finished, but is still under development. This facilitates the collection of empirical data regarding reflexive knowledge, since reflexive knowledge is a fleeting phenomenon that does not usually last over an extended period of time. The case is also suitable because it may be considered a critical case. The study employs process-tracing and builds on a number of different methodological approaches: document studies, interviews, and participating observation of relevant meetings. This combination of methods allows for an analysis of the governance mode and the degree to which reflexive knowledge has been generated throughout the process. The results indicate that the Swedish SEA is developed mainly through a hierarchical governance mode, even though there are elements of networks and markets. There are signs of reflexive knowledge occurring, in the work process as well as in the SEA document. The accumulation of reflexive knowledge does not seem to be correlated with any specific governance mode, however. To conclude, it is quite possible that the Swedish SEA promotes a sustainable development; it is largely comprehensive, well aggregated, and consistent. Also, there have not been any major legitimacy problems during the SEA process. G-FORS National Reports: Sweden Summary: The Particulate Matter Case The Air Quality Framework Directive from 1996 and the following updates has been implemented into the Swedish Environmental Code (SFS 1998:808) as well as the Environmental Quality Norms, EQN (prop. 2000/01:130 and prop. 2004/05:150) and the ordinance on Environmental Quality Norms on Outdoor Air (SFS 2001:527). The areas most affected by PM10 emissions are the three largest cities Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö (in the order of size), and the efforts to control the PM matters have primarily been centered around the establishment around a Measurement Program in order to control and reduce the emissions. As Stockholm was experimenting with a new system with car-congestion fees in 2006, we decided that it would be unwise to select this case for a closer study, as the Stockholm case was too interwoven into governmental bargaining politics, and regional future planning politics. Malmö was also less suitable for selection, as a great deal of its emissions originates from long-distance emissions. Gothenburg was more of an ideal-case, according to the national judicial description of the problem as well as the solutions. PM10 levels started to be measured in Gothenburg at the early 1990s, and soon it was realized that several places exceeded the EQNs. The National Environmental Protection Agency, SEPA, decided that a Measurement Program should be produced by the municipality of Göteborg. Such a program was deliberated and handed into the SEPA by June 2003, but it was rejected as several of the measures were not within the municipal mandate (such as a ban on studded tires and car-tolls). In 2006, the government demanded a new version of the Measurement Program, which finally was settled in May 2006. The action arenas are of a hierarchical multi-level character, where the Government acts through a) the Ministry of Environment, b) the SEPA, and c) the County Administration of Västra Götaland. The local level acts primarily through the municipality of Gothenburg, but in close collaboration with the neighboring municipalities and the County Administration. The actors involved have primarily been bureaucrats at various levels, and politicians to a lesser extent. Representatives for voluntary organizations have been close to totally absent, a few consultants have participated in the process, but primarily as deliverers of data rather than as policy makers. Even when the media discusses the PM emissions, they rather echo the decisions taken by the administrative authorities, rather than echoing any opinion movement. Knowledge does anyhow feed into the process through the bureaucrats at all levels; they pay attention to various types of reports produced in other municipalities as well as by national and international researchers.
  • Norén Bretzer, Ylva, 1969, et al. (author)
  • Förtroendet för Försäkringskassan 1999 - 2010
  • 2015
  • Other publication (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Vad förklarar förtroendenedgången för Försäkringskassan under tids - perioden 1999–2010? Denna nedåtgående trend som uppmättes i flera olika mätningar, från och med år 1999 fram till år 2010, uppvisade en successiv minskning av medborgarnas förtroende för myndigheten Försäkringskassan. Denna minskning ägde rum i hela befolkningen, även om den var sär skild tydlig bland arbetare och de åldersgrupper som närmade sig slutet av sin arbetsmarknadsaktiva period (i åldern 50–64 år). Även gruppen egenföre - tagare tappade i betydande utstäckning förtroende för Försäkringskassan under den aktuella perioden. Särskilt mycket minskade förtroendet i den grupp som hade sjuk- eller aktivitetsersättning. Gruppen är till antalet mycket liten, men förtroendet halverades under perioden bland dessa personer. Sammantaget kan ingen enskild åtgärd eller förändring sägas ha en kausal verkan på den förtroendeminskning som uppmättes under perioden. Inte desto mindre är vi som grupp fast överty gade efter dessa delstudier, att reformernas mängd och omfattning sammantaget har bidragit till den negativa förtroendetrend som uppmättes under den aktuella tidsperioden. Några teman som särskilt står ut i delstudierna är: a) Socialförsäkringens nät har stramats åt, men förväntningarna låg i hög grad kvar vid den situation som rådde vid slutet av 1990- talet. Förvän t- ningsnivån har alltså inte minskat i takt med att t.ex. regelverkets om- fattning reducerades, möjligen på grund av för svag mediering i detta avseende. b) Det finns flera olika brister i rättssäkerheten som har uppmätts i vår fokusgruppsstudie. Sådana brister har även noterats i olika granskningar som genomförts av olika myndigheter (Inspektionen för Socialförsä k- ringarna, Riksrevisionen och Statskontoret), och dessa rapporter måste tas på stort allvar av Försäkringskassan. Att grundläggande rättssäke r- hetsprinciper upprätthålls är den enskildes rätt enligt Förvaltningslagen, Myndighetsförordningen och Sekretesslagstiftningen. c) Ansvarsfördelningen mell an Försäkringskassan och den politiska nivån förefaller ha varit oklar under perioden. I alltför hög grad har ”ansvars - utkrävandet” utkrävts av myndigheten Försäkringskassan, och i alltför liten grad har ansvarsfrågan skickats vidare till den politiska nivån. För- säkringskassan är en utförande myndighet, de ska primärt svara på frågor som har att göra med genomförandet av beslutad politik. Detta är av vikt att Försäkringskassan svarar på ”rätt” frågor, för att allmänheten ska få en större förståelse för vilk a aktörer som ansvarar för vad.
  • Sandstig, Gabriella, 1969, et al. (author)
  • Förtroendet för rättsväsendet 1986 - 2011
  • 2012
  • In: I framtidens skugga / Annika Bergström, Lennart Weibull och Henrik Oscarsson (red.). - Göteborg : University of Gothenburg. - 9789189673243 ; , s. 145-159
  • Book chapter (peer-reviewed)
  • Bartholdsson, Kerstin, 1952, et al. (author)
  • 4. Den kommunala nyordningen
  • 2011
  • In: Andreas Ivarsson (red): Nordisk kommunforskning. En forskningsövesikt med 113 projekt. - Göteborg : University of Gothenburg. - 9789163398025 ; , s. 233-239
  • Book chapter (other academic/artistic)
  • Bartholdsson, Kerstin, 1952, et al. (author)
  • Samordnad samverkan - en utvärdering av Samordningsförbundet Vänersborg/Mellerud
  • 2016
  • Other publication (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Denna rapport bygger på en fallstudie av ett samordningsförbund som består av de statliga myndigheterna Arbetsförmedlingen och Försäkringskassan, samt Västra Götalandsregionen och kommunerna Vänersborg och Mellerud. De olika myndigheterna samverkar för att stötta klienter med komplexa behov. Målet är att lösa frågor som annars riskerar att falla mellan stolarna. Genom samverkan kan samordningsförbundet bistå individer som är i behov av samlat stöd från de olika myndigheterna, så att myndigheterna samlas runt individen istället för att hen ska kontakta olika myndigheter var för sig. Utvärderingens huvudsyfte var att fungera som ett inspel till en ny programperiod inom Samordningsförbundet och de fem huvudförslagen berör frågor om samgående med annat Samordningsförbund, organisationsöversyn, att stärka uppföljningsfunktionen, att tydliggöra mål/medel-diskussionen hos ägare och styrelse, samt att belysa den så kallade ”ekonomiparadoxen”.
  • Bartholdsson, Kerstin, 1952, et al. (author)
  • Samverkande samordning ― Ett sätt att lösa arbetsmarknadspolitikens dysfunktionella problem
  • 2014
  • In: NORKOM, Odense, 27-28 November, 2014.
  • Conference paper (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Lag om finansiell samordning har funnits i Sverige sedan tio år tillbaka. Lagen möjliggör för nationella, regionala och kommunala myndigheter att lägga pengar i samma hatt, och därifrån utveckla samordnade aktiviteter för sådana målgrupper som befinner sig allra längst ifrån arbetsmarknaden. Den teoretiska problematiken handlar om wicked issues (Brown et al 2010), eller dysfunktionella problem, som består av att personer med komplicerade problem ofta tenderar att skyfflas underst i de administrativa processerna (Lipsky 1980). Aktuella målgrupper är personer som omfattas av insatser från två eller flera myndigheter, exempelvis Försäkringskassan, Arbetsförmedlingen, Landstinget och kanske även Socialtjänsten i kommunen. Exempel på sådana målgrupper är unga vuxna, personer med funktionsnedsättningar samt individer med komplexa diagnoser och svårigheter att etablera sig på arbetsmarknaden. Utifrån en case-studie i Väst-Sverige där Samordningsförbundet Vänersborg/Mellerud har evaluerats, diskuteras i detta papper värdefulla teman och fortsatta utmaningar för dysfunktionella välfärdsfrågor. I pappret visas vilka svårigheter som finns att lösa frågor som skär på tvären genom flera myndigheter, där ingen specifik myndighet har ett huvudansvar. Vi diskuterar hur staten delvis har internaliserat samordningsuppgifterna inom ordinarie myndighetsfunktioner, medan Samordningsförbundet kvarstår som en arena för fortsatta samordningsexperiment. Avslutningsvis diskuteras även om Samordningsförbundet kan härbärgera permanent verksamhet, eller om det är rimligt att betrakta dessa som drivhus för projektlösningar som i huvudsak implementeras inom ägar-organisationerna.
  • Bronéus, Fredrik, et al. (author)
  • Vad påverkar förtroende för forsking? Fokusgrupper med allmänheten
  • 2018
  • Reports (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Våra tidigare enkätundersökningar har visat att förtroendet för forskning bland annat påverkas av utbildningsnivå och var i landet man bor. Det finns även en stor och bestående skillnad i förtroende för olika forskningsområden, där medicin ligger i topp, följt av teknik, naturvetenskap, samhällsvetenskap, utbildningsvetenskap och humaniora. För att utveckla vår kunskap om vad som stärker respektive försvagar förtroendet för forskning och forskare har vi i den här studien genomfört åtta fokusgrupper med 45 deltagare från allmänheten. Hälften av fokusgrupperna hölls i Gävle och hälften i Stockholm. I båda städerna bestod två grupper av deltagare med erfarenhet av högskoleutbildning, och två grupper av deltagare med gymnasieexamen som högsta utbildningsnivå. I fokusgrupperna sågs forskning generellt som en samhällsnyttig och seriös verksamhet. Det förekom inga direkt vetenskapsfientliga eller kunskapskritiska uppfattningar. Faktorer som deltagarna ansåg ökar eller minskar förtroendet för forskning kan indelas i fyra teman: ➜➜ Process – hur forskningen utförs ➜➜ Produkt – forskningens resultat ➜➜ Person – forskaren som utför forskningen ➜➜ Presentation – hur forskningen kommuniceras Förtroendet stärks av forskning som är förståelig, transparent, utan påverkan av finansiella intressen (Process); som är nyttig för samhället, med tydliga resultat (Produkt); som utförs av kunniga forskare som brinner för sitt arbete (Person), och som kommuniceras på ett begripligt och intressant sätt (Presentation). Omvänt skadas förtroendet när forskningen uppfattas som flummig eller otydlig, bedräglig, styrd av finansiella intressen; saknar nytta, rör självklarheter, när forskare har fel, samt av motstridiga forskningsrön. Vi såg inga tydliga skillnader mellan grupperna med högre respektive lägre utbildning när det gällde förtroendet för forskning som fenomen. Det framgick tydligt att medicinsk forskning (särskilt om cancer) sågs som urtypen av seriös och nyttig forskning. Naturvetenskap åtnjöt också ett högt förtroende och betraktades som ett område där forskarna kan söka och finna objektiva sanningar. Humaniora och samhällsvetenskap upplevdes som mer diffusa ämnen där det inte går att säga vad som är sant eller falskt. I de högutbildade grupperna noterade vi en något mer insatt diskussion om olika forskningsområden än i de lågutbildade grupperna, samt en mer utvecklad förståelse för vad forskning/vetenskap är. Förtroendet för forskare som yrkesgrupp var överlag högt, om än något lägre än förtroendet för forskning. Som individer betraktades forskare som intelligenta och beundransvärda (tålmodiga, ihärdiga, kreativa) – ibland nästan som övermänniskor. En del stereotypa negativa karaktärsdrag kom också upp (tankspridda, snöar in på saker, socialt inkompetenta, talar fikonspråk). Det ansågs vara viktigt för forskare att kunna uttrycka sig så att gemene man förstår: Forskare måste anpassa innehåll efter målgrupp så att det blir förståeligt, intressant och underhållande. Men inte för underhållande, för då upplevs det som oseriöst. För att forskare ska nå ut behöver de vara samhällstillvända, ha koll på hur ”vanligt folk” har det, och göra sig bra i media. Hans Rosling nämndes som ett exempel på en forskare som kunde förmedla komplicerade sammanhang på ett lättfattligt och intressant sätt. Sociala medier var ett viktigt forum för nyheter om forskning och vetenskap, i synnerhet bland yngre deltagare. Det som lockade mest var ämnen som man kunde relatera till (till exempel medicin). Flera beskrev hur de efter att ha läst en intressant nyhet “grottar ner sig” genom att googla vidare och läsa mer på djupet. En del gick ända till källmaterialet (den vetenskapliga rapporten, artikeln eller avhandlingen). I grupper med lägre utbildning sågs kvällstidningar som trovärdiga nyhetskällor, medan de enbart nämndes som dåliga exempel i grupperna med högre utbildning. Public service hade överlag högst förtroende – särskilt Vetenskapsradion och SVT – och även dagstidningarna sågs som trovärdiga källor till forskningsnyheter. P1 föredrogs bland äldre deltagare, medan yngre knappt lyssnade alls på kanalen. Vikten av källkritik togs upp spontant i närapå varje gruppdiskussion. Det ansågs centralt för den enskilda att kunna avgöra sanningshalten i vetenskapliga rön, och att inte lita blint på vare sig forskare eller journalister. Mot bakgrund av resultaten från SOM-undersökningens långa tidsserie, tyder våra resultat på att allmänheten bedömer forskningsområdena medicin, teknik och naturvetenskap mer positivt med avseende på alla fyra teman (process, produkt, person, presentation), jämfört med samhällsvetenskap, utbildningsvetenskap och humaniora. Det lägre förtroendet för samhällsvetenskap och humaniora tycks bland annat bero på att områdena ses som diffusa, mer subjektiva och mindre vetenskapliga, och att nyttan bedöms som lägre. På humsam-forskningens plussida är att det finns få finansiella intressen som riskerar att styra resultaten (process), och att forskarna därför behöver drivas av eget intresse (person), samt att deltagare i flera fall nämnde humsamämnen som forskning de själva var intresserade av och/eller skulle vilja delta i. För att stärka förtroendet för humaniora och samhällsvetenskap behöver bilden av denna forskning förtydligas och spridas. Möjliga åtgärder för forskare och andra aktörer inkluderar att se över den egna kommunikationen av forskningsprocessen, dess resultat, samhällsnytta och aktörer. Fokusgrupperna visar även tydligt hur viktigt det är att forskare kan redogöra för sin forskning på ett förståeligt sätt för ”vanligt folk”. Denna förmåga är en hörnsten för att möjliggöra förtroende hos allmänheten.
  • Gabaude, Alix, 1996, et al. (author)
  • First housing in Sweden: Young adults’ establishment on a hybridized housing market
  • 2023
  • In: ENHR 2023 - Łódź (28-30 June).
  • Conference paper (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Sweden has, for the past couple of decades, faced a housing crisis, especially for young adults. While slightly improving, 64 percent of Swedish communes were still reporting a lack of housing for young people in 2022. The importance of socio-economic factors in finding housing was identified but little has been said on the importance of local or national policies in facilitating (or hindering) young adults’ establishment on the housing market. The First Housing project carries out a systematic literature review of both academic and grey literature, targeting policies affecting housing access for young adults, students, and young immigrants in Sweden. At present, findings reveal that Swedish policy on the topic is limited in both scope and influence, piecemeal and without a holistic view. While some policies appear to have a positive effect, several have a negative effect, and most have a minimal effect for housing accessibility.
  • Gabaude, Alix, 1996, et al. (author)
  • Why do estate owners and managers engage in area-based initiatives in particularly vulnerable urban areas? Evidence from three local cases in Gothenburg, Sweden
  • 2023
  • In: NORKOM 2023 - Odense (24-25/11).
  • Conference paper (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • This paper maps and compares estate owners’ safety strategies in three different ‘particularly vulnerable areas’ (in short PVA:s) in Gothenburg, Sweden. These boroughs were planned in the early 1970s as New Towns, the then peak of housing modernity. Five decades later in 2021, Gårdsten, Lövgärdet and Central Tynnered are on the National Police Authority’s List of Sweden’s most dangerous and criminally unsettled areas, PVAs. This paper aims to investigate similarities and differences in safety strategies employed by estate ownersto curb perceived insecurity. The ownership structure differs in each area, from a single public housing company to half public and half private ownership and a mix of several public and private owners. Results indicate that most estate owners are engaged in physical and situational prevention. They unexpectedly frequently engage in social prevention together with state and municipal actors. All studied estate companies have more or less pro-active management and strategic long-term planning and coordination. The paper contributes new insights on estate owners’ potential strategies in neglected and vulnerable areas.
  • Johansson, Folke, 1943, et al. (author)
  • Kommunstorlek och demokrati
  • 2007
  • Book (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Föreliggande rapport har utarbetats vid CEFOS, Centrum för forskning om offentlig sektor, Göteborgs universitet. Huvudsyftet har varit att ta fram aktuell och systematisk kunskap om den betydelse kommunstorleken har för hur den kommunala demokratin i Sverige fungerar. Rapporten bygger till största delen på reanalyser av ett befintligt omfattande empiriskt material som innefattar kommunstudier av såväl medborgare som politiker, studier av massmediers innehåll och de mer generella enkätundersökningar som sedan lång tid utförs vid SOM-institutet, Göteborgs universitet. Beträffande politiker har också nytt material samlats in. Huvudansvariga för rapporten är professor Folke Johansson och fil dr David Karlsson. Docent Bengt Johansson har medverkat med analys av massmedias roll och fil dr Ylva Norén Bretzer har medverkat med analys av förtroende för politiker.
  • Karlsson, David, 1974, et al. (author)
  • Swedish Regional Reform and the Political Map: Party Interests at Stake
  • 2012
  • Reports (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • In this paper we conduct a contra-factual thought experiment, applying the practice of gerrymandering to the regionalisation process of Sweden. By applying the actual election data from 1998 to 2010, we discuss the various outcomes of four regional models; i) the present system, ii) a realistic scenario of regional reform (a roadmap commissioned by SALAR), and two hypothetical but possible models based on which regional structure would mostly benefit iii) the left-wing parties and iv) the right-wing parties. The overall aim of the paper is to estimate the implications of a regional reform on the political geography of Sweden and to provide instruments for future research on whether and how party interests affect the regional reform process. The analyses also provide fuel for a number of relevant discussions on regional reform and its political outcomes. For example, our results highlight the possible lock-in effects in the present discussions concerning the Stockholm/Uppsala regions, Västra Götaland and Halland/or Värmland, and the region of Southwest Sweden. One suggestion is that if citizens are to have long-term confidence in any future regional structure, it should be arranged in such a way that both the left and right wings are satisfied – a double-packing strategy. Such a strategy would make it relatively harder for smaller local/regional parties to affect the political stability of a region. If political stability is pursued, we suggest that the solution of the Wise Men is more functional than the present structure.
  • Karlsson, David, 1974, et al. (author)
  • The Swedish Regional Reform and the Political Map: Party Interests at Stake
  • 2011
  • In: Paper presented at XVI Nordic Political Science Congress NOPSA conference Vasa, FINLAND, August 9 – 12, 2011..
  • Conference paper (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Abstract In this article we conduct contra factual experiment of thoughts, applying the tactics of gerrymandering into the regionalization process of Sweden. By applying the actual election data from 1998 up to 2010, we discuss the various outcomes of four regional models; i) the present system, ii) a realistic scenario of regional reform (a roadmap commissioned by SALAR), and two hypothetical but possible models based on what regional structure would mostly benefit iii) the left parties and iv) the right parties. The overall aim of the paper is to esti-mate the implications of a regional reform on the political geography of Sweden to provide instruments for fu-ture research on if, and how party interests affect the regional reform process. The analyses also give fuel to a number of relevant discussions on regional reform and its political out-comes. For example, our results highlight the possible lock-in effects in the present discussions concerning the Stockholm/Uppsala regions, Västra Götaland and Halland/or Värmland, and the region of Southwest Sweden. One suggestion is that if citizens are to have longterm confidence in the future regional structure, it should be arranged in such a way that both the left and right wings are satisfied – a double-packing strategy. Such a strategy would make it relatively harder for smaller local/regional parties to affect the political stability of a region. If political stability is pursued, we suggest that the solution of the Wise men is more functional than the present structure.
  • Langlet, David, 1977, et al. (author)
  • Energy efficient transition in Sweden: triggers and barriers for retrofitting processes in municipality owned housing companies
  • 2014
  • In: ENHR Edinburgh July 1-4, 2014. Book of abstracts.
  • Conference paper (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Globally and in Europe, the housing sector is responsible for a large share of the energy use, and large efforts have therefore been directed towards reduced energy use in the housing sector. In Sweden 39 percent of the energy use relate to “housing and business locations”, there is an ambition to reduce the energy use with 20 percent until year 2020, following the EU directive of energy efficiency. However, the national government has up to present responded quite hesitantly to the energy efficiency debate, possibly as the National Institute of Economic Research (NIER) claims that relevant transition measures will be met regardless of any specific measures directed to the sector of housing. Yet, the project group Collaborative learning for urban energy efficiency (the ClueE-project) has studied a number of examples where energy efficient retrofitting takes place in sub-urban areas. A central question for the overall project was: What are the major triggers and barriers in retrofitting processes, with special regards to the social sciences? From a financial point of view, the costs of energy efficient retrofitting are demanding, as most of the heating in these areas to 90 percent are sustainable district-heating. But seen from the perspective of the ‘third generation of energy policies’, there is an increasing potential today for local energy production solutions, zero-houses, or even houses that generates a surplus of energy, energy-plus-houses. The judicial tools used in these processes does not relate to minimum quality levels, rather, a more conscious use of the public procurement act is activated, as wise use of partnering contracting. The ClueE study also found that it is not specifically environmentally interested tenants that have been attracted by the energy efficient apartments, rather that has been the opportunity at hand. The lower ecological footprints of these tenants are supported as these groups are among the poorest segments of the population. To conclude, the core triggers found were: the necessity of broad political anchoring across majority and opposition, inclusive and transparent tenant-dialogues, comparable indicators in relation to evaluations and benchmarking. A more general conclusion is that more attention needs to be directed towards business locations, as the private homes’ market.
  • Lindholst, Andrej Christian, et al. (author)
  • 11. Where is Municipal Marketisation Heading? Experiences from England and Scandinavia
  • 2019
  • In: Presentation av bokkapiteltext på NORKOM-konferensen i Åbo 29-30 november, 2019..
  • Conference paper (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Marketisation is commonly understood as a key component in the new public management (NPM) model for public management reform. However, negative experiences, newer reform trends and local circumstances have challenged the NPM and raised the question of whether reforms have entered a post-NPM era. In this chapter, we explore and compare the impact of marketisation on the organisation of local service delivery and address whether newer reform trends in the post-NPM era are transforming contemporary marketisation. Our study takes place in the context of local park and road services across England, Sweden, Denmark and Norway and draws upon original survey data collected from mid-level managers in 201416. The chapter concludes that marketisation is widespread but not dominant within our study’s context. It is also being transformed to some extent by newer and different reform trends. In perspective, we find that marketisation is an evolving reform practice, which trajectories depend on local contextual circumstances and adaption of newer reform ideas.
  • Lindholst, Andrej Christian, et al. (author)
  • Introducing the Research Setting: Four Countries and Two Local Services
  • 2020
  • In: Marketization in Local Government: Diffusion and Evolution in Scandinavia and England. Andrej Christian Lindholst, Morten Balle Hansen (red.). - Cham, Switzerland : Palgrave Macmillan, Springer Nature. - 9783030324773 ; , s. 79-98
  • Book chapter (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • In comparative analysis of public management reforms, the general characteristics of countries and service contexts wherein reforms are implemented are important when examining and interpreting similarities and differences in the outcomes of reforms (Christensen and Lægreid, 2007; Greve et al., 2016; Pollitt and Bouckaert, 2011). When taking a comparative perspective, key characteristics of the politico-administrative system, such as Local Government structure, can provide a filter shaping the mix of policy instruments and organizational possibilities for implementing marketization within various services sectors. Similarly, the characteristics of the services sectors, such as…, are expected to provide a second filter shaping the outcomes from marketization. The country context of the book is represented by England and the three Scandinavian countries of Denmark, Norway and Sweden while the service context is represented by local park and road services. In the comparative perspective of the book, the country context varies while the service sector context is invariant. This chapter provides an overview and comparison of the general characteristics of the four countries and service context. The overview of the countries and service context focuses on relatively stable characteristics and their differences and similarities across the countries. The chapter is organised in two main sections. The first section provides an overview of the general characteristics of Local Governments in the four countries. The second section provides an overview of local park and road services in the four countries.
  • Lindholst, Andrej Christian, et al. (author)
  • Patterns and Variations of Marketization Compared
  • 2020
  • In: Marketization in Local Government: Diffusion and Evolution in Scandinavia and England. - Cham, Switzerland : Palgrave Macmillan, Springer Nature. - 9783030324773 ; , s. 197-221
  • Book chapter (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • In chapters 5 to 8, we provided an overview of trajectories of marketization and their impact on the organization and provision of municipal park and road services in each of the four countries: England and the three Scandinavian countries Sweden, Denmark and Norway. The country-based studies highlighted particular characteristics of marketization and how marketization has found its way within municipal park and road services. One key finding appearing from a cross-reading is that marketization is characterized by substantial variations across the four countries. The implementation of marketization both diverge and converge across the national contexts in unexpected ways. For example, the purposes for involving private providers and markets in public service delivery may not be so tightly coupled to cost concerns as envisioned in core new public management (NPM) reform models. Private providers and markets may also have equally important, albeit different, roles in public service delivery across radical and more cautious reform countries. Lastly, countries renowned for strong emphasis on marketization in their past reform trajectories may not appear that marketized after all – even within spearhead sectors such as municipal park and road services. Also, the study of economic outcomes from contracting out of park and road services in chapter 9 found substantial variations, including average cost savings in Denmark, a neutral effect on costs levels in Sweden and average cost increases in Norway, even after controlling for standard explanations such as the level of competition and contracting strategy. These variations in outcomes call for a careful appreciation of the comparative characteristics of the wider institutional context for marketization across different groups of countries. To gain a better understanding of similarities and differences in the patterns and variations in contemporary marketization in a comparative perspective, we have addressed the following two research questions: 1) To which degree do patterns and variations in contemporary marketization within municipal park and road services diverge (or converge) across England and the three Scandinavian countries, and 2) can any distinctive variants of marketization be identified across the four countries (or is marketization converging on a common model)? To answer these questions, we compare patterns and variations of contemporary marketization within a series of statistical analyses of comparable INOPS survey data from each of the four countries (see chapter 4 for details on data and methods). The INOPS survey data makes it possible to explore and carry out formal statistical tests of whether municipalities across the four countries converge or diverge in their implementation of features from different marketization models within the park and road services. The comparison extends the analysis of the implementation of marketization within municipal park and road services from the single-country perspectives found in chapters 5 to 8 toward a formalized comparative country analysis based on statistical techniques.
  • Lindholst, Andrej Christian, et al. (author)
  • Research design, materials and methods
  • 2020
  • In: Marketization in Local Government: Diffusion and Evolution in Scandinavia and England. Andrej Christian Lindholst, Morten Balle Hansen (red.). - Cham, Switzerland : Palgrave Macmillan, Springer Nature. - 9783030324773 ; , s. 61-78
  • Book chapter (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • The phenomenon of marketization holds no lack of earlier research and has been researched through various empirical strategies. In this chapter we present the research strategy and primary data sources for the book. We highlight the relevance of the methodological approach within the range of empirical strategies employed in earlier research. Our research strategy is comparative in its outlook and integrates longitudinal and cross-sectorial analyses of experiences with marketization of park and road services within and across the four countries of England, Denmark, Sweden and Norway based on a mix of quantitative and qualitative data. A key feature of the book’s research strategy is that marketization is researched with an eye to the importance of differences in national context for the evolution and diffusion of marketization. The comparative character of our research strategy locates and distinguishes our contributions within a handful of strategies for contextualizing the phenomenon of marketization. In the marketization literature we find four major strategies. First, a group of studies focuses on experiences within a single country. One example is Kettl’s (1993) case-based study of experiences with the use of private markets and competition in the US. Another example is the collection of evidence on the impact from marketization on Swedish welfare found in the anthology edited by Hartmann (2011). Second, a group of studies looks beyond individual country contexts and starts with a global outlook on marketization. One example is Simmons and Elkins’ (2004) study of the diffusion of marketization across nations as part of a global neoliberal movement. Third, a group of studies embeds marketization as part of a more general research interest in public sector reforms. Greve (2006), for example, provides an overview of public management reform in Denmark including an assessment of the relative emphasis on marketization. Pollitt and Bouckaert’s (2011) contribution is another example, where marketization is viewed as part of the historical trends in public management reform in a comparative analysis of OECD countries. Finally, a group of studies connect or integrate experiences with marketization across two or more countries. One example is Greer et al.’s (2017) comparison of the different ways public employment services has been re-organized by adoption of market-based coordination mechanisms in three European countries. Another example is Alonso et al.’s (2017) study, using statistics from several European countries for a general evaluation of whether greater private involvement has led to reduced expenditures in services provided by central governments. A key difference between these two studies is the careful attention to the importance of national context in former while the latter evaluate financial performance across several countries in a highly generalized way. The empirical content and details of the four highlighted research strategies are further diversified by, for example, the number and type of government or service sector(s), the type of data sources and materials, and the applied analytical methods. In the midst of the wealth of research on the phenomena of marketization, however, we find that truly cross-national comparative analyses of organizational developments paying attention to historical-institutional contexts are scare.
  • Lindholst, Christian, et al. (author)
  • Where is marketization heading? Comparing experiences from local park and road services in England and Scandinavia
  • 2019
  • In: Konferenspapper som kommer att bli ett bokkapitel i kommande bok på Palgrave. Konferens hölls i Potsdam 4-5 juli, 2019..
  • Conference paper (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Marketization in the 2020s remains one of the most dominant reform doctrines for the public sector, since the 1980s. However, marketization is increasingly challenged and criticized. In this chapter, we examine how marketization has progressed and discuss where it is heading by comparing experiences from local park and road services in England, Sweden, Denmark and Norway. We highlight the challenges and impacts of new reform doctrines on marketization in each country, and discuss whether marketization is a fading or continuing reform doctrine for the future of local governments. The analysis is based on qualitative and quantitative data collected in a collaborative research project (INOPS) carried out in 2014-2016. Across our countries, we find marketization to be proliferated by different ways of molding marketization according to contextual circumstances and stimulus from newer reform doctrines. In perspective, we discuss marketization as a reform path for local governments. This adds to discussions about the future of marketization as reform path in local governments.
  • Norén Bretzer, Ylva, 1969 (author)
  • 2.1.11 Politiskt förtroende i kommunala kontexter
  • 2011
  • In: Andreas Ivarsson (red): Nordisk kommunforskning. En forskningsövesikt med 113 projekt.. - Göteborg : University of Gothenburg. - 9789163398025 ; , s. 55-59
  • Book chapter (other academic/artistic)
  • Norén Bretzer, Ylva, 1969 (author)
  • A Review of ‘Urban planning and the housing market: international perspectives for policy and practice’, By Nicole Gurran and Glen Bramley
  • 2019
  • In: International Journal of Housing Policy. - : Informa UK Limited. - 1949-1247 .- 1949-1255. ; 19:1, s. 133-135
  • Review (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Urban Planning and the Housing Market is a very timely contribution. An Australian professor of Urban and Regional planning has come together with a professor of Urban Studies from Scotland. What could the result possibly be? The planner and the housing economist aim to bring planning and housing policy back together. In a disciplinarily fragmented world this is not one day too early. So, was it worth the time to read this book? Yes, undoubtedly so. The reviewer suggests this work becomes a standard read to introductory 134 BOOK REVIEWS programmes of architecture, urban and regional planning, housing economy and geography. It provides an example of the importance of knowing one ’ s primary discipline, but also that many useful insights can be produced when disciplines speak with one another around a common cause. The book leaves three recommendations to decision-makers; (1) recruit housing strategists now, if you do not have them yet; (2) provide them with high-quality data and (3) ask for a strategy based on this book. This will make your local community or region successful in the long run.
  • Norén Bretzer, Ylva, 1969 (author)
  • Att förklara politiskt förtroende: Betydelsen av socialt kapital och rättvisa procedurer
  • 2005
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • What explains political trust? Many researchers have presented various theories and explanations to this question. Therefore the number of answers according to previous research has been numerous and ambiguous. In contributing to this line of research, this dissertation uses a multilevel definition by David Easton and Pippa Norris and her colleagues. I continue to choose two theories that particularly have been presented as possible answers to why political trust varies among citizens. The first is the social capital theory and the second is the theory on procedural fairness. I continue to test the relevance of the selected theories, where the data on the micro-level is a) a national sample in Sweden evaluating national political trust, and b) a regional sample covering 50 municipalities of West Sweden, evaluating municipal political trust. Several results are found. First, social capital theory is primarily valid in terms of generalised trust, while associational activities do not result in any significantly higher political trust at all. Second, the civicness hypothesis is confirmed but with marginal effect. This means that people living in areas where they think their neighbours are more willing to give a helping hand at emergencies, or do some extra work for the benefit of the local community, have a significantly higher political trust. However, this effect is quite marginal in size. When the second theory is tested, the role of procedural fairness, I find that persons who believe that the courts are working in a fair and foreseeable way across the country have significantly higher political trust. This is true together with the social capital theory, and the analyses have also been controlled for the home-team hypothesis presented by Holmberg and others, that implies that you tend to trust those that you have voted for. For the micro-level, I conclude that generalised trust and perceived procedural justice are the primary relevant explanations to the variance of political trust, under control for the home-team hypothesis and other background variables. The two theories are also being tested on the macro-level, since it has been argued by social capital theory that the relevant effects should be detected at aggregate levels. The results in this regard are meagre; there are no social capital effects to be found across municipal populations where I investigate the variation of mean political trust. What could be detected was an important effect of the perceived possibility to affect political decisions. This result gives credit to Tom Tyler?s argument on process control, which was confirmed on micro level as well. Following this part of the analyses, I conclude that social capital theory is not valid to explain political trust at the macro-level, at least not within the same country. Another important result was that the working definition of political trust transferred well from the national to the municipal level.
  • Norén Bretzer, Ylva, 1969 (author)
  • Bending the Curves: can BIDs recall slumification in two Swedish neighborhoods?
  • 2017
  • Other publication (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Partnerships between estate owners, business, civil society and the public sector has evolved in Northern America, the UK, Germany and is also emerging in Sweden. Under the label of Business Improvement Districts (BIDs), various forms of collaborations have been around for some time (Meltzer 2012; Edlund & Westin 2009; Cook 2008; Hoyt 2005), which also resembles Ostrom’s theory of institutions supporting sustainable resource management (Ostrom 1990). Results have shown that such collaborative arrangement has boosted commerce in defined areas, as house-owners or business-owners start to communicate around the general welfare of the locality and the place interlinked with commerce and public relations. This paper starts out to discuss to what extent BID-inspired models have been imported and evolved into two residential areas in Sweden characterized by degeneration and stagnation in Sweden; Gamlestaden (Gothenburg, the second largest city of Sweden) and Centrala Hisingen (also in Gothenburg). These areas are primarily dominated by tenant apartments, but also include small and medium sized businesses. Previous research internationally is scarce, and has to an almost non-existing degree evaluated the BID collaborations from the tenants’ perspectives. Gamlestaden partnership set out in 2001, and covers some 9 000 residents in total. Survey-data from tenants was collected in 2001, 2003, 2005, 2008 and 2015. Partnership Centrala Hisingen was initiated in 2002 and it covers an area of 20 000 inhabitants, and citizen data is available from the Regional SOM-studies (www.som.gu.se). In this paper there is an attempt to display the tenant’s evaluations of the areas in which they live, the social trust and perceptions of safety in the neighborhood. General comparisons with overall Gothenburg will also be discussed. The contribution of the paper is to discuss BIDs-related collaborations, which often are accompanied by criticisms of gentrification and value-boosting for distant capital-owners, only. This paper is an initial attempt to write on the topic, but the paper yet lacks important pieces of data. Next task will be to add more quantitative data, but also qualitative such. Further recommendations on how to move ahead are warmly welcomed.
  • Norén Bretzer, Ylva, 1969 (author)
  • Consequences of the marketized housing agenda in Sweden: who were those trolls that never were invited but who we now are living with?
  • 2018
  • In: ENHR 2018. 26-29 June, Uppsala.
  • Conference paper (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • This paper discusses how the housing agenda in Sweden has been handed over to the municipalities, under the EU instructions. The marketized housing sector has resulted in unexpected local outcomes, or trolls, as for example private slum-lords, exploiting their properties to a maximum but with no local responsibility to the tenants. Also, a black market of temporary housing -or beds- is found, which often target vulnerable immigrants. Thirdly, private-public partnerships has emerged, often termed business improvement districts (BIDs), who collaborate locally in order to serve long time interests for the property owners, the tenants, the local business-owners and the wider community. In sum, the neo-liberal agenda is found to strengthen the local communities and partnerships, but the tools to deal with the anomalies still lies at the central state. The neo-liberal agenda needs to be anchored by place and local actors in institutional long-term relations in defined places. Results imply that the planning processes need to address this new landscape of actors, and processes.
  • Norén Bretzer, Ylva, 1969, et al. (author)
  • Drivkrafter bakom en energieffektiv omställning
  • 2016
  • In: Urban välfärd, effektiv energi / Ylva Norén Bretzer (red). - : Boréa Bokförlag. - 9789189140912 ; , s. 361-394
  • Book chapter (other academic/artistic)
  • Norén Bretzer, Ylva, 1969 (author)
  • Dödens landskp
  • 2022
  • In: Lägga döden tillrätta: Hur död administreras i vårt samhälle. - Stockholm : Santérus Förlag. - 9789173591850 - 9789173591805
  • Book chapter (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Vad vet vi nu om den dödes plats i svensk nutid? Jag har konstaterat att de dödas platser och landskap varierat över tid och att de ideal som råder för dagen kommer att modifieras. Dödens roll i den kollektiva minnesväven omskapas, men begravningsplatserna och berättelserna är viktiga för att hjälpa oss själva och kommande släktled att minnas och förstå. Den första trenden som identifierats var återtagandet av seden att bränna eller kremera den döda, för att sedan gravsätta eller strö ut askan på en av staten sanktionerad plats. Det kan handla om en begravningsplats inom eller utanför något samfunds ansvar, eller utströende av aska i minneslund eller ute till havs eller en större insjö. För att strö aska på offentlig plats på land beviljas sällan tillstånd. Den andra trenden är att döden inte enbart ombesörjs av kyrkan. En annan institution har tagit plats i den moderna dödsritualens ombesörjande: sjukhusen. Av detta följer den tredje trenden att till dödens professionalisering inräknas numera yrkesgrupper som läkare, obducenter, sjuksköterskor med palliativ specialisering samt begravningsentreprenörer. Dessa roller och funktioner i dödens sammanhang var knappt förekommande för ett sekel sedan. Staten anger spelreglerna för dödsritualen, men sedan religionsfrihet infördes 1951 har Svenska kyrkans begravningsmonopol brutits. Den fjärde trenden är mångfalden av begravningsformer och platser utifrån både religiösa och sekulära tankelinjer, även om Svenska kyrkan fortfarandet dominerar som ansvarig för gravarnas skötsel. Konst, utsmyckning och poesi är viktiga detaljer i landskapet för att övervinna människornas glömska. Nu säger vi hellre begravningsplats än kyrkogård, med hänsyn till dagens mångkulturella förhållanden. Begravningsritualernas betydelse som just en övergångsritual består, både för den dödas skull och för dennes familjs och närståendes. Den femte trenden är att kyrkogårdarnas estetik fortsatt är viktig, men att den idag, åtminstone ibland, kompletteras med en ljuddesign som främjar känslan av stillhet, avkoppling och platsens upplevda helighet. Den kommande begravningsplatsen i Järva illustrerar både att oönskade ljud delvis kan reduceras eller maskeras, medan ljud av rinnande vatten, susande trädtoppar eller fågelsång kan främjas. Den sjätte trenden som Järva också illustrerar – eller blir ett avskräckande exempel av – är när begravningsplatsens funktioner blir flera. Nu ska de döda umgås med allmänheten i termer av discgolfsportare eller grönsaksodlande kolonister. Länsstyrelsen i Skåne gör en motsatt bedömning: de döda ska inte umgås med allmänheten. Framtiden får utvisa om vi är en sjunde trend på spåren – att de döda välkomnas tillbaka in till vardagslivet igen bland de levande, åtminstone på Järvafältet. Om så skulle vara fallet, så är det intet nytt under solen.
  • Norén Bretzer, Ylva, 1969, et al. (author)
  • Energieffektivisering ur de boendes perspektiv
  • 2016
  • In: Norén Bretzer, Y. (Ed.) Urban välfärd, effektiv energi. - Umeå : Boréa Bokförlag. - 9789189140912 ; , s. 271-308
  • Book chapter (other academic/artistic)
  • Norén Bretzer, Ylva, 1969 (author)
  • Energismartast i Västsverige - En fråga om hur man bor?
  • 2013
  • In: En region för alla? Medborgare, människor och medier i Västsverige. - Göteborg : University of Gothenburg. - 9789189673298 ; , s. 201-215
  • Book chapter (other academic/artistic)
  • Norén Bretzer, Ylva, 1969 (author)
  • Explaining political trust: the role of social capital and procedural fairness
  • 2005
  • In: Konferenspapper presenterat vid Trust and Democracy: A Multidisciplinary Perspective, Göteborg, May 19-20, Sweden.
  • Conference paper (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The role of interpersonal trust in society has intensively been discussed among researchers during the last decade (Putnam 1993, 2000, Lin 2001, Uslaner 2002). This article specifically focuses on the role of interpersonal trust and trust in politicians, political institutions and democracy. Do people that trust other people also have more trust in politics, generally? A competing explanation to where the political trusters could be detected comes from the field of political psychology. Here, most notably Tom Tyler has argued that political trust is generated from the perceived procedures of the judicial system (Hibbing and Theiss-Morse 2001, Levi 1996, 1998, Tyler 1990, 1998, 2001). Persons that carry the perceptions that the judicial system is working in a fair and foreseeable way, also tend to be the political trusters, according to his claim. How will these two hypotheses play together? This is the topic of the presented article. This study has a multi-level design, where data include trust in Swedish national political institutions and Swedish municipal institutions. The reported analyses display a hypoteses test 2x2 at micro and macro levels respectively. The results confirm what Mishler and Rose have reported earlier, that it is institutional hypotheses at micro levels that best covary with political trust. Second, institutional hypotheses on macro levels are also helpful. Interpersonal trust at macro level displays no significant relation to political trust. However, small but significant effects can be detected at micro level. The consequences of the results are several. First, if we are truly interested in the issue of political trust, and what determines it, we should put much more attention to analyses of institutions, how they actually work and citizen’s perceptions of them. Second, the source of low political trust may be found within the public institutions themselves, not among the citizenry. If the judicial system is working in a fair and foreseeable way, and the attitude among the citizens are that the courts and the police are working in favor of this norm, this situation would pave the way to higher political trust much more easily, compared to if policymakers have the belief that the citizens should be “doped” with as much interpersonal trust as possible. The latter strategy may produce lots of interesting social effects, however, the effect on political trust would most likely be meager.
  • Norén Bretzer, Ylva, 1969 (author)
  • Flernivåstyrning i skolsektorn
  • 2016
  • In: Jarl, M. & Nihlfors, E. (red), "Ledarskap, utveckling, lärande", Stockholm: Natur & Kultur. - Stockholm : Natur & Kultur. - 9789127147065 ; , s. 27-56
  • Book chapter (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • I antologin Ledarskap, utveckling, lärande förenas forskare från flera vetenskapliga discipliner i forskningsintressen som handlar om styrning, ledning och organisering av kunskapsintensiva och professionstunga organisationer. Antologins tre delar ger olika perspektiv på områdena Styrsystem och ansvarsfördelning, Skolutveckling och måluppfyllelse och Profession och ledarskap. Dessa tre delar överensstämmer med rektorsutbildningens tre kunskapsområden. Boken vänder sig i första hand till verksamma och blivande rektorer och förskolechefer, men även till lärare, skolchefer, politiker och andra tjänstemän inom lokal och statlig skolförvaltning.
  • Norén Bretzer, Ylva, 1969 (author)
  • Förtroendegapet mellan forskningsinstitutioner och forskare
  • 2017
  • In: SOM-rapport nr 70, Göteborgs universitet. - Göteborgs universitet : SOM-institutet. - 0284-4788. - 9789189673397 ; , s. 83-96
  • Book chapter (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Förtroendet för universitet och högskolor har legat på en relativt konstant nivå under åren 2002–2016: omkring 55 procent av respondenterna i de nationella SOM-undersökningarna uppger sig ha stort förtroende för dessa samhällsinstitutioner. Samma tendens gäller förtroendet för forskare, där drygt 70 procent av allmänheten har stort förtroende. Trots höga förtroendenivåer framträder ett visst gap mellan institutioner och aktörer. Detta gap är fortfarande relativt outforskat och fokuseras därför i följande kapitel. Analysen visar att det högsta förtroendet för universitet och högskolor hittas bland unga, högutbildade, de med hög tillit till andra människor och sympatisörer med traditionella ”mittenpartier”. Utbildningsnivå är däremot inte lika centralt för förtroendet för forskare – här är det istället människor som själva är aktiva forskningsanvändare som hyser högst förtroende. De med lägst förtroende för forskare anser i högre utsträckning att forskningsfusk är vanligt och att forskningsetiska frågor inte tas på tillräckligt stort allvar.
  • Norén Bretzer, Ylva, 1969 (author)
  • Gamlestaden 2021 - En medborgarundersökning
  • 2021
  • In: https://bidgamlestaden.se/content/uploads/2021/11/Gamlestadsundersokningen-2021.pdf.
  • Other publication (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Redovisning av 2021 års medborgarundersökning i Gamlestaden, Göteborg. Resultaten visas i relation till tidigare undersökningar 2001, 2003, 2005, 2008, 2015.
  • Norén Bretzer, Ylva, 1969 (author)
  • Hur sköter Västra Götalandsregionen sina uppgifter?
  • 2016
  • In: Bergström, A. & Herring, N. (red.). Hållbarhetens horisont: Samhälle, opinion och medier i Västsverige. - Göteborgs universitet : SOM-institutet. - 0284-4788. - 9789189673366 ; , s. 149-158
  • Book chapter (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Detta kapitel bidrar till att belysa en unik paradox för Västra Götalandsregionens del. Generellt ökade stödet för demokratin i regionen under åren 2000 – 2016, från 45 procent till 61 procent nöjda. Samtidigt minskade västsvenskarnas nöjdhet med demokratin i Västra Götalandsregionen under åren 2014-2015, vilket är vanligt år efter valår (2014). Under samma period, 2014-2015, bedömdes tillfredsställelsen med Västra Götalandsregionens verksamhetområden stabila; detta stöd kanske till och med stärktes något i vissa grupper. Nöjdheten med verksamheten kvarstår därmed, trots att stödet för demokratin minskat något. Ett visst missnöje med verksamheten kvarstår i specifika befolkningsgrupper. Detta utmärker särskilt män som är missnöjda med demokratin i Västra Götalandsregionen och som inte tycker att det fungerar särskilt bra att ta sig fram med bil.
  • Norén Bretzer, Ylva, 1969, et al. (author)
  • Introduktion: TIllit mellan människor
  • 2018
  • In: Socialmedicinsk Tidskrift. - 0037-833X. ; 95:3, s. 245-250
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Artikeln utgör en introduktion till SMTs temanummer om tillit mellan människor
  • Norén Bretzer, Ylva, 1969, et al. (author)
  • Is public procurement efficiency conditioned by market types? A critical test in park and road sectors in Sweden
  • 2016
  • In: International Journal of Public Sector Management. - 0951-3558. ; 29:5, s. 488-501
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate to what extent contracting out practices has led to perceived resource cuts in the Swedish park and road sectors. Design/methodology/approach – E-survey sent to managers in park and technical departments in the municipalities. Response rate: 39.7 percent. Findings – Decreased costs were found in 25 percent of the responding road departments, in 20 percent of park departments. 49 percent of the road departments responded “ no change ” or “ increase ” (48 percent parks). Findings indicate that tendering practices tend to be most commonly centered in Swedish municipalities situated in the three metropolitan regions (Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö with suburbs), while such practices are not as common in mid-sized and rural municipalities. In addition, contracting out practices correspond with higher per capita budgets, not with smaller. Research limitations/implications – The research implications are that contracting out tend to occur “ where the resources are, ” while poorer municipalities either have to contract even if it is more expensive, or, contracting out is combined with other provision models. The limitation of the data are that it based on managers’ perceptions, while hard data have been impossible to map. Practical implications – The uniform assumption that contracting out saves public resources need to be conditioned with context, and initial resources at hand. Contracting out is one option among several possible strategies, especially for mid-sized and smaller municipalities with small budgets. Social implications – The rationalities of local government procurements are bounded by the local market situations and local the budget capacities. Originality/value – This is the first study of manager ’ s perceptions in the Swedish park and road contexts. Keywords Market structure, Contracting out, Cost-efficiency, Local park management, Local road management, Metropolitan municipalities Paper type Research paper
  • Norén Bretzer, Ylva, 1969, et al. (author)
  • Judicial and Policy Learning for Energy Efficiency in Urban Residential Areas
  • 2011
  • In: Nordic Environmental Social Science Conference 2011, June 14 - 16, Stockholm.
  • Journal article (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Efforts to improve energy efficiency in the European building sector constitute a corner stone in the 2020 Energy strategy of the EU. In this multi-level overview, we examine the EU policy tools 2006 up to present, and follow how these policies colour the energy efficiency strategies unfold at national, regional and municipal levels in Sweden. A key finding is that the primary addressees, the regional and local authorities, to a large extent develop their energy efficiency policies on a voluntary initiative. However, this may be acceptable, as all regions don’t share similar preconditions, such as expertise, problem urgency and policy acceptance in the local networks. A necessary precondition is that the EU assists energy efficiency initiatives financially, along with national funding. Another key factor, if the energy efficiency policy shall spread and develop, is the necessary cross-sector developments of technological, planning, political and legal skills to manage successful energy efficiency projects. Additional energy efficiency gains can be reached by successful involvement of the residents.
  • Norén Bretzer, Ylva, 1969 (author)
  • Liten övning i korstabeller
  • 2020
  • In: Andra hjälpen: allt du behöver veta för att skriva en uppsats. Abrahamson Löfström, C., och Rombach, B. (red.). - Lund : Studentlitteratur. - 9789144130682 ; , s. 227-254
  • Book chapter (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Avsikten med det här kapitlet är att du ska få inspiration och vägledning till att kunna genomföra grundläggande räkningsanalyser i ett ofta använt statistikprogram, SPSS. Kapitlet börjar med ett resonemang om de förberedelser som behövs innan själva analysen påbörjas. Därefter visar jag hur omkodningar kan göras av olika skalor och hur korstabeller genomförs i olika typer av data. Jag går igenom detta stegvis inför att du själv för första gången ska göra analyser i ett statistiskt datamaterial. Målet är att du ska kunna genomföra analyser med först två och sedan tre variabler, för att kunna tolka och förklara analysens resultat i din uppsats. Kvantitativ analys händer inte på en timme eller två, det krävs en hel del övning och färdighet. Men för varje timme du sitter och knåpar med programvaran, kodningar eller tolkning av resultatet blir du allt bättre. Det krävs träning – precis som i vilken idrott eller hobby som helst. Det som ena dagen verkar oöverstigligt kommer om några dagar att vara lätt som en plätt. I kapitlet visar jag hur du gör grundläggande bivariata analyser i SPSS, ett program som de flesta universitet har licenser till i sina datasalar och licensierade till sina studenter. Om du har svårt att få tag på programmet för studentbruk, fråga din metodlärare eller licensansvarig vid din institution. Vi utgår från att materialet redan är insamlat. Det är bra om du har kunskaper i procenträkning och kan göra analyser av en variabel i exempelvis staplar eller pajdiagram. Grundkunskap om statistiska mått och datanivåer är förvisso lätt att glömma bort, men det går alltid att fräscha upp dessa kunskaper med en grundbok i statistik.
  • Norén Bretzer, Ylva, 1969, et al. (author)
  • Local Marketization 1980-2018: Incremental Tendencies and Deviances
  • 2020
  • In: Marketization in Local Government: Diffusion and Evolution in Scandinavia and England. Andrej Christian Lindholst, Morten Balle Hansen (red.). - Cham, Switzerland : Palgrave Macmillan, Springer Nature. - 9783030324773 ; , s. 117-139
  • Book chapter (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Relations between the public sector and the market have a long history in Sweden. The opening section discusses relations between public and private governance at the national level across the past four decades in Sweden. Next, the discussion is narrowed to the municipal park and road sectors of the local municipalities, as the early marketization reforms were initiated there. In the closing section several lessons are discussed. First, the actual selling-off of public companies on the open market primarily relates to the national level, while corporatization and market imitation have been increasingly common features of the local administrative level. Second, in local government discussions of management form characterized the early period, while outcome and quality control dominated in later years. Third, contracting out has taken place due to procurement regulations. For the local road sector, the level external contracting has been roughly the same throughout the period, while for the park sector we found an increase from 3 percent in 1987 to 28 percent in 2015. This can be interpreted as the park sector imitating the road sector, which had been practicing external contracting for decades.
  • Norén Bretzer, Ylva, 1969, et al. (author)
  • Local marketization under the ‘new’ political governance in Sweden, 1980-2018
  • 2018
  • In: NORKOM 2018, Aarhus.
  • Conference paper (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • This paper compares how the local public sector and the local markets have evolved from the 1980s up to 2018 at the municipal level in Sweden (2015; cf Montin 2000). The two examples of contracting out exercised are the organisational reforms in the municipal park and road sectors. Materials are primary data (INOPS 2015) combined with secondary data from previous scientific reports and governmental studies. The results are multifaceted. First, the market imitation has increasingly become the features of the local administrative level – but not to the expense of local government legitimacy. Second, the alternatives of management forms characterized the early period, while outcome and quality control dominated the more recent years. Third, for the local road sector, the level of external contracting has been stable throughout the period; while for the park sector we found an increase from 3 percent in 1987 to 28 percent in 2015. The general mimicking of the private sector seems to have kept local governance and legitimacy in line with the expectations of the Swedes.
  • Norén Bretzer, Ylva, 1969, et al. (author)
  • Local marketization under the ‘new’ political governance in Sweden, 1980-2018
  • 2018
  • In: EGPA Conference. 5-7 September, Lausanne.
  • Conference paper (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The opening section of the paper will discusses how the local public sector and the local market have evolved from the 1980s up to 2018 at the municipal level, in relation to the governance developments discussed at the national level by Pierre and Sundström (2015; cf Montin 2000). Next, the discussion is narrowed to the examples of contracting out and organisational reforms in the municipal park and road sectors of the Swedish municipalities. Materials used are primary data (INOPS 2015) (Norén Bretzer et al 2016) and secondary data based on previous scientific reports and governmental studies. Results are manifold. First, the corporatization and market imitation have been increasingly common features of the local administrative level – but not to the expense of local government legitimacy. Second, in local government discussions the alternatives of management forms characterized the early period, while outcome and quality control dominated the later years. Third, for the local road sector, the level external contracting has been roughly the same throughout the period; while for the park sector we found an increase from 3 percent in 1987 to 28 percent in 2015. This can be interpreted as the park sector imitating the road sector, which had been practicing external contracting for decades. The general mimicking of the private sector that has taken place throughout the past four decades seems to have kept local governance and legitimacy in line with the expectations of the Swedes.
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  • Result 1-50 of 87
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other academic/artistic (68)
peer-reviewed (18)
pop. science, debate, etc. (1)
Norén Bretzer, Ylva, ... (87)
Thynell, Marie (12)
Dempsey, Nicola (6)
Dotterud Leiren, Mer ... (6)
Holmgren, Kristina, ... (5)
Langlet, David, 1977 (5)
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Balle Hansen, Morten (5)
Lindholst, Andrej Ch ... (5)
Bartholdsson, Kersti ... (4)
Sandstig, Gabriella, ... (4)
Sandoff, Anders, 196 ... (3)
Karlsson, David, 197 ... (3)
Randrup, Thomas (2)
Persson, Bengt (2)
Grimes, Marcia, 1969 (2)
Niklasson, Birgitta, ... (2)
Johansson, Folke, 19 ... (2)
Randrup, Thomas B (2)
Gabaude, Alix, 1996 (2)
Rohdén, Helena, 1966 (2)
Prentice, Joshua (2)
Persson, Bengt, 1954 (2)
Johansson, Bengt, 19 ... (1)
Stendahl, Sara, 1963 (1)
Lindström, Martin (1)
Dellve, Lotta, 1965 (1)
Patel, Z. (1)
Prado, Svante, 1974 (1)
Lindholm, Maria (1)
Eriksson, Nomie, 195 ... (1)
Holmberg, Sören, 194 ... (1)
Perry, B. (1)
Lindholst, Christian (1)
Polk, Merritt, 1962 (1)
Denti, Leif, 1983 (1)
Forsberg, Björn (1)
Bronéus, Fredrik (1)
Svensson, Petra (1)
Eklöf, Motzi (1)
Jutengren, Göran, 19 ... (1)
Rosstorp, Frida (1)
Ivarsson, Andreas, 1 ... (1)
Normark, Daniel (1)
Morten, Balle Hansen (1)
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University of Gothenburg (87)
Uppsala University (5)
Chalmers University of Technology (3)
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (2)
Swedish (48)
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Social Sciences (84)
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