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Search: WFRF:(Patriksson Göran)

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  • Fahlström, Per Göran, 1951, et al. (author)
  • Career pathways in Swedish elite sports
  • 2014
  • In: Paper presented at the World Association of Sport Management Conferens in Madrid (okt. 2014)..
  • Conference paper (other academic/artistic)
  • Fahlström, Per Göran, 1951, et al. (author)
  • Elite sport and education
  • 2014
  • In: Paper presented at the congress Materials tomorrow, Chalmers university of Technology, 04-11-2014.
  • Conference paper (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Introduction Previous studies have shown that successful sport careers often are based upon the notion that athletes are living a life in harmony and also have had the opportunity to successfully combine a sport career and a parallel academic career (Patriksson, 1995; Stråhlman, 2006). This presentation focuses on aspects related to parallel career opportunities for elite athletes in the academy. The aim is to describe 3 different concerns in both the civil and the athletic development. Method 36 Swedish athletes were interviewed (26 men -10 women) all with experience of top-level sport on international basis and varied experiences of academic involvment. One third of the group had finished their sport career before or during the 1990s and the others in the 2000s. The respondents represented various sports. The issues discussed highlight the aims and the questions where formulated to grasp the essence of the respondents’ experiences. Results Three aspects of career support where detected. (1)The student athlete is admitted to regular university courses/programs on the same terms as other students, but progressing the studies with different types of adapted curriculum. The design of the support is in collaboration with the Training Manager and Director of studies at the university institution. The candidate's sport activities are completely outside university activities and responsibilities. (2)The elite athlete is accepted on courses/programmes at the same premises as above (1), but the university also provides support for the student's athletic development. This support is a joint collaboration between the Academy and the Sport organizations (federations, sports clubs and other stakeholders). A steering committee and a resource centre are established with the task of organizing and managing the sport activities. (3)The athlete is admitted to a degree program or course where one of the objectives is to develop the student's knowledge in different sports. Advanced research programs are tied to this kind of support with the goal of creating a complete academic environment as collaboration between university institutions, stakeholders from related sectors (public authorities, sport organizations, industrial development and private stakeholders) and the athlete. In addition, there will also be opportunities to develop progression for students' sports development through collaboration with the government sanctioned study form sports schools (sv: idrottsgymnasier). Discussion The standpoint is that a prospective student has the ambitions to both succeed in the academic career and the athletic career. If the universities (along with serious actors) can implement the above outlined actions and development stages, the cooperation between sport organizations and universities can become an international centre for the development of sporting knowledge (through research) and education. Knowledge development about sport is through research the key to sustainable development and the foundation on which successful parallel carers can be established.
  • Fahlström, Per Göran, 1951, et al. (author)
  • The Sports Lift Project: a study of governing relations.
  • 2014
  • In: AIESEP conference in Auckland NZ..
  • Conference paper (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • BACKGROUND: In 2003 the Swedish Parliament voted for a “Handshake with Sport”, a four years sport-promoting project for children and youth. The Confederation received approximately 100 million EURO to allocate among its federations and the aim was to open the doors of sport. A prioritized sub-theme was to encourage schools to promote physical activity. In 2006 to 2014 the project continued with about 400 million EURO as the “Sports-lift-project”, only with slightly modified general aims. AIMS: This study is a research project aiming to evaluate effects of the Sports-lift; especially the Swedish University Sports Federation and the Recreation and Exercise Sports Federation. The results focus on the theoretical concept governmentality, with emphasis on corporatism and of sport organizations and sport activities in school. METHODS: Interviews were conducted with responsible persons at the Swedish Sport confederation, the two Sport federations and at the Ministry of Culture and Sport. The interviews were recorded and rules of ethical considerations have been followed. RESULTS: The results show that understanding in terms of unity and consensus is a vital part of the Sports-lift. The informants from the Confederation/the Federations and the Ministry of culture and sport meant that the realization of the Sports-lift demanded considerable space for the Sport associations and little governing from the ministry. DISCUSSION: The almost invisible governance from the state in the Sports-lift is a very efficient strategy in a situation where actors are dependent of each other (sports are generally popular among voters and the sport sector is in need of government support). But it is also a venturesome line of action if the counterparts lack in mutual trust, which can jeopardize the whole project.
  • Fahlström, Per Göran, 1951, et al. (author)
  • Vägen från landslaget – om elitidrott, karriär och avslutning
  • 2014
  • Reports (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Bakgrund: Utgångspunkten för projektet är olika perspektiv på de elitidrottandes karriärer. Det finns relativt omfattande internationell forskning om vägen från involvering i barn- och ungdomsidrott till prestation på elitnivå, dock i mindre omfattning i en svensk kontext. Tidigare studier har visat att en framgångsrik idrottskarriär, ofta bygger på att den idrottandes liv och vardag är i harmoni. Det har också framkommit att många kombinerar sitt elitidrottande med arbete och/eller studier både på hel- och deltid. Däremot är den forskningsbaserade kunskapen om nutida svenska elitidrottares situation efter karriären tämligen begränsad. Syfte: Studies syfte består av tre delar: att beskriva (1) upplevelser och erfarenheter av vägen till och genom elitidrottskarriären, (2) upplevelser av övergången från elitidrottskarriären till livet efter elitidrottskarriären och (3) upplevelser av olika stödfunktioners betydelse under och efter elitidrottskarriären. Metod: För att besvara de formulerade forskningsfrågorna intervjuades 36 idrottare, 26 män och 10 kvinnor, med erfarenhet på internationell toppnivå. Fem av de intervjuade var vid intervjutillfället fortfarande aktiva. Av de före detta aktiva hade omkring hälften avslutat sin elitkarriär under 1990-talet och den andra halvan under 2000-talet. De svarande representerar idrotterna badminton, bandy, basketboll, brottning, bågskytte, cykel, fotboll, friidrott, fäktning handboll, ishockey, kanot, konståkning, orientering, rodd, segling, simning, skidor, skyttesport och tennis. De frågor som diskuterades med de intervjuade belyser syftets olika delar, med undantag för dem som inte avslutat sin karriär, där frågor om erfarenheter av själva avslutningen inte ställdes. Resultat: De flesta informanterna kommer från familjer med starkt idrottsintresse, föräldrar och syskon utövar och konsumerar idrott. Detta har underlättat och bidragit till respondenternas idrottsintresse. De aktivas vägar till elitidrott visar på stor variation i aktivitetsmönster, allt från utövare som tidigare valt en idrott och satsat på den till utövare som sysslat med ett flertal idrotter och valt idrott relativt sent. De allra flesta tillhör den senare gruppen. De intervjuade kan tydligt identifiera när de valda att satsa på sin huvudidrott och anger tre huvudsakliga skäl till sin satsning: markant höjd målsättning, insikten om att de bisitter en potential att nå långt och får bekräftelse och uppmärksamhet t.ex. uttagning till landslag, elitgrupp eller liknande Idrottskarriärens avslutning är ofta en komplex och utdragen process som kan liknas vid ett mångårigt hängivet förhållande som de flesta har haft svårt att lämna. Nästan en tredjedel av de intervjuade återvände till idrotten en eller flera gånger (comeback). Däremot var karriärslutet för många Vägen från landslaget 6 ett medvetet planerat beslut. Endast ett fåtal bestämde sig för att klippa av banden till elitidrotten med kort varsel. Beslutet om att avslutade idrottskarriären berodde ofta på kombinationer av olika skäl. De vanligaste skälen var bristande motivation, skada eller hälsoproblem och (hög) ålder. De allra flesta anger att övergången från elitidrotten till ett ”vanligt” liv gått relativt problemfritt. De var i stort sett nöjda med sin livssituation och mådde bra även om en mindre del av dem upplevt större eller mindre problem i direkt anslutning till karriärslutet. De menar idag att idrotten spelat en central och betydelsefull roll i deras liv och att de genom idrotten fått lära sig värdefulla egenskaper för sina kommande liv. Ingen av dem ångrar heller sin elitidrottssatsning. En klar majoritet av de intervjuade har efter idrottskarriären fått jobb som hade stark koppling till idrott antingen inom idrottsrörelsen eller genom att starta egna företag som på olika sätt hade idrottsanknytning. Flera respondenter nämner också betydelsen av att förbereda sin elitidrottsavslutning. Här vilar ansvaret naturligtvis på individen själv men också på idrottens organisationer, samt allmännyttiga samhällsfunktioner som utbildning- och arbetsmarknadsåtgärder. Utbildning, yrke och signifikanta andra är viktiga ingredienser för att förbereda en lyckad postidrottslig socialisation, med möjlighet för individen att under elitidrottstiden bedriva parallella karriärer. Respondenterna var också positiva till RF:s planerade satsning på s.k. Riksidrottsuniversitet, med möjlighet till studier och stöd för sin idrottsliga utveckling under elitidrottskarriären.
  • Stråhlman, Owe, 1954, et al. (author)
  • Post retirement experiences of former Swedish elite athletes
  • 2014
  • In: ECSS 2014.
  • Conference paper (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Introduction Previous studies have shown that successful sport careers are often based upon the notion that athletes are living a life in harmony, and that positive adjustment to retirement is dependent on the athletes coping strategies and adjustment skills adapted during the sport career (Patriksson, 1995; Stråhlman, 2006). The aims of this study are to describe; (1) the perceptions and experiences of the road through the elite sports career, (2) experiences of the transition from elite sport to a post retirement life. Method 36 athletes were interviewed (26 men -10 women) all with experience of top-level sport on international basis. One third of the group had finished their career before or during the 1990s and the others in the 2000s. The respondents represented various sports. The issues discussed highlight the aims of the study, and the questions where formulated to grasp the essence of the respondents’ experiences. Results The career ended for many of the respondents as a conscious planned decision, even if one third made a comeback. Only a few ended in an abrupt way. The decision to end the sport career was often a combination of reasons; lack of motivation, injury - health problems and age. The transition from elite sport went for the majority smoothly and the respondents enjoyed their retirement lives, although a small portion of them experienced problems as a direct result of their career ending. Sport still played a central role and sport related properties were important for the respondents’ lives. No one regretted their elite sports career but they underlined the importance to prepare for the post retirement life. The majority of the respondents found new jobs, most sport related, and they were satisfied with their lives. Discussion It is important not only to focus on the elite sport career, but on career support in general, especially for those with problematic adjustment. Unproblematic voluntary adjustment is often linked to the possibility to prepare in advance for retirement. Since no one reported having severe injuries that predominantly affected their post retirement life, they could put their new ambitions in other areas. Sport organisations, public authorities and individuals are all responsible for the athlete’s retirement. References Park, S., Lavallee, D. & Tod, D. (2013). Athletes´ career transition out of sport: a systematic review. International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 6:1, 22-53. Patriksson, G. (1995). The elite sports career. Mölndal: Institutionen för pedagogik. Göteborgs universitet. Stråhlman, O. (2006). Elite sport retirement process: career analysis of former Swedish elite athletes. Göteborg: Department of Education, Göteborg University. Owe.strahlman@ped.gu.se
  • Stråhlman, Owe, et al. (author)
  • Post retirement experiences of former Swedish elite athletes
  • 2015
  • In: Sport, Unity & Conflict : 12th European Association for Sociology of Sport Conference.
  • Conference paper (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Introduction Previous studies have shown that successful sport careers are often based upon the notion that athletes are living a life in harmony and that positive adjustment to retirement is dependent on the athletes coping strategies and adjustment skills. The aims of this study are to describe; (1) the perceptions and experiences of the road through the elite sports career, (2) experiences of the transition from elite sport to a post retirement life.Method 36 athletes were interviewed (26 men -10 women) all with experience of top-level sport on international basis. One third of the group had finished their career before or during the 1990s and the others in the 2000s. The questions to the respondents where formulated to grasp the essence of the their experiences.Results The career ended for many of the respondents as a conscious planned decision. The decision to end the sport career was often a combination of reasons. The transition from elite sport went for the majority smoothly and the respondents enjoyed their retirement lives, although a small portion of them experienced problems as a result of their career ending. Sport still played a central role and sport related properties were important for the respondents. No one regretted their elite sports career but they underlined the importance to prepare for the post retirement life. The majority of the respondents found new jobs, and they were satisfied with their lives.Discussion It is important to focus on career support, especially for those with problematic adjustment. Unproblematic voluntary adjustment is often linked to the possibility to prepare in advance for retirement. Since no one reported having severe injuries that predominantly affected their post retirement life, they could put their new ambitions in other areas. Sport organisations, public authorities and individuals are all responsible for the athlete’s retirement.
  • Annerstedt, Claes, 1953, et al. (author)
  • Idrottsvetenskaplig forskning och utbildning vid Göteborgs universitet: Personliga betraktelser: med nationella och internationella utblickar
  • 2022
  • Book (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Boken behandlar i första hand utvecklingen av idrottsforskningen och idrottsutbildningarna vid Göteborgs universitet, men den ger även översiktliga historiska, nationella och internationella utblickar inom ett stort antal idrottsvetenskapliga områden. Författarna presenterar ett antal framstående idrottsforskare och deras bidrag till att utveckla kunskaperna inom det idrottsvetenskapliga fältet och ger dessutom uttryck för sina personliga erfarenheter av utvecklingen inom fältet. Det är huvudsakligen humanistisk-samhällsvetenskaplig idrottsforskning som fokuseras och en rad betydelsefulla idrottsforskningsprojekt med denna inriktning redovisas.
  • Annerstedt, Claes, 1953, et al. (author)
  • Skolidrottens utveckling
  • 2019
  • In: Idrott. Hundra år i Göteborg. Redaktörer: Cege Berglund & Gudrun Nyberg. - Stockholm : Carlsson Bokförlag. - 9789173319485
  • Book chapter (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Skolidrottens utveckling i Göteborg skildras ur ett historiskt perspektiv
  • Apitzsch, Erwin, et al. (author)
  • Kollektiv kollaps i lagidrotter - En teoretisk ansats.
  • 2005
  • In: SVEBIS årsbok. Aktuell beteendevetenskaplig idrottsforskning 2005. - 0284-4672. ; , s. 33-43
  • Book chapter (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Termen ”kollektiv kollaps” förekommer relativt ofta på dagstidningarnas sportsidor, men inte i den idrottspsykologiska litteraturen. På grundval av beskrivningen av kollektiv kollaps i media föreslås följande definition: Kollektiv kollaps inträffar när en majoritet av spelarna i ett idrottslag plötsligt presterar under förväntad standard i en match av stor, ofta avgörande, betydelse trots en normal eller bra start på matchen eller när ett lag under­presterar reda från matchstart. Fenomenet kollektiv kollaps kopplas till teorier om grupptänkande, affektiv smitta och Bions teori om gruppers beteende.
  • Augustsson, Christian, 1966-, et al. (author)
  • Analys av träningstider inom föreningsidrotten. En studie av sju lagidrotter sett ur ett ålders- och könsperspektiv
  • 2007
  • Reports (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • I Riksidrottsförbundets (RF) styrdokument Idrotten vill framgår att ett av de centrala målen för idrottsrörelsen är att alla som vill, oavsett ålder eller kön, ska få delta i den organiserade föreningsidrotten. För att uppnå detta mål krävs bland annat att fördelningen av träningstiderna, men även tillgängligheten till de olika träningsanläggningarna är jämlikt fördelade. Mot bakgrund av detta har syftet med studien varit att beskriva, kartlägga och analysera fördelningen av träningstider ur ett ålders- och könsperspektiv samt utifrån olika lagidrotter.Datainsamlingen genomfördes av Centrum för Marknadsanalys AB (CMA) och riktade sig till 417 (av totalt 6 800) slumpvis utvalda föreningar inom idrotterna bandy, basket, fotboll, handboll, innebandy, ishockey och volleyboll. Målgruppen för undersökningen var de idrotter som hade flest antal utövare och tillhörde kategorin lagidrotter. En ytterligare avgränsning var att respektive förening skulle bedriva verksamhet för såväl pojkar som flickor. Vid datainsamlingen kontaktades föreningarna inledningsvis via telefon, där ett antal attitydfrågor ställdes. Föreningarna skickade sedan in träningsscheman till CMA som registrerade materialet i en databas. På grund av svårigheter att nå alla föreningar via telefon, kompletterades undersökningen med ett brevledes utskick till slumpmässigt utvalda föreningar. Den slutgiltiga analysen, bearbetningen och avrapporteringen utfördes av forskargruppen Idrottsvetenskap på Karlstads universitet.Resultaten visar att majoriteten av de undersökta föreningarna har prioriteringsordningar för fördelning av träningstider och att dessa i första hand baseras på ålder och nivå på utövandet. I snitt driver 1 av 10 föreningar egna anläggningar där fotbollen dominerar med 1 av 5 föreningar med egen anläggning. Resultaten pekar på att fördelningen av träningstider i olika typer av anläggningar följer ett relativt traditionellt mönster inom de flesta undersökta idrottsgrenarna. Principen är att ju yngre deltagare i lagen desto tidigare träningstid. Man kan inte heller utläsa i materialet att någon grupp, pojkar eller flickor, skulle vara särskilt förfördelade, vilket överensstämmer med resultat från tidigare studier inom området.Denna studie pekar på ytterligare behov av såväl bred som fördjupad kunskap i frågor somrör detta angelägna problemområde. I framtida studier bör man således låta flera delar av idrotts-Sverige ingå i urvalet. Vidare bör de mest populära individuella idrottsgrenarna för unga idrottareingå. I detta sammanhang är det också relevant att kunna undersöka och analysera kvaliteten påde anvisade anläggningarna, då detta indirekt kan vara ett mått på en prioriteringsordning. I diskussionen förslås två rekommendationer, där den första vänder sig till landets kommuneroch andra ägare och förvaltare av idrottsanläggningar och RF. I de uthyrningsbestämmelser och principer för fördelning av tider som upprättas, skall det klart vara inskrivet att man beaktar att tiderna skall fördelas på ett sådant sätt att man eftersträvar ett tydligt jämställdhetsperspektiv. Den andra rekommendationen ges till Sveriges skolor och den handlar om ett fördjupat samarbete mellan skolor och idrottsföreningar likt Handslagets satsning på integrering mellan skola och föreningsliv.
  • Augustsson, Christian, 1966- (author)
  • Unga idrottares upplevelser av föräldrapress
  • 2007
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Over the last decades intense debates have taken place, in the mass media, regarding the child-parent relation within sport. Questions have been raised if parent’s involvement can be a source of pressure for children and youth. In Sweden relatively little research have been undertaken to study this problem.Therefore the aim of this thesis is:- to describe and analyse children’s and youth’s experiences of parental involvement within the sport milieu, focusing on parental pressure.The purpose has also led to the following formulated problems:- How do children and youth experience parent’s presence, actions and open reactions toward young athletes in the sport milieu?- What does it mean for young athletes to experience parental pressure?Parents can unintentionally impose pressure on children just by trying too hard to be a good sport parent. Earlier research has proposed that young athletes experience pressure from parents when there is an imbalance between the experienced intensity in the parental involvement and what they desire. Given this background parental pressure was defined as: young athlete’s experiences of feelings of insufficiency in sport, which is emanated from parent’s, both hidden and outspoken, demands and expectations to achieve within the sport milieu”. For this thesis a critical factor in the theoretical framework is young athlete’s subjective experiences of parents, and especially parental pressure, in the public sport milieu.The data collection consisted of both questionnaires and interviews. The respondents (n=601, age 8 to 16) were selected from twelve of the most popular sports for children and youth (football, handball, swimming, equestrian sport, tennis, floor hockey, athletics, golf, ice hockey, gymnastics, figure skating and table tennis. The data from the interviews was collected from a sample of twelve young athletes (age 10 to14).The results showed support for how children in general are happy and satisfied with their parent’s involvement (81%). However it was also found that there was a minority group of 19% that indicated experiences of high parental pressure. In the results there were also tendencies that showed how certain sports (tennis, swimming, golf and equestrian sport) scored higher on the parental pressure scale than others. The respondents who scored low (under the mean) on the self-perception scale showed tendencies to score high on the parental pressure scale (Rho= -.38, p<.01). The factors connected to parental pressure, highlighted in the interviews, were also emphasized in an open-ended question.Stronger guiding principles, reinforced motivation and designed education dealing with these subjects in organised sport are inevitable. Otherwise organised youth sport will never succeed in oppressing the primary sources of children’s experiences of parental pressure.
  • Bourdieu, Pierre, et al. (author)
  • Leve idrottspedagogiken : En vänbok tillägnad Lars-Magnus Engström
  • 2005
  • Book (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Vem ägnar sig åt idrott? Vilken betydelse har fritiden i barns och ungdomars liv? Vad innebär hälsa i skolämnet idrott och hälsa?Leve idrottspedagogiken! tillägnas Lars-Magnus Engström. Texterna i boken speglar delar av det idrottspedagogiska forskningsområdet i Sverige, vars framväxt Lars-Magnus Engström varit den främste företrädaren för. Läsaren får här ta del av exempelvis idrottskulturen, fritidskulturen och skolans ämne idrott och hälsa. Genomgående handlar texterna om villkoren för barns och ungdomars deltagane och om de olika lärprocesser som sker i anslutning till idrottsutövning.Lars-Magnus Engström har gjort betydande insatser som forskare och lärare samt som professor vid Lärarhögskolan i Stockholm och vid Gymnastik- och idrottshögskolan. I snart fyrtion år har han arbetat med studier kring påverkans- och lärprocesser i idrott. Hans forskning har främst kretsat kring människors idrottsvanor och vilka som utvecklar en fysiskt aktiv livsstil. Idrotts- och motionsutövningar ger både ett så kallat egenvärde och investeringsvärde. Med dessa begrepp bland många andra har Lars-Magnus Engström bidragit till en fördjupad vetenskaplig förståelse av idrottskulturen.De flesta författarna har eller har haft Lars-Magnus Engström som handledare och tillhör forskningsgruppen för pedagogik, idrott och fritidskultur. Redaktörer för boken är Karin Redelius och Håkan Larsson.
  • Carlman, Peter, et al. (author)
  • Causes and consequences of dropping out from organized youth sports
  • 2013
  • In: Swedish Journal of Sport Research. - 2001-6018 .- 2001-9475. ; 2:1, s. 26-54
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • The purpose of this study is to examine dropout reasons and various types ofdropouts in relation to demographic variables, various types of sports, physicalactivity, and underlying motivational processes. Retrospective data was collected fromthree cohorts including 1,176 participants, of which 712 stated that they hadsometimes dropped out of organized sport. Findings showed that time-related reasonswere the primary causes for dropping out. It was also revealed that athletes with lowversus high levels of perceived physical competence dropped out to a higher extentbecause of experiencing too much pressure, and athletes reporting low versus highsocial competence withdrew to a higher extent because they did not like theirteammates. Results also showed that girls with a foreign background had a higher rateof dropouts compared to boys with the same background. Girls with foreignbackgrounds were also found to be less physically active after dropping out fromorganized sports.
  • Eliasson, Inger Jeanette, 1966- (author)
  • I skilda idrottsvärldar : barn, ledare och föräldrar i flick- och pojkfotboll
  • 2009
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The sporting triangle represents the relationships among children, leaders and parents in the context of child sport. These relations are of significant importance for the child’s experience of sport. Taking the sporting triangle as its point of departure this thesis aims to describe and understand the socialisation processes among children, leaders and parents in girls’ and boys’ football teams, focusing on how the children's perspective is reflected in practice. The study has an ethnographic research approach and is based on field work carried out over two years in one girls’ and one boys’ football team in an ordinary Swedish sports club. Data were generated through 60 participant observations of the daily life of football, and through interviews with 38 children, 7 leaders and 8 parents. It was found that children, leaders and parents have different views concerning what is most valuable in children’s football, which both affects their behaviour and what they expect of each other. One overall conclusion is that children, leaders and parents are in what is referred to as different sports worlds. The sports worlds of the three groups involved in child football are thus based on different logics and this has implications for the social interactions in the teams. The world of children is based in a social logic, particularly in the value of friends. The world of leaders is based in a sporting logic, more specifically in the value of building a high-performance football player. The world of parents is based in an upbringing logic, particularly in the value of what is good for their own child. The social relationships between the children also show how boys and girls relate to a male standard that exists in children's football. The results are discussed in relation to the significance of generation and gender in child football and to the demand that adults take children's specific needs and desires into account more seriously in sport. The thesis also discusses what might constitute a child perspective and how child football can be adjusted to meet the needs and desires of children. In adopting the child’s perspective there is much to be gained from seeing girls and boys as the social actors they are, instead of seeing them as the next generation of adult football players. The thesis also offers a more developed model of the sporting triangle which highlights the importance of interactions between, as well as among, the groups of girls, boys, leaders and parents, as a starting point for further research within the field of child and youth sport.  
  • Hardman, k, et al. (author)
  • PE – Area Report
  • 2006
  • In: n Petry, Froberg & Madella (Eds (2006). AEHESIS Project. Report of the third year. - Köln : German Sport University Cologne.
  • Book chapter (other academic/artistic)
  • Hedström, Pernilla, et al. (author)
  • The Health Coach Project. An Interventional Study on Health Promotion In Elemantary School
  • 2013
  • In: ECSS, Barcelona, June 28, 2013.
  • Conference paper (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Introduction: Young school children in Sweden spend today less time taking part in physical activities, compared to what they did 15-20 years ago. Physical activity is a major health component, which can make children maintain or increase their health (Strong et al 2005; Janssen & LeBlanc, 2010). Given this background new efforts to meet these inactivity problems among young children are very important. Aim: To describe and analyze a longitudinal (two years) health coach intervention, focusing on the effects and experiences of expanded physical activities in an elementary school, managed by a health coach. Methods: A health coach has been employed on a part time basis in an elementary school, to increase young children´s (10-12 years old) physical activity. Both quantitative (intervention school n=43; control schools n=74, total n=117) and qualitative data (intervention school n=16) has been collected on two occasions over a period of two years. Results & Discussion: The data analysis has shown that the implemented health promotion activities, managed by the health coach, attracts even those children who usually do not like the PE classes. A health coach, as an extra resource in school, can make a difference concerning increased physical activity for young school children. References Strong, W.B., Malina, R.M., Blimkie, C.J.R., Daniels, S.R., Dishman, R.K., Gutin, B., Hergenroeder, A.C., … & Trudeau, F. (2005). Evidence Based Physical Activity for School-age Youth. The Journal of Pediatrics, Volume 146, Issue 6, p. 732-737 Janssen, I. & LeBlanc, A. (2010). Systematic review of health benefits of physical activity and fitness in school-aged children and youth. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 2010, 7:40.
  • Håman, Linn, 1982-, et al. (author)
  • Orthorexia nervosa : An integrative literature review of a lifestyle syndrome
  • 2015
  • In: International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being. - Järfälla : Taylor & Francis. - 1748-2623 .- 1748-2631. ; 10:1
  • Research review (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Bratman first proposed orthorexia nervosa in the late 1990s, defining it an obsession with eating healthy food to achieve, for instance, improved health. Today, in the Swedish media, excessive exercising plays a central role in relation to orthorexia. A few review articles on orthorexia have been conducted; however, these have not focused on aspects of food and eating, sport, exercise, or a societal perspective. The overall aim of this study was to provide an overview and synthesis of what philosophies of science approaches form the current academic framework of orthorexia. Key questions were: What aspects of food and eating are related to orthorexia? What role do exercise and sports play in relation to orthorexia? In what ways are orthorexia contextualized? Consequently, the concept of healthism was used to discuss and contextualize orthorexia. The method used was an integrative literature review; the material covered 19 empirical and theoretical articles published in peer-reviewed journals. This review demonstrates a multifaceted nature of orthorexia research; this field has been examined from four different philosophies of science approaches (i.e., empirical-atomistic, empirical-atomistic with elements of empirical-holistic, empirical-holistic, and rational-holistic) on individual, social, and societal levels. The majority of the articles followed an empirical-atomistic approach that focused on orthorexia as an individual issue, which was discussed using healthism. Our analysis indicates a need for (a) more empirical-holistic research that applies interpretive qualitative methods and uses a social perspective of health, e.g., healthism and (b) examining the role of sports and exercise in relation to orthorexia that takes the problematizing of "orthorexic behaviours" within the sports context into account.
  • Håman, Linn, 1982-, et al. (author)
  • The framing of orthorexia nervosa in Swedish daily newspapers : A longitudinal qualitative content analysis
  • 2016
  • In: Scandinavian Sport Studies Forum. - Malmö : Malmö University. - 2000-088X. ; 7, s. 27-46
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • This study explored and elucidated how orthorexia is framed in Swedish daily newspapers with a focus on characteristics of orthorexia. Key questions include: 1) how do the newspaper articles connect exercise with orthorexia? and 2) what trends in depicting exercise in relation to orthorexia do the newspaper articles represent over time? The method used was a longitudinal qualitative content analysis guided by the framing theory. We analyzed 166 articles published between 1998 and 2013. Our analysis revealed that orthorexia originally was framed as an eating disorder and subsequently included unhealthy exercise. Two trend shifts could be identified: in 2004, exercise was added as an element and in 2013 extreme exercise trends were described to influence the increase of orthorexia. The findings indicate that Swedish newspapers extend Bratman’s definition and depict orthorexia indiscriminately to describe a range of different behavioral characteristics. These results are discussed in terms of the idea of “healthism” and general health trends in society.
  • Håman (née Eriksson), Linn, 1982-, et al. (author)
  • Disordered eating outside the sport setting : Contextualizing representations of orthorexia nervosa in Swedish daily newspapers
  • 2014
  • Conference paper (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • In the late 1990s, Bratman coined the term orthorexia nervosa to mean an unhealthy obsession of only eating healthy foods (Bratman & Knight, 2000). The research is limited and orthorexia has rarely been researched in sport settings (e.g. Eriksson et al., 2008; Segura-García et al., 2012). At this stage, this concept is considered under establishment and negotiation – a process of formation where it is not clear what orthorexia is. How orthorexia is contextualized and represented influences the establishment and understanding of the condition and concept. The aim of this study is to analyze representations of orthorexia in articles printed in Swedish newspapers, with a special view on how the articles refer to sport as a social setting. Notions of healthy and disordered eating are influenced by cultural ideas in society. The language is central in this process as it creates and organizes beliefs about social reality. Perceptions and knowledge about orthorexia are created through, for example, newspaper texts. The material included in this study was limited to national, regional and local Swedish daily newspaper articles published between January 2004 and June 2011. A total of 102 articles were included as they explicitly dealt with orthorexia. The articles were analyzed using a discourse analytical approach through a qualitative content analysis. The articles represented orthorexia in different ways: a) (un)controlled and obsessive patterns of behavior; b) sacrificing social situations; c) an eating disorder in new clothes; d) a painful existence; and e) an invisible problem. Within the last category, the way orthorexia is represented in relation to sport points to how different norms and values apply in and outside this setting. Orthorexia is only considered as disordered eating in non-sport settings. In sport, orthorexic behaviours are considered standard practice. These findings thus further problematize disordered eating in and outside sport settings.
  • Håman (née Eriksson), Linn, 1982-, et al. (author)
  • Research ethics within the study : Fitness professionals’ talk of health and orthorexia nervosa
  • 2014
  • In: 4<sup>th</sup> International Conference on Qualitative Research in Sport &amp; Exercise. ; , s. 37-37
  • Conference paper (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Fitness center activities have gained popularity. One central role fitness staff members have is to help participants to become or maintain health and fitness. In recent years, a new phenomenon – orthorexia nervosa, which M.D. Bratman coined in the late 1990s – has emerged. He termed orthorexia as "a fixation on eating healthy food". Research has mentioned that participants in sports and fitness activities may be at higher risk of becoming orthorexic. Since the late 1990s, orthorexia has been noticed, also in Swedish newspaper articles. In so doing, the 'condition' has evolved to include fanatic exercise and eating behaviours. Fitness professionals might thus work with individuals that are considered to suffering from orthorexia. The purpose of this presentation is to elucidate and problematize ethical issues that are raised during the research that deals with personal trainers and group fitness instructors talk of health and orthorexia. The material will consist of four focus groups with 18 fitness professionals that work in Swedish fitness centers. It will be carried out as a qualitative study. This study raises ethical issues, including for instance: a) by focusing and giving attention to orthorexia, the study may contribute to categorizing "the problem", as well as enlarge it. This paradoxical situation as the aim is to contribute scientific knowledge that can problematize orthorexia; b) the challenge to manage and balance a critical approach without causing harm (e.g. introduce orthorexia to fitness professionals who might have an erroneous perspective of and/or have little knowledge about orthorexia) (cf. Halse & Honey, 2005).
  • Kougioumtzis, Konstantin, 1966, et al. (author)
  • Code theory revisited. AERA Annual Congress
  • 2010
  • In: . AERA Annual Congress (American Education Research Association), Denver, Colorado, May 2010.
  • Conference paper (peer-reviewed)
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