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Search: WFRF:(Persson Roger)

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  • Johansson, Roger, et al. (author)
  • Förord
  • 2014
  • In: Bedöma eller berömma : niondeklassares kamrat- och sjävbedömning vid ensemblemusicerande i musikundervisningen - niondeklassares kamrat- och sjävbedömning vid ensemblemusicerande i musikundervisningen. ; 2014:1
  • Book chapter (other academic/artistic)
  • Persson, Anders, et al. (author)
  • Utbildningsvetenskaplig forskning vid Lunds universitet
  • 2014
  • In: Vetenskapliga perspektiv på lärande, undervisning och utbildning i olika institutionella sammanhang : utbildningsvetenskaplig forskning vid Lunds universitet - utbildningsvetenskaplig forskning vid Lunds universitet. - 9789174738629 - 9789174738636 ; , s. 9-22
  • Book chapter (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Lärarhögskolan i Malmö var en del av Lunds universitet fram till 1998, då den inordnades i nystartade Malmö högskola. I samarbete med Högskolan Kristianstad blev Lunds universitet 2011 återigen ansvarigt för en lärarutbildning, en ämneslärarutbildning som startade med examenstillstånd i ämnena engelska, historia, samhällskunskap och svenska. Föreliggande antologi syftar till att spegla utbildnings-vetenskaplig forskning vid eller associerad med Lunds universitet. Givet det faktum att Lunds universitet inte haft ansvar för lärarutbildning sedan 1998, kan de 24 forskningstexter som här presenteras ses som ett slags naturligt experiment som kan lockas att säga något om vad frånvaron av lärarutbildning har inneburit för den utbildningsvetenskapliga forskningen. Hur utvecklades den utbildnings-vetenskapliga forskningen vid Lunds universitet under de 15 åren utan egen lärarutbildning?
  • Berggren, Lars, et al. (author)
  • Skola och modernisering på Grönland
  • 2014
  • In: Vetenskapliga perspektiv på lärande, undervisning och utbildning i olika institutionella sammanhang : utbildningsvetenskaplig forskning vid Lunds universitet. - 9789174738629 - 9789174738636 ; , s. 231-245
  • Book chapter (other academic/artistic)
  • Capala, Jacek, et al. (author)
  • Clinical BNCT studies in Sweden
  • 2002
  • In: Research and development in neutron capture therapy. - : Monduzzi Editore Print. ; , s. 1101-
  • Book chapter (other academic/artistic)
  • Jensen Wolfhechel, Ola, 1965-, et al. (author)
  • Norrlands vattenanknutna kulturmiljöer – en förstudie : rapport från ett FoU-projekt
  • 2022
  • Reports (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Syftet med föreliggande förstudie har varit att ta fram ett underlag inför ett kommande tvärvetenskapligt forsknings- och digitaliseringsprojekt. Bakgrunden är att Riksantikvarieämbetet under 1940-1980-talen genomförde omfattande arkeologiska, men även naturvetenskapliga och etnologiska, undersökningar vid Norrlands älvar och sjöar som ett led i vattenkraftsutbyggnaden. Materialet kom under 1960-1980-talen att bearbetas tillsammans med Stockholms universitet inom ramen för det tvärvetenskapliga projektet Norrlands Tidiga Bebyggelse. Insatserna resulterade i ett rikt material som idag förvaras i Riksantikvarieämbetets arkiv. Då stora delar av Norrland alltjämt är antikvariskt eftersatta utgör det ett mycket viktigt källmaterial för både forskning och förvaltning av dess kulturmiljöer.Det långsiktiga målet med förstudien och det kommande projektet är att skapa ett kunskapsunderlag för forskning och redskap för landskapsanalyser som leder till ett hållbart bevarande och förvaltning av Norrlands vattenanknutna kulturmiljöer. Inom förstudien har en rad viktiga forsknings- och förvaltningsområden identifierats. För att ta fram ett adekvat underlag inför ansökan har den bland annat mynnat ut i olika förslag på strategier för det kommande projektets genomförande och finansiering, en fördjupning av frågor som rör förvaltning av vattenanknutna kulturmiljöer, utvecklat tvärvetenskapliga forskningsfrågor, tagit fram en digitaliseringsstrategi, formaliserat ett nätverk och en referensgrupp, genomfört en behovsanalys samt en inventering för att identifiera relevant arkivmaterial inom projektdeltagarnas respektive institutioner. Med förstudien har vi således lagt grunden till ett tvärvetenskapligt forsknings- och digitaliseringsprojekt som inkluderar kulturmiljöförvaltning, arkeologi, etnologi, sociologi och naturveten-skapliga ämnen, däribland miljö- och klimatforskning.
  • Johansson, Gerd, et al. (author)
  • Hemtjänstpersonalens arbetsmiljö och hälsa i fyra skånska kommuner
  • 2021
  • Reports (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • I denna rapport presentas resultaten från en arbetsmiljöenkät som genomförts ihemtjänsten i fyra skånska kommuner (2 landsortskommuner, 1 medelstor stad, 1 storstad). Enkäten syftade till att brett kartlägga hemtjänstpersonalens arbetsmiljö, hälsa och välmående och är en del av det fyraåriga forskningsprojektet ”Att skapa en bättre arbetsmiljö i hemtjänsten - participativt förändringsarbete i praktiken”. Projektet har finansierats av Forskningsrådet för hälsa, arbetsliv och välfärd (FORTE).Totalt svarade 114 personer varav 99 var kvinnor, 14 män och en person som inte angivit kön på enkäten. Andelen av hemtjänstpersonalen som svarade på enkäten var 73%. Personerna svarade på frågor om övergripande arbetssituation inklusive ergonomiska förhållanden och psykosocial arbetsmiljö och om hälsa.De allra flesta (mer än 90%) uppgav att de trivs med sitt arbete och sin arbetsplats. De angav också att stämningen var god, att de kände en gemenskap på arbetsplatsen och upplevde ett stort stöd från sina arbetskamrater, vilket medför att de har möjlighet att få råd och att lära av andra. En majoritet uppgav att de också hade ett gott stöd från närmaste chef. Däremot upplevde de att de ganska sällan fick uppskattning eller belöning för sitt arbete. Det kan också noteras att två tredjedelar av deltagarna kände att de ville arbeta kvar på nuvarande arbetsplats om fem år.Hemtjänstpersonalen lyfter i sina enkätsvar främst fram tre problem i arbetet;bristen på vikarier, att tiden att ägna sig åt varje omsorgstagare är för kort samt att antalet omsorgstagare som varje person ska besöka under en vecka är för stort.Bristen på tid hos omsorgstagarna medför bl.a. att de inte hinner sköta andrakringuppgifter, att tiden att förflytta sig mellan olika omsorgstagare äts upp ochnågon tid för att kunna varva ner finns inte. Möjligen kan denna brist på mikropauser i vardagen bidra till både ökad stress och fysisk belastning.Av samtliga undersökningsdeltagare angav mer än hälften i sina enkätsvar attnuvarande arbete hade gjort deras hälsa något eller mycket sämre. Förekomsten av besvär från muskler och leder var anmärkningsvärt hög jämfört med andra yrkesgrupper och även jämfört med tidigare studier av personal inom hemtjänst. Det var särskilt vanligt med besvär från rygg och armbågar/händer.För bedömning av indikation för utmattning har tre olika instrument använts.Dessa visar att en fjärdedel till en tredjedel av de hemstjänstanställda rapporterarstress och/eller utmattningsreaktioner på en nivå som indikerar risk för utmattningssyndrom eller annan relaterad psykisk ohälsa om deras situation blir långvarig.Sammanfattningsvis anser vi att de positiva sociala aspekterna av arbetsmiljön iform av trivsel på arbetsplatsen, god gemenskap med stöd från både ledning ochkollegor betyder att bilden av hemtjänsten som en oattraktiv arbetsplats inte är entydig. Det finns resurser i organisationen och bland personalen som det går attbygga vidare på.Vad gäller individens fysiska och psykologiska arbetsmiljö ser vi dock ett antalutmaningar i form av hög fysisk belastning och risk för stress och utmattning. Allt detta måste åtgärdas för att öka attraktionen för yrket och minska riskerna för arbetsskador och sjukskrivning. Även om organisatoriska förändringar och användning av tekniska hjälpmedel i vissa fall kan minska problemen så måste det anställas fler personer för att personalen ska kunna ge omsorgstagarna den vård- och omsorg de behöver. För att fler personer ska välja att arbeta inom hemtjänst krävs också förbättrade anställningsförhållanden som tillsvidareanställning, förbättrade löneförmåner, möjlighet till fortbildning, en arbetsmiljö som inte påverkar hälsan negativt och möjlighet att påverka hur arbetet utförs.
  • Persson, Anders, et al. (author)
  • Inramad skola: ramfaktorer, frames och analys av sociala interaktionsdynamiker i skolan
  • 2014
  • In: Vetenskapliga perspektiv på lärande, undervisning och utbildning i olika institutionella sammanhang : utbildningsvetenskaplig forskning vid Lunds universitet - utbildningsvetenskaplig forskning vid Lunds universitet. - 9789174738629 - 9789174738636 ; , s. 391-412
  • Book chapter (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • I Inramad skola beskrivs två olika ramperspektiv: å ena sidan Dahllöfs och Lundgrens pedagogiska och utbildningssociologiska ramfaktor-perspektiv, å andra sidan Goffmans frame- eller inramningsperspektiv som befattar sig med social interaktion. Perspektiven sätts i arbete i en analys av inramningar av den obligatoriska skolan baserad på styrdokument, närmare bestämt skolan som institution, som organisation/rörelse respektive som seminarium. De spänningar som finns mellan såväl dessa tre inramningar som mellan dem och olika nyansförskjutna inramningar analyseras sedan med hjälp av Goffmans frame-perspektiv. Avslutningsvis visas att ramfaktor- och frame-perspektiven med fördel kan kombineras i en analys av olika sociala interaktionsdynamiker i skolan, vilka i sin tur kan användas för att förklara och förstå variation mellan och i skolor i en rad olika avseenden.
  • Persson, Helen, et al. (author)
  • Historieämnets janusansikte
  • 2014
  • In: Vetenskapliga perspektiv på lärande, undervisning och utbildning i olika institutionella sammanhang : utbildningsvetenskaplig forskning vid Lunds universitet. - 9789174738629 - 9789174738636 ; , s. 145-157
  • Book chapter (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Ett antologikapitel som behandlar hur man definiererar, identifierar och kvalificerar kunskapsutveckling i historia utifrån frågorna varför det är bra att läsa historia och vad en historiker kan som inte andra kan.
  • Persson, Helén (author)
  • Historieämnets janusansikten
  • 2014
  • In: Vetenskapliga perspektiv på lärande, undervisning och utbildning i olika institutionella sammanhang. - Lund : Institutionen för utbildningsvetenskap, Lunds universitet. ; , s. 145-157
  • Book chapter (other academic/artistic)
  • Persson, Johanna, et al. (author)
  • A framework for participatory work environment interventions in home care - success factors and some challenges
  • 2022
  • In: BMC Health Services Research. - : Springer Nature. - 1472-6963. ; 22:1
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Background Home care is beset with work environment issues and high staff turnover, while research concerned with interventions to improve the work environment is sparse. Few of the existing interventions apply a participative approach, despite this being associated with more positive outcomes and sustainable change. This paper presents a framework, rooted in action research and action learning, for participatory work environment interventions in home care, and demonstrates how this framework has been implemented in four Swedish home care organizations. Methods The framework has three phases (pre-intervention, intervention planning and intervention implementation) and consists of cycles of action and reflection in three constellations: a group of researchers, a reference group with labour market organization representatives and home care managers, and intervention work groups in the home care organizations. The work was documented and analysed with focus on the realization of the framework and challenges that were met on the way. The interventions were evaluated using a pre-/post-test questionnaire design. Results Parts of the framework were successfully implemented. The pre-intervention phase and the intervention planning phase, with intervention work groups, worked well. All four groups identified one intervention relevant to their own context. However, only two of the proposed interventions were fully implemented and evaluated. The high staff and management turnover, and the high rate of organizational changes made it impossible to evaluate the interventions statistically. Yet, data from open-ended questions in the post questionnaire showed that the two implemented interventions were perceived as successful. Conclusions The participatory framework, presented in this paper, seems promising for work environment interventions in home care. The framework was designed to reduce the risk of known disturbances affecting the process in unstable organizations. Despite this, it proved challenging to execute the framework, and especially the interventions, due to changes happening at high speed. In the two cases where organizational changes were not dominating, the interventions were implemented successfully. While the prerequisites for participation and successful implementation could be improved somewhat, the main issue, the instability of the organizational context, is hard for researchers or the individual home care units to tackle alone.
  • Rydenfält, Christofer, et al. (author)
  • Exploring Local Initiatives to Improve the Work Environment : A Qualitative Survey in Swedish Home Care Practice
  • 2021
  • In: Home Health Care Management & Practice. - : SAGE Publications. - 1084-8223 .- 1552-6739. ; 33:3, s. 154-161
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Home care for the elderly constitutes a large and growing part of the social welfare system. Though, home care work is associated with a number of work environment-related challenges, including an increased risk for injuries, musculoskeletal disorders, high levels of sick leave and staff turnover, as well as stress and high workload, research is sparse. The present study explores local initiatives to improve the work environment initiated by the home care organizations themselves, and asks whether or not these initiatives affected gender equality. A qualitative web survey was sent to Swedish home care organizations, with open questions about change initiatives intended to have a positive effect on the work environment. There is an impressive amount of local work environment-related change initiatives going on. 80 categories of change initiatives were identified in answers from 178 units. However, these change initiatives were seldom evaluated or made accessible to stakeholders outside the organization. Main themes were concerned with work organization, digitalization, and planning, which largely follows trends in society (ie, digitalization, teamwork), rather than the actual needs identified by research (eg, musculoskeletal disorders). Despite apparent gender-related challenges, little of the work was associated with gender equality. The results indicates that there is a huge learning potential as the identified initiatives can serve as inspiration for others. However, to fully take advantage of these type of initiatives, more systematic evaluations are required.
  • Ajslev, Jeppe, et al. (author)
  • Association’s between wage system and risk factors for musculoskeletal disorders among construction workers
  • 2015
  • In: Pain Research and Treatment. - : Hindawi Limited. - 2090-1542 .- 2090-1550. ; , s. 513903-513903
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Abstract in UndeterminedPiece rate and performance based wage systems are common in the construction industry. Construction workers are known to have an increased risk of pain and musculoskeletal disorders (MSD). In this cross-sectional questionnaire study, we examined the association between wage system and (1) physical exertion, (2) time pressure, (3) pain, and (4) fatigue. The participants comprised 456 male Danish construction workers working on one of three different wage systems: group based performance wage, individually based performance wage, and time based wage system. The statistical analyses indicated differences between the wage systems in relation to physical exertion (ηp = 0.05) and time pressure (ηp = 0.03) but not to pain or fatigue. Workers on group based performance wage scored higher (i.e., worse) than workers on individual performance based wage and workers with an hourly/monthly wage. In conclusion, group performance based wage was associated with higher levels of physical exertion and time pressure. Accordingly, group performance based wage can be viewed as a factor that has the potential to complicate prevention of MSD among construction workers. Since performance based wage systems are common in many countries across the world, more attention should be paid to the health effects of these types of payment.
  • Ajslev, Jeppe Zielinski Nguyen, et al. (author)
  • Contradictory individualized self-blaming : a cross-sectional study of associations between expectations to managers, coworkers, one-self and risk factors for musculoskeletal disorders among construction workers
  • 2017
  • In: BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders. - : Springer Science and Business Media LLC. - 1471-2474. ; 18:1, s. 13-13
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • BACKGROUND: Within work sociology, several studies have addressed construction workers' practices of masculinity, class, economy, safety risks and production. However, few studies have investigated room for agency in relation to bodily pain or musculoskeletal disorders and even fewer have made a quantitative approach. Accordingly, by means of a questionnaire, we examined the association between construction workers' room for agency and physical exertion, bodily and mental fatigue, and lower back pain.METHODS: A total of 481 Danish construction workers who responded to a multifaceted questionnaire were included. Drawing on previous studies and a Foucauldian inspired concept of agency, agency was quantified through specially crafted questions and examined in relation to established measures on physical exertion, physical and mental fatigue and pain in the lower back. Associations were tested using analyses of variance (general linear models) and controlled for age, gender, job group, lifestyle and depression.RESULTS: When asked about options for agency reducing the burden of work, few workers believed themselves to be prime agents of such practices. When asking about their view on performing alternative agency implying caring for the body, 39-49% expected negative reactions from management, and 20-33% expected negative reactions from colleagues. In contrast, only 13-18% of the participants stated that they would give a negative reception to such alternative practices. Using the expected reception outcomes (positive, neutral, negative) to alternative practices as predictors, the statistical regression analyses showed that negative expectations to management were associated with higher levels of physical exertion 0.62 (95% CI = 0.14-1.09) (scale 0-11), bodily fatigue 0.63 (95% CI = 0.22-1.04), mental fatigue 0.60 (95% CI = 0.07-1.12), and low back pain 0.79 (95% CI = 0.13-1.46) (scales 0-10).CONCLUSION: In our study, construction workers answered questions about work and MSD. The answers indicated a contradiction between perceived responsibility and room for agency. Based on the study, a number of target areas could fruitfully be addressed in aiming to reduce MSD among construction workers. To change workers' expectances to the reception of lowering work pace if needed to take care of the body, their expectances to the reception of sickness absence as a result of pain, of discussing physical exertion in work and of demanding appropriate technical assistive devices are such examples. Our results emphasize that management plays an important role in this.
  • Ajslev, Jeppe Z N, et al. (author)
  • Trading health for money: agential struggles in the (re)configuartion of subjectivity, the body and pain among construction workers
  • 2017
  • In: Work, Employment and Society. - : SAGE Publications. - 0950-0170 .- 1469-8722. ; 31:6, s. 887-903
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Construction work is physically demanding and often associated with bodily pain. This article presents a study of construction workers’ practices of using and relating to their bodies at work through an agential realist framework for analysing the (re)configuration of the workers’ embodied subjectivity. The analysis draws on interviews with 32 Danish construction workers as well as brief observations. The article shows how ‘trading health for money’ becomes a mode for maintaining positive social, occupational and masculine identity among construction workers. Furthermore, it shows how the agency of the body is overruled by the intra-acting agencies of productivity, collegiality, job security and masculine working-class identity. Finally, it shows an instability in this configuration of masculine working-class identity that leaves room for a focus on the body.
  • Andersen, Lars L, et al. (author)
  • Effect of physical exercise on workplace social capital: cluster randomized controlled trial
  • 2015
  • In: Scandinavian Journal of Public Health. - : SAGE Publications. - 1651-1905 .- 1403-4948. ; 43:8, s. 810-818
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • While workplace health promotion with group-based physical exercise can improve workers' physical health, less is known about potential carry-over effects to psychosocial factors. This study investigates the effect of physical exercise on social capital at work.
  • Andersen, Lars L, et al. (author)
  • Factors associated with high physical exertion during manual lifting : Cross-sectional study among 200 blue-collar workers
  • 2018
  • In: Work. - 1875-9270. ; 59:1, s. 59-66
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • BACKGROUND: High physical exertion during work is a risk factor for back pain and long-term sickness absence.OBJECTIVE: To investigate which factors are associated with physical exertion during manual lifting.METHODS: From 14 workplaces across Denmark, 200 blue-collar workers reported perceived physical exertion (Borg-CR10) during manual lifting from floor to table height of 5, 10, 20 and 30 kg at the beginning and end of the working day. The workers also responded to a questionnaire and went through testing of isometric back muscle strength. Associations were modelled using logistic regression analysis controlled for various confounders. The outcome was dichotomized into low (0-4) and high (5-10) physical exertion.RESULTS: Gender (OR 8.57 [95% CI 4.46-16.46] for women), load (OR 4.22 [95% CI 3.58-4.97] for each 5-kg increase), back muscle strength (OR 0.43 [95% CI 0.23-0.83] for high), and back pain intensity (OR 2.80 [95% CI 1.43-5.48] for high) were associated with high perceived physical exertion. Age, smoking, Body Mass Index (BMI), and time of the day were not associated with physical exertion.CONCLUSIONS: Gender, load, back muscle strength and back pain influence physical exertion during manual lifting in blue-collar workers. These factors should be considered when planning work with manual lifting for individual workers.
  • Andersen, Lars L, et al. (author)
  • Psychosocial effects of workplace physical exercise among workers with chronic pain : Randomized controlled trial
  • 2017
  • In: Medicine. - 1536-5964. ; 96:1, s. 5709-5709
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • While workplace physical exercise can help manage musculoskeletal disorders, less is known about psychosocial effects of such interventions. This aim of this study was to investigate the effect of workplace physical exercise on psychosocial factors among workers with chronic musculoskeletal pain.The trial design was a 2-armed parallel-group randomized controlled trial with allocation concealment. A total of 66 slaughterhouse workers (51 men and 15 women, mean age 45 years [standard deviation (SD) 10]) with upper limb chronic musculoskeletal pain were randomly allocated to group-based strength training (physical exercise group) or individual ergonomic training and education (reference group) for 10 weeks. Social climate was assessed with the General Nordic Questionnaire for Psychological and Social Factors at Work, and vitality and mental health were assessed with the 36-item Short Form Health Survey. All scales were converted to 0 to 100 (higher scores are better). Between-group differences from baseline to follow-up were determined using linear mixed models adjusted for workplace, age, gender, and baseline values of the outcome.Mean baseline scores of social climate, mental health, and vitality were 52.2 (SD 14.9), 79.5 (SD 13.7), and 53.9 (SD 19.7), respectively. Complete baseline and follow-up data were obtained from 30 and 31 from the physical exercise and reference groups, respectively. The between-group differences from baseline to follow-up between physical exercise and reference were 7.6 (95% CI 0.3 to 14.9), -2.3 (95% CI -10.3 to 5.8), and 10.1 (95% CI 0.6 to 19.5) for social climate, mental health, and vitality, respectively. For social climate and vitality, this corresponded to moderate effect sizes (Cohen d = 0.51 for both) in favor of physical exercise. There were no reported adverse events.In conclusion, workplace physical exercise performed together with colleagues improves social climate and vitality among workers with chronic musculoskeletal pain. Mental health remained unchanged.
  • Andersson, Roger, et al. (author)
  • Stainless steel components in automotive vehicles
  • 2004
  • In: Stainless Steel World. - 1383-7184. ; 16:1, s. 34-37
  • Journal article (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Components linked to crash safety in automotive vehicles are required to transmit or absorb energy. The energy absorbing capability of a given component depends on a combination of geometry, material properties and loading conditions. Increased crash performance can be obtained by using materials with higher yield strength and relatively high elongation to fracture. These demands have led to increasing interest in the use of high strength stainless steels due to their relatively high elongation to fracture and good formability. To increase knowledge of the formability and forming behaviour of these materials, several components from current and prototype vehicles have been made using high strength stainless steels at Volvo Cars Body Components, Olofstrom, Sweden. These were subsequently analysed in close collaboration with the Division of Manufacturing Systems Engineering at Lulea University of Technology, Sweden.
  • Andersson, Roger, et al. (author)
  • The applicability of stainless steels for crash absorbing components
  • 2002
  • In: ACOM : Avesta Sheffield corrosion management and application engineering. - 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA, United States : SAE International. - 1101-0681. ; 3-4, s. 7-12
  • Journal article (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • To increase crash performance in automotive vehicles it is necessary to use new techniques and materials. Components linked to crash safety should transmit or absorb energy. The energy absorbing capability of a specific component is a combination of geometry and material properties. For these components the chosen material should have high yield strength and relatively high elongation to fracture. These demands have led to increasing interest in the use of high strength stainless steels. The relative performance of three high strength carbon steels and two high strength stainless steel grades was evaluated through intrinsic and simulative tests. The rear bumper for a Volvo Car model in current production was manufactured using the five sheets tested to verify formability and behaviour under load. The bumpers were clamped in a rig that allowed quasi-static impact tests to be made. The energy absorbing capabilities were evaluated by measuring force versus displacement during the impact test.
  • Arvidsson, Inger, et al. (author)
  • Burnout among school teachers : quantitative and qualitative results from a follow-up study in southern Sweden
  • 2019
  • In: BMC Public Health. - : BioMed Central. - 1471-2458. ; 19
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Background: Teachers are at high risk of stress-related disorders. This longitudinal study aimed to (a) identify which occupational, sociodemographic and life-style factors and self-efficacy at baseline that were of importance for burnout, (b) explore associations between changes in the studied factors versus changes in burnout, and (c) by interviews increase the understanding of perceived job demands among teachers.Methods: A cohort of 310 Swedish teachers in school-years 4–9 responded to a questionnaire of occupational, sociodemographic and life-style factors, self-efficacy and burnout, at baseline and at follow-up (mean 30 months later). A combined measure with four levels of burnout was crafted, based on exhaustion, cynicism and professional efficacy (Maslach Burnout Inventory-General Survey). Quantitative data were analysed with multiple ordinal regression, and qualitative data were analysed with content analysis of interview responses from a subgroup of the teachers (n = 81).Results: The occurrence of high burnout (level 2 and 3 combined) were similar at baseline and follow-up (14% vs. 15%). However, many teachers fluctuated between the levels of burnout (28% increased and 24% decreased). Burnout at baseline was of importance for change of work or being off duty at follow up. In the multi-exposure model, low self-efficacy [OR 0.42; CI 0.26–0.68] and high job demands [OR 1.97; CI 1.02–3.8] were the strongest explanatory variables. Low self-efficacy remained as the strongest explanatory factor after adjustment for burnout at baseline. Increased job demands during follow-up was associated with an increased level of burnout [OR 3.41; CI 1.73–6.69], whereas increased decision latitude was associated with a decreased level of burnout [OR 0.51; CI 0.30–0.87]. Two major categories of demands emerged in the qualitative analysis; i.e. too high workload and a sense of inadequacy.Conclusions: A substantial proportion of teachers showed signs of burnout at both occasions. Low self-efficacy and high job demands was of importance for burnout, and changes in burnout was further associated with changes in decision latitude. The results points to the need of actions on individual, organizational and a societal levels.
  • Arvidsson, Inger, et al. (author)
  • Burnout among Swedish school teachers - a cross-sectional analysis
  • 2016
  • In: BMC Public Health. - : Springer Science and Business Media LLC. - 1471-2458. ; 16:1
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Background: Teachers are at high risk of stress-related disorders. This study aimed to examine the occurrence of burnout in a sample of Swedish school-teachers, to test a combined measure of three burnout dimensions on the individual level, to characterize associations between burnout and factors encountered during work and leisure time, and to explore any differences between the genders. Methods: A questionnaire of occupational, sociodemographic and life-style factors was answered by 490 teachers in school years 4-9. Outcome measures were (a) the single burnout dimensions of exhaustion, cynicism and professional efficacy (Maslach Burnout Inventory-General Survey), and (b) a combined measure based on high or low values in the three dimensions. The combined measure was used to stratify the study population into four levels (0-3) of burnout. Multivariable Poisson regression was applied on level 2 + 3 vs. level 0 + 1, for variables that we considered as relevant risk factors for burn out. Results: Half of the teachers reported low values in all three dimensions (level 0), whereas 15 were classified as having high burnout in at least two out of the three dimensions (level 2 + 3), and 4 % in all three dimensions (level 3). Almost all psychosocial factors were incrementally more unfavourably reported through the rising levels of burnout, and so were dissatisfaction with the computer workstation, pain, sleep problems and lack of personal recovery. There was no association between gender and rising levels of overall burnout (p > 0.30). Low self-efficacy, poor leadership, high job demands and teaching in higher grades were the variables most clearly associated with burnout in multivariable Poisson regression. Conclusions: Even if circa 50 % of the teachers appear do well with respect to burnout, the results points to the need of implementing multifaceted countermeasures that may serve to reduce burnout.
  • Arvidsson, Inger, et al. (author)
  • Should I Stay or Should I Go? : Associations between Occupational Factors, Signs of Exhaustion, and the Intention to Change Workplace among Swedish Principals
  • 2023
  • In: Sustainable Healthy Working Life for All Ages. - : MDPI Books. ; , s. 139-158
  • Book chapter (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • A high turnover among principals may disrupt the continuity of leadership and negativelyaffect teachers and, by extension, the students. The aim was to investigate to what extent variouswork environment factors and signs of exhaustion were associated with reported intentions tochange workplace among principals working in compulsory schools. A web-based questionnaire wasadministered twice, in 2018 and in 2019. Part I of the study involved cross-sectional analyses of theassociations 2018 (n = 984) and 2019 (n = 884) between occupational factors, signs of exhaustion, andthe intention to change workplace, using Generalized Estimating Equations models. Part II involved631 principals who participated in both surveys. The patterns of intended and actual changes ofworkplace across two years were described, together with associated changes of occupational factorsand signs of exhaustion. Supportive management was associated with an intention to stay, whiledemanding role conflicts and the feeling of being squeezed between management and co-workers(buffer-function) were associated with the intention to change workplace. The principals whointended to change their workplace reported more signs of exhaustion. To increase retention amongprincipals, systematic efforts are probably needed at the national, municipal, and local level, in orderto improve their working conditions
  • Arvidsson, Inger, et al. (author)
  • Should I stay or should I go? Associations between occupational factors, signs of exhaustion and the intention to change workplace among swedish principals
  • 2021
  • In: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. - : MDPI AG. - 1661-7827 .- 1660-4601. ; 18:10, s. 1-20
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • A high turnover among principals may disrupt the continuity of leadership and negatively affect teachers and, by extension, the students. The aim was to investigate to what extent various work environment factors and signs of exhaustion were associated with reported intentions to change workplace among principals working in compulsory schools. A web-based questionnaire was administered twice, in 2018 and in 2019. Part I of the study involved cross-sectional analyses of the associations 2018 (n = 984) and 2019 (n = 884) between occupational factors, signs of exhaustion, and the intention to change workplace, using Generalized Estimating Equations models. Part II involved 631 principals who participated in both surveys. The patterns of intended and actual changes of workplace across two years were described, together with associated changes of occupational factors and signs of exhaustion. Supportive management was associated with an intention to stay, while demanding role conflicts and the feeling of being squeezed between management and co-workers (buffer-function) were associated with the intention to change workplace. The principals who intended to change their workplace reported more signs of exhaustion. To increase retention among principals, systematic efforts are probably needed at the national, municipal, and local level, in order to improve their working conditions.
  • Arvidsson, Inger, et al. (author)
  • Should I stay or should I go? Associations between occupational factors, signs of exhaustion and the intention to change workplace among swedish principals
  • 2021
  • In: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. - : MDPI Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute. - 1661-7827 .- 1660-4601. ; 18:10, s. 1-20
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • A high turnover among principals may disrupt the continuity of leadership and negatively affect teachers and, by extension, the students. The aim was to investigate to what extent various work environment factors and signs of exhaustion were associated with reported intentions to change workplace among principals working in compulsory schools. A web-based questionnaire was administered twice, in 2018 and in 2019. Part I of the study involved cross-sectional analyses of the associations 2018 (n = 984) and 2019 (n = 884) between occupational factors, signs of exhaustion, and the intention to change workplace, using Generalized Estimating Equations models. Part II involved 631 principals who participated in both surveys. The patterns of intended and actual changes of workplace across two years were described, together with associated changes of occupational factors and signs of exhaustion. Supportive management was associated with an intention to stay, while demanding role conflicts and the feeling of being squeezed between management and co-workers (buffer-function) were associated with the intention to change workplace. The principals who intended to change their workplace reported more signs of exhaustion. To increase retention among principals, systematic efforts are probably needed at the national, municipal, and local level, in order to improve their working conditions.
  • Asnafi, Nader, 1960-, et al. (author)
  • Tailored boron steel sheet component properties by selective laser heat treatment
  • 2016
  • Conference paper (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • This investigation is focused on the stamping behaviour of boron steel, the properties of which are modified by selective laser heat treatment. Both CO2 and fibre lasers are tested. By using different laser processing parameters, the hardening depth in the 1 mm thick boron steel sheet Boloc 02 is varied. Four routes are tested and verified. The forming operation (in which a so-called flexrail beam is produced) in all four routes is conducted at ambient (room) temperature. The Reference route comprises stamping of the sheet. The GridBlank route starts with selective laser heat treatment of the blank, after which the blank is allowed to cool down, moved to a hydraulic press and stamped. In the GridTube route, the blank is first stamped, after which the part is moved to a laser cell and selectively laser heat treated. The fourth route, the RapidLaser route, is similar to the GridBlank route, but a higher laser speed is used to promote higher total productivity. The GridBlank route results in the highest hardness values and the best shape accuracy. The initial sheet material exhibits a hardness of 200 HV, while the parts produced in the GridBlank route exhibit a hardness of 700 HV.
  • Bahar, Bahram, et al. (author)
  • Developing A-GPS as a Student Project
  • 2006
  • Reports (pop. science, debate, etc.)abstract
    • The project consists of ten fourth-year computer science students at Uppsala University developing an A-GPS (Assisted-GPS) system. During the fall term of 2005 the students have developed a module for GPS-calculations in a GSM-network and an application that demonstrates a possible way of using the calculations module. This paper describes the design, the development process and the results of the project.
  • Berglund, Martin, 1981- (author)
  • Avräkningsmetoden : En skatterättslig studie om undvikande av internationell dubbelbeskattning
  • 2013
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The territorial scope of modern income tax systems frequently leads to the occurrence of international double taxation, i.e., that the same income is taxed in two or more states. In cases of international double taxation, a foreign tax credit may be given by applying either the method article in Swedish tax treaties or the unilateral Foreign Tax Credit Act. The foreign tax credit method seeks to eliminate double taxation or, in other words, to achieve single taxation. In principle, the taxpayer’s residence state has the responsibility to credit foreign taxes which have been imposed because the income source is located abroad.The overall aim of this thesis is to study the Swedish foreign tax credit method in order to arrive at an understanding of the method as a whole. To achieve this aim, a question is posed, namely ”which concept of double taxation characterizes the foreign tax credit method?” The thesis is divided into three parts. The first part contains a reading of the historical and conceptual background of the phenomenon of international double taxation and the foreign tax credit method. It also consists of a study of the general systematic and territorial aspects of the foreign tax credit method. The second part deals with how to identify such international double taxation which the foreign tax credit method is aimed at eliminating. The third part concerns how the foreign tax credit method seeks to achieve single taxation in a situation where international double taxation has been identified. The last two parts corresponds to the two essential elements of the foreign tax credit method.When interpreting the foreign tax credit method, the concept of double taxation is related to fundamental concepts of modern income tax law, such as tax subject, tax object, and income tax. The classical concept of international double taxation has some relevance for the Swedish foreign tax credit method, although distinctive features of the Swedish tax system require special considerations. Regarding the second essential element of the foreign tax credit method, the achievement of single taxation, an important aspect is also to consider how different ways of eliminating double taxation affect the relationship between the residence state and the source state.
  • Bergqvist, Claes, 1977-, et al. (author)
  • Accumulation and speciation of arsenic in vegetables cultivated in soils with various As availability
  • Other publication (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The toxicity of arsenic (As) in the environment is controlled by its concentration, availability and speciation. The aims of the study were to evaluate the accumulation and speciation of As in three vegetables (carrot, lettuce, spinach) cultivated in both contaminated and natural soils with various As concentrations and to estimate the concomitant health risks associated with the consumption of the vegetables. Arsenic concentration and speciation in plant tissues and soils was analysed by HPLC, AAS and X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy. To estimate the plants influence in the rhizosphere, organic acids in lettuce root exudates were analysed by ion chromatography. The results showed that the As accumulation was higher in plants cultivated in soil with higher As extractability. Arsenate predominated in the soils, rhizosphere and root exudates of lettuce. Succinic acid was the major organic acid in lettuce root exudates. Arsenite was the predominating As species in the shoots of healthy looking plants. In plants showing signs of phytotoxicity, arsenate was predominating. Ingestion of the tested vegetables may result in an intake of elevated levels of As.
  • Bergqvist, Claes, et al. (author)
  • Plants influence on arsenic availability and speciation in the rhizosphere, roots and shoots of three different vegetables
  • 2014
  • In: Environmental Pollution. - : Elsevier BV. - 0269-7491 .- 1873-6424. ; 184, s. 540-546
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • The toxicity of arsenic (As) in the environment is controlled by its concentration, availability and speciation. The aims of the study were to evaluate the accumulation and speciation of As in carrot, lettuce and spinach cultivated in soils with various As concentrations and to estimate the concomitant health risks associated with the consumption of the vegetables. Arsenic concentration and speciation in plant tissues and soils was analysed by HPLC, AAS and XANES spectroscopy. To estimate the plants influence in the rhizosphere, organic acids in lettuce root exudates were analysed by ion chromatography. The results showed that the As accumulation was higher in plants cultivated in soil with higher As extractability. Arsenate predominated in the soils, rhizosphere and root exudates of lettuce. Succinic acid was the major organic acid in lettuce root exudates. Ingestion of the tested vegetables may result in an intake of elevated levels of inorganic As.
  • Bergström, Roger, et al. (author)
  • Impacts of moose (Alces alces) at different simulated densities on eco-morphological groups of soil mesofauna
  • 2010
  • In: Entomologica Fennica. - 0785-8760. ; 21, s. 168-180
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • We experimentally tested the impact of browsing, defecation and urination corresponding to four different levels of moose population density on abundance and number of eco-morphological groups of soil mesofauna in a Swedish boreal forest. The study was carried out in three fenced exclosures representing different levels of productivity (from nutrient-rich to nutrient-poor). Moose impact on soil communities was evaluated by analysing abundance, richness and diversity of mesofaunal groups, and by means of a multi-taxa index based on ecomorphological groups, the Biological Soil Quality index (QBS). There was a negative impact of high moose densities on the abundance and richness of soil mesofauna. Furthermore, low-moderate moose densities had a positive impact on abundance and number of eco-morphological groups. We conclude that moose can have a large impact on soil-living mesofauna, and therefore probably soil decomposition processes and biological soil quality, in young boreal forest stands.
  • Carlsson, Frida, et al. (author)
  • Salivary cortisol and self-reported stress among persons with environmental annoyance
  • 2006
  • In: Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health. - 0355-3140. ; 32:2, s. 20-109
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • OBJECTIVES: Increased vulnerability to stress has been suggested as a possible mechanism behind medically unexplained conditions such as sensitivity to electricity and common smells. This study examined whether subjective environmental annoyance among the general population is associated with increased physiological reactivity or subjective stress scores.METHODS: Four groups were studied (N=141): an electrically annoyed (N=17), a smell-annoyed (N=29), and a generally annoyed group (N=39) and a reference group matched for age, gender, and socioeconomic status (N=56). Over 5 days, the participants collected saliva for cortisol determination at awakening, 30 minutes after awakening, 8 hours after awakening, and at 9 o'clock in the evening. On the evening preceding the fifth day, the participants ingested a 0.5-mg dexamethasone tablet so that possible differential suppression of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis could be assessed. Each day, the participants also rated their subjective stress and health complaints.RESULTS: No significant differences were found between the groups regarding cortisol secretion over 5 days. The dexamethasone suppression test showed inhibited cortisol secretion in all four groups. No associations were found between the cortisol concentrations and the self-reported stress scores or subjective health complaints.CONCLUSIONS: Although the environmentally annoyed groups showed no signs of increased HPA-axis activation, being annoyed by both electrical devices and smells seems to be related to increased psychological activation in terms of self-reported stress. Because the participants were otherwise healthy and recruited from the general population, the results imply that subtle psychological stress processes may be important in the early development of environmental annoyance.
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