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  • Edvall Malm, Disa, 1965- (author)
  • Det socio-polisiära handlingsnätet : om kopplingar mellan polis och socialtjänst kring ungdomars kriminalitet och missbuk
  • 2012
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Övergripande diskuterar avhandlingen olika aspekter av att samhällets system av stöd och kontroll för barn och unga knyts närmare samman. Det handlar om hur samverkan framställs och uppfattas på olika nivåer och hur den konkretiseras i polisens och socialtjänstens arbete kring unga som utvecklat eller bedöms riskera att utveckla kriminalitet och/eller missbruk. Studieobjektet inbegriper övergripande ideologisknivå, lokal/praktisknivå och individuell nivå. Syftet med avhandlingen är att identifiera, beskriva och analysera polisens och socialtjänstens samverkan kring barn och ungas kriminalitet och missbruk. Utgångspunkten är hur; samverkan mellan myndigheterna framställs i offentliga dokument, hur lokala aktörer uppfattar behovet av men också möjligheter, svårigheter och hinder kring samverkan, hur myndigheterna lokalt är organiserade för att aktualisera, handlägga, behandla och avsluta barn och unga, och slutligen vilka barn och unga som denna samverkan kan omfatta. Avsikten är att få en bild av vad denna samverkan på policynivå innebär och sätta detta i relation till hur polis och socialtjänst förstår och skapar sina respektive och gemensamma uppdrag i förhållande till varandra lokalt. I avhandlingen används tre olika empiriska material och olika metoder för analys: Analys av statliga offentliga dokument, kvalitativa intervjuer med poliser, socialarbetare och deras chefer i en kommun och en kvantitativ kartläggning av aktuella ungdomar i kommunen. Handlingsnät som teoretisk grund används för att studera kopplingar mellan de båda myndigheterna och de tre olika nivåerna av studien.  Genom att använda handlingsnät blir det möjligt att se hur polisens och socialtjänstens olika uppdrag kopplas samman kring barn och ungas kriminalitet och missbruk.Resultaten av studien visar att det pågår en ettablering av ett socio-polisiärt handlingsnät på den övergripande ideologiska nivån och den lokala kommunala nivån.  I policydokumenten förspråkas ett kontrollerande förhållningsätt gentemot ungas kriminalitet. På den lokala nivån handlade det om ett kontrollstödjande förhållningsätt för att motverka både ungas kriminalitet och missbruk.  Resultaten av studien visar att socialtjänsten fått ta ett större ansvar för att utreda och verkställa påföljder för ungas kriminella handlingar, samtidigt som det inom socialtjänsten riskerar att utvecklas en logik mera baserad på straffvärdet av den brottsliga handlingen än den unges individuella behov av hjälp och stöd.   Studien visar att i polisens och sociatjänstens arbete med enskilda barn och unga finns få möjligheter till samarbete. Dessutom var det få unga personer som samtidigt var aktuella för både polis och socialtjänst, vilket gör det svårt att uppnå något djupare längre samarbete kring enskilda ungdomar under längre tid. Det kan i bästa fall mera handla om en form av remissförfarande från polis till socialtjänst.
  • Fallbjörk, Ulrika, 1967- (author)
  • I spåren av bröstcancer : att leva med eller utan ett rekonstruerat bröst efter mastektomi
  • 2012
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Bakgrund: I Sverige är bröstcancer den vanligaste formen av kvinnlig cancer och utgör nära en tredjedel av kvinnlig cancer. I behandlingen av bröstcancer har kirurgi en betydande roll. Nära hälften av kvinnorna genomgår mastektomi, men det finns en stor variation inom landet. Att förlora ett bröst efter mastektomi har såväl en kroppslig som psykologisk innebörd. Avhandlingen omfattar fyra delstudier som beskriver detta på olika sätt.Syfte: Det övergripande syftet med avhandlingen är att studera betydelsen av att förlora ett bröst på grund av cancersjukdom samt motiv och beslutsprocess i ställningstagande till att leva med eller utan ett rekonstruerat bröst.Metod: Avhandlingen baseras på två populationer av kvinnor boende i norra Sverige som genomgått mastektomi på grund av bröstcancer: de kvinnor som genomgått mastektomi under 2003 (delstudie I–III) samt de kvinnor som genomgått mastektomi mellan oktober 2006 och september 2007 (delstudie IV). Dessa kvinnor identifierades via det regionala cancerregistret, onkologiskt centrum, Norrlands universitetssjukhus. Statistiska analyser genomfördes i delstudie I och IV och tematisk narrativ analys har tillämpats i delstudie II och III.Resultat: Delstudie I: År 2007 skickades ett nykonstruerat självskattningsformulär ”Life After Mastectomy” (LAM) ut till 149 kvinnor varav 85% (n=126) besvarades. Av dessa kvinnor hade 25% genomgått bröstrekonstruktion. Resultaten av en multipel regressionsanalys visade att bröstrekonstruktion var signifikant relaterat till lägre ålder, känsla av att vara attraktiv och sexuellt intresse. För att få en djupare och mer nyanserad förståelse kring innebörder av att förlora ett bröst efter mastektomi och motiv till att avstå från eller genomgå bröstrekonstruktion gjordes ett strategiskt urval av 15 kvinnor från delstudie I som deltog i en forskningsintervju(delstudie II). I den tematiska narrativa analysen identifierades tre typberättelser. I den första typberättelsen beskrevs mastektomin som ”no big deal” och att genomgå en bröstrekonstruktion var inte ens värt att överväga. I den andra typberättelsen beskrevs mastektomin som ”att förlora sig själv” och en bröstrekonstruktion beskrevs som ett sätt att återställa sig som person, kvinna och sexuell varelse. Den tredje typberättelsen intog en position mellan ”no big deal” och ”att förlora sig själv” och en bröstrekonstruktion beskrevs som ett välkommet erbjudande vilket gjorde det enklare att se och känna sig som kvinna. I delstudie III undersöktes sex kvinnors erfarenheter av att genomgå bröstrekonstruktion. Samtliga kvinnor var oförberedda på den krävande procedur som de genomgick. De beskrev processen som svår och smärtsam med upprepade operationer och en oväntat lång konvalescenstid. Även om kvinnorna var oförberedda på hur tufft det skulle komma att bli både fysiskt och emotionellt beskrevs bröstrekonstruktionen  som betydelsefull för dem. Delstudie IV: I denna uppföljningsstudie inkluderades kvinnorna 10 månader efter mastektomin då självskattningsformuläret LAM skickades ut. Datainsamlingen med samma formulär upprepades två år senare (tre år efter mastektomin). Kvinnornas (n=76) känsla av attraktivitet och kvinnlighet hade inte förändrats mellan de två mättillfällena, med undantag för vissa aspekter av sexualitet som hade försämrats. Vid uppföljningen hade 21% av kvinnorna genomgått bröstrekonstruktion och dessa kvinnor var yngre. I övrigt kundeinga signifikanta skillnader ses mellan de kvinnor som genomgått respektiveej genomgått bröstrekonstruktion.Slutsats: Denna avhandling ger en inblick i betydelsen av att förlora ett bröst efter mastektomi. Att förlora ett bröst efter mastektomi kan vara av mindre eller större betydelse. För de kvinnor som upplevde bröstförlusten som en förlust av sig själva, kom en bröstrekonstruktion att betraktas som en livsnödvändighet (delstudie II). De flesta av kvinnorna 75% i delstudie I och 79% i delstudie IV genomgick inte någon bröstrekonstruktion. De kvinnor som genomgick rekonstruktiv kirurgi beskrev proceduren som svår fysiskt och emotionellt, men trots detta sågs den som viktig för dem (delstudie III). Vid uppföljningen i delstudie IV, var kvinnornas upplevelse av attraktivitet och kvinnlighet oförändrade, men upplevelsen av att känna sig bekväm vid sexuell intimitet utvecklades negativt. Detta var oberoende av om kvinnan genomgått bröstrekonstruktion eller inte, vilket kan ses som överraskande. Det är viktigt att som sjukvårdpersonal uppmärksamma hur den enskilda kvinnan själv upplever betydelsen av att ha förlorat ett bröst för att inte låta sig styras av vaga schabloner kring relationen bröst–sexualitet–kvinnlighet.
  • Linblad, Inger, 1963- (author)
  • Problembilder av barn : Representationer, föreställningar och strategier i BRIS stödtelefon 1996-98
  • 2012
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • A number of countries including Sweden have developed children’s helplines as free and anonymous counseling services for children and youth. The aim of this study was to deepen knowledge about how the problems of children and youth are represented and constructed in Sweden’s BRIS (Children’s Rights in Society) Children’s Helpline, telephone support between the years 1996 and 1998. The work was social constructivistic, examining how helpline responders understand and interpret information received during support calls. The concept of “the concern” is highlighted as a point of study of problem constructions within micro-counselling. The empirical material consisted primarily of interviews with persons who worked at BRIS either as employed ombudspersons or as volunteer telephone responders. Eleven ombudspersons replied to questions about the Children’s Helpline and how support services are organized. Thirty eight interviews were carried out with helpline responders at two separate occasions during the study period. Fifteen of these interviews provided material for an in depth investigation of responders preconceptions of children and youth’s everyday life, as well as the themes of gender, problematic relationships and assault as well as the strategies that responders used in their supportive calls. Statistical information was collected from BRIS reports. Fifteen completed questionnaires from support calls were included in this study. Analytical processes resulted in the development of the two theoretical concepts of familiarity and micro-understanding. General representations of children and youth situations are put forth via descriptions of misery. The responders’ concepts of children’s everyday life appear fragmentary because of the limited information available about the caller. Gender issues are constructed around questions of feminity and sexuality. The theme of assault contains calls from both girls and boys. Boys’ calls about assault are constructed around bullying and physical assault. Girls’ call are also constructed around violence but also include sexual abuse and molestation. This study contributes to the growing field of knowledge about the problem images of children and youth that emanate from support calls made to telephone helplines.
  • Lövgren, Veronica, 1963- (author)
  • Villkorat vuxenskap : Levd erfarenhet av intellektuellt funktionshinder, kön och ålder
  • 2013
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The aim of this thesis is to explore and analyse lived experience of social categorisations such as intellectual disability, gender and age. The following overarching questions will direct the focus of the thesis, on how 13 middle-aged (aged 38-60 years) women and men who receive disability services according to the Act (1993:387) concerning Support and Service for Persons with Certain Functional Impairments (LSS), describe their everyday life practices:- In what way(s) are the social categorisations disability, gender, and age expressed in the interviews? How do the participants relate their lived experience of the social categorisation in relation to arenas such as work, family, and leisure time? How can this lived experience be understood in relation to the structures and conditions that form the institutions within the disability services?With a hermeneutic-phenomenological approach, the thesis is based on repeated audio- and video-recorded qualitative semi-structured interviews and field visits. The altogether 16 participants were divided into two groups: the main group consisted of 13 adults and a reference group, which consisted of 3 younger informants (aged 25-29 years).Despite political ambitions that state that people with disabilities should have opportunity to live like others, this thesis shows that their everyday life is, in fact, conditioned by institutional structures. The structures that conditions the disability services together with the social construction of disability, but also of age and gender, frames leisure time, social networks, family life, practicing partnership, mobility (especially for women), and working life – in short, these conditions their abilities to fulfil the expectations that are imbedded throughout the social construction of adulthood.The relationship with the labour force can be seen as an illustrative example: The ability to be part of a regular working force was central for the interviewees. However, the analysis showed that the work that was available for the participants, is a welfare state effort, that is situated in an intersection where a logic of care meets a logic derived from the open labour market, thereby creating a situation filled with contradictions. On the one hand, the informants felt an obligation to fulfil an almost Protestant work ethic. One the other hand, their work efforts are not acknowledged by society as work. On the one hand, daily activity is a voluntary right, on the other hand; the informants have little opportunity to relinquish this right, depending on the particular organisation of the disability services. The participants also expressed concerns about losing this work, a worry that can be seen as paradoxical in respect of their legislative right to daily activity. The analysis has highlighted how the participants, in many situations, suffer a disadvantageous position with regard to hermeneutical resources to make sense of their experience. They also face structural obstacles to fully live an adult life. This could be described as experiencing societal norms of what one is expected to live up to, but at the same time be deprived of real opportunities to fulfil these requests – thereby, to live a contradiction. Lived experience of intellectual disability, gender and age, can therefore be considered as being a lived experience of a conditional adulthood.
  • Nasseh Lotf Abadi, Mozhdeh, 1977- (author)
  • Social support, coping, and self-esteem in relation to psychosocial factors : A study of health issues and birth weight in young mothers in Tehran, Iran
  • 2012
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Introduction: Generally, pregnancy is considered to be a positive period in life in Iranian culture. For the parents, it is important to have a healthy pregnancy and, as a result, a healthy child. A sufficient birth weight of the infant represents one of the crucial conditions of a healthy development of a child during infancy as well as later in life. Ongoing research has been carried out regarding various medical factors related to birth weight, but there is a gap in knowledge about psychosocial factors such as social support, coping, self-esteem, stress and mother’s mental health, and various socio-demographic factors including domestic violence, which may lead to adverse pregnancy outcomes such as low birth weight. This thesis aims to provide knowledge to fill this gap.Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted in Tehran, Iran, including 600 young mothers who had delivered in Akbarabadi hospital, one of the main gynaecological hospitals affiliated with Tehran University of Medical Sciences. The investigation included a self-developed socio-demographic form, the Social Support Questionnaire, the Ways of Coping Checklist, Rosenberg’s Self-Esteem Scale, the General Health Questionnaire-12, and a Life Event Checklist.Results: We could not find a significant association between birth weight and mother’s level of education, and there was no substantial relationship between general mental health and birth weight. Verbal abuse was reported by 26.0% of the young mothers, 4.8% reported physical abuse, 5.5% reported sexual abuse, and 1.3% reported all three types of abuse. The abuse-index was significantly negatively associated with satisfaction with social support and with self-esteem.The higher the abuse-index, by trend, the lower was the infants’ birth weight. Weight before pregnancy, current weight, weight gain during pregnancy, and the number of prenatal care visits were significantly positively associated with the weight of the newborn. Mothers who reported having a history of a low birth-weight (LBW) child or were physically abused during pregnancy had infants with significant lower birth weight.The more the pregnant women were satisfied with their social support and the more often they used positive reappraisal as a way of coping, the higher was their infants’ birth weight. The higher the self-esteem, the less often they used escape avoidance and confrontive coping.Conclusion: The results suggest the importance of relationships between a healthy pregnancy and psychosocial as well as socio-demographic factors. Providing pregnant women with social support is a key component for a healthy pregnancy, especially when faced with stressful situations. The number of people available for support did not provide a significant buffering effect on domestic violence (DV), but the perceived quality of social support did. Higher education in the mother and husband, and women’s employment represented protective conditions against the occurrence of DV. Women who reported physical abuse during pregnancy had infants with lower birth weight. Satisfaction with social support and use of positive reappraisal were significantly associated with higher birth weight.
  • Nygren, Karina, 1974- (author)
  • Adolescent self-reported health in the Umeå region : Associations with behavioral, parental and school factors
  • 2012
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • This thesis consists of a quantitative and a qualitative study. The quantitative study (articles I-III) aimed to examine how self-reported health in adolescence is associated with behavioral, parental, and school factors. Through a survey directed at all adolescents in grades 7-9, data were collected in 2005 in a region in northern Sweden (n=5060). Statistical methods were used to analyze the survey data: chi2tests, multivariate logistic regressions and multilevel logistic regressions. Results showed that even though most adolescents reported good health, there were also rather large proportions of adolescents who reported headaches, stomach aches and feelings of stress. Girls reported poor health to a higher extent than boys, a difference that was larger in grade 9 than in grade 7. The results also showed that being norm compliant was associated with good self-reported health. Furthermore, perceiving relations and communication with parents as poor was associated with poor self-reported health; however, this relationship could not explain gender differences in self-reported health. Continuing on, analyses showed that there exist greater variations in self-reported health between students (within a school) than between different schools. On an individual level, poor relations to teachers, bullying and truancy were associated with poor general health. The qualitative study  (article IV) sought to examine barriers to and facilitators of utilization of local school survey results within a school setting. In 2011, 21 school district managers and principals within a Swedish municipality were interviewed. Analyses were performed using a qualitative content analysis. The results from the qualitative study showed that the dissemination and utilization of school survey results appeared as two interrelated phases in one process. Barriers and facilitators differed qualitatively depending on the phase, dissemination or utilization.In conclusion, professionals as well as researchers need to consider the complexity of adolescent health and its social determinants. Adolescent health is a concern for multiple sectors in society, which highlights the need for further development of collaborations between professionals in relevant fields, such as health care, school and social services.
  • Padyab, Mojgan, 1976- (author)
  • Client violence toward Iranian social workers : A national study
  • 2011
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Introduction   Client violence toward social workers has become recognized as a common problem, and major concern has been raised with regard to its impacts on the workers’ practice, and physical and psychological health. More than half a century has passed since the social work profession was established in Iran, and yet client violence and the associated health-related consequences remain unexplored. This thesis aims to address this gap in knowledge. Methods   A national survey was conducted involving 390 social workers from the Centres for Socially Injured People (CSIP), affiliated to the Social Affairs Department of the State Welfare Organization, Iran. The survey included self-administered questionnaires, namely, the Workplace Violence in the Health Sector questionnaire, the General Health Questionnaire-28 (GHQ-28), the Ways of Coping questionnaire, the Burnout Measure, and the Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale. Results   A high proportion of CSIP social workers (67%) have experienced violence. Psychological violence was about three times more common than physical violence. A high tendency of not reporting psychological violence to managers/supervisors was found. Psychological violence was associated with poorer mental health. Social workers with experience of psychological violence were found to be more worried about occurrences of violent events. Worrying about violence was significantly correlated with poorer mental health. Active coping had a direct effect on health, suggesting a poorer health status with more frequent use of active coping. Burnout was experienced by 10.9% of social workers, and 17.4% were found to be at risk of developing burnout symptoms. Low self-esteem and experience of violence were associated with burnout. Conclusion   The results suggest the importance of not neglecting cases of client violence and of putting the health and safety of social workers on top of the agenda. A victimized social worker with limited resources at work needs to note that coping skills may reduce the impact of stressors, not only by changing the stressors themselves, but also by changing how the social worker responds to them.
  • Ratsika, Nikoleta, 1958- (author)
  • Between tradition and modernity : The occupational choices of young people in rural Crete
  • 2012
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The aim of this study is to investigate the occupational orientations and choices of young people in rural Crete, a society, which is in constant change as it finds itself caught between tradition and modernity. To achieve this, the study looks into two cases: the case of Anogia, a small mountainous cattle-raising village, and the case of Archanes, which is a farming village on a plain. Both communities are undergoing a process of change due to the influence exerted upon them through the frequent contacts with the ‘outside world’ and the diffusion of modernity in all areas of life. The study expects to shed light on how the young people of these villages experience the transition from tradition to modernity and how this transition influences their choice of occupation. More specifically, the aims of this study are to investigate: A. The occupational orientations and choice of occupation of the young people within the communities of Anogia and Archanes. B. The main contextual factors that contribute to the young people’s occupational orientations and choice of occupation in Anogia and Archanes. The overall approach is a qualitative inquiry consisting of two case studies. The empirical research took place in the field of the communities of Anogia and Archanes, and addresses 29 young people of the villages, so as to gather primary data through semistructured interviews. The age has been defined to be 16 to 25 years old. In order to arrive at the findings, data analysis derived from the Grounded Theory methodological approach was employed (Strauss, 1987). The main findings of the study show that the transitional process from school to work seems to be the most crucial issue for the young people under study, in the process of shaping their occupational orientations and choices. The attitude, either positive or negative, that each one has adopted towards school and education generally and the level of education constitutes the main tool that determines the limitations and the opportunities for job placement. In these small societies, the traditional roles have been overturned as regards the youth and their professional orientations. The majority of young people follow new practices in seeking employment. These characterise the following three types of youth: the stayers, the ambivalent and the leavers.
  • Rostami, Arian, 1973- (author)
  • Marital satisfaction in relation to social support, coping, and quality of life in medical staff in Tehran, Iran
  • 2013
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Marital satisfaction is one of the main characteristics of a healthy family, and is known as an important predictor of overall quality of life. Stress is unavoidable in everyday life and it can affect marital relationships. Furthermore, employed married individuals encounter more stressors than do unmarried ones, especially when their jobs are demanding and stressful, such as working as medical professionals in hospitals. Applying effective coping strategies and receiving social support, especially from emotionally close persons, are protective factors which can help individuals deal with stress and buffer the negative effects of life stress on marital and life satisfaction. In the present cross-sectional investigation, marital satisfaction was studied in relation to socio-demographic variables, social support, ways of coping, and quality of life in medical staff in Tehran. Data were collected from 653 medical staff who worked in 12 hospitals affiliated with Tehran Medical University using socio-demographic questions, the ENRICH marital satisfaction questionnaire, the SF-36 questionnaire, the Social Support questionnaire, and the Ways of Coping questionnaire. The results indicated that marital satisfaction, quality of life and spousal support were significantly higher in men than women. Spousal support was significantly associated with marital satisfaction especially in women. Multiple regression analyses indicated that marital satisfaction, social support, and job satisfaction combined with socio-demographic variables explain between 12% and 28% of the variance in quality of life domains. Analysing the data with special focus on females revealed a significant negative relationship between subscales of marital satisfaction and using “seeking social support”, “confrontive coping”, “escape avoidance”, “distancing”, and “self-controlling” as ways of coping. Hierarchical regression analyses showed that job satisfaction, social support, and ways of coping explained between 24% and 38% of the variance in seven of the nine subscales of marital satisfaction. Therefore, focusing on the study findings could be helpful in promoting marital satisfaction and quality of life in married medical staff. 
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  • Result 1-10 of 13
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doctoral thesis (12)
licentiate thesis (1)
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other academic/artistic (13)
Nygren, Lennart, Pro ... (7)
Richter, Jörg (2)
Eisemann, Martin, Pr ... (2)
Oscarsson, Lars, Pro ... (1)
Padyab, Mojgan, 1976 ... (1)
Salander, Pär, Profe ... (1)
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Nygren, Lennart, 195 ... (1)
Sallnäs, Marie, Prof ... (1)
Blom, Björn, Profess ... (1)
Lövgren, Veronica, 1 ... (1)
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Nasseh Lotf Abadi, M ... (1)
Ghazinour, Mehdi, As ... (1)
Richter, Jörg, Profe ... (1)
Nygren, Karina, 1974 ... (1)
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Umeå University (13)
Mid Sweden University (1)
Linnaeus University (1)
Swedish (7)
English (6)
Research subject (UKÄ/SCB)
Social Sciences (12)
Medical and Health Sciences (1)


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