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Search: L773:1057 7149 OR L773:1941 0042 > (2010-2014)

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  • Felsberg, Michael, 1974- (author)
  • Autocorrelation-Driven Diffusion Filtering
  • 2011
  • In: IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. - : IEEE Press. - 1057-7149 .- 1941-0042. ; 20:7, s. 1797-1806
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • In this paper, we present a novel scheme for anisotropic diffusion driven by the image autocorrelation function. We show the equivalence of this scheme to a special case of iterated adaptive filtering. By determining the diffusion tensor field from an autocorrelation estimate, we obtain an evolution equation that is computed from a scalar product of diffusion tensor and the image Hessian. We propose further a set of filters to approximate the Hessian on a minimized spatial support. On standard benchmarks, the resulting method performs favorable in many cases, in particular at low noise levels. In a GPU implementation, video real-time performance is easily achieved.
  • Andersson, Thord, et al. (author)
  • Modified Gradient Search for Level Set Based Image Segmentation
  • 2013
  • In: IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. - : IEEE Signal Processing Society. - 1057-7149 .- 1941-0042. ; 22:2, s. 621-630
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Level set methods are a popular way to solve the image segmentation problem. The solution contour is found by solving an optimization problem where a cost functional is minimized. Gradient descent methods are often used to solve this optimization problem since they are very easy to implement and applicable to general nonconvex functionals. They are, however, sensitive to local minima and often display slow convergence. Traditionally, cost functionals have been modified to avoid these problems. In this paper, we instead propose using two modified gradient descent methods, one using a momentum term and one based on resilient propagation. These methods are commonly used in the machine learning community. In a series of 2-D/3-D-experiments using real and synthetic data with ground truth, the modifications are shown to reduce the sensitivity for local optima and to increase the convergence rate. The parameter sensitivity is also investigated. The proposed methods are very simple modifications of the basic method, and are directly compatible with any type of level set implementation. Downloadable reference code with examples is available online.
  • Bartunek, Josef Strom, et al. (author)
  • Adaptive Fingerprint Image Enhancement with Emphasis on Preprocessing of Data
  • 2013
  • In: IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. - : IEEE. - 1941-0042 .- 1057-7149. ; 22:2, s. 644-656
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • This article proposes several improvements to an adaptive fingerprint enhancement method that is based on contextual filtering. The term adaptive implies that parameters of the method are automatically adjusted based on the input fingerprint image. Five processing blocks comprise the adaptive fingerprint enhancement method, where four of these blocks are updated in our proposed system. Hence, the proposed overall system is novel. The four updated processing blocks are; preprocessing, global analysis, local analysis and matched filtering. In the pre-processing and local analysis blocks, a nonlinear dynamic range adjustment method is used. In the global analysis and matched filtering blocks, different forms of order statistical filters are applied. These processing blocks yield an improved and new adaptive fingerprint image processing method. The performance of the updated processing blocks is presented in the evaluation part of this paper. The algorithm is evaluated towards the NIST developed NBIS software for fingerprint recognition on FVC databases.
  • Engelke, Ulrich, et al. (author)
  • Comparative Study of Fixation Density Maps
  • 2013
  • In: IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. - : IEEE. - 1057-7149 .- 1941-0042. ; 22:3, s. 1121-1133
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Fixation density maps (FDM) created from eye tracking experiments are widely used in image processing applications. The FDM are assumed to be reliable ground truths of human visual attention and as such, one expects a high similarity between FDM created in different laboratories. So far, no studies have analyzed the degree of similarity between FDM from independent laboratories and the related impact on the applications. In this paper, we perform a thorough comparison of FDM from three independently conducted eye tracking experiments. We focus on the effect of presentation time and image content and evaluate the impact of the FDM differences on three applications: visual saliency modeling, image quality assessment, and image retargeting. It is shown that the FDM are very similar and that their impact on the applications is low. The individual experiment comparisons, however, are found to be significantly different, showing that inter-laboratory differences strongly depend on the experimental conditions of the laboratories. The FDM are publicly available to the research community.
  • Khan, Fahad, et al. (author)
  • Semantic Pyramids for Gender and Action Recognition
  • 2014
  • In: IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. - : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). - 1057-7149 .- 1941-0042. ; 23:8, s. 3633-3645
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Person description is a challenging problem in computer vision. We investigated two major aspects of person description: 1) gender and 2) action recognition in still images. Most state-of-the-art approaches for gender and action recognition rely on the description of a single body part, such as face or full-body. However, relying on a single body part is suboptimal due to significant variations in scale, viewpoint, and pose in real-world images. This paper proposes a semantic pyramid approach for pose normalization. Our approach is fully automatic and based on combining information from full-body, upper-body, and face regions for gender and action recognition in still images. The proposed approach does not require any annotations for upper-body and face of a person. Instead, we rely on pretrained state-of-the-art upper-body and face detectors to automatically extract semantic information of a person. Given multiple bounding boxes from each body part detector, we then propose a simple method to select the best candidate bounding box, which is used for feature extraction. Finally, the extracted features from the full-body, upper-body, and face regions are combined into a single representation for classification. To validate the proposed approach for gender recognition, experiments are performed on three large data sets namely: 1) human attribute; 2) head-shoulder; and 3) proxemics. For action recognition, we perform experiments on four data sets most used for benchmarking action recognition in still images: 1) Sports; 2) Willow; 3) PASCAL VOC 2010; and 4) Stanford-40. Our experiments clearly demonstrate that the proposed approach, despite its simplicity, outperforms state-of-the-art methods for gender and action recognition.
  • Lindblad, Joakim, et al. (author)
  • Linear time distances between fuzzy sets with applications to pattern matching and classification
  • 2014
  • In: IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. - 1057-7149 .- 1941-0042. ; 23:1, s. 126-136
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • We present four novel point-to-set distances defined for fuzzy or gray-level image data, two based on integration over α-cuts and two based on the fuzzy distance transform. We explore their theoretical properties. Inserting the proposed point-to-set distances in existing definitions of set-to-set distances, among which are the Hausdorff distance and the sum of minimal distances, we define a number of distances between fuzzy sets. These set distances are directly applicable for comparing gray-level images or fuzzy segmented objects, but also for detecting patterns and matching parts of images. The distance measures integrate shape and intensity/membership of observed entities, providing a highly applicable tool for image processing and analysis. Performance evaluation of derived set distances in real image processing tasks is conducted and presented. It is shown that the considered distances have a number of appealing theoretical properties and exhibit very good performance in template matching and object classification for fuzzy segmented images as well as when applied directly on gray-level intensity images. Examples include recognition of hand written digits and identification of virus particles. The proposed set distances perform excellently on the MNIST digit classification task, achieving the best reported error rate for classification using only rigid body transformations and a kNN classifier.
  • Luengo, Cris (author)
  • Constrained and Dimensionality-Independent Path Openings
  • 2010
  • In: IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. - 1057-7149 .- 1941-0042. ; 19, s. 1587-1595
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Path openings and closings are morphological operations with flexible line segments as structuring elements. These line segments have the ability to adapt to local image structures, and can be used to detect lines that are not perfectly straight. They also are a convenient and efficient alternative to straight line segments as structuring elements when the exact orientation of lines in the image is not known. These path operations are defined by an adjacency relation, which typically allows for lines that are approximately horizontal, vertical or diagonal. However, because this definition allows zig-zag lines, diagonal paths can be much shorter than the corresponding horizontal or vertical paths. This undoubtedly causes problems when attempting to use path operations for length measurements. This paper 1) introduces a dimensionality-independent implementation of the path opening and closing algorithm by Appleton and Talbot, 2) proposes a constraint on the path operations to improve their ability to perform length measurements, and 3) shows how to use path openings and closings in a granulometry to obtain the length distribution of elongated structures directly from a gray-value image, without a need for binarizing the image and identifying individual objects.
  • Ringaby, Erik, 1984-, et al. (author)
  • Anisotropic Scattered Data Interpolation for Pushbroom Image Rectification
  • 2014
  • In: IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. - : IEEE. - 1057-7149 .- 1941-0042. ; 23:5, s. 2302-2314
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • This article deals with fast and accurate visualization of pushbroom image data from airborne and spaceborne platforms. A pushbroom sensor acquires images in a line-scanning fashion, and this results in scattered input data that needs to be resampled onto a uniform grid for geometrically correct visualization. To this end, we model the anisotropic spatial dependence structure caused by the acquisition process. Several methods for scattered data interpolation are then adapted to handle the induced anisotropic metric and compared for the pushbroom image rectification problem. A trick that exploits the semi-ordered line structure of pushbroom data to improve the computational complexity several orders of magnitude is also presented.
  • Schwarz, Sebastian, et al. (author)
  • A Weighted Optimization Approach to Time-of-Flight Sensor Fusion
  • 2014
  • In: IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. - : IEEE Signal Processing Society. - 1057-7149 .- 1941-0042. ; 23:1, s. 214-225
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Acquiring scenery depth is a fundamental task in computer vision, with many applications in manufacturing, surveillance, or robotics relying on accurate scenery information. Time-of-flight cameras can provide depth information in real-time and overcome short-comings of traditional stereo analysis. However, they provide limited spatial resolution and sophisticated upscaling algorithms are sought after. In this paper, we present a sensor fusion approach to time-of-flight super resolution, based on the combination of depth and texture sources. Unlike other texture guided approaches, we interpret the depth upscaling process as a weighted energy optimization problem. Three different weights are introduced, employing different available sensor data. The individual weights address object boundaries in depth, depth sensor noise, and temporal consistency. Applied in consecutive order, they form three weighting strategies for time-of-flight super resolution. Objective evaluations show advantages in depth accuracy and for depth image based rendering compared with state-of-the-art depth upscaling. Subjective view synthesis evaluation shows a significant increase in viewer preference by a factor of four in stereoscopic viewing conditions. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first extensive subjective test performed on time-of-flight depth upscaling. Objective and subjective results proof the suitability of our approach to time-of-flight super resolution approach for depth scenery capture.
  • Wong, Kwan-Yee Kenneth, et al. (author)
  • A Stratified Approach for Camera Calibration Using Spheres
  • 2011
  • In: IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. - 1057-7149 .- 1941-0042. ; 20:2, s. 305-316
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • This paper proposes a stratified approach for camera calibration using spheres. Previous works have exploited epipolar tangents to locate frontier points on spheres for estimating the epipolar geometry. It is shown in this paper that other than the frontier points, two additional point features can be obtained by considering the bitangent envelopes of a pair of spheres. A simple method for locating the images of such point features and the sphere centers is presented. An algorithm for recovering the fundamental matrix in a plane plus parallax representation using these recovered image points and the epipolar tangents from three spheres is developed. A new formulation of the absolute dual quadric as a cone tangent to a dual sphere with the plane at infinity being its vertex is derived. This allows the recovery of the absolute dual quadric, which is used to upgrade the weak calibration to a full calibration. Experimental results on both synthetic and real data are presented, which demonstrate the feasibility and the high precision achieved by our proposed algorithm.
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