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  • Borg, Jörgen, et al. (author)
  • Perilipin is present in islets of Langerhans and protects against lipotoxicity when overexpressed in the beta-cell line INS-1.
  • 2009
  • In: Endocrinology. - : The Endocrine Society. - 0013-7227 .- 1945-7170. ; 150:7, s. 3049-3057
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Lipids have been shown to play a dual role in pancreatic beta-cells - a lipid-derived signal appears to be necessary for glucose-stimulated insulin secretion, whereas lipid accumulation causes impaired insulin secretion and apoptosis. The ability of the protein perilipin to regulate lipolysis prompted an investigation of the presence of perilipin in the islets of Langerhans. In this study evidence is presented for perilipin expression in rat, mouse and human islets of Langerhans as well as in the rat clonal beta-cell line INS-1. In rat and mouse islets, perilipin was verified to be present in beta-cells. In order to examine if the development of lipotoxicity could be prevented by manipulating the conditions for lipid storage in the beta-cell, INS-1 cells with adenoviral-mediated overexpression of perilipin were exposed to lipotoxic conditions for 72 hours. In cells exposed to palmitate, perilipin overexpression caused increased accumulation of triacylglycerols and decreased lipolysis compared to control cells. Whereas glucose-stimulated insulin secretion was retained following palmitate exposure in cells overexpressing perilipin, it was completely abolished in control beta-cells. Thus, overexpression of perilipin appears to confer protection against the development of beta-cell dysfunction following prolonged exposure to palmitate by promoting lipid storage and limiting lipolysis.
  • Fernandez, Celine, et al. (author)
  • Hormone-sensitive lipase is necessary for normal mobilization of lipids during sub-maximal exercise.
  • 2008
  • In: American Journal of Physiology: Endocrinology and Metabolism. - : American Physiological Society. - 1522-1555 .- 0193-1849. ; 295, s. 179-186
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • For the working muscle there are a number of fuels available for oxidative metabolism, including glycogen, glucose and non-esterified fatty acids. Non-esterified fatty acids originate from lipolysis in white adipose tissue, from hydrolysis of VLDL-triglycerides or from hydrolysis of intramyocellular triglyceride stores. A key enzyme in the mobilization of fatty acids from intracellular lipid stores is hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL). The aim of the present study was to investigate the metabolic response of HSL-null mice challenged with exercise or fasting and to examine if other lipases are able to fully compensate for the lack of HSL. The results showed that HSL-null mice have reduced capacity to perform aerobic exercise. The liver glycogen stores were more rapidly depleted in HSL-null mice during treadmill exercise and HSL-null mice had reduced plasma concentrations of both glycerol and non-esterified fatty acids after exercise and fasting, respectively. The data support the hypothesis that in the absence of HSL mice are not able to respond to an exercise challenge with increased mobilization of the lipid stores. Consequently, the impact of the lipid sparing effect on liver glycogen will be reduced in the HSL-null mice, resulting in faster depletion of this energy source, contributing to the decreased endurance during sub-maximal exercise. Key words: Treadmill exercise, lipid metabolism, glycogen, skeletal muscle, liver.
  • Krintel, Christian, et al. (author)
  • Quarternary structure and enzymological properties of the different hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL) isoforms.
  • 2010
  • In: PLoS ONE. - : Public Library of Science (PLoS). - 1932-6203. ; 5:6
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • BACKGROUND: Hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL) is a key enzyme in the mobilization of energy in the form of fatty acids from intracellular stores of neutral lipids. The enzyme has been shown to exist in different isoforms with different molecular masses (84 kDa, 89 kDa and 117 kDa) expressed in a tissue-dependent manner, where the predominant 84 kDa form in adipocytes is the most extensively studied. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In this study we employed negative stain electron microscopy (EM) to analyze the quarternary structure of the different HSL isoforms. The results show that all three isoforms adopt a head-to-head homodimeric organization, where each monomer contains two structural domains. We also used enzymatic assays to show that despite the variation in the size of the N-terminal domain all three isoforms exhibit similar enzymological properties with regard to psychrotolerance and protein kinase A (PKA)-mediated phosphorylation and activation. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: We present the first data on the quaternary structure and domain organization of the three HSL isoforms. We conclude that despite large differences in the size of the N-terminal, non-catalytic domain all three HSL isoforms exhibit the same three-dimensional architecture. Furthermore, the three HSL isoforms are very similar with regard to two unique enzymological characteristics of HSL, i.e., cold adaptation and PKA-mediated activation.
  • Nordström, Jonas, et al. (author)
  • Ekologisk kompensation : Upptag och integrering bland svenska aktörer och kvantifiering av de samhällsekonomiska effekterna
  • 2021
  • Reports (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Under de senaste decennierna har flera internationella rapporter visat på en världsomfattande förlust av biologisk mångfald och funktionella ekosystem. Ett av de största hoten är förändrad markanvändning. Ett sätt att förebygga och lindra skada är att arbeta med skadelindringshierarkin och ekologisk kompensation. Enligt skadelindringshierarki skall exploatören sträva efter att (1) undvika, (2) minimera och (3) återställa den biologiska mångfalden eller avhjälpa negativ miljöpåverkan på plats. Därefter kan de eventuellt kvarvarande negativa konsekvenserna (4) kompenseras. Detta sista steg går i Sverige under namnet ekologisk kompensation.Ekologisk kompensation som idé utvecklades på 1970-talet och har sedan dess använts och utvecklats av offentliga organisationer och företag runt om i världen. I Sverige genomförs kompensationsåtgärder antingen med utgångspunkt i miljöbalken eller genom frivilliga åtaganden, oftast i relation till fysisk planering (så kallad frivillig ekologisk kompensation). Vid den lagstyrda kompensationen står biologisk mångfald i fokus, medan den frivilliga ekologiska kompensationen också fokuserar på bevarandet av ekosystemtjänster.Genom planmonopolet, ansvaret för allmännyttan, samt i flera fall betydande markinnehav, har svenska kommuner en framträdande roll i arbetet med båda typerna av ekologisk kompensation. Beroende på hur landets kommuner väljer att arbeta med ekologisk kompensation i samband fysisk planering kommer utfallet för skydd av biologisk mångfald och ekosystemtjänster att variera. Denna rapport fokuserar på kommuners arbete med ekologisk kompensation från två olika vinklar: användning av ekologisk kompensation i kommunal fysisk planering (del 1) och hur modeller kan ge stöd för beslut av kompensationsåtgärder (del 2).Vi studerarDel 1 består av en teoretisk bakgrund, en översiktlig aktörsanalys, två empiriska kapitel. Den teoretiska bakgrunden ger en övergripande beskrivning av konceptets grundläggande idéer och etiska, sociala, tekniska och styrningsrelaterade utmaningar som identifierats i den vetenskapliga litteraturen. Denna bakgrund används som en analytisk utgångspunkt för de empiriska kapitlen. I den översiktliga analysen av praktiken beskrivs svenska aktörers (myndigheter, företag och kommuner) arbete med ekologisk kompensation. I det första empiriska kapitlet kartläggs upptaget och användningen av konceptet ekologisk kompensation i översiktliga planeringsdokument (översiktsplaner, fördjupade översiktsplaner, grönplaner och naturvårdsplaner). I det andra empiriska kapitlet redovisas en intervjustudie genomförd med kommunala tjänstepersoner kring drivkrafter och barriärer i relation till kommunens arbete med ekologisk kompensation.I den andra delen av projektet beskrivs och demonstreras hur modellering kan användas för att kvantifiera förluster av ekosystemtjänster vid en exploatering, något som kan användas för att ta fram lämpliga kompensationsåtgärder. Som fallstudier studeras exploatering av två olika typer av markanvändning: bostadsnära natur (grönområden) som används för rekreation samt jordbruksmark. De ekosystemtjänster som studeras vid exploatering av jordbruksmark är Sveriges livsmedelsförsörjning och kolinlagring för att motverka klimatförändring. Studien visar även hur förluster av ekosystemtjänster kan översättas till samhällsekonomiska monetära värden för att underlätta beräkningar och finansiering av kompensationsåtgärder. För den bostadsnära naturen utvecklas en enkel modell som synliggör rekreationsvärden samt belyser fördelningseffekter vid ekologisk kompensation.Vi finnerDel 1Kartläggningen av de översiktliga planeringsdokumenten pekar på ett betydande upptag av konceptet i kommunerna. Skillnaden i hur långt kommunerna har kommit i användandet av konceptet varierar dock. Bland de 164 kommunerna som nämner ekologisk kompensation har tre av tio kommuner utvecklat planeringsverktyg i form av processverktyg, planeringsunderlag och beräkningsmodeller. Resterande kommuner har en varierande grad av integrering av konceptet i planerna; från hänvisningar till gällande lagstiftning, till skrivningar om att de ska ta fram planeringsverktyg. Det finns även en stor variation i hur kommunerna relaterar till konceptets grundläggande idéer och utmaningar.Intervjustudien visar att det finns flera sätt att se på kompensation ur ett kommunalt perspektiv, där vissa ser kompensation som något positivt och som en möjlighet att skapa en dialog med exploatörer, medan andra ser användningen som mer problematiskt. Vissa utmaningar framträder dock gemensamt i de studerade kommunerna; flera kommuner lyfter problemet kring bristande uppföljning av genomförda kompensationsåtgärder vilket skapar en osäkerhet kring långsiktigt säkerställande av naturvärden och ekosystemtjänster. Det är en mångfacetterad problembild som handlar såväl om osäkerheter kring om frivilliga åtgärder ens blir implementerade, om de får adekvat skötsel. I relation till detta nämner också tjänstepersoner i mindre kommuner att lokala politiker inte vill ställa för höga krav p.g.a. risken att avskräcka exploatören. Många tjänstepersoner nämner också att de skulle önska tydligare mandat både från den kommunala politiken och från nationell lagstiftning men också mer konkreta råd (underlagsmaterial och rådgivning) för hur de kan använda kompensationsåtgärder som ett verktyg inom ramarna för existerande lagstiftning.Del 2Vid exploatering av exempelvis jordbruksmark är det otydligt hur effekterna bör analyseras och eventuellt kompenseras. Studien visar att exploatering av jordbruksmark försämrar Sveriges potential till livsmedelsförsörjning i framtiden och ökar landets utsläpp av växthusgaser. Vi beskriver hur den negativa påverkan på livsmedelsförsörjningen kan beräknas och hur den kan kompenseras genom ekologisk intensifiering av kvarvarande jordbruksmark. Ökade utsläpp av växthusgaser behöver emellertid kompenseras med lämpliga kolfångståtgärder i närtid. Resultaten från vår fallstudie visar att exploatering av ett hektar jordbruksmark i Götalands södra slättbygder innebär ett nettokrav på exploatören på ca 2 miljoner kr för att finansiera kompensationsåtgärder. I fallstudien har vi bara undersökt två effekter av exploatering av jordbruksmark för att undersöka potentialen i modelleringsmetoden. Men andra ekosystemtjänster och biologisk mångfald i allmänhet kommer sannolikt att påverkas negativt vid en exploatering. Det beräknade nettokravet kan därför tolkas som ett minimumvärde.Vid kompensation av bostadsnära grönområden visar resultaten att tillgänglighet är den viktigaste faktorn vid beräkningar av rekreationsvärden, eller mer specifikt hur många som bor i närheten av eller passerar förbi grönområdet på väg till skola, arbete etc. Även om det finns skillnader mellan olika grupper i samhället beträffande hur ofta de besöker ett tätortsnära grönområde är dessa skillnader små i förhållande till tillgänglighetens (avståndets) betydelse för rekreationsvärdet. Det är dock viktigt att framhålla att det kommer att finnas vinnare och förlorare vid en rumslig flyttning av kompensationsåtgärder.De beräkningsmodeller som vi presenterar i denna rapport skulle kunna ge ett ökat stöd och beslutsunderlag vid ekologisk kompensation. För att göra de mer komplexa modellerna tillgängliga för användare skulle modellerna kunna tillhandahållas på nationell nivå. Även om bra modeller kan bidra till ett förbättrat beslutsunderlag är det av yttersta vikt att det finns bra stöd, vägledning, kvalitetskriterier samt goda uppföljningsmekanismer för ekologisk kompensation. I annat fall förlorar modellerna också sitt värde. De aspekter som är allra svårast att modellera är av intrikat ekologisk eller lokal art och ställer därför krav på kompetens och lokalkännedom hos den som använder modellerna.
  • Ström, Kristoffer, et al. (author)
  • Attainment of brown adipocyte features in white adipocytes of hormone-sensitive lipase null mice.
  • 2008
  • In: PLoS ONE. - : Public Library of Science (PLoS). - 1932-6203. ; 3:3
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • BACKGROUND: Hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL) is expressed predominantly in adipose tissue, where it plays an important role in catecholamine-stimulated hydrolysis of stored tri- and diglycerides, thus mobilizing fatty acids. HSL exhibits broad substrate specificity and besides acylglycerides it hydrolyzes cholesteryl esters, retinyl esters and lipoidal esters. Despite its role in fatty acid mobilization, HSL null mice have been shown to be resistant to diet-induced obesity. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Following a high-fat diet (HFD) regimen, energy expenditure, measured using indirect calorimetry, was increased in HSL null mice. White adipose tissue of HSL null mice was characterized by reduced mass and reduced protein expression of PPARgamma, a key transcription factor in adipogenesis, and stearoyl-CoA desaturase 1, the expression of which is known to be positively correlated to the differentiation state of the adipocyte. The protein expression of uncoupling protein-1 (UCP-1), the highly specific marker of brown adipocytes, was increased 7-fold in white adipose tissue of HSL null mice compared to wildtype littermates. Transmission electron microscopy revealed an increase in the size of mitochondria of white adipocytes of HSL null mice. The mRNA expression of pRb and RIP140 was decreased in isolated white adipocytes, while the expression of UCP-1 and CPT1 was increased in HSL null mice compared to wildtype littermates. Basal oxygen consumption was increased almost 3-fold in white adipose tissue of HSL null mice and was accompanied by increased uncoupling activity. CONCLUSIONS: These data suggest that HSL is involved in the determination of white versus brown adipocytes during adipocyte differentiation The exact mechanism(s) underlying this novel role of HSL remains to be elucidated, but it seems clear that HSL is required to sustain normal expression levels of pRb and RIP140, which both promote differentiation into the white, rather than the brown, adipocyte lineage.
  • Boeth, Heide, et al. (author)
  • Association between changes in molecular biomarkers of cartilage matrix turnover and changes in knee articular cartilage : a longitudinal pilot study
  • 2019
  • In: Journal of Experimental Orthopaedics. - : Springer Science and Business Media LLC. - 2197-1153. ; 6:1
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Background: An early detection of Osteoarthritis is urgently needed and still not possible until today. The aim of the study was to assess whether molecular biomarkers of cartilage turnover are associated with longitudinal change in knee cartilage thickness during a 2 year period in individuals with increased risk of developing knee osteoarthritis. A secondary aim was to assess whether prior knee injury or subjective patient-reported outcomes at baseline (BL) were associated with articular cartilage changes. Nineteen volleyball players (mean age 46.5 ± 4.9 years, 47% male) with a 30-year history of regular high impact training were recruited. The serum biomarkers Cpropeptide of type II procollagen (CPII), cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (COMP), collagenase generated carboxy-terminal neoepitope of type II collagen (sC2C), cartilage intermediate layer protein 2 (CILP-2), and the urine biomarkers C-telopeptide of type II collagen (CTX-II) and collagenase-generated peptide(s) of type II collagen (C2C-HUSA) were assessed at BL and at 2 year follow up (FU). Femorotibial cartilage thinning, thickening and absolute thickness change between BL and FU was evaluated from magnetic resonance imaging. Subjective clinical status at BL was evaluated by the International Knee Documentation Committee Subjective Knee Form and the Short-Form 36 Physical Component Score. Results: CILP-2 was significantly higher at FU and linearly associated with the absolute cartilage thickness change during the experimental period. Prior injury was a predictor of increased absolute cartilage thickness change. Conclusion: Measuring the change in the cartilage biomarker CILP-2 might be a valid and sensitive method to detect early development of knee osteoarthritis as CILP-2 appears to be related to cartilage thickness loss in certain individuals with increased risk of developing knee osteoarthritis. Prior knee injury may be predictive of increased articular cartilage thickness change.
  • Kippner, Linda, et al. (author)
  • Increased level of soluble HLA class I antigens in systemic lupus erythematosus: correlation with anti-DNA antibodies and leukopenia
  • 2001
  • In: Journal of Autoimmunity. - : Elsevier BV. - 0896-8411. ; 16:4, s. 471-478
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • The concentration of soluble HLA class I (sHLA-I) was measured by ELISA in serum samples from 30 well-characterised SLE patients at high and low disease activity states and from 100 healthy controls. HLA-A allotypes in the patients were analysed by a PCR-based typing technique. A higher level of sHLA-I was found in SLE patient sera both at high and low disease activity than in controls (P< 0.001). The sHLA-I level was further increased during active disease (P< 0.01). Concentrations of sHLA-I correlated with anti-dsDNA antibodies at high disease activity, but not with disease activity as analysed by a modified SLEDAI. Numbers of leukocytes and lymphocytes, as well as levels of C1q and C3 correlated inversely with sHLA-I concentration. In five serial samples from ten patients the sHLA-I level co-varied with disease activity. Presence of HLA allotype A9 was associated with higher sHLA-I levels in both patients (P< 0.001) and controls (P< 0.001). We conclude that the increased sHLA-I concentration in SLE patients was related to several laboratory parameters reflecting disease activity suggesting that sHLA-I molecules are connected with the disease process. Increased sHLA-I level due to HLA-A allotype was not a disease susceptibility factor for SLE.
  • Klint, Cecilia (author)
  • Aspects on Immune Complex Handling and Complement Deficiency in Relation to Pathogenic Mechanisms in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
  • 2000
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The autoimmune disease Systemic Lupus Erythematosus is associated with hereditary deficieny of early components from the classical pathway of complement activation, but not with deficiency of complement component C3 or of the alternative pathway components. The classical pathway is involved in elimination of pathological immune complexes from the circulation by transport via complement receptor type 1 (CR1). Here it is shown that immune complex adherence to CR1 is dependent on the presence of sufficient amounts of C3, suggesting that impaired immune complex elimination is not the major mechanism of SLE disease pathogenesis. In the absence of complement component C2, but with C1q and C4 present, the alternative pathway could be enhanced to activate C3 sufficiently for CR1 adherence. This mechanism was sensitive to the physiological concentration of alternative pathway component factor B. Selective C4A isotype deficiency was shown to be of minor importance in immune complex adherence to CR1 compared to activation of C3. Phosphorylation of C3 by a protein kinase released from activated platelets could be shown to have an effect on immune complex adherence to CR1, but it was not established whether the effect resulted from differences in C3 deposition or in immune complex solubilisation. The complement system is also involved in phagocytosis of apoptotic cells. It was shown here that SLE patient sera induced apoptosis in monocytes from healthy donors in vitro. Induction of apoptosis correlated with complement activation in the sera. Soluble HLA class I molecules (sHLA-I) are known to induce apoptosis in T-cells. Serum level of sHLA-I was elevated in SLE patient sera and correlated with complement activation, but no connection was found between sHLA-I level and induction of apoptosis in monocytes.
  • Klint, Cecilia, et al. (author)
  • Binding of immune complexes to erythrocyte CR1 (CD35): difference in requirement of classical pathway components and indication of alternative pathway-mediated binding in C2-deficiency
  • 2000
  • In: Scandinavian Journal of Immunology. - : Wiley. - 1365-3083 .- 0300-9475. ; 52:1, s. 103-108
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Deficiency of complement components within the classical pathway is associated with increased risk for immune complex disease. However, C2-deficient individuals often have a mild disease and about 50% are healthy. To study the importance of the different components for immune complex clearance, bovine serum albumin (BSA)/anti-BSA complexes were opsonized in human serum and the binding to erythrocyte complement receptor type 1 (CR1, CD35) was measured in vitro. In C2-depleted serum the complexes were opsonized and bound to CR1 but the reaction needed a longer opsonization time than in normal human serum (NHS). In contrast, serum reagent lacking C1q, C4 or C3 did not promote binding in this assay system. We also demonstrated that elevated levels of factor B could restore binding of complexes to erythrocytes in C2-depleted serum via alternative pathway activation. These results indicate that in spite of lack of a complete classical pathway, C2-deficient individuals could retain some immune complex opsonizing activity via the alternative pathway. This finding could contribute to the understanding of differences in association between complement deficiency and immune-complex disease.
  • Lood, Christian, et al. (author)
  • Type I interferon-mediated skewing of the serotonin synthesis is associated with severe disease in systemic lupus erythematosus.
  • 2015
  • In: PLoS ONE. - : Public Library of Science (PLoS). - 1932-6203. ; 10:4
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Serotonin, a highly pro-inflammatory molecule released by activated platelets, is formed by tryptophan. Tryptophan is also needed in the production of kynurenine, a process mediated by the type I interferon (IFN)-regulated rate-limiting enzyme indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO). The aim of this study was to investigate levels of serotonin in patients with the autoimmune disease systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), association to clinical phenotype and possible involvement of IDO in regulation of serotonin synthesis. Serotonin levels were measured in serum and plasma from patients with SLE (n=148) and healthy volunteers (n=79) by liquid chromatography and ELISA, as well as intracellularly in platelets by flow cytometry. We found that SLE patients had decreased serotonin levels in serum (p=0.01) and platelets (p<0.0001) as compared to healthy individuals. SLE patients with ongoing type I IFN activity, as determined by an in-house reporter assay, had decreased serum levels of serotonin (p=0.0008) as well as increased IDO activity (p<0.0001), as determined by the kynurenine/tryptophan ratio measured by liquid chromatography. Furthermore, SLE sera induced IDO expression in WISH cells in a type I IFN-dependent manner (p=0.008). Also platelet activation contributed to reduce overall availability of serotonin levels in platelets and serum (p<0.05). Decreased serum serotonin levels were associated with severe SLE with presence of anti-dsDNA antibodies and nephritis. In all, reduced serum serotonin levels in SLE patients were related to severe disease phenotype, including nephritis, suggesting involvement of important immunopathological processes. Further, our data suggest that type I IFNs, present in SLE sera, are able to up-regulate IDO expression, which may lead to decreased serum serotonin levels.
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Holm, Cecilia (4)
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Gullstrand, Birgitta (3)
Bengtsson, Anders (2)
Hansson, Ola (2)
Sturfelt, Gunnar (2)
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Ström, Kristoffer (2)
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Mörgelin, Matthias (1)
Wierup, Nils (1)
Jönsen, Andreas (1)
Andersson, Ulf (1)
Ohlsson, Mattias (1)
Milsom, Ian, 1950 (1)
Fall, Magnus, 1941 (1)
Turesson, Carl (1)
Jonsson, T (1)
Ohlsson, Claes, 1965 (1)
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Peeker, Ralph, 1958 (1)
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