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Search: WFRF:(Lindgren Eva Docent)

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  • Diehl, Monika, 1963- (author)
  • -Måste det här vara som en väckelserörelse? : en studie om (det som kallas) entreprenöriellt lärande i grundskolan, utifrån Basil Bernsteins begreppsapparat
  • 2017
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The aim of this compilation thesis is to describe prerequisites for what, in a Swedish educational context, is often called ‘entrepreneurial learning’ and to examine the possible influence that this has on school practice. The study was carried out in two lower secondary schools and was guided by the following two research questions. First, how is entrepreneurial learning reflected in educational practice regarding teaching, learning and assessment? Second, how has the phenomenon of entrepreneurship been recontextualized in educational discourse through politics and policy? Basil Bernstein’s concepts and theories have consistently been the point of departure for analysis. Altogether, 52 classroom observations were made, particularly focusing on the subjects of social science, science and mathematics. In addition, 8 individual interviews with teachers and 15 group interviews with pupils were conducted. For decades, national and international policy documents have promoted the need for a creative, innovative and flexible future working force; bringing this about has highly involved the education system. In Sweden, entrepreneurship was inscribed in the curriculum in 2011, and it is meant to run like a thread throughout education. In this study the broad approach of entrepreneurship in education, which is about generating an entrepreneurial mindset, is focused. Research points out various difficulties and dilemmas regarding the implementation of entrepreneurial learning. These difficulties and dilemmas are connected to concerns about perceived difficulties in relation to differences in school subjects, pupils’ backgrounds, degree of managerial support and/or collegial consensus and cooperation. The main findings are linked to recurrent difficulties regarding teaching methods and assessments in relation to entrepreneurial learning. Curricula and syllabi express explicit learning outcomes, which both teachers and learners perceive as being challenging to combine with entrepreneurial classroom work. This in turn links to an aspect which is often addressed in research—that is, the question about whether to use traditional or entrepreneurial (progressive) teaching methods. Curricula express a need for both, and teachers often find it difficult to find a functioning balance between them, not least because of current societal discussions and demands. In many respects, the implementation of entrepreneurial learning sends mixed messages. On the one hand, pupils are meant to develop entrepreneurial skills and competencies through cooperation and interaction within groups, and, on the other hand, the essence of entrepreneurship indicates competition; this is yet another dilemma addressed in the study. The study shows that, due to the schools’ different prerequisites regarding, for instance, teachers’ approaches and understandings and the schools’ catchment areas, entrepreneurial learning is performed somewhat different. Bernstein’s concepts and theories offer tools to explain and understand different aspects, including dilemmas and difficulties in relation to both classroom practice and social discourse.
  • Kuuse, Anna-Karin, 1962- (author)
  • ”Liksom ett annat uppdrag” : iscensättning av social rättvisa i musikundervisningens retorik och praktik
  • 2018
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The aim of this thesis is to identify, describe, and problematize constructions of social justice in Swedish music education. The thesis has an ethnographic design, and presents four empirical studies. The studies, in the shape of four scientific articles, emblematise musical practices in community schools of music and art, as well as in elementary schools. The conceptual framework of the concept of social justice precipitates a focus on the prime object of study, El Sistema. Music education as organised by El Sistema explicitly communicates social aims, and the programme operates in both Swedish community schools of music and art, and in elementary schools. All together, the empirical data consist of marketing material (films and written documents), observational field-notes and sound recordings from one semester’s fieldwork in a children’s music educational group (ages 7-9), as well as sound-recorded focus group interviews with music teachers from both community schools of music and art and elementary schools. Article I shows how different conceptions of music, children, emotions, and social transformation are constructed to legitimate El Sistema in the Swedish community schools of music and art. Here, the objects of study are films and written texts published on El Sistema’s Swedish website. Article II elaborates how musical agency is performed by participating children in relation to conceptions of music education and social justice constructed in the educational practice. Articles III and IV elaborate teachers’ negotiations and constructions of teacher roles and the educational task in relation to conceptions of social justice. Within a comprehensive social constructionist perspective, participants’ opportunities for action and negotiation, in practice, are perceived as determined by societal, institutional and local preconditions, and by overarching and established conceptions that are typical for certain eras. With this theoretical point of departure, both local and societal conceptions of the musical subject, its objectives, means, and aims, as well as conceptions about accessibility, equality, democracy and social justice, are constantly negotiated. Thus, apparently natural and established ideas can be problematized. Based on all studies’ results, relations between established conceptions, structural preconditions, and social relations are scrutinised from the way they influence performances of the music educational practice. The final discussion encompasses consequences for teachers’ ability to reflect, as well as children’s and young peoples’ meaning making through musical actions. The thesis’ critical perspective aims at evoking new questions, and generating new knowledge concerning the preconditions and the content of institutionally financed music education.
  • Egelström, Monica (author)
  • Samma lärare – olika praktiker? : en studie av literacy och meningsskapande i grundskolans tidiga ämnesundervisning
  • 2019
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • This thesis focuses on school subjects as arenas for students' literacy development and meaning making. How instructional practices are formed create different preconditions for students' opportunities of literacy development and meaning making. The following questions have been explored: 1) How is instruction in mathematics and history organized and structured as preconditions for literacy practices?, 2) What instructional practices for literacy development and meaning making can be found in the school subjects mathematics and history?, and 3) How can existing instruction be used to formulate a zone of proximal development for educational practices in relation to students' literacy development and meaning making?Four teachers and their instruction in mathematics and history in 5th grade (students typically 11 years old) were followed. Classroom observations and teacher interviews were used as methods for data collection. Teacher interviews were carried out before, during, and after observational periods. The study draws on theories of literacy as situated practices (Barton & Hamilton, 2000; Street, 1984). For the analysis activity theory (Engeström, 2015; Leontiev, 1986) was used to create understandings of the two school subjects as human activity systems. To identify literacy practices within these systems autonomous and ideological models of literacy (Street, 1984) were used together with models of important resources (Freebody & Luke, 1990) and discourses (Ivanič, 2004) of literacy.The results indicate that school subjects can be understood as different activity systems. Mathematics and history instruction were directed at different objects, in relation to content but also in how the object was perceived by the teachers as subjects. The activity system and its object had consequences for the role of the teacher subject in the system, but also for student roles. Different objects were also linked to differences in how the class was considered as community of work and how division of labor was formed in this community. Differences in the activity systems seemed to be related to differences in literacy practices. The activity systems were at least partly related to different models of literacy and which resources and discourses of literacy were presented to students. Different communities of work implied different opportunities to use joint work as a tool for meaning making. Likewise, actions seemed differently linked as chains of literacy events in the two activity systems. Important, though, in both subjects a tertiary contradiction could be identified, which indicate a zone of proximal development for both subjects in relation to students' literacy development and meaning making.
  • Karlsson, Mikael, Docent, et al. (author)
  • Klimatpolitiska synergier : Från bördefördelning till skördefördelning
  • 2022
  • Reports (pop. science, debate, etc.)abstract
    • I takt med ökad klimatpåverkan finns allt starkare argument för en skärpt klimatpolitik. Samtidigt finns ett motstånd som inte minst bygger på uppfattningen att klimatåtgärder är orimligt dyra. Därför framställs klimatåtgärder ofta som en börda som måste fördelas mellan och inom länder. En tänkbar förklaring till denna uppfattning är att de nyttor som klimatåtgärder leder till utöver minskade klimatskador ofta varken synliggörs inför eller beaktas vid politiskt beslutsfattande. De synergieffekter som kan uppstå är i regel signifikanta i ekonomiska termer, i vissa fall större än kostnaden för den ursprungliga klimatåtgärden. Det är således missvisande att prata om klimatpolitik som om det enbart är en börda som måste fördelas, när det även finns nyttor att fördela. Detta framgår i denna rapport som redovisar forskningen om sidonyttor och vad denna kunskap kan innebära för samhället i allmänhet och klimatpolitiken i synnerhet. Den mest välstuderade sidonyttan av klimatåtgärder är förbättrad hälsa till följd av minskade luftföroreningar, men det finns även vetenskapligt stöd för att klimatåtgärder leder till förbättrad energisäkerhet, ökad biologisk mångfald och ökad sysselsättning. I denna rapport kallas dessa sidonyttor för Typ 1-nyttor. Sidonyttor kan också följa av beslut inom andra politikområden, exempelvis inom välfärds- och skatteområdet, där åtgärder vars huvudsakliga syfte är ett annat kan minska utsläppen. Detta kallar vi för Typ 2-nyttor. Samhällsekonomiska analyser är ett viktigt redskap i den politiska beslutsprocessen. I dessa står kostnader ofta i fokus, vilket givetvis är relevant för politiker som söker maximera samhällsnyttan av en begränsad budget och därför prioriterar mellan olika åtgärder. Det är dock viktigt att analysen även beaktar alla de sidonyttor som en åtgärd kan tänkas leda till, annars kan samhällsnyttan bli en helt annan än den största möjliga. Den genomgång av svensk klimatpolitik samt myndigheters och kommittéers klimatarbete som genomförts inom ramen för denna rapport visar att sidonyttor i regel förbises av utredningar och i politiskt beslutsfattande. Detta gäller både på nationell och lokal nivå. Med utgångspunkt i den vetenskapliga kunskapen om sidonyttors storlek och värde, ser vi behov av bland annat följande åtgärder: • Komplettera kommittéförordningen, det regelverk som styr hur politiskt tillsatta utredningar ska arbeta, med krav på att inkludera sidonyttor i konsekvensanalyser. Detsamma gäller instruktioner för myndigheters arbete. • Inför beslutskriterier som gör att sidonyttor verkligen vägs in i besluten, i bästa fall inom både klimatpolitiken och andra politikområden med klimatmässig relevans. • Utveckla modeller för att beräkna sidonyttor inför politiska beslut. Framförallt finns ett behov av aktuella schablonvärden för sidonyttor, i synnerhet schablonvärden uttryckta i ekonomisk vinst per reducerat ton koldioxid. Sammantaget skulle de åtgärder som föreslås i rapporten kunna leda till ett mer välbalanserat beslutsfattande och att den faktiska kostnaden och nyttan av en klimatåtgärd synliggörs. Analyser som beaktar alla relevanta kostnader och nyttor skulle klargöra att det ofta är vilseledande att beskriva en skärpt klimatpolitik som en bördefördelning, när det snarare handlar om en skördefördelning. 
  • Lögdberg, Ulrika, 1983- (author)
  • Understanding young people’s well-being within a translocal everyday life : How health and well-being are experienced and conditioned in the daily school life of young people recently migrated to Sweden
  • 2022
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • This dissertation deals with the relationship between young people’s health, everyday life, school, and migration. It is a compilation dissertation based on a comprehensive summary (kappa) and four empirical articles. With the school as a point of departure, the dissertation’s overarching aim is to explore everyday experiences of and conditions for health and well-being among young people who recently migrated to Sweden. Further, the aim is to illuminate and problematize the conditions and circumstances within which health is created and negotiated for this group of youths. The newly arrived youths’ experiences and conditions for health and well-being are analyzed through an overall social and cultural framework that emphasizes everyday life and micro-processes. At the same time, everyday experiences, social positionings, and material conditions, explored in the various studies, are linked to power processes. The individual’s room for agency in daily life depends on historical, structural, and relational conditions. In other words, health is related to power in various ways, which forms an extensive part of the dissertation’s analytical focus. The findings are based on three independent data collections, all with a qualitative, exploratory, and health-promoting approach. The study participants are males and females (16–20 years old) from Afghanistan, Syria, Somalia, Ethiopia, Burundi, Thailand, Turkmenistan, Palestine, Kosovo, and Greece. The overall findings show how the young people’s health and well-being are created and conditioned in relation to their relationally, spatially, and temporally situated life experiences, concerning their negotiations of migrant positions, and through their possibilities to matter in regard to the material conditions of the everyday life. By an overall social and cultural approach, emphasizing a translocal everyday life when exploring the conditions of health and well-being for young people recently arrived in Sweden, this dissertation contributes to an under-researched field at the intersection of young people’s everyday life, school, migration, and health.
  • Olsson, Eva, 1954- (author)
  • Emotioner i Arbete : En studie av vårdarbetares upplevelser av arbetsmiljö och arbetsvillkor
  • 2008
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The aim of this work is to understand, from a perspective of sociology of emotions, how employees within the health care sector experience their working environment and the conditions. By analysing how these experiences shape the interviewees’ perceptions of the quality of their working environment, the dissertation also seeks to arrive at an understanding of what the contributing factors are for their choice to either remain in or leave the organizations in which they are employed. This study has been conducted as a qualitative interview study. Vocational categories represented in the study are doctors, nurses, assistant nurses, midwives, and physical therapists. The analysis has employed an abductive approach, in which empirical sensitivity, interpretation, and theory are combined. The interpretative and empirical focus, and the theory used concentrate largely on emotions, and the resulting analysis is, thusly, a contribution within the sociology of emotions. The empirical analysis is organized in three chapters, describing and analysing three main areas: dissatisfaction with public organisations, social embeddedness, and emotional labour. In terms of results the dissertation demonstrates that workplaces undergoing repeated changes without strong support from the staff are experienced as bad, while workplaces where the employees feel affirmed and competent are experienced as good. However, it is not working environment and conditions alone that are meaningful for the interviewees, but so is the balance between work and private life, as well as the balance between social relations in and outside of the workplace. In addition, the emotional culture in workplaces and among colleagues is of crucial importance for the interviewees’ perceptions of their work. It is suggested that this pertains to the fact that health care work constitutes a specific type of emotional labour which, in the dissertation, is described as harbouring work. Hence, more than a matter of working environment and conditions, the interviewees’ experiences depend more upon factors such as the degree of embeddedness in social relationships, the emotional climate in the workplace, and the possibility to form a buffer culture. Moreover, it is these factors that underpin how and why employees choose to remain in or leave their workplaces.
  • Outakoski, Hanna, 1978- (author)
  • Multilingual literacy among young learners of North Sámi : contexts, complexity and writing in Sápmi
  • 2015
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • This thesis presents an investigation of the complexities of the immediate, ideological, educational, and societal contexts for literacy development among North Sámi learners between the ages of 9 and 15 who live in Northern Finland, Norway and Sweden in the central regions of Sápmi. Further, this thesis focuses on one area of literacy, namely writing. It examines these children’s writing, its phases and peculiarities, writing strategies, and the nature of transitions that these multilingual writers experience in switching between North Sámi, English and their respective national majority language. The main body of the collected materials consists of computer mediated pupil texts that the author gathered at 10 schools that arranged compulsory schooling in Central Sápmi during the school year 2012-2013. The texts were collected using keytroke logging methodology that not only records the final written product but also keeps track of changes and other writing activity during the writing session. Other materials collected and analyzed in this study include questionnaires addressed to the pupils, their parents, and to their language teachers. The materials also include detailed interviews with with 24 teachers from the participating schools. This study consists of six individual papers that focus at 1) research methodological aspects that concern studying Indigenous populations, 2) language attitudes, ideologies and available language arenas that have an impact on biliteracy emergence in North Sámi speaking Sápmi, or 3) the qualities and characteristics of multilingual pupil's writing and texts. The implications of the six individual papers are analyzed with respect to language revitalization and biliteracy emergence using the Hornbergian Continua of Biliteracy as the overarching theoretical framework. North Sámi, English and the national majority languages in the respective countries are constantly present in the lives of Sámi learners. Young Sámi learners grow up to be multilingual citizens of the global north through this extensive exposure to many languages and cultures from multiple sources such as popular culture, literature, media, community, tourism, and school. In their writing, multilingual Sámi learners show a wide spectrum of strategies and knowledge that carries over from one language to another. Nevertheless, most young Sámi learners cannot draw on equally many points on their Continua of Biliteracy in all their languages. Due to factors such as scarcity of adequate teaching materials, lack of popular culture and media content in Sámi languages, and language compartmentalizing language ideologies, the scales on the continua of biliteracy are in severe imbalance for many Sámi learners. Many Sámi learners risk losing their indigenous heritage language because the non-indigenous languages are prevalent in school as well as out of school contexts.
  • Sturk, Erika, 1971- (author)
  • Writing across the Curriculum in Compulsory School in Sweden
  • 2022
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • We live in a mass writing society (Brandt, 2015) with high demands on the citizens’ abilities to write for full participation, and effective teaching of writing  is important. This thesis explores how writing is taught in Swedish compulsory school across the curriculum, investigating both how teachers talk about and teach writing. The aim of the doctoral project is to explore how writing is taught across the curriculum in Swedish compulsory school. Two main questions are raised: What discourses of writing can be identified among teachers across the curriculum? How do teachers use writing for pedagogical purposes across the curriculum? These questions are investigated in three studies based on different empirical data. In the first, 60 teachers in Swedish as L1 in school years 1–9 described their teaching of writing in a questionnaire. In the second study, teachers’ interactions about the teaching of writing were explored in an extended staffroom on Facebook for teachers in both Swedish as L1 and as L2 in school years 1–9. In the third study, the teaching of writing in school practice across the curriculum was observed in school years 4–6.Ivanič’s (2004, 2017) framework for discourses of writing and learning to write was employed as an analytical tool. This framework builds on theories of language use in layers, accomplishing a comprehensive understanding of the teaching of writing. The framework consists of seven discourses of writing: a skills discourse, a creativity discourse, a discourse for thinking and learning, a process discourse, a genre discourse, a social practices discourse, and a sociopolitical discourse.The findings reveal that writing across the curriculum was undertaught but writing as a tool for learning – enacted in a discourse for thinking and learning – had a strong position. In language subjects, text-focused writing discourses dominated (a skills and a genre discourse) and a creativity and a process discourse were identified, often combined with a genre discourse. Contextfocused writing (a social practices and a socio-political discourse) was rare, as has been shown by other studies (cf. McCarthey et al., 2014). Language teachers seemed responsible for the teaching of writing, and models for writing were common, e.g., a practical process model and a model for genre writing. The pupils wrote for learning outcomes, and for their teacher, and there was a lack of participatory writing or a critical view on writing. Finally, a comprehensive teaching of writing is argued to develop pupils’ writing proficiency. How such teaching can be achieved is discussed in relation to teachers’ beliefs, the curriculum, subject conventions, school material (cf. Smidt, 2010), and colleagues and key persons on social media – and in relation to what literacy skills that are necessary in the 21st century.
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