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Search: WFRF:(Sundin Josefin)

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  • Aronsen, T., et al. (author)
  • The operational sex ratio and density influence spatial relationships between breeding pipefish
  • 2013
  • In: Behavioral Ecology. - : Oxford University Press (OUP). - 1045-2249 .- 1465-7279. ; 24:4, s. 888-897
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • The operational sex ratio (ratio of sexually receptive males to females) has been extensively studied in behavioral ecology, whereas other demographic factors such as the effect of density on mating behavior have received less empirical attention. We manipulated mating competition by establishing breeding populations of the sex-role reversed broad-nosed pipefish (Syngnathus typhle) at 2 sex ratios (male biased or female biased) and 2 densities. We used mean crowding (m*) and the index of association (X) to measure spatial distributions within and between the sexes, respectively, and investigated how these measures reflect the predicted strength of mating competition. In general, female m* increased as fewer males were available for mating, which suggests increased intrasexual competition in the most competitive sex. However, male m* also increased as the operational sex ratio became more female biased, suggesting that m* did not reflect mating competition for males. Association between the sexes (X) was higher under male bias than female bias, probably because males were still available for mating under male bias. In addition, X decreased in the female-biased treatment as the operational sex ratio became even more female biased. Higher density increased m* in both sex ratios and sexes, although for both sexes in the female-biased high-density treatment the operational sex ratio did not influence m*, probably because femalefemale competition inhibits further crowding in this treatment. In this study, we show that the use of m* and X can be a useful tool in behavioral studies but their interpretation requires detailed information about the mating system. Therefore, we recommend caution with their broadscale application.
  • Berglund, Anders, et al. (author)
  • Baltic pipefish females need twice as many males as they get
  • 2017
  • In: Behavioral Ecology. - : Oxford University Press (OUP). - 1045-2249 .- 1465-7279. ; 28:3, s. 827-832
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Sex role reversal in 2 pipefish species, Syngnathus typhle and Nerophis ophidion, is potentially explained by females reproducing twice as fast as males. Moreover, in oceanic populations from the Swedish west coast, females compete for males with males pre- ferring to mate with larger females. However, in a brackish Baltic population of S. typhle, males do not prefer larger mates, whereas choosiness remains in the local N. ophidion population. We explore whether this absence of male choice in brackish S. typhle can be explained by males and females having more similar potential reproductive rates here, whereas the sex difference may remain in the local N. ophidion population. Contrary to our expectations, in both species, females out-reproduced males by a factor of more than 2, just as in the oceanic populations. We measured this experimentally as the number of males a female potentially could fill with eggs within the time span of 1 male pregnancy, in relation to males available in nature. Thus, we conclude that sexual selection on females is as strong in brackish as in oceanic populations of both species but that targets of selection via male choice are shifted to traits other than body size in S. typhle. Hence, costs and benefits of choice are probably more important than potential reproductive rates to understand mate choice. We suggest that it may be misleading to use targets of sexual selection, such as choice for large body size, as an indicator of the strength of sexual selection. 
  • Bertram, Michael, et al. (author)
  • Evidence of the impacts of pharmaceuticals on aquatic animal behaviour: a systematic map protocol
  • 2021
  • In: Environmental Evidence. - : Springer Science and Business Media LLC. - 2047-2382. ; 10
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Background: Globally, there is growing concern over the impacts of pharmaceuticals and drug manufacturing on aquatic animals, and pharmaceuticals are now recognized as contaminants of emerging environmental concern. In recent years, scientists, environmental managers, and policymakers have been interested in using behavioural endpoints for chemical regulation, given their importance for ftness and survival. The body of research on whether and how pharmaceutical exposure alters the behaviour of aquatic animals has grown exponentially, making it diffcult to get an overview of the results. With an international spotlight on the management of these environmental threats, synthesizing the currently available data is vital to inform managers and policymakers, as well as highlighting areas where more research is needed. This is a protocol for a systematic evidence map (SEM) and serves as an a priori record of our objectives and methodological decisions. Our objectives are to identify, catalogue, and present primary research articles on the efects of human and veterinary pharmaceuticals on aquatic animal behaviour.Methods: The literature search will be conducted using two electronic databases: Web of Science and Scopus, and we will supplement these searches with additional sources. The search string has been developed using a Population–Exposure–Comparison–Outcome (PECO) framework, to capture articles that used an aquatic organism (P, population) to test the efects of a pharmaceutical (E, exposure) on behaviour (O, outcome). Eligible articles must also have a control group (C, comparison). Articles will be screened in two stages, title and abstract, followed by full-text screening before data extraction. Decision trees have been designed a priori to appraise articles for eligibility at both stages of screening. At both stages, screening each article will be completed by two independent reviewers. Study validity will be appraised but not used as a basis for article inclusion. The information extracted from the eligible articles, along with bibliometric data, will be mapped and displayed. All data associated with this SEM will be publicly available through the Open Science Framework (OSF) and a future project webpage.
  • Brüde Sundin, Josefin, 1975- (author)
  • En riktig rektor : Om ledarskap, genus och skolkulturer
  • 2007
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The overall aim of the study is to show, from an ethnographic point of view, the what, why and how of events in the daily life of the principals studied. The ambition is to try to understand the meaning of being a principal and the complex situation in which they op-erate. Some questions raised are: What do the principals’ working days look like? What constitutes the foundations of school leadership? What characterizes the context (the cul-tures) in which they work? Has gender any significance for school leadership?Earlier knowledge about leadership is mainly based on studies of male leaders, and or-ganizations are often considered as gender neutral. These circumstances make it urgent to study leadership from a gender perspective. Using an explorative, ethnographic approach with participant observations and recorded interviews seven principals were studied. Most of the data was collected during one and a half years of fieldwork, where the work of one female principal was observed.The result shows that leadership is a complex phenomenon. Relationships are seen as an essential aspect, and most of the daily work is accomplished through meetings and conver-sations with other people. The study illuminates how “a real principal” is constructed through relationships between many different individuals and groups. In this variety of sub-cultures different values and norms of behaviour are found. Schools can thus be regarded as multicultural organizations. Daily the principal has to try to understand, be aware of, and handle this cultural diversity. Partly as a consequence of this, emotions are constantly pre-sent in principals’ daily work. Principals have to deal with their own feelings as well as those of others. Contours of a gender contract are outlined, where cultural understandings of women and men become evident, and which the principals have to relate to.
  • Brüde Sundin, Josefin, 1975- (author)
  • Lösa knutar och knyta band : Erfarenheter och effekter av ett projekt om vuxnas lärande, samverkan och regional tillväxt
  • 2008
  • Reports (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Inledning och syfteHösten 2006 startade projektet ”Systempåverkan för lärande, utveckling och tillväxt”, även kallat LU-projektet. Tolv regioner i Sverige är inblandade i projektet, som pågick vidare under hela aret 2007. Det övergripande syftet var att samla, systematisera och sprida kunskap och erfarenheter från regionala samverkansprocesser inom området vuxnas lärande. LU-projektet drevs av Nationellt centrum för flexibelt lärande (CFL) i samverkan med APeL Forskning och utveckling, och finansieringen sköts av CFL och Europeiska Socialfonden via Svenska ESFRådet. Utvärderingen med tillhörande rapport utgör ett led i att få ut så mycket lärdom som möjligt från LU-projektet.Utvärderingen rör sig på ett övergripande plan kring de sex områden som APeL pekat ut som kritiska för att vuxnas utbildning och lärande på ett tydligare satt ska kunna kopplas till lokal och regional utveckling och tillväxt. Dessa områden ar:Visioner och strategierSyn på lärande och utbildningGränsöverskridande samverkanInvesteringar i utvecklingsarbeteOperativt samarbete med näringsliv och offentlig verksamhetSamordning av aktörer, resurser och aktiviteterSyftet med studien ar att utforska innebörden och effekterna av LU-projektet, samt hur man på olika nivåer har genomfört och erfarit arbetet med nämnda projekt, där både systemnivån och den individuella nivån beaktas. De frågeställningar/ frågeområden som belyses är:Arbetet med LU-projektetHur har man arbetat med LU-projektet i de deltagande regionerna och kommunerna? Vilka omständigheter uppfattas som hämmande respektive främjande i detta arbete? Vilka möjligheter och svårigheter har deltagarna stött på under projektets gång?Effekterna och betydelsen av LU-projektetVilken effekt har LU-satsningen haft lokalt/kommunalt respektive regionalt? Vad har projektet betytt för olika kommuner och olika regioner? Har det skett konkreta förändringar som kan kopplas till LU-projektet? Har lokala/kommunala och regionala aktörer ändrat sin syn på innebörden av vuxenutbildning och organiseringen för denna till följd av LU-projektet? Har man lärt sig något under arbetet med LU-projektet? Vilka ar de viktigaste erfarenheterna som gjorts?Som en bakgrund till frågeområdena ovan var det också nödvändigt att ta reda på de involverades uppfattningar om de centrala begreppen inom LU-projektet och om själva LU-projektet. Hur uppfattar och värderar regionala, och i viss man lokala/kommunala aktörer, vuxnas lärande (livslångt lärande, flexibelt lärande), regional tillväxt och samverkan? Vad anser man om själva satsningen som LU-projektet utgör? Vilka motiv har företrädarna for att arbeta med en satsning på vuxnas lärande? Vems behov ska uppfyllas med satsningen?MetodUndersökningen ar upplagd i två delstudier, där resultaten från delstudie 1 och delstudie 2 kompletterar varandra i en strävan att uppnå syftet med utvärderingen. Intervjuer och enkäter har använts för att erhålla både djup och bredd i datamaterialet. Delstudie 1 ar en intervjustudie där samtal förs med tolv regionala företrädare om hur de uppfattar LU-projektet, hur arbetet med LU-projektet fortskridit, vad som underlättat och vad som eventuellt varit svart, samt om effekterna och betydelsen av LU-projektet. Efter en sammanställning av intervjusvaren genomfördes en enkätstudie riktad till ansvariga tjänstemän/kvinnor inom vuxenutbildningen i de kommuner som deltar i LU-projektet. Detta kom att bli delstudie 2 och har ingår 90 personer. Frågorna i enkäten utarbetades dels utifrån de sex områden som utvärderingen rör sig omkring, dels med bakgrund i de resultat som erhållits i delstudie 1. Informanterna ombads att utgå ifrån sina faktiska erfarenheter av vad som har skett och hur det har sett ut under det senaste aret i deras kommun.ResultatFöreträdarna från den regionala nivån anser att vuxenutbildningen i Sverige ar inne i en omfattande förändringsprocess och LU-projektet anses ha kommit i ratt tid. De centrala begreppen inom LU-projektet uppfattas i huvudsak som viktiga av företrädarna från både regional och lokal nivå, både i ett individ- och ett samhällsperspektiv; för regioner, för kommuner och organisationer och för enskilda individer. Den brännande punkten inom LU-projektet är i min tolkning samverkan. En etablerad samverkan i regionen utgjorde en förutsättning för ett deltagande i projektet, och denna samverkan skulle utvecklas och dessutom synliggöras i syfte att dela med sig av erfarenheter och kunskaper mellan regioner. De regionala företrädarnas arbete har till stor del handlat om att ordna (och sköta administrationen för) mötesplatser för möjliga och faktiska samverkanspartners. Det rör sig om seminarier, konferenser, möten och kurser. De lokala företrädarna anger också ett antal aktiviteter som de har varit inblandade i och olika samverkanspartners som de har mött under projekttiden.Själva samverkansprocessen omges av olika omständigheter som kan underlätta eller försvara arbetet. God kommunikation och redan upparbetade kontaktnät sägs underlätta arbetet med LU-projektet, och dessutom framförs att hur det fungerar beror mycket på vilka personer som ar inblandade. Det ar inte ovanligt att samverkan anses fungera väl på en nivå, men inte på en annan. Olika förutsättningar inom de deltagande kommunerna (som exempelvis kan relateras till kommunstorlek), gränser mellan kommuner och skärningspunkten mellan teori och praktik, namns som omständigheter som har betydelse för hur arbetet fungerar, liksom variation i engagemang mellan deltagande parter. Ovilja och skillnader i uppfattningar, traditioner, strukturer och regelverk nämns av de regionala företrädarna som sådant som har varit nödvändigt att hantera i deras arbete. De lokala företrädarna instämmer i relativt låg grad i att svårigheter att samverka i ett förändringsarbete hänger samman med olika uppfattningar hos olika aktörer om vad som ar viktigt. Nar det gäller hur man kan lyckas med att förverkliga visioner för vuxnas lärande så instämmer ungefär två tredjedelar av informanterna helt eller delvis i att det har att göra med lokala verksamheters rädsla för försämringar om förändringarna genomförs. Men framför allt anser de lokala företrädarna att svårigheter med att rent praktiskt förverkliga visioner för vuxnas lärande och utbildning beror på att man i olika lokala verksamheter har svart att avsätta tid och pengar för att arbeta med utvecklingsfrågor. Tillgång till resurser i form av tid och pengar tas upp som en viktig faktor som informanterna på bägge nivåer relaterar sig till i sina svar. Man menar att ett långsiktigt tidsperspektiv ar viktigt i arbetet med förändrings- och utvecklingsprojekt som handlar om vuxnas lärande, och avsaknad av tid och pengar nämns som en frustrationskälla och en hindrande omständighet i arbetet med LU-projektet.Tid tas också upp som en anledning till att en del informanter tycker sig ha svårt att uttala sig om vad LU-projektet har betytt och givit för effekter i deras region eller kommun. De menar att det ar för tidigt att uttala sig om detta redan nu. Samtliga tolv regionala företrädare (även om en person till en början menar att sa inte är fallet) och två tredjedelar av de lokala företrädarna anser att LU-projektet har betytt något för deras region eller kommun. Det har skapats kontaktytor som har genererat möjligheter till samverkan mellan parter, exempelvis olika kommuner/kommunförbund, regioner/regionförbund, utbildningsanordnare, organisationer och företag/arbetsgivare. I möten mellan olika individer och grupper har det skett erfarenhets- och kunskapsutbyte där också insikt i och förståelse för varandras verksamheter och perspektiv kan ha åstadkommits. Kunskaperna kan röra utbildningars innehåll och form, hur ny teknik kan användas samt lagar och regler. Det kan också handla om nya kunskaper om samverkansprocesser, om hur man kan arbeta som projektledare för liknande projekt samt om vuxenutbildningens betydelse eller om hur man kan betrakta vuxnas lärande i relation till samverkan och regional tillväxt. Konkreta ”produkter” som samverkansavtal, webbportaler och utbildningar har också utarbetats eller utvecklats och möjligheter till fortbildning och kompetensutveckling har funnits.Det som har skett under LU-projektet kan också betraktas som möjligheter till ett experimenterande runt omkring frågan om vad som sker och vad som skulle kunna vara annorlunda inom området vuxnas lärande. Aven om förändringar eventuellt inte har skett sa snabbt som en del av informanterna kanske skulle ha önskat, sa har det anda inneburit reflektion över vad man faktiskt gör i olika verksamheter och organisationer och vad som skulle vara möjligt att göra annorlunda. Erfarenheter från LU-projektet kan aven betraktas som ett inspel i debatten om vad en region ar eller bör vara, och vad som kan vara fruktbara eller funktionella regionindelningar. LU-projektet har med andra ord bidragit till att skapa en arena där man har kunnat undersöka och experimentera med möjligheter och begränsningar för de ambitioner, visioner och målsättningar som finns på olika hall, vilket kan vara nog sa viktigt för kommande ageranden.
  • Brüde Sundin, Josefin (author)
  • Rektorn - ingen nobody
  • 2014
  • In: Dynamiska och komplexa miljöer. - Linköping : Linköpings universitet, Institutionen för beteendevetenskap och lärande. - 9789175192031 ; , s. 21-31
  • Book chapter (other academic/artistic)
  • Bryhn, Andreas, et al. (author)
  • Fisk- och skaldjursbestånd i hav och sötvatten 2019 : Resursöversikt
  • 2020
  • Reports (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Fisken i havet är en resurs som rör sig fritt över nationella gränser. EU har därför en gemensam fiskeripolitik (GFP). Många arter som är viktiga för Sverige regleras inte i GFP och förvaltas därför nationellt.Denna rapport syftar till att:beskriva utvecklingen av fiskeripolitikenförklara den nuvarande politikens mål och regelverk och dess relation till mål och regler på miljöområdetförklara politikens nationella genomförande och det nationella handlingsutrymmetexemplifiera hur Havs- och vattenmyndigheten arbetat med att reglera fisket.
  • Bryhn, Andreas, et al. (author)
  • Fisk- och skaldjursbestånd i hav och sötvatten 2020 : Resursöversikt
  • 2021
  • Reports (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • I rapporten kan du ta del av bedömningen som görs av situationen för bestånd som regleras inom ramen för EU:s gemensamma fiskeripolitik (GFP). Bedömningarna baseras på det forskningssamarbete och den rådgivning som sker inom det Internationella Havsforskningsrådet (ICES). Totalt redovisas underlag och råd för 48 fisk- och skaldjursarter.De bestånd som förvaltas nationellt baseras på de biologiska underlagen, och rådgivningen i huvudsak på den forskning och övervakning samt analys som bedrivs av Institutionen för akvatiska resurser vid Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet (SLU Aqua) samt yrkesfiskets rapportering.
  • Clark, Timothy D., et al. (author)
  • Maximum thermal limits of coral reef damselfishes are size dependent and resilient to near-future ocean acidification
  • 2017
  • In: Journal of Experimental Biology. - : COMPANY OF BIOLOGISTS LTD. - 0022-0949 .- 1477-9145. ; 220:19, s. 3519-3526
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Theoretical models predict that ocean acidification, caused by increased dissolved CO2, will reduce the maximum thermal limits of fishes, thereby increasing their vulnerability to rising ocean temperatures and transient heatwaves. Here, we tested this prediction in three species of damselfishes on the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Maximum thermal limits were quantified using critical thermal maxima (CTmax) tests following acclimation to either presentday or end-of-century levels of CO2 for coral reef environments (similar to 500 or similar to 1000 mu atm, respectively). While species differed significantly in their thermal limits, whereby Dischistodus perspicillatus exhibited greater CTmax (37.88 +/- 0.03 degrees C; N=47) than Dascyllus aruanus (37.68 +/- 0.02 degrees C; N=85) and Acanthochromis polyacanthus (36.58 +/- 0.02 degrees C; N=63), end-of-century CO2 had no effect (D. aruanus) or a slightly positive effect (increase in CTmax of 0.16 degrees C in D. perspicillatus and 0.21 degrees C in A. polyacanthus) on CTmax. Contrary to expectations, early-stage juveniles were equally as resilient to CO2 as larger conspecifics, and CTmax was higher at smaller body sizes in two species. These findings suggest that ocean acidification will not impair the maximum thermal limits of reef fishes, and they highlight the critical role of experimental biology in testing predictions of theoretical models forecasting the consequences of environmental change.
  • Clark, Timothy D., et al. (author)
  • Ocean acidification does not impair the behaviour of coral reef fishes
  • 2020
  • In: Nature. - : Springer Nature. - 0028-0836 .- 1476-4687. ; 577:7790, s. 370-375
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • The partial pressure of CO2 in the oceans has increased rapidly over the past century, driving ocean acidification and raising concern for the stability of marine ecosystems1,2,3. Coral reef fishes are predicted to be especially susceptible to end-of-century ocean acidification on the basis of several high-profile papers4,5 that have reported profound behavioural and sensory impairments—for example, complete attraction to the chemical cues of predators under conditions of ocean acidification. Here, we comprehensively and transparently show that—in contrast to previous studies—end-of-century ocean acidification levels have negligible effects on important behaviours of coral reef fishes, such as the avoidance of chemical cues from predators, fish activity levels and behavioural lateralization (left–right turning preference). Using data simulations, we additionally show that the large effect sizes and small within-group variances that have been reported in several previous studies are highly improbable. Together, our findings indicate that the reported effects of ocean acidification on the behaviour of coral reef fishes are not reproducible, suggesting that behavioural perturbations will not be a major consequence for coral reef fishes in high CO2 oceans.
  • Cowan, Zara-Louise, et al. (author)
  • A novel method for measuring acute thermal tolerance in fish embryos.
  • 2023
  • In: Conservation physiology. - 2051-1434. ; 11:1
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Aquatic ectotherms are vulnerable to thermal stress, with embryos predicted to be more sensitive than juveniles and adults. When examining the vulnerability of species and life stages to warming, comparable methodology must be used to obtain robust conclusions. Critical thermal methodology is commonly used to characterize acute thermal tolerances in fishes, with critical thermal maximum (CTmax) referring to the acute upper thermal tolerance limit. At this temperature, fish exhibit loss of controlled locomotion due to a temperature-induced collapse of vital physiological functions. While it is relatively easy to monitor behavioural responses and measure CTmax in larval and adult fish, this is more challenging in embryos, leading to a lack of data on this life stage, or that studies rely on potentially incomparable metrics. Here, we present a novel method for measuring CTmax in fish embryos, defined by the temperature at which embryos stop moving. Additionally, we compare this measurement with the temperature of the embryos' last heartbeat, which has previously been proposed as a method for measuring embryonic CTmax. We found that, like other life stages, late-stage embryos exhibited a period of increased activity, peaking approximately 2-3°C before CTmax. Measurements of CTmax based on last movement are more conservative and easier to record in later developmental stages than measurements based on last heartbeat, and they also work well with large and small embryos. Importantly, CTmax measurements based on last movement in embryos are similar to measurements from larvae and adults based on loss of locomotory control. Using last heartbeat as CTmax in embryos likely overestimates acute thermal tolerance, as the heart is still beating when loss of response/equilibrium is reached in larvae/adults. The last movement technique described here allows for comparisons of acute thermal tolerance of embryos between species and across life stages, and as a response variable to treatments.
  • Holmgren, Kerstin, et al. (author)
  • Havsvandrande fiskar övervakas i indexälvar
  • 2021
  • Other publication (pop. science, debate, etc.)abstract
    • Miljöövervakning i enskilda vattenförekomster ger ingen heltäckande bild av tillstånd och trender för fiskar som under sitt liv rör sig mellan sötvatten och hav – havsvandrande fiskar. Därför följs mängden vandrande lax och ål i olika livsstadier särskilt i så kallade indexälvar. På många ställen har åtgärder satts in för att förbättra livsutrymmet för havsvandrande fisk och för att underlätta deras vandring.
  • Holmgren, Kerstin, et al. (author)
  • Temperaturmätning i samband med provfisken
  • 2020
  • Other publication (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Tidsmässig och rumslig variation i vattentemperatur påverkar fisk och kräftor på många sätt, och vattentemperatur mäts i samband med olika provfisken. Vi har i denna rapport sammanställt information om varför och hur vi gör temperaturmätningar i samband med Sötvattenslaboratoriets nätprovfisken, ålprovfisken med ryssjor och kräftprovfisken med mjärdar. Rapporten innehåller också resultatet från en pilotstudie där vi jämförde temperaturmätningar via temperaturloggar vid nät med momentana temperaturprofiler från 2017, och jämförelser mellan momentana temperaturmätningar vid ål- och kräftprovfisken med data från temperaturloggar placerade i de provfiskade områdena under 2016 och 2017. Pilotstudien 2017 bekräftade att en temperaturprofilmätning kan användas för att ge rimliga skattningar av temperaturen vid enskilda nät placerade vid olika djup i olika delar av mindre sjöar. Pilotstudien bekräftade också farhågan att temperaturmätningar vid enskilda nät i Vättern kan avvika oacceptabelt mycket från temperatur mätt vid motsvarande djup i en enda temperaturprofilmätning per provfiskat område. Dessutom tenderade temperaturen vid näten att vara systematiskt lägre än vid motsvarande djup i temperaturprofilen. Hanteringen av temperaturloggar vid näten var ett tidsödande moment både i fält och på kontoret efter fältsäsongen. Eventuellt ökad kostnad för rutinmässig temperaturmätning vid varje nät behöver därför vägas mot kostnader för en eller flera temperaturprofiler i samband med varje provfiske. En sådan avvägning behöver göras för sjöar av olika storlek och hydrologi, eftersom pilotstudien indikerar att temperaturmätning vid näten kan vara mer kostnadseffektiv i större och djupare sjöar. I nuläget saknar vi information från sjöar av intermediär storlek, eftersom den största av våra mindre sjöar var betydligt mindre och grundare än de provfiskade områdena i Vättern. Våra temperaturjämförelser i samband med ål- och kräftprovfisken 2016- 2017 visade att momentana temperaturmätningar stämde överraskande väl överens med medelvärden från temperaturloggar placerade i de provfiskade områdena. Jämförelsen försvårades dock påtagligt av att temperaturdata från tidigare provfisken inte fanns lätt tillgängliga i kvalitetssäkrade databaser. Problemet åtgärdades delvis under projektets gång, genom förberedelser av datafiler, för att senare lagras i befintliga databaser som Kräftdatabasen och Sötvattenslaboratoriets temperaturdatabas för sjöar. För att detta arbete ska fortlöpa och utvecklas föreslår vi att arbetet koordineras av den grupp som jobbar med utveckling av alla Sötvattenslaboratoriets databaser.
  • Jacobson, Philip, et al. (author)
  • En fena på att bestämma ålens ursprung : ett pilotprojekt
  • 2023
  • Reports (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Samtliga ålar som sätts ut i svenska vatten är sedan 2009 kemiskt märkta med strontium. För att detektera strontiummärkningen utförs kemisk analys av ålens otoliter (hörselstenar), vilket kräver att ålen avlivas innan en analys är möjlig då otoliterna sitter i ålens huvud. Skulle det gå att ersätta otoliterna för att detektera strontiummärkningen med någon annan typ av vävnad som inte kräver att ålen avlivas?I detta pilotprojekt undersökte vi om det går att detektera strontiummärkningen i fenorna från strontiummärkta småålar. Vi preparerade och analyserade kemiska sammansättningen i otoliter, bröstfenor och stjärtfenor från 30 strontiummärkta småålar. Strontiummärkningen detekterades för samtliga småålar med deras otoliter men vi kunde inte detektera strontiummärkningen för någon individ med deras fenor.För ett stort antal fiskarter har fenprover framgångsrikt använts för att analysera skillnader i strontiumkoncentrationer för att kartlägga fiskens vandringar mellan vattenförekomster. Vi kunde inte detektera strontiummärkningen i ålens fenor denna pilotstudie vilket kan bero på strontium inte lagras in i ålens fenor på samma sätt som hos andra fiskar varför deras fenor inte kan ersätta otoliter för att detektera strontiummärkningen. Att vi inte kunde detektera strontiummärkningen kan också bero på att vi använde oss av för små ålar. För att säkerställa att ålens fenor inte kan ersätta dess otoliter skulle ytterligare kemiska analyser behöva utföras för att möjliggöra en jämförelse av strontiumkoncentrationen i fenorna mellan märkta och omärkta ålar av samma storlek och ålder för att säkerställa att fenorna inte kan ersätta ålens otoliter.Att arbeta och forska för att utveckla icke-dödliga insamlingsmetoder för att detektera strontiummärkningen hos utsatt ål är högst önskvärt då ålen klassas som akut hotad då dess populationsstorlek idag är 1-5 % av vad den var under perioden 1960-1979. Utveckling av icke-dödliga insamlingsmetoder skulle möjliggöra nya typer av utvärderingsstudier gällande ålutsättningar, exempelvis genom att jämföra vandringsbeteende mellan utsatt och naturligt rekryterad ål med exempelvis märkningsstudier som i regel kräver att ålens ursprung är känt innan märkningen sker.
  • Jacobson, Philip, et al. (author)
  • Ålen i Fardume träsk – sammanställning över data från 1980-2022
  • 2023
  • Reports (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Denna rapport sammanställer information om projektet Ålen i Fardume träsk, som startade 1980 på Gotland med syftet att undersöka både ekologiska och ekonomiska resultat av ålutsättningar. Då projektet varit igång sedan 1980 har flera aktörer varit inblandade, och data har lagrats i pärmar och digitalt på olika hårddiskar, servrar och databaser genom åren. Syftet med denna rapport är därför att redogöra vad som gjorts inom projektet sedan 1980 fram till idag (2022), för att ge en bakgrund till det arbete som gjorts, vilka studier som publicerats med data från platsen och vilket data som idag finns tillgängligt. Denna syntes är nödvändig för att möjliggöra framtida användning av insamlad data från ålprojektet vid Fardume träsk.Totalt har ca 101 000 ålindivider satts ut i Fardume träsk, 1980 sattes det ut ca 53 000 individer och 1989 sattes det ut ytterligare ca 48 000 individer. Det introducerade ålbeståndets utveckling har sedan följts upp kontinuerligt via en fälla som fångar utvandrande ål från Fardume träsk i Bångån. Fällan har varit drift sedan 1980 och det samlas fortfarande in ål här vilket idag finansieras via SLU Aqua och länsstyrelsen Gotland. Fällan i Bångån har genererat utvandringsdata (antal fångade ålar per år) samt individdata då ål samlats in från fällan för individprovtagning i laboratorium.Totalt har det publicerats åtta vetenskapliga artiklar baserat på data från Fardume träsk, den första publicerades 1986 och den sista 2003. Sedan 2003 har inga vetenskapliga artiklar publicerats med data från Fardume träsk. Otoliter från ål från Fardume träsk har använts för att utveckla och validera åldersläsning av ål då de har en känd ålder (utsatta antingen 1980 eller 1989).Data från Fardume träsk gicks igenom av personal på SLU Aqua under 2020 och 2021 då det fanns flera frågetecken kring datakvalitén och var data lagrades. Sammanställningarna visade att fångstdata från fällan i Bångån behöver ses över och jämföras med fältprotokoll (främst efter 1995) men det går att använda data idag för att säga att det bör ha fångats minst 14 914 individer i fällan under 1980-2022. Individdata finns idag sparade i två separata Excel-filer samt i SLU Aquas databas Sötebasen, dessa filer behöver ses över, kombineras, kontrolleras så att inte samma individ förekommer flera gånger och sedan lagras på en beständig plats innan det kan användas i forskningssyfte.Det finns idag 26 år med data från Fardume träsk som inte använts i någon (för oss) känd vetenskaplig artikel eller rapport. Data från fällan i Bångån skulle kunna användas för att utvärdera hur stor andel av utsättningen som återfångats vilket kan användas för att skatta hur mycket ål som producerats på en känd sjöareal, möjliggöra nya studier gällande utvandringsstorlekar, kondition, tillväxt, parasitering med mera. Individdata skulle kunna användas för att följa tillväxtmönster, överlevnad, könsfördelning, konditionsfaktorer och storleksstrukturen för den ål som vandrat ut från Fardume träsk via Bångån samt för att utvärdera hur länge utsatt ål stannar i ett system efter en utsättning.
  • Jutfelt, Fredrik, et al. (author)
  • Brain cooling marginally increases acute upper thermal tolerance in Atlantic cod
  • 2019
  • In: Journal of Experimental Biology. - : The Company of Biologists. - 0022-0949 .- 1477-9145. ; 222:19
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Physiological mechanisms determining thermal limits in fishes are debated but remain elusive. It has been hypothesised that motor function loss, observed as loss of equilibrium during acute warming, is due to direct thermal effects on brain neuronal function. To test this, we mounted cooling plates on the heads of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) and quantified whether local brain cooling increased whole-organism acute upper thermal tolerance. Brain cooling reduced brain temperature by 2-6 °C below ambient water temperature and increased thermal tolerance by 0.5 and 0.6 °C on average relative to instrumented and uninstrumented controls, respectively, suggesting that direct thermal effects on brain neurons may contribute to setting upper thermal limits in fish. However, the improvement in thermal tolerance with brain cooling was small relative to the difference in brain temperature, demonstrating that other mechanisms (e.g. failure of spinal and peripheral neurons, or muscle) may also contribute to controlling acute thermal tolerance.
  • Jutfelt, Fredrik, et al. (author)
  • Two-current choice flumes for testing avoidance and preference in aquatic animals
  • 2017
  • In: Methods in Ecology and Evolution. - : John Wiley & Sons. - 2041-210X. ; 8:3, s. 379-390
  • Research review (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Aquatic chemical ecology is an important and growing field of research that involves understanding how organisms perceive and respond to chemical cues in their environment. Research assessing the preference or avoidance of a water source containing specific chemical cues has increased in popularity in recent years, and a variety of methods have been described in the scientific literature. Two-current choice flumes have seen the greatest increase in popularity, perhaps because of their potential to address the broadest range of research questions.Here, we review the literature on two-current choice flumes and show that there is a clear absence of standardized methodologies that make comparisons across studies difficult. Some of the main issues include turbulent flows that cause mixing of cues, inappropriate size of choice arenas for the animals, short experiments with stressed animals, failure to report how experiment and researcher biases were eliminated, general underreporting of methodological details, underutilization of collected data and inappropriate data analyses.In this review, we present best practice guidelines on how to build, test and use two-current choice flumes to measure the behavioural responses of aquatic animals to chemical cues, and provide blueprints for flume construction. The guidelines include steps that can be taken to avoid problems commonly encountered when using two-current choice flumes and analysing the resulting data.This review provides a set of standards that should be followed to ensure data quality, transparency and replicability in future studies in this field.
  • Karlsson, Erik, et al. (author)
  • Strong positive relationships between eDNA concentrations and biomass in juvenile and adult pike (Esox lucius) under controlled conditions: Implications for monitoring
  • 2022
  • In: Environmental DNA. - : Wiley. - 2637-4943. ; 4, s. 881-893
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Reliable abundance information is the foundation for managing aquatic resources. Species with low catchability are, however, often overlooked in monitoring programmes. Thus, governing bodies lack the data necessary to make well-informed management decisions. Environmental DNA (eDNA) can produce quantitative estimates of fish abundances, but the precision varies greatly depending on the species and system. It is, therefore, necessary to evaluate its performance and investigate how fish biomass and density affects eDNA dynamics on a case-by-case basis before eDNA-based monitoring can be a viable option. Here, we evaluate how biomass and density of an ecologically and socioeconomically important top predator, the Northern pike (Esox lucius), relate to eDNA concentrations in controlled aquarium and mesocosm experiments. We carried out experiments using both juvenile and adult individuals and evaluated eDNA, biomass and density relationships at three different time points using a previously developed TaqMan assay, targeting the cytochrome oxidase I gene. We also evaluated the performance of multiple extraction methods (DNeasy Blood & Tissue kit, DNeasy PowerWater kit, and Chelex 100), and filtering systems (single- vs. double-membrane filters). The results from both pike experiments showed a strong positive linear relationship between eDNA concentration and pike biomass (R2 = 0.74 – 0.87). Levels of eDNA dropped drastically within the initial 24 h of juvenile pike being removed from the aquaria, and low levels were detectable for up to 308 h. Of the extraction methods, Chelex 100 yielded the highest DNA concentration, offering a quick and cost-effective alternative compared with existing widely used extraction methods. Using double membrane filters of different material showed no increase in DNA yield regardless of the extraction method but it allowed more water to be processed. Although several challenges remain, our results show that eDNA holds promise to become a useful tool for monitoring fish biomass in natural environments.
  • Landis, Susanne H., et al. (author)
  • Behavioral adjustments of a pipefish to bacterial Vibrio challenge
  • 2012
  • In: Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. - : Springer Science and Business Media LLC. - 0340-5443 .- 1432-0762. ; 66:10, s. 1399-1405
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Animals can profit from increasing temperatures by prolonged breeding seasons and faster growth rates. However, these fitness benefits are traded off against higher parasite load and increased virulence of temperature-sensitive pathogens. In thermally stratified habitats, behavioral plasticity can allow hosts to choose the optimal temperature to enhance individual fitness and to escape parasite pressure. To test this idea, we performed a temperature choice experiment with the host-parasite system of the sex-role reversed broad-nosed pipefish (Syngnathus typhle) and its bacterial pathogen Vibrio spp. In this species, pregnant males are expected to face a trade-off between shortening their brooding period in warm water and decreasing the effect of the infection in cold water. We found that exposure to Vibrio changed the temperature preference for both pregnant and nonpregnant males, as well as females compared to nonchallenged fish that tended to prefer warm water. This study shows that behavioral plasticity is one option for avoidance of higher bacterial prevalence, as expected due to rising ocean temperatures.
  • Landis, Susanne H., et al. (author)
  • Female pipefish can detect the immune status of their mates
  • 2015
  • In: Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. - : Springer Science and Business Media LLC. - 0340-5443 .- 1432-0762. ; 69:12, s. 1917-1923
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Given the ubiquity of the parasites and their important fitness consequences on mate and offspring condition, selection for the ability to distinguish healthy from parasitized potential mates is a key process to enhance Darwinian fitness. In this study, we experimentally evaluated how the immunological experience of two potential partners influences mate choice, using the sex-role-reversed pipefish Syngnathus typhle. We exposed S. typhle to immune challenges with heat-killed Vibrio bacteria and investigated whether the activation of the immune system determined mate preferences. Our results demonstrate that the immune status of the potential partners influenced female mate preference, such that females that were exposed to an immune challenge became choosy and favored unchallenged males. Males, however, did not show any preferences for female immune status. In this context, we discuss mate choice decisions and behavioral plasticity as a complex result of immune challenge, severity of infection, as well as trans-generational effects.
  • Lindqvist, Charlotte, et al. (author)
  • Male broad-nosed pipefish Syngnathus typhle do not locate females by smell
  • 2011
  • In: Journal of Fish Biology. - London : Academic Press. - 0022-1112 .- 1095-8649. ; 78:6, s. 1861-1867
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Broad-nosed pipefish Syngnathus typhle were used to investigate whether males used scent in their search for mates. When the males in an experiment had access to olfactory cues only, they did not locate females better than they located males. Thus, S. typhle, was less successful in mate search when visual cues were absent.
  • Ljunggren, Nils, et al. (author)
  • Eliminering av signalkräfta på Gotland : En redovisning av utförda åtgärder inom åtgärdsprogrammet för bevarande av flodkräfta under 2007-2009
  • 2010
  • Reports (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • SummaryThe Noble crayfish,Astacus astacus (also called the European crayfish or the broad-fingeredcrayfish) used to be the most common crayfish species in Sweden and Europe. It issusceptible to the crayfish plague,Aphanomyces astaci, and since 1907, when the firstoutbreak of crayfish plague was noted in Sweden, the Swedish Noble crayfish population hasdecreased with 97 %. The pattern is the same in all of Europe. To compensate for thediminishing Noble crayfish populations, Signal crayfish, Pacifastacus leniusculus wasintroduced into Europe (in Sweden in 1960). However, despite its resistance to crayfishplague, it still acts as a carrier of the disease. Thus, the introduction of the Signal crayfish mayhave accelerated the extinction rate of native crayfish populations. In Europe, the IUCN RedList of Threatened Species classifies the Noble crayfish as vulnerable. In Sweden theprospects for the crayfish are even worse, and the Official Swedish Red List classifies theNoble crayfish as Critical Endangered (based on the IUCN Red List criteria), facing anextremely high risk of extinction in the wild in the immediate future.The Swedish island of Gotland, situated in the Baltic Sea, is the first protected area in Swedenfor the Noble crayfish. No known outbreaks of crayfish plague have been confirmed onGotland, and Gotland is considered one of the very few areas left in Sweden that are notexposed to the crayfish plague. However, on Gotland there are three confirmed water bodieswhere Signal crayfish has been illegally introduced. The County Administrative Board onGotland was given the formal commission to exterminate any occurring populations of theSignal crayfish, as they can be carriers of the crayfish plague. This report contains of theactions taken to eliminate the Signal crayfish populations on Gotland during the years 2007–2009.The three localities where Signal crayfish occurs, including the ponds and the surroundingenvironment, was firmly investigated concerning the physical property and the composition ofthe ecosystem. The ponds where then treated with a pesticide containing the active substancedeltamethrin, with the aim of extinguishing all Signal crayfish. Deltamethrin is a syntheticpyrethroid insecticide, widely used on crops, as it is stable, less volatile and environmentallycompatible. The toxicity on mammals, including humans, and bird is relatively low ascompared to other pesticides, while it has been shown to be lethal to arthropods in very lowconcentrations. The ponds were treated with a dose aimed to reach a concentration of 0.5 μgdeltamethrin/l to obtain lethal doses.The outcome of the extermination of the signal crayfish in the three localities on Gotland wassuccessful so far. No live crayfish was found after the treatment, and all crayfish that wereplaced in cages in the ponds to control for the effectiveness of the pesticide treatment died.The concentration of deltamethrin declined rapidly and reached values below 0.1 μg/l, theEuropean Union drinking water limit, within one or a couple of weeks. The final succes ofthese actions is still uncertain as surviving individuals may take several years to detect.Inspections at all sites during the following years need to be carried out in order to determineif the Signal crayfish was completely exterminated from Gotland. 
  • Morgan, Rachael, et al. (author)
  • Are model organisms representative for climate change research? : Testing thermal tolerance in wild and laboratory zebrafish populations
  • 2019
  • In: Conservation Physiology. - : Oxford University Press. - 2051-1434. ; 7:1
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Model organisms can be useful for studying climate change impacts, but it is unclear whether domestication to laboratory conditions has altered their thermal tolerance and therefore how representative of wild populations they are. Zebrafish in the wild live in fluctuating thermal environments that potentially reach harmful temperatures. In the laboratory, zebrafish have gone through four decades of domestication and adaptation to stable optimal temperatures with few thermal extremes. If maintaining thermal tolerance is costly or if genetic traits promoting laboratory fitness at optimal temperature differ from genetic traits for high thermal tolerance, the thermal tolerance of laboratory zebrafish could be hypothesized to be lower than that of wild zebrafish. Furthermore, very little is known about the thermal environment of wild zebrafish and how close to their thermal limits they live. Here, we compared the acute upper thermal tolerance (critical thermal maxima; CTmax) of wild zebrafish measured on-site in West Bengal, India, to zebrafish at three laboratory acclimation/domestication levels: wild-caught, F-1 generation wild-caught and domesticated laboratory AB-WT line. We found that in the wild, CTmax increased with increasing site temperature. Yet at the warmest site, zebrafish lived very close to their thermal limit, suggesting that they may currently encounter lethal temperatures. In the laboratory, acclimation temperature appeared to have a stronger effect on CTmax than it did in the wild. The fish in the wild also had a 0.85-1.01 degrees C lower CTmax compared to all laboratory populations. This difference between laboratory-held and wild populations shows that environmental conditions can affect zebrafish's thermal tolerance. However, there was no difference in CTmax between the laboratory-held populations regardless of the domestication duration. This suggests that thermal tolerance is maintained during domestication and highlights that experiments using domesticated laboratory-reared model species can be appropriate for addressing certain questions on thermal tolerance and global warming impacts.
  • Myrenås, Elin, et al. (author)
  • Effects of the invasive swim bladder parasite Anguillicola crassus on health and condition indicators in the European eel
  • 2023
  • In: Journal of Fish Diseases. - 0140-7775 .- 1365-2761. ; 46, s. 1029-1047
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Parasites negatively affect biological processes within their hosts, which may alter for example health, growth, and reproductive ability. Non-native invasive parasites, in particular, may have large effects on the endemic hosts, given that the hosts lack evolved specific defences against such parasites. The swim bladder nematode Anguillicola crassus, an invasive parasite originating from Asia, is found in the European eel (Anguilla anguilla, L. 1758), since the 1980s. We investigated whether A. crassus affected several indicators related to health of the European eel (spleen- and liver size, body fat content and relative condition). Our results indicate that during the continental residency of the eels, infection by A. crassus had no major negative impacts on the investigated health indicators at the generally low infection intensities present in this study (median 2-3 visible parasites). Given that many of the adult eels were found to have swim bladder damage, concerns about their spawning migration through deeper oceanic environments can still be raised. To allow further investigations, we suggest that quantification of swim bladder damage should be implemented in eel-monitoring programs. Compared to other parasite pressure parameters, swim bladder damage provides additional information about past infections and future problems.
  • Norin, Tommy, et al. (author)
  • Predator presence affects activity patterns but not food consumption or growth of juvenile corkwing wrasse (Symphodus melops)
  • 2021
  • In: Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. - : Springer. - 0340-5443 .- 1432-0762. ; 75:1
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Indirect effects of predators can manifest themselves as changes in prey behaviour and physiology. Given that digestion requires energy, it has been suggested that prey will choose to eat smaller meals under predation risk to reserve a larger portion of the aerobic metabolic scope they have available for energetically demanding tasks more critical than digestion, such as escape. To test this prediction, we quantified food consumption and growth of juvenile corkwing wrasses (Symphodus melops) over 11 days in the presence or absence of a predator (Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua). We then quantified behaviour and food consumption of the same wrasses in behavioural arenas with a predator. All food consumption was examined in the context of the aerobic scope that would have been available during the digestive period. Overall, there was no effect of predator exposure on food consumption or growth, yet predator-exposed wrasses were more consistent in their daily food consumption, lending some support to our prediction of prey bet-hedging on meal size under predation risk. The lack of a clear pattern may have resulted from a relatively low percentage of aerobic scope (similar to 20-27%) being occupied by digestion, such that fish retained ample capacity for activities other than digestion. In the subsequent behavioural trials, predator-exposed wrasses were more active and spent more time near the cod than predator-naive wrasses, suggesting the former had habituated to predation threat and were more risk-taking. Our results highlight the complex and often counter-intuitive effects that predator presence can have on prey populations beyond direct consumption. Significance statement Predators affect the behaviour of prey species by simply being present in the environment. Such intimidation by predators can change activity patterns of prey and be as important as direct predation for ecosystem dynamics. However, compared to behavioural changes, we know little about how predators indirectly affect prey physiology. We investigated if fish deliberately eat less food when a predator is present, in order to retain sufficient physiological capacity for avoiding a potential attack, on top of the energetically costly process of digesting. While our study confirms that predator encounters reduce prey activity, prey fish appeared to rapidly habituate to predator presence and we did not see reduced food consumption in predator-exposed fish; these were, however, more consistent than unexposed fish in their daily food consumption, suggesting that fish may still be mindful about protecting their aerobic capacity under predation risk.
  • Näslund, Joacim, et al. (author)
  • Negative influence of a threatened species on ecological status classification: A case study of the influence of European eel within the Swedish fish index VIX
  • 2022
  • In: Ecological Indicators. - : Elsevier BV. - 1470-160X .- 1872-7034. ; 144
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Biological indicators are important quality elements for classification of ecological status of water bodies ac-cording to the European Water Framework Directive. Multimetric indices are commonly regarded as robust and reliable indicators of human impact and are often used as quality elements. In fish-based indices, species are often grouped into guilds based on general tolerance to common anthropogenic pressures, with higher pro-portion of tolerant species being indicative of degraded systems. Within the Swedish electrofishing index VIX, the critically endangered European eel Anguilla anguilla (L.) is classified as a tolerant indicator species, and it therefore has a negative effect on classified ecological status. The scientific literature, however, suggests that eels are not generally tolerant and they benefit from similar environmental conditions as many insensitive species. VIX has been criticized for being too sensitive to the presence of eel in catch data, leading to low status clas-sifications when eels are caught in the monitoring surveys. In a case study using manipulations of historical electrofishing data, we assessed the influence of eel presence and abundance on the ecological status classifi-cation as determined by VIX. We demonstrate that reduction of eels in survey data have positive effects on the classified status, in many cases substantial effects. An increase of eels in the data had the reverse effect. Mere presence of eel had a strong negative effect, which is problematic if the aim is to increase the endangered eel population. Given the Swedish classification system where the quality element indicating the worst status is decisive, the classified ecological status of Swedish rivers can theoretically be improved by management actions disfavouring eel, unless the results from VIX are carefully evaluated by experts. Along the same lines, measures implemented with an aim to increase the endangered eel population will lead to a decrease in assessed ecological status of Swedish rivers. Our conclusion is that the usage of VIX within Swedish water management is prob-lematic and needs revision. From a broader perspective, the classification of species as generally tolerant need to be approached with great caution when developing new indices for assessing ecological status and integrity.
  • Ogonowski, Martin, et al. (author)
  • Temperature moderates eDNA-biomass relationships in northern pike
  • 2023
  • In: Environmental DNA. - 2637-4943. ; 5, s. 750-765
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Support for eDNA as a quantitative monitoring tool is growing worldwide. Despite ad-vances, there are still uncertainties regarding the representability of the eDNA signal over varying spatiotemporal scales, the influence of abiotic forcing, and phenological changes affecting the behavior of the study organism, particularly in open environ-ments. To assess the spatiotemporal variability and predictive power of quantitative eDNA analysis, we applied species-specific real-time quantitative PCR on water fil-trates during two visits to 22 coastal bays in the Baltic Sea. Within bays, we col-lected water along four transects across each bay and compared the pooled eDNA concentration to temporally matched catches from standardized angling targeting the northern pike (Esox lucius), a species for which reliable monitoring data is lacking. We found the variability in eDNA concentrations between transects to be moder-ate (21%) but still considerably lower than across bays and visits (52%), suggesting small-    scale spatial differences are of less importance during spring when pike spawn. Standardized angling catches, bay area, and water temperature together explained 48% of the variance in eDNA concentrations. DNA concentrations decreased with the increasing bay area, likely indicating a dilution effect. Notably, the relationship be-tween eDNA and standardized catches was positive but varied with temperature and the eDNA-abundance relationship was only significant at higher temperatures, which also coincided with a higher proportion of spawning/spent fish. We conclude that temperature is a key moderating factor driving changes in pike behavior and spring DNA-    dynamics. We recommend that future surveys focus on larger spatiotemporal scales during times when the influence of changing temperatures is minimized.
  • Raby, Graham D., et al. (author)
  • Exposure to elevated carbon dioxide does not impair short-term swimming behaviour or shelter-seeking in a predatory coral-reef fish
  • 2018
  • In: Journal of Fish Biology. - : Wiley. - 0022-1112 .- 1095-8649. ; 93:1, s. 138-142
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Adult bluespotted rockcod Cephalopholis cyanostigma, a coral-reef grouper, were acclimated to either ambient (mean +/- s.d. 406 +/- 21 atm; 1 atmos = 101325 Pa) or high pCO(2) (945 +/- 116 atm) conditions in a laboratory for 8-9 days, then released at the water surface directly above a reef (depth c. 5 m) and followed on video camera (for 191 +/- 21 s) by scuba divers until they sought cover in the reef. No differences were detected between groups in any of the six measured variables, which included the time fish spent immobile after release, tail beat frequency during swimming and the time required to locate and enter the protective shelter of the reef.
  • Raby, Graham D., et al. (author)
  • Swim for it : Effects of simulated fisheries capture on the post-release behaviour of four Great Barrier Reef fishes
  • 2018
  • In: Fisheries Research. - : ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV. - 0165-7836 .- 1872-6763. ; 206, s. 129-137
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • After being caught and released by a fishery, some animals may be sufficiently impaired so as to be vulnerable to predators. The duration and severity of post-release impairments have rarely been studied under natural conditions; the vitality of animals is usually assessed aboard a vessel, prior to release, while examinations of post-release behaviour are usually restricted to what is within view of a vessel. In this study, we quantified the post-release behavior of the common coral trout (Plectropomus leopardess), two species of emperor (Lethrinus spp.), and the Spanish flag snapper (Lutjanus carponotatus), each of which is actively fished throughout the Great Barrier Reef. SCUBA divers followed fish in the field and recorded their behavior with underwater video cameras after a simulated catch-and-release event. Relative to a low stress treatment (held in an aerated tank prior to release), fish exposed to forced exercise and 5 min of air exposure spent more time in vulnerable positions after release, including 5.8 x more time immobile under the boat upon release, 1.6 x more time to reach the reef floor, and 2.4 x longer to reach the protection of the reef. The effects of the catch-and-release simulation on tailbeat frequency, ventilation rate, and the proportion of overall time spent immobile were not significant except in L. carponotatus, which spent significantly more time immobile when exposed to the high stress treatment. Indeed, there were some notable differences among species, with the magnitude of the behavioural impairments being lower and less variable in coral trout than in Lethrinus spp. or L. carponotatus. These findings provide support for the notion that minimizing air exposure time in hook-and-line fisheries should reduce post-release behavioural impairments and thus vulnerability to predators.
  • Roche, Dominique G., et al. (author)
  • Behavioural lateralization in a detour test is not repeatable in fishes
  • 2020
  • In: Animal Behaviour. - : Elsevier BV. - 0003-3472 .- 1095-8282. ; 167, s. 55-64
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Behavioural lateralization, the asymmetric expression of cognitive functions, is reported to enhance key fitness-relevant traits such as group coordination, multitasking and predator escape. Therefore, studies reporting negative effects on lateralization in fish due to environmental stressors such as ocean acidification, hypoxia and pollutants are worrisome. However, such studies tend to use a detour test and focus on population level measures, without validating whether lateralization is consistent within individuals across time. We conducted a multispecies, international assessment of the repeatability (R) of lateralization in four previously studied fish species using a detour test (T-maze), a common method for testing lateralization. We also reanalysed a published data set on a fifth species using new statistical methods. We expected the three shoaling species to exhibit greater within-individual consistency in lateralization than their nonshoaling counterparts given previous reports of stronger lateralization in group-living fishes. Absolute and relative lateralization scores were highly nonrepeatable in all five species (0.01<R<0.08), irrespective of their shoaling status. We carefully reviewed 31 published studies in which the detour test was employed to examine lateralization in fish and identified statistical issues in all of them. We develop and propose new statistical analyses to test for population and individual level lateralization. The commonly used detour test does not appear to be appropriate for quantifying behavioural lateralization in fishes, calling into question functional inferences drawn by many published studies, including our own. Potential fitness benefits of lateralization and anthropogenic effects on lateralization as a proxy for adaptive brain functioning need to be assessed with alternative paradigms.
  • Roth, O., et al. (author)
  • Male mate choice relies on major histocompatibility complex class I in a sex-role-reversed pipefish
  • 2014
  • In: Journal of Evolutionary Biology. - : Wiley. - 1010-061X .- 1420-9101. ; 27:5, s. 929-938
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Mate choice for compatible genes is often based on genes of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC). Although MHC-based mate choice is commonly observed in female choice, male mate choice remains elusive. In particular, if males have intense paternal care and are thus the choosing sex, male choice for females with dissimilar MHC can be expected. Here, we investigated whether male mate choice relies on MHC class I genes in the sex-role reversed pipefish Syngnathus typhle. In a mate choice experiment, we determined the relative importance of visual and olfactory cues by manipulating visibility and olfaction. We found that pipefish males chose females that maximize sequence-based amino acid distance between MHC class I genotypes in the offspring when olfactory cues were present. Under visual cues, large females were chosen, but in the absence of visual cues, the choice pattern was reversed. The use of sex-role reversed species thus revealed that sexual selection can lead to the evolution of male mate choice for MHC class I genes.
  • Saaristo, Minna, et al. (author)
  • Direct and indirect effects of chemical contaminants on the behaviour, ecology and evolution of wildlife
  • 2018
  • In: Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Biological Sciences. - : ROYAL SOC. - 0962-8452 .- 1471-2954. ; 285:1885
  • Research review (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Chemical contaminants (e.g. metals, pesticides, pharmaceuticals) are changing ecosystems via effects on wildlife. Indeed, recent work explicitly performed under environmentally realistic conditions reveals that chemical contaminants can have both direct and indirect effects at multiple levels of organization by influencing animal behaviour. Altered behaviour reflects multiple physiological changes and links individual-to population-level processes, thereby representing a sensitive tool for holistically assessing impacts of environmentally relevant contaminant concentrations. Here, we show that even if direct effects of contaminants on behavioural responses are reasonably well documented, there are significant knowledge gaps in understanding both the plasticity (i.e. individual variation) and evolution of contaminant-induced behavioural changes. We explore implications of multi-level processes by developing a conceptual framework that integrates direct and indirect effects on behaviour under environmentally realistic contexts. Our framework illustrates how sublethal behavioural effects of contaminants can be both negative and positive, varying dynamically within the same individuals and populations. This is because linkages within communities will act indirectly to alter and even magnify contaminant-induced effects. Given the increasing pressure on wildlife and ecosystems from chemical pollution, we argue there is a need to incorporate existing knowledge in ecology and evolution to improve ecological hazard and risk assessments.
  • Sundelöf, Andreas, et al. (author)
  • Fisk- och skaldjursbestånd i hav och sötvatten 2021 : Resursöversikt
  • 2022
  • Reports (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • I rapporten kan du ta del av bedömningen som görs av situationen för bestånd som regleras inom ramen för EU:s gemensamma fiskeripolitik (GFP). Bedömningarna baseras på det forskningssamarbete och den rådgivning som sker inom det Internationella Havsforskningsrådet (ICES). Sammantaget redovisas tillståndet för 107 bestånd av 48 fisk- och skaldjursarter.De bestånd som förvaltas nationellt baseras på de biologiska underlagen, och rådgivningen i huvudsak på den forskning och övervakning samt analys som bedrivs av Institutionen för akvatiska resurser vid Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet (SLU Aqua) samt yrkesfiskets rapportering.Rapporten är en beställning från Havs- och vattenmyndigheten (HaV) till Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet (SLU) och utgör ett viktigt kunskapsunderlag till myndighetens arbete. Den uppfyller de krav som finns inom EU:s gemensamma fiskeripolitik om att basera förvaltningen på bästa tillgängliga vetenskap. Denna rapport är också ett stöd till det arbete som beskrivs närmare i strategin för framtidens fiske och tillhörande handlingsplaner för vattenbruk, yrkes- och fritidsfiske som HaV och Jordbruksverket har tagit fram i dialog med fiskets och vattenbrukets intressenter.
  • Sundin, Josefin, 1981-, et al. (author)
  • 9-28 d of exposure to elevated pCO(2) reduces avoidance of predator odour but had no effect on behavioural lateralization or swimming activity in a temperate wrasse (Ctenolabrus rupestris)
  • 2016
  • In: Ices Journal of Marine Science. - : Oxford University Press (OUP). - 1054-3139 .- 1095-9289. ; 73:3, s. 620-632
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Most studies on the impact of near-future levels of carbon dioxide on fish behaviour report behavioural alterations, wherefore abnormal behaviour has been suggested to be a potential consequence of future ocean acidification and therefore a threat to ocean ecosystems. However, an increasing number of studies show tolerance of fish to increased levels of carbon dioxide. This variation among studies in susceptibility highlights the importance of continued investigation of the possible effects of elevated pCO(2). Here, we investigated the impacts of increased levels of carbon dioxide on behaviour using the goldsinny wrasse (Ctenolabrus rupestris), which is a common species in European coastal waters and widely used as cleaner fish to control sea lice infestation in commercial fish farming in Europe. The wrasses were exposed to control water conditions (370 mu atm) or elevated pCO(2) (995 mu atm) for 1 month, during which time behavioural trials were performed. We investigated the possible effects of CO2 on behavioural lateralization, swimming activity, and prey and predator olfactory preferences, all behaviours where disturbances have previously been reported in other fish species after exposure to elevated CO2. Interestingly, we failed to detect effects of carbon dioxide for most behaviours investigated, excluding predator olfactory cue avoidance, where control fish initially avoided predator cue while the high CO2 group was indifferent. The present study therefore shows behavioural tolerance to increased levels of carbon dioxide in the goldsinny wrasse. We also highlight that individual fish can show disturbance in specific behaviours while being apparently unaffected by elevated pCO(2) in other behavioural tests. However, using experiments with exposure times measured in weeks to predict possible effects of long-term drivers, such as ocean acidification, has limitations, and the behavioural effects from elevated pCO(2) in this experiment cannot be viewed as proof that these fish would show the same reaction after decades of evolution.
  • Sundin, Josefin, et al. (author)
  • Algal Turbidity Hampers Ornament Perception, but Not Expression, in a Sex-Role-Reversed Pipefish
  • 2016
  • In: Ethology. - : John Wiley & Sons. - 0179-1613 .- 1439-0310. ; 122:3, s. 215-225
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Sexual ornaments are used both in intra- and intersexual contexts, and these signals have evolved to function in the particular habitat the animal is adapted to. Habitat characteristics may, however, change rapidly due to anthropogenic effects, sometimes at rates too fast for many organisms to adaptively respond. In aquatic ecosystems, eutrophication is currently changing chemical as well as visual properties of the environment. Algae blooms increase water turbidity, and the reduction of water transparency thus has the potential to alter visual ornaments and their perception. However, results are not congruent. Rather, algae turbidity may decrease, increase, or leave ornaments unaffected. The effect seems to depend on exposure time, condition, population and species. Here, we found that the perception of sexual signals, but not their expression, was hampered by turbidity in the sex-role-reversed pipefish Nerophis ophidion. In a laboratory experiment we found that female sexual ornaments (i.e., blue color markings and a skinfold) and fecundity was unaffected by turbidity. Male adaptive mate choice for larger females with large ornament was, however, hampered under turbid conditions, whereas in clear water males choose larger, more ornamented females. Thus, we show that water turbidity had no effect on signal expression but did hamper ornament perception and consequently randomized mate choice.
  • Sundin, Josefin, et al. (author)
  • Altered oceanic pH impairs mating propensity in a pipefish
  • 2013
  • In: Ethology. - : Wiley. - 0179-1613 .- 1439-0310. ; 119:1, s. 86-93
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Anthropogenic disturbance is currently altering the environment of terrestrial as well as aquatic organisms. Those changes affect a variety of animal behaviours, which in turn may cause changes in species interactions, population dynamics and evolutionary processes. In marine ecosystems, nutrient enrichment may elevate pH, while it is reduced by carbon dioxide-induced ocean acidification. These two processes are not expected to balance one another but rather to affect the environment at different times and scales. We here show experimentally that an increase in water pH has a negative effect on mating propensity in the broad-nosed pipefish Syngnathus typhle, whereas lowered pH did not elicit the same detrimental effect. This study provides, to our knowledge, the first evidence that mating propensity is impaired by an increase in pH, suggesting that anthropogenic nutrient enrichment in aquatic ecosystems may change the processes of sexual selection and population dynamics solely on the basis of altered water pH.
  • Sundin, Josefin, 1981-, et al. (author)
  • Behavioural alterations induced by the anxiolytic pollutant oxazepam are reversible after depuration in a freshwater fish
  • 2019
  • In: Science of the Total Environment. - : Elsevier. - 0048-9697 .- 1879-1026. ; 665, s. 390-399
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Anthropogenic pharmaceutical pollutants have been detected in nature across the globe, and recent work has shown negative effects of pharmaceuticals on the health and welfare of many animals. However, whether alterations can be reversed has been poorly investigated, although such studies are essential to assess the effects of high-peak exposure events in waterways where pharmaceutical concentrations are usually low. In this study, we investigated the effects of two concentrations (environmentally relevant 1 μg L−1 and high 100 μg L−1) of oxazepam, an anxiolytic commonly detected in aquatic environments, and whether behavioural alterations are reversible after depuration. Specifically, we measured daytime and night-time swimming activity and daytime behaviours related to boldness (foraging, sheltering and routine swimming activity) using the freshwater burbot (Lota lota). We found that both swimming activity and boldness were affected by oxazepam. Fish exposed to the higher level had a higher burst swimming duration (i.e., fast swimming bouts), both in the daytime and night-time trials. Further, fish exposed to the lower oxazepam level spent less time sheltering than control- and high-level exposed fish, but there was no difference between the control and high oxazepam treatments. For routine swimming activity, quantified in the boldness trials, and for latency to forage, there were no treatment effects. When retesting the fish after depuration, the detected behavioural alterations were no longer present. Since the magnitude of these effects were not consistent across endpoints, our study suggests that oxazepam might not be a great concern for this particular, stress tolerant, species, highlighting the importance of evaluating species-specific effects of pharmaceuticals. The observation that the effects we did find were reversible after depuration is encouraging, and indicates that rapid restoration of behaviours after removal from oxazepam contamination is possible.
  • Sundin, Josefin, 1981-, et al. (author)
  • Effects of elevated carbon dioxide on male and female behavioural lateralization in a temperate goby
  • 2018
  • In: Royal Society Open Science. - : ROYAL SOC. - 2054-5703. ; 5:3
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Behavioural abnormality in fishes has been proposed as a significant consequence of the increasing levels of carbon dioxide occurring in the oceans. Negative effects of elevated CO2 have been reported for behaviours such as predator-prey interactions, foraging, hearing and behavioural lateralization. Importantly, the effects vary greatly both within and between species, and some recent studies have shown minimal effects of CO2 on behaviour. Whether the effect of CO2 also varies between males and females is, however, virtually unexplored. According to resource allocation theory; females are expected to be more sensitive to elevated CO2, meaning that non-sex-specific studies may overlook ecologically important differences between the sexes. In this study, we investigated the possible differences between males and females in their response to elevated CO2 by performing behavioural lateralization tests in adult temperate two-spotted gobies, Gobiusculus flavescens. We found that the strength of the side bias (absolute lateralization) was unaffected by the CO2 treatment, and there was no difference between males and females. The control fish were slightly right-biased in their behavioural asymmetry (mean relative lateralization of 14). Exposure to high CO2 affected this pattern, such that treated fish were slightly left-biased (mean relative lateralization of -10), regardless of their sex. The same results were obtained yet again when the study was repeated during a second year. We discuss our results in light of the great variation in lateralization that has been reported to depend on variables such as species, ecological settings and environmental factors.
  • Sundin, Josefin, et al. (author)
  • Female mate choice is not affected by mate condition in a fish with male care
  • 2013
  • In: Acta Ethologica. - : Springer Science and Business Media LLC. - 0873-9749 .- 1437-9546. ; 16:3, s. 189-194
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Several studies have shown that mate choice based on condition leads to higher reproductive success of the choosing individual. Yet, a growing body of literature has failed to find support for mate choice based on mate condition, even when the choosing individual would clearly benefit from such a choice. This indicates that animals' mate choice is often more complex than currently appreciated and that even well-founded expected preferences cannot be taken for granted. Using the broad-nosed pipefish, Syngnathus typhle, we manipulated male condition experimentally to explore whether it affects female mate choice. In this sex-role-reversed species, males care for the offspring in a specialised brood pouch. Males are the choosier sex, but given the opportunity, females are selective as well. During brooding, males can both provide embryos with nutrients and take up nutrients that originate from eggs deposited in the pouch, and embryo survival correlates positively with male condition. Together, this suggests that it would be beneficial for females to mate with males in high condition. However, we found no female preference for males in better condition. Thus, this study adds to the literature of mate choice that is unaffected by mate condition. Possible reasons for our result are discussed.
  • Sundin, Josefin, 1981-, et al. (author)
  • Human induced turbidity alters reproductive success and the stength of sexual selection in a pipefish
  • Other publication (other academic/artistic)abstract
    •  Human induced environmental change has the potential to alter species interactions, population dynamics and evolutionary processes. One such environmental change is algal induced turbidity, caused by eutrophication. While changes in mate choice and sexual selection due to turbidity has been demonstrated, the possible impact on mating systems remains to be explored. In this study we investigated the impact of algal turbidity on reproductive success, mating system and sexual selection using two populations of the broad-nosed pipefish, Syngnathus typhle, one from the Swedish west coast and one from the Baltic Sea. Under natural conditions, both populations practise a polygynandrous mating system with males as well as females having several partners. However, in a population from the Venice lagoon, where turbidity levels are high, the male mating system is shifted towards polyandry, with most males mating with one female only. In an experimental setting we tested whether this shift in mating system could be driven by turbidity alone. Contrary to our expectations, we found no effect of turbidity on the male mating system in terms of a general shift towards genetic polyandry. However, a positive relationship between male body length and number of mates was stronger in turbid environments for the Baltic Sea population. This indicates that although turbidity did not seem to affect the number of females a male mated with it has the potential to affect the strength of sexual selection. Further, for this population the turbid environment resulted in lower reproductive success.
  • Sundin, Josefin, 1981-, et al. (author)
  • Hypoxia delay mating in the broad-nosed pipefish
  • Other publication (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Courtship is often an important part of the reproductive process with functions such as ensuring reproductive compatibility, reducing hostility between the potential partners, and conveying individual quality. Except for the importance of the courtship behaviours themselves, latency until courting and mating is a key factor of the mating process. One factor in aquatic environments that has the potential to influence courtship behaviours is the level of dissolved oxygen, and hypoxic areas are currently spreading due to human activities, such as eutrophication. In this study we used the well-studied broad-nosed pipefish, Syngnathus typhle, to investigate the impact of hypoxia on reproductive behaviours preceding mating, on the latency until these behaviours occurred, and on the probability to mate. We found that time spent courting as well as probability to mate was unaffected by the oxygen treatment. Interestingly, we found that latency until courting and mating was prolonged in the oxygen-deprived environment. These results suggest that levels of low oxygen due to human activities can have implications for important aspects of reproductive behaviours.
  • Sundin, Josefin, et al. (author)
  • Hypoxia delays mating in the broad-nosed pipefish
  • 2015
  • In: Marine Biology Research. - : Informa UK Limited. - 1745-1000 .- 1745-1019. ; 11:7, s. 747-754
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Courtship is an important part of the reproductive process, ensuring reproductive compatibility and conveying individual quality. One factor in aquatic environments that has the potential to influence courtship behaviours and mating propensity is the level of dissolved oxygen. Furthermore, hypoxic areas are currently spreading due to anthropogenic disturbance, such as eutrophication. In marine environments, hypoxia often occurs in shallow coastal regions that are particularly important areas for reproduction. Here, we investigated how types of reproductive behaviour were affected by mild hypoxia using the well-studied broad-nosed pipefish, Syngnathus typhle. More precisely, we investigated the impact of acute hypoxia on the reproductive behaviour preceding mating, and on the probability of mating, as well as on the latency until these occurred. We found that the latency period to courting and copulation occurring was prolonged in the low-oxygen environment. However, the total time spent courting as well as the probability of mating was unaffected by hypoxia. Other types of reproductive behaviour found in this species, such as dancing, and the unique male pouch-flap behaviour, were also unaffected by the low-oxygen treatment. We conclude that although latency to courting and copulating was prolonged in the hypoxic environment, most reproductive behaviour investigated was unaffected by hypoxia. Thus, hypoxia commonly occurring in shallow coastal regions has the potential to delay certain components of reproduction, but overall the broad-nosed pipefish shows robustness to hypoxic conditions.
  • Sundin, Josefin, et al. (author)
  • Long-term acclimation to near-future ocean acidification has negligible effects on energetic attributes in a juvenile coral reef fish
  • 2019
  • In: Oecologia. - : Springer Science and Business Media LLC. - 0029-8549 .- 1432-1939. ; 190:3, s. 689-702
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Increased levels of dissolved carbon dioxide (CO2) drive ocean acidification and have been predicted to increase the energy use of marine fishes via physiological and behavioural mechanisms. This notion is based on a theoretical framework suggesting that detrimental effects on energy use are caused by plasma acid-base disruption in response to hypercapnic acidosis, potentially in combination with a malfunction of the gamma aminobutyric acid type A (GABA(A)) receptors in the brain. However, the existing empirical evidence testing these effects primarily stems from studies that exposed fish to elevated CO2 for a few days and measured a small number of traits. We investigated a range of energetic traits in juvenile spiny chromis damselfish (Acanthochromis polyacanthus) over 3months of acclimation to projected end-of-century CO2 levels (similar to 1000 mu atm). Somatic growth and otolith size and shape were unaffected by the CO2 treatment across 3months of development in comparison with control fish (similar to 420 mu atm). Swimming activity during behavioural assays was initially higher in the elevated CO2 group, but this effect dissipated within similar to 25min following handling. The transient higher activity of fish under elevated CO2 was not associated with a detectable difference in the rate of oxygen uptake nor was it mediated by GABA(A) neurotransmitter interference because treatment with a GABA(A) antagonist (gabazine) did not abolish the CO2 treatment effect. These findings contrast with several short-term studies by suggesting that end-of-century levels of CO2 may have negligible direct effects on the energetics of at least some species of fish.
  • Sundin, Josefin, 1981-, et al. (author)
  • Long-term exposure to elevated carbon dioxide does not alter activity levels of a coral reef fish in response to predator chemical cues
  • 2017
  • In: Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. - : SPRINGER. - 0340-5443 .- 1432-0762. ; 71:8
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Levels of dissolved carbon dioxide (CO2) projected to occur in the world's oceans in the near future have been reported to increase swimming activity and impair predator recognition in coral reef fishes. These behavioral alterations would be expected to have dramatic effects on survival and community dynamics in marine ecosystems in the future. To investigate the universality and replicability of these observations, we used juvenile spiny chromis damselfish (Acanthochromis polyacanthus) to examine the effects of long-term CO 2 exposure on routine activity and the behavioral response to the chemical cues of a predator (Cephalopholis urodeta). Commencing at similar to 3-20 days post-hatch, juvenile damselfish were exposed to presentday CO2 levels (similar to 420 mu atm) or to levels forecasted for the year 2100 (similar to 1000 mu atm) for 3 months of their development. Thereafter, we assessed routine activity before and after injections of seawater (sham injection, control) or seawater-containing predator chemical cues. There was no effect of CO2 treatment on routine activity levels before or after the injections. All fish decreased their swimming activity following the predator cue injection but not following the sham injection, regardless of CO2 treatment. Our results corroborate findings from a growing number of studies reporting limited or no behavioral responses of fishes to elevated CO2. Significance statement Alarmingly, it has been reported that levels of dissolved carbon dioxide (CO2) forecasted for the year 2100 cause coral reef fishes to be attracted to the chemical cues of predators. However, most studies have exposed the fish to CO2 for very short periods before behavioral testing. Using long-term acclimation to elevated CO2 and automated tracking software, we found that fish exposed to elevated CO2 showed the same behavioral patterns as control fish exposed to present-day CO2 levels. Specifically, activity levels were the same between groups, and fish acclimated to elevated CO2 decreased their swimming activity to the same degree as control fish when presented with cues from a predator. These findings indicate that behavioral impacts of elevated CO2 levels are not universal in coral reef fishes.
  • Sundin, Josefin, 1981-, et al. (author)
  • Male mate choice, but not female ornamentation, is impaired by turbidity in the straight-nosed pipefish
  • Other publication (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Sexual ornaments are used both in intra- and intersexual contexts, and these signals have evolved to function in the particular habitat the animal is adapted to. Habitat characteristics may change rapidly due to anthropogenic effects, sometimes at rates too fast for many organisms to adaptively respond. In aquatic ecosystems, eutrophication and overfishing is currently changing chemical as well as visual properties of the environment. Algae blooms increase water turbidity, and the reduction of water transparency has the potential to alter visual ornaments and their perception. Here we found that male mate choice, but not the development of female sexual ornaments, was affected by turbidity in the straight-nosed pipefish, Nerophis ophidion. In a laboratory mate choice experiment, males preferred females with larger ornaments in clear water, while mate choice became random under turbid conditions. Female ornamentation, courtship and fecundity, on the other hand, seemed unaffected by turbidity, as no effect was found even though we investigated long-term turbidity effects. Thus, we show that water turbidity had no affect on signal expression but did hamper ornament perception and consequently altered mate choice.
  • Sundin, Josefin, 1981-, et al. (author)
  • Males show their best side revisited : Effects of predation pressure on laterality in wild guppies
  • 2023
  • In: Ethology. - : Wiley-VCH Verlagsgesellschaft. - 0179-1613 .- 1439-0310. ; 129:8, s. 390-405
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • The ability to detect and avoid predators has been suggested as one of the main drivers for behavioral lateralization. This is supported by studies reporting that animals from high-predation environments are more lateralized than those from low-predation environments. Some studies, however, have shown no effect of predator regime on lateralization. Lateralized behavior can also be driven by phenotypic asymmetry, where the more attractive side of the body is preferentially displayed during male-female interaction and courtship. The importance of fluctuating asymmetry for mate choice has been highly debated for a number of reasons. Here, we revisited the concepts of predator-induced behavioral lateralization and phenotypic asymmetry using wild Trinidadian guppies Poecilia reticulata from three different stream systems. Using fish collected from both high- and low-predation environments, we quantified behavioral lateralization in terms of directional turning bias, measured right-left body color asymmetry, and investigated whether a male side-showing preference was present in male-female interaction trials. We found that guppies were, at best, moderately lateralized on average (across all populations), without any general effect of predator regime. There were some slight stream-dependent side biases in color asymmetry, but this did not translate into a side-showing preference in any of the populations in the interaction trials. Some significant observed effects align with previously published results, but these were dependent on stream-origin and were not repeated across different experiments, complicating interpretation. We conclude that when investigating the effects of predation regime in general, and such effects on behavioral lateralization or fluctuating asymmetry in particular, attention must be focused toward several factors such as experimental assay used and population origin, and broad generalizations from results stemming from experiments including only one population should be avoided.
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