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  • Wahlström, Marie, 1970- (author)
  • Livable and Sustainable Cities : Explorations of the City Soul and Energy-Efficient Housing based on Swedish Data on Citizens’ Preferences
  • 2017
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Contemporary cities face many challenges, none the least from an urban planning perspective. Global climate change and urbanization is putting pressures on planning for combatting and adapting to, e.g., a warmer climate and an increased need for housing in already dense environments.The aim of this thesis is to contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of residents’ opinions and preferences regarding various aspects of city livability and sustainability. Two of the papers discuss energy-efficient housing and two the identity/soul of the city and its neighborhoods. The papers are empirically oriented and rest on relatively large quantitative materials of Swedish data. The database used in the first two articles contains around 77,000 observations of single-family homes. The residential survey used in the two final papers was sent to a random sample of 6,600 residents in four cities, resulting in 2,573 respondents.Regression is the primary analytical method and the results indicate a preference for sustainable housing, in terms of a price premium on heat pumps (attributes that both reduce the energy consumption and are easily observed in the house). It is further suggested that the perception of a strong city/neighborhood soul is linked to positive relations to the city and to positive perceptions of its physical characteristics. In particular, feelings of attachment, belonging, and pride as well as perceptions of aesthetics, arts, and symbols, seem to be linked to a strong city/neighborhood soul.The presented research contributes to related literature through providing insight to Swedish residents’ preferences and opinions concerning energy-efficient housing and the city/neighborhood soul. It is shown that a citizen perspective based on carefully designed databases and appropriate analytical tools can be used by planners to gain new insights supporting urban livability and sustainability efforts.
  • Aguiar Borges, Luciane, 1969- (author)
  • Stories of Pasts and Futures in Planning
  • 2016
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Societies are constantly changing, facing new challenges and possibilities generated by innovative technologies, sociospatial re-structuring and mobilities. This research approaches these challenges by exploring the role that stories about pasts, presents and futures play in planning. It sees stories as interlinked spaces of struggle over meanings, legitimacies and powers through which “our” valuable pasts and “our” desirable futures become re-constructed, framed and projected. It argues that powerful stories might consciously or unconsciously become institutionalised in policy discourses and documents, foregrounding our spatial realities and affecting our living spaces. These arguments and assumptions are investigated in relation to three cases: Regional-Pasts, SeGI-Futures and ICT-Futures. The stories about pasts, presents and futures surrounding these cases are investigated with the aim of initiating critical discussions on how stories about pasts and futures can inform, but also be sustained by, planning processes. While studies of these cases are presented in separate papers, these studies are brought together in an introductory essay and reconstructed in response to the research questions: How do regional futures become informed by the pasts? How do particular stories about the pasts become selected, framed and projected as envisioned futures? What messages are conveyed to the pasts and the presents through envisioned futures? How can stories of the past be referred and re-employed in planning to build more inclusive futures? To engage with the multidisciplinarity of these questions, they are investigated through dialogues between three main fields: heritage studies, futures studies and planning. The discussions have challenged the conventional divides between pasts, presents and futures, emphasised their plural nature and uncovered how the discursive power of stories play a significant role when interpreting pasts and envision futures in planning practices.
  • Anderstig, Christer, et al. (author)
  • Multiregionala inputoutputanalyser – idag och imorgon
  • 2022
  • Reports (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Denna rapport om validering, kvalitetssäkring och demonstration av SCB:s MRIO-tabeller har skrivits inom ramen för ett svenskt utvecklingsarbete med att utnyttja interregionala IO-tabeller för forskning, policy och planering. Det arbete som rapporten behandlar utgör en högre ambition för att skapa kunskapsunderlag om hur de regionala ekonomierna i Sverige och internationellt hänger samman genom handel med varor och tjänster.Frågor om vilka policyinsatser som kan göras för att utveckla svensk konkurrenskraft och främja svenskt klimatarbete i en alltmera specialiserad och internationaliserad ekonomi utgör kärnan i rapportens frågeställningar. Det har länge ansetts som näst intill omöjligt att behandla dessa frågeställningar med metodik som bygger på interregional inputoutputanalys. Denna rapport visar att en sådan ambitionshöjning är både motiverad och möjlig särskilt i Sverige med sin välutvecklade ekonomiska statistik och acceptans föranvändning av evidensbaserade utvärderingsmetoder.Rapportens huvudresultat är att det finns anledning att fortsätta och ytterligare fördjupa SCB:s påbörjade utvecklingsarbete med interregionala input-outputtabeller. För att detta arbete ska bli framgångsrikt krävs att man tillför ytterligare resurser för statistikinsamling, framtagning av kvalitetssäkrade statistikprodukter och demonstration av metodikensanvändningsområden och styrkor i förhållande till befintlig praktik.Ett grundläggande problem som identifierats i SCB:s pågående MRIO-projekt, och som behandlas i forskningsrapporten, är att den regionala nivån betraktas som underordnad den nationella vid statistikinsamling och uppbyggnad av räkenskapssystemen.De nationella räkenskaperna byggs upp från mikrodata utan att tillvarata den geografiska information som återfinns i mikrodata. Därefter tas de regionala räkenskaperna fram via nedbrytnings- och fördelningsmetoder av olika slag.I rapporten visas att detta kan leda till konsistensproblem för både produktionssystemet och den slutliga förbrukningen. Rapporten tar privat konsumtion som exempel men även behandlingen av handelsmarginaler och transportmarginaler ges som exempel. Det visas hur man i Kanada sedan länge har byggt samman den regionala nivån och den nationella inte minst när det gäller interprovinsiell och internationell handel.I rapporten pekas på ytterligare samverkansvinster som kan göras med pågående arbete inom såväl Tillväxtanalys och Tillväxtverket som Trafikverket och Trafikanalys. Dessa kan bestå i en samordning mellan de olika myndigheternas insamling av primärdata exempelvis avseende handelsflöden. Ett huvudresultat som lyfts fram i rapporten är att dessa aspekter kan åtgärdas i en tredje fas av projektet. Sådana fördjupningar behövs för att gå vidare med utvärderingsmodeller för olika policyområden som exempelvis rörfrågor om konkurrenskraft, sysselsättningsåtgärder och klimatutmaningar. Modeller att bygga vidare på finns redan, exempelvis Raps för regionalekonomiska utvärderingar.I rapporten visas vidare att den kommande fasen av SCB:s MRIO-projekt bör innehålla moment som inriktas mot sammanfogning av de svenska regionala och nationella räkenskaperna med det internationella arbetet med konsoliderad input-outputanalys. Multiregionala input-outputanalyser – i dag och i morgon 6/83De svenska räkenskaperna har tidigare har varit föremål för justering bland annat inom OECD för att fungera för analys av globala värdekedjor och klimatpolitiska åtgärder. Nu har en anpassning skett och det ligger inom räckhåll att göra Sverige till förebild när det gäller att samlat utvärdera politik på internationell och interregional nivå.Rapporten är skriven i nära anslutning till SCB:s MRIO-projekt. Detta torde garantera att resultaten av föreliggande projekt kan nyttiggöras i fas tre av SCB-projektet på ett smidigt sätt.Fas två av detta projekt är ännu inte avslutad även om huvuddelen av utvecklingsarbetet är klart inte minst när det gäller programmering i R av en helt ny produkt för insamling och analys av regional statistik. Kvalitetssäkring pågår av projektets olika delar med ambition att denna kvalitetssäkring även ska göras av internationella experter. Det finns därför goda förutsättningar att nästa fas av utvecklingsprojektet kan innebära ett stort steg framåt när det gäller en ny generation av statistikprodukter inom SCB och ett fördjupatunderlag för framtida policyanalyser.
  • Berglund, Elin, 1976- (author)
  • Perspektiv på platsmarknadsföring
  • 2013
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The overarching aim of this study is to contribute with new perspectives on place marketing, theoretically as well as empirically. More specifically, the aim is to characterize the place marketing research literature, describe its content and explore the extent to which it is valid in a Swedish municipal context. This basic approach is important, partly because it is difficult to comprehend the difference between central concepts and different types of research literature within the field of place marketing, partly because the research literature tend to generalize from a specific empirical material, foremost large cities in the western world.In the first part of the study a literature review is carried out. The review includes a typology which shows two broad lines of research within the field of place marketing: one which conceptualizes place marketing by examining what is being done in cities, municipalities and regions, and another one which is anchored in the discipline of marketing. The first tradition is referred to as “place” and the other one as “marketing”. The typology also shows, among other things, different approaches within each research line. The research which is referred to as place is described as empirical and/or critical. The research which is referred to as marketing is described as prescriptive and/or theoretical.The second part of the study is based on two surveys, both distributed to all 290 municipalities in Sweden. The surveys bring questions about competition and cooperation as well as entrepreneurial policy and efforts to increase the attractiveness of the municipalities in to focus. The results partly confirm and partly call for a more in-depth analysis of these phenomena.The study makes a distinction between place marketing and place selling. Place marketing is described as a demand-oriented approach in planning and place development and place selling as the opposite, i.e. as a supply-oriented approach. In the study it is argued that most place marketing research appears to be about place selling rather than place marketing. Furthermore, it is argued that efforts to increase the attractiveness of the municipalities appear to be characterized by place selling rather than place marketing.
  • Bernhard, Irene, 1953- (author)
  • E-government and E-governance : Local Implementation of E-government Polices in Sweden
  • 2014
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • It is recognized in international research that the public sector has been transformed into a networked, open and more flexible, informal and interactive governance structure. This is described as a transition from “government to governance”. Sweden is one of the international leaders with regards to e-government development. The objective of this thesis is to provide a deeper understanding of how e-government policies are implemented in an e-governance context, through empirical case studies in Sweden. The focus is on the local level. The overall research question is: How is e-government policy put into practice when focusing on the local level? This is reported in four articles.Case study methodology is used as research method, including interviews, focus group interviews, document studies, and some participatory observations. The analysis is partly based on an inductive methodological approach, since this is a new, emerging field of innovative policy and practice.The analysis arrives at three overarching conclusions: (1) In practice, when e-government policy is implemented and translated at the local level, it tends to happen in an e-governance setting conducted by policy entrepreneurs or promoted by entrepreneurial behaviour in public administration. E-government policies are implemented in relation to local cultures, norms and economic structures. (2) Implementation of e-government and e-governance initiatives requires trust in the service provision among public administrators as well as among citizens. Efficiency and citizen-centred approaches in the redesign of information relationships between public administration and citizens to create some sort of added value are crucial. (3) The thesis indicates that there are two main implications of municipal contact centres (CCs): they localize public services and they combine different services into a one-stop practice striving to provide “holistic” services to the individual citizen. However, although the use of ICT is essential for the organisational transformation, the results indicate that the organisational settings and internal anchoring are greater constraints than new technology for implementation of local e-government and e-governance initiatives in the form of contact centres. One example for potential added value is the source of information of citizens’ issues through the implementation of municipal contact centres, which may have a positive impact on the conditions for local planning.
  • Bernhard, Irene (author)
  • E-government and e-governance : Swedish case studies with focus on the local level
  • 2013
  • Licentiate thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The concepts of e-government and e-governance are used interchangeably in most research and there is no single definition of these terms. The objective of this licentiate thesis is to provide a deeper understanding of these concepts through empirical studies in a Swedish context. Further, it aims to analyse whether – and if so in what way – the implementation of local contact centres (CC) affect conditions for local planning. This is reported in three articles. In this thesis e-government is defined to as the use of tools and systems by governmental bodies made possible by ICT that affect the organization of public administration. E-governance is defined as the ICT-based networks of services and administration in New Public Management settings including both public and private actors. Case study methodology is used as research method, including interviews, focus group studies, document studies, and some participatory observations. The analysis is partly built on an inductive methodological approach, since this is a new, emerging field of innovative policy and practice. Based on a theoretical discussion of New Public Management in the digital era, findings show that there is a difference between the concepts of e-government and e-governance from the perspective of e-administration and e-services and that the terms should not be used interchangeably. The study indicates that there are examples of implementation that are referred to the e-governance setting. Further the study indicates that local municipal contact centres may be referred to not only as an implementation of e-government but as a combination of e-governance and e-government. The findings indicate that there is a potential for positive impact on the conditions for local planning through the implementation of municipal contact centres.
  • Bolin, Karl, et al. (author)
  • Vindkraftens påverkan på människors intressen : Uppdaterad syntesrapport 2021
  • 2021
  • Reports (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • År 2040 ska Sveriges elproduktion vara 100 procent förnybar, det beslutade riksdagen 2016.Målet är allmänt hållet och inte riktat mot något särskilt kraftslag. Likväl kommer vindkraften högst troligt att bli den viktigaste förnybara energikällan i strävan att nå målet. Vindkraftens roll i elsystemet håller på att förändras. På bara några år har vindkraften gått från att vara en marginell energikälla till att producera en betydande del av vår el. Även om det inte finns några särskilda mål för utbyggnad av vindkraft i Sverige, så finns det al. anledning att räkna med att vindkraftens betydelse kommer att fortsätta öka de kommande 20 åren. Detta ställer nya krav på utformningen och planeringen av framtidens energisystem.Rapporten Vindkraftens påverkan på människors intressen publicerades 2012. Sedan dess har mycket hänt, både vad gäller den tekniska utvecklingen och vad gäller kunskapsläget kring vindkraftens påverkan på sin omgivning. Vi har nu nya erfarenheter från den utbyggnad av vindkraften som skett under det senaste decenniet.Föreliggande rapport har till syfte att ge en uppdaterad, kompletterad och sammanfattande version av syntesrapporten Vindkraftens påverkan på människors intressen (2012).Denna uppdaterade och bearbetade rapport har som målatt referera tillbaka till ursprungsskriften i de delar som fortfarande är relevanta,att komplettera med ny kunskap utifrån rådande kunskapsläge och nya politiska målsättningar.Den 28 januari 2021 presenterade Naturvårdsverket och Energimyndigheten en gemensam nationell strategi för en hållbar utbyggnad av vindkraften. Denna rapport avser att bidra till strategin. I strategin lyfts vikten av förbättrad samsyn, förutsägbarhet och rättssäkerhet vid utbyggnad och etablering av vindkraft särskilt fram. Myndigheterna betonar att omställningen till ett helt förnybart energisystem inte bara är en klimatfråga, utan också en fråga om konkurrenskraft, försörjningstrygghet och ökade krav på en trygg och robust elförsörjning. Vindkraftsutbyggnaden behöver även ta hänsyn till värdefull natur, människors livsmiljö och en rad andra samhällsintressen.Lokalisering och etablering av större vindkraftverk styrs dels av bestämmelser i miljöbalken, dels av plan- och bygglagen. Alla större vindkraftsprojekt prövas i en i lag strikt reglerad tillståndsprocess som handläggs av länsstyrelsen, vars miljöprövningsdelegation fattar beslut. Kommunen är ansvarig för den fysiska planeringen och ska tillstyrka eller uttala sitt veto mot varje beslut om vindkraftsetablering som tillståndsprövas enligt miljöbalken. I den nationella strategin för en hållbar vindkraftsutbyggnad rekommenderas att kommunen lämnar sitt besked så tidigt i processen som möjligt och utifrån tydliga rutiner, för en främja en effektiv och transparent process.Lokaliseringen av verksamheter så som vindkraftverk styrs inte bara av bestämmelserna i miljöbalken utan också av den fysiska planeringen. Enligt plan- och bygglagen (PBL) ska hushållningen med mark- och vattenresurser innefatta en öppen demokratisk process där olika samhällsintressen vägs mot varandra, samtidigt som enskildas rättigheter beaktas. En genomgående tanke i PBL är att skapa förutsättningar för medborgarinflytande genom det lagreglerade samråds- och utställningsförfarandet. Här finns stora likheter med europeiska landskapskonventionens grundtankar om betydelsen av delaktighet i frågor som rör landskapet. En viktig förutsättning för att landskapsperspektivet ska kunna utvecklas i översiktsplaneringen är tillgången till kunskaps- och planeringsunderlag som kan bidra till att synliggöra samband mellan olika värden och viktiga sammanhang i landskapet. Kommuner och länsstyrelser behöver, med allmänhetens medverkan, ta fram och regelbundet uppdatera landskapsanalyser, för att på så sätt skapa ett hållbart planeringsunderlag för vindkraftsutbyggnaden i Sverige.Hälsa och ohälsaVindkraftverk kan av boende i närheten upplevas som störande. Den främsta källan till störning är det buller som uppstår när rotorbladen passerar genom luften – ett susande, svischande eller dunkande ljud – men även varningsbelysning och de rörliga skuggor som uppstår när rotorbladen skymmer solen kan upplevas som störande.Vid bullernivåer precis under det nuvarande svenska riktvärdet på 40 dBA uppger cirka 10 procent att de blir mycket störda av vindkraftsbuller. Andelen är jämförbar med andelen bullerstörda av vägtrafik vid dess motsvarande riktvärde. Detta indikerar att nuvarande riktvärde för vindkraftsbuller är rimligt ur störningssynvinkel.Rörliga skuggor kan upplevas som mycket störande, såväl utomhus som inomhus. Teknik finns som kan minska sådana effekter, men den verkar inte användas i tillräcklig utsträckning.Indirekta negativa hälsoeffekter i form av ökad förskrivning av antidepressiva mediciner och sömnmedel har kunnat påvisas i danska undersökningar. Samband mellan vindkraftsbuller och självrapporterad sömnstörning har redovisats i vissa studier, medan andra studier inte funnit något sådant samband. Påståenden om att vindkraft medför risk för ”vibroakustisk sjukdom”, ”vindkraftssyndrom” och skadlig påverkan av infraljud på innerörat saknar belägg.Samhällsnytta och ekonomiEnligt Energimyndighetens beräkningar behöver vindkraftens elproduktion femdubblas fram till 2040 för att målet om 100 procent förnybar energiproduktion ska nås. Det innebär utbyggnad av vindkraften motsvarande en effekt av 100 TWh, och att 1 procent av Sveriges landyta kommer att tas i anspråk av vindkraftsanläggningar.Varje vindkraftsetablering skapar arbetstillfällen: under byggtiden såväl som under kraftverkens driftstid på cirka 25 år. Baserat på detaljerade empiriska studier gjorda i Sverige kan den sysselsättning som genereras per kraftverk på 2,35 MW beräknas till 8,33 årsarbeten under byggtiden och 8,66 årsarbeten under driftstiden: sammanlagt 17 årsarbeten per vindkraftverk. Särskilt intressant att notera är att driftstiden beräknas ge mer jobb än byggtiden.Till markägare på vars mark vindkraftverk byggs utgår arrende som betalas av verksamhetsutövaren, som ofta också enligt en inarbetad praxis betalar ut en frivillig bygdepeng. Bygdepengen används vanligen till investeringar i lokala fritidsanläggningar eller liknande i den kringliggande bygden. Intressanta exempel finns på hur bygdepengen används som bas för kreditföreningar och därmed som riskvilligt kapital för lokal näringslivsutveckling.Vad gäller vindkraftens inverkan på rennäringen visar forskningen – som på området är begränsad – att vindkraften inte bör betraktas som en enskild faktor utan som en av flera (som till exempel turism, transportinfrastruktur, bebyggelse generellt) vars sammanlagda effekter kan vara negativa. Det finns även studier som visar att renar till viss del kan anpassa sig till miljön kring vindkraftverk.Buller för dem som bor närmast och vindkraftverkens negativa inverkan på landskapet är två av de främsta anledningarna till lokalt motstånd mot vindkraftsetableringar. Huruvida vindkraftsutbyggnad medför minskade fastighetsvärden uppvisar den internationella forskningen olika resultat för. En ny svensk studie visar på lägre fastighetsvärden upp till 8 km från vindkraftverk. Det bör observeras att studien inte analyserar värden på samma fastigheter före och efter vindkraftsutbyggnad, samt att någon undersökning av regionala variationer inte gjorts.De i närområdet som berörs uppfattar ofta vindkraftsetableringen som att någon utifrån exploaterar en gemensam lokal resurs. Om den lokala nyttan av vindkraftverken upplevs som obefintlig – eller snarare som en onytta för alla utom direkt berörda markägare – når information och samrådsmöten begränsad framgång i sin strävan att skapa lokal acceptans. Ett sätt att åstadkomma ett framgångsrikt genomförande av vindkraftsstrategin kan vara att utreda och testa nya modeller för lokala ersättningar och kompensation samt för lokalt delägande.Landskap och planeringVarje vindkraftsetablering innebär en konkret förändring av landskapet. De människor som lever och verkar i ett särskilt område och har en långvarig relation till områdets landskap tolkar ofta vindkraft i detta landskap på andra sätt än utomstående, som till exempel sakkunniga, exploatörer och representanter för myndigheter och samhälle. Detta faktum får flera konsekvenser för hur planering av vindkraftsutbyggnaden bör göras och med vilken kunskap som utgångspunkt.Fyra aspekter är särskilt viktiga:Konkretisering. För att kunna fatta kloka beslut krävs noggrann, genomtänkt planering av en vindkraftsetablering, baserad på ingående, konkret kunskap om landskapet och hur alla berörda ser på dess utveckling och framtid.Helhetssyn. I landskapsanalysen ska landskapets kunskaps-, bruks- och upplevelsevärden tillsammans med historiska samband, naturvärden och bedömningar om känslighet och tålighet för förändringar föras samman till en beskrivande och värderande helhet. De samlade (kumulativa) effekterna av olika vindkraftsprojekt ska beskrivas.Fackkunskap och lokalkunskap. Landskapsanalysen är ett systematiskt tillvägagångssätt för att beskriva och tolka landskapet i sin helhet som baseras på allmänt tillämpliga värden och som vanligen utförs av experter med relevant fackkunskap. Samtidigt kan lokalkunskap bidra med viktiga insikter och är inte en mindre seriös eller mindre värdefull kunskapsform.Dialog. Att allmänhetens uppfattningar och lokal kunskap om landskapet tas med i planeringen lyfter den europeiska landskapskonventionen fram som en viktig demokratifråga. Landskapsanalysen ger en överblick över komplexa samband och värden i landskapet och fungerar som underlag
  • Brouwer, A. E., et al. (author)
  • Perspectives on the dynamics of third spaces
  • 2022
  • In: The COVID-19 Pandemic and the Future of Working Spaces. - London : Informa UK Limited. - 9781032014340 - 9781003181163 ; , s. 200-212
  • Book chapter (other academic/artistic)
  • Danenberg, Rosa (author)
  • Main streets as resilient public spaces : Zooming in on ground floors in Stockholm
  • 2023
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • This research focuses on how main streets and ground floors can be adaptable and resilient public spaces. Main streets are vital components of the urban fabric of cities worldwide, serving dual roles as both links and places. They have played a major role in Western cities since the turn of the twentieth century; however, their significance as places has diminished over the years due to modernist planning. Contemporary planning approaches have struggled to address the link and place dimensions simultaneously (von Schönfeld and Bertolini 2017; Carmona, de Magalhães, and Hammond 2008a; Carmona et al. 2003). Main streets are pivotal nodes for socializing, commerce, and mobility. Their character is largely determined by the spatial features and functions of continuous ground-floor spaces, and the small businesses inhabiting those who create comfortable and sociable sidewalks (Jacobs 1961; Mehta 2011). Yet, spatial, social, and economic shifts driven by processes of privatization, globalization, and digitalization have transformed the main street character. Despite generally being considered to be adaptable and resilient places, main streets require dedicated planning, design, and management support in order to contribute cities being sustainable (Kickert and Talen 2022; Carmona 2015; Jones, Roberts, and Morris 2007; Zukin, Kasinitz, and Chen 2016). The research presented in this thesis aimed to provide an in-depth examination of how ground floors change from a socio-spatial perspective and how they are adaptable and resilient, in order to understand how planning, design, and management can support the future existence of main streets. The question that guided the research presented in this thesis was: What role do ground floors play in the creation of adaptable and resilient main streets, and how can planning, design, and management support this process?The research presented in this thesis reveals a reciprocal relationship between the spatial features of main streets and their ground floors and socio-economic dynamics, which are fundamental components of adaptable and resilient public spaces. To study main streets, ground-floor change was examined using Google Street View, focusing on three main streets in Stockholm between 2009 and 2018. This analysis showed a substantial transformation, with almost half of the ground floors changing during the studied period. This supports the idea that main streets are dynamic ecosystems capable of adapting to shifting socio-economic conditions, indicating their resilience. However, it also became apparent that small, local, and independent businesses accounted for two thirds of the ground floors in 2009 but just ten years later they occupied closer to half of the ground-floor spaces, and that chain stores appeared in the places of the independent stories that disappeared. The store categories that increased in number included ‘food and drink services’ and ‘personal beauty services’, while the ‘retail product store’ category showed a decrease. When investigating the spatial aspect of this transformation, it became evident that small ground-floor spaces are where change occurs. Small spaces undergo more frequent changes and are more adaptable to new functions. Interestingly, chain stores have downscaled to fit into these small spaces, intensifying competition with small, local, and independent businesses that are already in vulnerable positions. The research also investigated the privatization of property ownership in Stockholm and the impact of the Pandemic on ground-floor changes. Between 1990 and 2010, privatization occurred in the form of large-scale tenure conversions to cooperative housing associations (CHAs), especially in already-attractive inner-city areas of Stockholm (Andersson and Magnusson Turner 2014; Blomé 2012; Magnusson 2005). A fourth street was studied alongside the first three, and property data from Datscha was added to the database. It was found that CHAs emerged as the dominant type of property owner on the four main streets, such that almost half of ground-floor tenants were renting from CHAs in 2018. Research indicates that the large-scale conversion to CHAs has sped up and reinforced the gentrification process (Hedin et al. 2012; Andersson and Magnusson Turner 2014; Magnusson Turner and Andersson 2008; Magnusson 2005; Blomé 2012), and that in the later stages of gentrification, retail gentrification caters to the lifestyles and consumer preferences of new and affluent residents (Mermet 2017; Sakızlıoğlu and Lees 2020; Zukin 201). Retail gentrification involves new retail capitalizing on the value of storefronts as part of a process that leads to the closure of small, local, and independent retailers, who are integral to the vitality of main streets. Employing Kosta’s retail gentrification index and Zukin et al.’s (2009) retail-capital categorization, this research infers that patterns of retail gentrification are evident on Stockholm’s main streets, as demonstrated by the increasing prevalence of the ‘food and drink services’ category and chain stores. Further examination of the property owners responsible for these changes reveals an increase in retail gentrification under CHAs.  The shift towards privatization via CHAs has enabled residents to serve as board members who oversee ground-floor tenancy management. This unique aspect of CHAs allows residents to be involved in their immediate living environment. The Pandemic shed light on how this plays out in practice, as it posed various challenges for small-business owners. One of these challenges was the reluctance of CHAs to apply for and pay half of government-subsidized rent reductions on behalf of their tenants, which were intended to mitigate the economic impact of the Pandemic and social-distancing practices. This reluctance stemmed from what the small-business owners perceived to be short-term economic considerations. This approach seemed to prioritize the allure of new retail capital over the preservation of small, local, and independent retailers who had contributed to neighborhoods’ unique characters.  Retail planning and public-space management approaches to main streets and ground floors shed light on the need for curation. The research presented in this thesis suggests that the responsibility for main streets and ground floors as adaptable and resilient public spaces should be borne by polycentric governance structures where public and private interests can be balanced.
  • Ekane, Nelson, 1978-, et al. (author)
  • Linking sanitation and hygiene policy to service delivery in Rwanda and Uganda
  • Other publication (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Sanitation lags development achievements in other sectors, and is one of the unmet targets of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). This article explores the gap between sanitation policy intentions and outcomes in a comparative study of sanitation sector performance in Rwanda and Uganda with ‘good’ and ‘limited or no’ reported MDG progress respectively. The gap between strong political will, as asserted in policy commitments, statements, reforms and coordination efforts on one hand, and insufficient resources and actual implementation on the other, is examined by drawing on policy and implementation theories in a multi-level governance framework. Progress in Rwanda is explained by stronger political leadership and support for sanitation, stringent performance monitoring, an institutionalised and inclusive community-based approach, and investment in rural sanitation. We further argue that with households having much discretion over private actions for sanitation and hygiene, ‘backward mapping’ can contribute to improve understanding on how to close the implementation gap.
  • Ekane, Nelson, 1978-, et al. (author)
  • Linking sanitation policy to service delivery in Rwanda and Uganda : From words to action
  • 2020
  • In: Development Policy Review. - : Wiley. - 0950-6764 .- 1467-7679. ; 38:3, s. 344-365
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Motivation The gap between policy, implementation and outcome is neither new nor specific to the sphere of sanitation. This article attempts to apply policy implementation literature in the context of developing countries, when much of the scholarly work on implementation and policy process and empirical research has been in the context of developed countries. Purpose This article explores the gap between sanitation policy intentions and outcomes in a comparative study in Rwanda and Uganda with "good" and "limited or no" reported progress respectively towards the former Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Approach and methods From a multi-level governance perspective, the gap between strong political will and insufficient resources, implementation and outcome, is examined by drawing on policy and implementation theories and empirical research. The selection of variables for comparison is based on a range of factors theorized as affecting outcome in contemporary governance. Findings Whereas the policy climate and prioritization of sanitation has been favourable in much of sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), resources and capacity constraints, especially at the local level, negatively affect sector performance in an increasingly decentralized governance landscape. Progress in Rwanda is explained by stronger political leadership and support for sanitation, stringent performance monitoring and oversight, an institutionalized community-based approach, and investment in rural sanitation. Policy implications This article shows that the management of sanitation depends on a changing governance landscape; leadership is important for overall sector improvement; networks present co-ordination challenges; approaching sanitation as a public concern requires strong government intervention; the move towards markets necessitates government oversight; approaches that foster inclusion and legitimacy at the local level need to be considered.
  • Ekane, Nelson, 1978- (author)
  • ‘Making Sanitation Happen’ : An Enquiry into Multi-Level Sanitation Governance
  • 2018
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The importance of sanitation for human health and development is undisputed. Sanitation is now high on the international development agenda and has become a salient issue in most developing countries, Rwanda and Uganda being no exception. However, there are still shortcomings as regards ‘making sanitation happen’ on the ground. The basic institutional environment and the right governance structures are yet to be fully put in place. This is even more important in the new modes of governance wherein increasing numbers of public, private, and philanthropic actors at different levels of society are involved in sanitation provision and hygiene promotion driven largely by global goals and international development agendas. This has engendered top-down pressure to meet prescribed targets which in most cases miss the complexity of context, distort service priorities, and in some cases compromise sustainability.This thesis disentangles how sanitation policies are articulated at multiple levels of governance and among various actors in the sector, and eventually translate into investment and behaviour change at the community and household levels. This is done by examining sanitation governance structures in Rwanda and Uganda. Specific emphasis is placed on the actors and actions at national, sub-national, community and household levels.Drawing on multi-level governance as a conceptual framework, qualitative analysis of policy objectives and choices, and quantitative investigations of what motivates hygiene behaviour change at the community and individual levels, this cross-national comparative study is a novel attempt to decipher the complexity surrounding sanitation and to show ‘what makes sanitation happen’.The insights of this research build on different strands of the literature but most importantly they contribute to the debate in the sanitation sector on what works on the ground, why and where. 
  • Ekane, Nelson, et al. (author)
  • Risk and benefit judgment of excreta as fertilizer in agriculture: An exploratory investigation in Rwanda and Uganda
  • 2016
  • In: Human and Ecological Risk Assessment. - : Taylor & Francis. - 1080-7039 .- 1549-7860. ; 22:3, s. 639-666
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • This research explores the use of psychometric techniques to improve understanding of psychological mechanisms underlying judgment of excreta as fertilizer in agriculture including other excreta related activities. Participants consisted of environmental health students, smallholder farmers and traders in rural and urban Rwanda and Uganda. The finding reveals an inverse relationship between risk and benefit judgments. This relationship holds for the three groups of participants with significant risk-benefit correlations of p<.0001. This finding is consistent with other studies showing that affect plays a key role in risk perception, judgment and decision making.Building on this finding, we conclude that individuals with high risk and low benefit judgment for excreta related practices would eschew them or emphasize strict standards. Individuals with a high benefit and low risk judgment would engage in excreta management practices regardless of the actual risks involved. This finding is relevant for risk communication and risk management as it indicates that individuals do not rely only on risk management information they receive concerning excreta and related risks but also depend to an extent on their feelings about these substances when making judgments and decisions regarding the purpose for using excreta as fertilizer and the level of exposure they can tolerate and manage.
  • Eliasson, Kent, et al. (author)
  • Attributes influencing self-employment propensity in urban and rural Sweden
  • 2013
  • In: The annals of regional science. - New York : Springer Science and Business Media LLC. - 0570-1864 .- 1432-0592. ; 50:2, s. 479-514
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Policies aiming at promoting entrepreneurship are in general formed on national levels, without any consideration of differences between urban and rural areas. Usually, cities are provided with better and more modern infrastructure; cities have better supply of physical, financial and human capital, and connected services, and cities have a more modern industrial structure in the sense that their shares of growing industry are higher. Thus, it is possible that policies for entrepreneurship, which in general are designed for urban areas, might be less effective when they are implemented in rural areas. A first step to test the validity of this hypothesis could be to investigate the differences between cities and countryside regarding self-employment propensity and factors affecting the choice to become self-employed. Based on an exceptionally rich data set containing very detailed socio-economic and geographical information on all residents in Sweden, this paper examines: (a) the scope and structure of self-employment propensity in urban and rural areas, respectively, in Sweden, divided into full-time and part-time self-employment, and (b) the importance of a number of attributes that may have an impact on individuals' propensity to start an enterprise in the two area types. Variables being tested are connected to demography and education, labor market status, plant characteristics, self-employment experience, financial resources, family links and regional attributes. The main results indicate that self-employment entry is influenced by the same factors in the same way in urban and rural areas. However, countryside's industrial structure has a smaller share of growing industries. The fact that countryside's startups follow the existing industrial structure means that this "modernity gap" between densely built up areas and countryside remains. From a policy perspective, this must be seen as a serious problem for countryside's growth potential. This gives an argument for designing a special entrepreneurship policy for the countryside in order to increase its share of growing trades and thereby modernize its industrial structure.
  • Eliasson, Kent, et al. (author)
  • Determinants of net migration to rural areas, and the impacts of migration on rural labor markets and self-employment in rural Sweden
  • 2015
  • In: European Planning Studies. - Abingdon : Routledge. - 0965-4313 .- 1469-5944. ; 23:4, s. 693-709
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Across most of Europe, the countryside seems to show a polarized development in which large districts are depopulating, while certain areas, mainly around big- and mid-sized cities, are increasing in population. The latter development is often described in concepts of “rural gentrification” and “rurbanization”, symbolizing a transformation of rural communities to communities with urban values and lifestyles. Most studies of the effects of these processes have focused on social and cultural consequences, as e.g. the displacements of lower-income households with higher-income residents and of rural culture and values with urban ones. This paper examines the phenomenon from another perspective, namely the effects of the “rurbanization” processes on countryside’s labour markets and economic life. This paper aims at analysing the determinants of net migration to rural areas in general and to different types of regions, and the impacts of inmigration on rural labour markets, self-employment and other socio-economic conditions in Sweden for the period of 2003–2005. We find that net migration into rural areas increases with the size of adjacent local and regional centres, whereas net migration decreases with the average commuting distance of workers in the rural areas. When comparing in-migrants to rural areas with rural area stayers, our results indicate that the former has lower incomes, a lower employment ratio and a lower degree of entrepreneurial activities. These differences could—at least partly—be explained by the fact that rural area stayers were on average 6 years older than rural area inmigrants, i.e. the two groups were in different stages of their life cycles.
  • Eneqvist, Erica, 1982- (author)
  • Experimental Governance : Capacity and legitimacy in local governments
  • 2022
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Contemporary planning and governance of cities involves practices of experiments and trials in urban experiments, collaborative platforms, and urban development projects with high ambitions for sustainability and innovative solutions. These practices of experimental governance can be seen as new policy instruments that include actors from all sectors of society in collective problem-solving. The introduction of experimental governance establishes a new logic of public administration that results in multiple opportunities and challenges. Previous research has emphasised the importance of organisational development beyond a focus on single experimental projects and institutional designs to support experimentation. This thesis aims to examine the municipalities’ organisational capacity for experimental governance and the opportunities to ensure legitimacy.The thesis involves a case study of the City of Stockholm and its innovative practices in general and experimental governance practices in particular. The focus is on the municipal organisation and how it has developed over the past decade, rather than single experiments, collaborations, and projects. Using a qualitative research approach, empirical data was collected by shadowing City of Stockholm staff members, while also conducting semi-structured interviews, participatory observations, and document studies. The thesis comprises four research articles: three using the City of Stockholm as an empirical case of a municipality engaged in experimental governance, and one that develops theoretical insights using examples from Stockholm. The first article provides a discussion of municipal innovation approaches and their influence of institutional logics. The second article is about municipal functions related to experiments, and how these functions challenge the local government. The third article examines the work of experiments and partnerships in policy and practice from a legitimacy perspective. The fourth article explores the institutional capacity for translating innovation actions from high-profile urban development projects into regular processes of the municipality.The results provide new knowledge about public actors and urban experimentation, while also providing practical insights that are relevant to stakeholders who engage in urban experiments. Specifically, the thesis reveals the challenges that municipalities face in embracing experiments while also ensuring and developing procedures for legitimacy. It also highlights the tensions of introducing new logics and roles for public authorities in a changing governance environment. The findings point towards the need for a more nuanced understanding of practices of experimental governance, and the development of permanent organisational structures and cultures to support and steer these practices. There is also a need for organisational procedures to ensure legitimacy, related to both input in terms of transparency, accountability and equality, and output in terms of results and effectiveness, with a capacity to implement the results. By meeting these needs, municipalities can harness the opportunities of experimental governance to serve the public good. 
  • Falck, Simon, 1976- (author)
  • Essays on the Interplay between Multinational Enterprises and Spatial Economies
  • 2013
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • This doctoral thesis concerns the interplay between multinational enterprises (MNE) and spatial economies, with an orientation towards the location and spillover effects of inward foreign direct investments (FDI). The thesis consists of four essays that are self-contained studies. The first essay relates to the shift away from FDI in manufacturing to services and examines whether service FDI locates differently from manufacturing FDI. The second essay concerns the relationship between FDI and public incentives and whether investment promotion schemes are useful to attract FDI. The third essay examines the link between human capital and FDI and how different types of skilled workers influence FDI location. Taken together, these three essays examine conditions and factors that determine the location decision of foreign MNEs in the contemporary era of globalisation. The forth essay examines whether labour mobility is a potential source for spillovers from FDI in a spatial context. Although the latter essay does not provide any final answer to whether spillovers actually arise through this channel, it shows that the potentials for an effect to arise are larger in some regions than others because there are very few or no such knowledge spillover agents in many parts of the country. The thesis concludes by discussing the link between FDI and the policy work on regional development, and some avenues for future studies.
  • Falck, Simon, 1976-, et al. (author)
  • Högskolan i Borås : Om högskolans betydelse för kompetensförsörjning, forskning och samverkan i Västra Götaland
  • 2017
  • Reports (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Denna studie handlar om framtiden för Borås. Den gör det för att dess tema gäller högskolans roll som en central komponent i en kunskapsproducerande ekonomi med global räckvidd. I studien analyseras hur kunskap sprids från utbildnings- och forskningsverksamheten vid Högskolan i Borås till det omgivande samhället samt betydelsen av olika kunskapsspridningsmekaismer. Syftet är att öka förståelsen av högskolans roll för kompetensförsörjning, forskning och samverkan i en regional kontext. Studiens bakgrund är ett tilltagande behov att förstå och förklara hur kunskap sprids och spiller över från universitet och högskolor samt den långsiktiga betydelsen av högre lärosäten för kompetensförsörjning och regional utveckling. För planerare och beslutsfattare kan studien ligga till grund för diskussioner och planeringsarbete om hur främja högskolans roll som motor i en kunskapsdriven ekonomi.En slutsats av den förhållandevis omfattande genomgång som studien görs av utbildning, forskning och samverkan vid Högskolan i Borås är att högskolan uppvisar förhållanden som liknar de som gäller vid andra regionala högskolor i landet. Studenterna sätter sin prägel på stads- och kulturliv. Högskolan framstår som väl etablerad på sin ort. Detta lägger en grund för ekonomisk tillväxt och utveckling. Man behöver dock förbättra det strategiska arbetet med att få fler att stanna kvar, inte minst bland dem med utbildning och kunskap utanför välfärdsrelaterade yrken. Bland dem med utbildning och kunskap typisk inom innovationsrelaterat arbete samt teknisk forskning och utveckling är det relativt få som stannar kvar. För att få studenterna att stanna kvar efter avslutad måste förutsättningarna stärkas för karriärer inom yrken med krav på (fördjupad) högskolekompetens.För att detta ska vara möjligt krävs ett långsiktigt och gränsöverskridande arbete som involverar högskolan, företag, entreprenörer och offentliga arbetsgivare samt planerare och beslutsfattare på lokal, regional och nationell nivå. Ett lyckosamt ett exempel på ett sådant arbete är satsningen Smart Textiles. Man behöver dock ett bredare och mer omfattande engagemang. En central fråga i ett sådant arbete är hur långt man kommit i att främja ett närings- och arbetsliv som skapar en kompetensmultiplikator till nytta för den ekonomiska utvecklingen på längre sikt. En annan fråga är hur kunskapsnyttor från forskningsverksamheten vid Högskolan i Borås kan få ännu större spridning och förankring i regionen.För att komma vidare på det spåret behövs en kritisk granskning från universitetsledningen av hur man ska förhålla sig till frågan om konkurrens eller samverkan mellan universiteten i Västra Götaland. Vid strategivalet kring Högskolan i Jönköping eller som lärosätet nu heter Jönköping University har frågan om lokal förankring eller internationell positionering varit av central betydelse. Det ambitiösa valet att satsa på det internationella spåret och göra hela Jönköping University internationellt har inte skett utan motsättningar och svårigheter.
  • Falck, Simon, 1976-, et al. (author)
  • Regional Grants and FDI Location : Evidence from Swedish Regional Policy Programs 2002-2009
  • 2013
  • In: Romanian Journal of Regional Science. - Bukarest : Asociatia Romana de Stiinte Regionale. - 1843-8520. ; 7:1, s. 36-68
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • This study investigates factors determining the location of foreign direct investments (FDI) in Sweden. The main purpose is to examine the link between FDI and public incentives, in the form of regional grants, which make up a central part of the Swedish regional policy and state expenditures that explicitly addresses regional development. Our main finding is that there is no evidence of a robust relationship between grants and the location of FDI. However, a statistically significant effect is found for investment support and transport allowance, which are grants that aims at promoting development in designated areas. This by supporting investments in machines, buildings, and so on, and offset costs disadvantages in the northern parts of the country. We conclude that a better integration between the work on FDI and regional development may be a plausible route to promote economic development in Sweden, particularly in deprived regions.
  • Falck, Simon, 1976-, et al. (author)
  • Research Hubs in the Baltic Sea Region : An Explorative study about Research Cooperation and the Usage of Research Facilities in Physics and Life Sciences
  • 2011
  • Reports (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The aim of this explorative study is to investigate the extent the research infrastructure facilities at DESY in Hamburg (Germany) and MAX-lab in Lund (Sweden) serve as research hubs in the Baltic Sea Region, and how different research cooperations related to these facilities are structured. Our purpose is to focus explicitly on cooperations that exist or have existed and proceed to analyze whether there is a functional relationship between researchers and these research facilities within the Baltic Sea Region. The overall objective is to produce an undercoating material to discuss how the Baltic Sea Link can contribute to an improved research and innovation environment in the Baltic Sea Region by promoting cooperation and joint-actions between research institutes and research facilities.
  • Farrell, Kyle, et al. (author)
  • China’s Rapid Urban Ascent : An Examination into the Components of Urban Growth
  • 2018
  • In: Asian Geographer. - London : Taylor & Francis Group. - 1022-5706 .- 2158-1762. ; 35:1, s. 85-106
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Having gone from 11.8% of its population inhabiting urban areas in 1950 to 49.2% by 2010, China represents the most dramatic urban transformation the world has seen. With the contemporary urban narrative presenting new challenges, particularly in terms of its unprecedented pace and scale, this paper conducts an inquiry into the nature and causes of China’s rapid urban ascent. Making use of a new analytical framework, this paper maps out the changing stages of China’s urban transition and examines the components of urban growth underpinning it. It arrives at several notable findings. Rural to urban migration has been the dominant component of urban growth, followed by urban natural population increase and reclassification. Although China’s urban growth rates were high, it is the reduction in rural growth rates that underpinned China’s particularly rapid urbanization rates. China is currently in the latter part of the accelerated stage of its urban transition, and is expected to enter the terminal stage by 2030. In light of China’s ongoing urban transition, this paper concludes with reflections on China’s New-Type Urbanization Plan 2014–2020.
  • Farrell, Kyle (author)
  • Rapid Urbanization : An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Urban Transition in Developing Countries
  • 2018
  • Doctoral thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • This thesis is concerned with the challenges posed by the contemporary urban narrative in developing countries. It is premised on the notion of the urban transition, which posits that as a country develops it undergoes a transformation from a predominantly rural society to a predominantly urban one. Throughout most of history, the urban transition was largely a phenomenon confined to what are considered todays developed countries; however, sometime around the middle of the 20th century, this began to change and the urban transition began to takeoff in developing countries. The contemporary urban narrative differentiates itself from historical accounts in that it is unfolding at an unprecedented pace and scale, placing significant pressure on urban areas. With the pressures of rapid urbanization and rapid urban growth already outstripping the capacities of local governments, planning and managing the urban transition is arguably one of the most important topics of the 21st century. In an attempt to identify approaches for managing the unprecedented pace and scale of the contemporary urban narrative, this thesis sets out to investigate the forces underpinning it. It has been organized into two parts: the first part comprises a comprehensive cover essay setting out the overarching research agenda and the second part comprises a series of five articles that make up the empirical analysis. Both sections can be read independently or constitute a single entity.The main contribution of this thesis is the introduction of a multidisciplinary framework for conceptualizing the urban transition in developing countries and its application to several case studies. The so-called ‘Rapid Urban Growth Triad’ situates the components of urban growth (rural to urban migration, urban natural population increase and reclassification of rural areas as urban) within their dominant theoretical discourses. As such, it views urban natural population increase as a demographic factor effected by changes in fertility and mortality patterns, rural to urban migration as an economic factor resulting from rural push and urban pull dynamics, and reclassification of rural areas as urban as a political/ administrative factor which occurs through the annexation of neighboring settlements, rural areas upgraded as urban, settlements crossing defined population thresholds and changes in urban definition. The framework offers explanatory power to the previously neglected components of urban growth and serves as a diagnostic for examining the urban transition under a range of circumstances.Utilizing the new conceptual framework as the primary mode of analysis, this thesis employs several demographic accounting techniques to disaggregate urbanization into its individual components of urban growth and computes their individual contributions to the overall urban increment. China, Nigeria and India have been selected as notable case studies, as these three countries are expected to account for the largest increase in urban population over the coming decades. The findings indicate that rural to urban migration has been the dominant component of urban growth in China, while urban natural population increase has been the dominant component in Nigeria and India; furthermore, in all three case studies, reclassification has made a more sizable contribution than initially understood. Moreover, it was found that in some instances the policies being prescribed to manage the urban transition did not match the identified sources of growth, suggesting a potential policy mismatch. This thesis also reveals several dynamics pertaining to the unprecedented pace and scale of the urban transition and the relationship between urbanization and economic growth. Collectively, these findings offer a more nuanced account of the urban transition in developing countries.Despite the urban transition being a universal event that unfolds in nearly all countries of the world, this thesis finds that it does not necessarily unfold in a uniform manner, suggesting the notion of multiple urbanization trajectories. These findings have implications for existing policies, which tend to be based on a rather outmoded understanding of the urban transition. Ultimately, this thesis calls for more informed (evidenced-based) approaches for understanding and managing the urban transition in developing countries.
  • Fernström, Anna-Linnea, et al. (author)
  • Stress in cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) subjected to long-distance transport and simulated transport housing conditions
  • 2008
  • In: Stress. - : Informa UK Limited. - 1025-3890 .- 1607-8888. ; 11:6, s. 467-476
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • The stress associated with transportation of non-human primates used in scientific research is an important but almost unexplored part of laboratory animal husbandry. The procedures and routines concerning transport are not only important for the animals' physical health but also for their mental health as well. The transport stress in cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) was studied in two experiments. In Experiment 1, 25 adult female cynomolgus monkeys were divided into five groups of five animals each that received different diets during the transport phase of the experiment. All animals were transported in conventional single animal transport cages with no visual or tactile contact with conspecifics. The animals were transported by lorry for 24 h at ambient temperatures ranging between 20 degrees C and 35 degrees C. Urine produced before, during and after transport was collected and analysed for cortisol by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). All monkeys exhibited a significant increase in cortisol excretion per time unit during the transport and on the first day following transport.Although anecdotal reports concerning diet during transport, including the provision of fruits and/or a tranquiliser, was thought likely to influence stress responses, these were not corrobated by the present study. In Experiment 2, behavioural data were collected from 18 cynomolgus macaques before and after transfer from group cages to either single or pair housing, and also before and after a simulated transport, in which the animals were housed in transport cages. The single housed monkeys were confined to single transport cages and the pair housed monkeys were kept in their pairs in double size cages. Both pair housed and singly housed monkeys showed clear behavioural signs of stress soon after their transfer out of their group cages.However, stress-associated behaviours were more prevalent in singly housed animals than in pair housed animals, and these behaviours persisted for a longer time after the simulated transport housing event than in the pair housed monkeys. Our data confirm that the transport of cynomolgus monkeys is stressful and suggest that it would be beneficial for the cynomolgus monkeys to be housed and transported in compatible pairs from the time they leave their group cages at the source country breeding facility until they arrive at their final laboratory destination in the country of use.
  • Gunnartz, Kristoffer, et al. (author)
  • Den urbana utvecklingens drivkrafter och konsekvenser
  • 2017
  • Reports (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Under årtusenden har städer utgjort centra för politiska beslut, ekonomisk tillväxt och varit grogrund för banbrytande forskning, kulturella och teknologiska framsteg. Men aldrig tidigare har våra städer spelat en viktigare roll än idag. Sedan 2007 är vi fler på jorden som bor i urbana miljöer än på landsbygden. Det innebär att detär i världens växande städer som arbetet med att tackla många av mänsklighetens största framtidsutmaningarmåste ske: att skapa en hållbar ekonomisk utveckling och ett hållbarare resursutnyttjande, minska miljö- och klimatpåverkan, och hantera globala frågor som migration, demografiska förändringar, folkhälsa, fattigdom och växande sociala klyftor. Många experter menar att städerna måste, och redan är på väg att ta över den ledarroll som nationella regeringar hittills haft i arbetet mot att nå framtidens globala hållbarhetsmål. I ett långsiktigtperspektiv kan det kräva radikala förändringar av vårt globala samhällssystem. I det kortare, men minst lika viktiga perspektivet, handlar det om vad som kan göras under rådande förutsättningar. I den här rapporten har fokus legat på den urbana utvecklingen ur ett svenskt perspektiv – och i en relativt nära framtid. Rapporten tar avstamp i aktuell forskning och teorier om urbaniseringens och den urbana utvecklingens drivkrafter och konsekvenser. Den är en av fyra delrapporter inom IVA-projektet Framtidens goda stad, vars slutmål är att bidra till att skapa mer hållbara planerings- och beslutprocesser för svenskt stadsbyggande i framtiden.I denna delrapport har ambitionen varit att fördjupa och nyansera bilden kring två huvudsakliga frågor, som i den svenska debatten ofta präglas av kunskapsluckor och skeva uppfattningar:1. Vad är det egentligen för processer som får våra städer att växa – och vad får det för konsekvenser för den omgivande landsbygden?2. Vad finns det för drivkrafter eller förändringsfaktorer,som redan nu kan börja bidra till att skapa goda och hållbara städer – och vad måste man veta om dessa verktyg för att få dem att fungera?I ljuset av dessa två huvudfrågor har vi också ställt oss frågan om den relevanta kunskapen når ut till de som styr den urbana utvecklingen i Sverige.
  • Henning, Martin, 1978, et al. (author)
  • Urban-rural population changes and spatial inequalities in Sweden
  • 2022
  • In: Regional Science Policy and Practice. - : Wiley. - 1757-7802. ; 15:4, s. 878-892
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • This paper documents regional population changes in Sweden since 1860 and investigates how these changes link to regional economic development (regional GDP). We combine long-term decade population data for the historical counties (1860-2020) with detailed annual population observations for municipalities (1968-2021). As industrialization picked up speed, this benefited regions all around the country in terms of production, at the same time as regional population patterns started to diverge. After a slowdown in the regional GDP convergence processes during the low-growth period of the 1980s, 'double divergence,' in both population and regional GDP per capita, has characterized Swedish growth patterns since the 1990s.
  • In the post-urban world : Emergent transformation of cities and regions in the innovative global economy
  • 2017
  • Editorial collection (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • In the last few decades, many global cities and towns have experienced unprecedented economic, social, and spatial structural change. Today, we find ourselves at the juncture between entering a post-urban and a post-political world, both presenting new challenges to our metropolitan regions, municipalities, and cities. Many megacities, declining regions and towns are experiencing an increase in the number of complex problems regarding internal relationships, governance, and external connections. In particular, a growing disparity exists between citizens that are socially excluded within declining physical and economic realms and those situated in thriving geographic areas. This book conveys how forces of structural change shape the urban landscape.In The Post-Urban World is divided into three main sections: Spatial Transformations and the New Geography of Cities and Regions; Urbanization, Knowledge Economies, and Social Structuration; and New Cultures in a Post-Political and Post-Resilient World. One important subject covered in this book, in addition to the spatial and economic forces that shape our regions, cities, and neighbourhoods, is the social, cultural, ecological, and psychological aspects which are also critically involved. Additionally, the urban transformation occurring throughout cities is thoroughly discussed. Written by today’s leading experts in urban studies, this book discusses subjects from different theoretical standpoints, as well as various methodological approaches and perspectives; this is alongside the challenges and new solutions for cities and regions in an interconnected world of global economies.This book is aimed at both academic researchers interested in regional development, economic geography and urban studies, as well as practitioners and policy makers in urban development.
  • Innovation in Socio-Cultural Context
  • 2013
  • Editorial collection (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Innovation - the process of obtaining, understanding, applying, transforming, managing and transferring knowledge - is a result of human collaboration, but it has become an increasingly complex process, with a growing number of interacting parties involved. Lack of innovation is not necessarily caused by lack of technology or lack of will to innovate, but often by social and cultural forces that jeopardize the cognitive processes and prevent potential innovation. This book focuses on the rule of social capital in the process of innovation: the social networks and the norms; values and attitudes (such as trust) of the actors; social capital as both bonding and bridging links between actors; and social capital as a feature at all spatial levels, from the single inventor to the transnational corporation. Contributors from a wide variety of countries and disciplines explore the cultural framework of innovation through empirics, case studies and examination of conceptual and methodological dilemmas.
  • Johansson, Mats, et al. (author)
  • Demographic and rural trends in Europe
  • 2015
  • In: Social capital and development trends in rural areas. - Kyoto : MARG Kyoto University. - 9789186345648 ; , s. 129-158
  • Book chapter (peer-reviewed)
  • Johansson, Mats, et al. (author)
  • Migration and Ageing in Expanding and Shrinking European Regions
  • 2018
  • In: Advances in Spatial Science. - Cham : Springer International Publishing. ; , s. 107-131, s. 107-131
  • Book chapter (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Europe is in a phase of vast transition regarded both from a demographic and economic-structural point of view. Studies have shown that demographic development differs a lot when comparing urban regions with more sparsely populated peripheral regions. These diverging patterns are shown to be especially strong in the northern and eastern parts of Europe where a redistribution of people contributes to a concentration process to the metropolitan or big city areas as well as to shrinkage and depopulating of rural and peripheral areas. This paper empirically addresses these differing demographic development paths by analyzing the influence of key underlying demographic factors on population change across European regions. For the stated purpose the paper applies typologies based on both economic and demographic structure and a cross-regional regression model. The economic-structural typology developed within the ESPON/EDORA-project is used to describe and analyze economic-structural factors and a typology based on demographic characteristics that classify regions as either shrinking or expanding in terms of population is used in the empirical assessment. Findings indicate that age structure is of importance with regard to population changes and there exists an east-west divide between the growing west and declining east where the declining sectors are more frequent. It is also shown that large and densely populated regions have better preconditions for growth and fewer risks for shrinking than small and sparsely populated ones.
  • Jonsson, Anna-Paula, 1982- (author)
  • Sustainable tourism development : Social sustainability, planning and strategic development for better cities
  • 2022
  • Licentiate thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The main goal of this thesis has been to contribute towards improved understanding of how cities can influence tourism development. A great deal of earlier tourism studies has been concerned with aspects of social sustainability. This has naturally concentrated on potential as well as real anomalies and conflicts related to urban tourism. Inherent in many of such contributions is a dichotomy consisting of residents and social sustainability on the one hand, and negative impacts of tourism development (e.g. overtourism) on the other. Research and practice have over time gravitated towards an increased focus on how urban tourism development contributes to desired social impact. This has led to new perspectives in both policy contexts and tourism research. Perspectives for how to manage tourism to mitigate negative impact are therefore being complemented by new, more strategic, questions about how tourism can contribute towards urban development goals. Such questions, together with evidence that tourism development and urban development are mutually constitutive processes, motivate integrating policies that influence tourism into processes of urban planning. The research in this thesis has sought to contribute towards this emerging space by studying the intersections of tourism development and urban development and planning. The research questions that have emerged from this goal relate to the decision and policy making that take place in processes of urban planning when they intersect (necessarily or potentially) with tourism development. The thesis comprises one cover essay and two research articles. The first article is based on a single case-study of a new urban development in one of the most visited places of Stockholm. The other article is a comparative case-study of Vienna and Amsterdam that studies policy development and practices for sustainable tourism developments. Data was collected primarily through semi-structured interviews with stakeholders from municipalities, academia and Destination Management Organizations in respective city. Results suggest that there are important variations in how different stages of tourism development and corresponding impact influence policy making and vice-versa. The cases studied suggest that strategic choices for sustainable tourism development are available up to a certain point. If negative impact on factors related to social sustainability are excessive, policy making aimed at influencing tourism development becomes constrained mainly to mitigating impact. Given the intersection of planning theory and tourism studies in this thesis, it can be considered a cross-disciplinary research project. Similarly, the results can hopefully contribute to a development of the understanding of how planning theory and tourism studies intersect in theories of both schools of thought. 
  • Karlsson, Charlie, 1945-, et al. (author)
  • Innovative transformations of global city regions in the post-urban world
  • 2020
  • In: Urban empires: Cities as global rulers in the new urban world. Glaeser, E., Kourtit, K., Nijkamp, P. (red.). - New York City : Taylor & Francis. - 9780429892363 - 9781138601703 ; , s. 257-274, s. 257-274
  • Book chapter (other academic/artistic)
  • Karlsson, Charlie, et al. (author)
  • Social Capital, Innovativeness, and the New Economic Geography
  • 2021. - 2nd ed.
  • In: Handbook of Regional Science. - Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Nature. ; , s. 1397-1412
  • Book chapter (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • This chapter discusses the relationship between, on the one hand, the knowledge economy’s social capital and innovativeness and, on the other hand, the new economic geography, which mainly is valid for the manufacturing economy. The discussion ends up in a proposition for a “new economic geography 2 model, " in which the knowledge producing sector and its relations to other sectors are modeled in a framework of two or more regions. The overarching mechanisms and results are similar in the two models: cumulative causation create and enhance regional disparities, but the processes are partly different. It may seem somewhat paradoxical that the industrial specialization, which is a result of the original new economic geography model, in the new model is replaced by “specialization in diversification, " but the knowledge economy’s specialization is “subtle” and diverse - and, as it seems, with subsectors related to and dependent on each other. This is all a reflection of the proposition that social capital and innovativeness play a much larger role for growth and development in the knowledge economy than they did in the manufacturing economy.
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