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  • 5th FPGAworld CONFERENCE Book 2008
  • 2008
  • Editorial collection (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The FPGAworld Conference addresses aspects of digital and hardware/software system engineering on FPGA technology.  It is a discussion and network forum for students, researchers and engineers working on industrial and research projects, state-of-the-art investigations, development and applications.  The book contains some presentations; for more information see (www.fpgaworld.com/conference).
  • Abalo, Ernesto, 1982-, et al. (author)
  • Digitalisering och social exklusion : Om medborgares användning av och attityder till Arbetsförmedlingens digitala tjänster
  • 2008
  • Book (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • This research report focuses on the users of e-government in a social science perspective. Our aim is to study how different social groups, registered at the Swedish Public Employment Service, relate to the internet, the agency and the services offered on its website (www.ams.se). The field of e-government research is dominated by studies that centre attention on the supply side (videlicet research investigating the entrance of IT in organizations and the implications that new technology have to these), while usercentred research (demand side) is still scarce. Our study, focusing on how citizens relate to the internet in general and e-government in particular, therefore helps to bridge a knowledge gap within the field. Our survey is based on a questionnaire sent to 2 000 randomly selected persons, all registered at the Swedish Public Employment Service. Of these, 762 job seekers responded, which gives us a frequency rate of 40 percent. The questions asked were related to the job seekers’ usage of and attitudes towards the internet in general and the agency’s webpage in particular, but also to their attitudes to the Swedish Public Employment Service. The main results show that social factors, particularly education, play a major role for the job seekers’ ability to use the web based services offered by the agency. People with a lower educational level are less inclined to use the agency’s website, and at the same time they experience the site as more complicated to use. We also found a strong link between the relations to the internet (access, usage, experience and attitudes) and the relations to the agency’s website. Those with advantaged internet relations – mostly well educated people, white collars and people living in bigger cities – also use the agency’s website more diligently and tend to have more positive attitudes towards it (and vice versa). Thus, its necessary to talk in terms of digitally well equipped and less well equipped groups. The unequal relations to the internet in general and the agency’s website in particular not only indicate that e-government is more suitable for the digitally well equipped, but that it in fact exclude those with less digital resources. This new kind of exclusion has great implications for the job seekers’ possibilities to enter the labour market, and to act their role as citizens. If e government also means a reformation of the citizen role – in the sense of increased individual responsibility towards the government - not bridging the digital divide will carry even more exclusion to those that’s already excluded.
  • Abalo, Ernesto, 1982-, et al. (author)
  • Olika publiker, olika livsstilar : Om idrott, kultur och regional utveckling
  • 2008
  • Book (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • I föreliggande rapport studeras vilka sociala värden som elitidrotten och kulturen genererar för invånarna i landsortspräglade län som Blekinge, Halland, Kalmar och Kronoberg. Studien syftar till att lämna ett bidrag till den samhällsvetenskapliga idrottsforskningen, och ge ökad kunskap om idrottens och kulturens betydelse för den regionala utvecklingen. Studiens material vilar på en postenkät skickad till 1500 slumpmässigt utvalda personer i respektive län. Det sammanlagda antalet besvarade enkäter uppgick till 3181 stycken, vilket ger en nettosvarsfrekvens på 54 procent. Rapporten visar bland annat att både idrott och kultur värderas relativt högt och konsumeras i relativt stor utsträckning. Beträffande idrott konsumeras främst breddidrottsliga evenemang, och vad gäller kultur besöks bibliotek och biografer oftare än exempelvis teatrar. Studien visar också att de kultur- respektive idrottsintresserade skiljer sig åt vad gäller demografi, men även vad gäller livsstil. De idrottsintresserade har en mer folklig och lantlig prägel, medan de kulturintresserade är att betrakta som en välutbildad kosmopolitisk grupp. Med tanke på de sistnämndas ökade rörlighet är satsningar på kultur ej att förringa. Denna typ av satsningar kan få denna resursstarka grupp att dels stanna kvar i landsorten, dels flytta in till densamma.
  • Abbasian, Saeid, et al. (author)
  • Attityder till upplevelseindustri : Vad säger lokala politiker ochföretagsledare i tillverkningsindustrin?
  • 2009
  • Reports (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Genomgång av intervjumaterialet visar att det finns skillnader mellan politikers och företagsledares attityder. Den första gruppen har generellt sett en positiv attityd till upplevelseindustrin och särskilt till turism och design. Företagsledarna däremot har en mer avvaktande attityd när det gäller dessa näringars roll i regionens framtida utveckling. Politikerna i undersökningen har mer kunskap om upplevelseindustrin än de intervjuade företagsledarna. Båda grupperna betonar dock en ökad betydelse för design i regionens näringsliv. Här finns viss kunskap om att både estetisk och funktionell design är nödvändig för en slutprodukts attraktivitet.Nyfikenhet och intresse för att driva sitt företag med inslag av upplevelsenäring finns hos en tredjedel av de tillfrågade företagsledarna. Detta andas möjligheter för korsbefruktningar mellan tillverkningsindustri och upplevelseindustri i framtiden.Utmaningen är att via mötesplatser mellan näringarna skapa en miljö som främjar utveckling av nya kombinationer av idéer, vilket kan resultera i kunderbjudanden som genererar nya företag och arbetstillfällen.För att utveckla upplevelseindustrin i regionen behövs skräddarsydd kompetensutveckling tillsammans med regional samverkan mellan tillverkningsindustrin, tjänstesektorn, entreprenörer inom områdena kultur, turism och design samt lokala myndigheter.De företagsledare inom tillverkningsindustrin som idag är nyfikna på upplevelsenäring skulle kunna dela med sig av kunskaper och erfarenheter och med en öppen attityd finna samarbeten med entreprenörer inom områdena kultur, turism och design.Framgångsrika entreprenörer inom upplevelseindustrin som Isaberg och High Chaparral kan fungera som förebilder.Politiskt finns mycket att vinna med att GGVV-kommunerna tillsammans arbetar fram en gemensam vision och strategi för upplevelseindustrins utveckling i regionen. I denna kan upplevelseindustrins infrastruktur i form av motorer, mötesplatser, leverantörsnätverk, paketkombinationer, kompetensutvecklingscentra och samarbetsorganisationer tydliggöras. Detta skulle kunna bli den karta aktörerna behöver för att identifiera och skapa synergier.Samarbeten med större branschorganisationer som Smålands Turism och Stiftelsen Svensk Industridesign liksom med Högskolan i Jönköping och Linnéuniversitetet kan främja en gemensam kraftsamling i Småland. Samarbetet inom Entreprenörsregionen är ännu av liten betydelse men potentialen inför framtiden ska inte underskattas.
  • Abbasian, Saeid, 1961-, et al. (author)
  • Empowerment through Entrepreneurship : A tool for integration among immigrant women?
  • 2009
  • Reports (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • The study investigates whether entrepreneurship among immigrant women in Sweden may be a way to achieve integration in working life and thereby increase their empowerment. Sixteen female entrepreneurs were interviewed. They started their businesses for a number of reasons: unemployment, lack of suitable jobs and career possibilities, discrimination and forced privatization, desire for personal development, independence and freedom, or work within one’s own field of interest. We conclude that entrepreneurship can be a tool for increasing empowerment among educated immigrant women.  
  • Abbasian, Saeid, et al. (author)
  • Isaberg on the edge to future by controlling the lack of snow
  • 2009
  • In: Presented at The international Symposium on Entrepreneurship in Tourism, Rovaniemi, Finland, March 17-21, 2009..
  • Conference paper (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • This paper is a descriptive examination and assessment of a ski resort in southern Sweden – Isaberg. The paper describes an emerging threat most ski resorts are faced with today and in the future – the lack of snow. In many countries financial institutions are much less willing to offer funding for investments in ski resorts under certain heights. This is the result of two trends:  the cut off point for the height of the ski resorts is increasing every year, and at the same time some resorts have fewer skiers.  The likelihood of snow and the ability to offer snow-related products are critical to the success of all ski resorts.  Isaberg, which is significantly below any proposed height cut off points, has strong traditions, a promising market with skiers coming from the domestic Swedish market, as well as Norway, Denmark, Germany and Holland, and very modern facilities – but in recent years the resort has been suffering because of the lack of snow. Isaberg is therefore considering building an inside skiing facility to attract customers and support other local products. Our paper examines the potential of this facility and offers practical and theoretical implications for ski resort management.
  • Abbasian, Saeid, et al. (author)
  • Regional samverkan inom turism : Exempel från Gnosjöregionen
  • 2008
  • Reports (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • Syftet med rapporten är att studera förutsättningar för regional samverkan inom turism mellan kommunerna Gislaved, Gnosjö, Vaggeryd och Värnamo och komma med förslag på åtgärder som kan främja en konkurrenskraftig destinationsutveckling. Rapporten grundar sig på en analys av ett antal teoretiska utgångspunkter liksom praktiska exempel som stöd för att förstå de resultat som fångats upp. Ett antal intervjuer med kommunala tjänstemän och företrädare för näringen visar att det finns flera frön för framtida samverkan i regionen. Det gemensamma arbetet innebär deltagande i mässor, gemensam marknadsföring, gemensamma kartor med ett direkt värde för turister och med en lägre kostnad för entreprenörer och kommun. Kartläggningen av kommunala och regionala förutsättningar visar att en rad attraktioner har potential för attraktionskraft och vidare utveckling.I intervjuer och samtal har vi kunnat urskilja vissa kommunikationsproblem mellan kommunerna. Information når inte alltid fram. Det efterlyses större applicering av gemensamma databaser, som skapar ökad genomskinlighet och jämförbarhet mellan kommuner. Effektivare användning av teknik tillsammans med kompetensutveckling kan förbättra kommunikationen mellan aktörerna i regionen.Vi föreslår att funktionen av nätverket kan förbättras genom fördjupad samverkan kring mässor, marknadsföring, en gemensam portal, mellan företag genom fler forum för samverkan såsom träffpunkt Store Mosse.Vidare föreslås att gemensam identitet kring samverkan kan fördjupas. En väg är att GGVV och Gnosjöregionen ersätts med ett nytt namn som syftar framåt för fördjupad samverkan. Vi tror att kommunerna kan förlora på att helt överge varumärket `Gnosjöregionen´, som utstrålar starka industritraditioner men samtidigt vinna mycket på att gå framåt med ett namn som vinner större uppslutning.
  • Abrahamsson, Fredrik (author)
  • Strong L1 convergence to equilibrium without entropy conditions for the Boltzmann equation
  • 1999
  • In: Communications in Partial Differential Equations. - 0360-5302 .- 1532-4133. ; 24:7-8, s. 1501-1535
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • The main result of this paper is that for the har dsphere kernel, the solution of the spatially homogenous Boltzmann equation converges strongly in L1 to equilibrium given that the initial data f0 belongs to L1(R3,(1+v^2)dv). This was previously known to be true with the additional assumption that f0logf0 belonged to L1(R3), which corresponds to bounded initial entropy.
  • Abrahamsson, Fredrik (author)
  • Strong L1 convergence to equilibrium without entropy conditions for the spatially homogenous Boltzmann equation
  • 1997
  • Licentiate thesis (other academic/artistic)abstract
    • This paper deals with solutions to the Cauchy problem for the spatially homogeneous non-linear Boltzmann equation. The main result is that for the hard sphere kernel, a solution to the Boltzmann equation converges strongly in L1 to equilibrium given that the initial data f0 belongs to L1(R^3;(1+v^2)dv). This was previously known to be true with the additional assumption that f0logf0 belonged to L1(R^3). For the proof of the main theorem, new regularising effects for the gain term in the collision operator are derived, and previous results concerning uniform bounds on the time it takes for a solution to the Boltzmann equation to reach equilibrium are extended.
  • Abrahamsson, Kajsa H., 1956, et al. (author)
  • Attitudes to dental hygienists: evaluation of the Dental Hygienist Beliefs Survey in a Swedish population of patients and students.
  • 2007
  • In: International journal of dental hygiene. - : Wiley. - 1601-5029 .- 1601-5037. ; 5:2, s. 95-102
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • The aim was to evaluate and test the psychometric properties of the Dental Hygienist Beliefs Survey (DHBS) in a Swedish sample of different patient groups and students. It was hypothesized that negative dental hygienist beliefs would discriminate between fearful and non-fearful study groups. The DHBS was distributed together with the revised Dental Beliefs Survey (DBS-R) and the Dental Anxiety Scale (DAS). The study sample included 394 subjects (130 students, 144 general dental patients, 90 periodontal patients and 30 patients on a waiting list for dental fear treatment). The results verified that the DHBS discriminates well between dentally fearful and non-fearful study groups. The DHBS had high internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha = 0.96-0.98) in all the groups. The correlation between the DHBS and the DBS-R was high (rho = 0.82, P < 0.001). Furthermore, the DHBS correlated significantly with the DAS, as well as with a low but significant correlation to age (more negative attitudes in younger age groups) and gender (more negative attitudes amongst women). Regression analysis showed that gender and the DHBS items: 23, 16 and 28, i.e. items related to feeling helpless, worries/fears not being taken seriously and fear about 'bad news' possibly preventing treatment, were the most important predictors of dental fear. The results suggest that the DHBS may be a valid and reliable scale to use in order to assess patient's specific attitudes to dental hygienists. However, the psychometric properties including test-retest analysis and the underlying factor structure of the DHBS need to be further explored.
  • Abrahamsson, Kajsa H., 1956, et al. (author)
  • Dental beliefs: evaluation of the Swedish version of the revised Dental Beliefs Survey in different patient groups and in a non-clinical student sample.
  • 2006
  • In: European journal of oral sciences. - : Wiley. - 0909-8836 .- 1600-0722. ; 114:3, s. 209-15
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • The aim of this study was to evaluate and to test the psychometric properties of a Swedish version of the revised Dental Beliefs Survey (DBS-R) in different patient groups and in a non-clinical sample of students. It was hypothesized that negative dental beliefs, assessed using the DBS-R, would discriminate between fearful and non-fearful study groups. The questionnaire was distributed together with the Dental Anxiety Scale (DAS). The sample included 550 adults who responded to the questionnaires (206 students, 177 general dental patients, 105 periodontal patients and 62 patients at a waiting list for dental-fear treatment). The internal drop-out rate was low. The results confirmed that the DBS-R discriminates well between fearful patients and the other study groups. The DBS-R had a high internal consistency in all the study groups. Furthermore, the DBS-R correlated significantly with age (higher values in younger age groups) and the DAS. Regression analyses showed that the DBS-R subdimensions of 'communication' and 'control'/or 'trust', respectively, were significant predictors for dental fear. The results suggest that the DBS-R is a reliable and valid instrument for use in different Swedish patient- and non-clinical population groups in order to assess attitudes to dentists. However, the underlying factor structure of the DBS-R needs to be further explored and established.
  • Abrahamsson, Kajsa H., 1956, et al. (author)
  • Periodontal conditions in a Swedish city population of adolescents : A cross-sectional study
  • 2006
  • In: Swedish Dental Journal. - 0347-9994. ; 30:1, s. 25-34
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • The aim of this epidemiological survey was to analyze the periodontal conditions of 19-year old individuals in an urban area of Sweden, with special reference to gender and socioeconomic factors. A randomized sample of 272 individuals living in Göteborg, Sweden, was clinically examined with regard to oral hygiene, gingivitis, periodontal pockets, probing attachment loss (PAL) and gingival recession. Bitewing radiographs were used for assessments of alveolar bone level (ABL) and dental calculus. A questionnaire-based interview regarding oral hygiene habits was included. Data were analyzed with regard to differences between gender and socioeconomic grouping. The subjects showed a mean plaque score of 59% and a gingivitis score of 44%. 70% of the adolescents had a plaque score of ≥50%, whereas corresponding figure for gingivitis was 37%. 27% of the subjects had at least one tooth with gingival recession. The mean prevalence of sites with probing depth of ≥6 mm was 0.5, and the prevalence of PAL ≥2 mm was 0.7. A radiographic bone level of ≥2 mm was observed at on average 0.8 teeth per subject. Females had significantly less plaque and gingivitis than males and significantly higher number of teeth with gingival recession. There were no clinically significant differences in periodontal conditions between socioeconomic groups. In conclusion, the survey revealed higher prevalence of plaque and gingivitis among male than female adolescents but no differences between socioeconomic groups.
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reports (743)
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book (203)
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review (114)
other publication (102)
licentiate thesis (68)
editorial proceedings (38)
research review (23)
patent (3)
artistic work (1)
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peer-reviewed (3954)
other academic/artistic (3254)
pop. science, debate, etc. (1056)
Fridlund, Bengt (185)
Welter, Friederike (181)
Berg, Stig (174)
Ahlström, Gerd (168)
Sandkuhl, Kurt (127)
Granlund, Mats (121)
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Johansson, Börje (111)
Wiklund, Johan (94)
Sundström, Gerdt (93)
Karlsson, Charlie (93)
Björck-Åkesson, Eva (89)
Leisner, Peter (89)
Svensson, Ingvar L (85)
Andersson, Martin (83)
Malmberg, Bo (83)
Falkmer, Torbjörn (83)
Achtenhagen, Leona (82)
Melin, Leif (77)
Borell, Klas (74)
Heshmati, Almas (73)
Brundin, Ethel (73)
Kroksmark, Tomas (70)
Johansson, Boo (70)
Davidsson, Per (69)
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Adler, Niclas (63)
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Bagga-Gupta, Sangeet ... (61)
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Smallbone, D. (42)
Lundin, Rolf A. (41)
Persson, Roland S., ... (41)
Wikby, Anders (41)
Picard, Robert (40)
Kumar, Shashi (40)
Westberg, Björn (40)
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Jönköping University (8264)
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Karolinska Institutet (131)
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Högskolan Dalarna (63)
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The Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences (15)
RISE (15)
Stockholm School of Economics (14)
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