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Search: (WFRF:(Biagioni Cristian))

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  • Biagioni, Cristian, et al. (author)
  • Bianchiniite, Ba2(Ti4+V3+)(As2O5)2OF, a new diarsenite mineral fromthe Monte Arsiccio mine, Apuan Alps, Tuscany, Italy
  • 2021
  • In: Mineralogical magazine. - : Mineralogical Society. - 0026-461X .- 1471-8022. ; 3, s. 354-363
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • The new mineral bianchiniite, Ba2(Ti4+V3+)(As2O5)2OF, has been discovered in the Monte Arsiccio mine, Apuan Alps, Tuscany, Italy. It occurs as brown {001} tabular crystals, up to 1 mm across, with a vitreous lustre. It is brittle, with a perfect {001} cleavage. Streak is brownish. In reflected light, bianchiniite is grey, with orange–yellow internal reflections. It is weakly bireflectant, with a very weak anisotropy in shades of grey. Minimum and maximum reflectance data for COM wavelengths [Rmin/Rmax (%), (λ, nm)] are: 5.0/5.8 (470),5.7/6.5 (546), 5.7/7.0 (589) and 5.2/6.3 (650). Electron microprobe analyses gave (wt.% – average of 10 spot analyses): TiO2 10.34, V2O33.77, Fe2O3 3.76,As2O3 44.36, Sb2O3 0.22, SrO 0.45, BaO 34.79, PbO 0.28, F 1.77, sum 99.74, –O=F–0.75, total 98.99. On the basis of 12 anions per formula unit, the empirical formula of bianchiniite is (Ba2.00Sr0.04Pb0.02)Σ2.06(Ti4+1.14V3+0.44Fe3+0.42)Σ2.00[(As3.96Sb0.02)Σ3.98O10](O1.18F0.82)Σ2.00. Bianchiniite is tetragonal, space group I4/mcm, with unit-cell parameters a = 8.7266(4), c = 15.6777(7) Å, V = 1193.91(12) Å3 and Z = 8. Its crystal structure was refined from single-crystal X-ray diffraction data to R1 = 0.0134 on the basis of 555 unique reflections with Fo > 4σ(Fo)and 34 refined parameters. The crystal structure shows columns of corner-sharing [Ti/(V,Fe)]-centred octahedra running along c, connected along a and b through (As2O5) dimers. A {001} layer of Ba-centred [10+2]-coordinated polyhedra is intercalated between (As2O5) dimers. Bianchiniite has structural relations with fresnoite- and melilite-group minerals. The name honours the two mineral collectors Andrea Bianchini (b. 1959) and Mario Bianchini (b. 1962) for their contribution to the knowledge of the mineralogy of pyrite ± baryte ± iron-oxide ore deposits from the Apuan Alps.
  • Biagioni, Cristian, et al. (author)
  • Crystal chemistry of sulfates from the Apuan Alps (Tuscany, Italy). V. Scordariite, K8(Fe3+0.67ο0.33)[Fe3+3O(SO4)6(H2O)3)]2(H2O)11 , a new metavoltine-related mineral
  • 2019
  • In: Minerals. - : MDPI AG. - 2075-163X. ; 9:11, s. 1-14
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • The new mineral species scordariite, K8(Fe3+0.67□0.33)[Fe3+3O(SO4)6(H2O)3]2(H2O)11, was discovered in the Monte Arsiccio mine, Apuan Alps, Tuscany, Italy. It occurs as pseudo-hexagonal tabular crystals, yellowish to brownish in color, up to 0.5 mm in size. Cleavage is perfect on {0001}. It is associated with giacovazzoite, krausite, gypsum, jarosite, alum-(K), and magnanelliite. Electron microprobe analyses give (wt %): SO3 47.31, Al2O3 0.66, Fe2O3 24.68, FeO 0.69, Na2O 0.52, K2O 17.36, H2Ocalc 15.06, total 106.28. The partitioning of Fe between Fe2+ and Fe3+ was based on Mössbauer spectroscopy. On the basis of 67 O atoms per formula unit, the empirical chemical formula is (K7.50Na0.34)Σ7.84(Fe3+6.29Al0.26Fe2+0.20)Σ6.75S12.02O50·17H2O. The ideal end-member formula can be written as K8(Fe3+0.67□0.33)[Fe3+3O(SO4)6(H2O)3]2(H2O)11. Scordariite is trigonal, space group R-3, with (hexagonal setting) a = 9.7583(12), c = 53.687(7) Å, V = 4427.4(12) Å3, Z = 3. The main diffraction lines of the observed X-ray powder pattern are [d(in Å), estimated visual intensity]: 8.3, strong; 6.6, medium; 3.777, medium; 3.299, medium; 3.189, medium; 2.884, strong. The crystal structure of scordariite has been refined using X-ray single-crystal data to a final R1 = 0.057 on the basis of 1980 reflections with Fo > 4σ(Fo) and 165 refined parameters. It can be described as a layered structure formed by three kinds of layers. As with other metavoltine-related minerals, scordariite is characterized by the occurrence of the [Fe3+3O(SO4)6(H2O)3]5− heteropolyhedral cluster.
  • Biagioni, Cristian, et al. (author)
  • Derbylite and graeserite from the Monte Arsiccio mine, Apuan Alps,Tuscany, Italy: occurrence and crystal-chemistry
  • 2020
  • In: Mineralogical magazine. - : Mineralogical Society. - 0026-461X .- 1471-8022. ; 84:5, s. 766-777
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • New occurrences of derbylite, Fex2+Fe3+4–2xTi4+3+xSb3+O13(OH), and graeserite, Fex2+Fe3+4–2xTi4+3+xAs3+O13(OH), have been identified in the Monte Arsiccio mine, Apuan Alps, Tuscany, Italy. Derbylite occurs as prismatic to acicular black crystals in carbonate veins. Iron and Ti are replaced by V (up to 0.29 atoms per formula unit, apfu) and minor Cr (up to 0.04 apfu). Mössbauer spectroscopy confirmed the occurrence of Fe2+ (up to 0.73 apfu), along with Fe3+. The Sb/(As+Sb) atomic ratio ranges between 0.73 and 0.82. Minor Ba and Pb (up to 0.04 apfu) substitute. Derbylite is monoclinic, space group P21/m, with unit-cell parameters a = 7.1690(3), b = 14.3515(7),c = 4.9867(2) Å, β = 104.820(3)° and V = 495.99(4) Å3. The crystal structure was refined to R1 = 0.0352 for 1955 reflections with Fo > 4σ(Fo). Graeserite occurs as prismatic to tabular black crystals, usually twinned, in carbonate veins or as porphyroblasts in schist. Graeserite in the first kind of assemblage is V rich (up to 0.66 apfu), and V poor in the second kind (0.03 apfu). Along with minor Cr (up to 0.06 apfu), this element replaces Fe and Ti. The occurrence of Fe2+ (up to 0.68 apfu) is confirmed by Mössbauer spectroscopy. Arsenic is dominant over Sb and detectable amounts of Ba and Pb have been measured (up to 0.27 apfu). Graeserite is monoclinic, space group C2/m, with unit-cell parameters for two samples: a = 5.0225(7), b = 14.3114(18), c = 7.1743(9) Å,β = 104.878(3)°, V = 498.39(11) Å3; and a = 5.0275(4), b = 14.2668(11), c = 7.1663(5) Å, β = 105.123(4)° and V = 496.21(7) Å3. The crystal structures were refined to R1 = 0.0399 and 0.0237 for 428 and 1081 reflections with Fo > 4σ(Fo), respectively. Derbylite and graeserite are homeotypic. They share the same tunnel structure, characterised by an octahedral framework and cuboctahedral cavities, hosting (As/Sb)O3 groups and (Ba/Pb) atoms.
  • Biagioni, Cristian, et al. (author)
  • Nuove specie mineralogiche Italiane
  • 2019
  • In: Rivista Mineralogica Italiana. ; 43:4, s. 256-262
  • Journal article (pop. science, debate, etc.)
  • Biagioni, Cristian, et al. (author)
  • The crystal structure of svabite, Ca5(AsO4)3F, an arsenate member of the apatite supergroup
  • 2016
  • In: American Mineralogist. - : Mineralogical Society of America. - 0003-004X .- 1945-3027. ; 101, s. 1750-1755
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • The crystal structure of svabite, ideally Ca5(AsO4)3F, was studied using a specimen from the Jakobsberg mine, Värmland, Sweden, by means of single-crystal X‑ray diffraction data. The structure was refined to R1 = 0.032 on the basis of 928 unique reflections with Fo > 4s(Fo) in the P63/m space group, with unit-cell parameters a = 9.7268(5), c = 6.9820(4) Å, V = 572.07(5) Å3. The chemical composition of the sample, determined by electron-microprobe analysis, is (in wt%, average of 10 spot analyses): SO3 0.49, P2O5 0.21, V2O5 0.04, As2O5 51.21, SiO2 0.19, CaO 39.31, MnO 0.48, SrO 0.03, PbO 5.19, Na2O 0.13, F 2.12, Cl 0.08, H2Ocalc 0.33, O (≡ F+Cl) –0.91, total 98.90. On the basis of 13 anions per formula unit, the empirical formula corresponds to (Ca4.66Pb0.16Mn0.04Na0.03)Σ4.89(As2.96S0.04Si0.02P0.02)Σ3.04O12[F0.74(OH)0.24Cl0.01]. Svabite is topologically similar to the other members of the apatite supergroup: columns of face-sharing M1 polyhedra running along c are connected through TO4 tetrahedra with channels hosting M2 cations and X anions. The crystal structure of synthetic Ca5(AsO4)3F was previously reported as triclinic. On the contrary, the present refinement of the crystal structure of svabite shows no deviations from the hexagonal symmetry. An accurate knowledge of the atomic arrangement of this apatite-remediation mineral represents an improvement in our understanding of minerals able to sequester and stabilize heavy metals such as arsenic in polluted areas.
  • Holtstam, Dan, et al. (author)
  • Brattforsite, Mn19(AsO3)12Cl2, a new arsenite mineral relatedto magnussonite, from Brattforsgruvan, Nordmark,Värmland, Sweden
  • 2021
  • In: Mineralogy and Petrology. - : Springer Science and Business Media LLC. - 0930-0708 .- 1438-1168. ; 115:5, s. 595-609
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • Brattforsite is an approved mineral (IMA2019-127), with ideal formula Mn19(AsO3)12Cl2. Associated minerals in the type specimen from the Brattfors mine, Nordmark (Värmland, Sweden) include jacobsite, alleghanyite, phlogopite, calcite anddolomite. Brattforsite, forming subhedral, mostly equant crystals up to 0.5 mm across, is orange to reddish-brown with a white streak, and translucent with a resinous to vitreous lustre. The fracture is uneven to subconchoidal, and no cleavage is observed. It is very weakly pleochroic in yellow, optically biaxial (–) with 2V = 44(5)° and has calculated mean refractive index of 1.981. Measured and calculated density values are 4.49(1) and 4.54(1) g·cm−3, respectively. Chemical analyses yields (in wt%): MgO 0.62, CaO 1.26, MnO 48.66, FeO 0.13, As2O3 46.72, Cl 2.61, H2Ocalc 0.07, O ≡ Cl –0.59, sum 99.49, corresponding to the empirical formula (Mn17.67Ca0.58Mg0.40Fe0.05)Σ18.70As12.17O35.90Cl1.90(OH)0.20, based on 38 (O + Cl + OH) atoms per formula unit. The five strongest Bragg peaks in the powder X-ray diffraction pattern are [d (Å), I (%), (hkl)]: 2.843,100, (-444)); 2.828, 99,(444); 1.731, 32, (880); 2.448, 28, (800); 1.739, 25, (088). Brattforsite is monoclinic and pseudotetragonal, space group I2/a, with unit-cell parameters a = 19.5806(7), b = 19.5763(7), c = 19.7595(7) Å, β = 90.393(3)°, V = 7573.9(5) Å3 and Z = 8. The crystal structure was solved and refined to an R1 index of 3.4% for 7445 reflections [Fo > 4σ(Fo)]. Brattforsite has the same overall structural topology as magnussonite (i.e., the species can be considered as homeotypic), but with 12 independent tetrahedrally coordinated As sites and 21 Mn sites with varying (4–8) coordination. The Mn-centered polyhedra, bonded through edge- and face-sharing, give rise to a three-dimensional framework. The (AsO3)3− groups are bonded to this framework through corner- and edge-sharing. Spectroscopic measurements (optical absorption, Raman, FTIR) carried out support the interpretation of the compositional and structural data.
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