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Search: (WFRF:(Erturk N))

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  • Akkoyun, S., et al. (author)
  • AGATA - Advanced GAmma Tracking Array
  • 2012
  • In: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. - : Elsevier BV. - 0168-9002 .- 0167-5087 .- 1872-9576. ; 668, s. 26-58
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • The Advanced GAmma Tracking Array (AGATA) is a European project to develop and operate the next generation γ-ray spectrometer. AGATA is based on the technique of γ-ray energy tracking in electrically segmented high-purity germanium crystals. This technique requires the accurate determination of the energy, time and position of every interaction as a γ ray deposits its energy within the detector volume. Reconstruction of the full interaction path results in a detector with very high efficiency and excellent spectral response. The realisation of γ-ray tracking and AGATA is a result of many technical advances. These include the development of encapsulated highly segmented germanium detectors assembled in a triple cluster detector cryostat, an electronics system with fast digital sampling and a data acquisition system to process the data at a high rate. The full characterisation of the crystals was measured and compared with detector- response simulations. This enabled pulse-shape analysis algorithms, to extract energy, time and position, to be employed. In addition, tracking algorithms for event reconstruction were developed. The first phase of AGATA is now complete and operational in its first physics campaign. In the future AGATA will be moved between laboratories in Europe and operated in a series of campaigns to take advantage of the different beams and facilities available to maximise its science output. The paper reviews all the achievements made in the AGATA project including all the necessary infrastructure to operate and support the spectrometer. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Jentschel, M., et al. (author)
  • EXILL - a high-efficiency, high-resolution setup for gamma-spectroscopy at an intense cold neutron beam facility
  • 2017
  • In: Journal of Instrumentation. - : IOP PUBLISHING LTD. - 1748-0221. ; 12
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • In the EXILL campaign a highly efficient array of high purity germanium (HPGe) detectors was operated at the cold neutron beam facility PF1B of the Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL) to carry out nuclear structure studies, via measurements of gamma-rays following neutron-induced capture and fission reactions. The setup consisted of a collimation system producing a pencil beam with a thermal capture equivalent flux of about 10(8) ns(-1)cm(2) at the target position and negligible neutron halo. The targetwas surrounded by an array of eight to ten anti-Compton shielded EXOGAMClover detectors, four to six anti-Compton shielded large coaxial GASP detectors and two standard Clover detectors. For a part of the campaign the array was combined with 16 LaBr3:(Ce) detectors from the FATIMA collaboration. The detectorswere arranged in an array of rhombicuboctahedron geometry, providing the possibility to carry out very precise angular correlation and directional-polarization correlation measurements. The triggerless acquisition system allowed a signal collection rate of up to 6 x 10(5) Hz. The data allowed to set multi-fold coincidences to obtain decay schemes and in combination with the FATIMA array of LaBr3:(Ce) detectors to analyze half-lives of excited levels in the pico-to microsecond range. Precise energy and efficiency calibrations of EXILL were performed using standard calibration sources of Ba-133, Co-60 and Eu-152 as well as data from the reactions Al-27(n, gamma)Al-28 and Cl-35(n,gamma)Cl-36 in the energy range from 30 keV up to 10MeV.
  • Bianco, L., et al. (author)
  • Discovery of W-157 and Os-161
  • 2010
  • In: Physics Letters B. - : Elsevier BV. - 0370-2693 .- 1873-2445. ; 690:1, s. 15-18
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • The nuclides W-157 and Os-161 have been discovered ill reactions of Ni-58 ion beams with a Cd-106 target. The Os-161 alpha-decay energy and half-life were 6890 +/- 12 keV and 640 +/- 60 mu s. The daughter W-157 nuclei beta-decayed with a half-life of 275 +/- 40 ms, populating both low-lying alpha-decaying states in Ta-157, which is consistent with a 7/2(-) ground state in W-157. Fine structure observed in the alpha decay of Os-161 places the lowest excited state in W-157 with 1(pi) = 9/2(-) at 318 +/- 30 key. The branching ratio of 5.5(-2.2)(+3.1)% indicates that Os-161 also has a 7/2(-) ground state. Shell-model calculations analysing the effects of monopole shifts and a tensor force on the relative energies of 2f(7/2) and 1h(9/2) neutron states in N = 83 isotones are presented. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Ciemala, M., et al. (author)
  • Testing ab initio nuclear structure in neutron-rich nuclei : Lifetime measurements of second 2(+) state in C-16 and O-20
  • 2020
  • In: Physical Review C. - : AMER PHYSICAL SOC. - 2469-9985 .- 2469-9993. ; 101:2
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • To test the predictive power of ab initio nuclear structure theory, the lifetime of the second 2(+) state in neutron-rich O-20, tau(2(2)(+)) = 150(-30)(+80) fs, and an estimate for the lifetime of the second 2(+) state in C-16 have been obtained for the first time. The results were achieved via a novel Monte Carlo technique that allowed us to measure nuclear state lifetimes in the tens-to-hundreds of femtoseconds range by analyzing the Doppler-shifted gamma-transition line shapes of products of low-energy transfer and deep-inelastic processes in the reaction O-18 (7.0 MeV/u) + Ta-181. The requested sensitivity could only be reached owing to the excellent performances of the Advanced gamma-Tracking Array AGATA, coupled to the PARIS scintillator array and to the VAMOS++ magnetic spectrometer. The experimental lifetimes agree with predictions of ab initio calculations using two- and three-nucleon interactions, obtained with the valence-space in-medium similarity renormalization group for O-20 and with the no-core shell model for C-16. The present measurement shows the power of electromagnetic observables, determined with high-precision gamma spectroscopy, to assess the quality of first-principles nuclear structure calculations, complementing common benchmarks based on nuclear energies. The proposed experimental approach will be essential for short lifetime measurements in unexplored regions of the nuclear chart, including r-process nuclei, when intense beams, produced by Isotope Separation On-Line (ISOL) techniques, become available.
  • Siciliano, M., et al. (author)
  • 2017
  • In: Acta Physica Polonica B. - : Jagiellonian University Press. - 0587-4254 .- 1509-5770. ; 48:3, s. 331-336
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • During the AGATA campaign at GANIL, the neutron-deficient Sn region was populated via a multi-nucleon transfer reaction in order to directly measure the lifetime of the first excited states with a plunger device, providing complementary information to previous results obtained with Coulomb excitation experiments. The AGATA gamma-ray array was used together with the VAMOS++ spectrometer to study the nuclei of interest.
  • Söderström, Pär-Anders, 1980-, et al. (author)
  • Neutron detection and gamma-ray suppression using artificial neural networks with the liquid scintillators BC-501A and BC-537
  • 2019
  • In: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A. - : ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV. - 0168-9002 .- 1872-9576. ; 916, s. 238-245
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • In this work we present a comparison between the two liquid scintillators BC-501A and BC-537 in terms of their performance regarding the pulse-shape discrimination between neutrons and gamma rays. Special emphasis is put on the application of artificial neural networks. The results show a systematically higher gamma-ray rejection ratio for BC-501A compared to BC-537 applying the commonly used charge comparison method. Using the artificial neural network approach the discrimination quality was improved to more than 95% rejection efficiency of gamma rays over the energy range 150 to 1000 keV for both BC-501A and BC-537. However, due to the larger light output of BC-501A compared to BC-537, neutrons could be identified in BC-501A using artificial neural networks down to a recoil proton energy of 800 keV compared to a recoil deuteron energy of 1200 keV for BC-537. We conclude that using artificial neural networks it is possible to obtain the same gamma-ray rejection quality from both BC-501A and BC-537 for neutrons above a low-energy threshold. This threshold is, however, lower for BC-501A, which is important for nuclear structure spectroscopy experiments of rare reaction channels where low-energy interactions dominates.
  • Beausang, C W, et al. (author)
  • Lifetimes of yrast and excited superdeformed states in Gd-150 : effect of particle-hole excitations on the deformation
  • 1998
  • In: Physics Letters B. - 0370-2693 .- 1873-2445. ; 417:1-2, s. 13-19
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • The quadrupole moments and deformations have been measured for six superdeformed bands in Gd-150. The results indicate evidence for deformation driving properties of both the high-hi intruder and also low-N natural parity states at the superdeformed Fermi surface. Several new transitions have been identified and placed in the low spin non-yrast portion of one of the SD bands.
  • Cederwall, B., et al. (author)
  • Isospin Properties of Nuclear Pair Correlations from the Level Structure of the Self-Conjugate Nucleus Ru-88
  • 2020
  • In: Physical Review Letters. - : AMER PHYSICAL SOC. - 0031-9007 .- 1079-7114. ; 124:6
  • Journal article (peer-reviewed)abstract
    • The low-lying energy spectrum of the extremely neutron-deficient self-conjugate (N = Z) nuclide Ru-88(44)44 has been measured using the combination of the Advanced Gamma Tracking Array (AGATA) spectrometer, the NEDA and Neutron Wall neutron detector arrays, and the DIAMANT charged particle detector array. Excited states in Ru-88 were populated via the Fe-54(Ar-36, 2n gamma)Ru-88* fusion-evaporation reaction at the Grand Accelerateur National d'Ions Lourds (GANIL) accelerator complex. The observed gamma-ray cascade is assigned to Ru-88 using clean prompt gamma-gamma-2-neutron coincidences in anticoincidence with the detection of charged particles, confirming and extending the previously assigned sequence of low-lying excited states. It is consistent with a moderately deformed rotating system exhibiting a band crossing at a rotational frequency that is significantly higher than standard theoretical predictions with isovector pairing, as well as observations in neighboring N > Z nuclides. The direct observation of such a "delayed" rotational alignment in a deformed N = Z nucleus is in agreement with theoretical predictions related to the presence of strong isoscalar neutron-proton pair correlations.
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