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Sökning: (WFRF:(Gustavsson Tomas))

  • Resultat 1-10 av 190
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  • Alrutz, Marie, et al. (författare)
  • Projektledning
  • 2013
  • Bok (populärvet., debatt m.m.)abstract
    • Projektledning är ett yrke med egen certifiering. Det pågår en spännande utveckling inom området och det blir allt viktigare att hålla sig ajour med utvecklingen.Det övergripande målet med den här handboken är att vara en ständigt aktuell heltäckande bok om projektar­bete. Innehållsmässigt täcker den både frågor som har med struktur och styrning att göra och frågor om ledning av människor och mänskliga processer i grupp. Kompetens inom projekt byggs av både kunskap och erfarenhet. Vi följer kontinuerligt aktuell forskning inom dessa områden och bjuder in intressanta forskare att medverka som författare. Vi skildrar verkliga projekt och låter erfarenheterna få plats, både de bästa erfarenheterna och de utmaningar som man tagit sig igenom.Handboken är levande och det innebär att artiklar tas bort för att ge plats för nya, i takt med att den uppdateras fortlöpande.
  • Butler, Simon, et al. (författare)
  • An Exploration of Openness in Hardware and Software Through Implementation of a RISC-V Based Desktop Computer
  • 2022
  • Ingår i: OpenSym '22. - New York, NY, USA : Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). - 9781450398459 - 9781450398466
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Open hardware and open source software platforms bring benefits to both implementers and users in the form of system adaptability and maintainability, and through the avoidance of lock-in, for example. Development of the \riscv\ Instruction Set Architecture and processors during the last ten years has made the implementation of a desktop computer using open hardware, including open processors, and open source software an approaching possibility. We use the SiFive Unmatched development board and Ubuntu Linux, and the recorded experiences of system builders using the Unmatched board to explore the extent to which it is possible to create an open desktop computer. The work identifies current limitations to implementing an open computer system, which lie mainly at the interface between the operating system and hardware components. Potential solutions to the challenges uncovered are proposed, including greater consideration of openness during the early stages of product design. A further contribution is made by an account of the synergies arising from open collaboration in a private-collective innovation process.
  • Falkstedt, Daniel, et al. (författare)
  • Disability pensions related to heavy physical workload : a cohort study of middle-aged and older workers in Sweden
  • 2021
  • Ingår i: International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health. - : Springer Science and Business Media LLC. - 0340-0131 .- 1432-1246. ; 94, s. 1851-1861
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Objectives The aim of the study was to examine the associations between heavy physical workload among middle-aged and older workers and disability pension due to any diagnosis, as well as musculoskeletal, psychiatric, cardiovascular or respiratory diagnoses. The population-based design made it possible to examine dose-response and potential gender differences in the associations. Methods About 1.8 million men and women aged 44-63 years and registered as living in Sweden in 2005 were followed regarding disability pension during 2006-2016, until ages 55-65 years. Mean values of physical workload and job control, estimated through gender-specific job-exposure matrices (JEMs), were assigned to individuals through their occupational titles in 2005. Exposure values were ranked separately for women and men and divided into quintiles. Associations were analyzed with Cox proportional-hazards regression. Results The analyses showed robust, dose-response associations between physical workload and disability pension with a musculoskeletal diagnosis in both genders: the adjusted hazard ratio and 95% confidence interval for those with the heaviest exposure was 2.58 (2.37-2.81) in women and 3.34 (2.83-3.94) in men. Dose-response associations were also seen in relation to disability pension with a cardiovascular or a respiratory diagnosis, though the hazard ratios were smaller. Physical workload was not associated with disability pension with a psychiatric diagnosis after adjustment for job control. Conclusion This study of the entire Swedish population of middle-aged and older workers suggests that higher degrees of physical workload may increase the risk of disability pension overall, and specifically with musculoskeletal, cardiovascular or respiratory diagnosis, in both women and men.
  • Gamalielsson, Jonas, et al. (författare)
  • On availability of Open Source Software reference implementations for standards issued by different standards setting organisations
  • 2023
  • Ingår i: Joint Proceedings EURAS & SIIT 2023. - Aachen : Verlag Mainz. - 9783958864917 - 3958864910 ; , s. 97-116
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Software reference implementations of ICT standards have an important role for verifying that a standard is implementable, supporting interoperability testing among other implementations, and providing feedback to the standard development process. Providing reference implementations and widely used implementations of a standard as Open Source Software also promotes wide deployment in software systems, avoidance of different lock-in effects, interoperability, and longevity of systems and associated digital assets. In this paper results are reported on the availability of reference implementations and widely deployed implementations provided as Open Source Software for standards issued by different standards setting organisations. Specifically, findings draw from observations and analyses related to software implementations for identified standards issued by ETSI, IEC, IEEE, IETF, ISO, ITU-T, OASIS, and W3C.
  • Gamalielsson, Jonas, et al. (författare)
  • On engagement with ICT standards and their implementations in open source software projects : the case of WebRTC
  • 2022
  • Ingår i: Proceedings 26th EURAS Annual Standardisation Conference. - Aachen : Verlag Mainz. - 9783958864467 ; , s. 143-162
  • Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Real-time communication (RTC) technologies for the web provide opportunities for individuals and organisations to work and collaborate remotely, and the need for such technologies has recently increased. Use of RTC technologies and tools for the web involves a number of challenges concerning data privacy and lock-in effects, such as dependency to specific suppliers and proprietary technologies. Use of open standards for RTC and open source software (OSS) implementing such standards can create conditions for avoiding issues related to data privacy and lock-in, and thereby provides opportunities for long-term sustainable solutions. The paper characterises how engagement with standardisation of WebRTC in the context of IETF and W3C is related to engagement with the WebRTC OSS project.
  • Gamalielsson, Jonas, et al. (författare)
  • Open Source Software reference implementations for standards issued by different standards setting organisations : availability, perceptions and practices
  • 2024
  • Ingår i: Journal of Standardisation. - : TU Delft Open. - 2772-9249. ; 3:2
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Software reference implementations of ICT standards have an important role for verifying that a standard is implementable, supporting interoperability testing among other implementations, and providing feedback to the standard development process. Providing reference implementations and widely used implementations of a standard as Open Source Software promotes wide deployment in software systems, interoperability, longevity of systems and associated digital assets, and avoidance of different lock-in effects. In this paper results are reported on the availability of, and perceptions and practices concerning, reference implementations and widely deployed implementations provided as Open Source Software for standards issued by different standards setting organisations. Specifically, findings draw from observations and analyses related to software implementations for identified standards and policy statements, issued by ETSI, IEC, IEEE, IETF, ISO, ITU-T, OASIS, and W3C.
  • Gamalielsson, Jonas, et al. (författare)
  • Towards open government through open source software for web analytics : The case of Matomo
  • 2021
  • Ingår i: eJournal of eDemocracy & Open Government. - Krems : Department for E-Governance and Administration, Danube University Krems. - 2075-9517. ; 13:2, s. 133-153
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Web analytics technologies provide opportunities for organisations to obtain information about users visiting their websites in order to understand and optimise web usage. Use of such technologies often leads to issues related to data privacy and potential lock-in to specific suppliers and proprietary technologies. Use of open source software (OSS) for web analytics can create conditions for avoiding issues related to data privacy and lock-in, and thereby provides opportunities for a long-term sustainable solution for organisations both in the public and private sectors. This paper characterises use of and engagement with OSS projects for web analytics. Specifically, we contribute a characterisation of use of OSS licensed web analytics technologies in Swedish government authorities, and a characterisation of organisational engagement with the Matomo OSS project for web analytics.
  • Grahn, Karin, et al. (författare)
  • Occupational exposure to particles and increased risk of developing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) : A population-based cohort study in Stockholm, Sweden
  • 2021
  • Ingår i: Environmental Research. - : Elsevier BV. - 0013-9351 .- 1096-0953. ; 200
  • Tidskriftsartikel (refereegranskat)abstract
    • Objectives: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a common respiratory disorder. Next to tobacco smoking, occupational exposure is the most important risk factor for COPD in high-income countries. To enable preventative measures, more knowledge is needed on which specific occupational exposures that are related to risk of developing COPD in men and women.Methods: A population-based cohort was formed from subjects responding to the Stockholm Public Health Surveys in 2002, 2006, and 2010, followed up until 2014. The dataset was linked to a quantitative job exposure matrix via occupational titles from the 1990 nation-wide Population and housing census. We identified COPD among subjects having medication for COPD and/or reporting a  physician’s  diagnosis of COPD. The gender- specific risks to develop COPD from occupational particle-exposure were estimated by proportional hazards regression model, adjusted for age and individual data on tobacco-smoking.Results: Men exposed to respirable crystalline silica (RCS) (HR 1.46, CI 1.13–1.90), gypsum and insulation material (HR 1.56, CI 1.18–2.05), diesel exhaust (HR 1.18, CI 0.99–1.41) and high levels of particles from asphalt/ bitumen (HR 1.71, CI 1.06–2.76) as well as welding fumes (HR 1.57, CI 1.12–2.21) had an increased smoking- adjusted risk for developing COPD. An increased risk was also observed among women highly exposed to various organic particles from soil, leather, plastic, soot, animal, textile, flour (HR 1.53, CI 1.15–2.04). Furthermore, a significant positive exposure-response trend was found among men exposed to RCS, iron dust, gypsum and insulation material, and diesel exhaust. A  tendency towards an exposure-response relationship was also seen among both men and women exposed to welding fumes and various organic particles, and among men exposed to particles from asphalt/bitumen. The population attributable fraction for COPD from occupational exposure to particles was 10.6% among men and 6.1% among women.Conclusions: This study indicates an increased smoking-adjusted risk of developing of COPD due to occupational exposure to particles. A positive exposure-response relationship was found for RCS, gypsum and insulation, diesel exhaust, and welding fumes. Also, exposure to high levels of asphalt/bitumen and various organic particles was associated with a higher risk for COPD. Reduction of these exposures in the work environment are important to prevent future cases of COPD. More studies are needed to investigate exposure-response relationships further, but this study indicates that the European occupational exposure limit (OEL) for RCS needs to be re-evaluated. 
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  • Resultat 1-10 av 190
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tidskriftsartikel (81)
konferensbidrag (76)
rapport (11)
bok (11)
doktorsavhandling (6)
proceedings (redaktörskap) (1)
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Typ av innehåll
refereegranskat (144)
övrigt vetenskapligt/konstnärligt (32)
populärvet., debatt m.m. (14)
Gustavsson, Tomas, 1 ... (58)
Gustavsson, Tomas (43)
Gustavsson, Tomas, 1 ... (28)
Gamalielsson, Jonas (20)
Lundell, Björn (20)
Brax, Christoffer (15)
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Mattsson, Anders (15)
Hamarneh, Ghassan, 1 ... (13)
Gustavsson, Fredrik (10)
Molnar, Miklos (9)
Persson, Tomas (9)
Ahmad, Muhammad Ovai ... (8)
Abu-Gharbieh, Rafeef ... (6)
Wendelhag, I (6)
Wikstrand, J (6)
Saeeda, Hina (6)
Gustavsson, Larisa (6)
Bryngelsson, Tomas (6)
Selander, Jenny (5)
Jacobson, Staffan, 1 ... (5)
Jacobson, Staffan (5)
Gustavsson, Per (5)
Beckman Suurküla, Ma ... (5)
Ortiz Rios, Rodomiro ... (4)
Nyberg, Tomas (4)
Caidahl, Kenneth, 19 ... (4)
Albin, Maria (4)
Bodin, Theo (4)
Chodorowski, Artur, ... (4)
Kjellberg, Katarina (4)
Althoff, Karin, 1974 (4)
Berg, Anna-Lena (4)
Jönsson, Johan (4)
Johansson, Tomas (3)
Dida, Mulatu Geleta (3)
Lind, Lars (3)
Gustavsson, Andreas (3)
Wadskog, Daniel (3)
Kubart, Tomas (3)
Hemmingsson, Tomas, ... (3)
Falkstedt, Daniel (3)
Balk, Lennart (3)
Hansson, Tomas (3)
Hulthe, Johannes, 19 ... (3)
Stattin, Erik (3)
Söderbäck, Anders (3)
Gustavsson, Bodil (3)
Viberg, Mats, 1961 (3)
Gustavsson, Hanna (3)
Persson Hovmalm, Hel ... (3)
visa färre...
Chalmers tekniska högskola (64)
Karlstads universitet (33)
Uppsala universitet (25)
Högskolan i Skövde (22)
Lunds universitet (16)
Karolinska Institutet (11)
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Göteborgs universitet (9)
Stockholms universitet (9)
Linköpings universitet (8)
Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet (8)
RISE (3)
Jönköping University (2)
Linnéuniversitetet (2)
VTI - Statens väg- och transportforskningsinstitut (2)
IVL Svenska Miljöinstitutet (2)
Umeå universitet (1)
Högskolan i Halmstad (1)
Högskolan i Gävle (1)
Örebro universitet (1)
Malmö universitet (1)
Högskolan i Borås (1)
Blekinge Tekniska Högskola (1)
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Engelska (167)
Svenska (23)
Forskningsämne (UKÄ/SCB)
Naturvetenskap (105)
Teknik (41)
Samhällsvetenskap (25)
Medicin och hälsovetenskap (19)
Lantbruksvetenskap (5)
Humaniora (1)


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